THE BEE: OMAHA. TUESDAY. FEBRUARY 27. 1912. VANT ADS ' DElTHt AND FINEJIAL .NOT1CB. riLATII itssJuwa.lrwsrBO ry St at awaa Fiieeret at family residence. HI Park aerne, Tuesday at 2 p. at. Frtaod ur- vted. MAIL ORDER BUSINESS MAXGIAMELl BKOS. Macaroni, made la Omaha. Every pack age fuar. As jour tracer. Send u fifty tsar lee rat aut of package for premiums. TT , . Kstabtlsbel St Hcyn btudio s2ss? iri psoto; we will five prices aad beet styles ltth snd Howard dts, Pawna. K.ios. butter. Poultry. 1 1 'ghost market price paia. Write (or caolallon ard hlpp!ng ua. , BROWN PRODUI1S OU. TVholeeajer of Fish. Orators. CaJary. :31 Howard St. Omaha Neb. hsVITCHEa MADE FROM MMBINUR Sra. Pec, till N. Sth. 'Phage K IsM. BTSIXSSS CHAKCGS. KOli 8ALR Blacksmith stoop; ban power shop ta state. Address M. U. Mansisna. Sapartor. Neb. RBSTAl RANT aad lat 4!.W Hotel and lot tH" Bartwr shop and lat .. t:t Millinery and ladles' turn'. ! Also haw eeveeal city reatdetwee lor site at reasonable prices. B. L Jobneoa, Valentine. Neb. POOL hall and barter ebep lor aala ar mat. A. kel aen, alt Nana lb HOTEL FOR SALE American plaa. Only hot at la town at l.u people: rooms; doinf food base ness. boiKMnf r Bum by lb our. Ose aad eJeetrte Ucata. city water. Will pav ta Investigate. Will aall aa aaay tcrraa Address. L. P. Clark. Proa.. A ta. is. I ' j rr in ar ox wuBiuna. m tiar.tiE.T' i aij. sei pee wa. e a." hiitei. pi.aZa seeds flist -class cafe Eacxptiaoal far aa expert eared party. Wa nave K rooms and M aatahliaaael Mvlnt bnatnaaa. Call or wd- drcM wra. J. r liner, mgr. imn w no-am. vn i if pa l.u Mixed ! Me, OlAJira for prtee List IAS AM A fTTAMP CO- a Navttr Blaak. iwtjiM. Neb. AMU8UMErS" Apollo Theater iOCm ciaaa motion pnum '.lit! UfcJ-T MLB1C jxh arK a a t ALWAYS THIS LIIAHONU THKATEH, MtB and Lata. Tba Famout Clam Rax Plctura IM banday. rat Ana .uuauataa Venezia atata: Miuta Fa pafpr and Comatly and SeJect Drama. td Kotnw. Muawaaa nou a'"' , " F.xchanaa Co. Room li MoCaua bhUi. FOR SALE Tata autaawtla aafrty rator iharprnlnK raachlaaa and offka outfit; lriaia If taken aoott. Eta Atua matw f larpanlnt Oa.. M Raaara Bld. FOR SALft-Dr oodi stork In 0da Riiphla. Is.. Involca. win sail rtht for quick turn ar will eonddar chasp land fur part: dotac a alca businaaa and soud praapaots; ana of aa awaara as aar intrt and must aall qalolt. H. A. Raynoida. aat. Cadar Ri 1. fa. nPiTil. jwoiirad for mayttaiiou ea- ttrniiaM. OraaBatatlBaa aaratad. ac-ki sold an romrnwalua. Upetay af Incraaa !n baalaaaa at aataMtaaat taaraaanta snd of pulllns aama an a casta baaia. Rafarancaa airnaaaxd. Hllllaa OS 131 Maia tin Coanea nipfra. ia. i.uAHA FILM EX. li""1 'lotion ptotura malna and film bargains WiOGRESSiVE FILM 00. :u7 i&rmtm. ' Movios pXW mmchtam ivt iuppttt. WXJR Orui 9mrw in lunui niltit lOWn Ut Mlata Wit ' i rrm at-avaa. t stock will tmrta Buin jittUUrif owner bon per yts. Om The Lnemmlo FUm Service. I:antcaa of sas-a altlaiaa. Aaanta tar I'aaara. Fdlaaa, Mdtiufraph narlimaa. 1W1 Famsm t.. umshs. hrh. liiVAI. Thtaiar. N Mth and Osta uuiau w,n, jiollon iaauraa, tn tartalnlnc and educational. AAKOUXCkUiKATH M. K. Mamll. aSMis aslat. aa BranuaM Ta J. A. GENTLEMAN, rmbaimrr, till rtilraco ft. II. r. -& all-atabllhrd aall psptr and aictura buainan In tha but city la lows.- A4- 1 1. 1 uuy any auai - . .. until you cenault us as la safaty. Long aiparlanca can aava your monay, for .i -, a w ti aa H.f.M.rM w. a. ijaiwipw in. xjwtti taa-Rrduord arlca an ntoa uataa rmm aall aa four r;i; inans "OET our diaaionda at Broasrd"s Xi itALK or rant. -room aowaa. iaaUdHaj tan walob may ba.oMd Ittk Bu south Oswaa. A. Vsadomar. Tal. KwfBi i.'kai' i.i t bmII ir at nek of aaaranawtlaa for raah. Lat at kaar troai yaa. tw Hoa amuamr CARPENTERS PATTON-BO VMAN . ILVEDTVAliE COMPANY NU Faraam KL, Art arlllnt Viola at eoat. ir . m i m 11 i Iiiiii.m VliiaSiiiBk af Casual Brttlak t'olumbta. rtrbar la aat In tha world. taaltn is ba fas mWrhty . . . . . . . . n u iriii w T10NAL INVEaTORa, Paataa Bid.. .i Clald aad ardaa Co.. t o Miurra, Yaunk- H L'LSE & RE1PEN, X'Hllw.RI'ArtCKt. NORTURUP Lettkr Il.'PLlCATlNO CO, so Psxton buu. circular lattars, any auaautx; olitaat aatabuakad aompaay; ax lurta of Multlsraph and Waoatyla. To aa aura, dish ia aood a aat : alas ftah la tha bast ptaaa tuasr ta Omaha. ptmna Wabatrr im IIEAiE Y & HEAI'E Y, 42iSSSi Mayad ta tfll Fartiam. A-aWt. H. ata. YOU'lA araaya ba happy tf sar srad dux rtiid comas frata a osstaard a. 11 K. luth Bt. At tha ib of ma crown. H. Whrtar, A' flass , '. lhi N. 17th. aitBrr taw. i . ..ittvni HiHitli fiaAK. Boa- M. prpald, Arr ba'f diain; tf aat aattafariary momy aafnadid. UHA- TON lrtl I t), W Farnam. Omana. slaaatard Van attuaaaa. i-iasa. atora alid ship M. H. souua 1 lwa. U-Vd. Nab. ami Co. 1M Janaa. Bolh phoaas. MOV1KU pwtara aw-kinaa aad aupailas. Nurska Flint 0a. Uttt Farnam m. MONEY TO LOAN-LOW rata. In sums ta nit. Baa Blrta UNIOK 1tAN CO. i;nlMtatrtnc Mana turn. rep. taa Far. IIAEAL LKAF PILE COM rsmsdy fur Itcbltif, biaadlnt or protrua