THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: . FEBRUARY 23, 1912. S Msumta Ittt a WW erewd liitlnoaa tha abuter lioodtf resin XBOUT THE TWOBLiCK SAMS Xugftird and HoVey to Come T : ft tier in April. 833SK SIDE 0? TEE HATCH am XmktM Call Attaatlea te What Laaarterd Has Dost aad Was Ha Kay D Aaala r"- 1b the Kims. IT W. W. XACCHTOX. oaS FRANCISCO, Feb. sV-Tb cable ' Macs th new that tba two black ama-LaiKtord and MoVee are matched to debt again la Byttnev, Australia, ant Xutac Monday. Won, here la on warmed-over attrac tion that ta aun ot a big gats, When ttaa two negro heavyweight taught last Owooter and Uta referee decided la favor of atcVea, there waa what on Asttlpodeaa acrtbo railed a "wave ot popumr indlcnatton." Referee Baker, who waa alwava regarded aa tha em- of Bound Judgment and in- waa booted out of tha ring. ot tha sports who have known Baker for ream spoke mora in sorrow -than ta anger about tba "miscarriage at tuttics" and attributed Baker's vrretobed raHng mora to temporary aberratloa. aupenoduoed by the beat, tbaa to a desire to do wrong. . There waa as all sides a dtapoalUoa to bafleve that langford had "CM the trees at it." but after tba first bant at virtuous lisllgratfloB. tba Australian rjexmg editors were tar from being In deelufac that Laagtord shoes bava had tha Yard let. Thty said tor thought a draw osdstoa woe Id have ifttted tba ealceoelee of .tha occasion. mmyte and privets Ball It I ethered that that la about lie war the tihfag at Tanred out render that lang- Bar baao permitted ta anere Mb taon of a data heat. wrdoh aroae arar the UaoMoa baa whetted tba appetite ot th. They ara longing for gllmpa ot tba two ausa m ski thara la every reason tar Will than la aa tmsiiaMtVi si tn Aemratte-eat tha rival nsgreee ta work aft two marches aa public, bat tt than) waa about tba affair, the HtHttrt and those behind than mutt be Lr saw ran aa toe aeeceat roasters la San Tiaactaoa It baa beaa that tte Langfutd MoVoa art- ii em a recall what happened whoa Jim ad Sam Laagterd were aa to meat ooeaareaaUy la Loo One to nary tha antwoteay of ket peiftaumnos. Flrn waa permitted la aatpowit teugford yaat aa ptaTea out- faxed tha aw baby" la ayuney la De- yiyiafg abowtog creeled a tes tation la too Arigelee that 1 among who wara aot of tha inner tempte dsmaad tor another Flyrm-lanf- fard boat wye en ted. Tba pair met kgam, before a Bulging boos, ot aevrta. faad tha Dung Langforo did ta Him ;were wn harms a ' Thar la aa Idea that Langford may how aa unexpected "return ta form" when be ataoka up agalnat MsVaa aa j pi mar Monday.. It la sate to ear, bow. fever, that terra will be aa undue ur I prte no matter what happen. If Lang Iford rum tha tablaa on ateVee. the I newt wiU be received pteeuily. and tt McYee scores a second tlma agalnat imngford, there will be aa equally small teeiamy of amotloa. Thl bseeiisi the inublM baa tltad at trying ta "prnm" 'langford. Be baa bean maaswled la so many flghta, bat than la BO taUing whg tha kt tna ta aoaoh with all hla might land mala, ' Apart from the aaptoma that Mr. asm isemattowa flgtru ta bobbkw, tha Ma I !ntrwtnd that be 1 gotrnf dawa Kltt But mm if thl opinion l rtterely U out growth "of hm lendout partamssa) and Cam baa it la him to otmvrao n h I a good aa mt M miart be eald that itha ruin under whlrh gtowa eoataaM are oendueted In Anatrana at present an to 'a measure a handicap ta a maa at Lang- terd etyl of fighting. . laaglord m aa mftghtar. wbHa hrrrfea like ta stand off and prod away with long straight left. The report at the Pecamber contest ibow that MdVea worked the left to good purpose, but for fesr that ny oaa at thla end iboald think b baXflad all LaagforoTa attempt at Inflg bring, tt ahomd be axpralrsN that 'la new pollca rat noAer which Lang ford and hWVba fought forbid men bat itllng In tha style that Iatngtord excels tn. j -Ia early Deoember tha opponent of 1 boxing ta Australl. who ara ganaraOy jrtUed Wbwatara." agtcntod Mraagr? U jfavar of atop be tag put to th faror! tt lladoer port- Tba polio ejamatltl when ikpled to declared tliat thara waa aoth tag obleetlonabl