Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 28, 1912, Page 7, Image 7

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Save Soot srrts XL
sUacksara for mpw Mt.
fcsvera Mill Tha reg
ular meeting of tlM South Improvement
club Vrtll bo neM Wednesday renins t
t o'clock.
Chares. Wastcrtalanirsi In entertain
ment win be given at Park Forest chapel.
Twelfth and Dominion streets on Thurs-'
day nlgtrt.
Buttsr V;Xgsw Bowa Butter went
up 1 cant, both at wholesale and retail In
Omaha yesterday. Eggs went down t cents
and may be bought at retail as low at
Basse atUlec sXta Toslrlsa Rome
Miller has received official notice ot his
appointment as a member ot the 8ee
America First" special commit Ue ot the
Transmlsslsstppl Congress, which holds Us
annual convention in Baltimore next May.
, Hence Court Sees Mr Sislsiss lohn
J. sfehoney. clerk ot the .pollee eoort.
says that vsr. eM had- been added to
th city coffers curing the month of
February, This Is the largest amount to
be taken m during the month ot February
In the history of the court. Fines, costs
and forfeited bonds make up the amount.
Memlnc Threatens- .alt D. W. Flam
Inf. a formen railroad man, is threaten
ing suit acalnst the city tor damasea
sustained Saturday at Sixteenth and
Famaot streets, when he stepped Into the
manhole and tors loose the muscles ot hla
lets, Mr. Fleming resides at all South
Twentieth street and is now confined at
his heme from the Injuries.
Talks ea Ooaunlssloa Tmm Colonel
C O. Cunningham will address the voters
of Kiuntas Place on the commissi on form
ot government Thursday evening In the
parloni of . Plymouth church. Twentieth
and Spencer, and all electors ot the place
have been Invited to hear. Incidentally the
colonel will exglain the mission ot the
Cltlasos' union. The meeting will begin
at I o'clock and K there Is enough time
severer -candidates present wtH be ssked
to speak. . '
Aa Bventfal Day Councilman Fred'
nclu-oeder has tiled his petition for the
nomination for, commissioner ea his I7th
birthday The petition waa taken out en
. the 17th ot last month. Also Councilman
Mchroedcr yestsrday celebrated Ala wed
ding anniversary. His petition was the
twenty-seventh filed. Peter C Ooos has
filed his petition, bringing the number ot
' those who have filed to twenty-seven. The
number of petitions out now aggregate
lis, CK B. Norman and Charles F. Mc-
Govent have taken out Wanks,
km chroeder's Case to Jury The
second trial of Mrs. Caroline Schroeder's
suit against the Woodmen of the World
and the Royal Achates tor B,a) each on
policies carried by her deed husband. Au
gust Bchrosder, went to the Jury In Judge
Bears, law court yesterday. The fra
ternities hare redstsd eel lection on the
ground that Bchrosder. committed suicide.
After the first trial Judge Bears directed
a verdict for the defendants on the ground
that It was clear that Bchrosder killed
himself. He granted a new trial on the
ground that the case should nave (on t
the Jury.
Contrast for Oarage to let The
Drutnmond Motor company u to have a
home for Its buatnaes to compare favor
ably with any In the country. The Pax ton
Real Estate company wHI erect tor the
Drummond people a manufacturing plant
and garage at Twenty-etxth avenue sad
Famam street, on the earner apposite
Kountse Memorial church. The building
contract already has bean let te W. p.
Jensen 4k Co., at a sum m excess of
ta.M. In addition to this other con
tracts win be awarded later that will
bring the total cost up to SSVJSa. Mr.
Jsassa Is to begin work at ease.
Lincoln Banker Bays Heavily Into
the Omaha Bank. .
Many Types of tmess Fwts fair
PrwtecttasT the Beadlaa;
j Orrharaa.
A new self-lighting orchard heating
system, by which a great number of
smudge pots may be lighted by a single
operation whenever aa orchard Is threat
ened with frost, la described by the Sci
entific American. Immediately when the
smudge pots are lighted a dense cloud
of smoks arises and covers the region
t be protected. This prevents heat radia
tion from the earth's surface aad safe
guards the buds of the fruit trees from
ths rays of the sua. There are many
types of heaters, and ooaf and oil have
seen the fuel most extensively used, but
oil seems to be held In greater favor be
cause it la more easily handled. The self
llghtlng device may be attached to va
rious Wade of beaters. By Ha nss a
quarter of mile of smudge pots can be
lighted Instantaneously and much oil Is
saved weeauss It la not accessary to light
up until the thermometer indicates that
frost la In the vtclmty.
