Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 25, 1912, Page 6, Image 6

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Council Bluffs
! Council Bluffs
Minor Mention
The Council Bluffs Critic of
The Oiaaha Bee to at 10
Scott Street. Telephone 43.
; Dsvls. drugs.
Vletrols. i A. Hoepe Co.
' H. Horwick for wsll psner
s Woodrlng Undertaking Co. TeL 3C.
CVrlgana, undertakers. 'Phone Ml
Oet the hanlt for Morehouse printing.
Da Clock! repaired. U Pearl. Mrkerson.
4 Lewis Culler, funeral director. 'fboneSJ.
Welch the I'susle Art Shop windows
lor kargjlri. SO Broadway.
Special Cs-natloon. lav dm.; violets,
lie bunch. Phone r0 UUnoitfl.
v Bluff City laundry. Dry Cleaulng and
tj-s works. New phono No. Hi
'Mutual Bide. 1-oaa AW-. 12 rearl.
J" lurf-e Malt end anything In wines,
Ikiuere or brandies, cell el
rsmlir Uhoot House.
A. Noes ssrs all nlanos tsken In eg.
'chance must go; now la tha lime. Ke
lentiees price cutting regardless of the
name ur laaw ul tne man anient. eii
W. Broadway.
household geuaa, bureea, rattle and all
chattel eeuritle at a uk dl -count of she
tajual rates. Office Aver X . Mroad-
MESH MAOS repaired, reflnlehed like
ew. Repaired, repleteu. rcllned at res
Isonable coat. All kinds ul Jrwelry renan
in(. Latferts Jewelers, M Broadway,
man of toe Clocks.
The Jury la ke sass of i. U. Pullea Ik
tho A voce branch of the district court
yesterday returned k verdict Ik hla favor
(or U 09a. Ho aued the County Hoard of
Supervisor for M.MU for Increased dsm
agea sustained by tho construction of the
Nishaaootna ditch through hla lar. near
he town of Oakland. . Tho board bad
Council Bluffs
Icwt Newspaper Question. Occupy
Attention Darin Session.
rjLEirwooD pamxa gets peee
Editor Charles F. rhaoa of HUalle
Xrwe-Telearsph Dec-lares He
Will Be Free hra II
roaara to roll t Ira.
Tho )ary la the SeJOOO damage suit of
Boren against the atreot railway com
pany had been aaablo to roach a verdict
last alcbt whoa I he district court ad
ursed. The Jurors will bo railed before
Judge ThorneM tkis anernlag and may bo
Utacharawd If It appears to be impossible
to roach a declsloa.
Alendtr O. Brown. aged IS years and
monlhe. died lest evening at the home
of fcla daughter. Mr Mary H. Crum. ad
Avenue k after an lllneaa of three
month from d ropey. 11 la survived by
two daughters. Mrs. Clara O raw form of
Moux Cliy and Mrs. Crum. Arranseroenu
tor tho funeral bar nut beoa anad.
' Aa apvilrattea waa yesterday made by
C. Oelae, Jr., administrator of tho estate
f Conrad uke. for authority to aocept
Mytnoat of a note for feN (Wen by .
If. and Annl Oetso. due Februarv L lJlt-
Tbla aoto and another for was given
wa eouateral security to tho First Na
tional bank upon the renewal of two notes
y Mr. Oetso, one for S1,MU and tho other
for H.Ka. aot yet aua
' Orooashlolds A Cvorost brtan a district
court suit yesterday aselnst Ooorse B.
Wryer and wife, Hafer Lumber company.
rul kowwy, tno Aluminum sign com
any. Oiuson company, J. T. Allematt. M
JR. Orout aad Taylor Bros. Foreclosure
toff a mortaaaw to eertire at note for II fnL
dated Nonmber I, IPM, Is askao) for. Tho
Vronerty Involved la lota 11 and II In block
of Baasoa'a aecond addition. Tk other
defeadanta are stated to have soma claims
wblck are thus sough t to be ahut out.
O KANT yXVI.K ar end -o re
raopbsrrtss. We have pur red rasp
aorry lain ta glassea, af Mc eack; olives
auart Jara, at SVc. We have atoa to
mataoa in cans, 1 for av: crirn. I cant.
Ste; eedflnk. Me: aMckeroL Ue and las!
nernasr a isr we crape iruiu m-; let
tuca, Ic. Ws have a few case of peae
that we are loama; out at leo. Ws aav
an axtra food bottle of catsup at Mr.
nneapBlee In cans, at lor; plenty of
country butter, at toe: fresh fgs, at SM;
New fork roasted coffee, at 2So pound-,
B. M Blend, tho kind with tho fine fla
vor. Mo Pound: brisk cheese, a Bartal
aV Miller. Tat. St. .
