Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 27, 1912, Page 10, Image 10

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;9EDHE rate probers bdsy
Committee Hat Prepared Questions
' 'for CcwTBiiici to Aiwwer.
C aalraeaa Faakhea
ttke 8ara Ma Eftart te te
Saaredfta laelatiea
:M.r.'fFunMusef: chairman of the
-e mrntltee apprsnted by the city, coandl
ta inquire Into the telephone inter of
' Via criy. wod tfie eommittca resumed la-
. -vesflxation yesterday r.ionUnx.' A list of
, 4netton. prepared hy tba lesal depart
'jpent ip"id uiteraled. It answered, ta brim
forth" tne desired Information, was ub-
.folttrd to the asiumlttse.
' "Wars eolnt; to make this Inveellea
ttea tnoruii." said Chairman FUnk
nouser, . "and when iff hara finished vt
anil net make a dry report, but will make
: what woman; ndatlen wa think Of
.Raqoest ta made in the preliminary
' sieleniiat ox' tha question (tmnltted tor
fuir Information a to claim 6f franchise
value, totnc value and other of 'like lit'
.'laattbt nature." Full hi formation retard
j n rates, cherfss and mee will be
. eousht,
' Telephone companies wtll ba requested
- eeJaialsb baiaaca aheeu showing . the
. Unsocial candltloa of tba company for
"The last year of operation. Thee aheets
will show all the assets and liabilities of
. tn corporation as supplied by their ren-
resratativa. " - '
- Each company will alto bo requested
. to show lor the same period earnlncs and
. 'expenses. Including Income account. t
Jens account, net telephone eanwnci
.apportioned, dlvident ai:d l.iterest aarn
. Tht, rnlscellsneoue and total net earn'
' trigs. Items for deduction, balance, dlvl
et AeduetlorCTsnd balance surplus.
Toe Hat Includes request for statement
a 'company's books showlnc Investment
islss, real estate,, serial lines, under
ftrouad lines and conduits and rlyhl-of-wajv
toll Unas, equipment and working
' ealtal. ... . ..;. ., , .... , .
Partbar the committee requests Infor
I motion as to the number of ubpbono In
tiaaVdtr hawing unrestricted and ut
, fceeaered tall service Into the sons out
aide of' Omaha, Including South Omaha,
tknunma and rlsrence snd sIjo the total
ffmouat of roves ae derived t herefrom. '
H. Pratt was the only telephone men
.resent at the meeting and he came to
. secure the IMt af questions. Mr. fnk
uer' say that' no jrt will be
TTpsred to Bake the Isvestlfsilon as
oroufh end as taroii-producina as jjs-albla,
"jury May Criticize
- . New Court House
Inspection af the new eeunty building
naaauisd tba time at the Douglas county
ei aa lurv ; eaeiaeriav moraine. 'John
htaer, county building architect, o
eernvaniea in jurors at ueir request,
tiUated out llie work he bad erltlolsed and
halt the story af the dslay of the eonetruo-
en Work and bis struggle to have It
flashed. Homer dropped by the grand
.ft rare tndMale they are well pleased with
Hh hulldrng a a whole, but may make
ansae criticism la their final report to
Judge Suttee.
' Tee fmith Omaha license matter la the
air Important an left for tnveetlcallon
fy tbe-arand Jury. This and ether mat
ter wtll ee finished by the end af the
fcesfc. aoeordlng ta several rrand Aurora,
and by Saturday the Inoiuelrorlal eody
sill make It final report and adjourn.
3. A. Whetett, whose some recently was
abbes, believes be know the burglar
fVb went sefors the grsnd jury to ttl
Hr of the sue.
lii&way Saloonists
Jbignt Indictments
Jack BroonfrleJ and Billy Crutchtteld
Imust stand .trial for illegal eale of liquor
in bo Mtdwcy danc balk Their attorney.
, a. Ritchie, fouahrall Monday morning
or-bave. tba lnairt merits quashed, bat
Uudga Button sverruled tba notice. A
J ir1 la now being Impanelled.