Ths systsm when operated for a cer
tain round styM of pots consists of two
overhead wires running down from a row
of trees from a post, with real aad lever
attached, to the end of the orchard. The
overhead wires, which are erected about
seven feet from the groond. may be eon-
vantaotlr run through the Umbo of the
trees or between rowtf ss desired. From
the overhead Maes a wire extends to each
pot U4, watch sonaosts with a chemical
cartridge placed on a hokler attached to
each pot. woaa toe cartridge ts opened
Maxtor laaottae flows from and Ignites
the erode en m tbe pot. The wires are
made In two lengths so that when the
lever Is turned oaos ealy half the pots
lavery other one) are lighted. X second
tare will light the others. This system
la daslgasd so that whoa a minimum
amount of heat is required only half of
the pots will be lighted. Whoa aa entire
orchard Is thus equipped tbe levari are
ptaoed la a centrally located row se that
all may be throws within a few minutes.
Another type of heater constats of aa
ok long box. the Ud of which Is opened
tkree iaehes by one turn of the lever,
two Inches wider by a second turn and
roll length by a third turn, according to
the amount of heat feared.
The eetf-UghttBg cartridge la mada of
treated paper aad consists of sslf -lighting
chemical agents placed is a tube
within the container. Ths space sur
rounding the tube Is filled with g eon Hue
aad a sealed cap covers ths container.
The oaeratlea of the cartridge Is soeocs
pUabed errs ply by breaking the cover
seal, which is dona astaenaUcelly aa ths
Ud of the heater la throws by the lever.
Head at Maay halo la the State
Bars Stack reraeerty Held by
atlib Stars to Live
la Omaha.
W. T. Auld. former president ot ths
City National bank ot Lincoln atonoay
afteraoon bought the controlling Interest
la ths Cora Exchange National bank of
Omaha and Is to be sleeted president at
the next meeting of tne board of directors
Joseph Harden, who feels that the bank
has been taking too much of his tunc.
resigned ths presidency, but wlU remain
a director. -
It Is understood that Mr. Auld bought
a large part of the stock held. until re
cently by Gottlieb Btorx, who sold It to
other stockholders, they In turn selling
to Auld. T. B. McPherson hsa Increased
his stock holdings In ths bank.
Mr. Auld expects to. make hla home
here. He has been a banker In Ne
braska for nearly thirty years. Hs la
president of the State Bank of Red
Cloud, which he founded twenty years
saw: president of the Bank of uuide
Rock, .which be (bunded twenty-six yesrs
aco: Drestdeat ot the Central nana 01
Kearney, director in several other banks
la Nebraska and Colorado and retains
aa interest In the City National Bank of
The present officers of the Corn Ex
change bank are: Joseph Harden, presi
dent; J. W. Thomas, vice president; W.
C. Frwin. cashier; Thomas B. McPher
son. Jsmes Langan. Ed Myers, J. C.
Root asd C. H. Pickens, directors. 7
Bear Against the Please ef Siesrly
eighty MlUlaa Cera la Great
Though ths pst cat hsa its devoted
champions, ths other aide of the question
Is feelingly Indicated by a writer la the
Westminster. Review. In discussing Lon
don tyrannies he has thla to say:
"In Great Britain ws harbor ".Ks.000
cats, or ona est per tV human beings.
reckoning our total population at et.0l0.0O0.
Take the arerags puss as measuring
eighteen Inches from mussls to the tip of
the tall, that gives us zS miles of est
It would be safe to urge that SO, miles
thereof are mere bandits and prowlers
Can ws actually rank aa a first -clam
Industrial nation whlls neglecting this Im
mense potential for the manufacture of
fancy habiliments and esoteric edibles?
