Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 25, 1912, SPORT SECTION, Image 33

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The Omaha Sunday Bee Isports
VOL. XLI NO. 36.
Training Camp Pennants Will Soon Flap in Breezes of Sunny Southland
. i . : : ' . '
Omaha Stagnate Aanoanced Tetter
day Completion of Hit Bqnad
for Thii Year.
Jimmy Kane Completes Liit with
Hi Signed Paper.
Twenty-Five- Playen Will Be Taken
to Missouri.
FMehsre ant Catchers Are Orders
Keeort oe Much IS la .
OrdPf tat Slot Start oa
HourVe's Lion fa IK tic
. Catchcri-Aitorut. Oondliig. Camp- XiKsm, ria'l. Fen
tress, Ryan, Lotx. Hlcita. Chrlatenssn,
Slndelar, Cooke, Keeley.
. First Bi-Khi.
Second Base Wanner, Moor. Branlsn.
, Third Bsso Nlcnoft.
atmrtstnn JuaMt-A.
i Outfteldera-Coylek Thomaeon, Sours.
Lta gohoonorer.
Pa Rourke, owner or tha Omaha baaa
ball club, yesterday afternoon announced
th completion of hla 1U baaa ball squad.
'Ha aald tvexy ana of hta youngsters had
"(una across" with their lined contract
'and thara la nothing left now but tha
shouting. At least, that la tha war F
foels about It and ha la not alono Ic
feeling that war. thera ara Borers! of
hla ataneh followers who ara thinking
In tha aama atraln.
All along Pa haa paid ha waa not afraid
( holdouu thla raar and seemed to have
perfect falls. In all hla men aiming up
wltliout troubla and ho seems to have
had tha right hunoh. Tha laat? contract
cama In Friday with tha player's "John
Hancock'1 scribbled all over tha page and
with tha oontraot came a letter aaklng
Jlourke's pardon bacauaa tha writer had
toot lent hta oontraet In before, but bust
ptaaa waa coed and James Kana of Mo
Xaa'a Landing, Fa., eaye ha la now
ready to don a now uniform and make
thla hla beat rear alnee ha haa been play
Ing professional ball.
Bearer for tka Fray.
Along with Kane'a contract and latter
rama a lengthy epistle from Charloa Ar
begast, manar of the 1911 Colts. Arby
wrota that awry player bad communi
cated with hire and they ara all eager to
get to Joplla nd get back Into the har
ness again. Awing while the writing mood
pad eel eed bin. Bill Jtourke 'Immediately
Peated himself before hla roll-top and
(round out twenty-five lottere Inatruoung
twenty-five dlffarant youniaura to get
helr grlpa packed and be ready to take
he train for Joplln Immedlaloly upon tha
teueipt of traneportatlon, whloh will be
lerthosmlng la time for every plarer to
arrive at Joplln either before or on the
liUi day af April.
Kddte Juatlea, the new ahortatop. who
lome well recommended by 'Very arout
kt the country and who la depended on
o help pull tha rag into omnia.
lent a latter to
taungster la bubbling over with enthusl
ism for the 1JU Rourkea. He aaya ha
imm . huneh whloh la backed up br hard
raaaonlng tht Omaha la to have the
(mum ball team thla year of Ite htatorr.
A Great Beeerel.
I am ' acquainted peraonally with
L'lierley Arboaaat." na wrltee, "and 1
know him to be a great baaa ball general
and whan ha la la a baaa ball uniform
be knowa nothing but baaa bell and moat
at that la Inalda baaa belt I played with
arbogest and know haw be worka and ho
know, what I can do. For Johnny Wan
ker, with whom I pWyed baaa ball for
(wo yesra, 1 cannot aay too much. He to
fanrt, baaa ball player and ha aaama to
U fitted Into neeon baaa Ilka aardlnaa la
a box. With him on second you can reel
kaaured that tha middle boom, win aa
tell covered."