ltu pllas; tdc. postpaid; ismplss fraa. bharmaa taoOmnsll ltrtni Co.. Omaha. WtHlLAs Prlntint Ca. TaL 1HU att twamy par aaut laas than Omaha arioso. HOs FrttNimiNO CO. Tawaty-sourta aad L ata. woath Omaha. !. H. '' ritn Co. r tm. Hit (.vtMatKMi'iAL riiatutnauiur. . M. Habart V Walllmrton Hld. Doaf. tP WATBRs PHINT'iNU CO. Pout 1" Filters. FlUsr rapslra. Ui 8a. M. U. tai. DRUMMOND Aula rasaars. atatlaf. aoay work, trim- mine rwaoatna snap, mat sag ataraay. Auto lamps rt paired. Omaha ailnor Ca. FOR BAl-Cadlllso automoblla. Ult modal. Ownar baa left nty. snd will tail rhap. This car has bad but t months' ussss aad Is as food as saw. Addrssa It lu. Baa. O.VB B-M-F M. complrta wlta all aaaip Ull. span front, t-paMnnwir: aaaa aaad as damonstrstor. Pries, fist. Oaa I1a. passensar Ksmblrr. rood aaaaWaa. aasx una Modal 41 Ovarlsnd, IMS, MAE10N AUTOMOBILE CO. SM- Famsm t. Omaha. Haft. McLNTYRE AUTO 00. rara for tha miur SB tha aaaibst Oa. land, atasnis. Knht and R. C. Ht Uar aains la uaad cam. Out Faraswi, DAIRY for aala. Pbsas Hamsy UH. M S. JOTH aT.purrisaaa U-raom flat; road rowittkm; rmaa tn. XW HOI'TH nh atraat. It-room naanaff kouaa; all awidwrn: aloaa ta. ElGHT-ROOSt roomlnt nnaat, full af roaaaart, wall twmlahadi strictly tarnw. IT North Z6th. 6CSISEM PErWOTTAI 3. T. fattran. Sri Cast, ttsd dttf. Astasia a Walts. U W. VTriaFTtBAI wni- rvrr "srT- F.P RDW8, wall borlra Allaraays. Banaoa VaV tastta U Hall. tAwywr. ssT Prtm. !. 0. W, llhlaiaa. Altarnay. aW of t 'rada. B. t. Parnsworth. Attyl ftatTikai. . AwaAttaa aad Tasrta. . OMAHA TCKT CO. Tat ttt Hoartaa. THS ONLY WAY. . BaaTfasa chacksd ta drstlnsnan. Taxi, saha and tourrnti sara. Tal. Domlaa tav m-OfTa Dal AHA SAH OO , Oambs. Nat). Mil Pi amah-a BILL POtrrtNO CO. tit HARKTSY. rXll'ULAa xaM nVf ilfA BllA P08TTNO CO., tit Oaa aad Pasaasm msaataatarara. ayaaaatt fan w Partmaa Oa. W W. Ysta. tavansoa. rarpantar. aant Both pbsaaa. Ctsrasa Tata waaHarw !iwan Ft pa. ni g. TXO. CM DR. ROY. Ut Farnam. Ponlss tut. rlilaaaaj ajaaalaatasasa, Wasr laaal rat aMvta. at. S. jlmlth Co WaTnPFTri.1 tails WCrrtBR COAL; PURNACK ar KAJJuk. XX tut: A-Mtt. KINnUVa, ta taad. H.'Oross. W. xaM. i Mas. Always aaod. DAVID COLE CKCAMCKY COMPANY Caaalaa aaat aaawl Calllsaja . CARTSR avast Watal Woraa. Owaha. VAMJUBAJ Si7V -pWaaTaaa. Imtioa jitaaa. Traoka aad aatos atoraa. atarwaraa ra aawj cars, tal fc It. D tail. ""PFktFFLR awkaa sd cara Ilka saw br aodtsc tanoarts, ntukmf aaaa. ra- pataruia. mc ma ana sj.. wm. or HIE tt a tarsals, twa sllzhtly naad ataJawi Astswwauss. Fraaiaad Asia Jo.. IKh tad Farnam. QRKAT BAKUAlr.5 IV KT.W AND SECOSIt-AtAJiD ADTOMOBlLLo. I hat seaarsl aew Caalmsra. aaa aaw Thomas Flyar. twu StaaaDS-Durysa, twa Htoddard Daytona sad ona Amarlcaa that I win sell st almost bait arlea. Cars must ba told at enca. a a ui , MTimVCRT. tot On. Nafl Bank Bld. Phona P. 4t. UMAHA MACHINE WORKS Autocnoas wsMlnc aas'l aiachlna aad auta rcpalrtnc Patura maklna' and spe cial machiaary dsatensd. Kipart OAs work. Pauara orawiaaa. sa a. Sam wt-. s. REPAlRlNa. PAINT1KO. TK1MMLNO. Murphy Didlt Why not sail your old automoblla and buy a asw aas sr. scayka, you aaa uss tits tsaaay ta soma ataar way Is ait her swat. Baa awat ads and as Uw wartt. Itataa lit aats par word It rua asty aaa tlma ar 1 can . prr ward K rua two or mors tiBMa earascatlwsly. A I'ri'1 1 KAMATUKjS repaired. Metal at sV Matiaa. Kscalssar Ca- tat Fax. Morand-a artrata kasaoaa aiaty day. Classes Maa, aad M, da. at. leal atat DR. tfrLCRAN. ewanalts aatasaawaa ar aa (aa. eat BransoM BaAf. BmKESS PERSOXALS Plea-tats. 1 Stewart's. Frarlsts It Hauls rut a lit N. H BRANDCIS FLORIST. Brandeis BKH. L. HENDERSON, ltlt Farasm. R Uit BATH'S FLORISTS. Boyd Theater Bid. rtbolea MeaKumaiy Co. Ins. Rtraf Blk. Alfred a Kennedy, "tJ. sacs. Tot First Nat Ba. Bldt- Doug. 77t Irass and Wlra Faaalaa. Aaetisr Fanes Ca. T07 N. TT. Tel. Red 111 . Liaktl. H. Croea, Lorn, wrark'c. Hb. W Paot Laaadrtaa. FRENCH Hand Laundry. Tel. H. tSM. Ousrantea laundry. Klae work D. K7T. . at a I ! Maa a tact a rasa. .Sklrmar's snd spifhetti. le pk. taaalsux, ttacaaa aad Caaaaias. EXPREIWSBN'8 Delivery Ca -Mori ni rornrtura. nacaina. Iiraprvw nnM. . L .7.1. I . I ..A U-111 Twia City Eipraas; Ull Howard. Both Tel. lax. men. tl hour. W. Bit Jiaaasaaala aad Maaaalaaasa. 1. T. Bloom k Co.. IT'h tnd CumUlt Sta sals, Art aad Laaaaasaa, Experienced rlolln teacher. Tel. W. aat Uaiaawatby. A Ilea Johnson. - Brsndelt The. Bldf. Katherya NkAoiss. Ce-t Hraadsis Theater optic taaa. B T. Wont, flltlnt A tap's;. Hi Brandela Palal aad Glass. PAINT, all, lead aad taraeaUna arc It Kr earn cheaper asw than a year tfa ka adeantass af th's and buy only tinrtly pure material st llsrker Bros. Paint Co.. laH4 Famsm eu Pbous Doaflss ITS. Pat aala. O. O. Btrnell. Paxtoa Blk. Ttt Red ml. Wlllsrd Eddy, IMI City Kst. Baak Hide. edlaoei ptiewmi tpha Blwiltt Bros. 1Wt Fsr. Faatssjsaaaara. Rlaakan. pbstagraabsts. Utk A Fsmsm OtTAHA UnATCIl CO.. tit R. Mth. Plosabcrs. Ia P. VALKKMBKRO. Piumhtnf. W-tW. PrlatiatJ. LewW.BaberlPrinter, TgSu nxm m.rxj. pntrawcis on court. PRIVTIVtl Buparlor drsda. 