London's proportion of units Is LXff.gft
Thus eats collectively form a painful sub
ject. But In the concrete or, to be more
precise, among the bricks and mortar of
that particular urban space under review
they are actually appalling. What share
of that million odd la left to the city at
large must be Infinitesimal. For here
they throng In solid army corps. Des
perate lodgers who at dead of night softly
creep along the summits ot backyard
walls to discover aad wring the necks of
budding oockersls describe the presence
of a cat underfoot at every few Inches ss
most discomposing. To tread aa a cat,
or even oa two oats I. a, one under each
foot simultaneously begets aa amount ot
squirming, biting, spitting, scratching and
mlaowimg which. In theee ctrcumstancea
tries ths courage and agility ot the
doughtiest crusader. He will need every
particle of the approbation and balancing
power which a stood . conscience gives to
succeed Is ths hallowed enterprise. Let
us leave this dark phase et existence aa
too horrible tor further development
Readers can axstclas their Imaginative
powers apropos te the uttermost These
simple Indications but barely suggest
what feline multitudes Infest that devoted
spot; kow It rings ths night through with
demoniacal outcries, and eerie sing-songs,
and weird, orsschlnga.'
eldlaaj Permits.
J. i. Hanlfhea Co.. lSs-B-M Jones,
brick warehouse. 110. WS: Rome Miller.
Thirteenth and Do us las, repairs to Mil
lard hotel, mm: Jacob Finkls. altera
tion and repairs to dwelling, IMft,
' Against Extension
of Light Franchise
SS te Pavelfle Ceast.
One way second class colonist tickets on
sale dally March 1st to April 1Mb via
Chicago, Milwaukee St. Paul Railway.
Tickets: Mil Farnam 8t, Omaha,
The fotaernsf 1
1 1 wed have beaa
Name aad FMIan,
George One. Kikbera. Neb
swam Escka, EUborw, Neb....
adesirk A. Peters. Omaha ...
Bffia at Parte
Harry L Wsaama
Era Lee. -waa ns -S
Phillip K. Swansea, cenora. Canada.. B
let, p. J abases. Mead, Meb .-. a
It was not easy for us to believe that
Diabetes Is curable, but the first case we
came In personal touch with was aston
lahingly convincing.
Ws were considering the mu-chaae of
Puiton'a compounds and were looking for
cases to try them out on. One of our
number knew Charlee A. Newton, the
Vardmaster of the 8. P. R. R. I.'c at
Sacramento a very worthy man. He also
knew that Newton had Diabetes and waa
In a hospital In the Capital City, and that
hla recovery seemed Impossible when he
mat nearu irons him. A letter was written
to Newton that Irulton claimed his Dia
betes Compound cured Diabetes and that
ws wsnted to know from Ol'R friends If
this wss so, and that If he I New tool
would take It that we would aand him a
supply of It. Newton replied to the effect
that come four or five months before ws
wrote Dim he had heard about the com
pound, had taken It. that the auger
was nearly out and he wee almost well.
M Is complete recovery followed, end be
toM uH P. Engineer who bad Diabetes
and be recovered.
We also saw Gen. Taso. Reich ert of San
Francisco go oa this treatment and get
a complete recovery after physicians had
declared that the ease was hopeless. Gen.
Reichert la a SM degree Maaoe and is one
of han Francisco's most widely and favor
ably knows citizens.
Ws have Been hundreds recover since
sno there Is ao longer any queatloa about
Iiabetes la people of middle sac and over
being curable.
For free literature, address John J.
Fulton Co., 8aa Fraadsos, Cel.
Fultoo'a Diabetes Compound can be had
of sur agent la your city, Bbermaa A
McConnell Drug Co., letb A Dodve, Mtta
Harnev. tin A Farnam. sn- No. Itth.
V, s desire all patients to write us wbo
are not noting the usual Improvement
by the third week.
Orrine for Drink Habit
Ws are In earnest when we ask you to
give ORRINB a trial. Tee have nothing
to risk and everything to gala, for your
money will be returned, if after a trial,
yea tall to get results from ORRIS li.
This offer gives the wives sad mothers
of those who drink to exreea aa oppor
tunity to try ths ORRINB treatment.
It la a very simple treatment csa be
gtvea la the home without publicity or
toes ef time from) bwlaeas, aad at a
small price.
