4 ttffi OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: FEBEUAKY 25, 1912. LYNCHING OPHOMESTEADERS Archer Rose? Tells of Hinging- of - XitcieJl snd Xetcham. WERE mOCCTT OF A5Y CHIME Be Says They War Bream They alteeapted Make llwe.ee . Laud Ulecally Held by Oltre Gang. , AUCHKil. N'eb.. Fee. 3 To the Editor cf The Bee: In four Issue of February II an anlcl from Callaway. Neb, re latrng to tba lrncalng and burning ot Mitchell and Ketchem In IK?, four cor-rer-porulmt says that tho facta war fur nished by a man whs wa on tho (round after tho tragedy. Now this man told more than ha knew, or bo knew mora than ha toid. In fact, hla talk round! very much like tho Ollvo Kan at tho time ot thetr cowardly lynching of these two honest homesteaders, Ila either waa there aid saw the murder, or ho don't ' know half aa much about It a ua old homesteaders. I una a homesteader In Merrick county at the time and was well acquainted with Mitchell, and bars often aeen Ketchem. Old man Mitchell was an honeet man. and neither ot them ever touched Ollve'a cattle. The fact la. Olive never, Icat any cattle. All that Mitchell and etchem did was to jet over the diva "dead line" and take up ft homestead, aa they were entitled to do, but Olive waa trying to ho d aeveral townslupa of land that be longed to the government, and bo had succeeded in keeping every homesteader away until Mitchell and Ketchem staked out their bomeateada la 1MT and atarted to make for themselves a bom on the Kebreaka prairie. . Cheotlaa of Cllat Olive. drive iMltoheU and Ketchem out of the country Olive atarted tho report that they were steallag Ma cattle, and lent hie brother, Clint Olive, over to notify them to leave the country, Cltnt Olive rode ap to their "aback." and a they came out tho door Clint Olive aliot Ketchem through the right arm. With Mi right arm battered Ketoham drew his gun with, hla left band and ahot Olive through the body, from which ho died a abort time after tba shooting. Mitchell and Ketchem hitched up their team and drove down through to Merrlok county, and ent word to tho sheriffs who were looking for them that they would ur render If they would no that they got a fair trial, and I know, and M doea every old pettier who lived in tale vicinity at the time, that t they had had a fair .trial they would never have been con victed. They said that If they were not turned over to tba Olive gang they would come and give themeelvea up. aa they could prove that Ketchem had (hot Clint Olive la eli-defsnse. Lyaehlaa at J.exlagtea. The night before they surrendered they took (upper with my nearest neighbor. They aurrendered to thd sheriff of Mer- vtrtk mhiiiiv end wars Mit An the train and taken to Plum Creek (now Ieilns-t ton) whore tho Olive gang were waiting and they were taken from the train and hanged and burnt. They are a number of . people at in living la Merrick, who aeen the bodies after they ware brought back to central city, and anyone who aeen the burnt bodies know that they did not get afire the way the dreamer at Calla way ear a And again the bodies were not burled out thee or at Kearney as he say, but tho bodies were brought to Central City where Mitchell waa burled and toe body of Ketchem waa takes back to hi old homo In Iowa, Shortly after Ketchem'! It-year-old brother cams out from Iowa, went up to Plum Creek and arrested Olive and turned him over to the proper authorities, her wa tried and given Ufa sentence, but he had plenty of money and with the Bid of It and Judge Lake he managed to get out. Ho moved to Colorado and waa shortly ahot to death by hla hired ' man. I hope you will print thla es you did tho false report from Callaway, for It pain ua old settlers ts read report a making hero of the OUve gang, when w know that Mitchell and Ketchem were honeet homeeteader. and, the OHve gang were Ho better thaa band of outlaw. , K. M. M'KKNDKX. Miss Nellie Snyder . Dies Very Suddenly OAK DALE, Neb Feb. a-tSpecial Telefram.) Mia Nelie Snyder died here late last evening at