Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 28, 1912, Page 6, Image 6

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    lilE Bbfc: im AHA WiDNESUAY, rfcBKUAtti ' 'JS,
EntMwd at Ml BOMOiLt a eOOnd-
Cleaa matter. - . -
sobav '"ir2
Saturday Bee. oa year...... 'I'ata!
Xmiiy Be (without Simdy.oii year jtw
Daily u and Sundav, eae ytv--.'--1"
Erwitm Be fwull Sunday). V T
Dally ! tlneliMlos Sunday), per --??
pally Br (without Sunday I, P" J""
itdmi all Mfflptoa or irreeuianues
U deuvry t City circuietioa iP1-, j
Rntt br dralu expreae "T"'
pavst,. to The Bee PublUMng eentjmny.
Only receive "2SiI
ef mill accounts. rronal checks.
eept en Omaha and eaetera exchange.
accepted. i
Omaaa-The Bee Building.
South Onihi-Bit M BC
Council Bluff-?S P" St.
Lincoln- Little Building.
Chloae-o-lMI Maieuett 8ni1.
Kimu Cltr R'llane Bulldm.
New Turk 14 wi Thirty-third.
Wuhlnglow T Fourteenth St.. "
Cemmualcatlone relating te new see
editorial m"r eheuld be addresses
Omila B. K-dttnrtal Iorertment.
Ft at of NeVaxka. Coontr of Doosiae. as:
D wight Wll'lsms, circulation MM
ef Be 'Pnbliehlng company, being
duly ewers, that th eversge dally
rimltun see apolled. hnuaed end re
turn4 eople. for lb month of January,
Wi n .3t '. ' -
i, ,r -Clrcdlalloe Mejasger.
Subscribe In my pretence and sworn to
before n thlaith day of rebruey ltn.'
(Keel)' i , ROBERT HtlNTKR,
V , KiSary rbljc.
SebarrlWr leaving ; tk dtar
Icmsaeastlr eal - have . The
Br ' matted tkeam. A4rM
will raaaa-4 aa a'aa -aa4.
Tha MUaouri honn4 tone It rlelng
for fii8 wlthvttn Mlatourl mala,
v ssrrrrs
Whather Hlnea po) Lorlmar orar
or not, th' UeUob' leaita Vlub did It
t Hlnea, , " , ., ' r. ,
Now, flrlt, It yoa want to ba ura
to land richt, Baka'roar lup ek
I'ebruajrjf SI.
Xr. RorVefellar aipreaaea a daalra
la bacoma flramaa Bet k would
let lhara, all rlfht. j
Had Soutk Omaba
commlniloB plan, It
baatan Omaha to It
adoptad ; tha
totfht kara
' Navar mind, mob w ihall bt tha
baa ball aaaaoa to woth away all
thaaa aaparltrc of politic.
j If OoTtrnor W llaoa flndj hli mind
a! ona-track affair, k ought, to
vojttp It with block alrial. .
( Tho twobifaJlrrioti will bo tha
ra-tectloa'of Fraaident Taft and the
wlnnloc of th Vtr laarua pea-
naet. , . .
. Kaon ' -tai ' an athlete aimed
fVhtubifaaV;- H tauat bo -a- good
oka; to, prlat nader tho burdea- of
that Diuua. - h
V ' -r - '. T :
Pay attention to your JacltpoU, you
Wllowa, they ara talking aboot coa
intug tho,. llltaoli leglalaturo t In
.ejitra aeaalaai' ; " '
Champ (lark. ut bato boat Joo
oik .out of tbo Miaaourl Tote bo-
4dm Folk retuaea to foaounca
For tbo preaeot at leaat Colonel
etaer baa tbo laat laugb oa tha
uncB wh were boaatlag thy bad
Im "aaet'ehed-
1; ... i,
3 Thoaa democrat who are pleading
!br a .Harmoolied party, auraly' do
jot pretend to belter la the efficacy
t harmony la. politic. '
The Colonel', Explaaationi.
