Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 25, 1912, SPORT SECTION, Image 35

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Jeff Takes No Chances When Mutt is Around
By "Bud" Fisher f
0! '9 r 6? n- woks 1 . ulrovk3Kl JjPC IL. I
THfvN;l eo; p kx J SvVVl ??st
so you M)it twt - (coooat. atwo.oU , fMHMnT -fiSS
IT RiU4eAVftNO.f yg-i CMUr CCWI.D HVl6 CfwH0 f X COOWO THt fAtwHT Ha. EJ sbF J
' ' ' M J " S j
'f' . , - l ,
Some Little Fellow Sat Well, bnt
HAT do you think of tt talk
Wot moving a Wetrn league
tawn to Chkagot Not much.
What Interest could any Chi
cago (ana nava In a Weetern
league team! Local 'Merest la tha prima
eseentisly tn baaa ball, tar mora neces
sary than a good ahort atop, pltchar or
van manager. Of courat, whlla wa look
for no such arrangement stranger thine
Jiav happened than to Inatall a Western
Isagu team at tha South Bid park In
Jolceso and arrange tha schedule ao
Wa Westerner would ba thara whan tha
4x wara away. Only by giving tha Mm
'tha IndallMa atamp ot Comlakey pro
teg would It ba abla ta make It. wa
Ithlnk. and than thara would ba a doabt j vldually
ICMcaco, aapaclally tha aouth aide of ttvera hi
Khtoaco. I baaa ball craiy and - thoaa
ttana might In tha abaanca of tha adorad
x. find It poaitbia to optn ma ooeaiaa
t thalr axracttona to ambraoa another
Idol, but It la a queatlon. Only by making
ft appear that Comlakey waa daeply
tntcraatad tn tha aueoaaa ot tha taarn and
Itba toacua, would tha arranfammt. wa
iballava, auccead, tor the Old Roman
ean maka thoaa aoath ddaa Jump through
tha curva ot hla thumb and toraflngcr.
Tha objection out ot which tola foaalp
ot a Chicago team arteee la that tlta
Weatarn laagua circuit lenoteufflcltntly
compact. Wa cannot fully appreciate thla.
It la about aa compact. It atrkaa ua, aa
any league f eonaeauanoa and even any
aHaor league. Furthermore, tha Idea la
that It a traaatar la made to Chicago It
bs of tha Denver tram. That aubtracta
from tha Weetern league tha largeat
"and big got attendance town on tha cir
rult It la extremely doubtful If enough
local Intereet could ba worked up In
Chicago to make up for the loaa of Den
ver. But thua far, thla project la only
goaslp and It may never ba anything
eUe. Certainly, wa ahould Ilka to nee
Omaha la a league of larger dllaa and
a ay thing alee that would promlaa mora
etrength and proapertty to the Weetern
league, but It hardly aeema to that thla
guM-eMed plan doea that.
They Are in the Minority.
Keenarea and Kaeek ( Meeting the
Bphere roaad la Both Big aad
I.I tile Men, bat Big felUwe
Are la Majority.
Dana College Basket Ball Team
NEW YORK. Feb. !l.-Tho blggelt hlt
ttng In baaa ball baa been- dona by tha
btggeet men. To put II differently and per
hapa a kit mora lacldly, big men hare
fTgured much mora pronouncedly hi hard
hitting than little men. There have been
little men who were good batter Indl-
aa any of the big onea. but
haven't been nearly aa many ot
them. It doea not neceieartly fallow that 1
big men are naturally better with the
cudgel than email twlrlara of the peatla,
for knack and keenneaa of eye are not
regulated by avotrdiipola. Tha fact li
that big to medium auwd me greatly out-;
number little1 men In baaa ball, and prob
ably therein la to be found tha chief
reaeoa of big men having contributed
mora good hitter. It' principally a
queaUon of number.
It lan't In tha yearly record that tnie
condition makea Itaelf manlfeat, but la
the record ehowing big league player
who have batted M or better for five
yeara, or mere from M to 1911. Inclusive.