the home ot her -tarr-nu. Death came quite suddenly and unexpectedly. For a day ahe had been sUghtly Indiapoaed. but nothing of a seri ous nature It wa thought. Mr. Bnyder was in the country at tho time of hi laughter death, the remaining members of tb family, Mr. Snyder, son and daughter were attending a aerial func tion tor the evening and reluming about midnight found Miaa Nellie dead. OMAHA MAN FILES SUIT INVOLVING MANY THOUSANDS CENTRA!, CITT. Neb, Feb. xl-Sp- clel.) A suit Involving the sum of $. k as been filed In the district court this week. The plaintiff to the notion I Bert M. Hall of Omaha and the defendant 1 Kenning Hailing ot Oakland, Neb. The plaintiff claim that he earned t acre of land two miles north ot Chapman. Ho valued thla land at S..J and there waa a mortgage of fll.xe) on the place. The defendant owned fc" snare of stock In the Llndahl Mercantile company company of Oakland, there being M shares In all, ot a value of M each. The plaintiff claim that the defendant represented that the cercanills eompsny was free from debt except for soms slight amount, which ha claimed would be paid before any deal wa made. Relying on the repre sent at Ion ot the defendant the plaintiff claim ha exchanged his land subject to the mortgage for the stock In tha mer cantile company and a dividend of P.ttO due on the 4M shares. Us Claim that after he made the exchange he found that ths stock would not Invoice Pa., aa represented, but only CT.uTCM, and that previous to tb transaction defendant bad promised to make up any deficiency in rash, lis also claims that ths company was not free from debt, as represented, but had outstanding lndbtdns to an amount ot early ths IWrss. As a result ths plaintiff claims that ha has received la the neighborhood of IM.0W less la tha deal thai) It was represented he would receive, Therefore, he aaks that a re ceiver la trust be appointed for tha land and that ths amount ot which he has thus been deprived be paid Mm out of ths land. Tha suit Is an Interesting on. Ths plaintiff 1 represented by Judge 1. J, Sullivan ot Omahs, MERRICK COUNTY TRYING FOR EXPERIMENTAL FARM CENTRAL CITT, Feb. K- "pedal -g. a Baeeett of Olbboa sad secretary Odell of th Rural Uf eomsjlsslos wen bore hurt, evening and presented to the members of ths Commercial club looking toward the- maintaining 'of an egrrcul tursl expert hers ts superintend th work oa ten or twelve farms for experi ment and daenonetratloa purpose. The plan was to detail aa expert from the rate school far th went hare, it ad to offer tils services free to tea or twelve farmers who would agree to turn over ths direction of their tanas sr a portion of their farms ts him tor s reason, so that th beat method could be employed, and tha results dem onstrated to tho neighboring .farmer. Those attending th meeting seemed to approve ths piss heartily, and a Co mlttee was appointed to take ths mat ter In charge and en-en rot sunee- ouent meetings. Th committee consist ot O. H. Orey. Frank Campbell, William Mocullough, Rube WokxMt. ., Theodore Osterman and Earl Badger. It would re quire tn the neighborhood of P.SO) o pay an expert for the season, and meet his expenses,' and It 1 proposed ts rals thla money by county and township appropriations, and also by prlvst sub scription. II ths project goes through K is quits likely that Prof. Culver- ot the agricultural department of tha oolleg will be secured for the expert, aa hs ! recognised by th agricultural expert as being well fitted for the position. DIVORCED WOMAN WILLS ESTATE TO FORMER SPOUSE NEBRASKA CITT, Neb., Feb. St-CSpa-'clL Richard Clave has seen appointed administrator of th estate of sis di vorced wife. Mary- A. Clara, who toft a considerable real and personal property, and all of It go ts him. Mr. Clove waa married twice and both time divorced, but tbe first wife alwaya retained her love for him and he waa at her bedside during her last Illness and followed the body to It last resin g place, although they had been ee pars ted for