Tha let tare did not atop here either tor
Mark Hall, who makea hta home at Jop
lln, Mo, aaya ba la eagerly awaiting the
arrival of -aoma of the aid thof
oughbreda." Ha aaya that all Joplln li
ararked ud to a high pitch and the only
thing that la talked now-a-days la the
Missouri taws la the "Omaha baaa bell
learn." Tha faua have organlaed a 'Tan
elutt," and ara training their votoe and
gatUng ready to attend every baaa ball
aama tha Hourkee partlclpat In while
than. Ha aald Joplln la of tha ballet
that It depanta pon their ahowlng at
iha Omaha gamea whether Joplln will
aver ba admitted to tha Wee tarn league,
had they are preparing to enow tha
penaha boy that there ara a few people
In tad around Joplln who would greatly
Ippreotate a Western laagua trancblaa.
Pa la Happy.
When tha writer had flalehad reading
iha vaxlooa lattera hurled at aim the
vtal magaateo bagaa a langtnr Oaeoaraa
en the great bunch of new racruita ha
Ml ban with him at JopUn. Ha la
greatly pleaaed with tha outlook, and
Ihlnka that ho baa tha heat Infield m
U Wertarn leaTue thla year, -Whh
Kana en flrat. Wanner en eeeond, Nla
botf on third and Juetlee filling p the
big kola, 2 am willing to place my bunch
agalnat any team In the country. I hare
the greateet bunch of pitch ara that tt
wae poaatble for ma to get and I bare
toot cropped getting them pat, either. I
am etill an the outlook for oouthpew
hurlera. and am aew waiting for the out
come of a couple of deal I am mixed
r.p m. If I win out I will have two of
the grealaot miner league pleyera In the
rouatry. Xo, 2 wont ten yon tha namea
of them, but yon will find out a ooea
aa I get aa anewer to a letter I wrota a
few day ago."
Tin KWlra Verr.
Thera ore but eixteen mare day before
Kowka. with a few of tbe recruits from
thle part of the country, win break tha
Winter eacp and leave for the eurmy
aoutb. there to beak la the eon and
Umber ap tnoee ettff mambere on which
tiae leoal fane ere ptening their faith and
tfNmtlnuai on Page Twa
The aaventh annual boy 'a clrcua alvan
at tha local "V" gymnaalum last Thurs
day and Friday evenings waa a decided
luoceea, both from a financial standpoint
end In respect to tha interest It arouaed
among Omaha boydom. J. T. Maxwell,
general manager of the ahow, waa wall
pleaaed with the affair end declares It
will ba held again next year.
It waa evident from tha applause meted
out to the youthful performere that the
V ltourka. and thla .children of Omaha are luat aa tickled
with a circus of their own aa that of a
mammoth aggregation with Its special
train and army of trained entertainers.
The popular pair of the eomto papers.
Mutt and hla little friend Jeff, delighted
the crowds Immansely. Jeff had to be
extricated from the depths of a molaasea
barrel none too empty and hla antlca In 1
tha atlcky receptacle kept everyone laugh- j
lng for eeTsral minutes. ,
The fat lady, the anake charmer, the i
living skeleton, the clowns and the ponce- I
man all added to the success of the enter
tainment and kept thtag humming Car
ing the aide ahow performance, which
waa a feature In itself.
All the boy who acted these parts
rare an disguised under grotesque and
padded eoetumes, gobs of colored paint,
ourled muatachee and loose wtga that
even their own parents failed to recog
nise them. Itueeell Larmon, as' the anake
charmer, proved the hit of the whole,
show and had to repeat his performance
with writhing rubber reptiles several
times during the evening to the satisfac
tion of the crowd.
j : I
II . .. i.e -ryeee - aa , a w: y -n ar -y a I
features- ot tne Rids urcus at me i. m. u a.
t aaBBBBWgaaa anr ' aaa. saT - saV v - w .---' - a ' or a "ssswsa.
I aaaTar "V aT . T A a 1 . W M T - If I
"V X t l"Vt I ea,"M V S U - V YJ1 ' V J
1 mat ". W Xi .Sil X t " -I i f . X 'waj.on. w , v, . - , I
If mi Q &- i -
IS V rVllm VK Larmm I
to y s vj
Speedy Pirate. Trim 'T Five Acrou W '' 1 JUlerf floOSC -BltfCBia 71
Kirer in Liitlee Game. . 1 LT i t"1 (gZ ( I d
Lead In the Trl-CHy gerlre "I rW f II t t:f 1 . H "1
I Hi t il ' J
..... a n i f i fc-a. j
Sill: itS-Jj-Tr-
.11 i io .on , iV Vw j
Huffs "T." 11. 1 J r"
Towns of the State All Hake Favor
able Eeply to letter.