1. K. miAlLMJ Thompson. Wsb. tltl LET tha CKNTRAL PR1NT1N0 (U I your work, tin tMntrkta. Tel. D. ITM. Lyntjatad Prist mg ca, lath aad Capitol aaa. Tel. ins, ttai rar (oaa printing. Rica-Hall Pit. Co., P s. 14. Ind. A-TSM. 'tflixOW 'torraaa bear. Hanar. etaara. aanawtrtrsiL Alex Jetes, lat liaagias. atlsy. tha Asa list- City Nst'L D. ats. Itaca Mac, td floss- Par. tea. tx Mai TaA'S dental reoana. Ult Dwsa. U Bet banasd. M Paxtoa Blk. D. UH. A -111. JAMES ALLAN. Nsrllia Blk. Tyler UM. L W. LONONaX-'lCBa. HI Karbaah B.S. Twrye pi saiixsskrrai esBiawa. talk tt Par, PLASH aad faacr draasmaklat: Mteat Prwaca atylss: anoas tassssthls UU CaV aa Tai. lea. s-sm. DRCC8 at aut n leas'. tVauJil paid oa rot eawera; oaiatotrua trea. toermaa A McCsaaell liras; Ca, Oa.aas. Neb. CONSULT DR. BURKS. 41 Dane. Blk. rrTTirn t tvtq laundered. Mrs. Car. uuitioinuBm, Hirnn Ittt Try tha BOtTON WIT W, AH. Hare raur rsmny ansa aroutat name raaoy tar try tag st Ttc iou. ttKi. a urn Out-of-date gsnaants ax. Ra aaw. ... tt3t Kvstva Balsa, axaart caraatlara: ear. sets made as SMasure. cleaned A repaired; warkmaashta auatauitsaa. ttt Bee. It-UA. FliOT REPAIRS A12Kr OV'ErlLANO. modal ll a-paaangerT et-aaraa-powar; fiaa cocdUaWii Baa. Ttt. W I. LA f AO t-Auto blackamlthlag. Vaaea ralinad. wheals tiwd uw sprint weidws; a aiwcialty. New addreaa, U a. ItUi. Dscclae &. DlIK.SS CHANCES r'Oft tAi.t tiutai-resiaumol la aWratu Daftaai caua'.y aeat. Oood eacattoa. Must sell oa sc. ".nt of health. A soap. Ad draw ax Us. at7. a. D, ETWs-rtklwa aaatrtaas. trartria lirtirrnc Bx. wheUsals aad rat til Bohlcc Oraadaa Ca, toll Uoward. D-tB. paaal aulas tad scacwa. Peed, an ktaaa. Olsasoa atMa tm laart, ttaal Taak aaWI OaJrart CamaaaJaa. TOCBRAsKA aad tawa Ksal Tank Caav lata sad Kieaaiaau o. smb. Myrlls A. Kslley. ttt Bran. Tha & I testa etacl Aarataaa, OS AHA TtrVT CO. Tel. til Douglss. Itaaka aad alt Cases. Preliat Btatale, Itst Parnam St. taaa aas VACUUM Cf .KAN kPaPlehmoad Suc tion Olaaaers ranted by day. Maatal ta apply an purchase prlr-e If Purchased Wlthta sta aasaths, RICHMOND lAUt CO., itnt Fsraaai at. Phone Iliwitss list. I I VIRGINIA bARH wtaa. tic a lams bot. tltvKVeta Uquor House, tfl N. lath t. til Maaalaatacaca. t. K trlfflts, way mfr., B Presiasr Btk BDVCATaOXAti TTTTORINO, let ta tth arada H. am. BOYLES COLLEGE DAY AND NIGHT SCHOOL ALL THE YEAR CoeiDtete nuran ta Post nee. Book- kaemaa. ttenosrsohr. TalesTsahy. Civil Service or asiesmansbia. The os la free tor tha askmf. Call. hosts far a at aaoa. oylat. PraalaenU Boylat nso. talag as write ar Addreaa H. B. Collets, Omaha, OMAHA COMMERCIAL POIXKOE. BK8T IN THK WKoT." Day and arerins sisslcas sH rha year. aarthand. Tyewwrttlns, Bosaksaplitf. Aaracul t lars. CttrU aarvv-e. srsamasslilp. Art maa. rrse, ssta aaa paraaav UaXP WA X TLB r'avMAUi CIs rise I ward atjka, BRTOHT ofTVw ann, mead at furare. W. A. msaakauck a, 0a PasAsber. nil St. ktarya Awe. watac sad laaeVss, dels ta tsara aalr dratajait; ar us. td FL. C sry y Nat I. ItOMB work for ladles aad (Iris deo- ratlat aofa wMawa; aaparteaoa unnecas- y. vtu reewaaoaa. mar a inn. RFRVANT GIRL PROBLEM SOL V KD The Baa will twa poor Dueues Oa lietp treated ad FRfcK satH yea aai tba asairad raaalta. Brltal roar ad ta Tat pea errxa ar taiaaraene Tyler less. WANTKD-A eaaapatcat matd tar aaa. oral h sues a ark. A part mi at 1. Nortaaaaa aaarttweat. Tal rah aas Htraay 174. WANTEO-Qrrt tar twnaral housework res ta rswHr: aa lies 1 1 wi t it. ttth at. A IIOOU auraa air I: aaolr at aaoa. ATM rmerrte. LI Basaaf tnatttata wants ca re fer nrta Paoaaa H. Kll tad A XsM. Va.VTLO swod steadT s-lrl ferliOMM- ora. ii sss siaiai aa aaaur aer n ttth Re HELP W ATTED MALE (Wraaal aad Ofttee. Is- YOIT KNEW The firms that bare called on as for help yeu would see us without oeiay. Ear aad crary position Mated below are with Ursa aad respoaslbla firsts. Call at sur office tomorrow and kt us show you how wa Place the applicant s rsoora In direct taurh with the business aiaa. Maaaser hardware aad Im pie swat stsra Touac rasa was kl capable of working himself up to lt a third interest In the firm. This store did tMuw worth of basintss last year, invest meat raquiraa. Doa't faH ta look this sp AT ONCB. Credit maa, must be thoroughly expen sord. tls. - Casruor, wholessle firm. Its, 1st. Paces BTieasevr, with aaa at tba tuwest firms la Omar, lia). Lumber yard mansgrr, centra) Ne braska, not. Yard manager, lumber; prefer young snsrried maa. PS Two Clfsr islesmea. exawriererwa. srw. Thraa sxjarialM sslswjBea. M aer weak; per cant oammktatoa and expenses. Multlrranh opsrator, eoa woo caa ao typewriting, tm. iilptdnc clerk, hardware. u. baeraman. Isaplemenui: commies ten. Assistant bookkeeper snd seels maa. pre fer young man; salary depends. stawtHiiapacr. wnoeenaie. tie. oo-opblKATIVB KKFKRKICCK CO, (LstshUehed FIVB YEARb la Omaha.) lata-M City etloni nana mm. "CANO" High srsde noaitiona ttt Bos'. O IM-i arena suite