Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 28, 1912, Page 13, Image 13

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All Judges Look Alike After a Tea-Dollar Fine
Copyright WA National News Aun-
By Tad
trtJlZL TCt'
T3V05evOHT BE"
veuTva puce
' 030 VE3 . ) 0 3V- )
(twOTCMA i vM STMHiHi- I unrCAlf' ruiwr- I wtu m. I ' - - ANfc- ' .
TTW SS- TY l isi - : sp,: Y.
v l-saw J- 'ssr In . - ev jssi rfml ,
i , hi 'i ! i i , I , , N , , i iii &.
v I esewsmn. -m y rn -Ajtrrt - I iff w
II I Bse f rm j-y y r ' " " wv. -r o ice u
II! I tt iif ji j rr I . wt tvf wt wAve i
; Motherhood Not a Noble Calling
Unless, the Wife is Fit for It
'From Urn Immemorial all wall-meaning
people have spoken with treat
(deration of tha mothar. '
To b a mother la supposed to ba tha
greatest honor which can ba conferred
upon woman, and
her greatest
achievement. - a
.When motherhood
cnanea throush tha
f of a woman
fot a man, and tha
oratra to brlnr hli
children Into iet-.
enca. It certainly
1 la tha most magnifi
cent and holy caJK
tn of womanklnO.
Hut unlaat a wo
man flta herself
to glva tha child tha
right moral and
, Bhyalcal and iplrlt-
luaj tralninf, thea
motherhood ccaaea
to. ba beautiful' or
holy. (. . . t.
tha per eon who purchased a prlcaleaa
ten aa (real-coat, and than flunr tha
(em In a mud ben ar ered It with a
heinmer, would not merit reaped becauee
lie- owned the Jewel
.Preclaelr ao with tha mother who brtnfe
4, child Into tha world and thea learee
tf to acoulra eldoua hablta, or to trow
u without decent mannera, or to ba Is
oorant. or baeoma aa Invalid bacauae
It haa not bean taught how .to breatha.
hew to eat and drink, how to aland and
alt and walk, and ho to think. Iha
yt no right to our reepect becauaa ah
merehr produced a child. '
A long latter from a woman who waa
born of awn a mothar taa come ta ma
Tha mother of thle woman bellartd no
marriage bond could ba eevered aava
by; death, and though aha married maa
who mlauaad and ahuaed her. and who
deatrajred bar lore and raspect before
child waa born, aha continued to live
with aim until ten' unfortunate belnga
cama Into tha world. Born from brute
force, not from love, and tha weak
mother poaeaatng no knowledge that
enabled ber to give bee effeprlng a rlh
atari la Ufa, not deal ring children, what
could ba axneetedr Here la what one at
tbd anfartnnatea aaya:
"Now, It aeema to ma there la far too
much allly talk asoot people boaorlng
their parents, A few day ago I road, la
a newepaper. 'Jlimor your mother. Honor
ber for tha alma aha want down nearly to
death for yen.' But would It not be wlee
always ta onaMar what aha did that
for? - - -
"In bundrada at caeca it la not for lev
of husband or child, but Just cowardice,
and tha aid-fashioned Idea of staying
by a man because ha la called a has band.
Although tha courts of afaasachuseS.i
have declared bar legally dead. Miss
Mabel E. Allen, a nurse and housekeeper
la the home of a prominent Brooklyn law
yer, will mitltute salt 1n - MassaehuaetU
ta ceuoeet aa estate valued at more than
iUm. It la m the form of a truifc fund
on depoaK ta a Boston bank- The estate
U) Vert of a claim paid to Ulsa Allen's
great-grandfather, a wealthy ship owner,
by tha French government aa Indemnity
for v easels seized by French pirates dur
ing the war of 1M1. '
Mlaa Allen baa been employed in tha
heme of Frederick P. BeUaany. at No. 36
Henry avreet, Breoklya. for mora than a
year. A letter carrier who stopped there
very day called her attention to a de
apatca ta a Brooklyn newspaper la which
H waa stated that Miss Ma bet E. Allen
had been dedared4tead by Boston courts.
