Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 28, 1912, Page 14, Image 14

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discrimination is gharged mmmmmmmmm
JTebraik Clothinj Co. Syi it Payi
- JCore for Light Tku Others.
that the Cess-
I Charge
to TH-
erne Firms Seawlle. ,
AUatiea is 11
. newr Hue a Dtffeeewt
dint the Kenrsaka
Clothing company ia the natter et dee
trio earnnt ntM 1 alleged against the
Omaha Eeetrle Light and Power com
pany 7 ths clothing eoncarn la a law
suit to reoorer E.9C9, filed In diatrk court
yesterday afternoon by' John C Cewln
and Istdor Zelgler, attorneys for tha
cloth ton. Tfaa petition further allaf as that
tha Mgnt company haa admitted soma dts
ertmlnation, but haa refusal ta permit
export accountants to so srar Its book
to dstaradiM ta Just what extent tha dls
cxlmiisuioa haa been carried. Mr. Zetglr
said a motion to require tha defendant
to permit expert to so over tha book
will ka filed.
- Similar suit against tha electric com
pany ara azpaotad to bo filed br other
Omaha merchant and Anna, Tha salt
started sad thoaa expected result from
tho ncthrltlss of aa ax pert aiaetrldaii
named Ooldschmidt, who eame to Omaha
several months ago sad secured employ
ment with tho Kabraaka Clothing com
pany and other Ha said with hie naow
ledge of tho aleetrle bghttng buelness and
rates ha could go over their current MUe
and save them money. The allegations
that tha company haa sot maintained
aatfsrm rates ara based upon Information
seeored br Oeldschmidt while coins orer
btlla for several oustomers of tho electric
Tha petition alleges that in tho last
Ova rears ths plaintiff has paid tha ee
fsisSaat (UJsOJt for current at a rata of
t oanls per kiUewett hour for the first
10S kilowatt hours each month and 4
earns per kilowatt hour for ail la excess
of MM each month. It Is aliased that at
tho same Urns tha company has furnished
enrsaut to competitor of tho pkurtff at
rata a low as I easts per kilowatt hour.
Jt m aliased that current also was fur
nished to merchant not competing with
tho pswtlfl and rata much lower than
that paid br tha plaintiff was charred.
1 Is allseed that tha else trio company
had bo right to dawrtni tests between) the
pislDttff sad Ms aampetitora and no mat
to discriminate m rales between the
plaintiff and aay other dealers, whether
oasapotltors or not vmiess It east tho
lest Tie oompanr mora to fin iilin earrsnt
to the plaintiff.
The petition asserts that tha aleetrle
i oompanr has admitted , dtacrtmlnstloe
tamos April, mi. but haa refused to 1st
) expert accountants fa ewer tho books to
vesxty or dlaprora this statement.
Mr. abactor sard the oompanr offered
la tot Harris Levy, bead at ths Nebraska
gesiir, at sny other repreaantattra of
ths amnttft axoapt an expert accountant.
i tasaeet Its books.
Ccmmercial Club to .
Buy Kitchen Utensils
ntomm equipment la the now quarter
In the Woodmen of tho World building
Is a live sublet with the Commercial
club executive committee just now and
a special oemmitieo was appointed,
with Chairmen Diet of tho house com
mittee as a member, to decide what Is
seeded ta ths kitchen, which Is to have
facilities for feeding to 1 persona
A committee Is to bo appointed soon to
datde oa detail of furotsblnas for the
stub rooms.
It was decided to grve a lunoherm for
pew members early In March. Thirty,
five were added to tho mombersblp roU
Ths iutabsrhh committee rerom.
mended the publication of a weekly news
bulletin for member, a special com
mittee to report on tost, sic, will be sp-polntsd.
Show the Cleverest Hew De-
signs and Greater Varieties in
Spring Suits -8
70S. WOMEN '
The season's ' favorites are
here and they are moderately
priced. .
