Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 27, 1912, Page 8, Image 8

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    ' - ' ft.
8 - THE BEE: 'OMAHA. TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 27. 1912. , f,
tl "isn't Fair for Robbers to Hold Up a Deteftive . By "Bud" Fisher y
: rcnve!vo o owt o ..-.j cit wem. la? t .tf ties iTTl J
g'V 1 jTttTife p, 1 p
' " ' " I " ' ' ' "wmij a- "m J . I
r I
Bowling Brewer Drop Tax oa th
Morrison Alley.
la Match Can tiara kaieas
Laiaa Lade tkaat Wall Over l0
Mark Kiiir Klda Taka Three . .
Uaaae From Tiger.
In a epecisi match on I ha Morrison
altera 8unday - afternoon btwn the
Mat Bros, and tha Pata Loch tha brew
ara wara trimmed thre straight lum.
something unusual la thla bailiwick. Th
scorn: ,
pets i-ocn.
1st. ' :d. 3d. Total.
Kury ' ..' , ll 1 11 V
Sprague I7 HI 151 art
MeMartln S) LI 1st Hi
Francisco, C. J 1.4 111 141 i7
. Barter IK Ot m MS
Touts .:. ...EI M ,5i 1W4
. 1st. Id. 3d. Total.
Hartley IJJ 14 HI 1M 1M - 1(7
lienman 1T Sn u
Huntington IJ 14 171
Blskeney 2N 171 MS
. Totals M H
aiaaa Lasa la Laxas.
In a eperlat match game between ths
Luxua and Htors Did Mexen Braa Mm
soma vary classy tannine were shot, eh
MM going well over tha W nark. Tha
Luxua took tha tht canias. Scoraa:
1st. M. M. Total.
Turning 1 li :w at ,. "
H.-lln ITS 1W lt W
M.-aba t li Mi
W situs 4 :i ii
Totsls RT Ma Kl S.M4
1st. t. M. Total.
Ilinaon SW . Il W 'J
W.brr ., 171 lis) li M
(l).rs' m til m W
Mtuns 11 " "I 1 M4
rowa M 1U -wlrt WI
Totals El W ,Si tW
. . Kaaslr Mil stoat Tlra.
.Oa tha Mornaon sll"T tlwra was a
(peclal match um batwsan ratarsoa a
Kaadr Kids and Martin's Tlfsra. Tha
Kand? Klda won tha thraa (smss, shoot
lm a nloa total of t.TW, whlla tha bast tha
Tliara sou Id do was to scratch out t,UT.
1st. . M. M. Total.
Frtuchsr ITS m W
Chrut.nssn Hi 1"! I "
Ksnnady Id ) st
Zlmmy !'. 1 ls w
Lfplnakl ,. M U4 lis tU
Totsls ;. i us Wt
1st. M. M. Total.
Faasroart ITt li J 4
Px.rsua !) V ITI ' lis
lntsr 11 1X7 14
Coolsy 1U 11 sio
Frsnclsca Ill 14 M M
SA.V MATEO, Cat.. Fab. M.-Xtarljr
N.40 ptraona (atharad today to saa tha
final natch ot tha pola toumamant bars
katwaan taams nominated by Lady Hcr
brt and Mrs. Cbarlaa W. Clark for tha
a PahHnaa cup, donatsd by Chariaa W.
t'iark. Lady Harbnrt's tsan was. vic
torious, r ta (. aafetlas by Cbaavar.
Cowdln and Twacdmovlh oosllng tha vie
ton aoa-halt a coal. Tha tm waa
cloaa and hotly foogtit thrauchout and
aaa featured by tha dartnsT ndlna and
accurate atrokca of Dhaooll. tha left
handed Mo. ( ot Lady Herbert's tram,
who drava la fiva cf tha seven runs
cored by hla team, ptayara and ponies
will depart for Coronado tomorrow to
taka part In tha tournament thara.
W. U Braeae Flrat B. M To Ma
T. A. Dliacoll r Swond...Lnrd Herbert
1. cheever-Cowdta Third. .C. a. Rosa tc.
