THE BEE: OMAHA, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 1912. OFFERED FOR RENT ACREAGE FOB SALE. SPRING BARGAIN'S ACRE PROPERTY K? acre, one-halt mil west of Ralatoa, of a mil from car lln; fair bouM; Hood barna: a dandy, feed yard proposi tion. Prtc. Cu par acra, 2 arras, mostly all In orchard, fin bearing and standard artaUea of fruit, good Improvement! and practically new. f you want an Ideal auburbaa homo lo cation here It la. tee ua (or prtc and im r , 4 acres, about on mil outside of the city limita of South Omaha, Iroprove nienU not extra, but Bice piece ot land, pric. tin per acra, 1 acre, about 1 mile writ of Benson; rood Improvements: considerable fruit. This Is aa exceptionally ales place and is a real bargain at toe price. KM. W hare) too other tracts, both Im proved and unimproved, that are food buy. O'XEIL REAL ESTATE & 1XS. AGENCY, IHf rarnam Bt., Omaha. 'Phones Tyler lOSt, Independent A-Jn; (12 N. J4th St.. South Omaha. rhoiias South IK, Indtpendest F-U31 REAL ESTATE FOR RENT FOR RENT-J3I acres of the best land In northwest Missouri, all plow land: will rent tor S rears, cash rent: teams and toot It wanted. Rout X Box 9, Graham. jao. Thousands of peopl nas found tho home they were looking for among tba real estate ads an The tea want ad page. Th nom you ui to sell can be dispose of quickly at cost ot ealy a few cenu through ale want ads, REAIi ESTATE LOAINS OMArJA Property and aiebraaka Lands. O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO.. Mew Omaha Mali bank Building. WANTED City loan Peters Trust Co. CITT LOANS. Bemu-CaiiUrs, SIO-U Brandeis Theater. WANTED City loans and warrants. W. Fernam Smith Co.. tat rarnam St .MONEY to loan on business r reai denc properties, ILtfjo to louo.uoo. W. H. VHOMAb, Ml First Natl Bank Bide I1W to Uo.naj made promptly. F. U Waxta. Wead Dldg., lstb and Farnara. GARVIN LOANS Farms and city property. 1. H. Dumont A Son. 104 Farnam t. REAL ESTATE FARM St A KICK LANDS FOR f ALM British Cwtaaebia. FOR SALE Oolc Tal'ey farm Is tracts of It t M acres, within 1 to J miles from th towns along the Grand Trunk Pacific Railway In Central British Columbia. Also Bkena v alley Fruit Farm in l-acr tract, tend for free booklet Call or writ B. Meyel, District Male A ci I. su raxtew auag., ui Neb. e- WU1 buy for anyone British Coium lia Farm Land en uncompleted Oraad Trunk without commisaloa xceDtlnx aer cent of profits. Larg returns car tain. Frank Giawford, Ua iiomar i creel. anoouvei , er Oman. California, 1X."T WAIT I TEARS. BUT CALIFORNIA fULL-BEARINO ORCHARD MONET BACK IF NOT VATTRPTED. M cash nad IN per month buy era sure with full beating fruit trees la the lamous Bldwsll orchards at Cblco, Cat. rayment laeiua interest an taxes Your amy back If not saturied upoa Investigation. Th Bid well orchard are th most noted and productive in the vtoiuiariui Bacramanto vsirey of Califor nia. It's our oonridenc Iff this land that prompts this fencroua offer. We're peaches, prunes, almonds, apricots and Harnett pears. Buyers' railroad fares. not exceeding M. will be credited on purchase prtoe. Land adjoins th thrlv- ma to wa i cnico (le.nn poo.). (Refer eiicee: Any bank of Chloo. American National Bank of Ban Francisco and hirst National Bank of Ban Landro. end tor raluabl isformauen and faeta to i Bldwell Orchards, Inc., Chlco. CaU C aloe do. FOR 8AI.E- A. deeded. Irrt rated iana, Horftn co., voio.: i a. oroae; rmles from R. K. Address, Owner, M M. m t ptTnng. col. H0ME8TEADA Land open for homestead entry, which have been In pasture for th last twenty five years: all nlc and smooth, and mod water from at to 40 feet. Now la your time te ret a horn. Th locating fee Is iiw (or isu acres or tan lor K sores. MAINE LAND COMPANY. PUEBLO, COLO. tear la. GREAT SOUTH GEORGIA Traversed by th TIC RAILROAD. ATLANTA. BIRMINGHAM - ATLAX Lands adapted to th widest rank f crops. All the money crape of the south luentiruny produce, ror literature treat ln with this coining eountrr. Its sail, climate, church and acauot advantages. write W. H. LEA AT. DEPT. K. General Paaernter A feat, ATLANTA. OA. lawn. THE aaaiest way t tiad a buyer tot your tnrm Is to insert a small wast ad In th Dea Molnea Capital. Larawst cir culation In the atate of low, 4.v daily. Th Capital la read by and bettered Ta by th stand patters f Iowa, wh simply ictus to permit any other paper In their homea Rate, 1 cent a word a day: U.8 per I In per month: count all ordinary words ta th Ua. Address IM Mainaa Capital, Des Molnea, la. Maaeaa. FOR iAI-E I quarter wheat land, mostly broke; 44 miles from main 11ns noes uiana; revei, witnout oiematn. boutharn Kansas: tK.tCu, C F. Dtedericn, owner, Campbell, Neb., It. R. wo. a TWO lolnlnk laVacre homestead relln- qulahmants, center at Irri rated tract, close to town, law each. Address swner. uox lO. Valise. Mont. Jtoarasaus. CMC wUl buy tn aaflt Ms-acr home stead is Nsbraska; partly improved, writ swaer, c at. Hoflmaa, kilmballi Neb. BIOUERT SNAP IN NEBRASKA. lea-acra Ira proved farm, located M miles west of Columbus, d and I miles from two food towns: S acre alfalfa: 1st acre la cultivation, balance pasture: all th vary best of deep Mack soil; a-room house; barn for horses; barn for it cows; cur ac rib, sraaary, chlckea house, hoa house and cood slsed hok pasture. This farm Is quite rolHns, but first class and la aa food a locality as there Is In eastera Nebraska no sandl; ail fenced. Prtc for ulck sale U! M. with cash, balance lone time. This Is tba blskeet snap la the stale. When can you look at it? Must to at one, a. u. wait at ca, 1" Be Bld.. Omaha. FARM bargaia near oaaana; aosaasslea ivea. Oria . Msrrill, 1111 City Natl tiv Bank Bids -Bl!aUKL WHEAT LAND. HUH PER ACREi We has far al over ID. Oh) acre at Cbeyeasje county, Nebraska's ehotcast farm land, what th crop yields for U years, ueladtnc 111 and BU, areras with the beat la th state. Alfalfa as a leading crop. Better solL water end climate cannot be found, write for tail Information today. Aceota wanted every waer. FtNDINOSLAND INVESTMENT CO. Bldnay. Neb. HOEPTILAD an) aerea rich farm ku for liii. fllind feea and aiL No sand hula. J. A. Tracy. Kuabail. Neb. MOST beautiful -scra farm wlthla twlv mile of Omaha poer office. 