Looking Backward This Day in Omaha Thirty Twenty Ton Tw A Be BelterUU hn ef net a The Omaha Daily Bee WEATHER FORECAST. Generally Fair' VOL. XLT NO. 218. OMAIIA; 'TUESDAY MORNING," '.FEBRUARY '27, 1912-TEN PAGES.'. SINGLE COPY TWO CENTS. ROOSEVELT WILL AWAIT RESPONSE -We're in the Fight, That's AH," it His Only Comment Upon His Statement. RECEIVES MANY TELEGRAXS These Urge Him to Boll Up Hit Sleerea and Get Into Fray. MAKES ADDRESS TO LAWMAKERS Direct 1-timaries Are Advocated in Speech to Bay State Legislature. 'OHIO WILL BE BATTLE GROUTO hnllnl Tart Will Make MU Klrat tilwtr to MiaiM Speech la nil Address at Teleda Hank S. - BOSTON', Fsb. H.-"W'e're In tn fight. That' all." said Theodore Roosevelt to- asy. It was hit only comment on his statement issued yesterday that ha would accept tha presidential nomination If offered to Mm. . With Mr. Roosevelt squarely on record, the active work of getting together a Roosevelt organisation was begun today. Telegram from many parts of the country and visitors urged Mr. Roose. velt to roll up his Heaves and throw himself into the fray, but he 1st It be known that for the present he Intends to do little, preferring to await Indica tions at tha effect of his announcement. He said that his visitors today were forming a Roossvelt organisation in Massachusetts, but that he would take no part la It While ha will keep In louch with tha political situation In all parts of the country, Mr. Roosevelt ex pressed the determination to Identify him self with no Roossvelt organisation. Requests for speeches have been re reived from several states, but Mr. Roose velt said ha had not made up his mind what to do. He said, however, that whether or not he embarked on a speak ing campaign ha would reiterate time after time his belief in the political Drln- ctplea which he set forth la his speech I at Columbus, O. It is on this platform . that tbe Roosevelt campaign is to be fought, Address to Leajlslatar. Direct primaries, including presidential, the initiative and referendum under cer tain restriction! and a plan, "which, It adopted, will prevent the necessity of ine recall or juogew were savocatea 10 day by Colonel Roosevelt In an address lo Members of the Massachusetts legis lature at the state bouse. ' Colonel Roosevelt was Introduced by Speaker Cuahlng, whose guest he was this evening, and was applauded by the members of the house and senate, lie said: -' . ...... .. .xp-T know you expect me to tell Just hat .1 believe, Our aita should be to help better the condition of those least I favored by fortune. Because I believe In popular rule I favor direct 'primaries, - including direct presidential primaries, pot only for local, but for state dele sates." Me then turned to Ills plan for the re tall of Judges' decisions affecting con stitutional Interpretations. ' "My position," said he. "is If tha peo ple know enough to make the constitu tion they knew enough In the last resort to Interpret it . The colonel said there was only ons sovereignty, the sovereignty of tbe peo ple. Ha Impressed on tha legislators the fact that they were the servants, and not the masters, of the people. "I am not advocating the recall of Judges," he con tinued. "I am advocating a 'measure ' which, if adopted, .will prevent the necessity of the recall of Judges." . ' Okte Will Be Battle Ureas. . WASHINGTON. Feb. 2. Roosevelt's announced willingness to accept the republican- nomination for president did sot affect visibly affairs at the White House today. President Taft will have no direct answer to the announcement prior to the Ohio speeches, accord! rur to statements from official sources. There Waa no great Increase in oongresslonal callers -today, but Mr. Sherman and Sen ator Murray Crane of Massachusetts hur ried to the president's" offices. Neither mould discuss Us visit. -Secretary of War Stimson also was a caller Suited as to what altitude, he wpuld take, Mr. Stimson said: "1 will maks my position perfectly clear lu the speech I shall maks in Chicago March a" This speech Is to be msde before the Chicago Taft club. It has been looked forward to as on of a series cabinet officers are to make fat support of the preetdetit and it was tbe general Impres sion here today that Mr. Stimson will adhere to his original purpose. The fact that be said he would announce hie poss tioa before a Taft organisation also la re garded aa significant