Lord Twaedmouth. back W. s. Hobart
Traataa Defeala CalkaHaaa.
TRKNTON. Nea.. Feb. W. (f oerlsU
Trenton Muth srhaot basket ball team
defeated tha Cuibertson team hero
iturday by tha score of ff to k.
aa road la Pwtaaa.
ta tha d)"speptle. Electric Bitters aooa
rejlcra dyspepsia, liver and kidney com
plaint and aabiuty. Price Ms. Por sale
by Bealoa Draff Co.
Ames Accepts Offer
to Play Maroons
IOWA CITr. Is.. Fab. .-8pacial.-
Amea has consented to a change ot the
data of tha (am scheduled with Iowa
next fall, and as a result tha Itawkeyea
will be abla to aarept Coach Bta(s
offer of a cam with tha Maroons for
November la. Tha deal la not yet eloaad.
but . tha Iowa management has wired
Static an accept ant of hla offer, and It
la thought that Iowa and Chicago will
meet an tha crtdlroa again next fall for
tha first time In several veers.
A wrestllnc tourney has been arranged
with Ames, tha matches t be haul In
Iowa City aom time within tha next two
weeks. Thla gives tha Hawkeya trap
pier twe tournaments, as ana with Ne
braska at Lincoln baa baa scheduled for
some tun. Tha Iowa wrestlers this year
ara not up to tha standard of former
Tha Hawkeya basket ball team goes
north at the end ot the week for tha final
trip ot the esr. Oames will be played
on . Thursday with tha State Teachers'
Milage at Cedar Falls, on Friday with
Minnesota at Minneapolis, and an Satur
day with Carlton at Northfleld. The Iowa
team will b weakened by tha loss of
Callander, the star forward, who la not
able to make tha trip.
The . Iowa basket ball coach for th
coming season will be chosen at a meet-
Inc of tha athletW board ok Wednesday
Oregon Wolf Breaks
Motor Boat Record
PORTLAND, Or.. Feb. MTh Oregon
Wolf, a nine-cyllndtr hydroplane. In a
sanctioned race acalnst time here today
broke tlx world' motorboat records an
a five-mile course for all distance up t
thirty mile.
Tb Oroaroa Wolfs Urn for tha thirty
mile was a snlnutes 14 seconds. The
best tlreriou record over a alx-ia
ooura waa 44 mlnutea HI second, msde
by th CMxl IV of w. Louis In ml. '
Th Oregon Wolf was driven by John
K. Wolff ot thla city, Its owner and
Tha best lap today waa tha last one,
th time being g minutes iH seconds, or
an average af a mile In t minute tt
seconds, Ttma by taps: v 1
Mile. Tot. Time. Lap Tlma
M , 14 UV4 7 rem
ll tiiw !
J t in, 11
174 !.
- f-V-'T, t
tr - V. : r
'...; ;V '.V
"' ! ' A ,
y w- -
Good Material for
Base Ball Team at
Omaha University
With the base bait season only a few
weeks away tha baa ball "bur has been
busy at tha I'nlverslty ot Omaha and
many ot the school's athlete have bean
tunc by the Insect already. Last week
at a meeting held by thoee Interested,
about eighteen men attended. David Lar
son wsi elected temporary captain and
will hare charge of tha work until a
permanent captain la chosen. Larson will
catch on tho varsity nine and will prob
ably havs charge of the training all sea
son ss It Is unllkaiy that a coach will be
secured for thla aeaaon. Last year he
caught In the Odebolt High school team
and was considered on of th beat
catchers of any ot tha western Iowa High
.Nothing baa been don In th way of
drafting a schedule, but came will be
played with Crelghlon and Bel lev u and
other teams in this locality. Owing to
tha eipens. no attempt will be mad to
brine h team her from other col
lege! but plenty ot gsmei can be af:
ranged with local teams.
There ara numerous available diamonds
that ran be used, ai Bellevue. Crelghton,
ths University of Omaha and tha. local
Toung Men's Christian association each
bar good level (rounds laid out.