. ORRINB la preeared m two forms:
??& 1. secret treat insert, a aowdar: t vu-
a ! RINB Ne. i. In ptil form, for those who
Jesira te take voluntary treatment Costs
aoly li te a box. Come ha and talk over
the matter with oa Ask for boos let
Merman afcConneli Drag Co., Cor.
Ith aad.Dodsw Sta, Cor. Itth aad
Harney Slav. Cor. t th and Faroam But.
Ns. lftk at, Loral Hotel, . ,
John L. McCague, speaking for the
Commercial club, the Ad club, the Real
Estate exchange, Ak-Sar-Ben and the
Electrical club, pleaded with the city
council at Its meeting ss the committee
of tbe whole to not enter Into a contract
with tbe electric light company for an
extension of franchise.
His argument waa accompanied with a
resolution which hs requested be Passed.
The resolution. Br. McCague explained,
put the organisations submitting It. those
represented by Mr. McCague at the
meeting, right before the public He un
derstood that a previous resolution passed
January 30, in which ths necessity ot In
creased lighting facilities was pointed out
and action "without prejudice to the
city's rights In litigation now pending"
Although the council waa prolific In
opinion no action was taken other than
to refer the whole proposition to the
lighting committee with Instructions to
An ordinance was recommended drawn
by the legal department providing that
operators of moving picture machines be
required to take out a permit. City Elec
trician Michadsen and moving picture
machine operators agreed that there was
dsnger from Inexperienced -and Incapable
Methodists Work
For Big Endowment
A week's campaign In ths lnlerest of
education and the Nebraska Wealeyan
university was Inaugurated last night at
ths Hanscom Park Methodist Episcopal
church, Twenty-ninth street and Wool
worth a enua, and stirring addresses were
made by men with state-wide reputations.
The campaign la . being conducted by
Methodist clergymen throughout ths state,
and It Is a prelude to a campaign that will
be launched some time In April to secure
a ttoo.OOO endowment for the Wesleyaa
university. The campaign , this wssa.
however. Is for the purpose ot arousing
Interest In education only. Among tne
speakers last night were-Chancellor c.
A. Fulmer, Bishop Nuelsen,' L O. Jones
of Lincoln and Rev. Edward Hyeiop.
Tonight ths meeting Is to be held at ths
Pearl Memorial church and . Wednesday
evening St. the Walnut Hill . Methodist
church. Thursday the meeting will be
held In South Omaha and Friday It is to
be at the Trinity Methodist .Men of
state-aide prominence have . volunteered
their services to help arouse Interest la
education and the campaign this week
promises, to be an interesting one.
The key to success In business Is ths
persistent snd Judicious use of newspaper
advertising. . e
... i:
C. A. Alder ot Uitiaens' Union
Talks Before Woman"! Clop. "
Henry F. Kleeer Telle the Wean
that Clrrka la Departaarat Starea -Have
Splendid Opportunity
If They Are Ambltlawa.
Discuss! ona of the commission form of
government, led by Charlee A. A Wen ot
the executive committee of the Clttxens'
union, was held by the social science de
partment of the Omaha Woman's club at.
yesterday's meeting. Miss Lily Strong,
general secretary of the Toung Women's
Christian association, told about the asso
ciation's travelers' aid department Henry
Kleser, head of the book department of
the Bennett company's store, gave
sketch ot Ufc behind the department store
Mr. Aldea said that the question sow
up to the cltlsens ot Omaha la that of
picking from the ISO snd more candidates
for nomination for the oomrolsalonershlp
of Omaha, seven men who are honest, fit
snd big enough to see a Melon ot Omaha
as It ought to be.
Miss Strong, in telling of the work of
Miss Clara Mead, travelers' aid secretary
stationed at the Union depot, said that
the number of girls wbo travel utterly
unprepared with information of their
destination, and ths number who simply
land In Omaha trusting to hick for a
higher providence to look after them, is
She said that in all Nebraska towns
there should be plscards telling of the
travelers' aid In the Omaha station, that
ticket agents should be mads authoritative
agents ot the national association for ths
purpose of dispensing Information to
women traveling alone.