The errlanatiODi offered by Col
onel Rooaerelt to juatlfy Ua present
candidacy for a third term, aotwitb
atandlag hi repeated declaration that
cader do condltlone would b accept
another presidential nomination are
intereatlngd, If aot' conTlndng. He
now aaya that whea he aald "another
nomination' he meant merely a
nomination for another coaiecutlTe
term, and that the Intervention of
four year In prtrate life baa released
him from hi lelf-lmpoeed pledge
Aifumlng that ho Is correct bow
In the eonatructloa placed apoa hi
language ef 1904, reiterated la HOT,
the regrettable thing la that Colonel
Rooeeelt did not make hi meaning
plain at the time o that both Mend
and foe could har naderatoed all
along Juct bow long hi abaegatioo
wa to 'lait Tbo public, too, might
bar gued better tbo purpose of
th twtag around tbo circle after
emergiDx irom tho Jungle and the
pecucular re-entry Into New York
Mill politic In 11. Had tho peo
ple of New York only known that
the campaign two year ago wa but
a prelude to a third term presidential
candidacy la 1111. they might possi
bly hare Totad . differently.
Another part of tbo explanation
that anggesU (till further explanation
la the assertion that the precedent
forbidding a third tern grew out of
the fact that a president "can, if he
knows bow to us tho machinery at
hi disposal, renominate himself eren
though a majority of hi party I
agalaatiblm," which objection doe
aot apply to aa ex-president out of
office for four years. Colonel Rooee-
relt never objected to a second Con-
ec.utT term' 'on this account, be,
himself, having taken advantage or
hli poaaeartoh of the" machinery of
government, not only, to renominate
himself, but also to nominate his suc
cessor, and presumably I of th same
opinion a to a second consecutive
If. then. Colonel Roosevelt goe
hack loto the White House, will' he
seek re-electtoa In ltllt Would
any' objection withstand tbo prece
dent of two consecutive term twice
for tho sam president If separated
by a four-year period of private life?
la other word, doe a third torn
carry with it a fourth term, which
Colonel Roosevelt himself says b
could have If b wanted tt It rein-
voted 'with official power? Where
I th (topping point between thro
terms and thirty terms to which the
editor of the Outlook has referred
Hid. approval? And tt th people,
who 'ought at all times to rule, de
sired hi nomination In 1I0S, as
oianj of thsra doubtless did. why
tbould ihy bars been eompellud by
him to deprtvt themselves ot 4B
service 'it 'their stroauoui'pres'.deat
a for a four, Yes r' intermission?
The ooloael's explanation throw
the quotttda tor wlds open,
stand against tolls at all, urging that
the canal sbonld be free. And be of
fers tome very good argument to sup
port his contention. Going Into detail,
ha ahowa that if we had tolls they
should bring In aa annual Income ot
about $15,000,000. The official esti
mate of the annual coat of the canal
Is $1,000,000. Interest on tho outside
approximate coat of building $400,-
000,000 at as low aa S per cent.
would come to $11,000,000 a year, so
tha Income would take care of these
two Items, Just about. Bat Mr. Bar
rett declares that a free canal, at a
conservative estimate, based on the
data of trade experts, would carry la
the first year $74,000,000 mora ot
the product of the Ualted State
thaa a toll canal, making five time
the Income of a toll canal right
Of course. It la necessary to view
all these figure as estimates at best,
but It is certainly true that the great
est service of this canal, Unking the
Pacific with the Atlantic, the Occident
to the orient, la not to be reckoned
oa the basis of th toll revenue. The
only warrant for charging toll, of
course, I to pay for th cost of build
ing and operating tbo canal, but the
Increase ot trad to the United
Bute and of Influence abroad, to say
nothing ot effecting more equitable
laad traoaportatioa rate, are also to
bo kept in mind la considering the
canal's value to ua. These are matters
up to congress and they will require
cars In determination. '
Nebraska socialist ar to Bam
their stste ticket la state convention.
hla Bulllfytag ot th direct primary
tw, however, 'ill raise ao outcry.
i Of coarse, it Mr, Bryan should
find later that no other democrat
ould beat him polling -rotes, he
lould. as A good patriot,, consent to
J-ia. .