a number of years. ' "Hy, Look at ; " . Those Pfraplesl" , i . - There's " X Excuse for Blott-hea, .fllackhceuls . ax) , Plaiplee. . Tb i Klglit Way to Gt Kid of Them ; i by Taking; Stuart's Cal cium Wafsrn, Trial Package Bent Free ts Frees IV any peep are eoollnualty using lotions and cream a th face and wondering why they snake o kittle per manent 1 express! ou spoa simples, svotencs sad blackhead. u s because ptmplea and eruptions come from the inside from Impure blood-end yea can't cur them by rub bing tuft sw ths outside mt ths fare. Puruy th blood and th Metnlahes will Cisarpaar. Stuart' Calcium TTafer win often clear the cecnsdeailoa la a few ears' ur-ie. TLal'l ths wonderful part ot tt-they act rigut eft la a hurry. That' because tkerre mads f Test tb rngrecnents seed ed to drive all poison and ItnpurrUo frcra th Mood. That's wsy looter pre- ' aerobe them coaetsnUy. Tea w3i speedily esjor a beautiful reesptexJoa If you as the woadertul Hole Wafer. Tour fee will torn) aa ; clear atd par as a rose. Nobody tikes . ts bars . p'.Be;!y faced peep'. aimad. lth Stuart CaMasx Wafer yoa dea't have t wait for months bates getting results. ea soC have been cured la a fw days' ttms wrU tness reiser fe ebly affective Mood cleans. Tew whole system wfll teal Setter la a xaarveiewaly short Ua. and say, what a dlfTsreaes Is year looks. Write today for a tree trial package of Bteart's Ctldaat Wafer. Address T. J. Ctssrt Co, V Btusrt B -. Kar- sfctU. Mien. The, when you've proved ts ywef new good they are. yew can get a tull-ejsed peckag st any drug store fur U ear MOST TURN OYER TE FUST Specific Performance Decree En tered Against Water Company. IHUWIEL APPOnJTID MASTER Many Matter Decided City Mast Pay rp la roll Before the Deed to the Property la ts B Made. A decree in which I ordered peciflo performance In turning the plant ot the Omaha Water company over to the cl y. a filed for record In the office ol the clerk of the federal district court late yesterday morning. This decree Is made by Judge W. IL Munger In eccordance with the mandate of the federal circuit court of appeals which ruled that the plant must be turned over to th city. George IL Thummel. former federal circuit clerk. I appointed st ths request of attorneys for both side, sa speaxl master In ths case. Hi duties will be to look over ths books of tlx compacy and to settle dispute on minor points. It Is ordered that any stock ot ma terial that I on hand at th time ot ac counting be Invoiced and appraised and added to or deducted from the purchase price of th plant. This point will be Mi lled by Mr. Thummel If the attorner for tho Water board and the compacy can not coma to an agreement. Keep Money KaracdU Ths water company Is entitled to re tain cash bllla, and accounts receivable. earned by It, but tba master 1 to have fro access to ths books to deternuse thess account sad bills. It Is decreed that Mr. Thummel a hall settls th question whether sr not th water company shall be remunerated for counsel fees and legal expense Incident to the suit for hydrant rental. Toe city Is ordered to pay for the plant Immediately upon tak ing posseIon, and that It shall pay also for Improvements snd extensions that have been mad upon ths plant and not Included In lbs original appraisement, - Ts tllvs a Deed. It Is ordered that after carefully going ever ths case. Special Master Thummel report ts the court, snd that within ten days after the report Is spproved the water company deliver to clerk ot court deed of conveyance to th city ot Omaha of the entire ayxtem ot eator work snd all ot Ha right and contract with ths cities of South Omahs, Florence, Dundee and th Ksxt Omaha Realty company. It Is not adjudged, however, that the dty assumes soy obligation entered into by ths water company with private con sumers or municipalities sine ths date lls dty sleeted to purchas ths plant This question Is left ss though the de cree had not been made. The water com pany Is also entitled to retain possession of the plant until