Rav. Walter Wilson Oinpen died yes
terday after an Illness or leas thaar two
weeks from pneuaeunis. Mr. Crlppen was
fi years SJd. He entered upon a religious
lit la Plymouth countT. Iowa, In larl
and was anon after ordained to- the
ministry of the Fre Methodist church
and filled a number of pastorates, the
test betns at Coaaotl Bluffs. Ho wae
elected district elder of the Council Mlufrs
and bonandoah daRrlrt laet year. He
bad been a member of tho western Iowa
conference for si teen years. He le sur
vived by his widow and two dsuchtera,
Mrs. Mabel Duffert and Mlaa Effle Crlp
ftea, and three sona, Walter K., Henry
M. and Blmsr R.. alt reeuiln- hero. The
body will bo taken this morning' lo
Hlntaa, fiymowth oounty, for burial on
eUiriday raanUag at M o clock.
A nvoly eon I est of the will of Mr
Mary Crisp, who died recently, leaving
about all of her property to her sliter-ln.
law. Mrs. Mary J. Maxwell. In Maua
ebuoMta. suuiiur off her foster daughter.
Mow Mrs. Charles Horner, with a small
allowance, chancing her will. It la said.
Immediately after tho young woman'a
marriage. Yesterday Mrs. Maxwell,
through her attorney, W. If. Klllpark.
filed aa answer to the objections to the
will made In court by Mrs. Horner. In
which gho gays the objections mad by
. Mrs. Horner aro uniru and that aha la
not entitled t the property. The estate
constats at an nous and lot In nunT
JJl'if's. aa dwelling la tho village of
McClelland and eighty aoree of farm land
In Kansas, beside money and crrHit
amounting ta a little more than ll.kjo.
With considerable household goods and
ether peieonal property. There will he
at lean two other contests filed, in one
Cf which come eeaaatlooal atiesation
ill b anode. Vpoa the s optics r ton of
Attorney ttlllpack yesterday, acting In
Ihe Interest of Mrs. Mel well. H. U.
IrOe was spool sled special administra
tor' to manag the property while th
"will contests aro pending. The snoot fit
ment waa mads by Judgs Thomeil and m
f only a tsmporary anaraeter. Mr.
MrOes filed a bond for Uero and Im
rdiately on tared upoa th dlscharg of
tua dutiaa.
Western Iowa editors held the atten
tion of Council Bluffs yesterday. Theirs
was all shop talk, but tJ the few present
who were not members of '.h associa
tion and In tho active work of making
newspapers It was moat Interesting talk.
The association was called to order
shortly before noon by Ita president, D.
M. We!s of tha Ked Oak Express, and
Secretary Stevens of to Silver City
Times held his time-honored position at
the tabic to keep th records.
Among the earlier proceedings watched
ith much Interval was th award of
tha silver k.vlng cup, contributed by
Emil brfrerta. tho Council Bluffs Jeweler,
for 11 best dUplsyed etlvertteement from
copy f jrnl-hcd by him and to be used
la the regular edition of the paper In
which It appeared. Clippings of all of
th forms wcr sent to th Inland Printer
to be Judges. The cup Is a large, beauti
ful urn, stsndlng nearly a foot high on
Ita pedrataJ. and there waa a keen rivalry
for Its poasessloei. II went to C. K.
Wheeler, ono of Ihs printers In th Olea-
wood Opinion office. Second and third
markings wcr also mad and Mr. Stacy
of th Adair New drew second and the
Oakland Acorn's office was awarded th
honor of being third. .'
Thar wers nearly fifty contestants.
This was tha second Urn Mr. Wheeler
marked first and Mr. Stacy
also won In two previous contest.
(base aa Poll t lea.
Editor Charlea W. Chase of th At
lantic . K we-Telegraph precipitated on
of Ui moat Interesting discussions of th
day when he read a paper sa tha inter
sting I hem, "Th Newspaper la Poli
tics." It was the most radical deelare
tloa at eomplart Independence that has
mads, by a newspaper editor and
owner lo th history of perhaps th en
tire stal. Th paper provoked a lot of
discussion, evidencing a breaking away
from the constraint and restraint of
party domination. Hers Is a sample of
Its fir:
There I one question. Th Newspaper
In Politics," and there Is ths other and
more important question. "The Politic
In Tour Newspaper." They sound alike.
but that Is a groat difference In tnem.