Mike Donlln. veteran outfielder and
en-tlm teadlnc batter ot tha National
leacu, who baa been traded by Boston
ta tha Pittsburgh Pirates for young Vin
cent Campbell. Donlln will fill tha placa
la th left field vacated by the retirement
of Fred Clarke, and his mates In th
Plrata outfield will be Tommy Leach and
"Chief Wllaoa. His acquisition consider
ably bolsters up Pittsburgh because, at
I tha peasant moment, he la ' undoubtedly
eupenor to Campbell. However, several
year tienc. he will "go back" whlla
Oampbell will still be In his prima. Thaa
Boston will have gained more by tha
deal. Summing It up and conatderlric both
present and future, It looks like an cvaa
ex change.
NSW YORK, Feb. X-World s records
were broken by Jamee Smith of Buffalo
In th finish ot tho sixth annual tourna
ment of tha Canadian Bowline aseocia
Uoa, which has been In progreee during
tha last week.
Smith waa In rare form and rolled 771
for hla three games, as compered with
tha world record et TH, bald by Tom
Hal By of Detroit, fmlth waa away to
a flying start, getting a strike, a spare
and then bunching nine bit and getting
nln on hi hut ball for a, 171 count, th
highest cor of th tournament
Smith also broke th world's record for
tho' ell-events, getting ttt In th team.
M la th double and with Til In tha tin-
glee, a total of IWt. His average was
ta M for his nine game. Th former
grand total; record waa LM, held by
Haley. ,
Sldaey Tar with Sterile;.
JI'M-Ht-RO. Ookv. Feb. K- Special
Telegram.) Tha w Kidney High ernool
basket hall team had an easy tlma her
Maturday night with Sterling. Colo., win
ning by a score of M to 14. Kidney ptared
moat ot the flret halt with a reserve
lineup. Although outweighed, th Sidney
players toyed with their big opponents
and the reauat waa never In doubt.
Kidney has wo thirteen gamee during
the preeent aeaaon and has met five,
three of tha latter being at th and of
a tea days' tour ot tha state,
alaoaaa Tkrawe Jaeebesa.
HERMAN, Neb.. Feb. K-fBpeeteJ.)-
n one or the laateet working mat
matchea ever see In eastern Nebraska
Jack Solomoa of Omaha won from Mar
tin Jaoobaea ot Blair at thla place Sat
urday In thirty and fifty-nine adnutea
after having toot th first fall to Jacnb
eea ta thirty eeoonoa. The two have been
matched for a elda bet and tha match
win a puiiea mi Here March a.
S. 3. a U the best treatment for Catarrh because it is a perfect blood
purifier. It U tha only median fiat is b! to ret down into the carrols,
ticn and entire remove the catarrhal matter and imparities which prodnca
the trouble. Al long M the tnacotu membranes and tuane are kept in lamed
and irritated by this impure aad iniected cooditkxi ot the blood Catarrh will
i:mai n. Its oUsagreeable aad dangerous symptoms, erf ringing aoiaes in tha
cats, mnens dropping beck into the throat. hearUches, watery eyes, difficult;
breath in;, and erea stotnach disorders and weakened health, cannot be perma
nently relieved until the blood is purified. Kothing eqnals S. S. S. tor this
ptirpose. It goca dowa to the very root of tha booble, and removes every
pirtxle of the catarrhal maUer from the biood and enriche thia vital fluid so
that all the mucous soriaces are Supplied with stttritive, healthiul qualities, in
stead of being constantly irritated and inflamed by hnptiritiea in the circula
tion. Then the svmptom begin to pans away and when 8. S. S. has entirely
purified the blood. Catarrh is permanently cored and the general health
Kreatly boiltnpt Book oa Catarrh and any medical advice desrred gent free
to aul who wnie,
Dale Killed Trying
to Board Tram
ASHLAND. Neb.. F.h ac-Kneiei
Telearam.l Allen w ri. I. ---1 s
believed to be of Denton, waa killed In
th yards yeaterday whlla attetnpUng to
cam nanington train Ito. I. . weet
bound. Data bad Just got off an sast-
oouna tram. When examined by Dr.
