Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 25, 1912, SPORT SECTION, Image 34

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Sherlockb the Monk The Case of the Mysterious Valentine
1 By'Gus Mager
'flrTWW CtpE BTiAtM h
' -T n. n
C llfTMCleaye
V -V 1 IT
A www PERFUME TO use
' "
7 ( her auwl ) flJcco smoke J llhAT k& A good THE HE , WATS I
7 2 1 OVFr eS. HENRY HAS AtooCH) J I
) HrmHPiacD't' eMuw r lb Hi I ' .arv
.T " II i
The Pete Lochs are picked to (hoot aa
rood aa any of th Omaha luml at
Chicago. They vara high at tha Mid
West at Dai Moines, and second la tha
taty tournament.
Captain Week ef tha Str kers baa
tat last completed a vary strong ftnsup
lur hia aemiaia, Neala, Conrad, Hartley
and Huntington of tha Met with Weeks
to fill in looks Ilka tha candy.
Wily Toddy Daenr la surely shooting
them op. drat a Tut aoora for tha Twin
'Uaka wis and than follows It up with
two Kw league aertaa In succession. Now
lie la off lor tha Mf cop In tha A. B. C.
Tha City Hall five la going aftr the
Houih Omaha offtciala In tha Mar fu
ture. Tha boya from llofftowa put aa
awful urtmp In then latt jraar, but Hart
ley aaya not tnla time.
Th atrm Ualta mtmnmA CVank
.Jam, tha aenaatlonal pill roller of tha
Maruuitllea. Jama waa a raw racrult
hat fall, but haa devaioptd faat and la
uoum to aiaaa lua way to tha front.
' Tha Omaha Flald club boya are coming
io am front win new onvara ana Draa-aea,-
and If thejr- ran only hit boaey a
bK ofteoar aoma ol tha lead era weuM
tumble. v
.. Tha Wroth Uperlala are; ttlll bidding
for bouora la tha Montana lea rue. baring
i eiR-neo an unanown pnenom wno will
hoot In thetr next mataa, and la touted
aa a woria aealer.
Tha Old fftvhft laaera have aaKllaiMl
themeetvea In tha Uata lly kagua tha
aa ina aieia in tna umana. They
haw the htgh htdlvMvial, alngla game aiid
erloa rocorda In their leaarua, and - are
aaowiBf iroaroreeoent eacb weak.
' Jimmy Hlontua and Hub hmr. at k.
Chahnera team took flrat money m (nt
uuwofea in ina miarnatlonal tournanwat
at at. Paul, making tha aerend champtoa
ahlp won br them aa far tMe year: eham
Inona of t'hliago la January, and they
will ahoot for tha weetern chanpionalilp
; at U Angelas tMs atoato.
, :. tsam
, n ,, W. L. ct. Flared
Jeltefa floM Tnu mm aa a
tartln Tigers
T-rteraon'a Candy KM
Hoyisa Cra-ar .Jacks..,
'ulMHia Cuba
Mouth Omaha lea......:
Uarlow Colts
. Individual average:
nH K.Ha .-.
n MarMU
. U a
, .it
, M It .atr
, S .!
, n a .
. .S
V. M.H.
si in
... IM
b'ritrSsr UIMM,
'hI ...;
llnM ......
.uLat eiuNi
.... ii fw , ,r. mi
...ia suae ita
,. taunt '.trt,,:., iw
... in c. wuiari, i
... 1 Narfcek :...,
... Fre ua
.i in Oi .,.... iu
. it pie Hi
Pi. Hual..
Haaui ..
Valet est
. IM
. II Mart la ..
. Hi rvtenea ,
. It! Kraaa ...
. m bolea ...
. ill txiaaw ..,
. 11 iaut ..
. IN H... ....
, IM
......... 1(1
a vrteiar..
, MS Llafbara let
. Ut Urtiaa lit
. 1 Tol ,'Mt
. I" Malles Il
Monday, rtbruary aV-AJIeya X-t, Oar
low Colts against South Omaha Ira:
alleya 1-4. PieUlngs against Pstaraoas
Candy Klda
Thursday. ' rtbruary la-Allays l-l
Wan In Tigers against Culklna Cuba;
alleya t-; Hoyra Cracker Jacks aaalaat
Jt-tlefs 0014 Tops.