Mcvtlan e He HU Omaha Darlag
the Ptrat Werk la April te Per
fect a Prrwutacat Ora.a-laatlea.
U Is aUcost a certainly now that there
will be a permanent state tennis tourna
ment organized. A letter waa received
yesterday by r'em Caldwell from A. I
Weather!- ot Lincoln saying that the park
board waa to Instill-two tennla courta
In a park In that city and that Prof.
Skinner of tha State university was highly
In favor ot a state tournament and that
Lincoln would make a bid for the tourney.
Prof. Bklnner will call a meeting ot
all the tennla man In Lincoln some day
next week and perfect the Lincoln Tennis
club. At that meeting a delegate will be
appointed to attend the meeting In Omaha
which will be held during the first week
In April to form a permanent organi
The Idea of holding a atata tournament
was first thought of by Sum Caldwell,
who put the mattrr before the Omaha
tennla men -at a recant meeting. So
definite action waa taken, but JJr. Cald
well waa appointed a committee of one
to correspond with the various tennis
men In theiatate and get their sentiment.
This he did and at the present time over
twenty towns have sent In letters expi
lng themaelvee of being greatly la favor
of a closed state tennla tournament. Tha
only tennla town In tha atata which has
not been heard from la Beatrice and a
letter la expected from there any day now.
Tha eucceea of the tournament la assured
and greater Interest haa been displayed
in It than waa expected,
l.lareln Waits Tearaey. '
Lincoln will bid on the tournament and
will in all. probabilities get It as It la
tha best located town In the stats and
will have three double courta The date
of the tournament will be decided upon
leter, but It probably will be held about
the middle of summer and about two
weeks before the midwest tennla tourna
ment which win be held early In August.
Last year at the trl-state tennla tourna
ment held at Sioux City, there were about
twenty-five entrants from the state of
Nebraska and a similar number at a
tournament held In Iea Moines. The
Omaha clubs each aay they will sand at
least three or tour representatives from
Omaha to the tournament and with the
smaller towns sending In their represen
tatives It la thought that the state tourna
ment wtll be made the largest tennis
event In the atata The organisation will
be a permanent one and tha tournament,
will be held In a different city every year.
iz local Teams to Take Part in the
American Bowling Congress
Scores Show Them Strong Zaomgk t
Get in tte Honey.
Present Gait Tteid Have Won at!
. tie List Meet
Omaha Youths Are s
Strong for Circuses
Workmen Organize
for Base Ball Season
Frank Qulgiey, manager of the A. O.
V. W. ball team, has arranged to line up
hla ball tessera for the season. Prelim
inary training wtll begin on 8t Patrick a
day at Diets park, and about twenty-five
aspirants for positions win be tried out.
Five of the beet base .tall pilferers In
town are on the roster, and they are
regarded aa a big asset.
The players will be togged la steel gray
uniforms, resplendent with green trim
mings. v
The A. O. C. W. eentral eommlltee cob-
templates building a ball park at which
a dub house similar to that of the Toung
Men's Christian association wll be built.
CUM Clair and Doe McKee, two pro
fessional base ballhtts will be with the
A. 0 U. W. tribe until May L Clair will
bold down the first cushion and McKee
will pick 'em at short. Any clasay ball
player wishing a tryout address Frank
Qulgiey, SlU Maple street or telephone
Douglas H or Webster X.
League Slaedlaa.
P. W.
Pirates : ,
Omaha High school.,.,
South Omaha High...
University of Omaha..
Council Bluffs "V....
Pirates, 0; Council
In a one-aided floor contact at the
filutfa "Y" gymnaalum last evening the
leaders and the tallendera of the Trl
City clashed for honors, ths speedy Pi
rate fllppera succeeded in drubbing the
Iowans to tha overwhelming tuna of (9
to 1L Thla makea the tenth game of the
series dropped by the lsds across the
river this season.
The game was merely an individual
competition between the members of the
Pirate five as to who could roll ui the
largest score, Ritchie, at-center being!
tha fortunate player, with S3 points. Dur
ing the second period of the game tha
local "X" tossers played a listless article
of the' basket sport and allowed the
Iowans to occasionally drop the leather
wind sphere through the woven net.