Miss Strong said that there Is a plan
oa foot to estabUah a national travelers'
aid for women se that girls headed west
ward, especially Immigrants, would be
met In the cities along ths route by re
sponsible persona to sld them. She de
clared that there are H.OW girls lost an
nually while traveling la the United
8tates. "
Kleeer oa SaeraauuMhlp.
Mr. Kleeer gavs a comprehensive view
ot the education which goes te the mak
ing of a capable salesman or saleswoman
and the Important part which ths depart
ment store plays In ths commercial world.
"The percentage of opportunities fur
promotion to the honest, industrious,
ambitious and qualified men and women
are greater in the department store than
in any other branch of mercantile pur
suits," declared Mr, Kleeer, and added
that the vast army ot men and women
employed In the department stores of
ths country represent America's greatest
brain power,- energy and practical oour-1
tear. 1 I
Mr, Kleser denied that the department
store is an emporium for a continual pro
cession ot bankrupt, fire and wreck ssles
and said that this Idea is rapidly being
relegated to the past ,
.' Hs maintained that . ths department
store hss not drlvea the small store out
of, business and aald that, granting It
had. It Justifies Its existence from the
'act that It gives the public greater
value and greater servk-e, than tbe small
store. '..-
"The department store Is sbla to render
public service at a fraction of the cost ot
the asms kind of service it rendered by
the small store." -
Births and Deaths.
Births Joseph snd Mary Smetko, S3
South Twelfth, girl; Joseph and Louise
Hubert. ll South Seventeenth, rtrl:
Richard T. and Jessie Dorsey, XJ Har
ney, girl: William and Cora Ward, rj
isorth Twenty-iirst, noy; Kdward and
Laura Thresher. 241c Spencer, girl: Rey
nolds and Lottie Swauson. ieis lAtimorc
boy: tiuy and Martha Hayden. xm Lake,
boy- David and Cota Fitch. ITle North
Twenty-first, boy: Ouster and Mathilda
Eklof, 311 South Twenty-ninth, girl; J. c
and eue Bailey, ma win,, girl.
.Deaths Mrs. Bertha Hocs t, St
Joseph's hospital: U a Mulfltur. ft. NSC
south Twenty-second: Anna lapssso, T
days. Sell Martha: Otto Llndstrom. Tl,
UK Hamilton; John Mohsle. T. Fortieth
and roppieton.
v Culled from the Wire
The Staudard Oil company ' announced
an aavance or -oani a gallon oa ail
grades of naphtha.
Elaborate proa-re nis fur t he ' entertsln
ment of ecresry Knox hate been made
oy Nicaragua -and rtuutma. -
. Samuel B. Orchard, fornwrly first lieu
tenant Tmra iniantry. u. . A . began a
sentence ot two yeai-a at the federal penl
Unitary at Leavenworth.
Resolutions condemning 'the action nf
tne memoers ot tne iaii general' aasemMv
who voted sgslnst or failed to vote at
all on the Itiittstlve, referendum snd re
call were adopted By the muted Mine
Workers of Illinois convention.
F. Ira Bender, the third nun brought
to trial la connection with the alleged
attempt to dynamite the county hall of
ft cords in l Angeles In -September.
His, wss discharged . on - ths order of
Judge George H. Cabanlss. .. e
Ky lo th 8Uit!o--BN Art vert, In.
Have You Tried This?
Ispl VnBertptloB ttvU u Work
Wa&Ur for Bhoimatlw-.
Tht hu ben well known to th boat
doctor for years mm the qtttcktt and
most rllltt euro obuinable for 'rh-u-
mattam and back-acli. it tuuc been
published hero for several wlhlrrs and
hundreds of tho worst raaea cured by H
In a short time "rYotn your drug-gist
fet one ounce of TorU compound (In
original sealed package, and one ounce
of ayrup of Baraaparllla compound.
Take theao two InpTredlenta homo and
ut ihem Into a half pint of good erhla
ey. Hhake tho bottle and take a table-
spoonful before each meal aud at bod
time." Results come the first day. If
your drucirtt doea not have Torla Coax-
ouna in atocR fie will ft uiu a few
oura from hla wholesale hmiae. Don't
be Influenced to take some patent medi
cine Instead of thla. Insist on havtnc
the genuine Torla compound in tho
original, one ounce. aeaJed, yellow peck-
age. aqt.
you buy this
package you get
more foodmore
strength and en
ergy I building
nourishment than
you get in ten
.as a 1
times its cost in
The sealed
serves a
family of
five -
is all cluten. that ele
ment in Durum wheat-
which builds up tne
hndv and supplies
" A 1
staying power. Ana
there are so many de
licious dishes tnat can
he made from it.