The one you can; avoid If you will; the
Council Bluffs
oYher "fa ll. verJ nature. Indicate that i"P,"a''''V- Br' P"-
, , icinn: rv liiiavm a rtwi . 11 m
Republicans Hold
Their Caucuses in
All the Precincts
Republican caucuses were hetd In all
of the precincts last night to select dele
gates to the county convention, which will
meet her on March S to choose delegates
to th state and Ninth district con
ventions. The chief Interest centered in
that feature of the caucuses that repre
sented ths contest for delegate to th
national republican convention. There
were two candidates, Frank F. Everest
and Robert B. Wallace. Mr. Everest won
In all of the precincts with the exception
of the first of the Sixth, where the west
coders declared their allegiance to Roose
velt. In all of the other precincts It was
a Taft victory so far as It could go In
that direction.
la the First of tha Sixth there wars
forty-sis votes cast and thirty-throe of
them were for Teddy, the Kversst-Tafl
ticket getting only thirteen. Which of
tha two candidates the delegatee will
favor la the county convention Is not
known, but as their votes cannot In any
measure affect the endorsement of Mr.
Everest llttl Interest Is attached to this
feature of the Incident. The west enders
also went a atep farther than any of the
other precinct managers and dipped Into
local politics, passing a resolution endors
ing tho candidacy of W. C. Vtlerback for
park commissioner.
In th First precinct of th Fourth
ward President Taft's endorsement was
unequlvocsble, as this resolution was
unanimously adopted:
Resolved, By th republicans of th
First precinct of tho Fourth Word, that
ws commend ths administration of Presi
dent William H. Taft, and that we in
atruct our delegatee to tha republican
county convention to use all honorable
means to select delegates to tho re
publican stats and district conventions
who will vote for th election of delegates
to tho republican national convention
who will be favorable to the nomlnatloa
of William li. Taft as ths republican
candidal for president of th United
Following Is a complete list of tha dele
gates except from tho Second and Third
precincts of the Sixth ward:
First Ward First precinct; James
Peterson, 1. M. Mlnnlck, Uua HeUler. H.
C. Kanck, U Albert I. Keeond precinct:
Oeorge Carson, H. O. MrOee. George H.
Jackson. Frank Peterson, W. S, jjalrd,
J. R. Bell. A. C. Lane.
Second Word First precinct: C. O.
Saunders, Louis Simon. C. A. Tlbbltta,
Csrleton H. Woodward, Painter Knox. B.
H. Louses. Second precinct: o. U Man
born, J. 1). Johnson, Frank Htageman, C.
P. Anderson, J. W. M. Mitchell, B. 011
lineky. Third Ward-First precinct: r. D.
Empkle, P. U Hoes, Dr. L. I. Henntger,
inanee i. uincer, ii. l. van Brunt, J.
Council Bluffs
your bark out on tho
and that your port is
Piles Cured
at Home
Qairk ReUrf Trial Pack ago Mailed
t-Yec to All la rials W rapper.
Pile la a fearful disease, but eaa b
cared If you go at It right
Aa operation with tha knife la dan.
rarely a per
aaanant a.
Tnera ta jat
one other war
to b cared
Pwinlasa. a. fa
ana la th yn
arr af your
we heme ,i
la Pyramid
Pile Remedy.
W snail a
trial pacta-
fre to all arba
It will gtva yog quick rail!, show
I the harsaleas. pslsloas aatars af
fit great rcsMdy aad start ysa wail eat
U way toward a perfect emra
Taoa yoa cava gat a ftlt-ta4 boa
ttoaa aey drwgrlet far I casta, and
flea eeae lax eanea
Jaaast ess haviag waat yoa call tor.
J net swsl your tana and address ta
Pyrasadd Drug Co, 414 Pyramid Build
sag. sfarua.lL Mick, and receive fre.
by return mast, tha trial pacaag la
gv plala wrapper.
gensna. kumllalUig and
you have aenl
uncharted sras
The time waa-at least I believed It In
my callow daa when parties stood for
ths eternal prtnclplea of right and Jus
tice end all the powers thta elds of ths
eternal kingdom could not move them.
The lime was st least I thought so be
fore the wisdom which comes with sx
pertenc taught me th verdancy of th
belief when politicians, political leaders.
If yon prefer, stood squarely on their
respective party platform and would
have given up any hope they had of feed
ing at th public crib to surrendering on
iot or little of their convictions. I be
lieved In th party of my young" man
hoed as the Christian man or woman be
lieves In Jehovah. Thoee were the days
of the torchlight procession, tha raising
of parly polee. the holding of party
barbecuea; the days of florid speech and
brutal eeeraeh in the aaesulta upon the
Those were th daya when men
took newspapers to read the politic In
them aad carried all their Job printing
to the papers silled with them politically.