Y'ftitchie'e asotloa was based upon the
sohtsaUva that the defendant ware In
)jepardy when triad ta pel ice court and
ilterefoea eootd as we aeaced oa trial In
e not her court for the same offense, argu
ing the prertple of criminal law that a
saan raaaot be twice placed In Jeopardy
for the asms offense. Judge Suttoa ruled
Kimt there wee ne ieopardy In polue
ceurt. ss al the trials resulted la dle
areed Jurtea. A Ieopardy baa eilated only
i baa. there ana besa an actual tnsL The
Iwollca aoort trials resulting as they did.
Ja- dlasgiwmsots. ware mletrlais, be
fled,- V s i
iOiiaha's Unemployed
Get Inlay's Work
: ' Hundreds of men sera of the great army
rf uaerni!oyed that bare bee Importun
)ag. trarkma oharltabla orgaalaathwa for
work Aula; tba last few months found
ptaaty yesterday aoorn.T.g. All a ataa bad
te da was t walk up a street la tba rst
ieteaee dsKrtet with a shove! ever hi
ah ii tl dir 'and kta services would be In
sneat demand. The aalvatioa Army sup
plied several score of she rets and atber
charttaaes laatttutwns did the earns. The
.fact - that the polios department and
at the dry engineer s force hare
Jaeea ordering tenant af houses and
bnt:nge to "dean their walk was of
arrrat aaeiatance to these anew ahureJers
ad aa a result they reaped a neb bar
vert af small Cains. ,
City Schools Close
v , for the Afternoon
' '3m dty aebeoia ctoseil at aeea 'Monday,
ffce hlf acaoot continued !a seamen, but
earing ta the saow-obrtructed street ear
rVice only per aent of the asaal at
tvidanos reported. Forenoon siloa in
w oes wf the eutlrtng dmtrtets wera at-
t .td by oaly a few of the more daring
reangstera. ' difficulty was aaweuB
4sred ad far' as the beating of the buUd
itars was concerned, and those wbe at
asKded the f ei auaua neatrsi estnn-leaeed
a dlacosafert other tnaa the trip te and
Cent tba buOdmcs.
InHVil NIL m
::cTc.i c::s to trial
- Mrs. Margaret CaleUv'a SSJal daatsa
aicttoa acsawt Dr. A. P. Ceadoo. wb ia
vVawd t bav taft a piece of gaxe m
ber abdaco after aa operstijn. ta eo
I 'H before iodes Day. The moraine: was
j. A sectrrtcg a jury and bttroductlea ef
: - ' '
Bttiinra uuu
. ...Taesday.We.Will Sell Thonaanda of .Yard
of Remaanta of Fancy Cotton Voile Plain or
, . With Silk and Satin Stripes Sell Regularly
at 30c and 40c Yard In Basement at 15c Yard.
Entire stock of voile remnants from an eastern manu
facturer for less than cost. Thousands have admired
these new fabrics' .which have been displayed in our
16th street window. Fine silk and satin stripes and
plain voiles; wide range of styles Tues
day morning at 8 o'clock, on basement
bargain square, 30c and '40c values, at,
' 10,000 Yards of Many Kinds of Wide and .
Medium Embroideries Regularly Worth
Up to 25c a Yard A Wonderful Bargain
Tuesday, on Our Main Floor, at 9c Yard.
16-inch embroidered nainsook and cambric corset cov
erings; also medium and wide Swiss, nuinsook and
cambric embroidery edgings, fine convent embroideiy
edges and insertions, also galloons and
galloon and ribbon headings; hundreds
of patterns, worth up to 25c at,
yard J.
Dig bargain square piled high with all kind of fancy wash laced.
trench and German Val. lace and Insertions: linen
torchons, platt Vali., cluny and crochet effects; worth
up to 12 Me yard; at, yard .' I ......... .
J I Dressmakers' Forms, all sues, $1.00. U 11
JJ Get Them at the Pattern Counter; 'Jr
i uruiutu j
New Zephyr Dress Gingham of 15c Quality
. Desirable Lengths New Patterns in the
Basement, Tneiday f or . 6Vtc Per Yard.
We will sell this immense lot of new ancj pretty ging
hams at a saving to you of 8M;c yard on every yard.
Xew stripes, plaids,' checks and plain ginghams in
lengths suitable for dresses, waists and
children's garments bargain square
at, yard .... '.