sou fearer Ml ssaiis iw sale; also tor rant. II to B a nurht. JOHN FELPMAN. St N. 17th. D. tLS. taclary aad Trades, Drag rtore fsnafs) pbs. KmsstBseBldt WANTKD An A-t Brat els-is paper hanger. No ether seed apply. The Aael- pedeTaeTi-van inner co.. aioux t-ity. is Electricians PATTON-B0WMAN HARDWARE COMPANY 3ll Farnam St, Are selling tools at rent. Mtsectlaa AUTO SCHOOL, 1 OMAHA. I LA RGB BHOP8. GUARANTEK. higher qual ity graduates. More cars and actual repair work thaa any three western schools, ut us phuvk it. U.S.. WANTED FOR U. 8. ARMV-Able- bodled unmamed men between the ages of M aad a; cltlssns st Mitad Ptalea. of good character sad teatpsrste habits, whs osa speak, read snd writs tha Engllah language. For mformttloa apply to re mitting of Deer. Uth and Douglas Sta, Oms hs. Neb.; SJ7 II h Bt, Sioux City, ia.; IS N. loth St, Lincoln. Neb. WANTED Engineer experienced with lea tnaetilnes and botlsta for night en gineer la packing house. Address Y tH, rare et Bee. WANTED Uoed. all around butcher sad sa usage maker, i. C Messlsr, liashler. reb. law RAILWAY MAIL CLERKS WANTKD-tet month. Omaha sxsmlna tlana May 4. Ceecblat tree. Writs Fraak- tm laeuiute, ampl st at. ttecsattar. STOP! READ! Oet Into a paring arotfeaatoa Leara sutomobila earlneerlruj la ear large tralnlnt shop. Handreds of successful traduatsa. Cemylete equipment et auto, mobilea aad machinery. Address National Auto Tralnlnt Assn, tS Braadals Tbaa lar BMg . Omxha. Nek. ROOMA, 2(0 uihl. Carey ilotel. Uth tna rtowara. A MAN of toed appearance to work In a window dleolsy. Call at tha Howard. Mth and rsrasm, Apt. Na. t, betweea u and 1 p. ra. Saturday. lee machines and boilers, for night en gineer In packing house. Addreaa Y Si, ears ea WANTED Met ta Band for our lllue- t rated catalocue, mailed tree, snowing how we tearh the barber trsda la snort time. Whether or Bot yea deal re to be er, me a barbar, yea will be Interested la this Innovation. Yon may bars a friend er acqualntanrs whs will want ts learn; yon will snow was to recommena. no bare a novel arstam. Call or writs at enca. Molrr Berber Collegs. 110 8. 14th St. WANTED Railway mall clerks. St a Osama. Short hour Na layoffs; soattloa rrrs tor lira, omane examinations May Tbsueanda et appointments coming, caeremoa education eufflolent. "Pull" un- siisit. Candidates prepared tree. Write for sample oaestrans. Franklin u ItMata. llept. fll M. Hocheeler. N. T. av ANTED Mere Deoole te raise poul try with tha Old Trusty Incubator. Write for free catalogue. M. U. Johnson, Clay Canter, Neb. - TKLBORAPH rjoamona guaranteed you by the Union Paotrio ana Illinois Cen erel sollraslB If vau caln votir tralnlnar In ear school Practice oa R. K. wires. Ad dress tor psrtleulsre. H. B. Boylat, fraa. Bay lea CoUega, otnana, P-ea. UVB STUCK VOH BALK. Hssaea aad Vektclea. HORSRS and etrwt. NU Cumins St MEDICAL DISEASES CURED Dr. Tarry cures piles. Fistula and other Rectal dlseasea without a surgical opera tion. A cure guaranteed, no money paid until cured. Writ for book oa Rectal Dtaeasce. with testimonials. BEE BLDO. OMAHA. WOVEV TO LOAX. salary aad Caattcla. " NATIONAL LOAN COMPANY. SOMETHING NEW. It's a place where any person having steady employment can borrow money on Just a PERSONAL NOTE. No mortgage security or lndorser re. auired. Our rates are low. -isrms as sua. SALARY LOANS OUR SPECIALTY. We have new aad private of flee. . ALL LOANS MADE QUICKLY AND CONFIDENTIALLY. Call ar phone and let us explain. NATRON AL LOAN COM PAY. ' ' ROOM . SIXTH FLOOR. BEB BUILDING. . PHONIC DOUGLAS till. liuri NEGOTIATED ON llAL l.S- TATE, FURNITURE. PIANOS. MARE, millorl RkCKII-iS. Ii ALA HltS. LlO. LOWEl-T RATES, WUICKIibT SiiHVlCE, CONFIDENTIAL. BEK L'S fliui. RELIABLE CREDIT CO, ID FLOOR PAXTON BLDG, UI S. MTH. TELEPHONcS DOUGLAS 1411 A A-1411. CHATTEL LOANS Lowest rales and easiest terms. Sea others; then see ut aad be coavmeed that we will save you money. HOUSEHOLD LOAN CO, N. E. Car. Nth A Doug. St. D. Ctw. Ind. A-Sll Ilk',. I'C .1 Sk.u. Mm l' I . H. at Star Lean Co., ti Paxtoa Blk, to lluu, ytneut security, ro suit you. on furniture, pianos snd real estate at a very law rat of Interest. Nebraska Loan Co. Doug. ir. St Re Bide. A-13S. Money MONEY loaned salaried people, women keeping house and othera. without se curity; essy payments, office In tt prln elpsl cities. Tolman. Ua Omaha Nst'l bank Bldg, formerly N. Y. Life Bids. DIAMOND LOANS at JVi snd h per oeoL PLATA U. lilt Dodge St. Tel. Red ttlt. , OFFKKETJ FOR KKST sard asd Kwaass. O. M. S. natilt trunn. D. ttl. A-SU. FOR RENT Newly . furnished front room la modem borne. Private family; beet board; man and wits preferred. Phone Harney 4562. FURNISHED room In private home; suitable for man and wife, with or with out board. 