. I . I
JswUsg aveorsa. -
a.. M. d. Total.
Vaeka IU ia m m
VV. Kiuaaa ........ It mm M
;1J?l. H III 3l
X. Ztttauw let Ha) 7t
tf'1" 1 1J V Ut
Handicap ,
i Totals
Conrad ....
.'hambera ,.
fanley ....
' ! Totals .
0. Rica.
Vomaa .....
Vltuna .......
Ceokraa ...
1"V Id. Id. Total.
h jw ta m
is aa c-i m
IM 1(1 tag iaa
,. IM 14 ' M
HI a M k)
........ rs ta m
Ut. M. Id. Total
II ' M M
- in IK . IU M
, ll la la 4H
ta' 17 jt a
M 111 sal
.......... 4
a. t-HUBB.
laroaa .....
J.ibnaon .....
Youeaa ...
. TotaJa...,',
llauduap ....
. .
Tra-y ....
Totals. .
lti .
- ac
...... ta
....... m
, 1
77 tm
M. Total
114 Ml
u urn
m st; t.-
177 ,
' tat
Sd. Total,
rt , bH
aa Vi
173 ' a
..... m
Wart In r
0 piragua 14
lamb I7i
balaor I'e
Itapnclds 171
aa Law;
Id. . Total
l I.Hg M4
211 lit. M
in ya il
ia 7t ' fcU
Ttd SullirM.TelU of 6am 14
ibooru Pitoktsl U WbeoBiia.
Arrlvlag To Lata ta lbs Aaaaa,
Ita riade Ha Caat Bit taa Ball
Aay Mara Than ba
Otbor Uuta. ,
CHICAGO. Tab. X-Trd tulUraa. the
Chicago baas ball player, ttlla aa amus
ing Incident la bis career, ta U7f kg
organised tola flrat baaa ball club, tha
Dubuque, Which wsa tha ehamploaehlp
of tha flrat Northwestern league. Ca
mlakey was only a subatltuta aa tha
team, and Charles Rad bourne was yust
beginning ta show bia sWlliy aa a
pitcher. Bulllvaa bad arranged aa ex
hlbltlon game at Ptalrla da ChHrn, Wla..
but had atlpulatad that tha fata should
begla at I o clock ta aatca trala.
Wnen tbs taarn arrived aa tha grouad
ike maaager triad ta bars tag gaau
postponed antll a olock, aa tha heavy
hitter af tha heme taarn waa a school
teacher, who could not appear bet
that hour, but Bulllraahad ta aacUas.
Tha farmers opined that tha reason I
llvan declined waa that ba was afraid
that tha aohaol taaebar would bat his
pilsner aat of tha baa, and it waa aaly
a prafsaslonal trlca. Tha rait of tha
tory la best told In ulllvaa's awa
"Wall, tha gam started, and wa son
tlnued ta hit tha bait around aad tha
Prairie' boya begaa ta kick It around, a
they finally got u gut and wg gsads
about tan runs. Wa took tha field, and
that king of pitchers, Radbourna, took
hi position wltk a smile. 'After tha first
two Du Chlen boys struck out wa no
llcod that a crowd got behind tha back
stop and began ' pneplng through the
cracks, a roups af tha spectator gat oa
hbatb alae af tha catrharjrantlag to
nnd out what waa mystifying about the
ball. Finally en af their player ruahed
up lo tha uniplr and stated that eur
Pltcbar wag throwing a crooked ball.
Wa nearly fell In tha field laughing.
Thay, however, demanded to aea taa ball
aaa at It was erased. Thay put In
another ball af. their awa and put a
cross watch aa Had bourne, ftad bourne
brgaa to curse the bait la an directions,
and more than avat before. Finally, tha
gaoia ended 3 to In Dubuuue's (aver,
Caaaaa Like hewseaa. '
As w were pecking ap our bats to
leave for the depot a tremendous ahoot
rent the air. ,' It waa the sight of Hal
Hawktna in the dlstanre, earning down
tha road with bis homo-ma da bat under
his arm. He earn wltk tha speed ef
Phil hertdaa ta save taa day. aa PhU
did at Winchester. Tha etboei teaabar
entered tha ground with a foam-flecked
korae, gad another shout went up as
Hal I leaped (rem bis here. Covered
wltk duet, ka calls out. 'Hay, boya, aaa
the game atartadf 'Tea, Hal, aad It
la over. They beat us M to S by their
pitcher throwing a crooked ball.'