S Mr. Shuater may flad many to
re with his contention, that Eng
land wa as much to blame for let
1'ag Russia run tlm-ont ef Pania a
as Russia for ranlag hla out
tt- t
' & Th wonder Is that ao oa hai
gdarted a state bank la Omaha to
'tv th people here th benefit ot
(guaranteed deposits, for which they
Vers supposed to" be crying so londly
Recalls may come and recall may
CO, but that Texas Judge who got
.rfowa from - the beach to thrash, a
ikigant who called him a liar set a
precedent that will hold ao long as
"exaa la Teias,
7 It remains to be seen whether
jresld,ent Taft lose Hlnnesota. The
tovemor ur tne--sonn aur .ie, air.
Eberbarf,"Ta one of the staunch Taft
Supporter, and 'th governor stands
n well wit JUsawsotans j i
Steel Barometer renoourtfinf."
Railroad, are making demand
upoe steel oonoern for IS, 000 (teal
car,' aocordlag 'to th Wall Street
Journal, and additional ordera ar
svpected.. Steal, called the barometer
of iadustry. la doing very well and I
expected to do even .better 1 whea
tbo March Impetua comes oa. This
wonld( indicate a rather hopeful con
dition' la Industry generally., , Th
Carnegie Steel company U operating
H per ceut ot It 'blast furaaca ca
pacity and running tt semi-finished,
(beet and bar milla oa full 'doubl
turn time. Th United Stste' Cor
poration, while aot materially In
creasing It output at present. 1 tot
diminishing It and Is Increasing Its
volume ot shipments, especially for
export trad. . ' ' .
H is a wU to bar thee facta
set forth bow whea it becomes th
part ot tome to study to crsats a dlt-
forsnt Impreaslon about baslness U
all It .aspects. Business Is not as
brick at present a It has beta, or a
It -rill b -again soon, but It I far
from being panicky.
There la a car ahortage over th
country Just bow, which Is giving
grain men and farmers more or lees
concent, but It reports from th steel
mill be true, thl shortage U by so
means fictitious. - These report
say that the railroads simply ar us
ing ap all th equipment they bar
la their efforts to meet th demaads
ot freight traasportatloa and that
tha Inadequate supply of facilities la
going to enlarge orders tor steel car
thl iprtng. Th Baltimore A Obi
Is expected to order It, 000 car, It
self, and la th west th Wsbaah,
Northern Pacific and llllool Central
ar ready with big order.
('lading -watao. anetpeaaeJ gnoae
I the HgfetxBf fund, w councilman
: tn.'in the nrhilece cf locating
W ara lama tn hla waf d. If i tangulihea la the easy Up of the see-
tfeat does not matte votes for retea-
' Csnal Icrulatioa Ovtrdn.
Congress respoads slowly to tho de
tniuid Tor" Panama- canal legislation
urged. by President Taft and Colonel
GoetHiU as essential, U view of the
approaching obmpleUoa of the water
wy. ,- Senator Brlstow'a Bill to. pro
vide for . and regulate toll Intro
duced more thaa a month ago, still
Uea at double salVy under th eom
missldn pte""W-louldIIk to knew
what will.- J ' - ':
tj Senator Baakhead, manager of
Congressman PnderwoodV aampalga,
far his axaa is running for president
n his character, which is aa Innova
tlon, as most mea prefer to ma oa
fiitr4eptati6nVl'U will U tater
t!ng te see hsw .Mrr, TJnderwood
Sts aiong
roolinj with FigTire.
Figures may never He. but fools
will figure, and whea they do they
ar apt to reach moat grotesque eon-
elusions. . - 1
For a beautiful example of ficti
tious mathematics command us to
th ciphering by which th World-
Herald baa undertaken to prove con
clusively that th water plant la pos
session of the Water board will pay
all running expenses and Interest
charges, and leav a net revenue of
$m,00 a year for capital account
or for rata reduction. Starting with
statemsnt by the water company
la Its supplemental bill that Its gross
earnings ar about $700,000 per
annum, th W.-H. mathematician ar
bitrarily add $U 0,000 tor earnings
dutald of Omaha, assumes th oper
ating expenses to be $110,000, and
then by computing th city' interest
charge at $111,000, build a Bet
profit air oastl ot $175,000 a year.