Here are 1912 models in serges,
whipcords, worsteds and nov
elty cloths the new cut
through hipless and demi-em-pire
effects; also C1Q
plain tailored at.
The New Serge - Dresses for
Spring. Newest and most pop
ular garments for this season;
iM O J 4 1
pretty lauoreu rniu triuiiiieu
effects, in navy, tan, Clfl TTl
hlack or white, at:
The New Tailored Shirts fir Women, 98c
, New French Collar and. cuff effects mannish
styles now so popular new wash materials. ' t
The Eest of Our Heavy Winter Cloaks Must Go..
Odd garments, including choice of a big lot of mixture
and chinchilla coats, worth . CA CIA
' up to $25, -aU...... .M.iJU-tJlU
Odd garments and odd sizes in Womens Heavy Winter
Cl(-aks--worthnp to $10.00-; '$398
Fresh, Crisp New Lots on Bargain Squares ; ;
V IV. ' ' ' '
Spedally Priced for Wednesday : ,
18-inch fine embroidered flpuncings, corset coverings;
also wide insertions'and galloons; all choice, new de--
signs, in sheer Swiss, nainsook and V V ' 'f
' cambric fabrics, many worth 50o yard, nt yd.. . aWUC
Thousands of yards medium and-wide embroidery edg
ings, insertions and beadingsf-all kinds up to 8 inches
wide, worth up to 20o yard, at, yard ....... '. 9c
Wealthy Farmer
Shoots Himself
1. H. Qutan, seed year. wealthy
farmer Urlnf near EUthora, killed him
self shout T yesterday morale at hi
ome br ahostlmj himself In ths head
with a ttcallbsr rid. DeepoDdency erer
in health Is mpoeed to have asused
Qotoe to Uks bis Ufa. Ma Is survived br
bis widow, three eooa and two daus Mara
Qalaa was one at tha beat known men
around Elshora and had been a farmer
ta that district for several rears, lie had
accumulated a lsrgs fortune. Two months
aav be wsa taken sick and baa been Ul
ever twos. He arose, felUns wore tt
usual and went Into the woodshed, whore
he took a rifle from Its pec and after
load la it pointed K under his chin and
putted th Irttur. lis died s few mtauto
mtT. Coroner Crosby took char- ef the
body and held an mqaest yesterday afler.
t Xlkbera.
r - y--'Jsarr m - - wj -
KotwUhrtaadlBC th previous announce
ment that they would w It till all nines
were la, the executive committee of th
Cl Usees union, haa decided that begin-
nln March 1, th union will take up th
s lectins of candidates tor city snmmls
eonr for endorsement. All names sus
treated, from whatsver source, whether
they heretofore have cox template CI of
or not. win be considered.
- They alas a-iaouace a mass meet: or
t the Auditorium. Uarch X to be al
e-reeked by WlllUm J. Bryan. WSllam T
Oorter and at least one ether apsaksr to
be selected later.
The s-sscuttra sosamtttea of ths l$ar
leacue Mondar ma-ht susseated the foi
lewlnf names of men from wnom will be
chosen five to be backed by tho league In
the eommlaaaaevmhip racr: John A. Rlne,
city sttomey: John K. sisrtla. printer-.
Prsd Pchroeder, oouactl:oaji; A. Kuael.
eewdhnsa: Cbarlea Wlumcll, buildlQC la-
veclnr; C. K. H s. president of the
Central Labor anma, and James Taufh
ton moulder.
These names will be preseated to eeca
ward dak of the Labor tees sad soate
li n a of e-sterstoaT them will be decided
upon kusr.
I A 1 I UlbeaV U.
I I Fast daily train service from Omaha and
I I Council lilufls to tnicago, via the
Chlscno C r::rUi-Vc:t:rn Ry.
II connecting at the latter "point with all
i lines for all points East.
The Vest of LV try thing.
