Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 28, 1912, Page 9, Image 9

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Council Bluffs
Minor, Mention
The Council Bloffs OTOca of
Tba Omi Be la at 15
SoottStnc. Tdephon S.
Parts, drags.
VictroU. Hi. A. Hasps Co.
H. Berwick (or well paper.
Woodrlng Undertaking Co, TaL M.
Corrlgena, undertaken. 'Phones ML -Get
the habit for llorehooao prating.
Bee Clocks repaired, a Pea.-t, Dtekarasn.
Lewis Cutler, funeral director. 'Fbeoe ST.
Watch the Faubl Art Shop windows
tor Dergaina. su uroaewajr.
Bluft City Laundry, Dry Cteulnc sad
Jjye worse, new -panne no. Jala.
Mutual Bids. Lou Ass'n.. IS PearL
Wanted Tore food hoys to earry Bee
routes, Apply iecott m. .
Special-Carnations, Ko dot.; violets.
lie bunch. PeOne Lelneoa.
Oak Lear chapter. Royal Neighbors of
America, win meet la regular seatloa
Tueeaey evening.
Duffy's Malt and anything- In wtnes.
liquors or orsnaiee. ceil at stosenieid
Family Liquor House.
household goods, horses, cattle and all
chattel securities at a big discount of the
usual rates, luuos aver XN w. Broad-
MESH BAGS repeiree. reflnhthed like
r.e. Kepeirea. repiatea, reiinea at rea
sonable cost. All kinds o( irwelry repel r-
iiic. Lireris jewelers, an riroeuway.
wsa us ut i;iocas.
Mr. tndMrs. Charles P. Wilson hsrs
advised friends hero that their near home
at north lemma. Wash., has been
brietitened by the advent of a nine-pound
tabr. Mrs. Wilson was formerly Miss
jfcva rrena 01 una aty.
Ssmoel la, dross returned yesterday
irum a tares weess- vacation in et.
Louis visiting friends. A smoker
SUSn In hie ncnor lest Tl'an'nii.ilar even-
in-. Mr. Uross visited all the points et
Interest in St. Louis and Ksst St. Loula.
Last Tuesday he saw the heaviest tall of
' snow In many year there fifteen Inches
on toe level.
Pominlck LonnaU, one1 of tba Italians
arrested Uunday on the charge of shoot
IK Inside the city limits, when they
wsre found ha skins Dunons at tne Union
aeifle transfer, was fined tl and coats
in ponce eoun yesterday, his eg
pardon. Koeo. was dlsehanred when
was shows that, although intending; to do
so, so had sot fired sis gun.
The divorce suit Instituted some weeks
sso asa'.nst her husband, W. 8. Hamll
inn, and which caused s treat deal of
trouble, resulting in a IM00O dsmaee suit
igslnst s number of people, wss yeeter
aay dismissed upon motion of Mrs.
Hamilton. It Is understood that this
amicable settlement will slso. result In
he same sort of adjudication f ths sis
damage suit, .... ,
The Council Bluffs seniors aro looking
tor fames wits basket bail teams oi
timaha and south Omaha. Games with
the ESS lee. KiMUim ieMilh IknMhe
'Htarr or of the Omaha class teams sra
'penally desired. On the team are
Frank, Volsn, Hlghsmlth, Heaters,
Jianlelr, Welch and Harris. Write to
Klmer Harris, McPbersoa avenue, for
Ksmes sr sail A 441 and ask for Will
J.olsn, between and 1M p. in.
Mrs J. H. Sullivan. M years old. died
t the home of her sister, Mrs, George R,
Clark, til? Broadway, yesterday after
an Illness of several months from stomach
trouble. Mrs. Sullivan Is survived by her
husband, J. H. Sullivan; two slaters, Mrs
Clerk of this oily and Mrs. LeHoy tiering
of Omaha, and one brother, T. U. Hum
xartner. also of Omaha. Ths funeral will
be held this afternoon from the Cutler
ettapel, v. Dr. McClurs conducting the
service, uunai wiu be in vtsinnt mil
Mrs. Harry G. Long entertained at
blrlhdsy surprise Saturday evening for
Mrs. H. G. Long. An eight-course dinner
sa served at 4 9a o'clock. Ths center
Mere for the table was a mass of tee-
oulndnot' roses, sarsouaded by srnUax,
wmie ea tne opposite .sides stood tall
vases orearnatlons and La France roees.