. Under the Massachusetts law a person
missing foaraeea years may be assumed
ta ba dead Tha same dispatch announced
tha Intention of relatives of the "de
ceased" ta apply for a dlsTrntutleu ef'her
la Mtas ADen's behalf Mr. Bellamy
caused a aaspensVia of. the dietrlknttoa
Proceedings. Ha has learned that Miss
Alien is a (reat-gTanddaughter of Captain
Joaatbaa Merry., a Boston ship swsar.
waa U months' eld when her mother
died. Miss Allen asserted. Har claim to
the aetata Is substantiated by depositions
nmda by several persons who knew her
when aha waa a chad and whom aha has
aiet la various dues la which she haa
Bred, Among these are Prof. Cyrus
Northrup, formerly of Tale, but now
prealdeat emeritus jof tha University .at
WteOnstn. Her separation from relatives
foaowed Immediately after the death of
her mother, Mlaa Allen declared, and for
thee reesc she knew nothing of the trust
anm.eaasiw.Tcra HsralvV
That you may have some Information
so that yon may write artlclea with
authority, -I -win cite case In which
the maa waa mora brute than anything
alas, '
'That foolish wlfa kept on living with
him until there war ten children.
"Ha hated them before they were born.
Ha bated them after. Ha mads their
Uvea so wretched with hla cruelty that
they were obliged to work tor strangers
all tha -Way from to IS years of ate. :
" "Strangers got all the harod work out
of them they could. Tbelr physical wel
fare waa entirely overlooked. Then-
moral natures were forgotten entirely.
"Have these things voiced through
your far-reaahlnc articles. Tou've prob
ably been asked to publish such things
before, but L too, must make a strong
appeal, for I have suffered an my life
through criminal ignorance and waak-
aaas of my parents. ....... .
"Far better had my mother refused to
Hva with: my brutsat a father."
Tha day. will come .when tha national
school for parents will be a part of eur
governmental IneUtuttona,
Already much, la being dona which
promised better things for tha future.
Thers arc women's chiaa all over the
United Btatee srtiloh hard branch organ-
Isathma knows' aa Mothers dube.
In these clubs every toplo which caa
'broaden and better woman's view of
motherhood Is studied-and discussed.
Tha crying need of the hour la
similar organisation among men to ba
called "Tha Fathers' club."
Ttojnen. are . beginning . to understand
and appreciate the responsibility of
motherhood, but they cannot carry out
then Ideala unless the fathers of tbelr
ahlldren share them to soma extant
HWlStTtOWii IH IFN AtLYtxVNg OP ALt I ... . a,VT n.nun u lunirJl
dMOtUtf.,svn av4UDpK gus SAT AT THfc I"'" s-rve
" V"enrw..,,,,. - , , tllll AMI TUlT MH
foweo net a hove. r&&rt mms runts Ancrtvd
Bird ilAN c WOULD SB . I ' e i
NowpocToeifTMexmTmouli nan has ncAPep.
l)P VilTH-me NAPX.NS
I'M W0rrr6 0ed A '
FftOtA Mt IT t A
TALK is cnep, our rne ttrsx
we Giv? rue Less tvevAve
re rfc:c aAcab.
laUf AaJfa. Le I " W " -w -
I cumb &jt o- rxc
io jgiUARtZ AT 4
A-M irsOV8rNS0MC
emrnct vsa;h
ooweW oecttj tiu-7.
ta y. for
fc!jeacei uiekil tjiuicjl I UCC
-, . r,nr, irFVWT
A-AOUMfi JOMffc UtNUlj
WAJrJ OKNtn, 00 A
umt tArMTirir-
THT tve-a-yj
The First Sea Fight
It la generally banevad by alt 7oung
men today that tha yeung girl who has
high Ideala of motherhood, and whs oaree
mors ta sblas ss a wlfa and mothar than
to shins socially ar Intellectually, to tha
desirable girl to seek. Every yasag sua
baa Ideala for his ahlldren.
But bow can any young man bops ta
see hla wlfa tha mothar el Meal, healthy
children If he sows his "wild oats" up
ta tha hour of his marriage and bestows
upon hla children heritage of blood
Ipolaoned by disease, narcotics sad drugs T
Bvery man's dub In 'America ought
ta have branoh fathers' dub, and lead
ing payatclals and staaatlfla man of tha
land should leoturs once a month sa
"ex Ilyglese."