I am convinced mat it was during that
period, If ever, that "politic in th news
paper, or "Ihs newapaper In politics"
was a paying proposition from a financial
standpoint. But there waa an abundant
reward otherwise In being a part of the
organlaatlon and helping to play th
game aa it waa then played, and espe
cially In holding up ths hands, la a hum
bis way, of the men who made political
Ties re Have rkaaawd.
With years rsme the knowledge that
pelltlclane. Ilka republics, are ungrate
ful and that ths men whom tha news
papers drag out of obscurity and give
a standing and recognition they could
never attain la any ether way, are fre
quently guilty of that greatest of all
crimeIngratitude. With years cam th
knowledge that the newapaper In poli
tics" was but llttl more than a vehicle
In which politicians rode st will end
from which ths most of them would have
been barred had the "pay-as-you-enter"
practice of the present street car systems
been In vogua With years cams the con
viction that "tha newspaper In politics"
was llttl better thaa a chattel of th
rty It represented or the politicians
whose eauae it espoused.
Oraaakp aa Advertising;.
Atlantic scored again in winning and
holding the attention of tha audience
when David Oraasky of Oransky di Bon
road a paper aa the them assigned him.
-Retail Advertising from tha Viewpoint
of tho Small Towa Merchant." Mr.
Oransky showed a familiarity with his
subject that Indicated ha had ceased
trying experiment with scheme advertis
ing and relies entirely on ths newspapers
tor reaching hla customers. II pointed
out th vasts af money by failure lo
realise that times have changed and
ths Mesa af twenty years ago aro not
applicable at the present time, A fin
point was mad when ha Insisted that
aa advertisement to be suoceesful bow
must contain Information and real new
about styles, qualltlea and values at
goods, and that any representation that
held out low price aa tha chief Induce
ment to draw trad would end an failure.
Discussion of th Tost System ra
Country Shops," following a paper read
by 1L L. Tuetevtn of Bkrnhsrdt Bros.
Spmdler of Omaha, brought sat tha In
formation that all of th newapaper
effloas af western Iowa were conducted
va a system tally up-to-date.
"Publication of Official Proceedings," a
paper read by C. W. Bays of ths Wood
btno Twiner, wrought Bp a dtscussioa
that continued for tlx greater Part of
the afternoon, showing a wide range of
practice by boards of county supervisors
throughout tha district. It was found
i hat so roe af th newspapers were recrlv-
:n; more thaa I wire as much as were
others for such publication and that
U..- were ma ay different methods of
meaiurlng the spare occupied. Tha dis
cretion dlacloaed such aa unsatisfactory
condition that tha association appointed
a committee, comprising Mr. Bays. Editor
Mxrvta of Shenaadoaa and Mr. Uughas
"t Council Bluff a. to bring tha matter
Viet th nest Iowa legislature with a
r ew of ajnendlnar the present law.
When I name te the election of officers
for the year Editor Cbass'a paper made
him th aasnlmou choice for president.
K. K. Cunningham of Olenwood waa
made vtoa preeUsol and Mr. Stevens af
Silver City waa re-alerted, aa he has
beta every tiro th association has mot.
as seer e tary -treasurer. Soemaadoak waa
selected as the plane for holding th mid
summer masting soma time next August.
bra era. V.
W, Wslker, Roland R, Otis.
Fourth Ward Klrat nreclnet: Waller 1
Smith, V. U Treynor, C. R. Hannan, J.
J. Heaa, John M. Ualvtn, T. O. McMullen.
Second precinct: O. C. Sorenson. Julius
Johnson, Clem F. Kimball, -td Ford.
rum waru-nrat precinct: o. Hoch
man, J. L. Ellaworth. Frank Hlank i.
Cherniss, W. A. Hlghsrolth, J. L. Pries,
A. E. Until h, Oeorge Heati. Second pre
cinct; Hans Holm, T. A. Brewlck. Hans
Peterson. Third precinct: c. K. Hparka
B A. Olssn, Ous Williams, W. M. Bee
man. , ltn Ward-First Precinct: J. Shroyec,
W. Oruber, W. Walton. C. T. Wllllama
H. Roars, A. A. Pancoer. -
New Grand Juror : -:M
Sits with Others
Th reorganisation of the district court
grand Jury, mad aeceeaary by th dis
covery en of th man drawn for' the
Ult panel, N. a Chrtsroaa. has been a
resident of Omaha for th last year, was
ompletad yesterday, Judge Thornell de
cided that It would not be necessary to
dismiss all of tha twelve and ordered
th drawing of a new man to take ths
slat of Chrismaa. Th drawing resulted
in bringing out th Bam of Oeorge W.
Croasley of Oarner township. The Jury
was reorganised for the term as follow:
W. S. Conner ot Council Bhifs, foreman;
P. N. Surksdort. Silver Creek township:
William Schley, Jr.. Leek; Oeorge Smith,
Boomer; William Mevera. Keg Creeks
William Clary. Norwalk, and J. W.