8ea m Monday. Wm. Nelson. IS Psxtoa Blk. IN THE BIO HORN BASIN 71 acra irri sated land. 14 mils from aiarkee, t mile fracn Basin. All under ciutlvausa and ditched. Plenty of water. le acre la alfalfa, young orchard, piaoa ell feacad. t-reen house, barn (or I head iiorses, sheds, etc. uood vrett. TEHMS-If sold befor March ML per acre, H.n cash, balance easy pay ment at per cent- mausr caaa pay ment It desired. Further taforsoatioa cheerfully (iraa. Addrsas Boa in, Wt- he. Neh. SALE 1st acre unrated land ar rt(ht and wail Improved FOR with aoad wat two mile trees county seat. 6 per acre easy terms. Address P. O. Boa lis. Tor nnatoa. Wyo. all sew th ountry a re MBSIny Baa want ada every day and anapstas up ery , bartaw tiered. Rata iu coats per word ft raa aaly aa ttm. 1 Bar war a: raa two s time sun i uiltl i eiy. writ aa mau yowr ad today I Heal Kstata depart- aaeat ec Ta ua Now, while people are look ing for .mora conilortable quarters, is the time to ad vertise your rooms for rent. Rates lc per word where the ad runs two or more times. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE EASTERN NEBRASKA FARM CHEAP. ISO acre, improved located 7 miles west of Belgrade and I mile esst of Ylolbacn. cotn good towns in Nance county. All th very best ot deep black soil, 3i acres In alfalfa, 1TJ a ores in cul tivation, oaiance pasture. lenoed and cross-fenced; t-room house, barn for I horaea, cow barn for 13 cows, corn crib. granary, chicken house, hog house and hoc pasture. This Is a rolilna farm, bur first class snd In on of the beet locali ties In eastern Nebraska. Price tu.:o. Mortgaga 3,tu0 running I to 7 years at Per cent interest, equity rs.wu. Want good clean city property, cheap ranch or clean Mds. stock for equity, property must be clesr and priced right. Act quick. Address Box 478, Omaha, GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Sharp Recovery in Prices Puzzling' to Wheat Traders. WIATHEE DOESKT. FAYOS C0K5 Heavy Profit TaklaaT Lately by Leadlag LoagT Uaa Left Market la Safe Caadltlaa Task Demand Active. Sept!rH0l CHI 4s May.Jl SSi56( IIS ES-:HI I 96 I July. Ktil I ct aitl w s s ,e is iv-si a is e"M I EH ID l. I eii I handls irada everywhere. If rou want results write or call bean, 117 Bee. D IWi. FOR EXCHANGE-Good cheap akri- oultural land; also Uv-arr rrllnqueh menta; a townsite and an eastern Ne braska farm. W. It. Tarr. Room 1. Con tinental BllOCk. 9 acres Lska Co- Oregon, land tor va cant lot In Omaha. Bea A-Bt. WANTED TO KENT WANTED to rent March L araln or dairy farm, this state. NO to SM) scree, on shares; I to S-year lease; no sand or reams land Write today. A. Neilaen. am n. tierraltaxs avenue. Chicago, iil WANTED lO BCV WANTEVD To bur drug store outfit: also lc cream, soda fountain; about to open up a small drug store. Address Smlthwtck Lumber Co., ftmlthwlrk, 8. D. WANTEl-To buy old broken watch. I. Nathan, iw n. utn ei. M-bsad good, Kltsar. 1CM Center. D. Mtt. Wanted to borrow. WANTED-&.M) at I pur cent: first mortgad on property worth I10.0W; In come of H.0W a year will b assigned It eairea. Adores x xd, us. WANTED HITTATIONS BUNDLE and family washing wanted. Mar. w.t. RIMPECTABLB middle-aged lady de- slrea situation In small family as house keeper, or take ear ot children. Tele phone Douglas V9D. ALL-AKOCND butcher, married man- best of referenoee, wants steady Job; any part or. Meoraaxa: no ooossr. Address Bo n, Hldnsy, Neb; WANTED-Posltlon aa credit manacer by young man. thoroughly experienced. and can make good; salary tsa per month, utdk box, , umana, Men, HITt'ATED wanted by an experienced laundress, by the day. Addrsas Laundress, A a, care Bee. HANDY, all-round mechanic married. wants work: good tinner, nine fitlsr. locksmith, painter: can do any kind of mechanical repairing; nav good refer ence. L, Ml. tf. MACHINIST and Inventor wants model and experimental work for private party or corporatloni references exchanged. M Allainslohende Frsu. 10 iahr. deulsch and engllech sprachs. aiwht stelle aia haushaitenn bat aueinatenennea nerra la bassarer Lebenstellung. Address FRAU BEUNEKO. WATCHMAKER Foeitlon wanted by married man, age ; tweiv years' ex perience as watchmaker and aalesman; raferenca from areeent amploye and band It required; open for position March 1. Address r. at. Kama, u N. llroaaway Oklahoma City, Okl. WOMAN wants day work. Harney 6109. TOUNO lady, experienced, wants posi tion in privet family or as chamber. maid in nrst-ciaaa boim. lbji, noom i. Midwest hotel. WA8HINU and Ironing dona. T.. H. sua Fii st--laar. prac Kal nur- . H esie. A-iit. Curtalna laundered, uuaranteeu. w. sua, COLORED woman desire position as dishwasher. Webster 2ti. Be want ads will sell fur-, allure, pianos, stoves, type writers, sawing machines, musical Instruments, bicy cles, eta. at a cost of ouly a few cent. Don't delay; STEAMSHIPS EUROPE In comfort: select and limited party aaillng June U via Mediterranean: eighth season. Misa ..ana n. Hose. Council BluffA la., 117 Willow Are. PRIVATELY conducted eastern toura for young women during the eummer months: limited number; select, ror particulars call Miss E. M. U., MS City Net i Bank. LIVE STOCK MARKET OF WEST ahio vouf stock to South Omaha. Aava aweage ana aurinaage. xour eonsiga menu receive prompt and careful attau- uaa. Mv Stack CaaaaaLaatra Jlereaaata, By en Bre. A Co. Strong and rsaponslbl OMAHA. February K. IMS. Wheat traders were more mixed on the trend ot th market owing to the sharp recovery In values durins: the latter bart of last week. Leaders In the northwest were more poeillv that their receipts would decrease from now on. and the trade In general Is looklnir forward to a very bullish report on reserves by the government March report. mere is also th probability or more or less croD damage news in store for the next tew weeks and bulls will undoubtedly be very aggressive on the buying side at very ODnortunltr. neather condltlone over the corn belt are anything but favorable to the mar- aetin.' ot corn. Heavy profit taking lately by leading longs has left the mar ket In a safe position. The cash demand from the south and east is still active. rarm reserve stocks sre very low and vauies should climb steadily hlitlier. Sentiment In wheat was mora bullish as the advance from recent declines has been well sustained. Traders are inclined to look for- better prices. Cash wheat was uncnangea. 