names wsrs Indulged in during ths even
ing end the I'rii beautiful hand
embroidered centerpiece, the work of
Mrs. Lrons, want to Mr. and Mrs. Wallace
There was no sessloa of ths district
court yesterday, swing to the fact that
Kunday night s bllaiard prevented Judge
TborneU from reaching Council Blufta
from his homo at fcUdney. The only train
ne coutd take was on tne wabasn and
that road was completely blocked by
huge" snowdrifts A drive of ten or
twenty miles across the country nould
here ben made and ths Burlington's
it nee res shed, but the drive was also
Impossible, and the Burluurtoa was hsv
Ing considerable trouble Tn getting its
Ksnsss city trains through ths drifts,
Qulnn E!ttotL colored, a Pullman car
porter on the Union Haclflo, was sent to
Hie county Mil by Police Judge Bnyder
yesterday upoa conviction of ths theft
of s lot of Pullman coach property, 'itis
i.llcw had thirty-nine pillow sups, thirty
towels and seven sheets, sll hiss-grada
and rins llnoiv which he wss endeavoring
te sell when taken into custody. He
deed-beau ed Into town Saturday arter.
neon, committed the theft Saturday sight.
was arrested Sunday and sot thirty days
county jail sentence early Monday mom
Ins, all, oombialng to snaka his visit to
Council Bluffs really U4reetlng. The
value of the 'property exoeeded ths
smount required to snsks Sis lasft con
stitute grand larceny, hut he wss only
arraigned oa ths chants of petit larceny
ana was given us iinnu
Wheel No. 1 of ths Broadway Methodist
church will most at ths church oa Sat
urday evening. Wheel No. 4 wlU meet
with Mrs. C. M. Hart, suits . Orand
hotel. os Thursday afternoon. The young
women s wnvei win meet wua sirs. L
n. Ranard, 1st Glen avenue, oa Friday
rentng. A full attendance is desired st
all of these meetrssa. Prayer meet I is
Wedneeday sventns at T sv Ths paster
win speak oa the subject, "Whs Are
w,r This wilt bo ths met of a series
of dweusslons on ths Methodist Bplscopal
church. Its history, customs, doctrines,
work, etc, especially designed for the new
members and suitable for all. Chorus
rehearsal Thursday and Batarday even
ings. The children s chorus will meet at
the church sa Thursday afternoon at 4
o'clock- Reception of new members on
next Sunday morning. Others wishing to
)ols tiss chares should (st la tows, with
lbs raster this week.
Council Bluffs
xiw Toss..,
KVW tun.
Msbta -
l Hm JTlAKiM..
ST. JUKM.i-.'....
AnUt .
..Mtmt eisv.
into tLa crowcl of weak,
: wcarr. eMrpressed; or am
oa Hed with witailty and
energy? .
aafA is th fomda-
Nerrea, BraioV. and
Body should b ataondt
depoxlaLle. -
Scott's Emulsion
tL bent of food-teaicv
tke firra tooting far baaltk
Democrats ud SepnUicmiu Choose
Hem to Hake Race.
All Pi Hist Mem be reals of City
Cseueell Remasilaated. Sosaa of
Tbess by Harrow Majwrlttea
. Mlaalehi Wlaa.
Prissary Tickets,
RepubRcan. Democrat.
J. P. Hees Thomas Maioney
Dt. B. Btuart J, C Pry or
Frank U True ....Louts Zurmuehlen
a. F. Btlmsoa. i-N'o nomination
J. F. McAasney (No nomination!
Dan B. Reardon W. P. Hardin
Oeorss H. Acker U U Brans
W. A. Stone C, H. Grimm
la E. BrtdensteiB. J. J. Brown
WsM Aldewsaesu
G. 1. Bsrdmg U Green
Elmer & Mtnnlck A. IL Huber
Frank Levin W. B. Fisher
Robert Cola. Frank Beebe
J. L. Elunrorth Thomas Hood
C. 8. Ruhbard.... W. C Borer
la doubt.