Tuesday More iVeii; Styles in
Suits ana Coats Anticipate the
Arrival of Spring Itself.
Tor many weeks we bare beea very, vary busy
exercising a sort of collective choice In the se
lection of the new aprlng snlta and coat which
hall ioeinde and satisfy all the widely divergent
demand of the well-dressed women of Omaha
and tributary territory.
The appareling they bought at this store
last season Droved to them Individually that
- J Bennett modea are authentic. The eo period ty
J of the garment and the moderate prices per-
that women who appreciate good and correct
clothe come to Bennett's.
- 'The following examples show how eenalble
Is the pricing at this store:
Tailored Suits, for women and misses, in
, new mixtures of light shades and
elegant combinations of color. $23.75
to $35.00.
Blue Serge Suits, $19.50, $23.50 and 125.
Fancy Trimmed Suits, $35.00 to $65.00.
Blue Serge Coats with white or tan col-
. , . lars . and cuffs, $12.50.
Coats of stylish tan, gray And navy diag
onals and serges, $17.50.
Coats of whipcords and fancy mixtures,
$25.00. ; . - . ..-
These Specials for Tuesday Only
IP b
St! ' " ! W fc I
Odd Coats Vests
From the Bourke Stock
- Coats and rests from soms ol
the finest worsted, chariot snd
tweed sulks In the Bourke stock
wonderful values. '
Positively Worth
up to tim-oid
I ton -e-Kala Floor
Great bargains In Men's snd Young
Men's Spring Suits from ' th
Bourks'stock, S7.50 tll.50
Buritt Prices in RUBBER F00T1TEAR
In Our
Children's Slflrns , Rabbera
Kollrd edge sole! the resrnlar
eve fclad, la all alar . . .250
Men Rubber Regular 80c,
SUc snd 11.00 values. In all
sites, at. ..... 50
Woaiea'a Stnrnt Kalihew The
regular otc and lit grades,
In air sixes; at, pair. . . 39
Mra's Cjuivsw IKlit The
veavy armr duck, at, pr. 49f
Children' l'snt.i Leegliigs
The warmest stylo ever made
for chlld-cn: black, blue and
brown colors, regularly worth
$1.60; at. pair 754
Mea's Oventaltcr St. pr. .75
Uomea'a thrfrgaltera, all slsea,
at. pair .... 500
Children's CwilttroT aal Velvet
Iirglair--(hlds and end, snd
women's colored overgalter;
.at, per pair ..,.....t..5l
No. I Boaey alokel
plate tea nettle eollu
copper ttase-Tues-usy,
$15 set of Mrs. Potts' sad
Inms, consisting of three Irons,
stsnd snd - cold handle, Tuesday
only, lor
3c wire en beat
era, like the lllus-
tration, .Tueaday
Pure Food Specials for Tuesday
Bennett's Capitol coffee and it
stamp, lb. SOe
Assorted tea and tamps, lp...4e
Tea atrtlnge and 1 atainpe, lb.... lee
Bennett'a Excelsior flour, per sack,
for ...... SloO
Ve-lb. can Bennett e Capitol baking
powder snd 16 stamps. ......... laa
I lbs navy besna for See
I large cana Cottage milk and 10
stamp ...
Pint bottle Snider' cataup and IS
atamp . .- SSe
Fail cream eneeee and 1 stampa, per
Neufrhatel 'ebee'aeL' brick So
VanHoutan's cocoa and i auunpa, per
can Se
Oalllard' ollv ell and It stamps,
bottle ese
rreaeb capera, bottle ISO and SB
Mb. pkg. Bennstt's Capitol oats or
wheat, altb It slampa loo
I Ibe. 7 Jap rice for. .. . . . .". . .ate
Van Camp's spsghsttt and It stamps,
can ISO
aV Taeaasr atoaey-Saeee
It Iba, granulated eugar for tse
I rana lergren corn .....SOe
l ib a baking ponder see
Bottle lemon or vanilla estract.. lee
Bottle Ualllard'a ellve oil .......ate
I-lb. roll Premium Buttertne.