1 he action of the corn market was dls- sppointlng in face of the rouKh weal her all over the belt. There was nothing sig nificant in th day trading. Cash corn was unchanged. l'rimary wheat receipts were 72.000 bushels and shipments were ZtViM bush els, against receipts last year of .! bunheis snd shipments ot 1!.ujw bushels. . Primary corn receipts were l.KB.Od bushels snd shipments were WO. 000 bush els, akalnat recelpta last year ot Ol.ttiO bushela and shipments of HOOu bushels. Clearances wer HUM bushels ot coin, none of oats and wtloat and flour equal to bushels. Liverpool closed 'id to id higher on wheat and td higher to tat lower ou corn. The following tain sale wer reported: WHEAT No, i bard, 4 oar at Mc, 1 car at Wc: No. I hard, 1 car at Wc. CORN-No. I white, 1 car at !': Ne, 4 whit. 4 car at Bid. 1 car at teUu: No. I color, 1 car at io. I car at llttc: No. 4 color, 1 car at Bte; No. I yellow, cart at attic; No. 4 yellow, I car at WW, I car at Mc, I cars at 6TV. 1 car at 17c, I cars at otitic 1 car at Utir, I car at He; No. 1 mixed, II cars, at llUc; I car at lie; No. 4 mixed, 1 car at UStc, I cars at Wc, t car at i7Hc, 4 car at lie I cars at Mttc, I cars at Wc; no grade, I car at sue, 1 car at Mc, I ear at Mc, I cars at MHs, 4 cars at Mc, I car at Mc; I car at WVrC. OATS-Standard, 1 car at tic; No. I white. I care at lie, 7 car at 4o"c; No, 4 white, I cars at Mc; 1 car at 4ic; 1 car at OV: No. I yellow. 1 car at a4c; no. 4 yenow, x can at esvic; ao grade, 1 car at 4iev. Oaaaha Caaa rmn. WHEAT-No. I herd, WWtftl.vS; No. i nam, wictjii.w; no. e hard, uttjwc CORN-No. I white. l61i4; No. 4 white, lsj7r: N0. ) color, MVifetUKc; No. I yellow, sirKilMc: No. 4 yetluw, 19 He: No. I, tltttUtc;. No. 4, letlnaVtu; ao arade, bubMc OATS No. S white, linr,lic; standard. tHti6lc; No. I white, Wyoalo; No. 4 white, 4ViWic: No. t yellow, MtMc; No. 4 yellow, rjtt9tc. BARLEV Malting, Stctfll M: No, 1 feed. 7&tj)a; heavier feed, fttwftc RYE-No. S, 110; No. I, aUttJlc. Carlat Meeeipts. ' 'Wheat. Corn. Ostt Chicago Minneapolis Omaha Duhith Si .,. Sk 41 S Iil IM CHICAGO GRAIN ANtJ PROV1SIO.M Prlres aa Hoard l Trad. CHICAfK). Feb. Pi.-Heavy etocks of wheat pulled down prices today and attain each successive advance was met by Increased selling. Ths close wbb ateaur but etl'o to a tower than Maturday. Among wneat speculators the decisive factor ot tna day appeared to be the slowness with which snippers and millers maae an impreaeiou on the United mates visible supply. The total allowed that the la il i ntf on ror the week amounted to much less tnaa at the corresponding time a year ago. In thla connection special nolle was given tha tart that the store on hand in Minneapolis had exnibited an actual Increas ot IX.aiti bushels tor two days aa against a baok- set of IkJ.wo for the same period last year. Further reason lor selling was found In th plentiful snow throughout the winter wheal crop belt. . Efforts to lift th wheat market to any material sk lent failed outright and resulted in re actions to a lower level. During tha ses sion May fluctuated between H.OvH and fl.w'i. with th close tarfco duwa at U.Ou ''. Although bsd weather mad corn ad vance at the outset, weakness ensued on account of a big Incroaes In th visible supply. May ranged from tto to 9te, closing easy at feXrttWs, a loss of tec to io trom Saturday night. Cash grades were depressed. No. 1 yellow waa quoted The leading futures closeq a follows: Artlclei Open. I limn. I Low. i'luae. 8at'y. Wheal, I I ww i July.j6Tr:rUj Sept. I 4l MHi Corn I I May.ttV Juiy.ilfcW eepf.i seu-'aivstn vats, i "j.pnvm July. 8ept.,41Str rork. stay., in ss-zo to so S2M 1 'l f)'4,f 1 00U, H;Slii!SM!l 4 IHiM, WHiST9H( Till IT1! ITTi I7 isilTlitrV, Ju.y Hepc Lard. kit, July. it in-, u m U si l is t 15 11 Ui I 07l ffiHOSl t ai 15 S U II II 71 7f i a :WVS ti II U43t U J tm tit GOVERNMENT NOTICES. WOOD BROS., U4 Excnsnga Bklg. Ureat Weat Cora. Co.. Omaha A Denver. W. R. SMITH A SON just handle sheep. TAOO BROeV bsnui cattle, bogs, sheep. Clay, ftohinsoa a .o.. aw t-a. nance Bid. Interstate Co. Better resulta. Ship to ua. CLIFTON Com. Co.. ta Kxenaage Bklg L. E. ROBERTS Co.. ta Each, rudg Cox A Jones Com Co.. bunch of huatler. Farmers U A Cue. Co.. AT Each. Bidg. Desoait weceaue at ahivmanu la Stack Tarda Nat l Bank. Only bank at yard. Mania Braa. A La, M-i aucb. BMa, OMAHA THE CHAIN MARKET WEEKS GRAIN CO- grain merchant. Ceaulgaawnu sol'clt. ua Braadsta, LEGAL NOTICES NOTlCst OF BTOCalHOLDERS' MEET- 1NO Nouc la hereby given that th regular annual meeting ot th stock holder of th South Piau Land Com pear will be held at tha offjo of aid company at Llacola. Ne-, at U e dock a ta, th sixth day at March. A. D, BU. C. H. MORRILL, PraatdeaL A. a MINOR. Becretarr. Ltacela, Ne, February a. 11A STOCKHOLDERS MEETING. The annual meet in at th stockholders of Th Bee Pool tailing company will be held at la company a office la tha Be building. Omaha, Neb., at 4 'dock p. m, Monday. March 4. nil. for tb election board ot directors for th enauiaa year and for th transact km of such other wstaes aa