V D ft THE OMAHA SUNDAY BtE: FEBRUARY 2o. 1912. 4 4 OFFERED FOR sYLB Fermltwre. WASTEDTO RKVT M-tm guoda. kieser. HSU Center. U Mil. !NEW YORK STOCK MARKET AT PRIVATE SAI.F-1 -A fui.. 1 WANT lo buy a second-hand type-! d. dining room lufcle d'sh,. nrwl .,th I "tar; must be id rood condllloa and i T-,m,. of T SALE-t good folding ,., noushoid furniture, Saturday afternoon. tleorKia Ave. TOR SALE Furniture. including din ing room table and chair. Early Eng- . w .imsn. mone evenings, tiamey ill. FOR SALK On combination china closet and Udeboard. chiffoner. arreting tables and two table, ail In good roruu tloo and all quarter cawed, oak. 'Phone Harney 3S15. At Auction A Snan ior someone. Wednesday. a. m. at omaha Van warehouse. b04 S. 14th St Complete furnishings f.r eight rooms stoves, ranites. carpets, dressers, beds, etc. All good stuff will he sold to high et bidder. Fhon Doug. X2sj or lnd. A-WCl. Typewriter. KENT an Oliver typewriter from th Oliver Typewriter Co. I tout la SMS. "Wpewriters. all maker For sal er rent: largest stock: beat bsrgalna, R V. SWANSoN CO, 1111 Faruun St.. Omaha. Call or write. Wori.l you show our wholly visible typewriter to your friend and let them e :.ereln It excel any lltv typewriter mad, if you could, wltonut costing you "M cent, have the typewriter to keep forever as your own? Then write u for full particular. The Emerson Typewriter Co . hex it', Woodstock. 111. Miscellaaeoes. FOR SALE Two scholsrahlp In th Omaha Commercial college and one In Hoylea college business office. Omaha Bee. FOR SALE Anyone desiring second hand bank fixtures would do well to correspond with or telephone City Na tlonal iianx. Omaha Kol l .-Al.K-New iiid econd-nand carom and pocket Millard table and low!lng alleys and cceaeorie;. bar fix ture of l kinds; easy payment. The Hrunswlck-Balkc-Collauder Co.. UK- S. 10th M. ferred. Addres P St. Bee WASTED TO BORROW. V. ANTED-45.nA) at per centi first mortgage on property worth IW.OOB; In come of S1.C00 a year will be assigned If desired. Address Y rS, Bee- Thousand of people hare found toe home they were looking for among the real state ad en The Haw want ad page. Th r-.ome you waat to sell can be disposed of quickly at cost of only a few cent through Be want ! WASTED SITCATION3 BUNDLE and faniily washing wanted. Har. 4374. RESPECTABLE middle-aged lady de sir situation la small family a house keeper, or tak care of children. Tele phone tmugiaa 4. ALL-AROl'NH butcher, married man. beet of references, wants steady Job; any part of Nebraska: no booxer. Addrea Box KT. Sidney. Neb. WANTED Position as credit manager by young man. thoroughly experienced, and can make good; salary t-lo per month. Lock box. id. Omaha, Net. MTI'ATED wanted by an experienced laundress, by the day. AdIre Lauudrees, A lis. rare Bee. HANDY, all-round mechanic, married, wants work: rood tinner, pipe fitter, lock smith, painter: ran do any kind of mechanical repairing; have good refer ence. L 247, Bee. MACHINIST and Inventor wanla model and experimental work for private party corporation; references exchanged. TWENTIETH Century wheel In good condition: cost t. will sell cheap. "Har ney hHl. afternoon. 