There la a growing belief that the crux of the pro-convention campaign will cen ter in Ohio, tbe president's state. It Is known the Roesevslt forces will make one of their strongest bids for dele gates there and the president's fries an preparlnc to meet their acthrttlea, Mr. Taft ts t-t.be called upon to bear a large share of the Ohio burden. At Toledo on March a th eprealdent la to the doctrines enunciated by Colonel Roosevelt at Columbus. The National Capital Mtlir. tHMr S, 1IS The Senate. Senator St on Introduced resolution ill rect.uf foreign rlatkns commit! lo make prompt inquiry Into condlttona ttf .lex.... border. Senator Reed Inlroditced revolution di recting an HiveatigaUon Into toa atection Oa Senator Dupont. Senator Cummin Introduced tru bill creating trade commission and provdlng authniity to limit site of corporation) and guard against unfair competition . Senator Polndcxtcr. after a personal In vestigation at Lsswrec.ee. Mass.. intro duced a resolution to instruct the labor bureau to furnish Information on ths textile ttrlke. tSsnator Gardner Introduced a bill for overnment acquisition of express prop erties at a probable coot of S.i.i. frenator Cummins spoke favoring gen eral pen!on legislxtlon, saying govern ment cot i Id ta weal 1 1) If necessary to provide, revenue. Hsnator New lands Introduced revised lntaarstaie trsde mmntS9rton bi.IL fage vocational Mil to provide pp.fi prist tori for tm ouragrmeut of educat,' IMroQUced. jk, w . jT . FORT CKOOK MEN MAY GOTO TEXAS Fonrth Iafantry it Ordered to Be Beady to Entrain for San Antonio. TR012LE AL05Q BORDER FEARED United SUtet Will Insist on Neutral Zone. NO INTEBYLNTI05 IS INTENDED Senate Kay Make Inquiry Into Con- ditionj Alonf Frontier. IS AWAITING ATTACK The Home. a 1 Jlet at noon. Xvv Investigation of political Civne charges against Major Ray reeuVed be fore Wsr department expenc:turea com mittee. Hrttlh Ambassador Bryce explained British legislative system to Judiciary committee in connection with leelsistlvs bureau bill. Secretary Meier was heard by naval committee In eecutive session. Florida Everglades Isnd case investiga tion was resumed by Agricultural depart ment expenditures committee. After oonalderlng District of Columbia legislation the house took up a four hour debate on fortifications appropria tion bilL Announced rulea oommlteee would act upon Representative Kerror s resolution providlug for Investigation of Lawrence textile workers' strike, Wei's snd means committee again con sidered the advisability of Increasing silk duties to make up for auger tariff re duction. May report auger bill in two weeka. Money treat Investigation hearings wilt begin here within a few days. Secretary Meyer ursrd building of two battleships a year and an appropriation of l.u.S) for round the world systsm. Representative babslh Introduced Mil for acquisition bv government of exDTesa telegraph and telephone properties. V 1 'roes Arsar Of fleers that ,? Ight a Aetaally Oa Caasea El- cltexeeat la War Depart sseat at W ashing tea. BtLl.ETI, EL, PASO, Tel.. Feb. ii.-Th rebel leaders this afternoon sent a demand to Juares for the surrender of the city la sis hours. They declare In their com. munlcatlon that if 'the city le not sur rendered the attack will be made and Juares officials are asked to warn for eigners to Kave. Lawrence Strikers Parade Along Picket Line and Jeer Police OGDEN. Utah. Fab. Sfc-Mr. Bryan be tan his address this afternooa by saying (Continued en Second Page.) The Weather FOR NEBRASKA Generally fair; warmer. FOR JOWA Generally fair; colder. (haaaa Yesterday. Henrs. Dea-. i a. ra 14 Tesaswratare as LAWRENCE. Mass.. Feb. --Btorm scenes marked the beginning of the seventh week of the Lawrence textile workers' strike today. In the early morning affair nearly a doaen shots were fired from tenement houses upon a squad of Metropolitan Psrk police and the of fleers returned the tire. The strike sympathisers were arrested aa a result of the shooting, ons. of them being taken to the hospltsl. with a bullet wound in his back. Essex street, the principal thorough fare, waa In disorder for half an hour while several thousand - strikers and friends paraded along the picket Une, Jeering tha police aa sniutla and singing the revolutionary none fX-'Intematlonala" The demonstration was a protest against the sctlon of the polled Saturday In pre venting the sending 'of a company of children to Philadelphia. 