Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 27, 1912, Page 2, Image 2

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H1L hKh: OMAHA. TUJDA. J-'tBKL'AKY 27. 1912.
Childish Spring Coals
For lnfanti and children
. Many prident mothers ax se
lecting clever little coat tor the
children, now by shopping NOW
one caa choose from complete
storks, which naturally afford a
wider variety. It to now that rou
will find many particularly pleas
ing, models which will be. cone
The Infanta' Coata are shown
in cashmere, wool batiste and
crepella, in pretty little box
styles, hand embroidered and
braided., Sties 6 months, 1 and
1 3 years.'
Price, are 33.95 $4.50
$5.00 ud S6.50.
The Children's Colored Coata come in serfea, shepherd's checks
and black satin." They are beautifully tailored and the cuffs and
collar effectively trimmed in contrasting colors and finished with
buttons and braid. Many models have detachable, wash collar and
cuffs. Sties I to S yen.
Prices. J2.05 $3.95 95.00 $6.50 97.50.
m tnn town
own a
1518-20 Farnam Street.
Greater Det Jfoines Committee
Plans General CalL
Vailed State hulir Called to Dee
Xilm -by Critical Illaesa of
Hla Father Math is Trial
' ia March.
(from a Staff Correspondent.)
DE8 MOI.VES, Feb. .-epectal Tele-
gram. The Greater Des Moines commit
tee baa etarted a movement for the or
gaulsatloa of a national aasoctatioa of
commercial clab and other kindred or.
ganlaatlon The boost era voted In faror
of a plan te request President Taft to
call a general convention In Waahlncton
thla spring of representatives of all com
mercial rlubs and city boosting- organlsa-
tlona la the entire nation.
tiailii1 Father 111.
Seuator Cummins will arrive home te
morrow on account of the critical Ulneaa
of bis aged father, who is sufferlnc from
I Pneumonia. On request of members of the
family he started today.
Mathla' Trial la March.
The trial of Harvey Mathla, member of
the Polk county Board of Supervisors,
against whom removal proceedings have
been started In the dlatrict court, will
betln In ties Moines March 11 An order
fixing the time and place of the bearing
waa filed In Dee Moines by Judge Wtth
ror. deeltnated to preelde In the case
by the supreme court.
9 wl Inst on had a enow plow working ea
this section ef Its road this morning,
j ' ' Baaaeh Llaee Tied I' p.
'Ttlck Island train No. 1 from Kansaa
(Jlty. due here thla morning, will not tat
lb 'until I o'clock, this evening. The
trains en the branches are all tied up.
The Burlington mornlnc train from Chi
cpgo. scheduled to arrive here at I a. nr.
itad aot arrtvod early thla afternoon, and
tpe Kaaaas City train, due hers at 4
ai aw was still ea the road.
-Much trouble waa caused by the drifts
l .the Union Pacific yards. Switches
iters could not. be throws and many
Unlaw were tied up until aooa waiting
te run Into the station.
lapltel CNr Trswtlea Compear Slow
1 la Olaaiaa Oat,
llXCOUt. . Fe. M.-Spclal.)-Llncola
was certainly burled under the snow
whtra feu last night and avea by evening
had aot entirely due Itself out. It was
wall toward snea before the street cars
wtre able to render sny service, and thla
only on some of the tinea. In spite of
the efforts ef the company It waa night
before all the Unas wers operating la
anything like a satlsfsetory way.
The Bethany mtsrurbaa was the only
Una which kept open, and this. was ac
complished fey keeping the ears and plows
getag all aitht. as a result there was
little trouble on this Una. The local
traction company made no effort to keep
. Ike lines open, end tbla morning; the offi
cials were faced by a complete blockade
from the ear bars doors te the outer ter
minals. ,.: , t
From the kuiguaaa heard ea the streets
la lbs early, mora log hours ana would
hardly ) think . share . were 'flfty-twe
Points Way to Health
t I li t i r
I can truihtsily say thai Dr. Kilmer's
Swamp-Hoot is a Very good medicine,
not alone foi1 kMney' trouble, but also
for weak and sore back, as well as for
rheumatism. . ' , '
About a ear ado t Became 111 and un
able to work, my trouble being a lama
back. I read ef your Swamp-Root la the
newspaper and In an Almanac. Believ
ing It would do me good, J went tq my
djrttsvMt Mr. Skinner,, and purchased
bottle. Finding relief in one fifty-cent
bottle. I purchased several mors and la
a? short time waa able te continue with
toy work and am today feeling well
and etrong. - 1 always recommend Dr.