To get la thla Uat. which numbere eeventy
ana, la pretty good proof of euatalned
ability ta hit tha ball. A good teat, on
requiring a man to bat .m for five year,
one requiring more than paaalng ability,
4 real teat of durability, and sua which
many really rtronf batter have failed to
In considering the battera In the llat
referred to they are divided into nig,
medium and amal iliea, but It lan't alwaya
aaax to tell In which one ot the three a
ahould be placed. It la eaay anougn.
thouah. to elasalfy tha little men. The
peeweea etand out clearly enough, little
giant ot tha aah; but In eereral Inatanoaa
It la hard to dlitlnguKu between big ana
medium. The two classes aomeumea over
lap, yet thla but calls mora attention to
tha fact that alae haa gone hand In hand
with heavy attckwork mora than tha lack
ot It
The Big Betters.
Tha five year or mora .MO per cent
batters are aa follow
Big Anson, Connor. Brouthera, Brown-
Ins, kwlnr. Orr. Btovey. Kemy, iom
Uuma (Brooklyn. Glasscock. Thompson.
O'Neill. Lsu-kla. Ryan. alcKean, Tucker.
Clements, Beckley, ll Donovan. Btlvetta.
Joyce, Dtiehanty. Joe neney, me iviir,
Hlaee? Jim White. O Rourk. H. Rich
ardson. Langs. Lachance, Bvetltt. Lajole,
Wagner, aeymour. Chance, crawiora.
uitium Lsthsm. Tleman. Oore. Dsl-
rymple. Tom Daiy. Ontfin. Van Haltren.
Hamilton. Child". McOulre. Jennings.
George Davis, atensel. Jack Doyle. Lowe,
Brodie. Elmer nmitn, aeioacn, ra
Tenney. Fielder Jones. J. Collins, Chick
Stahl, Mercer, Flick, Beaumont, Donlla I
Cobb. ,
Little lav Oroaa. Duffy. Holllday,
BurkaU. McOraw, Thomas, Keeler.
Anybody to look at McOraw now, with
hla m pounds, might not think ha waa a
wlap of a youth when ha played, but he
waa. Ha didn't hers ao much muscle to
put Behind a drive, but he could step tn,
meet tha ball aqutrely and send It mighty
hard for a little man. Burketf and Cross
were bis little men. abort but sturdy In
build, aa waa Duffy. Tbomaa was
not particularly snort la stature, but
below the medium and of Blender build.
Keeler was 'well knit, but a midget as
ban players go.
Aaeoa Has Slat rnw.
Of the mealnm Oor aad Duffy and
Daly might hare been heavy enough la
go Into the big brigade, also McOulre.
Billy Hamilton waa broadlr and solidly
built, but abort. Lauhan leased snore
toward amallneas than Mgnesa. Tleman
waa of goodly height, but aHm aad sinewy,
Dalrymp' was fairly tail, but spars la
build. Griffin aad Chllds war ot tha
rolrpory trpe and Van Haltreai slender.
Davla. Kenninga. Btansel. Doyle, Brodie,
Belbach. Fnek
were ail muacularly mads, Lowe
rather alight aad Clarke and Jones trim
n at ta bs hoasd list bass baE'a aoat I and medium. Donim is Ol aseoium. sym-
kas been chased eat 1 and far froa Das I metrsl build and Cotb is wiry and f
. . There was something strange about that
Itrade of Campbell for Don! In which Pitts
burgh made with Boston. Campbell la a
youngster and a good one, whlis very
body knows that Donlls's atatu In base
'ball Is a deaperats attempt to "come
took." Pittsburgh la well filled up with
Veterans, and. It would seem, needed
some young blood. Claras, a veteran
outfielder, expect to be oa the bench
tMs seasoa. then why add Donlln. eaj
rtally alnos tbs team must look to the
future 7
Tha pitcher le to be on the level thla
'season, that la. be will (not stand up
oa a mound above the rest of the dia
mond, but the mound will be out away.