'At the railway depot ths crowd became so noisy that police relnforoemrnts were called out. The officers bundled a dosen demonstrator Into automobile which car ried them to . the police station. In only ons rase did an officer use his club. No women were arrested. The demonstra tion was not ended until the officers had charged tha crowd off Essex street opt to the common, hslf a mile from the railroad station. There waa no apparent response to an appeal tor a general strike of all workers In Lawrence -to "tie up the town." All the mills seemingly retained their operat ing strength. The strikers' pickets were unusually active and twenty of tliem were arrested for Intimidation. WASHINGTON, Feb. . it. - senator Poindexter of Washington, bark from a personal Investigation of the labor strike at Lawrence, Mass., today introduced a resolution to Instruct the Department of Commerce and Labor to furnish the sen ate with Information regarding the strike. The measure asks for th "free passage of people tli rough the state of Massachu setts" and for intoroialloa regarding th condition of aliens. Representative Merger of Wisconsin, after a call at the White House, said President Taft bad premised him to taks up with Attorney General Wickers hara the Lawrence, Mass., strike. British Government : . May Operate Mines LONDON. Feb. K-It Is reported ' In radical circles here today that Premier Asgulth baa determined In the event of a national coal strike tb government will take over and work temporarily all the coal mines and tha pieveut a nanie la prices. At the conclusion of a meeting this afternoon between tbe . member of tbe cabinet committee and th seal owners, at which tha threatened atrtk of gatot miners was dtecuaeed. an owner author. laws tb statement that tb attusuoa la A -aecModly more peaceful.- Writ of Prohibition v, inDarrowCase LOS ANGELES. Cel.. Feb. St-The district court of appeal issued a writ today prohibiting 'Presiding Judge George IL Hut ton of the superior court from setting a date for the trial of Clarence 8. Darrow, when the case of th former chief eosasel of the McKamarae comes op tomorrow. SOUTH DAKOTA MISSIONARY ON WAT HOME FROM CHINA BIOUX FALLS, a D.. Feb. JS. I Spe cial Wearying of the turmoil tn China, Mia Winnie L. Stout, a South Dakota young woman who for the last two years has been a teacher In a school at Chengta. baa derided to abandin her foreign mia stonsry work, at least fer th time being, and bow Is on her return to South Da- .22 j kota. Letter received by relative from 5 I her stat she ha sailed from China and i ( mi m . 14 7 a. m 14 ta. n. M a. m B M a. m u 11 a. m 14 12 m. IS 1 p. m. .....17 ; p. m i" p. m d 4 p. m, I p. m i p. an.... ........aw I a. as.. ........... js South Dakota vta iTrepe. ta th United States and a WASHINGTON, Feb. av-The Fourth Infantry, now divided between Fort Crook (Omaha)', and Fort Logan H. Root (Hot Springs. Ark.) was ordered to day to be prepared to entrain for Sao Antonio, on receipt of a second message. Th War department waa thrown Into a state of excitement here today by tele graphic reports of the arrival of a largs band of Insurgents in the vicinity of Juares. U opposite V. raso, and of serious fighting in the outskirts of the town. These reports, it was explained at the department, 'came from army officers" and th department official were startled a second time by press dis patches from 'El Paso declaring there had been absolutely - no ' fighting lb J us res or Its environs. None of th de partment officials would comment on ths oompiex sltastlon. The Immediate effect of the Juares re ports wss to cause th dispatch of order looking to further movement toward the border of troops. Including the Fourth In fsntry, which probably will be the first regiment to reinforce th border patrol. Mo lavaalen Contemplated. ' The assemblage of troop on th border doss not mean a projected Invasion of Mexico, It Is emphasised at the War de part menu, sot It Is admitted the troops will not hesitate to croe the boundary line to Insure the maintenance of a neutral none broad enough lo Insur th safety of person on ths American (Ida "There la no thought of Intervention In Mexico," aaid Secretary of War Stimson at lk Whit House today. "All' that w propos to do Is to p rot ict Amrka Uvea and property, and thta win do.' There ts general belief: here that to