It la snllraly psld for, according to th decree, and th elty must pay all costs of ths controversy. MRS. EDITH PETRING DIES IN OMAHA HOSPITAL NEBRASKA CITT. Teh. St-Th body of Mrs. Edith Hancock Petrlng. whs died from a cancer In sn Omaha hospital, waa brought to this city last evening and taken to her home, west of the dty. where It will II tn stats until Sunday, when th funeral will take place. It wa while gotrur to see her last September that her husband, F. W. Petrlng, with Ids daughter and granda.ugb.ter. were killed In a wreck on tho Missouri Pacific at Fort Crook by a bead-on coiHaion. The deceased wa born In England thtrty nlno year ago, but when quite young came to thla country, with her parents and settled near L'nadiUa, where ah met and married her husband. Two children were born to thl union. Ralph and Es ther, both of whom survive her, and ah Is survived by four stepchildren. John, George, Alfred, Florence and Catherine. The deceased waa a highly esteemed wo man and loved by all. The funeral ser vices will be conducted by Rev. J. A. Koser, pastor of th Lutheran church. NEBRASKA CITY WILL HAVE BASE BALL TEAM NEBRASKA CITY. Neb., Fab. IsWgne- dal.) That Nebraska City Is to have a bass ball team la a fores on coacxualon. Because tna sutler ass been taken up by a number of huaticr and yesterday atsrnooa they raised over 11,00) and ex pect t Increase It to la. US befors thay tart to organise. It Is Intended that thl Is to b on ot tb team ot a Isagus to be formed In southeastern Nebraska, taking la Aurora. Fall City, Humboldt, Beatrice, and en or two other towns Thst th team will hav plenty of hack ing was evinced by th manner In hV tha fans all over ths city cams forward and volunteered to put us th money t make It a go. Tb money Is all to be collected and placed In a bank before the season open, so there will be no chance of a failure, and If more Is Deeded It can be secured. BURGLARS OPERATING IN JEFFERSON COUNTY FAIRBURY. Neb., Feb. M.-Specla!.- Burgiars mads an attempt to enter the ho store of H. IL Todt on the south side of th square and after gaining ad mission the Intruders were frightened sway by ths police. No valauble war secured. It Is thought that s gang Is working ra the vicinity of Falrbtiry. This week a sack containing twelve pairs of new hon wer discovered under a culvert, having been washed out by the melting now. It Is also thought that ths recent t),W fir at DUler waa also ths result of a burglary, tha thieves having set fir to th (tors after looting It. A few weeks ago th lumber yard at Powell In thl county waa also burned and Indications point to Incendiary origin. Sheriff Ed Hughes ot this county and Fatrbury police ar making diligent ef forts to locate ths wrongdoers. Kee-raakaas Wla Honor at Orlnacll. OBINNELU Is,, Feb. It (Special.) Nebraska seems aa well able to produce scholars aa "Cornhusksra." Two of th four seniors of Orinnell .college, whose election Into the Phi Beta Kappa society was announced yesterday, are from Ne braska. They ar Miss Lucy Peck of Franklin and Mr. M. Clinton Harrison of Scrlbner. Both of them are graduates ot Franklin academy at Franklin. IOWA AND NEBRASKA PATENTS Names at aeeeestal Applicant Whs Have Beea Granted Let ters at Washington. Official list of latter patent of Inven tion Issued from the United Btatee patent office at Washington, D. C to Inhabi tants ot lows and Nebraska for the week ending February 24, 19U, as reported from the office ot WUIard Eddy, solicitor of patents and counselor in patent causes. WO City National Bank building, Omaha: Frederick C. Althea of Anamoaa, la, tor bias-band maker. Launcelot W. Andrew of Davenport, la., for producing oxalates. Alonia C Huttman and F. P. Oabl of Orandvlow, la, for recoil neutrallxer, James B. Fulton of Marne, la, for double stcklo for mower and harvester. John Jackson ot Clinton, la, tor Insect killer. Grandvllle F. Jones ot Exeter, Neb., for paper-holder. Harry '. Jones ot Davenport, la., for vending machine, John A. Kllpatrlck ot Fort