Croaaiey, Gamer.
The court ordered the reconalderatton
of all the work since January L Ths
Jurors will have to pass upon ths degree
of guilt of Oeorge Pa pet, Ileary Kerns,
John Pruett and Albert Cuattn for their
connection with tha theft of a lot ot
stuff from railway merchandise cars, but
will not pass upon their guilt In connec
tion with th theft and destructlos of
three bags of Vnlted States mall and de
struction of nearly tt,0o worth of bank
drafts and checks. The federal grand
Jury .will do this about March It
Jess Palmer and M. ftomt, others
charged with bos. car thefts, and Oeorge
Clatterbuck. arrested for forgery, will
also be considered for Indictment All
of the prlaonera were arraigned la court
yesterday and waived challenge to the
grand Jury. The extra work will prob
ably requir all of next week and th Jury
Immediately went about It
Far th feast wisea. liquors,' brandies
aad bear ceil at Roscafeid's family liquor
boose, tit aoata Mam St, Importers af
vines, Bauer, ales and sum:.
Steal Estate Traaalera.
Real estate transfers reported to The
Be February B by th Pottawattamie
County Abstract company. Council Blurts:
H. M. Cramer and wlfs fc Mary
Lynch and W. H. Iaci sW of .
lot IV and nt feet of loult block
a, Utendale add., w. d eajp
Walter Chrlstrimrn and wlfs to
Andrew C Dlnasen. U su r
a7J-x, w. d
S. P. t bite and wife to Robert j,
Martin, nit aeH of !t-7t-, w. d.
R. T. Ward and wife to W. A.
Ward, ws nwa of 12-77-41, w d.
John H. KV hults and wife to Wil-
Uarn Wray, ! a of a-74-11,
Q J. ErikliM7o"MrsVTeaale'Frtv
harm. C area in aeV, owu. ot
-7-4. w. d rrr ...
Oliver Thomas and wife to William
SV-harf. lot 4. Auator's auhd. of
aw nwv and lot X Auditors
subd. of se14 nW. 1-Ts-U, w. d...
Jens Jensen to KJerstlne Jensen.
. part es ee4 and part of nev aeW
of aV-TT-44. w. d
J. P. Oreen shields and wife to J.
" Duncan, nan aeV seV. of
t-Ta-ja q. c. a ;
Maud Spencer Petersoa and hue- -
band to Richard Lleber, Mt at
M-;4-41 a. c d
Edward Brokman and wife to Sam
uel Brokman. ne"4 of -7t 4Z. w. d.
Herman Brokman and wife to Ed
ward Jiroknuui. iwV. ot S-lt-et,
w. d.
Herman Brokmaa and wif to Sam
uel Brokman. nev eel of a and
H heVof iO-Tt-ti. w. d
Herman Brokman aad wife to Ed
ward Brokman, nSa Bl ot nVaV
; w. d
Samuel Brokman and wife and
Edward Brokman and wife to',
Herman Brokman. at, eele, of f t
and swi awl of hVTi-tt st. d ...
Liliie cievenger Lloyd and hus
band to J. O. Lewis, lot n. Mock
U. McClelland, la., w. d
A. B. Houxhtallng and wife to Rob
ert J. Martin, lots l ana z, block
S. Hancock, la., a w. d
Henry C Jennings and wife to Ed
ward W. a nl Alice V. Rhodes,
tan I In sections S. and 14, town
ship Ti, rang 43. w. d.
City Clerk Name's
Election Officers
City Clerk Charles Duff last evening
completed the work ot locating all ot the
polling places for the primary election
be bald next Monday and naming the
Judges and clerks. The polls will epea
at f a. an. and class at I in ths evening.
Following are the polling places and eleo-
lloa officials:
First precinct: Price st Kennedy com
mlsrton house. lot Essl Broadway.
Judges: R. B Tmmball, democrat; Bruce
Dcntler. democrat: John Haiile, republi
can. Clerks: Arthur Hoftayr, democrat;
D. A. H staler, republican.
Rocond precinct: A. J. Anderson car
penter shoo, VI East Broadway. JudKea:
H T. Waterman, democrat: James Hatt'
hal. democrat; U. J. Harding, republican.
tlerka: Oscar uaumelater, democrat; M
W. Williams, republlcsn.
First precinct: Hansen carpenter shop,
a Bryant street. Judges: E. L. Cook.
democrat; Warren Hough, democrat; ft.
F. Sapp. republican. Clerks: R. C.
Stevens, democrat; C. A. Tlbbltta, repub
lican. Second precinct: L P. Serviss, 734 West
Broadway. Judges: L. P. serviss, demo,
crat; Tom King, democrat: J. 11. Pace,
republican. Clerks: Harry i-ucnow,
democrat; Jwe Olllnskv, republican.