"Hal then say to ma, 'Mr. Sullivan,
will yea let see aaa If my boys are tell
ing the truth t 1 want to bat your
pitcher before be learaa.', Cartalnkr,'
waa my reply. 'Mr. Radbourna. ga ta
the boa: boya g la taa field. Captain
Hawkins want ta sample Mr, Rad
beums'e pitching.' Wkea tha crowd
heard what the teacher said they cheered
and aald. Thai la right. Hall doe't let
them 'are erlttsra tear. Just shew there
that you eaa bit their pitcher." An
other speetalor remarked, 'Hal' will
knook that ball out ef W hoopoe eeaaty
aad will straighten aul but erooked ball'
"Tha first ball Had bourne pitched
went ever the plats, aad by Hal. Ilka
the Bmalra Expraaa paaaaa aVbeaecUdy
with a alp. Hal hit at Ita shadow
whea the catcher waa about ta throw
It back, Radbourn seme at the yeomaa
wltk another delivery wltk aae ef tboee
low. dropping, fade-away. The acheol
teacher was waiting tor it. thinking
K would never com te Mm, Ha msd
aae lunge at It nearly hitting himself
on the shins. Ha thea tamed to his
playera and remarked. The dara. Pest
ering thing.' After Hal had tried ta hit
fUdbeurae's Ins and aula,' drop aad
alow, ha turned to hi player and eatd.
Ta. boy, be throws a erooked balL with
area an it.' Aa wa were leaving tor
the depot some of the crowd naked Raa
bowrne te ahew them hla hand, aa tkey
thought that his finger might have
been crooked, tee."
'-To ale
Handicap ....
. Ml
. T
Tetals aa M7
. bate rttjr Lease,
. .. . .PRATS.
let. M.
Toung .IC 1
Hondo IB
V. Bock IM let
Ka'itmaa, 151 us
Hofmaa lit IU '
7 1772
Id. Total.
17 rt
tm m
17 443
lli ' a
' TOUIB -..f...., HI -eg, ' UO
: - i '1st. M. Id. Total
Kalroan Vt MS Ba
Kobuoa, 1 IM. 111 4J
Grodtnaky ... 14 1ST 174 Ut
baa ........ 1 la 74 Cd
tiiearoa IM Ut ' let eal
'" Rellawd fta Twe Ptarera.
' Third Baarmaa Itets and Pttchar Burca.
hut year anasabara ef the.Oartada dub
ef the Maalt league, hare beea ralaaasd
ts lack HallaaaV. ewaer ef the aH. Jeeepk
aeam. Whfle Hoiiaad Bteada a keep a
atrtag oa both player ka will probably
net ask either ta report.
(Cootiauad from Page One.) . 1
bettlag their money. Pa kaa aecldaei ie
ge te Jepita a few day before the fif
teenth and baa ordered ha pHattero aad
oatchera la m at Jopaa oa March u W
order ta get three day at warming ap
before the regular beach shew en, Aad
m hla mind Bewrne haa packed hie grip
a halt a deaaa time thai sprang, far ata
trip aoutk. -
, aaaw te tae giiuewa.
age, the giant Sbxtx City twlrler laet
year, kaa beea eoM ta Mlaaeapolla ef tha
Amerteaa aasociaOoa. Taia . will be
Sage third trial under tha CaatlUea.
Ha baa beea a pa tie at of Beaeaattar
Raeee thia wlaur. (age made esse w I
of a Bit last seaaona tha Wastara league
and ought' ta anew up well m a faster
claaa. He sure haa tha eta for a auier
leaguer ae ha ataads tx fret sU Is i his
stocmug feet. I
Bohemian Turner Infractors
. )l fl"Ns VFRKfTK
mawaUM.aaaWaBr k M a -va. - - -t a . -a T
s . . yrs.
If 1 1 r I i
y J
lecturer tf&JUU.
Dr. 7. Hudis-Jiciatky End Cootm of
. ; , Xutnictioa ia City, .