Kilmer's Swamp-Root to my friends as
1 believe It Is as good a medicine as caa
be found.
lilt Washington Ave. No..
' . . Minneapolis, Minn.
'Mr. Skinner makae affidavit that ks
sold the Swamp-Root te Mr. Strong.
ft letter So
tT. Ulaw st Oe-,
Biagaamtsa. W. Y.
Frstt Vlst Sweatiest 1 D Per Tea
send to Dr. Kilmer dk lo, Bingham
Van, N. T., for a sample bottle. It wUl
esavkaon anyone. Ton will ales receive
a-booklet of valuable Information, tetllag
ad abowt the kldnoye aad bladder, When
wHtlng. be sure and mention the Omaha
Dally Bee. Regular Ofty -cent sad en
debar else .kettles for sale at all .drug
churcbee In Lincoln. Trafle on the steam
roads waa badly delayed, and completely
tied up some of the branch lines, but
railroad managers were exerting their
beat endeavors to get things moving, and
the absence of wind helped them along
materially, for tracks' once cleared re
mained clear In -most. Instances.
HEATRICK, Neb., Feb. X. -(Special Tel-egrsm.r-Bualaaas
Is ssain assuming hi
normal stats after the bllsserd which
visited thla section Sunday night The
Union VPaclflo and Burlington roads
managed to gat trains through from Lin
coln this afternoon, put the Rock Island
cannot operate trains. A Heck Island
train Is reported stuck In a enow drift
snoot forty miles east ef here thla even,
tng. No trains s re' being operated ever the
Nebraska C'tty-Holdregs branch ef ths
Burlington. Know drlfte are piled, six had
eight feet deep m the principal streets
of ths city and trams oT all ktoda has
been' tied up sU dsy. All ths dty schools
ware dismissed and business le. generally
(uepended because of ths storm. : ' ' '
TIEir I IOWA .19' tsStlil
Storm Estrada late Mlssesrl aad
DHS MOINES, la, Feb. St-Traln serv
ice end traffic generally In Iowa Is st s
standstill today anils result of ths toM
Mlsssrd in many years, which swept over
ths state last slant It Is still snowing
passenger trams on Ins Rook Island from
Denver were blockaded at Council Bluffs
last night for several hours. Train No.
I, westbound, else was held up si Coun
cil Bluffs, ths operators fearing to at
tempt to run It through.
"The Worst storm of ths year," was
ths ststement of railroad dispatchers
whs nssked st an early boor today how
I relets were running.
Ths Northwestern, the Milwaukee and
the southern 11 nee ef the Burlington were
reported blocked by the; storm.
Two Feel ef Spew la ' Sooth wes).
KANSAS CITT, Mo. Fsb. Sa-Covsred
by sis laches to two feet of heavy Is den
snow ths southwest today fseed the worst
iratfle conditions of ths winter. Despite
efforts ef yesterday afternoon and to
night do clear tracks and repair wires
practically no trains from ths west wsts
running ea schedule sad telegraph Com
munication waa out off.
Traffic conditions in Kansas City were
the worst In years. Tan Inches of snow
In ths streets wss so heavy difficulty
waa experienced In making passage even
with power snow plows. Several small
fires which broke out la residence dis
tricts during ths night were subdued by
volunteer fighters because the fire de
partment could not make progress
through the streets. For hours telegraph
sondltlona on every road to the Union
depot were brokea and wet trains ware m
order. Hotels ueually crowded Sunday
nights were almost deserted.
Kaasaa Train Berries Deaaeralleed.
TOPEKA, Kan.. Feb. Bv-Trsln service
is demoralised as a result ef the snow
storm. AU ths Unas report severe strug
gles' with snow drifts throughout Kan
saa. There has bean no train en ths
Union Pad flo since N o'clock last night.
There Is a freight train In ths drifts near
Bellevue, forty allies west of Topeka, and
passenger train No. t Is behind the train,
unable to move either way. Passenger
heavily and the drlfte are piled three
and four feet, with prospects ef being
much worse before the day Is ever.