The Sporting News saks how then can
Un diamond be drained? Well, they will
have to figure that out later, but for
tha purposes of tbs gams of baaa bal
the mound ought to bar beea cut down
before. Many people have thought that
for a long time.
' Tha Sporting News says that derplte
all the axnae of the so-called Columbian
league. It has ast a player ander con
tract. Tea, aad ws doubt if It has any
thing sum ander contract. Where are Ma
gTvuaesT Already It he rut its list sf
towns from eight to six. This ta nearly
the first ot March. Those six probably
will all disappear before April L
a "
A Lincoln correspondent to tha 8 porting
News saya, "Of course Gagnler la
Class st tbs league at short," Gagnler b
a good shortstop, but hs sever saw the
day ha could play that position with
Bergsr ot last year's Wichita-Pueblo
' f v
away waa dlrecUy dua t hla poor worlt
That Bight ColUne, ta Us cbagrta. Jumped
the team, Ta maaagesseat bar baa
high aa Mas, t hla ahllrty that be re
mains on the list and will ba walosW
should h rstura.
Tha two catcher at last yeer are betb
te rstura. . Walter lilckey, aa inns is er
from Chicago, rseemmessled by cMt
there, ta the only extra maa for the In
field. He will not be Beaded ualese K SB-
worthy I hurt at mm Mm When an
other Intlaldsr la aut ot IU 1
From Left to Right: James Lund. Nelson. Usem ssssq, Oaydoa. Pwulstn, Anderson. Ted
Luadw i
oowerfut and solid. Other of general
physical blgneaa of prominence, ty fill
ing bulk, were: Roger Connor, Dan
Brouthera, Ted Larkla. Jake Bees ley.
Oeorgo Lachance and 8am Crawford.
Chance la a big fellow, but does not bulk
quite as large as these. 8am Thompson,
Pete Browning and Harry Btovel were
tell aad rawboned typea-blg frame, but
spare ot. flesh.
Long John Rdliy wa tall ana tnm.
Dave Orr and Tom Burn not. tall, but
heavy and clumsy. So. too, was Ed
McKaan. O Neil and Ryan war tall and
symmetrically built aad their also waa
somewhat masked by their easy grace
fulness. Hardl Richardson and Jim
White were medium big men; Paul Hlne
wa olldly constructed: Mike Keily waa
tall and active, and BUI Everett was of
the tall, lean, sprawling kind.
Delahanty waa big In bona and height
and suggested power, a bit mora rugged
perhape than til tall, trim and ssy mov
ing Lajole, Buck Swing wasn't ao tall,
but strong and aturdy. Jack Glasscock
slss ran mors to height than to breadth,
Clements, on the other hand, being shorter
and stockier. Btlvetts, who, with Wla
Mercer, Is th only pitcher In tbs list of
monarch of the blugeon, had a physique
much like that ot Hans Wagner, power
ful ahouidera, long arms, a big torso.
Pst Doaovsa was tall and alender, a
trifle mors so la the latter regard thaa
Tom Tucker, one at the beat first base
men bass ball avsr has bad. BUI Joyce
waa ot heavy build and medium height.
Jim O'Rourke was slightly beyond the
averego In height and weight. Seymour
and Joe Kelley wen ot good height asd
well proportioned, and Bill Lang was
wel over sis. feet, with long legs and big
ahouidera, a trifle ungainly, but alert and
From Lilllput to Brobdlngnag a not sole
list truly, and each a master ot th loougt,
no matter what bis Inches. '
sun for "lo these many year." 11 ay
he baa not found any "whit hop,' nor
hss he found ny wrestler he believe
could give him a good hard tussls. He
said ha wa not doing any wrsstlliuf but
iu beeping In condition' for "th unex
pected,' as hs put It.
.President of Weeterx Leaf. Drop
in on Dener Tvu.
. The auddea adveat of that bitter storm
la Chicago during the week Is explained
by the fact that set that day the Thrws
Kre league magnates had a meeting
scheduled in Uat cut.