Meredith hi head, ems ,, K-
cruahed. Relative will arrlv oa train
ne la j
The nun Waa see atlMiMlM i.
the train by a U-yeer-old boy, who
nollfled hi father. . ,
Nebraska's Auto Road
Attracts Attention
LINCOLN'. Nab., Feb. Jt-(Rpeclal.
O. K. Pariao of Minden, acrtary ot
th Omaha-IJneoln Denver Tranaconr
tlnental Road assoclatlun. was la th city
today. Ha aays that the Stat Automobile
association of on of th big eastern
state baa taken notice ot th fine road
which th association haa constructed and
baa decided to have a reliability and so
ciability run over the road from Omaha
to Denver at soma date thla year not
yet decided on. It will be open to local
The Chicago Motor club has offered to
giv a substantial cash prise and the
Denver Chamber ot Co mm ere will do
Th Omaha-Lincoln A Denver Trans
continental Good Road association will
give a cup to be competed for and there
la every prospect that by the tim tit
entlr premium list Is announced It will
be an attractive on.
KfcARNBT. Neb.. Feb. .-(Spectal.V-
C W. KlWer and W. U Sttckel, tb
committee of two appointed at th meet
ing of th be a ball director Saturday
evening, today atarted th active subscrip
tion list to secure th money needed for
th KM guarantee for the State league.
A sufficient amount of money 1 la th
treasury, but thla It la expected to hold
for the expenaea.
R. M. MoClur and C. H. Kruger were
appointed official score keeper and gea
aral wauis disavowed at that meeting.
In giving any preference ot dates, aa
far as the local situation la known, there
b no choice, the opening game being
away from homo, with the closing one
on tb horn grounds, by th custom of
reversing each year. . '
O'Hern and Trimble, twe of Kearney's
most dependable pitchers for the earning
season, hav signed their contract tor
th coming year.
The outlook for baa ball at Creightoa
university this anting la very poor. At a
meeting ot the gnembers of last year's
team with Father Devlin, manager of
athletics. It waa decided not to put a
team tnt th field. The reason for thla
action waa the poor support given last
year's team, a lack of good varsity ma
terial and a shortage In the athletic fund
caueed by foot ball.
The principal reason Is th lack of sup
port by tha students. Last year Cretaitot
met Morntngalde, Dea Motnaa college aad
Tabor on Crelghton field and tailed 'to
make expensea on a single gam. The
same result la feared thla year. Ctiigbj
toa lacks varsity material because ot tb
early date on which the profasaorvJ de
partments of the University are dlamlased.
Again, the bet players in these depart
ments hav played professional ball and
the management refusea to let them play.
The foot ball season hss been a failure
from a financial standpoint, and there
was a deficit In spit of the student ticket
Aa Interclass base ball league will be
organised and the ehainpiooahip ot tb
cattee will be decided by a aerie ot
Keeael (lib Formed la FrrsaMt,
FRSMOXT, Neb.. Feb. SWgperlal.r
Fremont dog fanciers have onranlaed a
kennel ciuo and will ho.u a bench show
her on April I or aooa after. It null
be a two-point show, and It Is expected
that at least Xs) dogs will be entered.
Th officers of the club are: President.
Kay iv ve; vie president, Fred PUcharda:
secretary aad treasurer. Otto Pohl: vat.
rlnary. Dr. Claud Cady: board of gov
ernors, inanea May. Charles 6tonr,
Charles Cuykendal. Burnett Coleon. Wil
li am Johnson. Bert Keen aad Ralph
it Kale Faad for Trsiea.
FREMONT. Neb.. Fb- (Special V
The base bail association b meeting wit a
good eueceoB in raising funds for the
coming eeason. In two Save over
waa Bubecrlbed and tb remainder la be
lieved to be m sight. Manager Bennett
will b here next month to las charg
of the team.
Hotel men of Nebraska will gather her
Tuesday and .Wednesday at the Hotel
Rom for th purpose of organising a
00-operatlre movement to eecure proper
legislation at tha next session of the state
legislature that will protect th hotel
men Instead ot hinder them. An attempt
will be made to select a Hat of names of
mm who will ae that the "blu law" of
th stat which ar disastrous to the
hotel men. be either amended er repealed.