First precinct: m Fourth street. Judges:
John T. Mulqueen, democrat; George
Hughes, democrat, M. M. Parkinson, re
publican. Clerks: A. a. Lucnow, asi
crat: Forrest Smith, reoubllcan.
Uecoml precinct: 726 South Mala street.
Judges. W. C. Kelly, democrat; K J.
Sullivan, democrat; C. W. Brown, repub
lican. Clerks: M. J. Bwassing, demo
crat; T. V. Edwarda. republican.
First precinct:' Court house. Judges:
Charles F. Paschal, democrat; W, U
ii ..... ui r a-t-i. MnnklL
nuuU, ninwi a., . . , . ........
can. Clerks: N. K. Farreil, democrat;
Don Mayn. republican.
Second precinct:. TO! Sixteenth avenue.
Judges: H. K, Bout hard, democrat; P
H. Moran, democrat: Ed. Ford, republi
can. Clerks: c. V. Nelson, democrat; w.
P. Abdlll, republican.
First Bred net: County building. Judges:
F. C. Hardin, democrat: J. C. Duff, demo
crat; J. L. Ellaworth. republican, t-leraa:
William Lonlhan, democrat; O. Hochmaa,
Second precinct: County building.
Judges: Hsriy Druen, democrat;' Z
Bethers democrat: Hans Hansen, republi
can. Clerks: John Howard, democrat;
Emil Browtck. republican.
Third precinct; Oray's residence, MM
West Broadway. Judges: C. M. Crlp
nen. democrat: W. J. Almey, democrat:
B. A. Olson, republican. Clerka: William
J. O'Neill, democrat; J. C. CuUun, repub
First precinct: Jote Wee Broadway.
Judaea: Oeoraa Bailey, democrat: W. E.
Hoyt oemocrat; a. a. rrancner, repuo
llran. Clerks: Floyd Hendricks, demo
crat; Clint Mercer, republican.
Second precinct: Col burn residence,
so Weat Broadway. JudKea: Jack An
derson, democrat; Albert Rlckerby, demo
crat; E. c. Kimball, republican, tier as:
Felix O'Neill, democrat; Henry Marr. re
publican. Third precinct: Fifth and Locust
streets, East Omsha. Judgea: N. B.
Shonqtilst democrat: John Hansen, demo
crat: r.d. Resuclear. reoubllcan. Clerka:
James TraarkJar. democrat; W, H. Mag-
wood, republican. . .
Coaaell Blaffa Pradaoe Market.'
Ths followlna ouotatlona. showing
prices paid to producers, are corrected
dally by William Hlggeaon, city weigh-
master, for publication in The Bee:
Corn, wujese wet bushel, wnest, w
per bushel. Oats, 41to per bushel. Hay
(loose, 111 uvli.t per ton. Alfalfa,
(loose), tU.uuuU.0l per ton.
j Marriage Llecaaea,
Mtrrlags llcsnses were Issued yester
day to Ihs following named persons:
Name and Residence. Age-
James Reuben John. Omaha...,. 30
Louisa Vivian Teals, Dea Moinea. la.. ..31
Wesley Eakln. Council Bluffs U
Eva Druen, A voce, la 17
M. Kirk. Council Bluffs t
Bertha M. Wloss, Avoca. la SI
. 4- 1' a.- .A, avL-
Ercry woman is invited to consult our Staff of Physicians, Surgeons ana apccia-isH, m
Invalids Hotel and Surgical Institute, Buffalo, N.Y, by letter at my expense R.V. PIERCE, M. D.
There is every reason why women should not trust their delicate constitutions m the
hands of unskilled persons. It requires a thorough medical education to appreciate and
understand the female organism. There is every reason why she should write a specialist
As z rwcrful, invigorating tonic "Favorite Prescription" imparts strength to the whole
system and to the organs distinctly feminine in particular. For over-worked "worn-out,"
"run-down," debilitated teachers, inillincrs, dressmakers, seamstresses, "shop-girls," house
keepers, nursing mothers, and feeble women generally, Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription is
unequaled as an appetizing cordial and restorative tonic '
As a sootmne and strength
ening nervine " Favorite Pre-
icription" is invaluable in
allaying and subduing nervous
excitability, irritability, nervous
exhaustion, nervous prostra
tion, neuralgia, hysteria, spasms,
fainting spells, and other dis
tressing, nervous symptoms
commonly attendant upon
functional and organic disease
of the distinctly feminine or
gans. It induces- refreshing
sleep and relieves mental anx
iety and despondency.