Oh, how we wish It were true.
But alas and alack! It Is not
In tho first place, as we under
stand It the reterenos to gross earn'
lag of "about $T00,000," Include-
all th gross earnings, so that th ad'
dltlon of '$150,000 is heer Inflation
by flat ,. , .
la tiro second place, th $ro,Ml
Includes-f 10.000 a year paid for
hydrant rental ba the city ot Omaha,
which come out ot th pockets of th
la the third , plsce. ao allowance I
mad for ' approximately $75,000
which th company pays In taxes,
and which would exceed $100,000 It
It paid It occupatloa tax, which pub
lic revenue will be Mopped as sooa as
ths property passe to the city.
la th fourth place, If th plant
wr bow producing $60,000 over
operating expenses, or around $500,
000, after paying taxes, we would
have thl remarkable dtuatloa: th
company, which would be thus get
ting I per cent oa th whole ap
praised value, must hsv been tight
lag la court all thl tlm for th
privilege ot taking only T per cent,
sad making th city a present ot 1
per cent something w ar iur no
on vr suspected.
W suggsst that tha Water board
cautloa Ita friends aot to fool with
ths figure at' leaat la prist, unless
it waat to stimulate aa orgeat de
mand tor a sharp downward revision
ot water ratea immediately it not
sooner. " , .
Oar old friend, Edgar Howard,
who, a few week ago threw Wood-
row Wllsoa into in aiscara ana
hoisted the. banner tor Folk, Bow
comes back to th New Jersey man
a, the one true demoeratto leader
always with a first choice reearvatlon
for Willlkm Jennings Bryan. We
trust Edgar has his political hat oa
straight this time.
rili.sD,w inCWJia
f QMPUXOTROM au fliX 1
Army Gossip
Admiring Rltv-We all thtak the
baby's got dear Jane'a nose,
Cnatty Old Bachelor Glad of It Then
ah can't go taking It any more Into
other people'a buainaaa, Baltimore Amer-
Thirty Yea
Anaaaamnant frees Denver camuaes
the capture of George Wnuatt. a con
tractor who had disappeared whea snack
wanted, sad wbo was track and
brought back by Sharif! Kysra Of Caaa
Th stria aa the Burtlnstoa dump at! II
continues, th ma InslMioc on boMlng
out for gl.M a day.
A comaumcatloa atgned by K. B. Hunt
proposes to pave our strarta with brick
laid like Nicholson blocks.''
Tha old hook and ladder track bss
bn sold to Bastrlca for Its fir depart
ment for the lew price of MM.
It W. Tatae is to have a desk la
Dr. Feabody'a offle. over Nlndetl A
Kralla'a hat store, where he will here
after devote all his time ta the Interests
of th new Nebraska National bank.
A cocking main between birds ewnad la
Omaha sad Council Bluffs matched for
tha pulM off at a point two mil aerth
of tha etty Is aaid to hav resulted la
Omaha's favor, and tha Council Bluffs
folks want to gat evea by another match
for double the purse. s
Tha Missouri river Is sew open at Ne
braska city.- At thla point there ie still
eme Ice In the stream, but It la fast
breaking Up and running away.
Dr. It to. alone Is using the columns
of Th Bee to secure a seoond-hand rlfl
and shotgun combined. ,
The Alts Silver Mining eompaar has
been Incorporated by . Mile C. Earl.
Louis C. Beaumont and Jamas B. pattar-
son and tlOO.eM at nominally It a shar
are te he floated.
Twenty Years Aaa
V. 1 aaow, postmaster at Benson, was
Imaosad upon by a etraiure yeanc men
wha sold him a pony for fit, wnkch pony
later proved to have beta stolen tram
an Omaha ana. .
Bishop Bcanntl Bulled hie tentea set
ter, making this statement: "Our holy
father, tha pop, by a aSeree dated Jan
uary It, ust, empower all ordlBertee la
places In which the disease called
fluense prevails to dispense the faithful
undr thalr Jurudletloa from the laws ef
fasti n and abstinence.