Despite the one-sided - aspect of the
game, a large and enthusiastic crowd of
basket fans attended and kept the air
filled with yells for the Bluffs quintet
The lineup:
Wdgel R.F.IR.F Oertaen
Harrowman ...L.F.IL.F Hunt
kltrhle CM' Montgomery
Hhlelda UO.L. (j Win
Robinson R.U.IR.O Thomae
Field goals: Wetxel ft), Rerrowman
rn. Ritchie (11), fthields ). Robinson (1),
Montgomery IS), Thorns (1). Free throws:
Montgomery W. Hunt lit, Ritchie U).
Referee: Klewlt of Omaha. Hcorcr: Lar
son of Council Bluffs. Time of halves:
24 minutes.
Harry Monneke, a senior at the Omaha
High school and one of the premier local
all round athletes, has signed up to hold
down the second bag for the Tork teem
la the state league this summer. He
sill jwteegln playing until the flrat week
in June aa be Intends to graduate with
tha class of
seaes ss Maiestew.
Bill Hokuf will wrestle Charles Faust
of Cleveland before the Bohemian Turners
at Turner ball next Thursday evening.
Considerable interest haa been arouaed
over the malab
Keeler Will Coach.
Willie Keeler will go south with the
Brooklyn team and bach the young ones
and some of the old ones hew to lay
down a bunt and beat It to first base.
. f y -if .' j .y i
' A
Omaha High School Five Taken in
by Score of 28 to 18.
Scalpers Thra Forge Slowly Ahead
aad Maintain Lead latll Bad
Spectators Turned Aeear
from Gymaaslem.
SIOUX CrrT, la., Feb. 24,-t Special
Telegram.r-Sloux City llleh defeated
Omaha High bare last night In the moat
desperately fought basket ball game ever
staged In Bloux City. The score was ffl
to IS. Enthusiasm was at fever beat and
hundreds of tens were turned away after
(he Toung Men's Christian association
gymnasium had been crowded to the
danger line.
Omaha drew first blood with a free
throw. Bloux City then scored two full
goala and three free throws. A rally by
Omaha tied the score for several minutes
at 7 to 7, but the local team finally forged
ahead. The first half ended 12 to 7.
Whirlwind play by Sioux City in the
second hair kept them safely In the lead,
though stubbornly pursued all the way
by the visitors'
Crocker, who wss suffering with a lame
knee, waa knocked out twice, but played
gamely to th finis'.'. A -nicees'lon of
four field Coal by Holmes carlv in the
second half .waa a feature. The game
wae cleanly played, though the locals
fouled twice to th? visitors' once.
The lineup:
(fml'V rixv OMAHA.
Holmes R.F.IR.F Burkenroad
Back UF.;l.F CrorKcr
Mhitii o.ic? liuah
Aldrich ,..I..G.'I..O Munneke
Shulkln ...i B.O. RI1 (larrtlner
Kiibet'tutfs: Mver. lor Crocker at r Knt
forward: Over, fo- ua miner at rlnht
guard. Time of halves: Twenty minutes.
Omaha and Lincoln
Highs Are to Clash
xcsijE jvsnc&
31; Omaha High
U; Omaha High
30; Lincoln High
, Omaha High
Lincoln High school.
school, H.
Uncoln High school,
hool, 17.
Omaha High school.
school. 1.
Lincoln High school,
school. JO.
Uncoln High school. 21: Omaha High
school, a
Omaha Hich w'io.,1, ; Lincoln High
school. 21. (l ehruary 10.)
Total points: Lincoln, 160; Omaha, ITS.
The big game ot Iha local basket ball
aeason will be played Saturday evening at
the Omaha "V" gymnasium, when the
Omaha Illah school will meet the Lincoln
High school In the second contest of the
prevent season. The locale trimmed the
Lincoln five last month, S to a at the
capital city.
Basket ball rivalry between the two
school, has been exceedingly keea tor the
last two years, during which time the
Lincoln lads have annexed two out of
three games played.
it the Tarlo
Which Are Xaw Playtaa; am two
Oaaaka Alleys . ot reseda sat y
the Players.
t Metreeotltaa Leaawe
Vonday- Beiielln Mixers against Morw
Bottling company.