Mexican will respect a neutral son and will not lnts even a temporary Invasion of American troops. . Senator Stone of Missouri Introduced a resolution todsy directing ths foreign Istlons committee to make an Inquiry Into the conditions on the Mexican border and to report Ita finding and recommenda tions as, to th duty of th 1'nlted States. Realising ths need of a stronger patrol on the Mexican border In Arlxona the War department today ordered two com panies of th Fourth cavalry to Douglas and on company to Nogalea from San Antonio. Captain Mahltn Craig of the general staff has been ordered to go im mediately from San Francisco to the Imperial valley to Investigate condition. Jearra Espeella; Attack.. ' EL PASO, Feb.'3l-EI Pasonan ar at a loss to explain the origin of a report that fighting has occurred it Jaurea, or ten mllea south of that city. There has been none In the city and railroad em ploye south reported all quiet at 10 O'clock. A peace commission which will attempt to persuade the rebels not to enter Juares left for. Banc he. : fourteen mllea south of here this morning. Juares Is waiting. The rebels ar .wait ing. Seven hundred rebels under corn mand of Emillo Campa sr encamped twelve mllea south of the town. Then commander announces hi Intention to sttsck unless the town surrender as soon as reinforcements a thousand strong arrive from th south. Juares Is guarded by over 404 spparently determined, bat untried men, and the official declare they will put up a fight If attacked. Mexican Consul E. C. Llorente. In Ei Pso, says Pancho Villa and to) ' loyal stste troop are enrout to Juares from Chihuahua and that the rebees may be expected ts be attacked from the rear at any time. This morning a committee of Juares eitlseni went out to the rebel camp to appeal to tbe rebel lo return south without attacking and avoid a possible cause for Intervention, which might corns If the town Is attacked. ' A bridge which the Juares dtlsens burned near the rebel esmp to keep the rebels from slipping In en train ha been re built under a temporary true asd th rebel ar getting water and supplies from J were, ever tbe railroad, which they not. Tn rebel pa-amis to give smple notice Sec ore attacking, if . tee town refuse to surrender, so that for eigners may get out. They also say they will move around to th north sreet of Juares, a they can fire parallel with El Pas when attacking. All ta How let: American Consul T. D. Edwards, in Juares, aald at noon In rospons to a tele phone call: "There I no furhtlng- near Juares. everything la perfectly quiet. I hav seat no Information fthat there la any fighting near here." ' Colonel K. Z. Steever, Fourth cavalry, commanding the t'nlted State border (ward, aald: "l did ant send Washington any report today -that there was fighting asar Juares, I sent a message carry Sunday morning stating that H est reported that trer had been a skirmish near Juares during Saturday night. Tbia later proved only to have been an exchange of shots between guard In -the etty of Juares and not any skirmish with resets. Tb situation Is perfectly quiet today, and baa been so far a I know." Officials of tb Mexico Northwesters : From th -Washington Star. ; M ' . ', t ' I . " ' ' . -s COLONEL SURPRISES CARROLL GoTtrnor of. Iowa laya ooterelt'i ' Announcement Inopportune. JTOT . SaUAlE DEAX TO TAFT neeld Rave . Bsejlsd Prede eer'e la eo4 Tr sad i UK"' HaW Ceaaptleated Matters ' ' . by Eateries' St. ' . (From a Slsrt Correspondent.) , BE MOINES. Ftb. . -(Special Tele gram. Governor Csrroll made a state ment today that mors than evsr should tb republicans' sea"" ths necessity for nominating President Tsft.; He added: "I am not surprised 'at Roosevelt's an nouncement of Ms candidacy.' It baa been apparent ' for som time that hs waa giving encouragement to those ad vocating hla nomination. I em sur prised, however, ' that he 'did not' long ago announc hi adherence to his oft repeated doctrine of th "square deal end recognise th Juitles of the candidacy of President Taft for renominntlon and give Mm tha same loyal support that President Taft as secretary of war gavs to ths Roosevelt administration. No other man did as much -to .make Roosevelt's sdmlnlstratlon a success a did Secretary Taft and he was justly entitled to the encouragement and support of, his prede- Bssor. This he baa- not bad." - Th Iowa- exsoutlv broadly Intimates that Wall street Influences srs responsible for th opposition to President Taft, in ths folltwlrui .language: , There - can be no t question but that Wall street and 'the so-oalled 'big Inf terests trust and combine ar fighting tb president and - that every - Influence which they can bring td pear will be exerted In behalf of hi opponent. 