CK0AR FALLS, la,. Feb. a.-t8peclal.)
-The Cedar Fails Commercial club tried
by a unique and cults original method to
promote loyalty to home Industries and
home Interests, whoa Saturday night en
the pub tie square It bad a hugs bonfire
end consumed aU the catalogues of mall
order noose that could be found within
ihe city. Nearly l,on people witnessed the
Are and partook of the enthusiasm and
oom motion which the enterprise awak
ened, .Addresses were made by David J.
Murphy of Dubuque, secretary of the
Fadcratloa ef Iowa ' Retailers, and by
Paul Uavw ef Waterloo, one of the vice
presidents, and head ef one of ths largest
drr avmds firms In ths county: Prof. . F.
U Mccreary, secretary 'of ths Commer
cial club and a director of the Cedar
Palm concert band, waa the principal In
the affair and It was through his ener
gies and enthusiasm that the crowd ea-
(Continued from First Psgs.)
Aa Aatw Colllelea
means many he 6) bruises, which Buck
lens Arnica Salve heals quickly, aa It
dees sore cuts, burns end pUeSj Sc. For
salej by Beaton Drug Co.
Ask Your Doctor
No tense in running from one doctor to mother I Select the best
one, then stand by nim. No sense tn trytn this thinjj, that thini
for your cough. Carefully, deliberately select the best cough
medidne, then take rt Stick to ft. Ask your doctor about
AVer's Cherry Pectoral for throat and lung troubles. iJJrVZ
3W ?
Wliea tempted to pat the results of soar sarUia,
rliich re present Fear of labor, Into soars qnrstioaabla
rwKiprlee, reaaember this:
- It Is bettor ts get per cewt, rrerularly with the
principal always yoara, tbaa to get pat haps T per cewt
; this Fear aad soeetbly mo principal lor the) real of the
ttsno. ,
. Three) aad sees half per cewt aad Mala la the Safo
Coarse to follow. ,
railroad In Juares are la constant louck
with the rebel camp nt Bauche over their
railroad telephone line. They report no
trouble at Bauche.
At aooa they reported that some ef the
expected rebel reinforcements hsd arrived
at Bauche and that Antonio Ilojas and
Ines Salasar. leaders, bad Joined Camps,
who commends 'the first tones that ar
rived eaturday.
.aatfl-. .I,.,.... '
. IT , it ,11
Impressive and elaborate sendees
marked an epoch tn the lives of Mlsa
Ansa Jacobs and Harry Miller last night
st ' Washington hall when they wars
united In marriage by RabM M. Ore-
dlnaky, who performed the ceremony ac
cording to ths ancient Hebrew custsm.
The services avers wltneeeed by ever W
guests, friends of ths young couple, snd
sfter ths words that united them Were
pronounced a sumptuous wedding dinner
was nerved. The bride waa attended by
Miss liasaha Whits. Miss Fannie Sher.
man. Mlea Belle Gross and Miss Msthllds
Belnstook snd the groom by I, H. Levin,
Abe Jacob, 8am Bhulkln and Morris Oe
llnsky. Real r4-Pf el tier.
WEST POINT. Ken.. Feb. M.-(peclal.)
The marriage of Gerhard Rested , I
Mies Clara Pfalffer'was solemnised st
ths home of the bride's parents. Rev. F.
Wupper, pastor ef the German Lutheran
church,, performing the ceremony. The
attendanta were Mlae Lena Pf elf for and
Dick Masted. The woddlsg march. "Nor
wegian Bridal Processional," was played
by Miss Josephine Hoffmann.
Wheeler. Lea est ret h.
Laura K. Longatreth, daughter of
Thomas Longatreth, and Mr. Harrle I.
Wheeler were married by Rev. Charles
W. nvtdge at his residence Saturday
evening at T o'clock. Mrs. H. K. Ander
son accompanied them.
Miss Anna K. Holstrom, daughter of
John Holstrom. and Antoalne Benlnato
acre married by Rev. Charles W. Cev
Idge Saturday evening at I o'clock et the
home of the bride'a parents, 41U Miami
street, The brtoe's slater. Mlsa Ruth
Holstrom, aad Uenry 8. Howes were the
attendants. A wedding supper waa
Mlsa Jennie Thorpe et Onawu, la-
daughter of Francb) Thorpe, and Mr.