la. Qiiaaiialnin put Ums aa long a the law waa Heed up ta. lAboot a week or a before tha data of the Itaat Laee-ford-MoVee BsUctb tha tnspeotor taeaerel of poUo cauaad ta be printed la fib taadmg paper ot AaatraUa hie Mesa as to how baling should be oooooted eo m ta aaefana with tha law. Th article ;ber th headline: "Inatrocllon t .toUc. and raa follow: -Special Instruction have beea issued by th gorarnor general for etrfct b iaerranea br the nolle tliougauat tha ste ot New BVwth Walea navdmg -bo slug eonteets. Thee Issrtruottona has flowed upon much muuuraii reaareV log such oentasta. and upoa allagatloa of ibmtaltty la eoaaaettoa thanerlth. especlsJIr la relation ta tha ;IAngford-IteVa flgnt. Her ara tba fas- Swell -Bunch of Outfielders This Season . -- . T MOITT. , KBW YORK, rah, x-AImt Try team win be well cared for In th out field when tha curtain rings up on th llt big league asaaoa. With variations tht heraldry baa beta exploded at this tins every year atao baa ball became Uncle 8m' greatest game-tb chief variation being that tt applied ta th "hull dura team" Instead of Juat th outfield. Thl year It doe not apply ta tha ull dum team," for with, a tew exceptions th big league ag gregations are woefully weak In aome an or two depart men! of play tba Infield, pitchers or catchers bat the claaa of tba outfield throughout th circuit la tre mendously above par. There I only on team fat each league that cannot claim aa all-star corpa ot outer gardener. Th Brooklyn Nationals and tha St. Leata Americana ara tba only blots on tba outfield eacutcheon for 1111 And. even at. that, th Brooklyn and St. Louis fly-chasers figur better tbaa the 'worst outfield of other years. But, getting to tba mora pleaaaat and of th discussion, no lea thaa tight team would put la a claim to having tha best outfield la th bueiMs. Tak ing them In tba order of tba strength ot their claims, a they appear to us, they tha tha Detroit Tigers, Chicago Cuba, Chicago Whit Box. Philadelphia Athlet ic. Boston Nationals, Boston Amerkaaa, New Tork Olanla and Cleveland Nana. Baoh of the outfits baa a (watting bri gade that average over or aear the .30 Bark, tn addition to being teat oa th path and capable In tha field. With Ty Cobb and Wahoo Bam Craw ford droning together la any team' outsold th boast of supremacy could b made, retard less of who worked In tha other position. The departure ot Davy J one after Matty Mclntyr had beea traded to tba White Sox seemed for a tlma to nave put Detroit literally int th position of baring only two outfield ers, but th youngsters, Drake, who wa sat tn to fin th breach, delivered th good In mora thaa passable atyl. bitting for aa average of .tl and fielding .Ml In ninety-fire gams. A promising record for a Orat-year maa. Drak waa going better at tli end of th season thaa whan ha was first Injected Into th fight, and hla work bora evidence that mora Improvement could be sxpentu. The Chicago Cub have as the backbone of their second lino of defense tha great home-run manufacturer, Frank Scbulte. and Aril Hofmaa and Jimmy ahackard figure equally aa valuable as he from aa all-around standpoint. Tha Cub outfield represent mora brain thaa any other, unleea It be the trio of the champion Athletic. The Whit Sog braka a record laat year when they presented a brand new tat ot ft eiders that compared with any la tht no. It waa tha first appearance a a Sox ot Matty Melntyra. who was obtained tram Detroit, jimmy Callahan, aow maa- of the team, wa showing la ht hUtlal eisjBgemeat aa a Walt Bos. after desert! oa from, tha Cub followed by sev eral year of seml-profemlonal ball. And tnen awng came ring nooie, wno is haded by Chicago fane ta tha great set of all f wee-bust era. Callahan ha taught Bods ta "ehok" hi bat and thereby turn a few long hits Into a lot ot abort onaa. Boat should be mush better' this year thaa fc waa last tsuon. and Mo. Intyra and Callbhsa show a sign at go ing hack. Bran If tbey should. Daugh srty It waiting thara aa aunty outfielder to get Into tha gam. Rub Old ring, Briscoe Lard and Danny Murphy did tuc woadarful service tot tha Athletics