Large lar strawberry or raapberrv
lain and It stampe Ssa
leo ran Cerpeniefe akinlsa firs, .lea
Herring, altli sauce, and It stamps,
Colman'a mustard, can '. to
2 jara peanut butter and It etempa
for '. SOe
4-lb. pk. Dewsr'e Compound end
Cleanser, wltb 2 stamp .
New black Walnuts, ' "1
peck 25o
Fancy . cooking apples,
peck '..V... :..;,.. ,?5c
Fancy dates U i lbs. for 95c
Fancy cabbage, lb .'.Be
Fancy banana, dotea ...ISc
Those famoo Redlands or
anges, shipped direct to as
from Redlands. Cel., per do.,
Jc, 20c, 20c, SOc 'and BAc
nesial for Vnesday only tl-t
Hamburger, 3 pounds.. 25c I Lamb Legs ..9!4c
Pork Chops ...........10c No. lLean Bacon.... 17V2C
trslliuutiy wss begun In the afternoon
ViHen Clerk Robert Wmilh reed the name
af'tleorge Lee from the Jury list there
was as response to tba good old Irish
nsme. A German arose In the beck ef
the room 'and said he guessed It ass
meant for him, hw name being George
dleh. The aame waa changed oa the
Jury record. ,
Major P. C.March is
1 ' Promoted to Colonel
Announcement of tba promotion of
Major Pertoa C. March of the Depart,
meat of the Missouri te the rank of lieu
tenant colonel waa mad greaterday at the
army headquarters. Major March la ail
probability will be traneferred to fort
Hi ley. Kan. to take the place at Colonel
U W. roster of the Blitb field artillery,
who dropped dead 1n Chicago recently.
Whs ta te replace Major March here la
not officially known, but It U said that
Major Evans of the Seventeenth Infantry,
ststieocd at fort McPherson. near Atlan
ta, Ua, will be transfnred te Omaha.
Whooping: Contra
araxet-nrroj UTAimi cuun
T rsTvee ee
a ate.aJ. mu est a en
aVIimliM iMt nimil Craw
Ii m m i ae sens 1 iea l WUei CeeeS
eweCea eeea. bbltaaaena
aw liwae. Tbeen
ery anets. awa seeMa
iiiiiiinieeait tie
na eeeae eautfea,
s7epani a eaSJebjeMell
AU. MUCCBTa. I r - T
t,w-e Ai'vfjLr
r tmum tm am AVtb.
linuiat an Tbe? "V -J
Mawsiaaeae 1 rT
... year VS
eieejMeiawa,lsi 'Jf
Two for One
That's wbat you get when,
you buy
Dreicl's Diambsd "T"
A special shoe for police-:
men and mailcarriers. Twice
the wear and comfort of
other shoes. Vou need no
rubbers if you wear Dia-
mond "Ts." Plump glazed
kid, kid lined, foot form last
double sole to heel with
double steel shanks. Best
quality of oak sole, guaran
teed waterproof.
Our customers get from 12
to 18 months' sen-ice out of :
these shoes. $10.00 wortli of
service for
1119 Parnam St.
Tried and never found wanting
It takei years to
organize "serv
ice" in an office
building. If you
are in a comfort
able building
where "service"
Julias been organized for years, you will have a certain
h comfort au euso'tliat can be obtained only through
i ; ; years of careful organization. .
i" t ' '
t There Is an advantage la being In a building whose rule
' .- for twenty Tears has been never to allow a single thing to get
.' out or repair.: and the building and it equipment each year
la a little better than it waa the year before). Tola kind ef 1
. policy and organltatron ia what yon wUI find In
wa Reception Room, private office, two lance closet, lars
workroom wltb two north wlndowa Ideal office for engineer,
architect doctor or other profess! rial men.. Rental pr
month, .......F
av A., j "
A- - ! f - a )
' ms Tills I a long narrow room, ltxlttt,
lignL Kentai. per month
i -north
In 11-stSS In stae. located oa the court, eloea to kr
lignt. thus having excellent natural Hgnu Tne apaca coura
1 be divided so aa to make two very pleasant rooms. Prtre.
per month .................. awfje.
I 10 Office In the northwest corner, having; four large win
dows A fireproof vault for the protection of valuable papers
is much la demand and la afforded tn.thta room. There ia a '
total of 1 square feet of floor space and aome would be
equipped wltb partition -to satisfy good tenant. Tba rental .
prfc Is per month .' '. Staves
The' Bee Building Co.