C B. Schmidt, who represents the
Lombard Investment company la Ger
many, ha lust returned from a year's
sejoura In that country, and new la
Omaha, tha suaat ef Ma aoa-la-law,
Oeorge B. Taeehnck, Of The Be.
Byrea Clark. A. B. Todd and F. kt
Rlehey ef Plattaroeuth are at the Pas-
One thousand Omaha peeel attended
a mass meeting at th Oread Opera
house, where speakers set fertn th sd-
vantages that would accrue te this etty
by bavins held hr th Methodist gen
eral eeafcrmca, which would bring hun
dred ef delegatae ta ths city. Charles
P. Waller was chairman at the meeting.
and among tha epakrs wre Merer
mis. Rev. Dr. Merrill, BlsboS) New
man, Henry D. Katabro, Rev. Dr. Har
she, John M. Tharatoa, Norman Kuhn.
Rv. r. W. Feetar, Rev, Mr. Turk! and
Kv. W. K. Bam - , r
Elmer Frank's many frfends Were -light
to knew thai h was laiwnrartag
from a sever attack ef arystpalaa
Wilbur M. Klbeura, S)-month-oM sea
ef.Slr.'aniliira. W. Tt. Bhuriw lei at
tho i asa rwaty-1th and' rlamlKov
streets , ,
Tew Years Ago . ,-' '''
Asraham Bluiuenthal was held up la bis
grooery tare, ,M Ltsvenwerth atrsat,
at I e'oleck fn the evening by two maalted
men. On stuck a pistol elaas ta hi fa,
while the ether took M eat ef hla pock
et. . '.'
Joha Bsdall bald bs would make a
attempt te rtlnetate himself as ehlt ef
the Omaha fire department; that a
wauld net appeal gram the Asetslen ef
the Or and polio .board, but would
bring suit for salary elsimed to be Sue
Anmuneeoient was saade that Nelaaa,
Morris Co., Chlcage packara, had de
cided esatabtlsa a dlatnbullns head
quarter in, Omaha, wkr .they bad long
been purehasars ef live stork.
' At a meeting of th Omaha Produce
solians It was decided te establish s
call beard ta Omaha, and a room wa se
eurad In David Cola's new; building at B
South Eleventh street. .
Dr. Coffman. city phyalotan. acting
through the Board ef Health, caused Ba
ilee te be Issued to the effeat that ail
parsons refusing aacoeaaful vaccination
and thereafter contracting smallpox must
net expect any assist from th etty
ether than Quarantine,
A very pleasant affair ace in tad at th
Dreut hotel In th evening, wbaa guest
aurprlsa Mr. Vnd Mr, rardyee la thdr
apartmmt wfth a masked party.
Judge and Mrs. Vlnaonhalar, Mr. and
Mrs. Will Radtek snd . Mr. and Mrs,
Charlee J. Oreeew war the suastS of Mr.
and Mrs, J. II. Butler at dinner at tnelr
Kountai place- bema, . . - , . .
Well, weU welll If th water
works 1 going to net ths city $175,
$00 a year1 ovwr aad above running
expense and 'interest charges, what
has ths Water board beea haggling
about all this time to get away from
paying the purchase prtos fixed by
tbo appraisers! and demaaded by the
water company?
ate oomkifttee on lnteroceanic cabals,
safe, no doubt, out aot far advanced
toward a definite legal status.-.
' Several theories as to canal tolls
have beea advanced. One la that the
tolls should be equal to the ship of
all countries, tbo I'nited Staieev en
joying no advantage over any other.
It 1 argued that we are not expecting
to reap' the largest benefits of the
canal roin the toils. : Joha Barrett,
director general of the Paa-Amer-ic&a
"oniga k&f ago took ar firm
Either public service franchises la
Omaha are la great demand, oa the
people who speculate la such
franchisee think Omaha is easy pick
ing. Perhaps the object lesson fur
nished by the last franchise voted
away tho Independent telephone
franchise Wad color to the second
alternative. i -
Tartatlswa la Sarta Hat.