Pullman rlrawinff-room elredinp- cars. COmDOSlte
observatioo. bufiet and library car Booklovers ,
, libraryfree rechninf; chair cars, standard day ,
coaches and supcro aimng cars service a i
carte. 'Ticket sad liU Inionutlos es spelicatioe ts
1 4l aad 1401 Paeeasn Sen
OmaMA, pjCsV,
emmmt let si mtelmmBMBVa
WMOM. eH.urrs, I
Typewriter Merger
Takes Place March 1
The local r.-iniryrton. Swlth Premier
and. Monarch Typewriter com panic will
I Join forte March I la conformance to
tha national combination of the three
(-rata. The ladc.jartr will bs th
iiwwwnt Kemlcftoa bradquaners, KB
I":irc.ira s'oet. Tle Smith Premier com
I pf.r. a .',1 wove , from Its place. Klae-
jun and LMURlas streets, and ths
Mm-i rh coiany will movs from II
ioca;ija, VA fcjui.i wiftAi1th street.
TH KetrJtijWa nam wUl erro tor ths
merrer. althouah tho tw other machines
111 eoetlnus to be kaowa under their
present names, w. J. -Plcltsrisc. present
manacer of the Smith Premier Type
writer coutpaer, will be meal saaaaeer of
ths new combination.
Kalttmere mm. otm etoliremd.
mater toara to Florida petsta and
Barana, Cuba, via Wsenlnftoa, l. or
Del timer. Md.
Liberal stoooeera.
Tarmsle Koeie Ticket is nil aad
wmmr. er sll rail, at reduced farce
cad far Kleatratad boealet. - W. A.
presteB. T. P. A, OUcace, or B. . Aus
Va, O. P. A, Cbtaaca.
end Inform them that unless wtthia six
hours tho walks ars clear they will be
arrested. '
' An Ohio youth who has bean roadlns
about cowboys, tombreros and chape, ts
bant upon coming west, and be declares
that be will lay down and nek 'If his
mother does not live him the opportunity
to become a real plainsman.
Deadtnc to hi youthful demands ths
mother has written to the postmaster la
Omaha asalnc for the name of a ranch
man who would tve tho boy employ
ment Her name at Clara. K. Acne, sb
trees at Ottawa, CX. and ana says aba Is
n widow.
City Kaciaecr CraisTis ' experiaDclat
dffnVettttT In havicsT vacant kna cleared
. f ea r. Jroperty earners located by the
twenty men nest wet to meat that walk
ta cleared at', eose have reasoBded
Breevtly. Owtna ta a rultsf br V bnjal
amnmeo4 that the walks front Inf va
cant tou taamot be eesaned by tb city
and the cent taxed pM the saner, as
effort ht seme mil to meats all earner j
A Pertons Breakdown
result from chroale constipation. Dr.
Knar's New Lite Pills resve headache.
stems rn. Iver and bowel trouble So.
Par saie by Beaton Drue Co.
Dainty Noon-Day Loncheons Served
. . at Our Soda Fountain.
Wednesday y Red Letter Day
Pearly every peraoc around Omaha who believes In (ettlnr Interest on the
monev they spend, ss well ss on ths money they sere, are collectors of 8.
'1L Green Trading 8 lamps And Wednesday Is Ked Letter Dsy with
If) S. &H. Green Trading Stamp FREE to every
Vn-er W)n Cnn ( tk Ston WaelAer Koo BuyurNot.
your pertly
filled booka and get one set or TC.N STAMPS
FREE. If you bsopen to bs a new customer,
or bare no partly filled books, we will
give you a new book and start It with 2 free
Ktampa. Remember, YOU MUST BRING YOUK
BOOKS if you to secure these FREK
STAMPS unless you ara a new customer or have
no partly filled boo.'ts. You are also at liberty
to start nsw booka
will be given away in our Millinery
department, second floor', instead or
at the Premium Parlors, balcony,
main floor, as usual. .