After Speed lag Tale Period Cilvla
Pr-lvwt laatrwetre the Ma4lamal
. ..c rearoe Will I'adertakea
i Trip to fTeaee,""--
Bobaalan organlaatlena la the west
houM J taught more thoroughly the
nomine; year beeauee -of. tha kwann re
wired during tha week., Juat clneed by
the inatruotors of tha- .various organisa
tion! of .Nebraska sawasi
Dr 1. Itadta-JIrtnaky. national lecturer
ef the National Organisation of Sokol.
and Frank Jlrasek, national Instructor,
both or Cedar HapMa, yreterday com
pleted their Instruction af young people
of Omaha and Nebraska, who wish to be
come Instructor. Tha course waa given
at the local Tel Jed Sokol hall. The young
people will spend a year teaching mem
bers of Bo kola la their home towns and
than will take tha national course.
Dr. Rudls-Jk-lnsky Is editor of the
Sokol Amarlcky, the orgaa of tha national
organisation. He alee at an X-ray ex
pert and M the man who wished te ex
amine the lata President McKlnley after
hs waa shot at Buffalo, but waa denied.
He betlevea an examlnaUoB by X-ray
might have saved McKlnley's life. -
Mr, Jlrasek la tha champion athlete of
the national organisation and also of tha
Americas Athletic seeoclattoo.
Vaetav Blatny of Bruno. Neb., a Bokol
tarea of S yeere, who haa appeared In
tweaty tournament, assisted In tha in
struction. Jaa llolaa of Caatav, Bohemia,
who M In Omaha to teach Bokol member
for six months, and Frank J, Riha of
Omaha, a wall knowa Bokol member, alas
Dr. Rudls-JIclneky will accompany the
American Sokol team to the Interna
tional tournament at Prague, leaving New
Tark City. June IL He will be the of
ficial akyatclaa for the American team.
Amartoa will be represented by . mea
I a. woanaa hs. calisthenics and by
MOM mea la the Bokol parade.
Bokol la Bohemian manna "free fajraei
and the organ laallol took, the aame to
signify tha freedom sought by the
Bohemian people. Tel Jed M aa ahbraVt.
atlea of two word . meaning athletic
High School Lads
to Play Base Ball
The lada at the Omaha High school who
are Interested ha tha dlamood game have
started a circular pet! ilea for a acbool
baa ball a ma for this spring, which will
he presented te the faculty board ef con
trol thin work. The sport was abolmbed
at the echoes tour year ago hacaueo of
Ita tallw e to prove a financial aaocaaa.
Athletic Director C. K. Reed M opposed
ta kavtng a regular eohool nine bora una
at the sack of prertoua aitereat that baa
beea taken la the sport by the Mudoat
and tha expanse Incurred la meintamtng
It ea a paying baste. The ether member
ef the board of eoatrot are alee oppoasd
te starting the game again.
However, (here are about thirty lada
enrolled at tha school waa are counting
oa maantslni kits tegular ansa and
ptayani amateur aggiegatloa If the
rhoot athletic lasiiagnaeat will sot per
mit the gam under Ita aaaptcea. l'p-to-
date tha aetirjoa ha aver twenty akraa-
Major league scoots are talking of for
mulating an ergaataatsoa ef their own.
A a amber of them mat In New York but
aad diamond plana. They would
a sua a formidable body ta point
of Bomber If sissnlmd aat they might
arrange bob roaflwt'.ag schiitulea with
benefit to themeerrea aad their crab.
O'Neill Says Gate
Be CutJDifferently
Proxy Tip O'.VeUI believes that the
present system of dividing tha gat re
ceipt bow used by the Weetern leagrie
should be changed, and ha naked the
club awnare to think over the matter.
At present the visiting clubs are paid
M per cent ef the fr norm! admissions,
which I 3 cent throughout the league,
excepting Denver, ' where Hie bleacher
aeam go for X cents. At this rate the
club on the road get W cents fur every
admission r to sevea parka and S oeule
at Denver. 'What the bosaa club makes
oa the sale of graadstaad and box as at
la not figured la the division.
It st Tip's belief that aomo plan ahould
be devised to aMesr the vWUng cluba 4
mrrer per oral or that a (taking fund
be established to tide losing dub orar
tho rough ptece.
Harold Johnson, golf champtoa of the
Omaha High acbool. wUl defend hia title
ta the annual spring tourney of the
school which will be held In May. and
Athletic Director C. E. Reed expect te
have a targe hat of entrants. Matches
will bo played off at the Field and Coun
try cluba.