as, proper iy enna oeture the meettne- bv oror ox tn sreeiaent. rtd-JM, H. P. nui teeretary. PROPOBAL8-r. H. DEPARTMENT OF Akhculture, Office of th Secretary. Wanhlnaton. D. C. February la. Sealed proposals will be received at tha office or the Disbursing Clerk until I p m. March 11, ll;. for furnishing to th For est Sarvlc two thousand flva hundred tMOOl canvas seed drying sheets made according to apeclflcatlona. Delivery of ton sheets to be made from Omaha, Neb.; Kansas City, Mo.; Denver, Colo., or Pueblo, Colo.; delivery of Sou sheets to be msde from Salt I.ake City. Utah: Okden. Utah, or Boise. Idsho. Full Information furnished upoa application to th Die-' bursinc Clerk. Bids must be sealed and addressed to th Secretary of Agriculture in acrurdanr with Instructions given on proposal blanks. JAMES WILMON. Rerre tery. FTd it STEAMSHIPS. TO tn West Indies I he American Kirieri Til Rojil Hall Stui Pickil Ci. Especially attractive tour of JAMAICA CVBA PABAMA OASTAIV BAM ADOS TaUaTTBAS EBBSIIELA For Particulars Writ to Baaderaoa A Son, 0a. Agwaba, It So. La Ball at, Chicago. Or Aay Staaunahlp Agency. th quotat ions were aa follows: FliOl'R Steady: winter patents, 14 99 5.; winter atraighta. ls.Hsrt.90: spring patents. VTtjt spring straights, KjK tit.;; baiters, Hots.. KYE-.No. A pjc. BARLEV Feed or mixing. S5fKc: fair to choice malting. IL1W1.2S tKrJi-Tiraothy, tu.uuvlt.w. ciover, lb.(,i-2 50. PHDVISIONB-Pork, mess, new. 1S.S7: old. 15.i;- I Aid (in tierces), te.Su. Short ribs llooeei. ks.37. Total clearance ot wheat and flour were equal to HUM bu. Primary receipts were 7aU bu.. compared with 4TMM bu. the corresponding day a year ago. The vlsioie supply ot wheat in the United States decreased SHOW) bu. tor th week. The amount ot breadstuff fur ocean passaico decreased W.UU bu. ritlmated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat. 71 cars: corn, Kl can; oats, 191 cars; hogs, M.4M head. ChirsKo cash Prices Wheat : No, t red. KrV-tjll.vV-t: No. I red, istfsmc; No. 1 bard. ll.oO'.ril.ot; No. I hard, sscpll w; No, 1 northern. tl.Wjflll; No. I north ern,; No. I northern. Il.tKfjI vI; No. 1 spring. l.(fl 0; No. I spring. VKIt SI.U3; No. 4 spring, swcgtl ut; velvet chaft. nncullot; durum, Mcoei.ek. Corn: No. J, ltraMec: No, I white. ltiSc; No. 4. !1tHsC: No. 4 white, D44Iitsr; No. 4 yellow, SPtroW. Osts: No. 1 ilStfdc: No, t white, WMiWtic: No, A eylc; No. i white, Hio-olSc; No, I white, titf &lc: rtaniiard, btefcrfec. RTE No. S. 90c. Barley. IOcel.lB. Timothy seed, tll.Wtfnt.5U. Clover seed, ; BUTl'ER Firm; creamerie, 232lc; dairies, SZiflte. EOU9 eiteady: receipts, 4.f7t canes; at mark, case Included. HQiNc; ordinary firsla. tStoKc: firsts, 4c. CHEErtE Steady: daisies, lTHtfmtc; twlna, l,8n7c; young Americana, KtJ 171c: long horns. lifctflTHe, POTATOES Firm; receipts, I5S csr: Wisconsin. H OMrl.lO: Michigan aid Min neapolis. tt.OMil.ia - POUttTRT-rirm: turseys, live, ljc; dressed, lie; chkkens, live, lie; dressed. lc: springs, live, itc; aressea, lie. V ilali otesay, ivi'c. KEW YORK UEXKRAL MARKET wattia at th Day aa VarUa Ceaaateditlea. NEW YORK. Feb. K.-FUOUR-Oulet: spring patents. tj.lOaS.i",; winter slraighta, RSN14.3I: winter Dlent. It.lotrt.: soring oleara I4.1Mi4.4I: Kansas stralahte. 14.M 44.115. Rye flour, steady; fair to good, Hai 04.w; cnoic to tancy. u.inv.a. Buck wheat flour, quiet: R90. t ukn w r.A l vteafly; tine while ana yellow, ll.eotil.7a: coarse. U.lobLai: kiln dried. C.av, KYE-Vuiet; No. I, l7o r. I. f., Buffalo, BARLKT teady: maltln. Il.lafll.t2. 0. I. f., Buffalo. WIIEAT-Bnot market eaav: No. ! red. 11.01, elevator, export baals. and II 48, t. h. afloat: No. 1 northern Dultith. tl WH. f. o. b. afloat. Future market was steady at the start, but eased off during th day under liquidation due to oontlnued liberal receipt and larg sup piles, closing 1st) He net lower. tay, 11.04 S-lfrl.0t 11-it, closed at tl.M: July closed at l.0lY Receipts, bu.; inipmenta, ta, bu. CORN Spot market easy; No, i, It'ic .elevator, domestlo baela, and export, ltc, t. o. b. afloat. Future market waa quiet without trans actions. Receipts, 17, 171 bu.; shipments, 208.177 bu. OATS Spot market steady. Future market waa nominal. Receipts, 71,171 bu. HAY-Steady; prime, II. It; No. I, tl.W Xl.; No. 1. II llajl.): No. A H 05. HIDES Steaily; Central Araerloa, tntc; Bonota, CSh-'tc LEATHER Firm; hemlock firsts, ltd) 37r: seconds. IttlMe. PROVIMIONS-Pork, steady; men. I17.S 017.SO; famllv. ru.e0ftUl.S0; short clears, li; 00818.60. Beef, sleady; mess. 113 now 13 W; family. la.tiofUII; beef hams, K7.90 2U50. Cut meats, quiet; pickled bellies. II to 14 pounds. WOO: pickled hams. III 00. Lard, steady; middle west prime, IVIra I.N; refined, quiet; continent. 11.30; South America, 110.10; compound. t.i7Stf!.lftv TAL1XJW Dull; prime city, hhda, MOD: sperlal. MM; country. te.i6fM.3t. BL'TTEH Firm: creamery atwclala. Me: extras, 2"V: flrata 4tiac: prooeas sp. clals, I"Hti'e; extras, ate; firsts, atcjatto; seconds, Svi2l'V, I'llKKAia Firm: skims. nMlltUc. KGOS t'nsetlisd: fresh gathered ex tra 9tsI7c; first, sMi eeconua. Mo; west ern gathered whites, Kdt!7c. POULTRV Dressed, steady; weetern chickens. USMillc: fuwla UMlIc: tur- ksya, UySlo. St. Laal oeaeral Market. ST. IX1UIS. Mo.. Feb. . WHFAT Cash, firm; track, No. i red, ILOUfjUOH; No. I hard, II Oltfl W. CORN Higher: track, no. a, shic: n. I while, 4titlic OATS-Highar; track, no. 3, w. No. I white, WSc. Clnslng price of lturea: WHEAT Weak; May, Wc; July, Ua. CORN Weak; May. WkVnvc: July. imth stay, wc; juiy, utic RTF 13c FLOUR Hteady: red wlnler patent e. tl.Wl4.90: extra fancy and straights, IXIw tft ; hard wlnler Clears, X3.iu tt. IX I ItN M KA I-l.. BRAN Quiet; sacked, east track, 11.10. HAY-Steady; timothy. lUcl'S.W. prai rie, turn PROVISIONS Pork. unchanged; Job bing, 111.. Lard, unchanged; prim eteam. tK.47ltvrs.Kl, Dry salt meata, unchanged; boxed extra shorts, M: clear ribs, ts.S; short clear. H.4iV. Bacon, unchanged: boxed, extra shorts,; clear nba, ., short clears, IS.KlVk. POULTRY Steady; chickens. UVc: springs. Uc; turkeys, Mc; ducks, 14c; geese, pj. HL'TTER Firm; BBOc. EGOS Weak; r,c Receipt a Shipments. Flour, bbls. t.m l.fwo Wheat, bu R 17,ono Corn, bu 7I.0M ll.oto Oats, bu lOt.Ouo KvW Kaaaaa City Orala sat lvlsloas. KANSAS CITT. Feb. M. WHEAT fash, unchanged; No. I hard. Wtell 07; No. t, 7cttW; No. I red, MiVrttrisjCi No. I, aVletc. COAN Unchanged: No. t mixed, Vf Vic: No. J, 43autc; No. I white, sV4 47c: No. A Hc. Cloeing prtcee of future: WHEAT May, Nfeo bid; July, Mellc, sellers. CORN Mar. L,We: July, o, seller. OATS Unchanged; No. i white, elutMa, No. I mixed, awaiaic RTE S2tf4c. HAY-Steady; choice timothy, 19.404) 0 SOr: choice prairie. ULVtuuVOt. BUTTER Creamery, Ptc; firsts, Me; seconds, 23c: packing lock. Use. EGOS Extras. kJOJUSvc; firs la, ndfteHc; Mconds, Zlc. I itecelpta. Shipment Wheat, bu , Corn, bu K.0W Oats, bu so.OO - ll.vw Mverpaol Grata Market. LIVERPOOL, Feb. st-WHKAT Boot, steedy: No. I Manitoba. IslSd; No. I Manitoba, as 4d. Futures, steady; March, ;srd: May. 7s4Hd: July. Is 4Ud. CORN Spot, quiet; American mixed, new. Used; American mixed, old. Is lid; American mixed, new alia dried. Is ntjd. Futures, steady; March, is Ukd: May. tsllSd. FLOUR winter patents. 7 at. HOPS la London. Pacific coast, HID lies. OMAHA LIYEJTOCK MARKET Killing Cattle Steady to Strong', with Feeder Steady. HOGS FULLY 1X5 CX5TS HIGHER keep aad La as be Opra Tea ta Flf- teea Ceata Hlaher aa Fair Re celpts, bat t lose a Llt tie Weaker. SOUTH OMAHA. Feb. X 1112, Receipts were. Cati-e. aoa-s. bbeea. Estimate Mbnday .... 2.900 2.HX) 1.609 t'am day last week... I.M If A lt.&tl 8ama day I weeks ago 4 S4 II SH IJH Same day I week ago tiv ZXi W.1M Sam day 4 weeks ago MTt I0.MI 7.S4 Sam day last year ... LUi .UI AITI Th following table HufWs th receipts f cattle, hogs and sheep at South Omaha tor in year to date as compared with axT year: li Ml. Inc. Dec. fattl kiui a.;) Hoga :. 2S3. Sheep 30.728 1US1 Tb following table show ths rang t prices paid for hoga at South Omnia tor th last Isw days, with comparisons: Data 1 1U- lll It'lo lino, lwa.i iiV7iiw Feb, il Fsbl is 1 1 en Feb. M.llr'i! I! r eo. zi. t ecs I Feb. B II at It Feb. a. I 1 u, s Mi a mi Il Ui u Feb. 24.1 I Sew I I t 111 4 ; 4 OS e en. aki i is is i i im , Feb. K. e I l a u a U I Mi I M l I Ml I 03 4 101 I III I I W I 111 I 1 I 4 7!. I M TOli liKIIUllUi 7 oil I bi 1 4 oil I M i i: T 01 I S) I M! I 17 I UI I K V u.. m ia m I ,,i I b Sunday. Receipts aial disposition of tlve stork at th Union stock yards for th twenty four hours ending at I a, a, yesterday: RECEIPTS. cattle. Hogs. Sheep, li r a I s I t u u i ir, i i u 421 W4 71 7 M lilt 144 LOU Ml ... .. mil C, M. A St, P 1 Wabash 1 Union Paclfle In C. dt N. W., east., a) C. N. W.. Wsat.. C, St. P., M. t u C, B. A Q., eaat., ,. C a A weat .. tl '.. R 1. A P., east 1 Illinois Central ..... I O. G. W I Total receipts ... lio II II I MSPOdlTION. Cattle. Uogs. Shsep. ymws racning t..o. .,, iw HwKt and Company..,, rrt Cudahy Parking Ca.. 5M Armour A Co 177 Mohwaru A Co. Morrell M Sinclair i Kenton, Vanaant A L.. II Hill A Son la F. B. Lewis , Huston A C 117 J. B. Root A Co Ml i- Bulla II L. F. Husa l. won in Mcfreary A Kellogg.. I Werthelmer A Degen.. Vt Mo. 4b Kan. fait Co..., I Cltne a, Chrlatl Other buysr til m Totals .loll 17M M4 CATTIJS-Owlnc te th severe snow storm train wer very late la arriving at th yerda thla morning and receipt! or oattl wer correspondingly light. Still there wer reports that thsr wer quite a good many cattle back and before the cioea ot th day there was a fair showing f stock la th yard. Owing to th late arrival at train men tioned above ther wer hardly enough oattl I sight tn mak a market when th usual Urn for th trad to open ar rived. Parker seemed to want a few good killer and aa a rul bought the mors dee Table kinds quite freely, paying prior thct were steady to a little etrottger. Her and ther It was possible to find a salesman wh thought that he got a little better prices than at last week's close. There ws nothing very choice in sight to maks much of a tup on the market. Cows and halter commanded price ranging anywhere from steady to a little stronger than last week and th bulk of th arrivals changed hands In very fatr seaeon In th marnlng. " ,' ' As usual when a sever storm la raging th demand for feeding cattle was not overly brisk, aa speculators wer net In clined to load up wtlh caul during tha siorm -an country aemana was very light. The best feeding steer commanded about steady price, but th market was a alow on on tna best grade and com mon and Inferior stuff waa not only slow. but ths tendency a liltl easier, owing to in tact mat ao ana waa looking for that kind. Uuolatlon en cattle: deed I ehotc beef steers. M.KHy7.71; fair to good beef steers,; eommoa to fair beer steers, H.Ktal.71: good to Choice heifers. ..tt4.;s; good to choice cow, KlMra. fair to good cows, K0utt.a; common to fair oesa, B.7in.0, good te choice stookers and feeders. It axrlK; fair to good Blockers and feeders. !4.7&eeS.: common to fair Blockers and feeders, H do h.i: sines: aeirera,; veal calves, I1.SMJTB; buUa, stags, mc, U.7U9 v,ve. BEEF STEERS. Hi. v. rr. Ma ' Av. IV. I Wt I M Mel t H I ii t as t m a it m I m m la I M 1 II net I il and lambs wer relatively large, a coa iderabie number showing up from near by feeding stations. The run waa vari ously estimated early from 4.000 head to over 1U.UM head, but prospects of the full quota arriving In time for even the clos ing market, were decidedly slim. Nstur ally, packers took aa unusual degree of Interest ia first offerings, bovine, readily at figures about hrilo higher, 'l'nese ad vancea were shown ia both brancnes of the fat stork trade, but after the more urgent orders wer filled, the demand weakened and a good part, it not s i, of th Improvement vanished; law aalea rul ing Just about steady. Business In lambs was featured by move ment ot extra good westerns at 44-40, medium to common classes selling from lew on down th list. The rang In value amounted to about II av, th same a recently. Sheep trade consisted mainly ft ewe sales, toppy fed western ewes bringing as much as tMO. Aside from some uoeveit nesa at the advance, th general situa tion presented no very Interesting pha aa wethere and yearlings wera saaaonabiy scarce. One string or alttacllv year llnss sold arly at K,.