m th last two world sen that they scarcely need oommsot. and young A mo B trunk, th substltuU at tha Mack outfield, la very near ta them In general prtfwue. Mis Doalln, Callahan's rival at a "comeback," I paired up with twa phenomenal youths la tha Boetoa Na tional's paatura, ' "Deo" - MUlar and "Stonewall" Jaokaoa. who played an either am at Danha at the fag and af Haskell Says that corers Should Get -Together on Rules The playing rules which now govern base ball have been so artfully tinkered and reoeired during the last thirty year that there seems almost no fault to find with them as they stand today. "But all I not perfect yet." sara Jack Haskell, chief umpire in tha Western league. "There ought to be a distinct understanding between the scorer aa to certain rules, chief among all being th scoring of th play when an lnflelder get a grounder, throws to a base to stop a runner and doesn't set any out. "This play Is scored differently tn dif ferent towns. In come place th batter gets a bit, no matter what might have been the nature of the happening. "Suppose there are runners on first and second, as they start a double steal the batter hits to the pitcher. Th pitcher throws to third for a force-out, but owing to the long lead the fugitive beats the ball. Beyond any doubt th pitcher could bar pinned the batter had be thrown to fTist. That goes as a hit in a majority of eltle. In others the play goes as a fielder's choice and th batsman is stung i th-e nt bat and gets no hit - .,, (f tho t-atter b-.tnted the ball, give htm a sacrifice hit That is the only aan and sensible way t record It, If tt waa a bant. As to eooring.the play on a bounding ball, well, there la where the scorers should get together. To record a hit on a tap right Into one's hands, when only desperate (printing by th runner aaved the force-out, I stuffed scoring of th most foolish description. ' Manager Gear, Will ' Play Center Garden Dale Gear, Topeka'a new manager, an nounce that he will stay la harness this year and play th center garden shifting Midget King to right field. Gear purposes to keep a sharp lamp on hi pitchers and say he can do It better from tha middle station ot tha clover patch than from any other vantage point except behind th bean bowL And Dal Is no catcher. Wlonlta Gets Twa. Louis C. Doyle, a husky southpaw pitcher, whoa home la at Kingman, Kan., affixed hit name to a Wichita con tract last week.) Doyl wa with Lamed in tha Kanii state league last year un til that organization disbanded for the season. Jack Nehmn It another recruit ww uh aiflucu m niviuui anirict. tie played last year with th Main and New Brunswick league. Crack eutflslder of tha two - big blague wha will pre Ty Cobb for th world's supremacy In batting and baa renal ng during the mi season. Tba two action anturat show Bird) Cree of th Nw Tork Tank (oh tht kA), and Jo Jackson of tha Cleveland Napa Above, left to right, are Ping Bod!, Chi cago Whit Box; Bobby Beach er, Cln- Reds; Sam Crawford, Detroit Tlgera and Sherwood Magee, Philadel phia National. Below ara Frank Schulta. Chicago Cubs; Josh Devon, New Tork Giants, and Trl Speaker, Boston Red Sox. , , tha UU Campaign, both b-ar promts of further develop mast Jackson batted .MT. MUlar JS tad Dentin .til hut year. Ays, verily, that la ten singling. In tha opposition park at Boston, th Bad Sox caa pat forward a tribe of men who, a defense and aitonse, shape up Into th beet balanaed outfield In th matty. Trl Speaker It tha star af the three, but ka la only (lightly ahead of Duffy Lewi and Oeorge Hooper, both Al fotrnsra. . Th newoemtr, lUnrlksen. It worthy emergency timber, despite hi JBiperleu. beoauM at hit hard hitting. la hi twnty-va fame las year h tvaraged JMt with the willow. Tb fXant will be having a real con test down at Martin Springs, Tex-, during tha spring trip, to aa who win have to a bounced from tba New Tork outfield. It Ml pretty certain that Joah Devon and Fred ardrra-wtU stick, but Jack Mur ray, who showed a tailing tt pinches at tha seasoa's end and In th world' sertee last year. It not to sure af hi Job. Beals Backer, who