The'atlver trophy cup which M aow la
tha ii loa of Johnson win again be
contested, and If he succeeds la defending
his title this spring, the cup win become
bkt persaanently. Tha cup waa donated
by M. C. Peters.
Pa Ronrke haa completed arrangements
for a couple of .spring training gasnes
with St. Joseph. "The games will be
played at Jopan ea April and T. Two
games are being anaiajid with Topefea
and alee two with Wichita. AH the
game win be stared at Japan. On the
way horn the will play a couple
of gam wth Uaeola aad them come
id take Lbacata ea tea a couple
Few Basket Ball
Games to Be Played
T .
in league series
Ths schedule af tha ramalnln Ukd
ball gamee In the Trl-Clty league series
which will end March M has been an
nounced by J. T. Maxwell, president of
the organisation. . '5 , .
The only big games yet to be played
are thorn between the Omaha' High
school itnd tha South Omaha High school
which will be pulled off March 13 at tbs
local "T" gymrmalum, bach school
quintet has but two more games to plsy
Off and the result of these contest will
decide the final league standing.
Following are the remaining games: ,
Tuesday, February IT-Baltevue against
University of Omaha at local "Y" as
sociation. Tuesday. March I Tramps against Uni
versity of Omaha and Pirates against
Bellevu st University of Omaha gym
nasium. Saturday, March t-Tramps against
Crelghten and Bellevu against Council
Bluffs T" at Council Btuffs Young
Men' Chrlstlsn association. -
Tuesday, March U-Ornaha High school
against South Omaha High school at
local I gymnasium: Tramps against
Bellevu at University of Omaha gym
nasium. Ssturday. March l-Crclgbton against
Council Bluffa "Y" and Pirate against
University of Omaha at local "Y" as
sociation. Friday, March it-University of Omaha
against Coondl Bluffs "Y" at the Bluffa
Young Men's Christian association.
The race for first place In the Fort
Omaha bowling league continues to be
closer than ever and three of the teams
entered are tied for the list division
with per cent of .464, With a safs mar
gin of three game te their credit the
Signal Corps' school team I ellngtnr to
the top position, sergeant Clarke and
Private Long ley top the Individuals with
averages of MS and i'A respectively.
Following the league and Individual
standi nga for1 last week.
Signal Corps School.... 24
Company H 4
Headquarters M
F.xtra Duty Men.. 94
Hospital Corps M
Company A...... M
Sergeant Clarke....
Private Loixler.H.
Private duns
Private Deeo
Mergeant Ftskr.
Private Grolx
Private Kendrtrk
Corporal Haggard
Corporal Foole .
rtergeaot Cortee
Private Hartmaa
Private Zollinger
Private Jarkeon
Private Hisgs
Corporal Boyle.. ,.
.. ia
.. IK
.. 151
.. 142
.. 13
.. 1
.. IM
.. 1
.. IS
.. M
.. 7
.. US
.. 121
.. 11
.. Ill
Jack Holland has given Mark Halt
one of pa s pitchers, a good amdotf. lie
say: la Mark Hall. Pa Rourke ha a
wenderfal pttohar. Although ho aid not
finish ameac the mpaotchera hi the
league hut year, hi percaotage waa Jot
aad he wa twenty-ninth oa the list He
pitched ferty-slx gams and at credited
wtth winning seventeen and losing a like
somber. Be was one of the strikeout
artist, whiffing IM batsmen. Hla mala
drawback waa lack of control. The record
show that he issued lit base on balls,
hit sixteen batsmen and bad eight wild
site has." Holland believe that Hall will
ettl down and be one of the htrdeat
pitcher to beat ia thai circuit this sen
sea. ,
Director Maxwell Plum Sporti to Be
. Held at Carter Lake. ' , A
Tennis aad Aaatlca Will Ah Be
Premlaeat Raeejaet Follower
to Eater the Lea aae
The Young Men's Christina association
thlatlo park at Carter Lake will be on
of the feature ot local outdoor ama
teur sport lite this aprlng and summer,
and Athletic Director Maxwell at already
making plan to accom model about let
member during the season.
Tennis, baaa ball, canoeing, yachting,
motor boating and swimming will all be
held and plana are being made to sde
quatsly provide for all enthusiasts of
these snorts. The facilities but year
were ample enough to accornmodata all,
but If the memborahip grow a I an
ticipated, several change will hay to
be made.