A prominent physician bss said:
"People arc I Detracted la tha dangers
of the great white plagua, Bvery pre
caution is made ta protect cur papu
lation against the tearful ravages of yel
low fever, smallpox and tueerouloata, yet
nothing la dona to warn or protect our
young people against the great black J
plague, tha awful scourge which runt
rampant In tha fields where young, mid.
die aged and old man sow their wild
Statistics state that I.0O0.0CO men and
women arc suffering from this Mack
plagua In the United Plates today.
surely wa need a fathers' club, and
tha plain facta told to our sons, husbande
and fathers by our mothers' clubs will
be able to make a success of the art of
motherhood. Copyright, 112, by American
Journal Kra miner. ,
Febraarr . B. C. 04.
. The. first, naval battle of which wc
have any record took place, according
to the beat reckoning, about this, data
litt years ago B. C. an between Cor
cyra tnow Corfu)
and Corinth. About
the hattie Itself
wo know very -little,
ascent that
It was won by tha
Corcyreana; but It
la sate ta say that
no ether battle
ever fought sa
land or sea haa
boon attended by
auch tor-reaching
Corey ra. origin
ally a colony of
Corinth, could not. It seems, get along
very well with the mother city, and one
thing lad to another until finally they
had It out In tha pioneer sea fight of
Cans Actlum.
Corinth naturally felt pretty sore over
tha disgrace of being licked by one of
her colonies, and, "galh'rlng her browa
Ilka galh'rlng atorm. nursing her wrath
ta keep It warm," aha waited to get even.
It wae a long wait-OI year before her
time came to get bank at Corcyra.
About an B. C. Ins Corvyraans. having
a dispute " with" Corinth, appealed to
Athena for aeeletsuce. Athena heard tha
appeal favorably, and that gave Corinth
the opportunity ehe had long been looking
for, and aha made the must of It. Obtain
ing a ertnellng of the PeloponneaUui con
federacy at 'parts, the Corinthians' dis
patched thereto their envoys, who com
plained moat vehemently and bitterly of
the conduct of tha Athenians with reanrd
to Corcyra and Folldea. Tha result waa
Just what Corinth booed for a declara
tion of war by the confederacy against
Athena. '
The Right Road to Health
Facial Exercises
Tha old hate, born of that first sea'
fight HI years years before, was bearing.
Ita fruit In tha. shape of the famous
Peloponnaalan war. which was to leaf
for twenty-seven years and to work tha
harm lo the higher human. Interests
which time should never be able to undo.
Hera arc soma of tha things for which
tha Peloponnesisn war la responsible,
It divided tha Oreeka, and thua mads It
possible for them to ba overrun, later en,
by Maosdon and Rome.
It destroyed the Athenian empire,1 the
grealaat agent of progressive civilisation
that, tha world has ever known. ' ,
It arrested, la a word, tha great human
advance In art, science, - eloqueeoe sad'
song, which bad only Just fairly started,
under tha administration of Pericles. at
Athena, and thus paved the. way for
eighteen centuries of. mental darkness
and decrepitude. , ..... t
Not until tha middle ot tha fourteenth,
century, when Petrarch began alnglnc
tha morning songa of tha revival ot let-
tare, did humanity begin to emerge from'
the Intellectual and social equator that,
was made possible by that famous (or
rather Infaraoui) Peloponnaalan war, the
meat terrible disaster that aver befell th
human race,
And It all cama about aa a result of
tha hate engendered by that first Sea'
fight off Cape Actlum as) years before,
the birth at Christ, . , . ....
Dissipation '
of Science
Most people are hidebound.
I'm not alluding to their ideas, merely
to thdr skin and muscles.
From tack of sxerdae tha muscles be
neath tha akin have partly wasted away
or beoame stiff and Inflexible becauaa
they have not been used.
'Vjfhea the circulation la poor.' the
can ba reduced to some extant by these
eiercliee, and hi all cases the flesh at
tha face caa be made firm sad healthy,
' Most people do not use lbs muse lee of
their, face except wbea eating ar speak
ing, and then only a certain set at
muscles come Into play.
Actors, actresses, clergymen and orators
EXPHEoaiOK. ...
muscles undeveloped In consequence, the
akla clings -t the starved tiaaus beneath
It and becouea Inelastic and atlff.