Dodge. la., for mall carrier' box, William H. Laude ot Montlcallo, la., for od cutter. Lyman 0. Lewis of Elkport, la, for plow. lsaso L. Mitchell ot Cedar Rapids, la, for oil burner attachment for stoves. William H. Morris of Carroll, Neb., for butt removing attaenmtnt lor corn nar- vaetaea. Walenty Nalepka of South Omaha, for pit ear brake. James M. Pierce of Des Moines for do- MEN WHO THREW EGGS AT EVANGELIST PAY FINES KKAR.NET, Neb., Feb, Xt-( Special. - This morning the snembers sf ths egging party that assaulted Prof. Bert A. Thonnes, gospel singer and krotber sf Madam Oeraldlne Farrsr at Elm Creek Sunday night appeared before Justice of It. Peace W. C. Drury of Kearney, ae knsowledgod their guilt and war fined tt each and coats Tms asds a rase la which ths van- geusl seemed ts get to personal and the resentment held by tb young men of the town took the form of acts. Three men, Clyde VI set In. K. R Water and E. C Krewson wear with th preacher when assailed, during which member of th opposing group came to Most and strug gle when Oeors Scott, a gray haired n and passerby wss thrown ts th sidewalk snd bone In hla ihoumSr were broken. He la reported In a serious condi tion by wltrteesee- whs attended th trial. Those paving fin ware ttay Thomp son, Jay Burrltt, Kay Kaufman. John Bolaa, William Bohut, Walter Ssook, P. M. Cook, Jobs Lnddlngloa. Thames Flts renld and Arthur fltaHlng. It ts under stood that four snore members ot the gaxg will be fined. i Tee ns h Bnk Kleete Orftost. TECUMSEK. Neb.. Feb, tSgpecJaXr- At th regular yearly meeting of the Te- eumseh National bank A. W. Buffum waa re-elected president. H has refused to serve and has resigned ss a member at th hoard ot director. T. J, Pleraoa. for mer vie psrxedat, ha bean ejected prest dent. Judg S. P. Davidson has resigned as a member ot th hoard sf directors, for th reason that a hank of fleer can not serve as a presidential elector, snd the ludr ts a candidate for such aa honor. U A. Cbrbla and C. K. !nlth have beea elected members of th direct oral o. and Theodora Smith baa beea elected vice president at th kaak. David City Hav Peved Sties ts. DAVID CITT. Neb.. Feb X- Special. -Necotl&ttane are bejag taade that will pot Dsvtd City's streets ta proper condition for paving. Th qosstSxra that I ra under oraetdereUoa now Is whether the streets. wkKh at present ar rather wide. shall remain ths asm as they now ar or rhether a gavrkway eheJ! he left either st the sides sr tn tb cantor of the street. Ths second Mea seem ts e wu thought eC by many. Ctbaww sleet swere Wla Prtae, GIBBON. Na, Fas, sWSpeclal.r-W. H. Wisrt aster of Olbboa recetvsd his check tor Stut from the Assevtoaa Beet Sugar csenpany. hum setae hi third of ths tiOS prise for Has ssrgea. locus- at par beets ta a field st flv son ewer, hs baviag tied with two ether par- tie for first money. Kay ta the tataaUoa Bs AdverUstss SUFFERED EIGHT YEARS RESTORED BY PERUIJA, WS - il !" ) imp 4J1'fi ! lfrwY.(4'"m' M"T "MHEasttNsrj l&xFl rT Yini ti iit As Many Thousand People Suffer From Catarrh of Head In Winter, Mrs. Fennessey's Permanent Recovery Should Create Great Public Interest. Mr. Mary a. rsavsoooy. kaks Beatsa, Maxoxesota, write l 1 wws af flicted with a sad case at catarrh la the head, aad waa suable ts breathe tfcrragh xey aose for sight years. Bla settUs of reraaa cured ta rattrelg' aad I aaes set sees bothered wttxt catarrh atsce." A Xelpsssa ssvaUd. Mrs Annie Spain. GaJtiesrUl. Ar kansas, write: "I wss helpless la bed for eight months, and part of th time wsuM not bavs watched over sixty pssad Food would do me no good. ' I had catarrh of th head and stom ach and Internal catarrh,' and also had haart treubi so bad I could not bear any on to talk la the room where I was. Ths doctors sad everybody that saw tn said I would not get well. But Ood saw fit ts spar tn aad sent relief Phone Tyler 1300. Phone Ind. A-2225. Branch at Dresner The Tailors, 1515 Farnam St.; Branch in Pompeian Boom of Brandeis Stores. Ex press paid one way on out-of-town