1 am, however, decidedly of the opinion that Taft will be ' renominated and the Itooaerelt candidacy will serve only to oomplleat matters and endanger the to sutf at tbe November election." Kansas City Home Telephone Company : Sold to Gary System . KANSAS CITt. Mo.'. Feb! at. -The Kan aa City Horn Telephone company bra old today to th Telephone Securities company, a mrnoratloa orarttesd under the laws of W;et VrglUv t The. sffloei of the eomposty - are: Theodore Osry, Mac on, Mo., president; K V. Adarn. Juplln, Mo., vice president "and H.-K Gary. Macon. Mo.t seerstsry-tressureV. ' Theoder tiary It also presldsat .ot th St. Joseph (Mo.l Telephone company, tee Jnplln (Mo.) Telephone company and) th Nevada (Mo.) Telephone company, The purcha-w pries was not mad pub! to, The Telephone Securities company pur. chased more than a majority of the stock of thd Ksnsaa City Horn Tstfpnon pony and all the stock of th Ki Oily Horns Long Idstanee Tclrphon com- The arganlsera of th newjr.eempany kconstlluts th active rnaaegemeut of ths Gary Telephone company systsas, now operating telephone properties M . Mis souri, Kansas, Iowa and Nebraska. iContlnoed oa Seetmd Pat.) Ten Persons Killed By Two Tornadoes ; , .- -in Arkansas UTTLS ROCK.-Ark- Feb.'K.-Detaila of a doubi tornado 'that devastated Lln ooln, Jefferson and Arkanaaa oountlea yesterday, -place th Hat 'of dead at ten with at least twenty-five person severely hurt. Handsome heme, plantation equip aTieBt, rice and ' pomptag station were w rooked. Fir broke out In th debrt and only the rain ' that acoompanled the wind ssved from cremation - many per- Apparentlr there wer two storms. One la th sastersi portion of Jefferson county, which oosuried at ( o'clock In the aft ernooa. while that In Arkansas county swept In an' hour earlier. 1 Gilman, Hotel in Portland Burned: Two Men Are Dead - PORTLAND. - Ore.. Feb. lK.-fhe. de struction by fir of the; Oilman hotel, a land mark, of pioneer days, i resulted sarly today In the death of two men and three other are missing, t - Edward Gilmore, aged SA fell dead of excitement and an unidentified man waa killed when he lumped to tlie sidewalk from a fourth floor window,' Seventy lodgera escaped Into the street in their night clothes. , ' , . . Soon after, ths slsrro was sounded the windows In th hotels filled wlth-m women and children who bad been driven from the corridors by . the smoke. Most of them' were carried down th fire' es capes and ladders. Nearly a score of per sons 'went to the roof of 'trie, burning building and crossed over to tb roof of an adjoining structure, from which they wer rescued. ' Weight of Snow Causes Collapse of Garage at Red Oak RED OAK. fat. Feb. X. -(Special Tele tram.) Two feet of snow fsll her last night and as a result a new oarage building belonging t Steven Bros. eel. lapsed ander tbe weight on the roof at clock tale morning. Tb building was talis fast la slss aad la a total wreck. number of nsen were at work In toe bulldlBg whew tt started to collapse, but all escaped without Injury.. Tha building a built of brick aad concrete with truss roof. It bad no supporting post Burlington paassngir train No. 1 is tied ap In a cut full of snow three miles esst f here. It baa been there several hours j awamof assuKanc, School and College : : Men in Council ST. LOUIS, Mo.. Fwb..lt.-Speclal sen ate) of affiliated societies of the - Na tional Educational association began Iter todsy with a large attendance. This morning tha National Council sf Educa tion, the National Society for the Study of Education, th 'Society of ' College Teacher of Education, the national com mittee of agricultural education snd th conference of stat superintendents of education held sessions.' Prof. Edward P. Buchner of John Hopkins university, Baltimore, in opening th pmerara of tha Society for Coilesj Teacher of Education, ertttclsed I mar lea's Institutions of learning as tutra con servative. ruK-dssloa of Prof. Buetmefs paper bold until tha luncheon recess. Man and Woman Murdered at Tacoma TACOMA, Wash.. Feb. 3S.