Dr. Pierce's Favorite Pre
scription is devised and put
0. HEMte IKVMID& HOTEL. Buttmf, AT. T.
Please aand ass Isttar t eavies and tear Bosk far Wossea, aSl Irs aad sects
-whnaat any ebhssOona aa gay part whatever.
a......,...,,. ,...
t affuc lad ?...
I from watch yea suffer. Twe c
Make a ones ( X) in front of the aiansai
la front of Ike eaa treat wkick yoa sutler aaast
CanatipattsB Bearing Dews
Dhutaees Faisuag Spells
....Paiam Back Whites
R4 Tnakai wan
..... . resuueWeaueas Changs of Life licking Parts
aw Paawiti aw sfaer ayweejau ea a Sfxsvaaj aseat if sea snsk
i (XX)
..Kisway Trouble
..Ovariaa Pain
Bet Flashes
.... JSkla Dkwaea
...Impure Blood
Its ingredients
up by a physician of vast experience in the treatment of woman's maladies.
have the indorsement or leading physicians in au scnoois 01 practice.
The " Favorite Prescription " is known everywhere as the standard remedy for diseases
of women and has been so regarded for the past forty years and more.
Accept no secret nostrum in place of "Favorite Prescription "a medicine OF known
COMPOsrTON, with a record of forty years of satisfaction behind it Sold by all Druggists.
Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets invigorate the stomach, liver and bowels. One' to three
a dose. Easy to take as candy.
Send 31 one-cent stamps to pay cost of wrapping and mailing tnh on a free copy
of Dr. Pierce's Common Sense Medical Adviser, 1008 pages, cloth-bound. Invalids' Hotel
and Surgical Institute, R. V. Pierce, M D., President. Buffalo. N. Y. ' -
SujhMea transfers, total.,
laws vts hat,
rnnvwrl.lflm Corey, living near
here, died In th Clarlnda atale hospital
last night, where she had been taken
three weeks ago for treatment.
1 .00 AN A special program will be
given at tha Methodist church here Sun
day evening, February ta. Readings, ad
dresses and Instrumental and vocal music
are on the program.
rnnAN A musical will be given by the
Christian church here Friday evening,
March 1- Alualcal talent In and out o,
Logan has been secured and an excellent
program will be given.
m.CAR LAKE The Chicago. Mil
waukee dt SI. Psul railroad haa prepared
plans for a new passenger nation and
tretgnt oepot to eoai evj.wo, wnicn 11
will build bers during next summer.
LOQAN Miss Edith Rucker ot Audubon
haa leaeed the Lusk house of lgaa and
will take charge of the asms March I. A
number of repairs are now being made
to better accommodate lb traveling
public ,
LOOAN-J. af. Kennedy has parchased
the cement bloik kulluing erected by Dr.
W. A- Shields and will convert tne same
Into a garage. Dr. smews win erect sn
off.c building on (he east ot the building
sold lo Mr. Kennedy.
forest CITY Dr. L. W. Roe, presi
dent of Ihs Waldorf college and "pastor
of ths I'nlted Luthsian cnurch of this
place, has become a candidate for state
senator from this, the Kerly-flrat dis
trict, which include Mitchell. Worth and
Winnebago counuee.
m.ENWOOIW-DeDUty Game Warden
Thomas Hail has received through State
Warden Lincoln from Forest Lawn, ill.,
forty-two Hunssrsn partridges for dis
tribution la Mills oounty. . Tne birds re
ceived last year are ofiaa aeaa and are
doing welt - .
CRESTON-Th sudden demies of
vernon .iuiiu 1 1 . i "-. v, , .
occurred laat mglit from heart failure.
He had been III but a snort time, ne
would have been a years of age had
he lived until Saturday. He leaves a
widow and little aaugntev.
FORT DODOEMlas Gay Dofflver, sis-;
ter of the lata senator, recently was
operated upon at Bsttle Creek. Mirk.,
where she went thinking rheumatism was
her ailment. She Is recupersrmg aiceiy
now Mlse Dolllver Is dean of women at
Mornlngslds college, Sloua City. -
STORM LAKE At a banquet of the
Commercial club held at the Bradford
hotel and attended oy tiny memorrs 01
the club, the matter of oiling the streets
next summer was taken up. At this time
It was also decided lo hold sn aviation
meet here next summer, airs. J. it
Morcovne. editor of the Buena Vista VI-
detta. sras ths only woman member area-ant.
IXXIAN-Mrs. J. W. Smith was given
unique surprise and kind remembrance
bv the Klnslngtoa dub st th home ot
airs. C. 1- lebell hero yesterday after
MM. De-tntv refreehmenta were served.