-M. but th wether market wss practically barren. Ther was nothing doing in feeder, an absence of thin stock in receipts and a stack country , demand being the two leading trails feature. Ijiat week's buy, It will be noted, did not exceed Loot head. Quotation on Sheep and Lambs l.amus. good to choice, le H'ti.a0; lambs, fair to good, ti.atiti.10: yearlings, good to choice, NEW YORK STOCK MARKET XooMvelt't Announcement Regarded Unfavorably by Street OGLISH STRIKE HAS INFLUENCE Market's Maveaaeats D arias Early Part at teaaUa Retarded by Paevst btllty at Advene DeclsUa - la Readies Case. NEW YORK. Feb. K-Two factor stood out most prominently la eon section with the reactionary tuna ot today stock market. These were Colonel Roose velt's letter and the coal strike situation in England. Th financial district waa hardly surprised at ths ex-president's announcement, but seemed disposed to pi ace an unfavorable construction upon It. though a short tint ago It was sup posed to regard his poeaible caudidacy Kith no little favor. Ourmg the early part of the session the market's movements were retarded -by the possibility of an adverse decision by the United htates supreme court in tha long-delayed Heading coal case. Ground for further discouragement was found In the atatemente of the wester rsil- nul -a . u r .1,, rn,,rtri Marions in vv.a. ,ir ... so. e,.nr tcrruniion to traffic during the last week I.U0; wethers, good to choke. hv r.;n r ,,. ..v.r. ii-. I nrfer wethers, fsir to good. tx4(t.u: ewes. good to choice, t'stH-lO; owes, fair to gOOtl, BJ.lctJ3.lS. Hepretfemaiive satas ted yearlings jS led ewea 1 fed ewe Km fed ew.e 9 fed lambs S4 led yeai lings , 27 ted wethers ... 11 led surra 4 ted ewea I fed IKI, culls . It led ewis ....... il fed wethers 10 led lambs ia fed Ismhs, culla IM) fed lambs 61 red lambs 71 fed wethers ... 7 led ewes ...l... So fed lam ba fed lambs .... 91 ins ha) Ill . U lt , no , 10 ua M lo-' w : ",i :i to Ml mi 76 i 4 4 W I 10 4 0J I M I 10 4 M 400 4U W 4 I 4 I W I SO 4 M 4 UI I ti aw tHICAUO LIVE STOCK it tRKsTT Dwaaaad far t'attl gtrvas llegs Active etheep Sleady. CH1CA0O, Fab. N.-CATTLE Re ceipts. IV W0 head. Markst strong; beeves, M-Jk. Texas steers, WtjS.,6; west, rn steers, It.tOtrr.OO; stackers and feed era. Uwn4.ll; cow and beifars. U.1IU 4.60; calves, HOOB-Kecelpta. 47.0W head. Market actlv at lo up; llkht, K.io4.: mixed, hi heavy, o6ilii. rough. m.itm U; Pigs, KA.00; bulk of sale. 190. HHEKP AND LAMBS-Iteee Dls. SLAM hesd. Market steady; native, U.JUq 4.S0; weetern, la iatM at; yrarUngs. Ka4.7i. Lambs: Native. H.40tiiMal: western. u.:lm tl.., .... iu t as 1st I as ... M III MS I M Hi I tl ,...lvM I .... M ee ....IM I ie ....loo t 1 ..M) I B II.... M..., 11.... i er C0WA ...lias I at ....IU I a) ...nil i at ...liu let ...IM I t B) ....IBM t ... SM la ...mi t at ...UU I 04 ...mi i is ...lew I a ...1114 t H I a ...tin t a . Me t it ,ia m .MtS) ..tea 4 Te . .lue 4 ft 4 si ..IMS Id ..ISM I IS let TM . IM 1 1 SCASDWAVUN-Anericu Line rung it twrnn rutet an- ra i A.1U ' t.lMAFl OLYMPIC GAMES Jmmm 2S u '"' Mar. 11 Oetar II. r. v. TMtsea. Asm isnea euuaa. Asm il rfetli oiev. Asm BY nrsl Clssa, 171 M sun sepsee l a. a. oh.'vbu an, ia west aiesie at - curate, IIL, er ear M ease. t Pewrta Mark!. PEORIA. III.. Feb. St-CORW-Steady; No. 4 white. Mc; No. I yellow. 40V; No. 4 yellow, tar: No. I mixed. THc; No. mixed. ITSeMc; sample, umpatc. OATS Firm; No. i whit. wttRac; tandard. Mr; No. I white. II Sc Oaaaha Mar Market. OMAHA. Feb. M. HAT No. I. tll.ap; No. 2.; eoarae. tU.OO; psveklnr stock, roajg.; alfalfa. Kt straw: Wheat. USD. ry aa doata. 7.iufMJdi Tarawatla aad Kaala. SAVANNAH. O., Feb. M-TI RPEN TINE Quiet. wV; sale. Kl bbia.: re eetpta. IS bbia.; shipments, DMa.; stock. r.1t bbia ROrtIN Firm; sales, Mis; rwcetptn. aV7 bbia: Bhlpments. AIM bbis.; stock. M.I7 bbia Quotstlons: B. It a); D, is.4b 4.47H: E. lAITtsfsiT: V aad O. 7S,. H. M,75! 77": I. .): k. K; M. K.. S, 17. 30; WO, 7.3; WW, 7.. . ne I at n. . . SM I IS II , .11C I I I , .71 I M I ,W Ik I , . ne at I lea m L .Ill in 4. . MS 4 71 HEIFERS. s TH I M I a M Ik I IT TM 4 SI I 14 Ml I M BULLA I SI l 1 1 SM 4 I 1 110 4 M I I IMS M I MM 4 M t 1 1114 t 7 CALVES. I tn 4 ti t 1 1T t M 1 i im ta KTOCKEDa AND FEEDER, I IM 4 at I MS I II I Mt 4 IS ll SM I a I m 4 n u rrt I a tie m u. tn I il Bl til ft 1 HOQg-CncerteJnty waa th distinctly trslt of th ho market. Badly delayed stock trains, du to th bl It sard yester day aad last night, left supply figures In doubt and aubject to big change, and thla conditio In turn produced an un even, higher set of price. Lat eeti maiaa lave recel pts at L4 head, and aa only a part of thla total waa available prior to 11 o'clock packer and shipper wer forced to compete for offerings at advances of generally a dim. Home 64 lec higher bualnee was don sarly that waa followed by scattered sales lOtJlic abev the average trade ftaturday, but th demand waa wall eantroiied Bt ail bmee and movement wa act especially active. Shippers and speculator took th In Illative, baying about a doaea load at the start and leaving only a handiul at tuff lo be used on local daughter or der that were more or lee urgent Final clearance eras aicessBrlly vary lata, aa shipment e kept straggling la ail tba morning, giving the market a aerial o prarance. Beet heerr hon an Bale brought II 31. aa compered with Aaturday' top of IV Li, wane butcher an i ignis sot a uaevemi from In downward. Common baooa tuff showed tha poorest actlaa aad calmed tb lowest spread. aajar Market. NEW TORE. Feb. 2k eU'OA It Raw, steady: muscovado. Is) test. I c; cen trifugal. 