Henry L. Cos were married by Rev.
Charles W. SavMga Sunday afternoon
at 4 o'clock at ths reatoence. of the
groom's brother, Mr. George "T. Cns,
UM North Twentieth streets, A company
of guests wss present.
Aatea tteeje.
TABLE ROCK. Neb.. Feb. - Special.)
A Men Straje, sr., died yesterday mora
ine at ble heme, three ml lee north ef
Table Rack, aged S3 years, lie wsa kern
In Bohemia and came te thla country
some twenty-five years age. He leavss
I three eoae Aatea SXrejo and Joseph
i PtreJe ef Table Rock aad Frank Straje of
Oreeawoed. Neb. Ills wife died some
' four years age. Funeral ssrvlcaa wsrs
. held at the family home ea Sunday.
R. B. Jaalu
BIRLINOTOX. la.. Feb. Ja R. a
' Junk. L'atted States surveyor Of customs
st the pert ef Burlington, died bare today
sfter a two months illness. Hs was a
veteraa et the dm war and Tt years eld.
Mae. B re sea br rail.
MITCHELL, a. D-. Feb. sWBpeciaL)
Ibha Sullivan, working tor the Milwaukee
company he repairing a bridge Booth ef
fcahioa, waa Instantly killed when he fell
eft the structure and atrack the ground
fifteen feet below, breaking bia neck. A
'ay- or two afterward a etosilar aeddant
happened when Martha Bmnkoalch waa
crack by several ties rolling off a hand
car and he waa dropped thirty feet te
the ground. . strtk-iag ea hie. bead aad
shoulders, but sscaped with hardly any
Brandt Probably .
Will Be Released
On Bail Soon
NEW TORK. Feb. X-Folke E. Brandt,
ths former valet of Mortimer L. Schlff,
and who was firs years ago sentenced
to thirty years Imprisonment for bur
glary of Mr. SchlfTa bouse, was taken
today from the Tombs 'to the office of
District Attorney Whitman. Hera ths
yoong man met his counsel, M. L. Towns,
who st the conclusion of the conference
said ball for hla client bad been dis
cussed. Csrl Fiacher-Hansen. who waa Brandt's
attorney whea the latter waa first tried,
testified before the grand Jury that la
lnvestlratlng the circumstances t the
young Ban's convict loo. risher-Hanarn
said he wee In the dark regarding the
sped no charges against Brandt, "as he
had told me he had made an arrange
ment whereby everything would be sntia
factory; that bo waa under promise not
tn disclira the facta In the case; that
he waa aided and advised by Mr. Gane;
that ths Schlfts were taking a kindly
interest In him, which statements were,
borne out by the fact et Mr. Cans' visit.
to him la the Tombs, the fact that they
provided him with food from outside
rsstauranta and other things.".
The decision of Supreme Court Justice
Gerard sustaining the writ of habeas
corpus wss formally entered on the
record. It was expected that ball would
be fixed and Brandt released soon.
Bill in Senate to lake Over' Express
a ssai a
Measure Iatredaeeei ;by Mr. Card,
aer, Who Kstlaaates Coot at
A boat Forty MlUlea
waauivn-mv ir.t. f n.i
ner of Maine today Introduced a Mil un
der which ths government would take over
the properties of express companies and
operate them as part of the postal service,
extending ths service to the rural deliv
ery. The measure Indicates the probable
cost of taking over the properties es fol
Real property, tl4.M3.ia; equipment.; material aad supplies, 1131. U0;
advance payments on contracts. K,tK,sM;
franchises, good will, etc., il,CT, a
total of W.UMlt.' . .
While ths balance sheets of the com
panies shows ether assets of nearly fuo,.
'.. Senator Gardner argues thst these
are not devoted to express services and
that thla property might be retained by
the corporationa without Impairing Its
value, ,
It la preoooed by the authors et the
Mil for the establishment of the "postal
express" thst rates charged for express
service under the government shall be
baaed on weight and length of haul rather
than upon the systsm In effect tor the
carrying ef mail. The power to 0s
rates would meet with the Poatoffloe de
partment suhlect te appeal to the Inter-
atate Commerce commission.