Mew Tork un.. .
With a "cocked bat" and a "hat In the
ring" figuring pleasantly ra contemporary
poiitlca. It kt aot a seed time to brio
oat the "graodls Uvar e haf ot the Bat
castoalgn? v ;
Iatewdawlsul Aaw Weed.
BL Louts Republic ,
Chief Justice White has once more
mad good as of bta tarortt word
"JustlcMbl," wfctck mas h maieea bow
te a large partlaa at th American lay
republle la th Suuxlard OU rtUa.
People Talked About
The snlnal eoluma ef winter may a
lightly damaged by or or weak, sot Its
hat la still in ths ring. - ' -
The Charltlee asaodaUea of New Tor
produce figures te'ehow that th cost
at tab! iooda la that city roes per
cent during 1S1L Contribution to the
charity fund did aot follow the He.
A bill to llcaase eats, mothered by a
Boston woman, baa baea Introduce ta
th Masmchaaetts leglstatura. Any meal
or bringiua cats within renga of gov.
emmant .regulatloa wOi fill a long-felt
ro!low1iKVa ceurtahia. at .thirty years,
during which time the brtdesrroom called
oa the brtd twice a week, with the ea
orptloa of oa month, whea he bad ty
pnaid teVer. James K Startevaat at laat
-popped"' th ooealloa U Mlae Ana
Karla. and they, were married la NoMaa
vtu. Ind.. recently.
Mlaa Mary Wood f th Braoklya aavy
yard, ruU th patteras for all tha flags
mad there, She has bees asaking flags
fr th govarnmant tor mora thaa thirty
rears. . Bsaidaa Miss Weeds there are
twents-ala women emsioyad , lq th
BroakJyn wavy yard making flags, at the
rat of hUKS each fear. A mod ten ahlp'i
outfit coBswts at shoot 9 faura, . .
lieutenant Oeversor Boaert Lace ef
laasaacbuaetta, wb has baea arged te
broom the rtvebttcaa eandMat for ge.
eraor. hah laenad a stiiamant ta which
he says that "naiieaal sjeiin as com
plicate theags that tha wfce eowfs I
not akery he ea evident asM afier tha
delasate to tha aaUsaal eewveatiaaa
hav seen chaeia peeel biy aat aata after
th eoavenUeas have beea held.'
Army SaaJtary laaaeellaa.
The recommendation has beea made to
the anrgeea esneral eg the army tor the
repeal of the law whkh now prohlbiu a
division comma tram ordering his
aanitary Inspect or t mat. Inspections.
Including travel, except by euthortty of
th aenrctary ef war ta each ease. Th
ilrt Ins nrshibltlon a) rasardal by medi
cal o If leers as a serious Interference with
tfectlv work aad as defeating soma
worthy objects which tt kt desirable to at
tar mean of th obeervettoB ana re
port ot thee ealtsry aupactors. It is
pointed out that the law waa aaa nan to
be asasratety ignore during th Spanlsh
a manes war aad that would he the
attuatlea la any ether war. tinder sue
circumstances It to eoesraerea eminently
desirable to har repealed a statute which
Is nothing more thaa aa Interference with
the deveiopawnt ef military eanitatioa.
Dedaetlaa af Army ray.
Aa Innovation la the pay ef the army
will ondoubtedly be adoptad by congress
la the fern of a provision, now In th
army approarlaUoa bill, providing that
hereafter as Dart of the approprlanoa ror
the pay of offhwrs and enlisted man shall
be paid to any officer or enlistee man in
active service for any period of tlm lost
by him oa account ot dlaeases which ar
th result of hie own Intemperate use ot
drugs, alcobolkj liquor, or other mis
conduct. Thla clause has' been Inserted
st th tarn ret request of th surgeon
seaeral of th army and waa recom
mended by th secretary ot war la bis
annual report. It I expected that th re
sults will be most benetlcuU. It has been
ascertained that had thla authority te
deduct from pay beea In exletanc during
MM there would have been at least a
reduetloa of SHI.TM, counting the lowest
pay received by enlisted men. This to aa
indication of th amount of time which
hi lost for reasons which It Is new pro
posed t discourage.