Gotch Writes j)f
His Life in Cuba
AO Oasaha asxs this year Is a
clog team. It has waited pstlsajy.
Frank Gotch, champion aeavywelgh.t
wrestler ot the world is a lover ot Cuba,
Cuban dtiseaa and Cubs, bass ball, ac
cording to a letter received Friday by
Farmer Burns. Gotch spoiled many sheets
ot aloe snonogrammed paper telling Far.
mar what a great oo jitry Cuba is.
"I hava bean la Cuba but a compara
tively short while." said Gotch. "but the
longer I stay tbs better I like It. There Is
n cold weather hers Ilka thara u back In
dear M Humboldt, la., but there la some
etassy baaa ban being played here dur
ing these February days and keusvs me
these dusky boy caa play soma bass ball
to. I save saea seven games 'hers In
as many day and I benevs by tbs time
I gat away from bar I will bs a con
firmed baaa ball fas."
medlrnn to tail stature. Gotch said be and n wire were Bring
Of the OoUaths Absbo. the noblest la a regular Cuban boras, with a thatrhed
slugger of teem aTt. a hard, straightaway I roof asd mud wail which ttave baked
Utter, was of b g frame, big stature, Its hardness at adamant by Uw tropical
if' SVifi-
Ilswevwr. They Are Uelag
Deeplls Kamew that Twsy Wseld
Be Dressed frees Lsaajaw, aad
Are Maklagr Iapeevesseala.
DENVER, Feb. X-Morrls h. O'Neill.
preildsat of the Wsslsrn Base Bail
league, dropped lute Denver during the
week, juat at the Urns when ward from
Chicago waa te the effect that th mag
nates of t,he Wsstera contemplated drop
ping Denver tram th circuit This mad
th president a much-sought individual.
every fen wanted ta know Why and
how. But tha president had nothing to
say I the purpose. He talked aa usual,
and that mean a kept ea ssyma? things
s long a he waa la Denver; still,, when
went away there was aot a maa whs
could declare that ONeUi had toid him
anything worth while.
In bp! I at report and nimsr aad all
that th Denver maagimial 1 going
ahead with tbs arraaeremeste for the asa-
aoa ot Mil. some changes bare beer
mad st tha bell park, awing te th h
prov amenta along the bank of Cherry
creek, which border th sutflaM. That
fence has bean mors la about twenty
feet, aad It may curtail slightly tha eas
ier field hit, which will yet be long
saough tor Denver to ratala H
eminence a th bam run park st the
country. That so maay bom run are
mads her n due largely tbs sard
ground ust outside the grasevrd
inflsM. which add t the tmpetua of
sharply hit groendsr, rather thaa Impedes
K, sad to the lone outfield.
Bar lew at the Tea as.
Xs outside aid will be absolutely re
quired If th pitchers ea tha roster all
return la a good condition aa when the
last season closed. Henry Ol mated. Ben
Harris. Barney ak-arelbsr. W. f.
worthy and Clifford Heaty maka up an
ggratration of ball tssssrs that are th
goods in themselves. Then there Is R. J
Pf offer, who led lb Central league Jaat
year, but who la untried
nenr. Added I the "Big Moo.- Ed
K lose la, whs has looked with auch dis
favor upsa th esntract ps earn nil
that be la among th astsstsg. Ha did so
Uttt In the early part st bast year. Uat
be ram near being releeaed anyway.
though when he did get golnc bs mowed
'em down in fin style.
Last year's Infield win return Intact
These sre Chris lindaay at first Davy
Uoyd at cocsL Jsck Coffey at short
and Le Qulllln at third.
Ot the outfield only Harry Casalday haa
third plaas la th utfleld. H brfc hi
Itg two yean ago when ha was an the
list of th Mew York A marl sane, and hut
year played In th Ohio But league,
where he betted over .WO. Thar W also
Jo Couiaa, th fast man signed by Den
ver last yean who played tw games
her. In on b did well, but th other
was aa experience. In center field be
mad two errors and want o awkwardly
after two ether ball that their setting
Leading Athletes
to Leave the H. S. 1
to Attend College
Tbs Omaha' High school will kiss teti
ot Its premier athlete by graduation to
June. Robert Wood, th crack sprinter
nd captain of tue IDU track team being
th euiy n of th leaders wh will be
enrolled m the echool for another year.