Senator Oardnar declares the transition
of the sxpress business from private cor.
norattona te government control eeuld
take place m a day and the business con
tinue without vtalble-ahaoae te the public
a ins eneotiveaass et tne service.
Kxpreaa Cesnpaaleo oa Drreaatee.'
Efforts were begun by the express com
panies en the resumption today ef the
interstate Cammeroe oomm lesion Inquiry
Into their rales and methods before Com
missioner Lane, to demonstrate that the
profile of the company not only are aot
excessive, but moderate.
Walker D. Hlnea. counsel for the Ameri
can, A dame. Southern. United States and
Wells- Fargo sxpress companies, sub
mitted a eiatement ef the financial opera.
Hons of ths American el nee Its ergsntsa.
The ststement showed thst ths Amerl
can's regular dividends up to IP had
been I per cant, but since that time It
had paid a further dividend out ef In
ooroe received from Investments entirely
spart from transportation operations.
Mr. Hlnea asserted that profits aggrs-
gatlng less than MS, bad been paid
in torty-tws years.
WASHINGTON, Fsb. S.-8enator Cum
mins et Iowa In a speech today advocated
general pension legislation, even though
It added many ntlittona to the Verular
approprlationa. Hs de Aared that the
additional sums should be raised by tax
ing Individual and corporate wealth,
which owes Iterxlstenee tn the soldiers.
Mr. Cummins departed later for Iowa,
where hla father Is III. 1
Iowa Senator Pro pot et law to Cur
tail Big Basinets.
PravUteas tm Limit Capltallsatloa,
Preveat Meaepoly aad Correct
Other Abasee by Glaat
Corpora t leas.
WA8H1NGTOX. Feb. SS.-The trust
platform et Senator Cummins of Iowa,
candidate for the republican nomination
tor president. 1a embodied In a mil which
Mr. Cummins Introduced today, designed
to strengthen greatly the government'e
nnU-truet powers.
The measure provide! what Is claimed
to be the first authority' to limit the. aise
of corporations and to guard sgainst un
fair or ruinous competition through pro
tracted underselling. It would put Into
news a trade commission, into watcn
the present corporations bureau would be
merged with all Its present powers. The
pmpuae in limiting corporationa. It la
act forth, la not to prevent operation of
buslneea In a big way with economy of
production, but to limit them In the very
beginning In such a way aa to leave room
at least for others of substantially ths
same magnitude between which healthful
competition may be preserved. The law
would apply only to corporations capi
talised at or more, and not Inter
state commerce common carriers. That
the present anti-trust law would not be
changed. Impaired or weakened la made
clear by a declaration that whatever le
unlawful under that law a hall continue
unlawful, and that the Intent of the law
la te create and maintain competitive
condition In trade "to accomplish which
It eball be liberally construed."
Places for Maay.
The "trade commission'' would be com
posed of three members to serve nine
years each at IHMMs a year, and empow
ered to employ secretaries, examiners,
experts and the Ilka -The oom mlsa ton
weuid inquire nte the organisation of all
corpora km a, and Into tlta conduct of the
business of nil corporations or persons
engsgsd tn Interstate commerce, and to
place before the Department of Justice
for prosecution any violation of either
this measure or ths satl-trust law.
If the commission finds that any cor
poration employs or proposes to employ
sa extent of capital which would destroy
or prevent substantially competitive con
ditions, the bill provides either the com
mission or ths Department of Justice
"may bring" the necessary suit to en.
Join. Ths flexibility of this provision to
In the commission's right to prescribs
period In wot oh the violation must cease.
Bo Iaterlaehlaa Directorates. .