We Have Had a Wonderful Corset
f Business Already This Season
tor more women than ever bars come to realize the
advantage of buying their corsets at this store. - Re
sult la there are may broken Unee and. odd lots that
we) think should 1e disposed of at once we never al
o them to accumulate. So. Wednesday, there will be
A Clearance $1.00 and
Up' to $150 Corset atjgZ
There sre models you will want for Spring . street
wear, and good, comfortable models for house use. Med
ium and. high bust styles, with extra long skirts; made
of heavy Jane materials and supplied with strong hose
supporters..' v ;
Not all sixes of each style, but all sizes in the lot,
, And don't forget that the offer ia for Wednesday only,
, Notion Bargains
"or Wednesday "
te cards sickle plsted safety pins In
all alias, Wednesday, I card for So
to spools of iOS yards machine
thread, eitbsr white or black, all
numbers, S spools for .......
lie silk elastic rem nan ta, il colore,
Wednesday , loo
so csrds black or white hooka and
eyes. Wednesdsy, I card for ...So
lo bolts of four yard of finishing
braids, whlis only,. Wednesday, So
lac set of gold plated beauty pins,
Wednesday, I sets for Be
Women'e and children's 15c hoss sup
porters In all colors, Wedneaday,
the pair .........So
Wire hair pine, pspsr is
1 Red Letter Day in .
.the Book Store
Roll lunch paper and 10 st'ps, 10c
2 packages shelf paper and 10
stamps for .lic
100 decorated napkins and 10
stamps for 10c
Bibles at Special Prices
Leather bound, illustrated Bibles,
only ..' oc
Iteather bound. Illustrated and in
dexed Bibles 03c
Red letter, leather bound, teach
er's Bible $1.00-
The same Bible, with index, f 1.69
Bennett's Big Pure Food Store-the Largest in Nebraska
Never Sacrifices Quality for a Low Price. By Compar
ing these Wednesday Specials with Any Others Offered
Elsewhere You Will Also Find that favorable Pricing
Goes With Quality in This Establishment.
itrs for Bed better Bay
A pedal Combination
Package Bennett' Capitol Mincemeat 10c
t'en klvergreen Corn loo
Csn Karly June Peas ...10o
Can Holder's Pork snj Besns .lee
Bottle R C. Lemon or Vanilla Extract .io
With TO Pre stamps, caly .S3
I'ride of Hennett - ..-lb. can Bennett s Cap-
floursneclal Der
sack SIM
Assorted teaa and 10
lani pa. lb. 4Se
Tea sittings and It
stsmpa, lb. loo
Bennett's Cspltol -tract
and 1 atanips,
bottle ISO
1-lb. can Bennett's Csp
ltol baking powder and
JO stampa, can . ...4o
Vsn Camp's spaghetti
and 10 stamp, can ISs
J-lb. roll Jersey buttrr
Ino for sSo
Flower and Tsgetabls
cods of AU Kinds,
pseaage for SMe
I ktrge cans Cottsga
milk and It stamps,
for SSo
t cans BversTsen corn
and It atampa . ...SOc
Itol baking powdsr snd
10 stamps for ...SIAO
I Jar peanut butter and
10 stamps SOS
Oalllard'a olivs oil snd
40 stamps,
Snlder'o chile sauce and
. 10 stampa, bottle ..too
Large can Snlder's pork
and beans and 110
atamps SOS
Msple butter and it
atamps, vsn SSo
Large Jar strawberry or
raspberry Jam and It
stamps for SSo
I cans shrimp and IS
stamps for SSo
Full cream cheese snd
It stamps, lb SSo
Walker'a hot tamales
. snd IS stsmps, can loo
4-lb. pkg. Dewey Cleans
er and Compound, with
3t atamps for Sao
rnurrs and
New black walnuts, peck . .