11) HAFt-.s. DKHIOHT. tola rarnam tit. sIt Cjal for atove or fumade. Trv L Harmon Weeth. Webster 44. fiooii second-hand meat refrigerator. Henry Giant. Harvard. Neb. Alieinalehende Frau. ) iahre, deutsch nrd enchsch prch. surht telle als naushaitertn bet aiieinstenennen tterrn in er Lebeneteilung. Address KRAU BF.UNERO. WATCHMAKER Position wanted by married man. age U; twelve years' ex perience as watchmaser and salesman; reference from present employe and bond If required: open for position March I. Addres F. M. hams. XI N. Broadway. Oklahoma City, Okl. FOR SALK Three pool table, new cloth: first-data condition; tti. Call Harney 368 BLl'B white diamond ring, weighing l'i karats, absolutely perfect. Price t&. Addresn. s 341 care Bee. KM ALL planing mill outfit, complete; good for ome contractor and butldr. J-15". 1 i'mllh. 4M4 Chnrle ft. SAFES Overstocked with second-hand nates, all sixes and makes; barKuin. American Supply Co., 1110 Karnam su CHEAPRoyaPWestern. chkfblower, tttpere anvil, vice and other smithing. m Cuming St. Phone Harney JITS. FOR 8AlhV-Witard cement block ma chine. 1. V. Pollard, M1 Camden Ave. TEN pounds green ground boxes for Sc. i: South l.ith St. DOORS, window and waliuKoatlog. 1M So 1Mb. Tel. ItouKlaa POVLTRV AMI lKT STOCK ROOS for hatching from the Brandel Farm. Thoroughbred 8. C. Whit Leg horn. Vtlllty stork. II. 5n a letting or per IM. Exhibition or show stock, II to ti a vetting. Write for catalogue. Address A. D. Bnuidela. Omaha. T-! Benson "06 Tf f . R. I. ckls., large, suong. vigorous Au birds, bred from nock scoring from II to ',. A bargain. Price B to . C. C Cunningham. Knoxvllle.a Bl'FF6rplngton okkb; high scoring, heavy laying stock. Harnny ljdX BAlUtEU cockerel: also egg for hatch ing froej choice exhibition stock. R, tllllette, 15 N. isth 81., South Omaha. EOUS of Rhode Island Red for letting. Phon Webster 617. U CIA HoMnsoa si Co.. ti kmctvangs Bid. X thoroughbred Buff Orpington; good lock. Phones: Florence 406. lnd. 11M. FOR SALK 2S egg Incubator and "Mandy Lee" brooder. Call Webster XM. 8RTTINC.8 of Single Combed Whit eghorn tor II. Eggi 1. Telephone Florence 21s. MAKE big money raising Chickens with the world famous Sure Hatch Incubator and Brooder. Write todav for free de scriptive catalogue. Sure Hatch Incuba tor Co., Fremont. Neb. A FEW FANCY pigeons left. Will sell cheap, fell N. lth. Robert W. Mulr. WHITE Wyandotte eggs for setting from prise winning stork. Price tl.K for IS eggs. 1 have a few cockerels to snare, also one pen of White Orpington chicks. Now'a the time to secure good fresh eggs for early hatching. C. P. Evans", 4246 Lake. PERSONAL O-DAT BLOOD REMEDT. Oladlsh Pharmacy, 12ih and Dodge. I.IEBEN. mask suit to hire, laid How'd. Metwage. RJttenhouse, 3J Old Boston Bid. WE rent and repair all kinds of sew ing machines, lnd. A-lwo. Douglas lsut NEBRASKA CYCLE CO., ir.lh nd Harney St. Bricklayers ' PATTOX-BOWMAX HABDWARB COMPANY IBS Farnsm St., are selling tools at cost. WOMAN want day work. Harney (110. YOl'NO lady, experienced, wants posi tion In privets family or aa chamber maid in first-oiasa hotel. Call, Room L Midwest hotel. WASHING and Ironing done. T H. W. Fti t -class, prsc I. si nur. . H tm. A-l;. Curtains launusied. GuAianteed. W. fcoq Bee want adi will well fur Iture, pisnos, stoves, type writer, sewing machinsa, musical Instrument, bicy cles, eta, at a coat of only a few cent. Don t delay; BTEAMHIIIFS KL'ROPB In comfort; (elect and limited party sailing June U via Mediterranean; eighth season. Miss Anna . Horns. Council Bluffn, I.. 117 Willow AWT. "PRIVATELY conducted eastern tours for young women during th summer months: limited number: select. For particulars call Mis E. M. O., Mit City Nat l Bank. LIVE STOCK MARKET OF WEST ritoip your Mock to South Omaha. 