Write for our tree
book of Recipes.
Yoargroetr Fmrntt Spm
ghUti inScmmdlOc pmckMf t
SL Louis. Me.
(v&We fyfy CvjfvNi (rea. (JjwK (fcSMi
m a a aj sa.sajh Mill.
Children don't, care !
If they did
would forget 1
care they
makes it easier for them
to care for their teeth
than not to care.
,. ( v , . . . . 4
If your children chew
it every day, the friction
; and the mint leaf juice
preserve their teeth
; While they chew it they
also help digestion.
Most children don't chew
food ..properly don't
create enough saliva.
Chewing this dainty helps
digest the "Apings."
' Anid all this applies to
you Mr. or Mrs. or Miss!
Buy it by the Box
, of any dealer. . It costs less.
; Pass it around after meals.
, Look for the spear
ess aa w I vg l a a ,-
Six lOe caha "La 1-u", Bcourlng powder
J-lb. can Hlcktnitt'g Apricot tbeavjr grrup)
Quart bottle Maraschino Chcrrlca :
Koor 10c cans Soups assorted
20o can Imported 8ardlna,il0c; doseu
.as, sSSC
'Tow." brand Etc, Green Oift or Damsoa Plums, par Un,aOe
ZH-lb. Una Hlckmatt'i WlilU lipanni (vary dellclouil
par tin, SSc; par dutea
,1.000 lbs, rreah Crtap , Pmaalt, par
' For gpcjctal Barcataa la On PVoah KraJI aad Vecwtable DnpC
1.000 lbs, fresh No. 1 Kndlak. Walnut, par lb. ....... 12 K
too Iba. TnrkUh na,.acr lb. ...... ...ioo
' 0 Layer RalalM ........... SO.
Fraah Roasted Peaauts, par 9, tart ................. ,...6o
rreah Btrawberriea, Mint, MaahrooBg, Tomatoaa, Head
Lettaca. Caltf7, Flnampptaa.
liqaur Departa
Hpadal Sal. cjf CailforBaa
l .....S-. t
aaUng, par (aUon $!.
(Jm, Qfify
Port Win., par cnUoa, 91.0) Sharrr Wine, par cairoaVSl
Hod. Mad. Bwwet Wine, par imiii
aarwt, par ixllon 91.0O RlaaUni.
Tnesdaj, March 5th, 1912, Eometeeker's Zzcorslos
Tickets will bs on sale from Omaha and other
Illinois Central stations to principal . ,
' ' pbmtsinlllUDAataboTerate. t'
Tickets limited to twenty-five days for return. .
Stop-overs permitted at practically all . points.
Call or write for descriptive literature on Florida, Oeor.
gia, Alabama, Tennessee and. Mississippi. For reserva
tions, detailed information,' etcn apply .
. . . City Ticket Office, 409 South Sixteenth Street.
. Phones: Douglas 264,' A-2164. 1 '.
"Dowel Pleasure9
Little PlUa DMHixh tae bowel, aarvsg
- thi rxcAfit sLAaLaj ratruc
Tset tweet
ana ara a perfeet toale for tse saes.
clea and ligaments of ths hewele;
and this as wkj ther da act pat a.
sicken or grtpa, bat cause a aHsh
lal and almost ecstatic etseseraMw
sin ssi al, la IBs most aataral way
snd without ereatimv a bad habit or
weakening ths svstsni In snv wav.
If you'll try them, "bowel pleaa
are and regularlt WlU be yaara
ler keesM.
10 centa tl cents. AH Druggists.
irisi sstsiie iree.
The Blackburn Products Co. Dartoa. Ohio.
The flavor laks
Comic Section
The Sunday Be
With Happy HooSgan, LM
Nemo, tht Ktctxenjammtr KkLm
and tht who hxttmtmq family