The measure would prohibit common
directors aad officers anMna corpora
tloaa carrying on a business of the asms
general character, end . would exclude
dummy or nominal directors by constru
ing the persona really represented as ths
actual directors and officers. It would
exclude from commerce all corporationa
which directly or indirectly control cap-
Its' slock or exercise any other means of
control In any ether corporationa, and
also corporations eapttallsed at
or more whose directors er offlcera are
on board of officers or among the offi
cers of banking Institutions. - -
Careful provision Is wade against Ihe
holding company thst is not Itself en
gaged In commerce. Common carriers
and manufacturing or producing enter
prises would be completely disassociated
so that no corporation could at tha aa.
time Own. and operate a transportation
Una and engags In manufacturing er pro
ducing. The lew Would bar from inter
nals commerce any person er corporation
receiving any part of a rate or charge
for freight transportation. '-" -
Bade Price Cattlag. '
Any long-continued practice of selling
commodities below actual cost so as to
destroy a competitor would be guarded
against, and a uniform price required,
modified only by variations In transpor
tation costs when ths selling price In
chides transportation, aad by permitting
a dlffsrenos between the price of carload
lots and less carload lota
If Ita sections to control watered stock
snd skcesstva payment for financing and
promoting become law, corporations oould
aot issue securities in oxceae of the
money or p so party value received there
for. A latitude of W per cant would be
permitted In the Issuance of stocks end
bonds, and dose Umltatloos placed on
the compensation tor promoting or fi
nancing. Other parts ef the bill concern civil
remedies and criminal penalties practi
cally as prescribed In the anti-trust law.
(Continued from First Page.)
Take LAXATIVE) BROatO Quinine Tal
lata Drusslsts refund money If It falls t-
cure. K. W. GROVE'S elgnalure la o
each box. tie. . .
that .the announcement made by Theo
dore Roosevelt was of vastly more Im
portance to the republican party than to
the democratic party.
"I do hot regard the announcement of
Mr. Roosevelt of any importance to the
democratic party." he said. "My only
objection to the announcement ia that it
Is too brief. It does not explain enough
to the public I should like to know why
Mr. Roosevelt should be called back Into
the ring after he left it to give place
to Mr. Taft. It would seem that Mr.
Taft has thrown the republican party
into political bankruptcy, and Mr. Roose
velt Is being called back In aa effort to
make good the mistakes of the maa be
selected ss bis successor.
"Surely Mr. Taft could not have re
ceived the nomination tor the presidency
had It not been for Mr. Roosevelt tour
years sgo, and he could not have been
elected had tt not been for the help of
Mr. Roosevelt. However, the announce
ment of Mr. Roosevelt's return to ths
political ring will not prevent me con
tinuing to make democratic speeches.
"There Is, In fact, much humor In the
aituatlon for democrats. The republicans
have long watched with pleasure our In
ter factional controversies, and how wa
are watching with considerable interest
the troubles within their own ranks."
Oarer Predicts IVemlaatloa.
CHETENNB, Wyo.. Feb. "I proph
esy the norm nation and election of Colonel
Roosevelt," said Governor Joseph M.
Carey of Wyoming today.
The seven years' experience of the
United States with Roosevelt proved him
to be a man of courage. The years of hla
administration represent the very best
years that this nation baa had in Indus
trial progress. In moral advancement and
in all else which has turned ths attention
of the people to that which Is best In
government and civic improvement.
"The west Is at a standstill. It needs
Rooeevelt, who understands ths west bet
ter than any other man."
Mission Hill Statloa Reread.
TANKTON. 8. D.. Feb. .- Special
Telegram. r-TUe Great Northern station
at Mission Hill, this county, was com
pletely destroyed by fire Sunday. The
cause le unknown. The torn on the build
ing and freight is about K.0CO. It Is cov
ered by Insurance.
Many Delightful Ways of
Serving Spaghetti
The housewife who looks upon spa
ghetti as merely a aide dish should learn
more about it, both for economy's
and the earing of her reputation as
provider or sood things to eat A little
booklet, published by the makers of
Faust Spacnettl. will give her a new
light en the subject It tells many ways
of serving this delectable dlsh.-
Many families now make Faust Spa
ghetti the riitef dish for dinner once a
week. And ihey get fronv It food de
ments far In exceaa of those contained in
meats, egga, fish, etc Aak your doctor
about thla He will tell you that Faust
Spaghetti not only contains more nour
ishing power than theae foeda so often
considered necessary, but that it con
tains these elements in a more easily
digested fym. ?
All good grocers sell Paust Spsg'-ietti
5c and 10c a package. Write for ths
free Booklet of Keel pes.