Ths primary election yesterday resulted
la polling only shoot it per cent of tne
total Tots of ths city, due In a measure
te ths hugs drifts of snow that prevented
many of ths voters tra valine Tory far for
ths privilege of casting a ballot to help
Bsmlnata th men they would like to see
elected. Owing to ths fact that 'ths polls
wsrs kept open until t o'clock, ths count
was not finished tat many of ths precincts
until nearly midnight. Ths socialists, who
had sueacesdsd la making enough stir to
to ths Imp i' use! on that they would
out suits a figure, polled loss than 140
rotes la ths entire crty. Their explanation
that this was according to orders
from headquarters, but ths conviction Is
that ths seam vote at ths primary wlU
materially reduce their vote oa election
Ths slsetloa was altogether without in
cident, as It wss without enthusiasm. Ths
evident dsslrs of ths party voters who
took eoough Interest In ths contest
vote at all was to return the present mem
bars of ths city council, as was evidenced
la ths heavy rots that wss pouea tor
Aidermsn Ellsworth rsp.) In ths Fifth
ward and Alderman Beebe (dem.) In ths
Fourth, which gars them ths honor of
raitomtnailoa by substantial majorities,
defeating their opponents, W. A. High-
smith sad Pass Morrison.
Ths same was ths case In ths Third
ward, where AMsrman O. J. Harding, who
has made a splendid record In the oouscU
was Ukswlss renominated. In ths Third
ward AMsrmsa Fisher Idem.) had
opposition, leaving ths only other oontests
for ths remaining members of ths council
la ths second and With wards, where
Aldermen Mtnnlck sr.d Hubbard bad a
stilt flsht ts encounter.
Ths tlcat ea ths republlcas ticket ss-
twsea Btuart ana Kiupacx tor aty
solicitor la ths preolacta coasted tost
nlg-ht revealed ttustt running far In ths
lead.. la eight prsolocts he had M votes
to St for Kl track, and arasrt s nomina
tion wss believed sssiired. U U. Brl den
stein, for park commissioner, wss shesd
la a field of four republican candidates,
and this of flea may go Into ths conven
In the Second ward Alder mas E. K.
Mlnnlok, rrpublloan. won by a majority
of twenty-cats. In the Sixth wsrd AKJer-
C. a. Hubbard won by a small ma
jority. J, U Ellsworth s msjority is ths
Fifth was two to ens.
la the Fourth ward Frank Beebe.
democrat, bast Page Morrison by nine
tsea votes. W. C. Boyer had a large
lead la ths Sixth, which remaining rotes
It was believed would sot be overcome.
Department of Interior Pick Town
u Listing Place for Lands.
Secretary Fishes? Mskes Allewawee
to Water t erra by Payment ot
Penalty at Fifteen Ceata,
Pes Acre
Street Car Traffic
'Almost Paralyzed
The local weather conditions almost
completely paralysed the street .car
trams and for the first few hours yes
terday morning no attempt was w
to run any ears sa any but the bridge
s. Cars and. sweepers on this fine
wsrs kept running a Mil I o'clock Sunday
sight, and wbsa daylight eama the drifts
had not accumulated to prohibitive e
dltloca, Faw of the other lines were
opened before 14 o'clock, and then only
after forces of men had been engased to
shovel a way through asms of the deeper
drifts. Where the snow was deep the
sweeper wore searty helpless.
Ths snow piled up to-such depths sa
the sidewalks la the business sections
of the city that hundreds ot men were
employed m digging: pssssseways. In
some pauses the snow was piled np at
the odgea of the sidewalks to a depth of
or sut feet, and at no potst could
the noddle of the street be reached ex
cept at the Mooslngs where narrow chen
sels had been cot and people passed bs-
weea perpendicular walla oftea almost
as tush as their heads.
steal Estate frsusefera.
Real estate transfers reported to The
Bee Februsry M. by the Pottawattamie
f ooittv Abstract eomnasy. cwuncti suuus:
George DtmnnVk and wlfs snd John
HahsB to cieua j. r . wernere.
s.V of 2-77-41 w. d 413JM
Lewis Wot snd wife to George Mor-
ruma. ne" sw ana nwi, iv .
sod swV, swls of 94, snd sH lead
w. of Dover river of swU nw'i of
14 and seh ee4 of Zt-77-tt. W. d ... W.4M
ess-e L.imocer to witiiani n. But
ter, pen OS onsinaa ine Ml to, ,m
Council Bluffs. Is- w. a. 1.444
C D. Larsea and wlfs to Donald
B. Stouter and Florence K. ston
fer. eM ft. of lot 4 la block U.