Th sMvemont was started by tha
Omaha Hotel Men's association and haa
rapidly spread aver th entlr Stat a It
Is expected that there will be. at least
fifty hotel keeper and managers her to
take part la tna dlacuaalon.
Joseph WooterT. aoa of J. F. Woolarr,
vice principal and need of the depart
awnt of mathematics, was elected man
ager of the 1U debating (quad of th
Omaha High school by tha faculty board
ot control at It regular weekly meeting
held at tha school this afternoon. It waa
also decided to award "O" letters to tb
members of the debating teams at tba
don ot the aeaaon. -
As to allowing baa ball at the school
this year, all five ssembeis of th beard
ar wtying to permit th game under the
school susptcea. but they are not ta favor
ot maintaining tb sport oa aa expensive
f ''';7j?N
A & 1
Cy Toung. veteran of twenty years'
service, who will begin hfa third decade
as a big league pitcher tills soring with
ths Boston Nationals. Old Cy. In a recent
Interview, declared he will be aa good
as ever, thanks ta hla careful condition
ing by outdoor work during the winter
month on his farm near Youngstowa, O.
Near Toungstown. means at Peel!, which
Is only shown on th moot detailed map.
Mr. Denton T. Toung. "Cy." la th
chief etttien, not even excepting th
mayor. Fact is he could have tha mayor,
alty for the asking la all probability.
Real Estate Men to
Build Oommunity
Factory Building
Resolved to have a new. community,
factory building for. Omaha within a
year, th real estate committee of the
Commercial -club has organised a sub
oemmlttea, .compost d of Harry Tukey,
C. C George and Ooorg T. Morten, to
reduce Into concise and brief form all
tb data collected on the operation of
similar factory buildings In other cttlea,
for preeentation to tho committee.
The proposed building would be four
or five stories high, would eovr on or
two lots and would be for th home of
an indefinite number ot small factories
which now have no adequate euartara.
With central power, heating and light
ing plants, this building would offer tb
maximum of up-to-date facilities at a
minimum of cost.
Such hulMlngs have proven successful
In Cincinnati, Indlanapons, Dayton and
Haverhill, Mass., from the standpoint of
tha Investors who have erected th build
ing, aa wall as from that of the man
ufacturers. ..'.
The real, estate committee also' ap
pointed a subcommittee on rentals, com
posed of a M. Slater, A. I. Crelgh and
Byron Hastings. It wlU b th duty of
this committee to assist prospective new
Industrie and commercial bouses In find
ing quarters. ,
vrt Exhibit Gets
Much Attention Daily
Notwithstanding ths disagreeable
weather Sunday afternoon, there waa a
very large attendance at tha art exhibit
at the public library. Notices which have
been placed In the various hotels have
directed many transient v tutor toward
ths gallery.
On Saturday moraine a prominent New
Tork woman, visiting in Omaha with her
husband, who is interested In com of the
city's public utilities, visited the exhibit
and waa very much aaionlahed to find
such a collection of picture ao far west
so uniformly cood and with so little pad-,
Tha extremely low price ot admission
encourages visitors to com mora thaa
once and there have been many seaaoa
ticket! aold at tha nominal one ot four
dmlsalona for M cents. '
The serving of tea oa the afternoon of
Washington's birthday waa ao popular
that the chairman ot the courtesies com
mit tee, Mrs. Milton Barlow, haa concluded
with tho help ot her committee to con
tinue the pleasant Innovation svery after
noon thla week.
Oa Saturday afternoon two gentlemen
from New Tork, prominent officers of th
Metropolitan Museum ot Art, both of
whom have large interests In Omaha,
visited tb exhibition and commented
favorably on many of th canvases, not
ing particularly "Th Land of th Hopl,"
one going so fag aa to suggest that the
society should make aa effort to haws It
stay la our city. .