-.- -nis- as gt. tonic. Ho.
sake j
as a
The Dangers of Blood Poisoi
Ire assy, and eftlrse nsalt ftt,ll.
ssouas te ell rsta. ersaes sat stre
wn, snsvfv au w
Kr i lit Taft Mat vwm
0 mami jMMBK.u
nr. - kill or
ftru vttawat UNrtDK tbd ttaOt-t I'M
tarjKM. Fir all Urrvas tstitaott. UeV
Mil m aremttv. Ui4 ay fac
tors far Uit 1 years. DirwolTft) to
tttatly Is wtttr. 14al far tWfhra. -
at part an I
Bkonchiax. Troches
Sethlag exeala tali simple reaiedy lor Tame I
Troablea, Uoaraeaesa aad Coughs. Abo gives
relief la Bronchial, Asthmatic aad lisag eee
tteaa. Free from opiate. Sixty years' repote
ttas. SoM sale Is hoiss. Rasapis stalled tree.
JOHN I. FROWN a HON, Bastes, Mess.
Preserve and Purify the
' Complexion
Remove Pimples and
Allay Irritation, Redness
and Roughness
Soften and Whiten the
Clear the Scalp of Dan
druff ana Are
Unrivaled for the Toilet,
Bath and Nursery
ghauM shavewtthOutWurai
aw Stick. Makes sharmc a
losiead ef a tormre. AI storm er by
CutEuwTseap sad 0 ail meat eea
veryweera. HsmpM free, askinst
-Cutaaira." Dept. M, Bust so.
t v - '
To Benefit Your Skin
Than Any Other Soap
This New Soap Believed by
its makers to be the best ever
produced for use on the human body. Not only is it pure and per
fect as a soap, but being- medicated with POSLAU, the famous
remedy for skin diseases, is antiseptic, rrrrr-destroYing and of won
derful benefit to the skin.
If yon will use P0SLAM SOAP just as you now use any
other toilet or special soap,' for hands, face, hair, feet, scalp, teeth,
gums, for bathinfr. shaving and shampooing, you will have the ad
vantage of POSLAirS healing and purifying action, exerted
beneficially upon your skin with every cleansing operation. Every
tendency to roughness, parching, scalp-scale or dandruff, infection,
impurities and disease will be guarded against, without other treat
ment, and your skin's condition improved and its health maintained.
POSLAM SOAP is delightful to use; rich in saponaceous
qualities; has no odor; meets every requirement of the most refined -and
exacting. An instant success everywhere.
Iwasnrrj Issgi ssAtii -arlaw M ceases. Far sals by
Shersui. a tbOoaaaB, Owl Brag Oe, Brando's Brag ep. aad aU srmsrlaea.
rsr free Trlal-Staa Cass, SU out ead mail to
St, Mew Terk City.
ISO Faraaai Bt
Plates ... .
Bxtractlttg .
niUnga ...
am ui
Phono Doag. 1T5S
Missing Teeth suppiiev
wlthowt Plates or BrMgr
work. Nerres remove
srittsowt pada. Work gosi
Sw Tears aims' wnco trd tea years.
destroye their private Papars and
ewels or burglars take tbetn
Poor Judgment t aot Plaetng
them W a Safe Deposit Bdx In
our steel vaults, safe at ell
tlmea, would be nearer the troth.
AT PRB8KH1W It act. frees IS
apwarda yearly will make thesn
Rnt year Safe Deposit Boa
bare today.
Omaha Safe Deposit Co.
to Teajee
antw DstuOLits TaaATstawr po
rax reus pkovbs success!!.
The truth of the claim made by W. I.
Schmlta, of Montevideo, Minn., and Ir.
J. T. Brtrht. of Covington, Kentucky, that
they reduced their weight thirty pounds
In thirty days has been fully established.
The facta are proven, by careful Inves
lifatlon. It has been shown thst Dr. Brtrht of
Corlngten, Ky., Is sn eminent physician
with forty years' practice to hla credit,
yet, he waa powerless with all hla druaa
and medicines to reduce hla enormous
weight, and he waa obliged to purchase
the Marjorie Hamilton drufleaa fst reduc
ln treatment In order to pull down his
enormous rolls of fat.
W. U Schmlta. of Montevideo, Minn.,
waa another astunlshlns case, where the
enormous amount of fat reduced by him
waa disputed by some people until the
actual proofs were made.