Army Sar-ewas' Aatherlty.
Reports from th chief surgeons of the
army divisions ar being received by the
surgeon general of the army. Among
them is on which points out the wire
slty that th medical department should
exarclss command ever the patients of
the officer class. Recently a esse arose
wherein sa offloer patient took hla case
out of th hands of the local military
and medical authority and placed himself
In the car ef a civilian phyelctaa. He
thea made Complaint against the medical
officer for malpractice. Tha matter waa
Investigated by a general Inspector. The
failure oa the part ot all tha parties
concerned to appreciate their official re
latione to each ether and th service wss
as glaring that a room mends tion was
mads for the amendment of paragraph
10 of the army regulations by Insert
ing a clause giving ths medical depart
ment control of an officers and mea on
duty. Th recommendstioa was hit based
oa this single caaa, hut on, mapy such
which have occurred front tlm to time
Th recommendation was' strongly ap
proved by Intermediate authority, but was
returned from the War department with
the information that the reguiatlon'would
not new be changed. ' , "
Military Aerwalae Ordered, 'it
t Th chief algnal officer ct the army
has placed orders for four Wright and
on Burseee-Curtls aeroplajiee, and it Is
expected-, that the machines WlH -be de
livered In about ninety days. " Three of
the Wright machines snff-nnv Burgess
Curtis machine must -be' capable- of de
veloping a speed of at! least' forty-five
miles aa hour In the air. The other
Wiiglit machine orOerea - mtnrrms a
spaed ef at least Six ty-flv-miles aa hour.
The ether requlreenant that must b met
by thee weight-carrying; aeroplanes fol
low, "It must carry two person with
th seats so arranged as te -permit at
th largest poMMe Held of oeearvatloa
(or both. The control mast be capable
ef-use by either operator - from itbr
aaat, Th mac bin rauat be able to
ascend l a minimum rat of-1.00 feet
ta ten mlsutcs while carrying a weight
of 4St pounds, and th fuel sifpaly suffi
cient for at toast four hears ot rAitlnu
eua flight It must ha easily Iransport
able by road, rail, etc, and easily and
rastdty essnugiled aad adjusted. Tha
starting and landing device-1 (trust be
part ef the machine Itself and must be
able te etart without eutsMe aaslstanos.
The aaaias must be capable ef throttling
te rwa at reduced opera. The engine wtu
he subject to aa endurance, test la the air
ef two hear oonUauoas night -The aaa
shlae must be emMc of landing oa aad
arising from plowed fields. The support
big sarfaoas must ho at suf Sclent area te
tneur a sate gild lag angle la- ease th
engme stepa Thla will be determined by
a test during oalm atmoipbert condt
tteaa, At aa altitod of 1,M feet th
en gin win be entirely' cut off aad a
glide made t the ground. The borlseatal
distance btwaa peetuoa of cut-act and
kvadlas must be at toast taw ret. or at
ether altitude of the same ratio. In esse
tha welght-carrvlag capacity la loareaeed
t M pound the minimum eased may be
reduced te thirty-eight miles per hour
and th eltmbtna power diminished te
La feet la tea minutea." ,
"Too know," aald the mtri later, "that
money la man's wonrt enemy?"
"Well." replied the man. thoughtfully,
"I sunnoae that la Why some Deooie like
him for th enemies he has mad."
Yonaers Statesman.
Why do you consider a republic the
only permanent form of government
...m4 am rliin fStieen.
"Berau." rplll th other, "it's the
only form teat permit you to cnang an
lta leaders and all Its governmental in
stitution! without changing lta name."
Washington star.
"Do yoa believe In the principle ot the
recall for Judge. Weary?" asked Dusty
Hobo, as ha and Weary Waggle met en
route for warmer dimes. .
"No. I oon t, " growiea ".mr-.
Judge I waa up befor recalled that I U
been up before him five time before that,
and gimme six moot's eslra for it.
uarper a n-ccij. ). - -
"Ie she aaexpert eteBOsTaphetT'- - V
"Well, no. But she' a exeort as ec
could expect a girl cf her beauty to be.