142S Plnkney St. Web. SOI. TUB MADISON. First-els table board; steam heated, newly furnished rooms; hot water at all time: clean bath; special rate by week or month. The Madison, list and Chi NICELY furnished room, with home cooking; easy walking distaace, J4t7 Har- DKSIRABLE rooms with board, auit sbls for eae or two: atsntlamaa preferred; references. IS 8. Sth s. Faralsaed Mossas. DKSIRABLB furnished room: private family. Mil N. Sth St Tel. Webster M-4. TWO rooms, ensulte. tS. strictly mod em. tS South Itth tret. MI4 CASS Welkins distance;- neatly furnished room. isn't ST. MARY'S , A ViS, Furnished aoms for gentlemen only. D tvw. MODERN, furnished rooms. Douaiaa . Sit Dodge. ' ' THE P0RT0LA-S4W Harney; nice. steam heated, modern room. . . . . . NICE large front room, Hanarom Park district. S3 Mercy St, Hamey 401 A NICH, clean room, private family, close In. S month. Wet 8. Od Bt. ' ttl PARK AVE; strictly modern fur nlehed rooms In privet family. Phon srney 17.ii. 35FTH JOTH BT.-tll Warm, well furnished room In all modern detached house; seven blocks from court house. Telephone Douglas IKS. A LAROB. wall furnished front room m a modem home, Douglas Ittt DOUGLAS, tSt-Strlctlr modern fur nished room Faralsked Haaaekeeplafj Reams. TWO nicely furnished housekeeping rooms. Sit Davenport. THB MANUEL-Two-room apartment S3. I ne nowara. s-ruois. pnwa oam, tM flat tnd Howard, ln MARY'S AVE Sie-Twa nicely furnished south rooms, modern, cooking tss, complete for houstkseplnr lost Psrk Ava. two room to two or three people, modern bouse en car line, furnished housekeeping, light, best, etc. Telephone Hsrney tari LIVERY AND BOARDING A nice parr at well broke delivery mules: a good Shirs. 7 year old stallion; W draft and delivery horse for saie or hire: boarding and livery a e penalty. All stuff guaranteed and reasonable at Dilley's liable. KB Sherman Ava J. C. Reese, new prop. For reasonable rate call REKSR AT WBB. 1US. TWO separate rooms suitable for llrht housekeeping, for t or t adults; home modern; I car llnee; private lamiiy; warn Ing distance. lit i. awn at, TWO furnished room for housekecDlna: modern house, on car line, light heat. Ice. let. M srney ttwA FOR SALsr-Btngle buggy harness, al raoet new: single top butty, almost Dew. Phone Webster XT7V Black mare, wt. L .Wagner. tM N. It. DON'T forget L C. Oallup't regular horse auction tale tt Union Stork lards, South Omaha. Thursday, Feb. BV Will have for this ssle ever St horses, con sisting of heavy draft, match teams, choice farm maree and single drivers. Also a tew second hand er city horses, a Ittt la pavement sere, which sell very cheap and make useful horse ts tsk out en the farm. Remember the dale, next Thursday. February a. FOR SA1J Two horses snd two maree. wsHtht I.St te l ast Bounds, at ISt Lakt it, or 'anaac Webster im. FOR SALE Tan head mare, also some food driving horses; five head of maree In foal. Douglas Street etshles, till Dottglns St. urivr draft harass for sale: ae our season la nearly aver, will sell a tew of our tine teams. Sen them at ltth and Msrcy. Havens-White Coal Co. FOR SALE 4 food farm maree, at Slier, mane Stable, Mb and Clark. Phone Webster 14. GENERAL i inf. nri. tie aer meat. Na Sth. WANTFO-jk neat kuankisaaT. Naraay 47;, w hturt. TOCVO wesvea ceeahnc te Oeaaha at trantwra are lavHed la asat ta Yoaag tesut CbrMlaa a a teas ties bulWiac at at. Mary's Av. tad ltth st, where twey wtu be ersrtcd te aut tabes beaming isss ar atherwisa assisted. Leak tec ear leeles fulds at the I'sloa esaterte. aros GOLD SIGNET ring, red stone, lost at Y. M. C A. Reward It returned to No. I, oniah ftt i uana. Macsile a ijeaesMt s,anai. Usmmis,,. Dally cieaaas Moa, Thar, Sac reeninga r t Dru ii-v. -tn - - - u.. tar war, GthxaaC eats, Ust H award a. HKLP WAXTKD MALB PKyyrrrTs cut fowert. psm-i vs. A. LKwasaue. WW Far. D. letc A-Mst HES A SWOBODaTmi Farsam 8C CALRNDAR SALMMAN WANTED We want a rekabie aa ess hie eaieemaa at aac ta carry ear attractive line of calendara fan snd advartlataf epsctaltles la Nearaaka Wa hare a apieadtd nne, earefuily selected by men long la lot bus truss and wh have tbemselvea sold thia cisas of goods on the read for rears. Oa evar Sberal eoeaadsjuon easts plaa, a eeleamaa who will devote hie time ex clusively la ear. line should have no dif ficulty Is eaeartat from St te UW per wees. It yeu ere a maa who will work aad caa aril twoda, addreaa Sale Man ager, aa'tmsaoo Advertietng Co. Kaia siass. Mich. Attach thai advorttssmcat ta your reply and flv full particular refarwlnt your past teusneee experienea. slcDeaald arts and bronze foundry, alu minum, tin. lead castings. Jackson. AGENTS Brand new propoaltioa. Great eat mosey maker ever offered. Setie at steal. . Yea get a sample tree. Write Western Supply Comsaa. tn tth Aveeue, Duraafo. Cela. ONE bltck horse, l.tco pounds: on bay nsra l.M pounds: aaeap. Inuulra Nelt Olson, ts! a ltth 8C LUST AND FOl'm iisT-Black lvnx neck piece at Bran- dels theater evening of February O. Call Red aa. t.rie.T tlold medal s th owner's aama cntrawd oa eroasbar. Call Dsuflaa tlei ratura Hius. -du a, vbwm. m rerd. 1 . lAlfcT Ueatieiiian's wallet contalalnf railroad passes and other papers, at value only to the owner. Reward snd aa questions asked for rettrrw ta Rooas it. C non metric tniios suumas. persons having loet some article would Ae well te call ap the of flee of the Omaha Council Bluife Street Railway osmpaay ta ascertsia whether they left It la tn street cars. Many art Idea ears day are turned la and tha company la anxious te restore them ta the rightful ewaer. Call Deuf laa tt OMAHA A COUVCTL BLUFFS STREET RAIIiV at wiariisi. LMT-1 fur collar, betweea 24th aad C ami at aad Mth and Douflas; tt fosad call tlerisoa MI W. Reward, - FOUND Bun bub tlx Madteoa St, South Omaha. persistent aarartlainf ta . the Road t Bis; Returns. MEDICAL. MENTAL disease cured. Ml Barker Blk. DR. RACE, specialist. Berveue and all chrenre taMate. 