shipments of $3.00 or over. Ability! ABILITY builds cleaning establishments and ABILITY has made this one of the largest in the west in the short space of fifteen months. We prove np on work like the following Waists, Plain, cleaned and preaseo'ior .bus Sdier Skirts, plain styles, cleaned and pressed at .....fas ladies Jackets, short styles, cleaned and pressed for SI O loves cleaned, at pair loo Xettf Suits, tailored, cleaned and pressed Sl-Ts to SUM aWsa's Baits, cleaned and pressed, a-plece. SIJO: two-piece SX-SS Sssa's O vex one a cleaned and prrosed low as .flM Weeklies flisaid, each .....Ua Dresher Bros. Most Able-Most Energetic Dry Cleaners and Dyers 2211-2213 Farnam Street, Omaha Uverlng attachment tor printing Bamuel r. banders of Aurora, Keo.. lor spring wheel. - xjee c. Shan or piattxmoutn. neb., for can body forming and seaming machine. John R. vorheea of cedar Falls and V. V. Foer ot Waterloo township. Black- hawk county. Iowa, for shifting and lock ing device for clash gearing. Alva Williamson or. Atlantic, la lor sounding born, SPY IN GERMAN FORTRESS ALMOST MAKESG000 ESCAPF ESSEN, Germany. Feb. K lieutenant Vivian 8. Brandon of the British Royal navy, who was sentenced In Decern oar, 1910, to four years detention In th Fortress ot Weset oa a chars a of seplon sgs, last night almost succeeded In escaping. Hs filed through ths tars outslds the window ot his room, climbed down a rope to ths ground and reached the outer well ot ths fort res, but wss there seen snd rearrested by a sentinel. Ills comrade. Captain Frederick Trench ot th British royal marine, who was sentenced to a similar term In a fortress at Qlatls was reported to have attempted sulcM by hanging on January 1! - Denial Is mad by th prison keeper that lieutenant Brandon attempted to escaps. NEBRASKA RATES INVOLVED IN HEARING BY EXAMINER HELENA, Mont. Feb. M V. I. Vas- aeault special examiner for ths Inter state Commerce commission, held three hearings hers today on freight rates. In volving ths rats on grape fruit from Florida to Helena, the rat an cherries from Kebrsska t Helena and th seed grain rat from lltnnespolts to Valuer, la tb northern part st ths state. ' Pirates Flay Crelgktoa. The fast Pirate basket ball fllnger of the Trl-Clty league win meet tne vreign ton university quintet at th Omaha ' K" gymnasium thla evening In what la ex tuMtMi to be a hard-fousht game, a the two fives are about evenly matched. So far thla season the Pirate hav kept up an unbroken sireaa ana save annexes sieves out of twelve games played la the leagu series. To the -Voters of South Omaha A few day ago I announced tny firm conviction that aa appeal to th court would nullify ths attempt of certain offi cial and Interested parties to continue In office th present city administration by legislative enactment without the ap proval of th people. That appeal waa made, the court, has ordered an election and ths people .of this dty who believe la self-government, and who sr opposed to government by th legislature, will re joice- la ths result, Th court's doors compelling an election and ths primaries being held under tnat' order Tuesday, February 17. Ths shortness of tiros makes It Jmpoaslbls for ms to see each voter personally, so I am taking this method of appealing for support at tba primaries for the nomination for mayor on tue dem ocratic ticket. I .' t Two matters of paramount importance may ba designated as publl welfare and municipal business. ' So far as tho first Is coneeraed I prom ise. It nominated and elected, to admin ister ths affairs of th office tn such manner that no iaw-respectlng. sen- respecting cltuten wilt ever have occasion to regret having supported me. I believe In law enforcement. I be- lleve oppreaalv and obnoxloua laws can soonest be repealed by enforcement, and that until repealed enforcement ts th only method of preventing disrespect for law and general lawlessness. So far aa municipal business Is con cerned. I think I can say without boast ing that I am aa familiar