Cleveland Plain Dealer,
Nan-Tou and Lht Jipes are getting ta
be great friend. , - - --
Fan Tea: we ve found out that we bate
tha nam people. Chicago Tribune. -
.- T uiui. i Ji . win -" - n -
tornay and the lawyer for tbo decens In
that CSS ooia . waofcH Mia Ju"
the aa. thing."
How waa that?" - . - , - .
"The prosecuting attorney wanted the
prisoner hung and hla own lawyar wanted
a suspended sentence." Baltimore Amer
ican. .' ' .
.-,71 .,.1, "
- 4;i
brings delight
whea me biscuits
have beenmade wi
vf iawawl
- '
..r JUL
(( (IIIS s
A pure,Cream of Tartar
, Baking Po wa e r
Made from Grap es
Good Opportunity for
Investment In Substantial
'.' Home Industry
The backbone af winter is broken la two.
The It ea the river Is fractured clean
thro. -Ths
gar little creek to beginning to run
Aad th eld epacklad hea spreads her
wings In tha sua, ,
The backbone ef winter le still in its
Per the east wind H raw and the anew
sttnr my face;
Th hot air from the furnace fed good
i to the soul.
And father has Ordered a freak toa of
coal. . .
Th beck ben ef Water has bad a relapse.
This time th die may prove fatal
Thd cneia s near and the end win be
Per hie morning that eld speckled hea
sang a tuna.
The tortboae af winter to dotng ene
The aerth wind to cold snd a foot ef
Ten yea what.' M Issue prtsg has a bard
Job to tackle.
But she'll tackle It soon, far I heard that
j haa cackle.
The backbone 'of winter to fractured
astua. '
Wbo tetd m-' Why sura, 'twae that M
rpeekled hen:
I knew Missus Spring bss stored aesrer
ror Thttoii aoecklet ban. just today,
hud a egg.
The barkfxiaM'ef water to sere aalghty
Aad owet 'of he aflmeats are only a
. btun. - I
But when ben lay eoeegh eggs t pay
tor thetr fSed. I
Then w II kasee wtwtefi hackaoae to
aroaea tadeed. i
'3!hi densect; toilkf md Canning 'i.
ractdry that I am :wfotig"$i toyfc-;
lion, Nebraska, U rapidly neartng opm
. pletion," arid I ani now offering a lira
ited amount of Waterloo Creamery; ...
Co. preferred itock at $100 per share,
drawing interest at the rate of . , '
7 Per Cent Pei- Annum
We wiil guarantee to convert all
onUtanding stock Into oaeh at the end
of three years. - V . , , '
. This investment is bound to be prof,
itable for the investor and will result ;
in great benefit to the milk Industry
in Douglas, Sarpy and Washington
counties. r This is the first "Evapo- .
rated Milk" factory in the state of
Nebraska, Ouf brand will be the "Elk '
horn Evaporated Milk."
If you are Interested tend for list of
men who have already subscribed and
such other information as you may
desire. . ,
Reference, - First National Bank, '
Omaha.- ,.f ' t
J: Waterloo Creamery Co.,; ;
, Omaha, Neb.
. You are cordially invited to aspect ; ,
' this plant at any time.
Papillion Interurbaa line terminal
' ir
wjl !"t .'-
imar aw ilaaul suuek
Assets, Jaaaary a, lata ....a...w.rWlM
Raaerve Fawd Jaaaary U " .
tccaritk. with Stat Deaawtaneat Jaaasry 1. IBIS - a4l.100.Ov
a Bieeie Oar taswjaaas Cstoale- -
Rat per thousand, age S3 (otiaev ages ha soprtsa). $8.75.
HortaUt Coat par f 1.000 laawaae Meaa A mow at, Yeas 1S11, $3.10.
Dcooaltory BaaAs Apootatcd, Baa. -
rd as Calif or , IsSlaaa, lews. T seae, toesesiia. ebraeta. Berth
boox w aaooma.
Hcse Office: Bracdcis Bcildinl,
i Tehphoas Doaglss 7021.