Urunee' sddltlon te Council Bluffs,
la., w. d
Lewis West and wife te George
Morrison, land In B-T7-44, a. c s. 1
James Gsrdleld Lewis snd wife to
i. R. Mraieswn. a strip of sum ant
wise eft e. side of seta
s-MHt, w. ....
Six transfers, totsl...
Best watch work at Lefferts.
Marrlaere tl
Marrhum Beasaes were lesuiil yesterday
I the feOewtne; named persons:
Kama and Residence As.
Gilbert Noruas. Red Oak. la a
Margaret Skoalund. Minneapolis. Minn Si
Fred Hsshmsn, Florence, Neb SI
Heir's Evans, Oaks loose, la .. 24
Fer ths beet wines, liquors, brandies
and beer caO at Rmi nfeld s family liquor
boose. II South Msia St. Importers of
wines, liquors, sjss aad stoats,
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
WASHINGTON'. Feb. B-8pecisl TeV-ogram.)-White
River, a D was selected
today by ths comrstsslooer of the senersj
land office and concurred tn by Secre
tary Fisher of the Interior department
and President Taft as ths piacs of mak
his selections for lands ts tns Pins Rides
snd Rosebud reservations, shortly to be
thrown open to settlement.
The entries will be mads st ths Cham
berlain land 'office, the district In which
ths lands are attuatrd. There has been a
hard fight between Gregory snd White
River tor the location ot the listing plaoe
and rival delegations have- beset the
members of consress from South Dakota
for their support. All ths delegates did
was to listen to the claims of ths two
towns and then send ths whole matter
to ths general land office for final set
tlement, which has now been made.
Exteaelow for Settlers.
Congressman Klnksld went before ths
secretary of the Interior today with
James T. Whitehead ot Mitchell, presi
dent of tbs Water Users' association of
ths North Pis.Ua project, and presented
the proposition of modifying the require
ments for ths next water right payment
It wss finally .screed that instead ot
paying g.B per 'acre, due March 15, set
tlers would be allowed, by ths payment
of a penalty ot Is cents per sere, to pay
U per sere by Msrch 15 snd hsrs until
December next to pay ths remaining tXS
snd penalty. Ths department alio agreed
to eliminate the provtaloa that settlers
most show they were unable ts meet ths
full payment before ths extension would
be granted. . .
Mr. Whitehead wss tskrn to ths Whits
Roues by Mr. Kink aid aad presented to
the president.
Indian Appropriation Bill.
Amend menu to the Indian ap propria
Hon MU were Introduced by Senator
Brown today calling for additional ap
propriations for ths Genoa Indian school
of U.0C4 for general repairs and Improve
ments. M.0W for a cottage for ths super
intendent. 13,084 for- a gardener's cottage,
tMCS for additions to ths hospital and
office and H.509 for the construction of
a sewer main. These amendments were
asked tor by the Genoa Commercial club
la a letter received this morning.
Chocolate Appeal Oeated,
The supreme court this morning denied
the writ ol certiorari asked for by Walter
Baker Co. In an action against ths
grocery firm of Orey Gray ot Colum
bus to enjoin the sals ot any other
chocolate than that manufactured by ths
complainant under ths nama of "Bakers."
The Injunction was denied by Judge T.
C. Hunger In ths Nebraska federal court
snd latsr by ths circuit court of appeals
of ths Eighth circuit
Malaes F1hs Oleo Bill,
Former Congressman 8. 1. Halner et
Lincoln Is at the Raleigh. He will be in
the city for seversl dsyt and la worktns
for ths dslry interests In Nebraska to
defeat legislation favorable to the manu
facture ot oleomargarine. Hs called oa
ths various members of ths Nebraska
delegation today and renewed eld ac-
qusintance with former cotleftkns In ths
Srharlder la Waahlagles
R. B. Schneider of Fremont, candidate
for delecste-at-lsrgs on the Taft ticket
la Nebrsaks. Is at ths Rsleigh. Hs stated
that hie mission here bad no political sig-
nlflosnss. and had no comment to make
on present conditions, saying that hs
was hsrs entirely oa private business.
He goes to New Tork City tomorrow,
Numerous eppesls from Nebraska bars
been received by Senator Brown urging
him to help secure mors federal aid for
agricultural education.