with ths needs of the dty. tho charter provisions gov erning It and the methods of transacting business as any dtlxen of Mouth Omaha; my lifelong residence and experience tn official positions qualify ma to say this. My record aa mayor will. I think, o monstrat tb fact that under my ad ministration mors public building, atreet paving and grading, aidewaik construc tion and sewer and park provisions were procured thaa in any other two year of th city's history, while ths taxes upon your piupeity were lowered instead of raised. la tact mors pubic Improve ments were mads and contracted for dur ing my two years thaa m ail ths four teen years prior thereto and not so contract made or assessment levied has ever been successfully attacked la court I earnestly solicit ths support of sll desirous of a clean, business administra tion. Respectfully, THOMAS HOCTOR. through yonr wonderful medicine. Re runs. OOUSXt, OOIM AJT MP. Mrs, I. IX Hay, UtT Druid H1H Ave.. Baltimore. Maryland, write: -Peruna Is on ot ths best remedies for grip, cold In th head, sors throat, nervous headaches, snd coughs that has over - been discovered. I don't feel safe without Peruna la ray hoaxes.' Is a later letter Mrs. Hayes says: "I am never without a sortie of Pa rana In tn nous. I glvo th children Peruna If I find they hare a sold aad It always rettevea thsa. To the Democratic Voters of So. Omaha I Besin to JUiaooaee My Ciadidacy Ft Hi Office ef City Clerk. I have Used ta South OmahA for the last It years and hav beam educated th puboe schools ot this city. I feel that tb vocation. I have followed for the last S years has apeciaUy fitted ms ts perform tha duties of thla office. Ia this contest I win bo opposed by Fat Barrett aad Frank Good, th present incumbent I respectfully snUcit your support. HSNRT JT. XTAX. I!JokH.VoDStcenCo.(it.c.) 4 Beatrice, Nebraska Established 1I7. Incorporated 190S for $118,000.09 folly paid op, now offer (75,000.00 additional, authortxad capital stock at Par to the public tn shares of $10.00 aach. In order to acquire a lino ot Lumber-Ysrds to bo seed as feeders to tho home Institution; carrying s special lino of building material and coal, both st wholesale and retail. Manufacturers of the (Beatrice) Barbed Border Woven Wire, Farm, Field, Hoc snd Corral Fences snd Beatrice Portable Corn cribbing. 1 Tbus Insuring to the Corporation s double-earnlnc cspscltr (stock not subject to taxation). . Reference First National Bank, Beatrice, Neb. Investment guaranteed absolutely first class with, experienced management, careful and conservative. Good opportunity for investment In substantial boms Indus try, paying good yearly cash dividends. Further particulars cheerfully furnished. 1 i TkcDoCTOl Advice, gjJr.LemsJBaAet Th question answered below are gene Srsl In eharaoter, the symptoms or ji. eases are grvea snd the answers will ap ply to any ease of similar nature. Those wishing further advice free, mey address nr. Lewis Baker, College Bids.. , College-Kllwood Sis., Dsyton. O.. enclos ing self-addressed stamped envelope fnr . reply. Full name and addres most be glvsn, but only Initials or tlctilloo nam will be used la my annweis. The presenp, tlons can hs filled st sny Well-stocked drug store. Any druggist can order ef wholesaler. SllvakatV writes. -TthiSlT seMlsk aaam ths sreaertstlee far steauch stsereem ssd eea- Mlpatlen. I sate silaslaee tk letter glvlag Ue lasiesleata" Assweri o ts rear erosxtst sat ask toe tabMs tftasiptlaa art take eccorilM le dtres- iieaa, ass yvt viu soea ss Voorst? rsres ef sil Btoraaea tresbls an eoasMpelloe. Thli le the L traxtraeal saeva far ail fcisos ef at star trouble. -.. Aasa" sirs: "I sw names, srstarbal aad very ttta Sue te overwork. Wsat exa 1 las le rexela mt srlslasl vltaittrf Asswerl To out sradaaUV Male veer orle- laal strseath sr stss eyre ef bssebespsites eonis. sis.; Uoetare eeeoaMe seats. I oa. Mix as tabs a tswsfftnrsi balms SMaia Thle le tbe best ersleei tssls tsss 1 save sx. "Ur. Jack" vrltss: '1 sw greatly astssr