8av mileage and ahrlnkage. Tour eaeuuga. mttii receive prompt and careful atten tion. Live . Csisiusts Mereaaata. Byen Bros. A Ce. Strong and responsible. WOOD BROS., Ct4- Kxchauge Btdg. OlOat West. Com. Co.. Omaha 4 Denvey. "W. R. SMITH a SON just handle eneepT TAOO BROS handle cattle. Iiogs. sheep. Interstate Ce. Belter results. Ship to us. CLIFTON Com. Co., til Kxchsngs Bldg. L. E. ROBE RIM 4s CO.. tW Exch. Bldg. Cox Jones Com Co.. bunch of hustlers. Fanners I S. Com. Co., jut Exch. Bldg. Dpot proosed ef shlpmenu In Stock lard Nat'l Bank. Only bank at yards, Mama Urea. 4k Co.. IwM Kxsh. Bldg. OMAHA TUB CRAIN MARKET WEEKS GRAIN CO., grain Bisrcnanu. Consignments sol'clied. Is Brandels. LK(iAL NOTICES KOT1CB OF STOCKHOLDERS MEET- reuiar annual meeting of the stock- noiaer vi me pvm peny will be held at the office of said company wnwii. w www. a. m . on the sixth day of March. A. IX, C. H. MORRILL, PresldenV A. a MINOR. Secretary. ' Llnooin. neq. rei-ruary s. w. STOCKHOLDERS MEETING. Th annual meeting of the stockholders ef Th Be Publishing company will bs held at the oompsny otfloe la the Bee building, Omaha, Neb., at 4 e clock p.tn., Monday. March 4. Kit, for the election of a board of director! for the ensuing yesr and for the transaction of such other buslnea may properly com bsfore the meeting. By order of the president. Fld-SOt. N. P. FK1L. rstry. VOl NO woil.cn coming to Omaha as strangers are Invited to visit the Young Women's Christian association building at ' Seventeenth and 8L Mary s Ave., where they will be directed to auitable boarding place, or otherwise assisted. 1xkjI for our travelers' aid at the I'tnon tttow. 'SWEDISH massage for rheumatism trouble, poor circulation, karsten Tonseth only Omaha maiseur graduate from Swe den, 4US Orn. Nat 1 Bldg. D-71!w. AriWUJV Treatment. Mrs. Steele, J1AOO.AU Li 17m Liodge. Ground floor. MA i 1 II."" Baths, salt glow aromatic AOOAULi treatment. Mine. Allen rf Chicago. 109 8. 17th M.. 1st floor. D. I . THE SALVATION ARMY oilclt cast off clothing: In fact anything you do not need. We collect, repair and sell at 114 X nth St.. for coat of collection, to the worthy poor. Phone Douglas Ills and wsgons will call lfea Far nam. O. CM. vV1TTUv:H massage, vibrator and OtYxVUlOfl radmur treatment- Mrs. Snrder. U4 Bee Bldg. Red W. 8. Kith. Id floor. D. t&. BEST brai-er for men. Grajf Neree Food pills. 11 per box. postpaid. Sherman & Mci'onncH Drug Co.. Omaha. Neb. HAIRDKESSING. Manicuring. Sham poolng. Scalp treatment a apectslty for ladies and men. Mn. Pierce, 91 Far. .iormeriy of Wead Bldg H. (Oil. , lnd. A-14X. til .000.08 Village of Alnsworth. Nebraska, water extension bonds, due IM. optional after 1917. Interest S per cent annually, will be sold to the highest bidder March 1. 11:. Sealed bids, -vlth certified check for l. will be received up to I p. m- of aid date. Right reserved to reject any and all bide. Address Wm. M. Ely, Village Clerk, Alnsworth, Nebraska. F84-d-m Yioui Day Not Fulfillel P-ISSiTSE AGAEfST WHOLE LIST Weak Swat 1st the Market Tessas aad Preferred share ef He. wablle tree and Meet Censwaay. REM ESTATE TllANSIERS. bests ni4 sr reiorl Fssnsrr 14. ill!. Ckri Wsiessuuia sn4 elis to Hesrr Sles- sort, 1st W. Ssrkert sub 11.10 asiea Hr4ock t stsnhs H.sock. lots I ss4 I, blank t4. Inath Omshs 1 M. 11. Wseslsg an wlfs to M. B. Gelh. swrsr. tot 11. sisok i. silsswirl Ansus Tut " OasJi UB SB BslMisg ssssctsttos to JT Vsrerks. SH lot 1. Woe 7. issWl Fesfl St 1 Missl Bmplier ss bosteji t A- Pster- ra, let i. Hock t, Thttmbor risos 1 Less K. IraM ss batsss ts Asss Seebods. lot II. block l,rtnvWW S44 l.M