Monroe Hears Argaaaeat
John A. Munroe, freight traffic man
ager of the Union Pacific at Omaha, ar
rived In Washington today snd wss an
interested listener to ths arguments la the
so-called "long snd short haul"
before the supreme court
New Republic May
Cut Off Relations
.With Netherlands
NANKING. China. Feb. tT.-The repnb
rloaa cabinet Is coosftlert ng tbs Immediate
cancel la tloa of treaty relations wtth Hot
land and handing The Netherlands minis
ter his passports became ot alleged 111
treatment et Chinese residents by the
Dutch authorities te Java. It ts alleged
that three Chinees hava been killed and
hundreds ot others Imprisoned In that
plans because they celebrated the abdica
tion of the Chinese throne.
The members ot ths republlcsa cabinet
are most indignant. They assert that the
Chinees la Java are treated like wild
Dr. Bun Tst Sen and Yuan Shi Kat are
co-operating la the revuSon of ths con
stitution. Yuan Shi Kai la oendlos funds
to Nanking.
THS HAGUE, Feb. r.-A telegram
from ths governor of Jsva Bays ths
authorities there limited their repressive
measures against Chinees to restoring
order and preventing mobs ot riotous
Chinese from looting ths shops.
Kaspar Leaves Wife,
and Family of Three
Clalj-J. V. Caspar, who has resided In
this city for nearly two rears, snd been
very successful running a bakery, left his
family Friday and disappeared. Hit wife
the day following his desertion, gave
birth to a baby girl. Beside bis wife snd
ths Infant, Kaspar left tws children.
Ths man did hie own baking and sines
his departure, friends hsrs corns to the
sssistance of his wits and another baker
has beta secured, so that the business
will be carried on as formerly, Kaspar
gave no reason for his departure, but left
a note In his room stating that he bad
gone snd would not return.
Five Are Arrested ,
For Taxicab Holdup
NEW TORK. Feb. H.-Part of ths IS.N0
In currency stolen from two bank ro
sengers la a taxicab In the heart ot ths
flasactsl district February It was
covered tonight and three men and two
women were held by the police.
The police allege that f!M tn currency
bearing the stamp ot the Produce Ex
change National bank, from which the
messengers were taking the asoasy whoa
robbed, was found la Boston st ths home
of Edwsrd Collins. The police aay that
Collins described himself ss Edwsrd
Kinsman and that hs sacs was a pugilist
and waiter. Collins Is under arrest, to
gether with Albrusso and Gene Mentanl,
chauffeur ot the taxicab la which the
holdup occurred, and tws Women slso
are betas held by ths polios ss material
witnesses. Ths women, jt Is understood,
furnished the police with some of ths
clues la tbs esse.
On Albrusxo's person the police found
key to a safety deposit vault In the
Bowery Savings bank and the prisoner
said to have admitted having about
CON la the box. hot the police have
hopes of finding s larger sum when they
examine it tomorrow. ,
err. PETERSBURG, Fib. z7.-Tbe em
peror has confirmed the new admiralty
regulation under which a commander Is
compelled to destroy his wsrshtp. 'n'trsd
ot surrendering it to ths enemy.
Key te the Situation See Advertistns)
Quick Action Prescription.
Cures Colds in a Day
Y. M.H.A. to Elect
Board Wednesday
Ths Young Men's Hebrew assentation
will bold Its election of a board at gov
ernors Wedneeday evening In the vestry
room of Temple Israel. Twenty-firs have
been nominated and ot these fifteen will
be elected. Ths governors will thea meet
to elect officers.
The association new has a membership
of 434 snd so effort Is being mads to
make It 400 before the meeting.
Thoes who hare
ths board are:
Julius Helphand
Arthur Roseublum
T. 8. Hsdra
Henry Monsky
William tlolsmaa
Mortis Rosenblatt
In-. M. J. Gordon
Hugo 11. Brandeia
Henry Rosenthal
Meyer Klein
Rabbi Cohn
Julius Roaenfeld
Morris Rschmsn
been nominated for
Samuel Kata
Kd Blmon
Samuel Ulllnaky
Max Levy
Benjamin Israel
Harry Laptdua
Joe Kulakotskv
Martin L. Sugerraaa
M. H. Koaenblum
llymer Katskee
Philip Schwarta
Nathan Bernsteia
WASinNOON, Feb. I7.-"Ws aro ths
moat Intelligent people on the fees ot ths
globe; we srs ths wealthiest people la
the world, and yet we aavs ths poorest
roads of sny civilised nation on earth,'
said Representative Prouty of Iowa tn
the house of representatives todsy. He
poke for twenty minute srgtng that
federal aid be given, the gutea la the
construction of good toads.