133 iiamty. Kea sets. LBfaralafeed Hesaaa. 4 modern rooms, parlor floor, lit Hth. Ull CASS-Two room, alcove, bath. house modern; references: car line. ONE or two unfurnished room for housekeeping, modern house oa car Una, light, heal. Ice. Tel. Harney arc. W A NTED Two large all mod era un- fnrnlahed rooms call oougiaa 7. TUDfe n..1 . hM,1 nrlv.l. famllu wsiKina eiBtanoa. sjm pun 01. I NICE rooms, housekecpinf. 1111 B. 11th TWO er three large unfurnished rooma Web. tMt or tetr. ONE. 1we or three unfurnished room for housekeeping: modern house: light. heat, teltphone and cooking fas. Hamey Motcta asd Apartmaata. TXwey Fompelh hotel. Uth ft Ftrnsm WANTS t Chambermaid and scrub rlrls. Millard Hotel. OFFERED FOR REXT Mseaea sad Csttaures, s nnnss . kTeLl anartennt en Mason, 9st and Mason Sis, ttt Tele phone Dougls 1571. D C. R. I. ckla, large stroag. elgoraua blraa, bred from stork acoriaf from tt u siu a kamisL trirja tX ta tt C 12. Cnnnlngham. Knorvtlla, la, Houees. la. King salt. Mandela Ta. Bldf. rriR RENT A t-room house. 94w St. Mary's Ave, Mist. Phone Red tWl. llOUSeS pre ink Sans A Co.. Bee BMg. HOUKS. I roama, modern. 193 CIS Si; rent Ku. WEST FARNAM New residence. stucco. Sit N. ttth Ave, Ml Red ten. FOR RENT 6-room house, modern ex cept furnace. Rem cheap. Sit Narth ltth Street, t-ROOM bouse, modem except beat. newly decorated. Sut Corby. Key IS door west. Doug las fTSt HOUSE Kit Dewev Ave.. 1 rooms. modern. Moyer Stationery Co, lsls Far nam bt. n a, iui imi . . w., " - inc machines. Ind. A-lost Douglas Uut lath and Harney Sta, HOtearilnt J) OOotut Decked arid for warded: eaeas freight ratea: mevlag and storing. Expressmen's Delivery Co. TeL Doutias vc city tuice, xu a. mi at. Bee Bldg. I MOVING, packing snd storing af house hold ' rood and pianos Is our business. Omaha Van and Storage Co, fireproof storage. Ml S. ltth, by the viaduct. Branch office, SS 8. 17th St. Tel. D 41SJ, A lift. iyir rknt-a larae modern residence. corner Uth and Pierce, 11 rooms, furnace. electric iieht, two toilets, a munta. Douglas 672. " BIX room, new. modern. West Farnam, 'A block to car. tS. Douflas 2S4t NEW Lroom cot t axe. full bssemenC large attic, oil modern except heat, tS. !S24 N. 27th St Good men are hard to tec They don t wander around the streets looking tor sign In windows. When you need good help advertise In The Bee. Bee want ads are read by keen, energetic men who wish to better their condi tion. Rate lc per word it run two or more time con secutively. Telephone Tyler KM. for RENT A laree modern realdeace. corner 11th snd Pierce; U room, furnace, electric Hunts; t toilets; ot per month. Dougm 671 LOOK AT THIS HOUSE, Pis room and bath, strictly modern. walking distance, full basement, with fenced; rang, shades, water tree; f7.5t; no boys. ls pi, xist A.ey next uoor. Webster 4871. NEARLY Bow, eevea-reom bouse, all modern; fa, electricity and furnace. 263 Brlntol . Nice location: look It over. Call Owner. Harney WTJ. K. K. HunlleY. CENTRAL all modern, steam beat I rooms snd bath: t-r 0t 2 N. ad St. lilt S. 10th. I room, all mod. except heat, upstair, reasonable rent DUNDEE bungalow. poesesstoB at once. St. Phon Ehrhsrdt. D. 41. FOR RENT-Cheao. a 7-roora house near Sth and Plnkney Sta. Call Web. EM. IZ7 Park Ave., t room, modem. Inquire Carey Laundry, ltth and Howard. t-ROOM cottage, modern, close in. IS s. ltth nt, ! tsi. 1 -iigiaa t-ROOM cottage, cartlv mod ran; near car; yard; shade. Web. 2621. FOUR-ROOM cottage, tas tad water. Harney Stt, B-M7I. 7-room flat td floor, til North Mth. t-room flat. Id floor, S5 North 21th. t-room house st 1S!4 North 17th. t-room house at 1663 North 17th. t-u-oom flat 2d floor, M7 North Sth. . O. C. RKD1CK. Attorney, 1517 Farnam atreet. Ml S 27th St, I room. Mrlctly modern. t. J. I. Kemp. Mth and Leavenworth. na. A-nea, uoufiaa wo. Itarea aad Cf flees. Store at Wot Harney street. Office or ealesroom at Uth tnd Harney, td floor at ISat Harney tnew). 2d floor at 16tV10 Hamey (new). Basement at 160V et Harney tnew). OHIce at 1S17 Farnam (2d floor). O. C. IttiDICK, Attorney. 117 Farnam street. M'CAOUE BUILDING. 16th tnd Dodra Attrsctlvs otflcet, staflt or en salts; tot snd cold water In nearly all rooms; rsnta. 