Many ot the 1111 summer association
members are firm follower ot the rac
quet sport and will enter a team In the
city, tennis league . eerie which. I
planned for the summer. , The present
court are now In good condition and
will be' taken car of by the park cus
todian during ths dry season. .
Baas ball sill bold the board as soon
the season opena and a regular "T"
ntna will he organised next month. There
will also be several boys' team and a
Business Men nine. Director Mvxwsll
hs announced that the association teams
this season wllj be strictly amateur and
no one' will be allowed to play who Is
not a full fledged member of the sum'
mer park association. There Is an sx,
oellent skinned diamond near tha park
All aquatlca will be prominent, but
most of the water enthusiasts are pin
ning tlielr-ev-llance on the spring rsins
to raise tha level of the lake, A water
regatta. aviaV be held with lite Rod end
Gun crub In Jane when all ort( ef aqua
crafu will be matched against eacb
The ground of the association Include
twenty-fire acre and afford ample room
tor more cottages. At present there are
ever ferta bungalaw .and one -room
"hack" In addition to the dub houa
and locker hall. . -
(Continued from First Page.)
compete for hie native country. . -.
It tha opinion of aoms see tern experts
are ta be credited four athletes from ths
University of Wisconsin are nominated
fur. the Olympic team. A to who made
the nomination Is not quite clear, but tbs
men theusclve are Jubilant oar the
prospects of the trip. They are Dohmen.
Wahl, Pierce and Muck, the but named
being knowa to thus who attended the
national Amateur Athletic union meet at
Pittsburg last year. Ma represented the
Chicago Athletic association and waa at
the tame time a student at Oshkoth High
school and I ssid to be planning en.
trance to the Badger Institution. Wahl
ha been clearing six feet three tncke in
high Jumping practice In the gyatnaalum.
while Pierce ia throwing the hammer
out of sight. For the distance ran Dob-
man ta rated a good second to John Paul
Jones. Muck' claim to consideration is
la threwiag th discus, at which he Is
a most promising performer aad likely
to figure with the front brigade whea he
gathers a little more speed m his spin
inside the sevea foot circle. In the cham
pionships ha made a Junior record wltk
a Pitch ef IS feet 5 Inches. He I ranch
on th build ot Ralph Rose and about
weight. - . -x
- Britain. Has Edge.
In calculating the chances of the Wis
consin men with other prospective mem
ber ef the American team and In turn
their chance with the foreigner on ex
pert put it In part: "In th flra mil
run Great Britain in conceded lo hav
th edge, but It bt sura that the English
men will bare to ga taster than thay did
In 1WJ to beat Benhac Scott. Daly, Bern
and Newton, the most likely of th
American candidal, . In the sbotput
America still haa Rose, winner of the
event, in WS, and he will be assisted by
such men as McDonald aad Bettty.
Flanagan, winner of the event. Is
missing, but there still remain MeOratb,
Walsh. Ryan. Talbot and Plerc of Wh
cousin, all of whom are a good a th
Pacific coast man. Enodlgar. Adams.
Glah, Brand and. Byrd bar all been
training In th hammer throw, and I
understand they are aa pro tie lent ss ths
winners wers In IMs, when this event
was new In America. Dan Aherne. who
won the three standing Jumps in Wt,
wearing the color af England, has
transferred his aileglxnc to the United
States, so w are well equipped ta that
Haadred Want tat Be Umpire.
SUPERIOR, Ne.. Feb. It-Over" M
application for a position a umpire ia
the Nebraska State league have keen re
ceived by Preior-t A. C Felt of thie
dtv. Tha leaxue aaya Sis a month and
traveling expeneee. an unusually high
amount for a claaa D circuit. N
(lobby aad Smith Draw,
SYDNEY. Australia, Feb. 24.-Jlmy
ClaDbv, the Wisconsin pugilist and Aus
tralian wuddlew-lah. champion, fouwht a
twwnty-ree-ad draw . today with Dave
Smith, the Austral an boxer and former
middleweight rhaaipton. In the stadium
Good Material for
Base Ball Team at
With the base ball, season only a few
week away th baaa ball "bugf haa been
busy at th University of Omaha and
many of the achool' athlete hav been
tunc by tha toeeet already. Last week
at a meeting held by the Interested,
about eighteen men attended, David Lar
son waa elected temporary captain aad
will hav charge ef the work until a
permanent captain u chosen. L-srosn wUl
catch on the varsity nine, and will prob
ably hav -charge of the training all sea
son aa It Is unlikely tint a coach will be
secured for this eeason.. Last year he
caught in th Odebolt High achool team
and wa considered one of the beat
catcher ot any of th western Iowa High
Nothing ha been done in tha way of
drafting a schedule, but game will be
played with Crelghton and Beltevue and
other team In this locality. Owing to
th expense, no attempt will ba mad to
bring th team her from other col
leges, but plenty of same can ba ar
ranged with local team.