Big Sum Required
to Fix Auditorium
Architect John Latenser declare that
the city would hav to expend at least
1100,00 on the Auditorium If It waa pur
chased, before It oould be put In "pre
sentable condition." Other expenditures.
be said, would hav to be made, but the
city would feel that It waa "toe poor to
make them." Thoee views were expressed
at a meeting of the commltte of th
Mr. Latenser said that th building had
never been completed, although H 71.0000
had been paid for building It. Th stone
columns war never placed In front, nor
the cement steps. Th stairway leading
to the gallery, he said. Is dangerona On
room - la th basement bad not been
floored. This latter would cost tie.oot. To
erect the columns and oomplet th steps
and walks Would taka 00.
Neither had th celling been finished.
declared tha architect. Tha plumbing un
der municipal ownership could not be
used, said th architect further. The heat
lag plant Is In excellent condition, but to
repair tha Kerns he mentioned and com
plete tha building. Including aa unfinished
roof, would cost a total ot fJOO.Ot.
Thar waa also needed, concluded Mr.
Latenser, new chairs In the gallery and
other thing which the city would ao
doubt feel would be too expensive to pro
our. V.
Hothouse Caves In
Under Snow's Weight
A section ot Peterson Brothers hot
houses, San South Fifteenth street, waa
demolished by the ' heavy fall ot snow
and I.SOS carnations war destroyed. Mr.
Peterson says the lee will amount to
Lewis Henderson, another florist, put
props la all hla houms. . "Never sine I
have keen In th business hav I seen
such a heavy fall of snow in one night,
said Mr. Henderson. ,1 know If I had
not put props In my boose they would
hav all been broken, because there waa
at least fifteen feet of snow on top of
Aged Man Expires -Reclining
in Chair
Frederick P. Dean, aged 71 years, died
ot heart failure Sunday afternoon at (
o'clock while seated la a chair at his
homo. (34 North Twsnty-fourtk street.
South Omaha.
During the last few years he had been
conducting a " mualc store in South
Omaha, He waa formerly a resident of
genua: City; where at on tim he owned
mack valuable property.
tmaa Ceatrss Wtaa and Lee. a.
BLAIR. Neb . Feb. M-SpecjaLV-Th
Dana college basket ball team returned
thla moraine from a trip ta wiener and
Fremont, anerre they played a ca-e at
each place. Th game at Wiener proved
the undoing of the eoUege boy, aa their
tar center wraa injure ana coma not
oartldDate In either content. Tho final
core, waa: Wiener, 7: Dana, Sx Tn
gams with tb Fremont Toung Men'
Christian assoclatleo-waa won by Dana,
Nebraska, Make. M taker Score.
LINCOLN. Neb.. Feb. si The Univer
sity of Nebraska rifle team cored Its
best mark of ta season in a by-mail
shoot with St. Thomas, totaling 174 potato
or M points more thaa It soade la its last
LOS ANC1ELE& Csi. Feb. SL-H. A
Tmdley and hla wife. Clara Dudley, were
killed instantly today when the motor
cycle oa which they wars riding tandem
struck a Padflc electric Intern rbaa ear
at Ivy. fear miles weat s her. Tbey
leave four- small children.
ROCKPORT. Ma., lab. tk-Frank
Howard, the 13-year-old son ot Berry
Howard, a laborer, ta dead and tb father
1 ta a sarkma eeoditloa as a result et
an explosion In the Howard heme early
thla morning when tb boy tried to start
a fire ta the kitchen stove wttk gasoitna
Thee other children, two boys and a
gtrt, an younger thaa th dead boy. war
pamruQy osrase, - w
Sneed Jury Unable
to Reach Agreement
FORT WORTH, Tex.. Feb. St-The
Jury la the cam ot John B. Sneed,
charged with the murder ot Captain A.
O. Boyce, sr.. I apparently unable to
reach aa agreement. Just before noon
today tho Jury sent for Judge 8wayne
and announced that there waa no possi
bility of reaching a verdict. The Judge
sent the Jurors back with Instruction
to deliberate further. Bine that tim
ther have beea ao Indications that a
verdict would be forthcoming.
It la believed that unices a verdict Is
reached by tomorrow afternoon a mis
trial will be entered.
Captain Boyce, the victim, was the
father of A. Q. Boyce, Jr.. who aloped
with Mr. Sneed last November from
Fort Worth to Winnipeg. Canada.
Oeiekroa Food Ball Player Sick.