4 teat, 4Jc: molasses sugar, n test, 4.4bc; refined steady. Ne. Av. s. rv. Me. Ae. (a. fy. m in . n m M Iki us M i m n im ... m a m ... i n - ... et T. US ... I M XM ... IM Tl in as I I T...... JU M m im ... I n m as ..- n. ...... in ... i t tm m 1 at M Mt 4 i Si M Mf Ml ti iii ... m u m ... I I M 1 ... M Ill ... I IS Tl fii ... I M 1 IM ... IM it m as n xi m a ... us ... w at aw at s si a J ... 4 U M Ml Me I a, riaa M ... 4 w BHEEP Deeptte th demoralised condi tio of railway sarvlc, receipts of sceep Kaaaaa I My Live atark Market. KANPA8 CITY, Feb. II.-CATTLE-Recelpta LOW head, including o aouth- erna; msrkel loetafco Marher; dressed eef and export steers, l.iie Hi; fair to good, H asjtiil: western ateera. 4.7lityI,IO; stock er and feeders, 14 Mi.sV; southern steer. g.0(st.: soul hern cows. kt.tHui, !.!; nsllvs cows, E1.7Mil.5i; native heifers, U bi'fn.kl; bulls. st.,ai6,: calves M OO tjT.W. Htitfa Reoeinta i.nvj need: mirksi tnn higher: bulk of sales. toMlem X: heavy. K;2iej4, packers and butchers, Pilti. l.i; ilghta, x,,,Mj4.M; pigs, Mf"lr5!6. nrifc.rr' Anil I.AM iin Hecelota 7..W) head; market I0fhl6c higher: lambs, b'.JO r40; yesrllnss 14.754) M: Wei hers, it) Irt.Tt; ewee, t3.iOtj4.uO, Blockers and feed er, ItrJtiL. t. Loala Llv gtae'li Market. T. IiriS, Feb. M.-CATTI.K-ke. celpta, LJOO head. Including l.Uu Texana; naraet strong; native ahlpplog and ex- fort liters, 17 .' W; dressed and titcher steers, sfvluifAOO; steers under l,4U pounds. UJMia,o0: Blockers and feed- era, 4.lu4; cow and heifers, n.7m a.w; canners. s.tsD4 w; nulla, Is.0litl9.av, calvea. Putru0; Texaa and Indian steara ej.fti.00: sow and heifers. ILoon .. IIOtM-Reoelpts, head; market lo higher: pigs snd lights, .(i.J, mixed and butchera, H.lHt i. good heavy, M.J0 1'eK AND IJtMRB-Reeelpts. I.WA head; market strong to 10o hlghsr; natlv muttons, U SOM.bJ; lambs, Ti.Ml-(iU; culls and bucks, ll.SOfjlAi, atockera, 1100 0L4O, . , I. Joeesh Lie lleeb Market. BT. JOSKPIf. Feb. M.-CATTLB-R-relpis, l.m head: market aluw; steers, I JMROO; rows and heifers,; calves, Wfena. HtXIB-Recelpla, 1,000 head; market low; top, MS; bulk of aalea, ta.xjM.s. BHEt-a AND IwtMRaj-Notie on sal; market unchanged : lamb. eyoOO,.K. lack la Igkt. ReeelMa ot llv stock st the flv princi pal weltern markeu yesterday: Cattle, lings. Sheep. ftouih (Vniha.. 7 i i,ajo Ht. Joseph l. 4,ni Kaaaaa City Los) a,i t.SnO m. Louis L lo 'in ,. Chicago 14.UW I7.1M) K,0uO Total rcNlpl Ham 41, 100 New Yrk Mewey Market. NEW YORK. Feb. M MONEY On rail, steady; Wrtfdt per cent; ruling rata, PS per cent; closing bid. IS Per sent; offered at IH per emu Tim loan, leady; sixty daya, 2ttjl per cent; ninety days, I per cent; six months, la per cent PRIME MERCANTILE PAPKR 4H Per cent. BTKR1.INO EXCHANOE-Pt.ady. with dual business In bankers' bills at M.H for sixty-day kill and at H ITS tor de mand. Commercial bill, till.VEH-Bar, Wc; Mexican dollar. 47a BtiNUa-Ooverumebt, strong; railroad, teady. Closing uotatlons ea bonds today war aa follows: V. g. rvl. k. rei .-rwHJapas H ITU. rases 10x4 se IHa Mv U. S. u, rag leiSIC C. So. 1st k ... Tit, esasea 1 U U. 4B, 4 IM1.. 1114 v. a w. raj ihi- m n. a si. w..., w as enesa liilaM. K. a T. lat ex.. Mi Allts-t ssi. let Is.... M 4 se 1 Ml . As. m. iietM. rarina 4s n A T. a T. rv. !e..lllN. R. at M. IWIlt w"-r,. 1. ci g. ik- nt .....lMia As 4a m mu. a ca, ,e. wm a. s. . as, m n. awkiasa sen. at.... Mt ee. Is in as ! M.".!.!!!!lM ae ev. 'le. ...!!lMl4 A c l lat 4a. Mtikto. Pnirie ni si. A Okie . Mt b M e shs a. ac nsa aH asaW. l4 IlltPeaa. ev. Ilea UU.. r, lease. TT. sr. av. wm eva. ss. im f-Mi si Oa. Is. ls Itesdlas sen. M MU rw uaikar to N I k 1 t f. kll ef N. J. M...in4 ae sea. Is. MU Oea A Okie 4a..iHHiM. L. W. t .. u as fef. la MH a lat seM 4a. Ma rlraes a A. me.. MSA A U 01 B. A 4). L ITsae. rat. eel. le..... nit ava. m s4 ee cv. ea M O k 1 I h I k lit let rat. M St rfs. 4s . Rallvar M. m Ole. Int. I Tl'v de ae. as :4 kit la. M fates raclfle 4e....lMtt c. A a r. a. iws re, ee rv. 4a m ft. a H. rv. M Uj ae 1st a ref. 4a n k I t t 4s ..... M l . R.bbee 4a ....IM a ref. to nu. a steel M as....ll rnainanr le TJSVe -Oar. Oeta. trie a L M MiaWskesk IM a UI sea. ex. ii ee isi m ex. 4s.... ae ev. Is. ew. A.. Buweetsrs M4 la.... f e sea a " Btae. , .. Mtt Oea. glsa ev. ts....ue wis. raalrsl 4s 11 CBa 1M tel. 4a MaMe. Pae. ev. to ttu I sue. Met 4lvs U Paaswa Is 11 V later, si. M. 4Ha ITVI -Bia. these clrcumetanue it waa not to ho wondered that lite market moved with practically no Impulse, even though Im portant financial Interests wer quoted as declaring thitt fundamental conditions are. stead ly Improving. This statement was borne out in a measure by the Calu met and Heeia directors who decUrsd a quarterly dividend ot x aa against tha preceding payment of II Per share. Th paMlng ot the dlvlelon of th Repubil and ateel combination wa announced after the clot ot business on th ex change. Of the mor active stocks Reading was weakest, declining to th lowest level since the latter part of January. Southern Pat'lfio waa but slightly influ enced bv a supreme court decision af fecting its lead holdings. Canadian Pa cific displayed greater heaviness than any other high class Issue. Its early decline of lt points being snsisted by London selling, presumably for Merlin account. In th group ot specialties tha Centre! Leather preferred. Federal Mining. Gen eral Motor and tha tobacco Issues all showed pronounced weakness. Severe-Roebuck, almost alone of Ita class, waa strong after some early heavtneea. Th market cloeed dull and with Utile change In th more actlv