Kvery as ot th ten wh will receive
"aheepskln" at planning to enter col
lets In September and from th list a
large quote of different at tools all vr
the country I picked. ' - '
Folio wing Is th list of the lads, th
sport la which they xoI and th schoal
tbey will attend:
Malcolm BaMrlge, foot ball, Andover.
Dave Bowman, font ball. Nebraska.
Beryl Crocker, basket ball. Dartmouth. .
John Gideon, foot bail, Colorado etehoal
. Hugh Millard, foot ball aad track, Cor
nell. '
Harry Munneke. basset hall, Nebraska,
Bam Petersen, foot ball, allaeourL . '
Julius Kaon men. foot ball. Dartmouth.!
Vergil Hector, foot ball and track, Dart
mouth. Hlevers PJomnaaa, tennis, Nebraska. I
Robert Wood, track. University sf Ch-I
r t
-Gabby" Street, th veteran catcher f
the Washington Amertcaas. who baa been
traded to th New York Yankees by
Manager Griffith tor Jack Knight Man
ager Wolverton sf the Yankees says that
the acquisition of Street will pot the
Yankees la the pennant fight Knight will : ml m his contract. Qrover XGIhnor
probably b used at second baaa for the
senator and he ahould bolster them ap
strongly In a spot where they have been
weak fur year. I
wa pulled bom by Comtakey and tamed
over to soother team, aad John Beall has
not been ettraeted by th cantrae seat
him. Lester Channel ha beea signed, for
Wf af
aSI 1 ! M svrvssw Bfvrw vwaswri a bbxw altw "amw U"aH'e m .
b tn infectkMis blood taint which may be comrauni-
cttcd from one person to another. Its virus is of a most issidious
nettrre, roultiptyin' from in insignificant germ in the Wood until it
bcconiea ttiorougt systemic poison. So powerful and dangerous is
this terrible brood plague that no time should be lost in trying to drive
ft from the system. It should not be temporized with, but should be
killed as one would deadly serpent on the pathway. The first mani
festation of Contagious Blood Poison is usually a tiny sore or pimple,
but it rapidly spreads, and in a short time the entire body shows its
presence tn the blood. The mouth and throat ukerate, glands in the
groin swell, the hair begins to come out, coppcr-coJorcd spots appear on
the body, and treqaentiy running sores tad ulcers break: out on the flesh.
' A condition of such serious nature requires proper treatment.
Not only rmsst the disease be driven out. but the system which has
beea weakened by the powerful poison must be built up, before health
can be reatored. The queston of most Importance therefore is what
medicine bas proren by actual results its superiority aa a blood puriRer? .
We claim this distinction for S. S. S. because of its successful record
for more tiwa forty years.
S. S. S, cures Contagious Blood Poison by purifying the blood.
It goes into the drculatton and removes the last trace of the infectious
vina, acts with Bne tonic effect on the stomach, bowels, kidneys, and
other portions of the system, and thus makes a perfect as well as a
pernaneat cure. S. S. S. is made entirely of roots, herbs and barks,
each of which haa a apecific action on the system. Not a particle of
mineral or other harmful substance enters into its composition. & S.S.
is perfectly safe for any one, and instead of upsetting the stomach, as
mineral medicines often do, it tones up this important member, and
nukes tngestion easy. Thousands have cured themselves of Conta
gious Blood Poison by the use of S S. S., and if you will write and
request it we will send you, without charge, our Home Treatment
Book which will give you all necessary Information for crushing out
the life of this serpent-like poison and airing yourself at home.We
will also five you free any medical advice you may wish. S.S.
Isold at drug stores. JEE SWOT SrtXZHC tU. ATUUITA,'