-A double murder was revealed today when the bodies of Mr. W. Brown, aged M years, and John Wilson, aged years, wer found on the county road near' Barch mont, a short distance beyond the Ta coma city limits, both having been clubbed to death. The husband of the dead woman aald ht wife and Wlleoa had gone to Tacoma for the evening. and It Is thought they were attacked by robbers when they left th car on their A return, ...... BRAKDEIS ANSWERS CRITIC Attorney Replies to Freaiaent . of j Shoo Machinery Trait KDJ 81XVICI WITH XOffOFOLY Waa fllreeter aad t, ewasel foe Com , Baay. Vatll Oerwed It W , WAmiNOTON, Feb. K-Thi ' allega tion of Preitdent i. W. WlnsloW of the United Iho ataclilnsfy 'company that Louis D.- Brandeis of Boston In his re cent testimony before th sonata Inter state osmmeroe enmiatft erttlclaed act of th company which orcurred wIMI h was a director and eeunsel In It wer answered today -In a letter from Mr. BraadeH to Senator Clac-P of Minnesota, chairman of tb oommittos. Mr. Bran- dole asked that his letter b embodied In ta hearings ef the osmmittee a supple mentary of the testimony he vs on December M, U and 1 last Referring to Mr. WlnsloW letter to the committee as presenting "half-truths and statements, eoms fats and others grossly misleading'." Mr. Brandeu ti plan In detsll how and why h became convinced "that th poHcy and methods of Iho United Shoo Machinery company wsr Inconsistent with th general wel fare and that additional legislation was necessary to protect the public against the practices of that trust." . aWltoeodl la 14 Th, Mr. Brandeu declares that wall It was trua.that'ia April. IM, be beiteved In the policies and methods of th sstsnpany aa "legally and morally aotoioctlonaW ho withdrew as' director a few months later when be alleges a different set of clrauaHtanoe developed. Mr. Brandest say h .waa of the opin ion at first that there wer good and bad trusts, and that tha a ho monopoly was using operated beneficially aad was pro moting competition. As a consequence. he adds, be appeared before th Massa- chusetta legislature to oppose a bill seek ing to compel a change In th methods of the company. Meanwhile, relates Mr. Brands!, his attention was called by President W. II. McDwaln of th company bearing that nam and President Cnarle H. Jones of tb Commonwealth Shoe and Leather company to tha so-called "tying" clauses of thslr Is which ssemsd lo them ob jectionable. At a eonferenco between the me and. Mr. Wlnslow, aa under standing was reached to secure the de feat of the pending Mil and adjust dif ferences in amicable conferences. After these objeetiono bad been pr seen led. Mr. Brandeis asserts, hs pursued the eubieet an ascertained facts to some ehttent In consistent with those furnished him by Mr. Wlaslew and other off! cists of th DEEP SxNOW TIES UP RAILTRAFFIC Worst Bliuard of the Season Strikes Omaha and Vicinity Sunday Afternoon. STBZET CASS ARE AIL BLOCKED Wind Pilea the Snow in Drift! on the Car Tracks. TRUSS CAUGHT IH DRIFTS Traffic is Almost Completely at Standstill on Some Lines. XA5T ARE FORCED TO WALK Farataaa Mao la Blocked fee Hoar . aed Mao of People brill Dowrm Iho Tracks All tbe Way frees Oaadoe, Dlorovem It Evil. For tlires and a balf years. Mr. Bra. dels saya bo took no part In questions wiattng to the policy of the company. but that ta th summer of Ml th sltiav tlen "had entirely changed'" from what It ww tn Hot tlmMnxh tha attitude of th federal government in ' otamoctioB with tb Standard Oil and Tobacco cases, and the alleged intention of the shoo machin ery company to "Ignore or evade th act ef th Massachusetts legislator prohibit ing tying clauses ra leuea" He was Im pelled lo no longer remain passive la the aba ooutioeoisii aa a rvinasijnenco of tbe purchase by th machinery company f tho Plant system of shoo machinery-an act of xeooopoty which Mr. Brandeis prior thereto had believed would ho looking 'jail la the face." because he construed It aa a "flagrant violation" ef the Bner maa anti-trust law. . ' Hew Marshal for Artsoaa. WASHINGTON. Feb. M.