Tuesday ctunKut against uernraa nomr.
Wednesday W. O, V. against Drum-'
Thursday Kumohr nrwru against innii
jmaav-IVrtw Woolen MJlls against
Diets Athletic club.
CeasM-rvla! Tragwe,
KErrs Ai.LKYa
Monday La Valdioaa against Feto
Tuesday. Lotus against rrrmir.
Wedaesda Brodegaai d Crowns agalnKI
St. Janwa. i
Thursday Drelbua against coia Top. 1
Morrison Lraawe. 1
'WedneMlay fliatrk Tailors against Retoe-I
Wroth Specials against tl.d Saun Brau-I
Thursday W. O. W. agalnat Stryker
Shoe company, Oiiuha Fiilu club against! rtfy Leasee.
Tueerley flora Trluoipha against Pray.
WKnnA.JI.fcf,atin run m i v , lMi Imt LM .
Friday American I'rlntiug com pan r1
agalnat Tracy 'a La lriAS. Old Stylet
Lagsra agsinst Moaarcha i
Cca lrfaarae, 1
Monday lnteoaoa aaauut Bean ore.
Ciliuse Rangeis agaiust Pilots. Tar1
Babies against Flying Dutchmen.
OiuuUa Lcasne.
Frtdar McCord-Brady Advci agalnat
O'Hrlen KarnJv llus. liera Clothlna com
pany aaaln.t Iluspa company. Meu
Urvithats agalnat J. a. Cross.
hteaeauilie Leanae.
Monday A. 1. Root company agalaet
Midland Utase and Palltt oointiauy. Corey
McKenxle con'pauy sgumt aa r'axoa Col.
unibiaa agalnat ojtlawe. Spauldlaga
against JL O, V. W. No. IT.
Boeatee Lea gas,
Tuesday-Omiha Bedding company
asalnet! lllxhualla Farrell Syrups
agalnet London Tallora Guarantee Cloth
lng company against Store Malta Maaep
a Pas gunK ropai-uiuar ruaeaera,
Champion Hammer Thrower of .
America in Search Of Gold. What are the chances ot the Omaha
teams to win any ot the prises in the
evwTTiiT rasters iv lrrcjjTiiri "b"0"1 owltng tournament that itarts
SEVLXlAi CBACKg AHE JUSaifllt , lB CnJuxa on uarch M? Thla question
..... i 1 often asked at the alleys at thla time.
rwer a.aieie. ... t.l.rnnr .. fc mu dop 0B may h,p
to eoavlncs soms of the skeptical. Tha
Individual, game and aoriag averages ot
Wlsreasl. Have Been Selee,les1
lo F.aler the OJyatple
(antra at Staebhelm.
'The handsome Harding silver trophy
cup and the three filk pennants donated
by local business men lo the grade
schools making the, best allowing in the
athletic contests which ended early in
the month, w HI be on exhibition this
week In the windowa at the KUholto
Jewelry store. It vas wun by Kellom
school, wliich had the highest average
out of aime twenty-nine schools compet
leg. Central won the first class banner.
Long the aeotad and, KeUom. the third.
' .- Y Lt A
the teams that wtU shoot are aa follows:
METZ 1108.
Name. Av.
Huntington .... 117
Blakeney 1K6
Conrad 1W
Neale L4
Denman llMi
Hartley la.
Av. game ml
Av. series,.... UUI
Brinies ...
Zjrp ...
Noma. Av.'
Kuhry int.
eiprague las
Francisco , US
McUarUn M
Balaer . 171
Cochran ,
OJerde ..
Av. game...
At. serlea..
At. game 9i
Av. series It,
Av, Nama Ar,
17 Waiena . 1M
171 Anfeloerg ..... IK
IM l.H
117 MuCabe M. 17
Av. game row Ar. game 171
Av, series UUI Av. serlss iru
Av. Name.
190 Frltcher ....
.. 1&1 Zimmerman
.... lit Chrlatansea
lsj1 Kennedy ...
Av, game..'