T. I, Rook sa wilt ts It. F. Crstoar, lot 1. bhMHI 4. Hfwre Acr RHEfMATlFM. When all j"o-aled cure have bolotely falled-try this. We give you convincing Xaets of our cure. Phone Harney 5(6. YOl'R sewir machine will do goody work If repaired by E. ! Lovejoy. All work guaranteed. Tel. Webster eoS, 21st and Grant Sts. HEIRS wanted at once. aVUM estate reeking claimants. You may be one. Facts in booklet 31. Send stamp. Interna tional Agency. Pittsburgh. Pa. . SrpERFLl'Ol'R hair, warts and moles lrmanently removed by electricity; con rultation fre and confidential: all work Miara.nteed. Mi Alender. t4 Bee Bldg. SHAMPOO TORDA f.-r cleanstnsr scalp end beatnlfing the hair. Trial will con- vince you. By mall 10c and 2V. Sample f:-ce. Tjr1a Chemical Co.. Whitestone. New York WANTED lO BUT WANTEI To buy drug etoie outfit; also ice crcsm. soda fo-jntaln; about to ocn up a tmill drug store. Address smithwick I:mir Co.. Smithn-ick. 8. D. WANTED-To buy old broken watch. M. Kathaa. V S. UU St. St. Leal General Market. ST. LOL'IS. Feb. J4. WHEAT-Firm; track. No. 1 red, WScn.j. No. I hard. Vl.sutil.N. CORN Steady; track. No. J, (4c; No. 3 white. ettystVic. OATfJ-tlteady; track. No. I. KHc; No, 1 white, KlitrMc RYE Unchanged, at Kc 4'loMng prices of future: WHEAT Firm; May, IB'elWic; July, COBN-Weak; May, 70Hc; July, Gr3 erVaC. UATS Weak; May. S3c: July, 4TSC. FIvOI'R Steady: red winter patent,, Hii4.; extra fancy and strslgnt, kxis 4.4a; hard winter clear. K SEED-Tlmothy. llO.svfjle.isX CORNMEAl-liW. BRAN Steady: sacked, east track. It e. HA Y Firm: u mo thy. a.nfras.w: prai rie. 130nJI8.'. I PROVISIONS Pork, unchanged; lob bing. $13-5. latrd. unchanged: prime steam. SS.7543K.li6. Dry salt meats, un changed: boxed extra shorts, clear ribs. SB. 25; short clears, tXTi. Bacon, un changed; boxed extra ahort, V.2e; clear ribs. Vf .25: short dears, S.75. POULTRY Steady; chicken. UHc; springs, 11c; turkeys, lSc; ducks, lie; geese. Sc. Bl TTER Finn: creamery, ifflSc. EGGS Lower, at 2Sc. Receipts. Shipments. Flour, bbl 12.' I4.0T Wheat, bu &. 1!rt Com, bu ft 12&.i Oats, bu SIV .(0 Pewrla Market. PEORIA. Feb. 24.-CORN-Steady; No. I yellow. tSc: No. 4 yellow, &8c: No. 3 mixed, CiAsc; No. 4 mixed, 5bc; aimpic, 1 OATS fix-hanged; standard. s2c: No. 1 white. ilsiC. NEW YORK. Feb. 54 -Promises held out late yeeterdav of lmpnvement In the tock market were hardly fulfilled today. Price of the more active Issue opened off snd more or less pressure was directed aaaltist the whole hat. Thia was true of Amaiaramated Copper, while such market leaders as I'nited Slatea SteeL I nkm Pacific and Reading also felt the force of tne settling. Again the weakest feature was the com mon and preferred shares of the Repub lic Iron and Steel oompsny. The former tost r points and the latter almost s. mak ing a loss of 7 points in the preferred stock during the last fortnight. On th Mock exchange It Is now a settled belief that the Republic iron preferred dividend, which will probably be acted upon next week, will be cut from 7 to 4 per cent. Trading during the brief two hours was as pointless a could Well be Imagined. A disquieting feature was the recurrence or serious labor riots In one of the Massa chusetta mill towns. On the other side of the account were the reports of the mercantile agencies stating that trade conditions as a whole are better than appear on the surface, a further large shrinkage In th idle car surplus snd the report or the New York state banking department showing that the savings banka hare larger aggregate resources than at any previoua time In their history, the Increase being no leas than S OorViXe, The bank statement showed an actual loan Increase of R. ", against an aver age Increase of Jn.lSUiXl. The actual cash l. was k.M7.oai, a figure well In excess of all estimates. Actual reserve de creased about tXAMinal, which, together with the previous week smaller losl, re duces the actual exoes reserve to a little more than iai..