-The president today nominated Charlea A. Overtook of Arisen to bo United stats marshal for the district of Ariaont. One ef the worst Mlssard thst has sr held Nebraska in ita grasp visited Omaha aad th aoutaeastera part of the stats Sunday afternoon and esrly Monday' morning- Railroad traffic and street car sarrte waa entirely demoralised and trouble of a most serious nature was occasioned by tb sever storm, 'in many place tha drift wer ten fret high. Street oar war continually getting oft tbe track and a th Fsrnstn line waa blocked, people all the way to Dundee wer forced to walk to work. Every railroad reaching Omaha suf fered severely from th effect t Sunday night's bilsxard, which railroad men unit In deoiarlng to be th most paralysing of Ita character that he occurred tn tb mlddas west tor many year All that waa lacking to make It a record breaker In all reapect waa a low temperature. Th absence of the ueual Intense cold made the condition leas naoomfortab so fsr as physical conditions wsr can corned, but did not mitigate the sorrows encountered by th erurinernen. Every train that Onalljt reached th city waa many hour late and a number failed to arrive at all. Freight trains wsrs abandoned all along the line la Iowa. Th Wabash failed entirely to get s train through during the day. When II became evident In the early Part of the night that a real blunsard waa aa. division suportntsndenu ordered out every availabl eoowplow and began bucking the drifts. It waa this foresight hlatpravwnted a complete tleup of all ef th train, for to drift in th out wer thua kept at a surmountable minimum. L'P So o'clock last Bight only one-third of Iho through mail train bad arrived from ta easL Train la Barted. Ta Burlington suffered mors sevesely than It has for many years. At Murray. I-, a rags anger and mail txsla became lodges' in drift In a deep cut snd was finally burled ander aC depth of snow that mured front twenty t tvsnty-flv tact. A sejoft -diets Slip aSasd ef H ta tha ssms eat a rtdg of snow bad hem ttww athwart th tracks thai was sixty ft deep. Only lb rear nd of the train Was risible, snd an army of men wss sat t work at daylight yestsntay rasrnlng digging It out. Enough of th now was cleared away a that several powerful engines hooked on behind and pulled It out Into Iho eunaluo. Tb naasenssrs rather onlee-ed tlM novel ex perience and wsr rsry comfortable dur la of th time they were embedded. This train should hav gut Into Council Bluffs at I. a "yesterday morning. Closly fol lowed by another Chicago train. It was expected to reach here between s and W o'eiock last ' night. Murray I between Aften Junction -and Osceola. On th Great W cetera none of the mall I rain got In during tha day, but some of the passenger trains pulled through 1st In th afternoon. All of th Mil waukeo and Bock Island train that finally got through were many boars lata. Th - North sstem Mbuieapoa line bad lees troObl and Ihe regular train arrived only a few hour lata The Iirinoia Central enjoyed lb aans experience, a th atorm was very much less severe In tbe north.' " Schedule Kaeebrd Galley Weal. Train servic oh nearly all Una was practically demoralised. Tralna were ail' from two to twenty hour late. Tbe bill sard centered around Omaha, the south western part of th stat, and Iowa. From Fremont on up northwest very little snow fell, and practically all the Northwestern trains pulled Into Omaha on time. i Th Rock I aland and Missouri Padf io . roads felt the effect of th storm more than th other road. Th Missouri Pa cific train No. lot, which leaves Omaha at : a. m., did not get out antll lata la tha afternoon, and no word baa bee received of tb Kansas City train which waa due her early this morning. The Union Pad fie Seattle train, doe her last evening at S o'clock, did not get In until a o'eiock this morning, and the Overland Limited from the east, scheduled to are rive bar at I a. ra., was over five hour it. From six Inches to two rest of snow bad fallea throughout the state. Th Burlington train from Derive, which arrived her at T a. m. waa three hour late. This train encountered little trouble with the snow until It reached Mccook. From there on the cuts wer filled with over three foot of enow.' Th Great Enterprises grow from a small business. Bat a small business must be advertised. Not uecessar ily must the advertising be. display; classified advertis ing will aid immensely. Per haps you have a business f " that should be advertised ia ' the want ads. The Bee is the' paper that reaches the peo . pie who give you GOOD re suits. ; - Tbe coat is only a few cents a ' day. tbe caina are recorded la . dollar, r . Insert your ads in Tbe Bee and watch your business grow. Phone yoor meawce to. Tyler 1000.