W heeler-Lea aratreth.
Laura E, Longstreth, daughter ot
Thomas Lengrtrsth, snd Mr. Harris S,
Wheeler were married by Ray. Charles
W. Savldgs -st his residence Saturday
evening at 7 o'clock, Mrs, H, M, Ander
son accompanied them.
ealaato-Heletraas, '
Vlss Anna X. Holstrom, daughter ot
John Holstrom, and Antenino Benlnate
were married by Rev. Charles W. Bsv-
Idgs Saturday evening at ( o'clock st ths
horns of ths bride's parents. 4211 Miami
street The bride's sister. Miss Ruth
Holstrom, snd Henry S. Howes were the
attendants. A wedding supper wss
Miss Jennls Thorps ot Onawa. la..
daughter st Francis Thorpe, and Mr.
Henry I Cox were married by Rev,
Charles W. Sarldge Suadsy sftsrnooa
at 4 o'clock st ths reildence ot the
groom's brother, Mr. Oeorge P.' Cox.
US North Twentieth streets. A company
of guests wss present .
Persistent Advertising ts ths Road to
Big Returns.
tc::z's old
cclczii ccffee
Thert trs mora cupi to ths
pound in this coffee). Tbe
Itrowthi that enter into it are
picked to give ttrcneth as well
as ipleadid. enjoyable) cop-quality.
Routed to tbs instant of
coffee perfection.
Bait rg kJd
Mill JjJ&Utsj Tone's
You 11 be coovinced br. s tingle
pound that it m not only the)
most delicious coifee, but tLat it
is most economical.
At roar rroew't ISi a ponnd.
TOME BlOsk, Dew Moines), as.
The beet snd Quickest ereacriotion
known to medical science for colds snd
coughs is as follows: "From your drug
gist get two ounces of Glycerine snd
half an ounce of Concentrated Pine
compound. . Take these two lnsredlenta
home and put them Into a half pint of
good wftiaay. . Shake It well Take
one to two tro spoonfuls after each nal
and at bed time Smaller doses to chil
dren according ts sa-n." Be sura to set
only tne genuine (Ulobe) Concentrated
Pine. Kach half ounce bottle comes la
tin screw-too seated csml An am-.
gist has it on hand or will quickly get
It from hie wholesale house. There are
many cheaper preparations of large
ousntlty but It don't pay to experiment
This treatment la certs' n cure. Thle
Has been suMlehed here for ail winters
snd thousands say It has no ffsl " 'f
I all varieties oared la
i s fsw dsn without
ski er loss of ttane. No
ay wm be accepted on--1
tbs sanest at oared.
- Write oreaD.
TMelltj- setsrecsrs
'featN. wist, -.
Killkosdre Make Public Brandt's
HittiTn of Affection.
Teems Tale Writes that Hie Feel
lass Toward tbe Dear Lady
Grove Every Day la Larmrr
NEW TORK. Feb. r.-Whlle Fnlke K.
Brandt still remains la )ell tonight as
ths result ot a technical legal delay la
admlttins him to halt, hla former em
ployer. Mortimer U Schitt, gave out a
statement Mttde words Ions setting forth
"ths pertinent facta connected with the
Brandt case as far as they are within
sty knowledge."
Having been denied an opportunity of
teetlfylna as says a statement .ts ths
press seems so be hla only recourse. -
"Certain newspapers hare assumed to
attsek my honor, " Mr. Benin-says, --and
to create an impression that my efforts
to secure Brandt's conviction and to op-
poss hla application for clemency were
designed to bide sums mystery which It
made pubtto would disgrace and degrade
me before the community. '
I have therefore decided la self-
protection aad In Jostles to all tbeee who
have bona maligned during the last month
of hysteria to make this statement of
facts." .
Text of letter.