7 to UU; servto oompleta Apply OS. AHA LOAN A BUILUIISO ABB IS. ROOM In Braadel Bldg., Doug. Sis. tV7 S. Mth St, baeement Soot Store at 2301 Cuming atreet Stort tt Jit Cuming street. Store at 135 North tub atreet' -Store at IS North ttth street. Store at M No. Sth. South Omaha. Store at 137 North 2ltn atreet s O. C. REDICK. Attorney, 1517 Farnam street. TWO F. pleasant suite In Baidrlge black. D. WE AD, 1901 Fsrnsm St OFFERED FOR SALR Paraltare. AT PRIVATE BALEl food folding bed, dining room table, dishes and other household furniture, Saturday afternoon, UM Oeorgis Ava FOR SALE Furniture, Including din ing room table and chairs. Early Eng lish finish. Phone evenings. Harney tilt FOR t'ALE-One combination china closet tnd sideboard, chinoner, dree sing tablee and two tables, sll in good condi tion tnd sll quarter sawed oak, 'Phon Harney Mia. At Auction A Snap tor someone. Wednesday. 9 a. m, at Omaha Van warehouse. tM . ltth St Complete furnishings for eight rooms stoves, ranges, csrpata, dressers, beds. etc. All good sturr win be sold to high est bidder. Phon Doug, tat or Ind. A-W71. FOR SALE At once, fas rante. let box, large kitchen cabinet, aheap. Har ney MOi. Typewriters. RENT sn Oliver typewriter from the Oliver Typewriter Co. Douglss Sit TYPEWRITERS. ALL MAKES For als or rent; largest stock: beat bargains. H. F. SWANaON CO., UU i'trua at, Omaha Call or write. NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS for gen tlemen. TUB CHATHAM, 110 8. Uth St OXFORD and Arcade, special wkly rata Dodge, running bot and cold water; tel ephones In every room price th same. , AaartBieal aaa Plata. Stt-I large room apartment, part mod- era, ml Elm St. aear Yin too. Phone Hamey 43. evenings, t-ROOM modern llaL 8arge Wdg.. ill N. 24th St, South Omaha. Hall, ta Ramge Bidf. Both phones. -KOOM fiat en Sherman Ava Web. LX t-room aieartiuent new brtca. St KM , Kth St Harney SM. MODERN t-room brick flate, l(S- 8. Mth St. V7 and tS. TeL D. 4Mt FOR RENT New t-room brick fiat, first rlars; entirely modem. Ills 8. Sth St, IS. Phone loilgias 4F70. SIX-ROOM FLAT-Two front rooms, suitable for office or hausekeeplnt, 3a Ika Reasonable rent Phone D tnt AT Sth and Ferns tn sta, modern ( room flat Wa. HarneySS t-ROOM modern flat triju, nicely decorated, best furnace. UU A. S. tnh St. FOR RENT-Seven-room ttictly mod em flat, new. S14 Dodfe-Si, Gallafher Nelson. Donf. SEt ' Meases aad Cottage. 71 S. STH I rooms, completely mod ern, IXTJt fTt a. Sth. t rooms, eass pietely modern, tat Thee. P. Hall. M Ramte BUt D. lest, A-44ut ' t-r. cottage, mod, except heat fine re pair, food location- Phone Harney Mat. ru Cottage, pertly modern, tUS N. 28ta Ava. Webster ITL ' t ROOMS aad bath, short walking die ts nee: new. every convenience, perfect service: first or second floor; real tree to March 1. pnone D . TPV MMa mAWM " 1U ft e-,k- ftna for tw tamillea. Douglas Utt WOULD you show our wholly visible typewriter to your friend and let them see wherein II excels any Hw typewriter made. If you could, witnout costing you on cent, have th typewriter to keep forever aa your own 7 1 sea writs us lor tull particulars. The Emerson Typewriter Co., Box m, v, oooateck. ill. Stscwtlaaeeaa. FOR SALE Tw echelsrshlps In the Omaha Commercial college aad one Bo lee colleta bustnfa offioa, Omaha FOR SALE Anyone detliinf second, band bank fixturee would do well U correspond with or telephone City Na tional bank, otnana. TViENl'lEl'U Century wheel ia .good eo edition; coat IS, will sail coeaa. ar. nay loii. afternoon. tliaewllaaesaa. FOR SALE New and aecond-hand carom and pocket billiard tablee and bowling alleya and accessories , bar fix tures ef ell kinds; easy payments. The Brunswlck-BaJke-Coilanaer Co, M-tot S itth st GOOD second-hand meat refrlfcrater. Henry Giants, Harvard. Neb. Coal for etove ar furnace. Try ltd; Harmon Weeth. Webster Mt BLUE white diamond ring, walgluiif it karata. aheoiutely perfect Price fL Address. 8 tit care Bee. 8A FES Overstocked with salea. all si sea and makea American Supply Co, UI Furna St CHEAP. Royal Western, chief blower, topers snvu, vie aad other emit hiat al Cuming St, 'Phone Hsrney tiT. TEN pounds freen ground box tor sc. 1M aoutn lain, a DOORS, windows and wajaaeoatinf. Tit So. istn. Tel. iieugia 41, a POULTRY AND PET STOCK POULT RT MXtt PET tTTOCK kl TV Orninaton exxs: hib SCOsint- heavy laying atock. Hamey MSt EGGS of Rhode Island Red for setting. Phone Webster C7. iyir fiAT.R t ears Incubator and VI and y Lee- brooder. Call Webster feet. SKTTTvaa of Sinxle Coasbcd White Ijewhorne for !L Efft S- Tatepnona r ,orence t PERSOXAIi tJ-DAT BLOOD REMEDY. Giadleh Pharmacy. Uth and Dodge. L1EBEN. mak suits to hire, mi How'd. Masaage. Rlttenhouse, tM Old Boston Bid- Bricklayers , PATT0N-B0TUIAN HARDWARE COMPANY MU Farnam St. am eerllng tool at eosu Tin Kti womea eoealas: te Omaha as strangers are invited to visit the Young; Women' Christian association building ac Seventeenth and 8C Mary's Ave, whers they will be directed to suitable boarding; place, or otherwise assisted. Leek for oar travelers' aid at the Union station. SWEDISH maaaaae for rheumatism. trouble, poor