AV. series.,
.... lb
.... 1S
,. VI
NEW TORK, Feb. M-If rumors count
for anything there wtll be more than ana
crack athlete missing from the ranks
In the Olymplo games. Several have
been mentioned aa unlikely to appear
at Stockholm, hut one ot the most promi
nent Is Con Walsh, holder of the Ameri
can championship with ths sixteen-pound
hsmnier and a former member of the
New Tork Athletic club. Wnce last
November the hammer man haa been
a resident of Seattle, and It waa gen
erally thought that he would represent
the club of that city In the big events
this year. A note from the gateway
of the west conveys news entirely to
the contrary, and it Is doubtful If Walsh
will ever again figure In athletic com
petition. Ha has been stricken with
the gold .gathering fever and with the
Idea ot scooHtig In some of the yellow
metal he le bound for the northlande.
In company with a few venturesome
souls, Walsh la bound for Alaska, where
In some remote section a new vein 'haa
been .truck and 'there in supposed to
be a fortune for any man possessed
ot the hsrdlhood to endure a trip Into
the froxrn north. There Is no statement
as lo when the expedition will start, but
everything Is ready for Ihe road. The
huskies, sleds, and other trappings of
the dog train have been purchased and
the men themselves nave been fitted out
with .arm t,.,htn,r
I flosarf. of the Pirn Boilers.
. . a L " is the Jn. beJi tat of the aew league. Ha
could not represent the Htars and 8 trl pel ,a rocM enough tor place on any team
anyway, aitnougn no nas seen in tne I In the town.
country since ISO? he never qualified ai The race In the Booster league hasde-
- -i.i a . . MMinnM ima in. nu uuiue lu, niauuvw
... , ,, , 7 , . r High Bails Tand the London Tailors ar.
went to live In Canada and In the ' nh,in it out.
Engllxli Olympics of IMS. being a British j YV'hittemore shot another eOO last week,
subject, be waa ellRible for the Canadian a 1' game In practice and M In the
leum. lome tlmo prior to ihe lor", ser'.ea That e pretty good all In,
selection ot the Cansdisn eontln- m night.
gen, for Walsh ,h. Tb. &
officials a Piece of li!s mind, and It an esb? pleaai repcri and save any more
raised their dander that they refused lo worry.
allow him on the team proper. He quel- The match between the members of the
Ifled for the team aa far aa his ability 1 Omaha Field club and the Elks No. .
was concerned and his entry was for- JSS T. "
warded, nobody thinking that be would ,t mt to Monarcha are gotns
go ou his own book. Walsh did go on to stick at the bottom. The Old Style
hla own and made a very creditable i Lagers nave broken away ana wiu oo
At the tournament held at St. Louis
last rear, out ot fit entries, SJ teams got
Into the prise money, all scores above
tB getting Into the money, so that the
chances of all the teams rolling Into too
price list are mora than even.
This Is the ninth suoceaelve rear that
Omaha baa been represented by teams In
the tournament, two more teams enter-
lng this year than In any other, one In
1331, two In IKS, two In IMC four la 307,
four In ISO, two la U0. four In Ml, three
In 19U and alx In ilia. '
ahowlng by securing third place In the
Hammer to John Flanagan and Matt
McCirath. '
Shoves laaprerrcaaeat.
After the - games Walsh returned to
America and showed such Improvement
in both the hammer and fifty-pound
weight that for a time It was thought be
would annex the world's record In both.
Had Walsh taken the notion to take pert
In Ihe games this time he would not be
eligible for (he I'nlted Ststes or Canada,
but be could apply to the British Olympic
council and according to the ruling of the
International committee as could be on
the English team, as a man can always
Continued, oa Page Twe-J
heard from after this.
The Tracy La Trades lumped front fifth
to second place the week, which
goes to show how very does too rasa la
In the Oats City. ,
The two tallendera In the Gate City
are the only team that have won a gam
from the Jerpee. who ar loading tha
The Bistek Tailors ara sewing up tha
Morrison race. Nobody can even gee
more than a stitch at a time, that la
net enough.
Dorkeo Is claiming things for tha
Wroth Specials He baa a loaded crew
to serins on tha bunch this week, so
look a little out.
The Woodmen took a decided drop.
Patey Angel berg, the heavy man ot the
team, wae too buay at the aUlropoLrtaa
ts get Into the Uncus. .