Marjorte Hamilton, the famous Calendar
Olrl of Denver, now stands in lone dlstin
culshment aa the founder of her treat
fat reducing treatment without drug,
without dieting, and with no medicine,
apparatuses or harmful exercises. Her
treatment la a Ood-send to fat humanity,
and It Is said that nearly three hundred
women assistants sre necessary to enable
ner to carry on her enormous businesa In t
Denver, whloh occupies one of the larKdat
buildings In that city.
to. Is said that French actresses and
court ladies of Kuropa are In ecstaclea
over the marvelous results of tbla new
druglesa treatment, which enables the so
cial set to Keep sown their ponderous
weight and reduce their forms to beau
tiful proportions.
The new drugiese treatment of thla fa
mous Calendar Olrl la enabling woman
kind to so beautify their figures aa to
bring to their feet the whole klntddln or
man and every worldly oy.
It le evident that the Marlorle Hamilton
druglesa treatment la daatlned to ovei-
snaaow all otbera, ana competitors are
now appaied with her etupendoue suc
cess, and stand aghast la amaaement
marveling; at her woudroua akllL,
Marjoiie Hamilton absolutely controls
the fat market of the world with her
drug-leas fat reducing; treatment, which re
duced be own weight thlrty-aevsn pounds
in uvs weeks, snd viticn nss given ner
ths largest business of its kind la the
Miss Hamilton believes that, honesty
does live and that pros roes is real, and
ens is tne iirst on eann to prove aneo
lutelv that there la a aoastlvs. slmnla
druglesa treatment of permanent tat reduction.
It la said that m. fat men and wo
man In all parte of the world have written
to Marjorie Hamilton for her valuable
book, entitled "Weight Reduction Without
Drugs. which she sends free In her eagrer
nesa to benefit fat folks and to enable
them to learn of bar remarkable treat
ment so that they mar remove their fat
and know the Joy of a form of graos and
Any readers wno sesire to remove ex
tss welcht. should write for a copy of
the book at once, before the last edition
la exhausted. Address Marlorle A. Ham
ilton, Central .Bank Bid-., Denver, Colo.
OatAJtA a nr cimr
With Countess Koaal, bam Sldjnan, Chaa.
Draw. Chorus of Bohemlana. Thursday
night Turkey Trot contest; Friday niaht.
Bag Time piano playing contest Cash
ptisee. a
Ladles' SMxaa kUtiseo Bvstt Week Dsy.
John Says:
"Ton mar apeak of
year n o n - smokers
aad goody-goody
man,' but I notice
that the fellows who
live te be I id years
old have been smok
ers all. their Uvea
Toe had better start
smoking T R U T
BUSTER c cigars
John's Cgar Store
321 So. 16th St.
atattaae Today ado aright nJO.
Aad la Bene -BeUeas.
talieo Bally Mane atattase.
Every -v I
should know about ths j
woadartui J
Maird'mHing Spray" 1
I Beat safest most con vt eject.
V Cleanse instantly.
1 II year drss-rlst eaeaet saootT tbs
s. sAKVBUMaafuneurujuHww
OX aook-easwo. -Jeatsias atm
Vsw krralaabalteiaajea.
S'lrl MtlVEL CXyafPABT
5 i 44 EaMZMSeraat
Toalght. tfata. Taes.. Thnrs, Sat.
tOSS WfA L1XO aad the
Beat Wa trtrl et the Ooieaa West,
raeacei Boaglaa 4M: rod. A-14S4.
BUtb Beery Bay, i:lS; Bvery Wight SilS.
Will M- Creasy Mlsa Blanche Dayne:
Brown. Harris Brown: Mlas Robbie
Oordone: Dick Crolius dt Co.: Marine
Brae, with Bcbby: Conrad Whidden;
Bus Smith: Klnetscope; Orpbeum Con
cert Orchertra.
rrlsee. Btgat, 10s, tsc. eoa, rso. IKats
lea. beet seaaa, see, except aMaraay aad
S assay. .
Ceaigkt, aU wk, saata. Wad. aad Sas
Kiaw A SrUager preseat
Jn the Comp!.3r Orckestn f 3
gar oo aa. wut. to tui
a) ,y-a-gun. Mmt.-itLt &orf Do TtT"