The statement makes public the letter
Brandt wrote to Mrs. (teal ft la Msrch,
1WT. which resulted In his discharge as
valet It reads tn part:
"I am a poor fellow, but I .have a heart
which I would part with to a lady which
I lots dearest on earth (it la you dearest
"I do not know If you are Interested
or like my person, but I do know that I
am awfuly fond ot you, in every respect
I like and admire yea emenskllg my
feelings towards you dear Lady has
grown every day la larger circumference.
Inside my heart la the eternal feelings
which cannot be expressed In words (only
actions can speak). Day aad night until
the slumber takes ns away, I think ot
you dear lady."
The letter Is signed "Lovingly" and
on tains a "P. S." beseeching Mrs. Br biff
"for mercy don't show this to your hus
band or anybody."
Regarding the robbery at his boms Mr.
8chlff aaya lis asked Brandt the night
hs entered he house wheihar he bad
stolen anything aad ths valet denied
doing so.
Mr. Schlff declares after receiving
a note from Brandt asking htm to vMt
him tn the Tombs hs sent Howatd S.
Cans, hla counsel, to Me hira and thet
Osns reported that Braudt had said te
him In substance thet if tee charge wu
pressed he would make reflections upon
Mrs. Schlff.
-Mr. Schlff thea details bow Btandt's
attorney. Cart Flahsr-Hsnsen presentrj
to Judge Rosalsky, a letter written by
This hAter," Bchlff continues, "con
tained the first written Information of
Brandt's tying and aesndalons tale that
hs was In my house by Invitation. Ths
outrageous falsity ot this letter Is shown
by ths letter that brought his discharge.'
Eat and Get Thin
This Is turning an old phrase fans
shout, but modern methods of reducing
tst aavs msds this revision possible.
If yon are evertet and also sd verse
to physical exhertloa and llkswlas fond
of the tebls and still want to reduce
your excess flesh several pounds, do this;
Go to your druggist (or write the Mermola
Co., Ml Parmer Bldg., Detroit Mich.)
and give aim (or send them) If cents, Fer
this modest amount ot money the drug
Slat wlU put you la ths way of satisfying
your ambition for a nice, trim, slim figure.
He will hand you a large esse of Mar mo la
Prescription Tablets (compounded In ac
cordance with the famous Marmela Pre
scription), one ot which you must take
after each meal and at bedtime until you
begin to lose your fat at the rate of If
to 14 ounces a day. That is all. Just go en
eatlns what you like, leave exercising to
the athletes, but take your little tablet
faithfully and without doubt that flabby
flesh will quickly take unto Itself wins.
Iravlnc behind It your natural self nestle
clothed In firm flesh and trim muscles
Wu Benefited from the Start and
Improvement Est Bees Eipid,
Chief Vales of New Dterovery Lies
la the Fact that It la t)alck
Respond 4s Weeds at Badly
Debilitate Body.
Mr. A. W. Atwood. atation agent tor
ths Missouri Pacific railroad and also
sgent tor ths Vi'ells-Fargo Express com
pany, residing st Lsrton, Neb., and well
known In Omsha, made the following
statement recently la connection with
"Tons Vita." the tonic that has bees In
troduced In Omaha.
Mr. Atwood said: "My wlfs has beta
sick for ths hut year. She was nervous
and rundown and had constant stomach
trouble. She slept poorly and her Bleep
did her little good. . Rheumatism was
part of her trouble and her feet and
ankles were badly swollen snd she was
generally miserable. She Waa frequently
constipated. She had tried many remedies
snd various physicians without relief.
"She tried Tons Vita' aa a last resort
and after taking one bottle st tne tonic
she Is greatly Improved. The first does
benefited her. Every dsy she hss beroate
stronger and better. There Is no other
medicine like It She seems ts get nonr.
Ishment from her food aad no longer has
stomach trouble. Sha feels better tbaa
she has for ths hut year snd gives ths
entire credit to Tooa Vita.' "
Tbs specialists who were hers Introduc
ing 'Tons Vita" said that there Is noth
ing unoommoa or remarkable shout Mrs.