CrrO McCarthy, th gritty Mttl right
halfback ot the Creirhtoa university foot
ball squad, waa stricken Sunday evening
wltb a painful attack of chronic appendi
citis, which confined him to hla bed. He
waa somewhat improve monoay.
ot)KTclt'i Offer to Taft to
Beyiment GiTen Out
TJTnrrrTi vt sahtvtve ktikvs
President Replied Tear Ac that!
Peaalblllty at American Interna- ' ,
tloa Was Taw Remote to
WASHINGTON, Feb. .-The announce
ment of Colonel Roosevelt's willingness
to accept the presidential nomination aad
hla consequent open bresk with President
Taft waa declared here tonight to have
removed a picturesque possibility In con
nection with th threatened troubl la
Senators who claimed to be conversant
with tha facta said that Just about a year
ago when the Madero revolution was at
Its height In Mexico and the possibility
of American Intervention waa being
discussed. Colonel Roosevelt wrote a let
ter to President Taft volunteering to head
a regiment of cavalry which was to be
In tha forefront of the Invading force.
Colonel Rooeevelt. It waa said, stipu
lated that hla subordinate officer war
to be of hi own choosing, aad went so
tar aa to name aom ot the men be would
select Those Included Colonel Cecil Lyon,
national committeeman ot Texas; Jack
Abernathy. the wolf-strangling former
marshal of Oklahoma; Sloan Simpson of
Texas, a "rough rider:" Secret Service
Agent James Sloan, Jr., no with Presi
dent Taft, and several member of the
old "Rough Rider" regiment of Cuban
war fame.
Colonel Roosevelt at that time. It Is
said, asserted It wss bis highest ambition
seal a to be tn the saddle in time of war.
The colonel's letter to President Taft.
asking to be placed In command ot a
regiment in th event qt trouble In Mexico
waa addressed. "Dear Will." according
to thoa who claim to hav seen tha docu
ment, r
President Tat's reply was addressed
"Dear Theodore.", .
It said, according to reports, that tho
oolonei's proposlilan was very "Interest
ing, Indeed." but that th possibility of
American Intervention was too remote a
contingency to be considered at th thn
la any way.
Beirut is Put Under :
Martial Law After
Sinking of Vessels
BEIRUT. Feb. M.-Martial law was
proclaimed her today, although all la
quiet within the town. Not lea than
sixty persons were kUled and 100 wounded
during the bombardment by the Italian,
warship. Saturday. Th arrival of the
Italian early on Saturday was followed,
by an immediate demand for tha sur
render or th deetruction of two Turkish
torpedo boats lying In tha harbor.
The demand waa promptly refused and
after a abort delay th Italians opened
fire, the shell causing great damage.
Three torpedoes ftnslly destroyed tha
Turkish vessels. Ths Turks fought
bravely, but were at a great dlsadvsa
tage, aa they were unable to maneuver
their vessels, and their guns were ot small
calibre. '
During the fighting In the harbor a mob
looted the government arsenal aad seised
rifle and ammunition. One shell burst
close to an American building, but In
jured ao one. All Americans la th city
are safe.
American and other educational establish-
meats In Beirut escaped damage at tha
hands ot the Italians during bombard-1
ment of the city. The latest estimates of
the casualties received here indicate that '
thirty persona were killed and about 10
wounded. Martial law has beea pro-i
claimed at Beirut, but theftowa la said to,
be quiet. j
ROME. Feb. faThe first official re-,
port of the destruction ot the two Turkish I
warsklpa yesterday In Beirut harbor waa ,
received today from Admiral Favarelll. '
commanding the squadron, to which th!
eralsen Wueeppe Oarlhaldl and Franceaoa
Ferrulrto. the attacking vessels, ar at
tached. The king today signed the bill aanexing
Tiipolltana and Cyrenslca.
"Aep'k aft V W-
"na cn mti AttuPTorr
:tim (Ms Uili JlWlsu
CU Jbrn Ut ft A- bm
COSsTAirr. Ls Csesse. WW
CH Jk VAN SANDT. Dtallott
Slllisfs 1'TtmsWk.OaalAWA.I