Mr. and Mrs. Smith will leave Lovaa to
make their home in Woodbine in the
near future.
CRESTOM The ward caucuses held
her this week gave aa almost solid Taft
AeUemtioei tn the etaee convention, which
meets here Msrch 14. Four out of five
wards wer unanimous tor the president,
while the fifth wsrd was a mixed delega
tion. It la conceded the county wui
for Taft by a large majority.
GLEN WOOD Th republican emraty
convention will be held in Oeanwood an
Msrch 7, sod Is for the purpose ot elect-
lnc delete lea to ths state and coccree-
stenal conventions to be held at Cedar
H si; Ida Arm 31 Th arectnrre wfll hold
their caucuses for ths selection of dele
gates lo tha convention February a.
LENOX Property ' interests to ths
smount of tai.oo were sold In Lenox at
auction vesterday to close up the rnslneits
of the Meagher estate. The sale included
several residences, a number af bullae
lota ana a nail interest in me opera
house. The home was bid In by daughters.
a bad beaa arranged by the term ot the
wiu. x
Low One-Way Colonist Fire Daily From Ooiha to
Utah. Nevada. California. Idaho. Orison and Washing
ton. During Colonist Period, March 1 1 to Apr. 15, 1912
Now Is tha tlma to make, arrangements to visit this rich and growing section of tha
weat and select a farm home tor yourself and those dependant upon you. where ,
large crops are raised and handsome profits made 'from small tracts ot land. S
planted to orchards or truck gardens. Some crops ripen each season of the year
your land Is never Idle. Enjoy your western trip to the fullest extent by traveling vis
Protested by Automatic Electric Block Safety Signals.
Excellent Dining Cars on ALL Trains
Tourist Sleeping
Car, Fares From
Omaha to
Salt Lake City $3.50
Ogden - $3.50
San Francisco $5.75
Los Angeles - $5.75
Portland - $5.75
Seattle - - .$5.75
Tacoma - - $5.75
The fare shown above are for a double lower berth In Tourist sleeper. The fare -for
double upper berth 1 approximately 20 per cent less than for the lower berth.
For literature and further Information relative to fares, routes, reservations, etc.,
call on or address,
L. BEINDORFF, C. P. & T. A. (
1324 Farnam St., Omaha Phones -D. 1828; Ind. A-3231
Key te the Situation Be AdverUslnx-
403 Ilrandris Uldg., Omaha.
Dear Doctor:
1 write you to find out when I can make
an appointment with you, as I have some
more of that old style bridge work In my
mouth which I would like taken out and have
your new porcelain full
teeth put in their place.
You no doubt remem
ber inserting some of your
teeth In my mouth last
summer, f can truth
fully say that they are
the nearest thing to real
forth that ran be had,
and If all the people of
Omaha who are sufferers
from half-tooth bridge
work could know as
much as I do of the re
lief they could get by
visiting your office, yop
would need the entire
Brandels building to ac
commodate them. , i
No more half-tooth
dentists for mine, and no
more for my friends who
may be In need ot work,
as I will surely gee to It
that they will be treated
by yourself.
Hoping to hear from yoa shortly, stating time for appointment
and with best wishes for your continued success, I am, very truly yours,
i. T. Ketchner. 4S26 Blondo St
UGHT njuNNine
tivadc ajAMK activrsftt
DO vou know that yoa can ship Household Goods
cheaper marked for Los Angeles, San Diego, San
Francisco, Portland, Seattle and adjacent points?
Yoa can car lots are assembled at our warehouse.
Good service guaranteed. Watch papers for departure
of cars for the different points.
Car for San Diego, March 1st. Car for Los Angeles,
March 2d. -
We furnish expert furniture
packers, packing material,
moving vans, piano boxes, etc.
i -
Gordon Fireproof Warehouse & Van Co.
City office 216 So. 17th St. Tel. Dong. 394; A-1311
There's a reason why we
have alwayB pushed the
Jen Slome
Sewing Machine as our
leader. It's because they're
The Very Best
that can be produced at any
price by any concern.
Handiome Light Running
Durable-Withal Satisfying
We've a special lot of ma
chine bargains this week that
may interest yon.
Begolar $30.00 Machines
t Omaha Machines. .. i
4 Duplex Machines... t'
a uoooncn aiacnines. .
2 Vlndex Machines. . . .
All are brand new and a
special deal alone enables ns
to offer them at this price.
Second Hand Machines at
$2.00 to $12.00.
a WVJkaUs-0
should know a best ths
Marrel "Whkrllnj Spray"
. Best safest most convenient.
Cleanses instantlv.
II tow draggist eassot supply the
at nr.. seaanaatp tor lilnetrstea
aavalaabis to ladasa.
44 Esrtt Street