laatie. London's operation her were on tna selling side, aggregating about 10.0M shares, chiefly steel. Th Bank of Eng land secured practically all tha South African gold delivered offered In th open market. . ' Th bond market was Inclined lo ateedl naea but aiiaded off towards th cloae. Total sales, r value, I3.U7.O0O. United Slate government ta advanced 1 per cent, th Is registered 44 and Panama coupon w per cent on call Lone unloaded oats, being Impelled by th drop In corn and by th disap pearance of th premium for spot deliv ery, limits for May wer 4210 and E!S with Hi cloew U V net lower at IPte. Psckers and foreigner were believed to have been on the buying aid of lit firovlslon market. Pork roae lOo to lid or the day and the net of th Hat 10 to 10r. Holiday tomorrow, election. Number of sales and leading quotations oa stocks today were as follows t ale 1114 a. caw. ewes. , U.4M 41 IM Mtt M14 ti 'iiii' l.p Cwttaa Market. NEW YORK, Feb. et-COTTONVMar- ket cloeed oulet. I points lower: middling uplands. 1.40c; middling gulf, L44c: sales. aw bale Cotton tutor closed steady. Closing Mds: February. IKc; March, late; April, Mote; May. Mtlac: June. 10Jc: July. ttxae: August, 10.9c; September. M 2c; October M.Kc; November. l.4uc; Decem ber V: January, 1 4c. L,IVERPOOU Feb. as. t OTTDN epot, oed business don. Plica I aoints hieher; American middl'ng. tsse; good micionng, aiic: mtaaitng. asic: low middling. Alls: wood ordinary. Ajae: or dinary, 4Tc galea, M.M bale. AIMKisleisee r4 .... AaHlssjaatel Coaeer Aneriraa arlacaltaral Amsricaa nsvc avsar..... Aaisrleaa Csa ,,..,,.,. Awsrleas CI A F AaMriraa Cation Oil Atiwrleaa H. A U sfs. Aia. ls Bsearltlee Antsrlraa Uasest AiaeHean tocotanllve ,., Anerlcaa I. A ft tal 4 1 aft. Am. Steel yv.!B4rts. .. Am. Sasar Kenning Amerteaa T. T '. Americas Tnbseee Bid.... America W'selea Aiucsoa Mlalas 09 Alehlssa AtetilsB all Atlanll Coast Uae..., altlaare A nku.-.... Betslsnvm Stssl ..M.., renllre Raaie .,.. txnsdiaa raeirie Oatrsl leather Crural leiixr pM t'entral ef New Jersey. . Ctleaie 0. W., see rasMPMse m "ft is. (-Masse a AHee oiisaae a. w. art CVesso A K W tillesaw M n. P.... it. v. a Bl. L.., rhlsrsile F. A I vief4e A sissra rknesll4sls4 Pea fern Pro4ueta lslaare Bodes Peaver a Rl uranee.... D R 0 Hi nielllsrs' gesurttlee .... BM vie IM e'4 rls a Bf4 Oassral ElertrM Oeasl Northera Sf4 area! Ksrtsere Ore etta., t,M 17 llllsois tentrll IslsrasriMiib Met. ....... Isisr. Met. pM latsenatlenal Harvester. Intsr-Msrtae an .., latsenatlenal Psaef Internstlse! reas a Osatral kssess Cilr e steers... g c . sr larlaes las Uulavllle Hesbvllle..! is. A Bt. levels m . st. r a a M .. srart. a. a t M . K. A T. eft MIMoerl rarlfle fitleaal klerutt Nslloesl lead K. H R ef If. 14 pit.. New Tart Ceslral if. y.. a w Norfnlk A Westsrs. , NeeiS Ameiieaa Neethera PaeltM Baelfle Msll Psasavtvaala ., resale's use P . c . C A Pt. L. miners Ooal Wmil Stssl Car PnMmaa eaiaee Car , R.llwsr Iteu eyriag..... ftssdln; ,., neeohlle St set tMib'te a eel pfd. Ksrk Islaed Da Hock Islsnd Te. sfd St. L. A a F. M sM... HL taala . at. L. W pit. ....... .. slcss-SasfflsM A I-... Sestsera PeelfM Snetasra Railway No. ksilwsv ef4. ......... Tvssili'l Caspar ease A Pse T.. St. tV A W T . St. t, W. pM ftslsa Ps-lne rsise PsHfl e4 t'slted Stslee Pesltr.,... rsite nstee ytneeer.... iTeHsd mates Bujst. n Steel Bf4 ri ttsk Osaesr v Va -rvrellaa CbMBleal .. Wasssh Wssa e'd .., Wavfsra Varrtsad Waaatesbsnee Klaetria ... w-slsra t'ale . ..X... wlMellii A U B.. Tehlek Vslley Oilss Ciissir Tear rwawi'lstsd A-tiess Toaaer TO I a nti In 41 M M ,. Hi Ht n t4w 1"i 1 INI im rvt nu, 17 to llH 111 til at luit 141 1 Wt i!ina 'iii, 'as k!2 lim im m. IMti Ml IUa KlUj Ulttj see iuI itt li Wivi will. 101H IW M M l 1 ti v t;i .t int ttttl m !', l.m itie it 11 4M M Ml II ., ,... IT r4 , 1114 ..... M , II 1 UU lalt Hill IM llili Ml IM IT 14 II tea in ire is) 1M WUj 10 ir II 114 ll4 MU !H . M MM P"4 IM 1111 IUU. tm itsti in mi 1 44V 14 IT IM K it .... l't 1T IT. u tes less 1 1 lee tea ltw 1014 SB IMi let lilt Hit iii M ::::: ::::: a& m a n in ' Ml M M Mt im ita) lis lit 1.IM 111 1114 lies i r r MS im ltaaj iiM4 lie's, 1.IM TTS ttu, rt 4M HS 1HS ll'H fee IIS IIS US l:m u list ins 1S t,m ten ws ims S 1W t 'i ' .' Mi n M M IMS IMS IU l 1 15S l"t ea) MS IKS MS Me n rt its ue S Ml t M MS 'W Tl H l ane It's lrs ITS iw rs rrs r. m 1:4 n n f M ws tt n im us mt It. MS 1"S ICS 14 IM Its K " ....V "S . ... 'i 41 sm IS MS US 14 S IMS IMS l.m ui m ns le IT US IT K MS MS MS Tt TS 1ST UTi r.s Sla IBM ITS IT IT M Tt III J.aM m eslae at tb ear. M4.M akarea Bdlvi4ca4. lej Baak ClewrtBaT. OMAHA Feb. er.-Bank ctayarlnn for to day wer , ?i.fc7 4.2s snd for th corra spendlng day last year. I1.41U7J.7!. Eey t tb Bttuatlon Be AdvertWag. It eta I Market. NEW YORK. Jb. 3k. METALJJ B tand ard coooer. firm: spot and Fsbruarv, 14.iajtei4.Kc: March, ItlOltilJBc; April. May and June. 141PiT1ltTHc London market, steady: spot. (04 I Id: futures. CS4 M 4d. Arrivals reported at New York. 27,971 ton. Custom house return show export of S.m tons so far this month. Lak copper. ltMrl44c: electrolytic. 14Si tillSc: casting. UM(itM. Tin, firm; rot and February, Ht J7H: March, in orwt e: AnriL H2.Si4 I7V4: Har. ItfantVCTI: June 40fi43.5a. London market, steady: spot t; future, fjtl lis. Local sale. Tv too Boot. Mt-llH; twenty tone March. W ); tm tcne March, W9?i and twenty-five ton March at 141 60. Lead, quiet HOttrrf.H, Kew Tork: liSfr 4 01 Eaat Bt Loots: London. II 17a 4rl. Spelter, quiet, t.40trt7l. New Tork: Htr tM.lt1, East Bt Loula: London, til 10a. Antimony, quiet; Cookaona 17 8. Iron, Cleveland warrants, 47s 7Ved la London. Locally Iron waa uneettled; No. I foundry northern. Ct-TaalS 35; No. 1 111 tog 14.:.; Na 1 southern and No. 1 southern soft, G17SdlB.& Waal Marwer. ST. LOnS, Feb, K,-WOOL-Stedy: territory and weetern mediums, kttji&c; tin mediums, l&trlTc; fine, WQic ,