Atwood a esse. "Why, we have received
hundreds of ' such testlmonlsls from
Omaha people who have been benefited
by our preparation." eald one ot these
specialists. "The chief vslus of Tona
Vita,'" continued be, 'lies la ths tact
that It Is quirk to respond ts ths neede
ot a badly debilitated body. It acts like
a true specific. In a remarkably short
"A tired, dragging feeling ot ths body,
a sluggish mind and dull memory, de
pression st spirits, Intsnss nsrvousnesa,
palpitation ot the heart weak back, cold
feet bowel trouble, coastlpstlon snd
headaches sra among the many symp
toms of a condition from which thous-
aads hsrs In Omaha suffer. This condi
tion Is mors common la the bis cities.
where the people are more apt to disre
gard the laws of nature.
"Most ot ths ao-ceiled kidney trouble.
nearly all Indigestion and fully half sf
ths headaches la Omsha can be at
tributed solely to a nervous, debltiisted
condition of ths body.
" Tona t Vita' will positively remove
this condition toning one's serves, giving
now blood and new lire. '
"Tona Vita" can be found en sals at
Brandeia drug department Sixteenth and
Douglas streets, south side, msia floor.
Adv. .....
The Favorites Rye
av Bivnsstis.MfiAna'
W wsFeV-ll. wMiaPmWaVsWaV
is absolutely pure.
It ought to be because
it is distilled 4 times
in copper.
(Ordinary whiskey not mora than twloa)
in Bond
Each bottle) it seeded with
tb U. S. Government Stamp.
Its age Is guaranteed by the
V. S. Government.
Its purity by the Schenley
Distilling Company.
Its quality speaks for Itself.
When you buy Rys, buy Scbenlsy. At all daaicra.
BchenJey DsjrJMns; Oy Lacesco, Pa.
t ssmTBm-xs
Grand Rivtr Avnut and Criswold Stmts
DETROIT, . , - . MICH.
r ' "
at) J a sa
Ps. ATI 'hw' ' M -an .f
i 1 1 1 1 vj t m r i
"ra.rV tQ0rWl5.r10VVTHt
TN f'llifiSrRArVStP.RltS.
3j jTT2fJJf-JaiTtfE0!l,DCK
S2JbA.b4 we'Rc orrro
March 1 to April 15
A (arm b waiting for you la
Arizons snd California.
Go this Spring. Go on the
Santa Fe. Ride in a tourist
ileeper ; berth rate low.
Eat Fred Harvey mealt.
A fait run on tbe Fast Mail ;
two other trains to choose from.
. asaaiel Urhaer. Oa. Alt.,
114 lis St., I Nulm lees,
rauee, Wslaat Ml.
Write, C. t ejstw s
Om, CaieebetlM Astss,
jU0t Kallmr essnse,
I tssJwMrin I
Si els silii' tm MS- J
sulfites le Tst Sens.' , I
T-t sVhtsrrai. tT4M.ltr Uh tsxTtUs. 1-
fax-u f i-w.svsUiaTan te my cue, but todar I ator
tMtffeet feeral'B an4 aV sirUlili rarlai etber
AIUW partMlM t&.m 4 MtlsXiag UKIt
omr for ibtm-er.1 jranina. 4i9amvmn4 a rwssv-
Mr aui jWmmsaniiiy cmrm ts, . wm .
ft avrtsshSM mi lass) WT eSaM seaaUcislS mm
hsialy frwsx
Usm'i nit any mmn ire trsna. a mum ui
tr(t.s It mnmpif.
Tr atawiote tetiatfxttesi ei ail umm it Met-
UTiy ffmetsstt.
err r m mmm ee afwre eaj er eesMisms)
ale, m writ to ft. T. tessiBhs. D-eC UtC.
$125,000 sEiptnitd In Rtmodel
infc FiiTiUshiQf a4 DMorttinf
Htadquarter for thm Wolvermm Automobil Club
The) Finest Cats West of Kew Tork. Bevrsos A La Carta at
Fopnlsw Prrcws.
A aUtctly modern and ap to data Hotel. Centrally located la tba
very bear, at tbe city. "Where Ufa ts Wortn Urmg." , .
Kothlaf Better at oar nates.
Hotel Flanders
153-157 West 47Ul Street,
If. r. CITY.
80S) Feet East of Broadway.
A modern fireproof hotel In ths
heart of the theater, club and hotel
district; convenient te sll car lines.
An exceptional orchestra. Rooms
with private bath 41.06 per day.
Prom Orand Central Station. Broad
way cars without transfer. From
Penns1vanla Station, 1th Avenue
cars without transfer. Bookies ea
H. R. SHAKES, froo.