served aa relief man last year, and Arthur Buea, th young fenc maker from th northwest, will push him for hla position, with good chances of ousting th ttm-orownad Irishman. Th National league champion wiU b well provided for. If only on of th three Murray, Becker er Buss can display good form and fill th aamt-vaeatad station tt wall ta Devon and Snodgrast do tht other. Joe Jackson, th only maa of a decade beside Ty Cobb, to swat aver .a, la th main argument for tha strength af Cleveland's outfield. HI mark af . was achieved during bit first year ta wlf company. Young Oraney, with JO for aa average, and the veteran Jee Birming ham, with JH will probably do th bulk of tba work In. th other garden posi tions. Butcher, from tb Southern league, may earn a permanent outfield berth on th strength ot hla showing to ward tha cloa of last season, and then la a possibility also that Ted Easter may be taken from behind tb bat to cavort in tha outfield. Th Pittsburg Pirates would hav been Included among the teams discussed above aa competing for tb world' out field premiership, but for tha decision ot luanager Fred Clark to retire from th playing field thla year. Vincent Camp bell, who take Clarke's place; Tommy Leach. Chief Wilson and Max Carey an all good, reliable men, however. Sherwood Mage ot th Philadelphia National; Steve Evans of tha St. Loo Is Cardinals, Bobby Beecher ot Cincinnati, Birdl Cree of the New Tork Yankees, Zaeh Wheat of the Brooklyn Dodgera and Clyde Milan of the Washington Senatora an all crack performers,' but tbey stand aa oasealn a deceit when com pared , to their aid partners Th poor St. Louis Brown an th only team without at least on star gardener. "It mast be distinctly asmtsr stood that tb police must interfere when either of th eoateataat appears to be suffering from Injury er it exhausted, or otherwise appears unable to eontlnwa, or b? he is bvkaly overmatched. 'Tha police hav ample power to nop any fight when ay ef tb aontastaata an hurt. A responsible fcfflcer of police must always be prieant. and must be careful that the asoteat Is strictly a boxing watch and does act de velop Into a prise fight or bvwtaoty. H should ass watch th contest carefully and act with ptumpltud. Baton tha fight th reepoulbt erfleer should fev .spect tha glove and sea that they an not tess tbaa tlx ounces la weight each. Tnen mast aot ta any ctrcuautaaees be any Infighting allowed and a ateaa break west also be Insisted oa. Camera most Wt for a limited number of roones set exceeding twenty, Tha poUo must tla set that potts and flooring wtthhi th ring an suitably propped, aa that a fell will aot ta attended with any tajar tt the eeatastsnta. Tha aonleetsnrt most be examined and certified aa fit tor tha a test by a medical maa before eaterlng the ring and. unlets these conditions an esserved a contest must sot be aHoered Is proceed.' . The an th rule of boxing WaB worth entylng. but If they ara rigidly adhered to. fighter tike Sam Langford would peed to forget what ha knew and learn a new system of boxing. - EARLY SPRINGJS HOPED FOR late Seuoa Will Hit Teams Train ing' on Atlantic Seaboard. SOT EnUZTOS IS ' IDEAL SPOT Weevrhec at Adaatla le Treacher aad WUI Take Mere Mas Ball ' wal t a nay Thaa H WIU Abevrb la tease a. NEW TORK. Feb. ta-Wlatar hang ta with sack persistency ta tba north base ball manager tn hopeful of aa sarry spring la tha south. PuaalMy th weather cannot be ordered ta Bull both tha ball playera and tb southern farmers, though a agrtoulturlst who cul tivates cot tea and strawberries hat ban beard to crltlel abarpry "good gnwlag weather." tad weather ef that mean grade will sever find disfavor la tha tree of the baa hall msnsgera. A lata spring will hit harder tboa teams which tram cloa to tht Atlantic seaboard tbaa it will other Bine, which ara taken to Texas and Louisiana. Than ara tarn wha bslltv that tha player ara better off tor training la a , climate. It It doubtful. Never baa a team coma away from a training camp la which the play are wen la sues oonditloa aa the Oianta ware la UU. and they showed the value of tbaar aateura