It Is this meiKstle, stiff condition ot the
scalp which makes your hair fan out;
and it'a this same hidebound condition
which causes your face is wrinkle be
cauaa ha muscles beneath are shrinking
for want ot exercise.
Tim beauty sad symmetry of tha body
depends chiefly upon tha muscular de
velopment and to a great extent the
beauty of the facs depends upon the de
velopment and condition, of the muscles
of the face. "'
The contour of tha face and the gen
eral appearance can be greatly Improved
by special exercises intended to develop
these muscles.
Hollows In tha clunks caa be filled In
acquire a seed deal of facial exsreaaien.
at forms part of their training, a
asuajfcr, tbey- have handsome faces tree
from lines even after middle age. first
because they use the muscles of theh
faccs. more than Mfcer people da. (-
If Vou want to develop the muscles of
the face, use those muscles end don't be
afraid of mating wrinkles. Only tha
habitual expression settles Into fixed
Bnes. As I said m my first talk with
you,f get but at the rati and tf yew
habitual expresaicai isn't as charalpc aa
ft ought to be: change It.
. Tcu can da that by a coattnaed effort
of tie win and ay ebanslng the tBought
which went to make that particular ex
pression. ; i
Tou can be!? yoorsei: and sjften and
, aw . was a "W ss.ssa sa ; eCV WJ eTJss-J
mod tte WsUted. dran look tr m ia I ?!,, mrvm. .t..1
reander centou A toe. UuU Is to. stout) Kew the only war. jsa aa naUjr uar- lead puff cut the cheeks. Another wayi ZZTJZ12 uSSnTS
alee these muscles Is by "making facea."
Bounds silly, doesn't It? But by vigor
ously contracting and stretching all the
muscles of the face la thle manner you
will get the Mood to circulating and bring
it Into the disused channels Is large ejuaa
titles, cumulating the tissues and sous
dee and riling out ttnee and nolle wa
When yon wake up la the morning you
Instinctively exercise year facial muscles
by yawning.
This la ene ef the beat toning aa exer
cises, aspeelslly If yen feel that your
face Is eltfl end set, for Instance when
have been feeling very Intensely
about something, something disagree
able, and knew that you hare been con
centra tin 5 rigidly.
Tawn sad feel the detlcloua, relaxing
effect oa the muscles.
That Is Just the beglanlng.
When yea want to exercise your facial
muscles, sit before your mirror and cew
traet and relax every muscle In the fare.
salting as much vtjer Into tha move
ments as 1 on ran.
If year face r leag and thin and you
are Inclined lo loot very eerouly a:
thing, cast nrar yi npward. Kftlne; the
eyebrows and wrinkling up the forehead.
Lift ever? max' of the fo.e. Tou
WW be tf.nn-.vt frlghtfc ty. but II m
de yon good, f r those are muscles yos
seldom use. ,
Shut tha yea tightly, contract the browa
pout, and stretch the muscles of Jaw and
aaeutfe forward, protreding the Jaw at
tha same time.
Depress one brow at a time ahuttlna
the eyes, and try to draw scsla of tw
ot Bead backward, stretching forehead.
Draw the tea forward by ma! eeler actios
eaiy and raise tha brows at the asave lima
Draw all the mueclee ef the (aee aa far
var to the right as yoa can. Now
change end draw the muscles ever to
the ether skje.
Draw the mascara ef the face down
Don't be "afraid that yaw are making
wrinkles. On the contrary. These -on-aataral
expreerlona. three "facea," will
never get to be habits, and It's the
habitual expression ealy which makes the
ef neglect ef the
ether muscles
Fortunately are don't believe what chil
dren are tald that "If the wlad changes
when jrea're making faces, the face wilt
Whan yon are doing these exercises be
aura that yea are breathing, fresh air.
Have the window epea If possible when
ever yea are exercising In any way. Ton
will get results twice as fast.
If yen wsat ta All out hollow cheeks
ta reduce cheeks which srs toe til.
Is to force sat the cheek with the tongue,
rolling It around In each check. Any
thing that will Invigorate the tissues and
Improve, the circulation helps. .