circulation, Kartten Tonsetlt only Omaha masseur graduate from Swe den, tot On. Nat l Bldg. D-7196. Food pi Ma U per box, postpaid, Shermaa A McConnell Drag Ca. Omaha, Neb. MASSAUE ::." ''"7," of Chicago, lot s. I7tn St. 1st noor. u rem. THE SALVATION ARMY solicits cast- off clothing ; In fact anything you da not need, we collect repair ana sou at 10a N Uth St, for cost of collection, to tha worthy poor. Phone Douglas tut and wagons will call. , Af AQQAI.P Swedish movement Apt.' iYOOiYU Li j. lag parnam. O. t24. SWEDISH I?" Snyder, lot Be Bldt. Red SW. MAGNETIC WAh! rfeVfi? RHEUMATISM. When all so-called cure have abeolutelv failed try Una. W five you convlnc is fact at emr cures. Phone Hsrney S6. HAIRDRESSING. Manicuring. Sham- poolnf. Scalp treatment a specialty for ladle tnd men. Mrs. Pierce. Ml Far. (formerly of Wead Bldf.) H. SRI. Ind. A-itm. Af ARM .OP. Treatment Mr. Steel. J11AOOAUj 1TM Dodge. Ground floor.. REAL ESTATE ABtTHACTt ur TITLE. Reed Abstract Co. okjeet abstract of flea m Nebraska. Sat Brenrirhi Theater.' NEALE A CAMPBELL 1711 Farnam St. Sl'ILOSRS INPOSMATION. Flee trie ft fixture. Ontihi Silver Co. Ideal Cement Co, 17th and C'umlnf. Fucha. Son A Blind, painting, decorating. ROOFINGS, paints, building papers. plaster Boards. Amer. Sup Co.. HOt Nlcb's. WELL dlating. F. Grossman, Ull N. ltth. CITY PROPSRTY PIMt SALS. . FOR SALE By owner, t-room cottage. has aa. electric light furnace, cement walks ariMHMi hoaaa. arlck walk In front. Caa be bought on caty terms. Apply at owner, ttlt - N. ltd St SIX-ROOM FLAT Enttrelv modem. Farnam St, near City Hal!, fSS. Phone ouring day. Doug, 47a) 5-R0OM , BUN0ALOW Opposite Beautiful Miller Park- lsvlng room, dining room and hail . furnished la oak; bedrooms osk floors nd white rnsmeled woodwork. Wall rough sand finished: tastily aeeoratrd dining room, has plat rail, panelled and wiroow seat. un parlor and ieepina: room: beautiful lighting fixture: thor oughly modern; tanre attic floored teouple room can be finished); full cemented b a en lent with coal , bine; cement walks In front of and around house: large lot (sodded), 4414 ft.: well built open front chicken house, 13x14 ft, with fenced yard. A suburban home with all the advsntafes of the city. 23 minutes' ride to Farnam st Located in Norwood, No. IMI N. 24th St. PRAIRIE PARK Moot artistic and uniform reSdenea dis trict or Omaha. Few vacant lots left. fl.Mv ts UM. Street paved and parked. rayaai i-w eaan, nuance monthly, win build ta eult ea aama terms or will ad vance cost of house and build yourself. Tbs Paxtoa Real Eststs Oo, Ml wars Bk. GOING TO WEST INDIES I will sell my t-room houses tor S. lot and my t-rootn house tor tl.Sa. Lot fac ing MU St.; aa grade, sons. twu. will atll for 120- J. P. JACKSON. Phoa Douglas tut UU Predciiak Be I will wall ta choicest bulMlnf lot la II: Hantcom Park district upea the most favorable term that could ba de-aired- It yoa contemplate building this spring, better sea me eooo. Lot located northwest corner Sd ' snd Arbor. Tele phone Harney Set or South 4R- William H. Gould, Jr A barf tla cheap; new t-room, modern cettafe oa monthly payments, Tal. Wsb. MM. FOR SALB-Let SI Fairfax addition: a snap It taken at once. Inquire tad Senior. NICE modem nouee. reoepOea hell, parlor, living room, dining- rsesa and bed room down; two bedrooms and bath up; toed furnace; open ptumblnf; baaevaenl and cistern, lot MxlS ft with fruit trees; large barn, chicken shed; Itas It taken Boon. Phone owner. Webster JTtt. but da not disturb tenant tiosae lo cated at Sll Corby St a eheap; North D. A. Lannlng. 27th St, la. LOT for at South Omaha BARGAIN ON NORTH STH ST. Whs buys the three frame dwellings at 4211-11-It North Sth St. with Mt tret , rrontase. Paving all paid. Annual rent SW per year. W. B. Meikla. SI Ramge Bldf. . R NELSON, contractor and builder. Mot N. ltth St. Phone Web. ZSot . MUST BE SOLD AT ONCE, Just vacated (owner left dry) bouse, eight rooms, attic, cellar, famaca, dec trie tight tax. eewer, eaa block from , ear. moderate price. Pan cash, balancs . easy payments. BUY FROM OWNER A beautiful modern home la Kountts Place, with f room and bath, including fireplace ana earn wooa unmet i'w.i- out Bleeping pares. -nca a.ees. Webater its. A BARGAIN la a beautifully furalabed hoaaa: atrlctly modem: a big bargain, as ewaer la leaving city. Call at 16 Btnawy St. ACSEACS. KEYSTONE PARK ' ACREAGE " Wa have sow snmll tracts from T to It acres, each priced awry tow ay aat of-" tewa nan!, and ea 1st net. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO. Right t bustneea t-ACSB PLACE. tsara, It-nxwe frata car Kite, street and city scaoet Fina d and sand walks out to It. Good 7-room boew and bars. Soaat fruit. I ar acres tine, smooth tardea ktnd. rnm aw weiem ' . araoad t place aad EGGS for hatching tram tha Braadsat tt per lea. sjmoruew er saow noes, ss 10 1 - . r . . . -.a; rn S a aettlDC. Write tor catalogue. Address PTOES RSAL , ESTATS TO. A. D. straadekt, Oesaha. TeL Setaaa tm St Pearl St, Ceoacll Bentta.