at Martta by the meaner ta which tbey tkppad through tha seta without carton Utaes t any ot then. Tha Highland era will tram at Atlanta,' a cojanxsag and aaUghtful city, bat fcy wWwMMs Wirt The sold wind w teaa oa which Atlanta looks down upoa ether rivals will knock mora bask ban out of a playera anatomy thaa will absorb la tha work which ha I able th dlaaaaad. Atlanta m bars aa except ymoHr good prtng t of real value ta players. better If it wen not eo damp .and It low that superstitious ban players an rnokaed to bell eve they win be Immersed m a bath of malaria baton tbey get out af th eJty, - Rot Bprtos,' Ark.,' hat always been kvond of -ball player because of the springs which go wtthitha climate, fit's a fin thing to hav a bath handy for a ton arm after one has been gallivant ing around a ibete ball field .all. of . the morning, with twinges of pain resembling those of, gout and ' rheumatism shooting through elbow Joint and shoulder blades Tet, of all the climate which go with IB) miles away. better dprd t ball ptayara thaa At- tt la aot w high. It by tssuniin and la aot a Augusta, ta a latitude. Is fairly saUsfaotory, nab was eaea a fevered etty. haw sertneatara Morms got ta tbahabtt right ta mMst eg ma tratatag aassta and p esrtlng al ef the work watch bad beea doaa far a weak er twe, bscsase th pkayero wen nsaipsllsl t rersaia tdia. Bo essnsgtrs bagaa t give aa golag thara. Mobile baa beaa tried with varying saseeen. aad a tar as tb camata goes 1 aaarer tha rtstieard which tha baa baa essaagar aaeka Maw Orletst weedd T0TI5Q" SOLBIia WHO ' WOTILD MTKEa PLAT BALL. ' 1 ' ' ,;..-v-i , " g. .-I f. ' F i f ! n baa ball for spring work, .then teems ta be nothing which is of as much fslue I from th time that a aeaaon begins un til It le tlma for th player to take th train back to the north' thaa Texas, where then Is heat and Uttl molstun In th air. Marlta Ha Advaatagee, The advantaia "of s Marlln, when the GHantt go to their work.. I that natural aprings gush . forth from th earth la that thriving Uttl town, and tb player bava all th benefit ot th. medicinal water and tha hatha Into 'which they can tumble after a hard "work out" on the field. - McUnw sera the he has tried every thing in th way of training quart wa and ha come to the conclusion that tb further a team hasp away from the Atlantic ,the bettor for It. "On good easterly storm oft the ocean, with plenty t wind and steady rain, will watt a fortnight of time ta a camp which It er tb coast." said th manager. . TTniee dry hot wends which blow, serves tba Texas plain ara worth mora to bail playera than a Turkish bath," continued tba pilot ot tha Oianta. "Top notice that "Connie" Mack la going Into tn Lone Mtar state for work. Th De troit elub baa been cloa to tha bound arte at Texas for years, aad tba Chicago Americana after circumnavigating moat of th globe, bare finally come to the conclusion that Texas offer awn ad vaatagee to ball players thaa any tarfi of the union, and they ara quite itfhC Wa bava had fair result with tb (Hants 1 matter la what town or ' city we trained, but speaking for tba pitta of th team I know that most of them, an of them, in fact, say that ier feet better after their work la Marlta thaa they have after training t any other city which has beea la our belt - of travel." .... Robert La Hyatt.' Wast Point foot ball aad base bail star,; who win make bow a a, big . league player with the Detroit Tiger next Juaa. Hyatt will play daring tha varartca nth aad hopes br eeoqre a . release from hit military urjgstl ta the Mare la wrent t a lacsim durtng hie early ATHLETICS OF CLASS C ARE TO PLAY BASE BALL Th Athletic champion of class Cv laat year of Omaha, Council Bluff and South Omaha, 'win be ta the field thl year with "about the asm lineup aad will be backed by the Dundee woolen mills, who wUl fit them out with new uniforms John , Haien has been chosen "captain and ' F. Greene, manager for the 'season. Oamee can 'be booked by calling B-MM or Red 5100 or. address F. Greene, tit North Twenty-third street, Omaha. Th. lineup will be as follows: Jack Oberletur, catch; Von