There are numerous available diamonds
that can ba used, as Bellevn. Crelghton.
th University- of Omaha and th local
Young Mea Christian association, each
hav good level grounds laid out.
Many Scouts Coming
to Meet tten, Powell
Boy routa from everl part of the
tt wm be her next Wedeeaday to
Sreet Lleutenant-Oeneral 8lr Robert e s.
Badan-Powell. father of the aeout move
ment, who will be here to deliver an ad
dress. ' Accompanied by. Jama K. Wast,
executive secretary of tha Rnv
of America, h wll b t guest pf th
vommeraai oiub At aioea on that day.
In tha altera sen at I efelacez tha m..
tlngulshcd visitors m be at th Boyd
t nearer, where General Powelr will de
liver an address. Ther win be a pro- '
gram consisting of various stunts, en of
which I first aid to th Injured. -
The Baum Iron company base ball team,
hot at all dlscouraxed hv th haM
encountered during the latter nan at iiu
season wlu be up" and at It lo earnest
w wean aaa expect to get In
the game from th start.
Manager Noon and team have lu..
greatly encouraxed br tha Raum ' t.m
company with a promise ot some fin new
uniionn and good backing throughout
th eeason. .... j. . ,
Dete-rrhlned not to be auldona h P.
Rourke. Manager Noon haa .rr.n.. ,
do hla aprlng training at tha old Krug
para graonaa. near th city of Benson.
Th twuitna dot-artmant wUL aa
( known aow, bo fined by Pariah aad
PUaky, the same as last year.. First base
ata will be covered tha aama aa laai
by Polly- ---t ,'
la a bard fought game at th Omaha
High achool gymnaalum yesterday after
noon tha eeond freshman quintet drubbed
th St- Btspheo school Cv by a score of
IT te IX
WUsoa Bryan, at right forward for the
high achool teasers, was the star of th
game and waa the aetiv lad whea It
cam to flipping th leather sphere In
the basket. - Altogether he scored 11
points far hit team. The lineup:
Bryane R.F.R.P..... Moodlck
Reynold L-F.,Li-. Noel
Benedict C.C T. Wedetheyer
Loner xan .......LCtUO Warren
Melcher ...R O-iRjli.. A. Wsdaaeyer
Field goals: - Bnraas. : RevnoMe. 1:
Melcher. 1; Noel. 4: F. Wedemeyer, t
Free throws: Brytna. 1; Reynolds. 1;
Benedict. 1. Referee, R. Strader; scorer,
li. Reynolds. . - . . - .
BEATRICE. Neb.. Feb. M.-M8peciaL-
Another meeting of base ball fans was
1 ba th Commercial club rooms last
vwolnc, whea the report of tha eocnmlt-
ts .ppouued to find out th eort of
maintaining a league ban team submitted
It report. About AM I needed ta make
th matter a ge aad a committee was
appointed to fled et whether or act this
aaaount will ba forthcoming from the
kekallea asm th tiame.
Ia Frank McMullen. the Wichita club
a a secretary who know th hook
and crook of th game, both th bust-
ecd aad the actual worarmcs st a
team, day by day. He got hi trarniac
wader Jack Holland aad Frank Isbell.
training that ia invaluable to aim. lie
la well versed m base ball and knows tha
Ina and outs of player traffic. H has
been ouiklitg head ta hand with Oeaige
Hughes to auiid ap a winner for Wichita
this year.' ' -
'Score r
t ivrm v k. t. -, .
Nebraaka rifle teem wa scorad 144 in a
sjpseas-l ekfoot skk Wiscoaain. conducted
toe n.tiWr .nVx "