Fancy cooking apples, peck
Fancy. datea at 3 lbs. lor
Fancy cabbage, pound
Fancy bananas, dozen
. .ic
.. .So
Tbosw famous Redlanda oranges, shipped di
rect to ns from Redlanda, Cal., per dos. 13e
SOc, 25c, 80c and 33c
Shoulder Steak, 3 lbs. . ,25c I Corned Beef, 4 lbs. ..... .25c
Hamburger, 3 lbs. ..... .25c Pot Boast, 8c, Vto
1,(3 i)eO) 'JClllW-
-. it a I 4 f -l- -tliir:i
s '
, t M '
Free Land Information
The Ttrentieth Century Farmer, to meet the demand
'of its readers for land information, has gathered and
compiled data on soils, climate and farming conditions
in all parts of the mntry. It is willing to give out this
information, free, if postage is sent with inquiry.
Do You Want to Know
About government land laws, location of land of
fices, etc
Eow to get irrigation lards, location of projects,
laws governing same, eta
Best sections for fruit growing, general farming,
stock rsising or dairying. j.
Tour questions will get prompt attention.. State-
plainly and specifically what you want to know. , Writey.
Land Information Bureau
The Twentieth Century Farmer
Omaha, Nebraska
Every Day a Dargaln D ay at
Men s Sample
Hats, Soft er
Stiff Felta, an to
$4.00 slnra, at
$1.45 .
Meal's Suits and
Orcrcoar, .
raises to 2L30,
ia two lots at
J7.50 8.50
Bordered Foulards
A big shipment of these beau
tiful new silks Just receired.
' 20 different atylea in the moat
beautiful bordered effects. 1
and 2-tone combinations, 41
Inches wide; oa sale no
at. yard 70C
Tiilcr Scitinjs
A swell line of (0 to -lnch
spring weight saltings. In
the most beautiful . wears,
tana, blues and frays, so nil
rough effects; ao popslar
tbta season ; special'
Wednesday, yard...
Wednesday ia Donejtic Rooa Clotk Seetioi
Women's and Children's Coats
Women's Waists
At prices leas than 'the actual
ralue of materials.
Pretty ftaists north to $1.50
Lawns, lingeries and fancies, all
new styles, in all colors; to Vm
nesday's sale at, jq
choice TaC
Women's Long Coats 200 of
them, in plain colors snd fancy
mixtures, all sixes, values up to
113.50; gs shown In
windows, choice.
Clilldrea's Coats Ught, medium
and winter weighu, all alxes 1
to II years, values up to f?.60;
In one. big lot, at,
' choice .....
Women's Tailored 8ult Values
up to $20.00, in serges and fan
cies, desirable colors and styles
on sale Wednesday
at ".. ,
Choice Lot of Hen's Furnishings
F. L. Smith Stock .
Formerly located In Loyal Hotel Building; now being offered at SOs
on the dollar. Manufacturer'a stock purchases of all klnda of aew
dependable furnishings at bargain prices seldom U ever -equaled
In Omaha. Seo them.
- . t
Hen's Mercerised Pajamas
$2.00 to $3.00 raloes; In two
lots at... 98nd69
Men's Nnslia and- Mercerised
Night Oofrna Values to $2.&0,
in white and colors; on sale
st 69 .! 49k
Men's 91.00 and 1.50 Shirts
la all kinds, choice -19
Mea's $2.00 and 92.S0 Shirts
la all klnda, choice
Mea's Kid Glores Regular $t
ralues, st.l .....49
Mea'a 91.50 Valoa hulls Jersey
ribbed; 'on sale , ,;. .... .'. 754)
Mea's 98.00 Wool t'nloar Halts
.All sises, all alnds;'on sale
Men's 25c and 35c Good Quality
Hone All kinds, all colors, big
assortment for your selection; '
oa sale at ........... .12
High Grade Ulaoh Goods
Voiles, Etamlnes, Ginghams. Foulards, Crepes, Pllsses, Organdies, Ba
tlstos, 811k Mixtures, French Percales, Noreltles,' etc, all opea tor
inspection. Prices range in this department, per yard,
10 12 15 18 25 30 50 59 75
Domestic Room
Specials ,
Ons cue of Fruit of ths Loom,
ysrd wide THS
On. case of Lonsdale Mualln, yard
wlds - THs
One ease of Blackstono half
Ons rass of -4 Lock wood,
b learned, at SOo
One ci ss of 25c Scotch Gingham.