These facial exercises will prevent you
from becoming "hide bound" and from
acquiring wrinkles. They will keep
natural color In your cheeks ' If you
practise them every day. Tou won't get
the habit of making faces from these ex
ercises, becauee you muet think, especially
in order to put enough vigor Into , each
movement. '
One ef the reaaona that the child's
face la ao full and firm Is because baby
erica or laughs aa It llkea. That the mom
entary wrinkles are not permanent Is seen
in the smoothneee of Its akin. Theee ex
ercises will do for you what the child
dors naturally.' ' '.
While I am talking about iha face I
want to speak of some observations I
have made which may be beneficial to
Many women think they can have s
weakness of ths body, but sooner or
later It Is bound to reflect the exact
condition of the weak, 01 or undeveloped
A yellow complexion and a blotchy
akin Indicates that digestion and liver
don't function properly, snd no powder
or face cream will cover the defect;
but the light of exercises will bring
these may organs Into proper working
order and at once dear tha complexion. '
Prematura aaggtng of ths cheeks and
that dreadful equal look which cornea
from the flesh settling st ths sides of
the Jawa. from what I have observed
are eimultaaeoua with a general relax
Ing of the abdominal and waist muscles.
By exercising and developing these
muscles ths facial contour Improves and
the exercises given above for the face
should also be practised dally.
Tha complexion, tha color and tha tex
ture of tha akin all depend upon the
condition of the body. '
in tneae aructea t ahail give yon
weak er unhealthy body and stilt re
U'eJT, 1 HI yoa
tela a pretty face,
that at Impossible.
For a tune, perhaps.
vanous exercises for the body which.
It fan hfulty performed, will bring about
the desired results. If yoa want a
pteenng. youthful face, get to the root
of the matter sad acquire a healthy,
vtgoreua body.
j XT, j
A list of theaea presented by successful,
candidates for "doctorates" In American'
universities during the last year reads'
like a chapter out ol a eonaiemerata
book that might have been published tm
mediately after ths"
cantualoa of.
St the Tower ot .
BabeL No one man :
caa understand'
what It kail about,;
and no twenty men.
each understand-'
Ing. a part ot It,'
could render them--selves
mutually In
telligible. . ' . '
One wonders how,
sll these "doctors"
of philosophy" In
cluding a large"
number ef women:!
are going to manege to pull togetbe
la later life. One Is a little encouraged'
by ths practical sense shown- by t so
young Chinamen, whs choaa to base their .
claim to scholarly distinction en the
study of Americas cotton plant ss adapt
able to China, and en an Invest lot lor. .
of ths electro-deposition ef copper. But,1
In the main, tha theses deal with such
recondite themes that only the Image el
Babel caa represent their combined'
effect. ' ' .
Are tha guda really Jealous ef the pro-,
grtss of adence, and do they meaa to ar
rest It by the old method of dispersion ?'
"And the Lord rente down to see (lie city
and tha tower which the children of men
bullded. And the Lard said; . Behold.:
thia people la one. and they have all one,
language: and thle they begin to do; aau .
bow nettling will be restrained from them
which they have Imagined to do. Go to.
let us go down, snd there confound their
language that they may not understand
one another's speech."
By the multiplication of technical terms.
and the pursuit of minute researches In a
multitude of different directions, science
Is rapidly producing a dlaslpation of en
emies Instead of a concentration. One
might hope that, In time. aU these die-'
cordant details would be brought lata
relations of mutual support, were It not
for the notortoue fact that the various
blanches thus pursued get farther and '
farther apart and lose themselves la their'
own Intricacies.
It the workers accumulate as many
technical details that eaa cannot under-.:
stand what another ta about, how are '
they ever to unite their efforts for toe.'
common advantage? A colony of ants .,
might aa well try to ceaastruct a hill by
each driruur a tunnel la a divergent direc
lion. , . . . .
The human mind la so constituted that
it must be content with a tew mala de-
telle oa which It can base general sow- .
rtuxkme. Its powers of co-or4 matron fail.
wbea It Is confronted with mfuuty.-
one may Imagine the populatiaa r thai
earth becoming divided Isle "doctors" en
the one side snd Chinamen and common -people
unadorned with degrees' en tha
other; and only the two latter renuUaeuaj
surflcienlly Intelligible to one another to '
excite the aporehenaloas ef thai aigser k
pewera .