ues sn seesaat el mr vtlabc. Is tbe last tee rases I save gslae Mas as rssMly tbet 1 sxs utsg vary eecefefonabie, riexs tail SM vhai xe as.' sewer: De set set tb srslssry si Irs as tablets lor ebeslty, but ess uus ssie, aaraiM aa eslck aetlag sisslelse. Oat tsesi sesafaxely as aa t avoid any aubotlrotes; roxeauo eilxir, era.; ae4 si root arboleoa, I oa. Mix sr sbsblst wall soi uk a tsaajieearal oft or each kl lor tba nrst lares Sara ass snor laax toss two tsejeeeatola aa leas as yoer case war raealre. Anw lbs first week sr tws res skeubl less a peeae a esy. see "tUna T. vrltoi: "T wish yea vmM rsosta fsea a nailr for kldser aa Utot troebio. I hove dark aoote befors xr eyoo. lai aad alas telaaoa of rbsssxoUsa." Asswer: I bo to iseslisS wosr letters rraox pofrats who have ass lb soliowle roraody as boo core ef all treahio sweh aa yea BMattee, not tares (rsla salsbork tobrfU loot salohor UMeter. aad uko scoorsta te aireeuoea 11 'oo. Tboy are solt st aor wou stothot srsg stars aa are tsaroafhlr rollaMs. sa sif la W U dross la eaue btfora wools U ears roar Uttle boy of sos-vettla. CboxB. flsld balsivort. 1 oo. ; tteetare fbaoxrossxUe, I hoaM bo ales eaa hear hflies wools. "Holeo" writes: - "My sestrne sad tkreat ar hsdly sheeted vtth eatsrrh aad srr breath ta vary erfoaslTa I else eaffoe a groat eool ortth aale ta atr area laa eayiaiag hsls war' AatlseMIe Tllsne fevder bos bsea piooilHd vub areat inrniw sad the asssber of lotion roralvod ssllr free) ts seetnds e( srstoral aoople wh have bees eared ef eatarra ' eeald ladleate ks esroiivo valoe. Oat frosx too drossist s tee euaea arlalaal rjaekase et Vlloae boo dor. wla e level tetspooarsl with aa sears et vaaollas er lard sad soly well ss te the aoatrlre teles a day. Alas ass tbe felleeto I eeasertlea with tbe shore te thoi ouahly eltaaoa the seautlar Vaa eaa half teoaoaearol of the VI ass sowdor to a slat of vraroi water, eaaff tb water threeh the aoetrlle soveral Homo a dor aad rear oatarvh shoald aewa bs seres. To pro vost a rotors this sheata bo aaed esessteaally. Tow M." wrltaei "I ar esly twenty years eld. but sir kslr U fallla eat varr rarldly. Mr seal eovereS wtU eaadroft Whet eaa t got I ears Sr- d etas failloo hair sse slate yellow ralaral. Thla yea eaa rot st ssy well storked drag store U 4 es. fere, aad U esot roealorly It sill ears ear stele su ae Breooat prwaaisrs Baisnexs. nasr sees roioilBt a ssr by solas' tee or "J. W " wruost l esesM se tbe full Is tbe world K 1 eevM tiad a trva rosMdr te hals are fall fleas. I bars reevlar featarea bet I eat SB thla that I am asawlr. Gaa yea give avs a prosortoUoar Axewert I torsive ssllr as sxear avatlfno Miora from esors of thro grata hyBo-ewalsse UMota Tsass llttla tablet eaa be bsaaht at say as-ta-eole dm oloro ta eesled n inm rail d Iron loos si gives. I advtes that yo besla taklas tsooa st sees as eoafiaa their bob tor several avoatha aad roe will aia ftash. Maay snpll report that tw sxealhe' treat Boat wiu laii atos their wottht frva is to te oeanss. Hrrs-Naalaae tshbote will alas laxerove year arplielow. alvtas Too resy ebeoka aad Use aad a Hiram I aterkla ts tbe area, a "Aaverleaa Stir wtttoa have booa UaablBt with rseaa Aaswor! TVs test xsswe oroacrtatloa for the ears at rtnoemMow, la: IsdMe at eotaasnw. I wrasxt: sodtaxo axilcyuxe, 4 erasxa: wise et esi ehroBS), H oo. : ooraa. ibiibii oardlol, oo oeao. freld bolrowon. 1 oa.. aad wrap sarsa arllla, I eaa Mix by abasias well to. batua aad tabs a teaaoooafal at looal tlxoo aad at bod Usr, aad yea will set aary hs Mlovas; hat sand, U yea aeatlaB ks Boo for s aaovt ttxsa,. t writes: T Wool rTba bo booo lbs fofTssle toe rollakl eeeah ears ss I sara a vory severe avssa WSMh I Aaawer: Ths last romodr thst t knew ef far esot he ssd ookts ra suae by wlxta a st ss. houM et uBtoatrstsd niiofi tool I Br laxess with a boxoo-aaee eoaar arras. Tea wtU nod tall dlroeuoea se tb hottls hew te sxose aad Boo. This wiu raaae a fall ptsi ef tbe tUsat a4 gli i il ill esosh ovadlilaa abtaiaahle. Best Sport News in Tbe bee