Vernon, pitch: Tom Dineun, first bast; John Hasan, second bass; John Lowe, . third ' base; Harry Slits, short; C. Oreene, left field; Chic Conory, center and Art Lugdelberg, right neia. SKIPPER BILL SCHIPKE HAS HIS GOOD KNEE RESTORED -Skipper" Bill Schlpaa, th Omaha baa ball player aad former manager of tha team, wha was confined t th Pres- eytertaa hospital where ha underwent an operation for water oa the knee, ha been discharged and la pronounced a cured & However, the plucky third WIG hav to keep quiet for day ta earn ta order that bis knee may regala Its former Btraugta, -The Capricorn base hall club; has 'Or ganised for the season of OH for Sunday morning base bell aad would like to book garnet with any teaa patymg Sun day leaning bail after April t. Por games call -or tddreat at P. Ms henna aot Snath Twentieth, avanaa, er Bbca No-Rim-Cut Tires 10 Oversize - Save $1,000,000 Monthly Goodyear No-Rim-Cut tirea now far outsell any other make. The multiplying demand is sensatipnaL The pres ent demand is three timet larger than one year ago. We have proved that these tires cut tire bills in two. And tens of thousands of users have proved it Based on present demand, that saving this year means a million a month to motorists. 900,000 Tested Out That demand it based on ac tual experience with 900,000 Goodyear tires. The demand is increasing- by leaps and bounds -because of what users say. It bat reached a point where no other tire compares tit tales with Goodyears. And 127 leading motor car makers have con tracted for these tires this year. The Reason Why Men who know that one tire can't rim-cut don't want tires that do. : . When oversize tires cost the game as the skimpy, men want the overtiie. - Statistics show that 23 per cent of all ruined clincher tires are rim-cut Men want to save that 23 per cent. . Experience proves that 10 per cent oversize, under average conditions, adds 25 per cent to the tire mileage. Men want that 25 per cent. And No-Rim-Cut tires now cost no more than other stand ard tires. So men naturally want the best. The Only Way We control by patents tha only way to make a satisfactory tire of this type. Our Tire Book . will prove that to yon. There are only two wars. One is to cling to old-type tires the hooked-base clincher tires. The other is to get the Goodyear No-Rim-Cut tires and cut tire bills in two. The figures show that men who know choota the latter way. Our 1912 Tiro Book-beted oa 13 yean ef tire makmg-it filled with facts yea thocud kaow. Atk a to mail It ta yoa. Th New Bulldog Crips . GoodJtcar No-Rim-Cut Tires Whl or Without Double-Thick Non-Skid Treads THE GOODYEAR TIRE & RUBBER CO Akron, Ohio This Company ha no eoajatctloa whatever wttk amy ether rabbet ooacera which uses tba eVoodyeas aame, OMAHA BRANCH. 2212 FARNAM ST. Tel. Douglas 4100, Bell. , . THE. "OMAHA BEES niRlEGTORY Of Automobiles and Accessories HAS. FROM WHOM MTJGGSY EX PECTS BIO TBT5GS, CARS FEEELAKD AUTO CO 1122-24 Faraam Street i vy - i v . -' 4 ' . - i 4! .y;i - v : . v ) , it 7 VtTiBTa-Mmf M II I "I " T1 T "" I iflis-l"" ll Nebraska Buick Auto, Company Waeal. Xk V?&?gXmB bTtrw. sags, Buicktnl Welsh CtfeU. (axW MOTOR CO., VswVJVCV 2052.54 Farnam St. Omaha. VYallteeAotooobileCo. , MOTOR CAM 2203 Farnam Street VanBruntAutomobileCo. Apperson"Jack Rabbit Ovedand Iti Popt 'Ivtfoi. Ooaaon Blaffa Ta J) APPEBSOI A3T9 GUmrAilT 1182 Firua St ARIOU i "Ttube" ilaruuarf. Veteran southpaw of th New Tork Giants, of whom Manager htcOraw expects greater things thl year i FOUR MODELS Prices $1,150 $i.7oa OHIO ELECTB1C8 l MarJoa Auto Compaav. a W. McDOXALD. Hgr, 101-ClOS Farassa 6fc JOHN DEERE PLOVTJOMPANY Salesroom Cor. Tiaih ui tnvi Six. Omaha. Nebraska. , FRANKLIN thaa be achieved ta H1L Thl photograph -i PEERLESS ri", HUDSON Note the serloue expression oa hi face, which Is usually smiling. Tb Rub it already delivering heavy aeiihjc ta tb training camp at atartia, dimwit th early stag eg the spring work. GUY L. SMITH 2205-2207 Farnam Street flT'fQCn OaderrooBd 'Gasoline System vUUalli or priTate and public garagea. h. R. Glnthor, aseat, rtsotM, ilarwey CATS. i