IS liihes wide ...ISS
One te of $1.0 Bedspread see
One case of 72x90 Sheet, worth
tic, st ..astio
One rare of 12 e Pillow Slips lOe
One case of 19c Hemstitched Oer
- man Towels, a long aa they last
at . .10s
One esse of Lancester Apron
Olnxnaraa, regular price 7 He, at,
yard Se
Towels ma, so, THo, He, loo
snd : .tSs
New Spring Whits
Goods IVedniidiy
Pure Linen Ramie Cloth,
Inches wide, all colors, worth
$1.00 a yard ....'...,.504
Fine Sheer White Persian Lawn
worth $0c a yard . ..'.25c
Wide Wales . Bedford Cords,
for skirting, worth 60c yd.,
at't ' 39
Fine Sheer French - Lawns,
worth 60c, yard J5
Soft finished Princess Nain
sooks, worth 20c yd.. .JJ?
Fine Victoria Lawns, worth 19e
nyard .. ...15
Tou Save from 25;i to 60 by Trading at Hayden'.' ,
41 lb. sack beat high grade Diamond
H family Flour, nothing like It. st.
per sack ll
1 bars Beat-'Em-All or Diamond C
fcoap lie
Macaroni, made In Omaha, pkg.. .7.
S I be good Japan Rice, 19 eoalltr
for Isc
4 lbs. fancy Japan Head Rice, IZhkc
quality ....!e
lt-eunce cana Condensed alllk..e
Oil er Mustard Sardines, can . . . . 1 c
T lbs. beit Bulk Laundry Starch lie
5 lba. White or Tellow Cornmeal lto
lba bulk Breekfaat Oatmeal lo
it-ounce bottle Bismarck Apple But
ter lie
Largs bottles Assorted Pickles, purs
Tomsto Catsup or Worcester Sauce,
Vttle - : te
McLaren's Peanut Butter, lb... ..lie
guart bottles Canadian Maple Sugar
Kyrup . ......dO
Pint bottles Canadian Maple Sugar
Syrup HSo
Th best Soda or Orator Crackers, per
lb. Ilo
Ths best Crisp Protsels. lb.
The beet crisp Dinger "nope, lb..'.. to
I-lb. pkg. Seir-Rlsing Pancake er
Buckwheat Flour ....110
tsast Foam, pag- o
See tae Veaatial gamonsnstlon eg
Avo Jellr- We are giving away beau
tiful aluminum moulds free all this
at sTlgnlaai aTawl Orangsa
The healthiest fruit grown' snd
recommended by all doctors this time
of the year. A -greet Moo purifier.
Wednesday, do. las, aOs, as aad ao.
las erreatest Vegetable Karket a
Old Bosta, Carrot. Parsnips er Tur
nips, lb. ....IHo
rreah Cabbage, lb .......Jo
Fancy Wax or Oreen Beana, ik...2c
Fancy Hothouse Mushrooms, lb. box
for .4te
Fancy Ripe Tomatoes. In.
Fresh Spinach, peck Jte
rreah' Bosta, Carrots or Tumlna, per
bunch .......:...'... ...... ,4c
Freeh Shaleta, bunch 7Hc
Freeh Brusaet Sprouts, lb. . -, . . 1 ic
Rutaoagaa. Turnips, lb. .. .....!(,
1 heada Fresh Leaf Lettuce tc
t bunches fresh Radishes ic
Fancy Cauliflower, lb, 1ic
Fancy Cooking Apple, perk tte
Sans Vp le res- aVaset
Onr prieee the same the beet Cream
ery Butter, carton or hula. lb.... see
Try HAYDEN'S First
Kratest equipped aentnl efTlee m
Omaha. Highest-grade dealstT-y t
lessenahle once. Poreelala tllhnas.
just like the loots. AH hutramenu
rsretallr sterilised after each epsra
Uon. . .
I aaw rsrun ta-
Dest Sport Raws in Tbe Bee