17th and Farnam Sta.
Fast daily train service from Omaha and
Council Bluffs to Chicago, via the
Chisago C F.'crth-Wcstcrn Ry.
connecting at the latter point with all
lines for aU points East.
The Bert of EVersthlng.
Pullman, drawing-room sleeping cars, composite
.observation, buttet and library cars Book lovers.
.library free reclining chair cars, standard day ,
.coaches and superb dining cars service a la
Carte. .Tkieta ue fall uilormstioa as sppikitiee te
CfTV TtCtCtT Of ftuels,
1 4l sed 140S fi uses Stre
sWal afalal esfeMwtWa
. at-urrs, i
'The power end : of our busi
ness troubles us very
A. Schall, head of a large cut stone factory,
for many years a user of steam power, in a let
' ter endorses Electric Power as follows:
"Regarding what we think of the avotor la -atallatloa
ta oar cat stone factory, we beileva
that we could ay aotiiiaa; better thaa that the
power end of oar btislBe 1 Botuethlng thai troa
bles as very little. Ia other worth, wa are always .
la a' prwHioa- to start oar machinery any time '
wrltttoat beang deaeadeat apoa eagjaeers and fire
awB. We do aot-wlsh to go into the matter la '
say great letigtli, hot we atlght add that we fre.
, .ooently keep saws-going all night aad only one
: aaaa is required for trie work, aad hja doty Is to
watch the taws aad preveat accident and the
Uk-B .. , , . ... , ' "
We have added to'our Contract Department
a competent Industrial Engineer who will in
vestigate your power needs without cost. Ask
for 4iis service by phone or letter. He may make
it worth your while. V ,
Omaha Electric Light
and Powr Company f
Bee Business Office
Easy .Way to Preserva Natural
Color cftha Hair and
X harmless remedy, made .from com
mon garden ease, quickly restores gray
hair to natural color. The care of the
hair, to prevent It from lostos Its color
aim lustre. Is Just a Important a
care tor teeth to keep them' from dls
eolorlnc. Why spend money for coo-
metloa and cream t Improve, we
plextoe. and yet nesflect your hair, when
gray hair la even more conspicuous and
aucsesUv of as than wrinkle or a
poor complex ion 7 ui tne i -easier
ta preserve the natural color and
beauty of the hair thaa it la ta hara a
good complexion.
All that Is necessary la lb occasional
as of-Wysth's Sags and Sulphur Hair
Remedy, a preparatloa of common car
den Baca and Sulphur, combined with
other valuable remedies for dry, harsh,
faded hair, .dandruff, itching scalp and
falling hair. After a few applies! Inn
of this simple, harmless remedy, your
hair will graduslly be restored to its
natural color, ta a ahort time the dan
druff will be removed, and your hair
will ne lonser come out but will start te
grow aa Nature Intended It should. t.
Den t neslect your hall,, for It goes
further than anything els to make or
to mar your good looks. Ton can buy
this remedy at any drug (tore for fifty
cants a bottle, and your druggist
Siva your money back If yon are not
satisfied after using. Purchase a bottle
today. You will never regret It when
yon realise the different" It will- mas
In your appearance. -
Special s seats, Sherman aj He Oonsell,
1Mb. and Dodge Sta.
Free Land Information
' ' He Twentieth Century Fanner, to meet the demand
of its readers for land , information, has gathered and
' compiled data on soils, climate and farming conditions
in all parts of the country. It is willing to give out this
information, free, if postage is sent with inquiry. C
Do You Want to Kndw' j
i About government land laws, location of land ctf
lfices, etc, " "
How to get irrigation lands, location of projects,
: laws governing same, etc . ' ;
' ' ' " Best sections for fruit growing, general farming,
stock raising or 6'airying.
Your questions will get prompt attention. State
plainly and specifically what you want to know. Write,
" Land Information Bureau- "I,
The Twentieth (ntniy Farmer
Oiriaha, Nebraska " t
prints nothingjjut clean news
and clean advertising.
Dcst Sport Keivs .in Ite Bec Th8 BOG (Of All tllB tJei'lS