(io. Th bond market wa dull and without especial feature. Total sales, par value. SI 007 oon. United State I, coupon, de clined l and the 4 advanced aa much on call during the week. Number of sales and leading quo tall on on clocks lousy wer aa follow: BSMs. Htfh. Low. Claaa. AI1ta.rwalmra sf. It Analsasiala Oosoer .... JLU 471 S American Asrlcultaral 4 Asimasa Baet gsr.... Mt tit 111 Ilk Ajucncan cas 14 Americas C. F. 41 Am. Oettos Oil.... is u, 4u, 4H Amaru H. a) 1 at .. lot lou, 3tii t Am. 1 aerarfllea. mu. America Linpee t American Uecostetlr 1P Amarloa t a It 1.10 11 "t 11 11 Am. A A It. srt lm Am. slael rnundrtM rTH Am. lucsr Rarialsa tto 111 IIS14 1144 Amartcaa T. a T Ins 11 11114 lit American Tubeeos pU no lul'a 1011 llu Amerlcs Inba Ml Anacaaa Mlslog Co l ist St , ti, AtrbIM 1.11 1Mi 14 1M Alrbtaa stt lotbl Atlantis Oaast Ua 111 Ball. mora a Onto 10 ltllb IKSk IttU Mbwaeai steel St Brooblia Raaia Tr Sts J Tl Tt t'wnatlaa Pa. mo IM ti rrS xM Oatral Laalhar MM ut ITaj tt rsstral Uatber ft !W U Nt alii Oatral ef hew Jenwy STA niaiasaaka a Oblo 11 ti Ollraso a Alias tt Chlrase C. W., see It If, 1114 114 C-bicse 0 W. rt 4tt UVb US, M Clllcaxe a N W 14!t rxic.sa. at P..... l.iet w ii it( C. .. C. St. b. i:4 Rbtorado P. A 1 14 3444 Ilk. MIA Olora4o a Southers II Oooaolldatet tlaa let 13te lAH lit Oara Protacta 1st it It It Palawan? a llnAana T1 Detetr a Rt or tl D. a It. 0 pM 1W H4 II1. 4114 rHatlllera' Securities .... inn t R-to Mm ti to m't Hrla tat srt Jt 41 41 te Rrla M r4 ., en, Oenarsl Rlertrui In 11 jet lH Oml Neriner sM I.in lriUj i-t lnu. Oraat Nartlierw Or ettt.. ZW) It II ST llllaela Itoitrel 1JSH lataraeratisb Mat. 14 17", 11 US Inter. Mat. fit 1W ST Ml, MS Intamaitonal HarratUr., 1st M Ui 1 Inler-UaHna pf to4 Intaraathmal Parse , It lot it init Intamallaoal Pum St laws Central I St ' lit lis; lit, Kansas City float ears.... Ilu. K. C. a alt tt Lerlese Oaa taait Loularllla a NaakTllla... lot ut HI Ill MISS. Bl. iMmm VL H . St r. a U ... 19 114U. U4U UU Mlastiurl. K. a T Mi u . k. a T M t Miaaourt Pacllr l.M UW ll4 Naltonsl Klaralt lit Natlanal laait la U II! Ut N K. K. ot bl 14 aft V Naw York Onlral M IMS 11M lit. K. T , o. a w . Mat Narfalk a Waster 10 lit 1I4H 1144k Nnrlb America TT NaKbara Pacilis 44 ill lit lit Parine Mall rtu nil lie Pannarlvanl 1.100 12114 1H lrl Paepla's liaa lib; T. C C. a St. L tot 14t 1K4 M4 Plttawiirib oal 14 Prassat IM r lot St 30 M Fvilliaaa Palaea 1r 1H4 Railway Waal IsrIBf ITia Heating S1.M0 WS l"t 1U Repnblle Steal T.SM 11. It 14, Rapubiln Itael pit .: 7l tl tt Reck lalast n If 714 SS Rock lalaad r pM 100 4 41 l st. u a a r. m tut sa tt. Losla W SIV4 It. L W. pit in Sloaa.!tbamald aaL 40 feather Pontic tm 1IM 11714 It Simttwr Railway 100 17 S74i n Bontber Hallway pfd T3U Tenneaae tlapiwr 1. MH SH, Taiaa a Pacific 114 T . It L a W 1: T . St. u a w. pro is tula PtHtia ILftt Its ltlH 14144 rain Pacific pM S LnHst saataa nealtf t t'nltet Rtatea Itubber 4f. t'alte statea Steal SI.1M 40' . a t f S Steal pit ano 1M14 101a 1(K4 t ub Copnar ... 1.SM IT 4 US 4V Va Carolina Cbomlcal .. I'O U4 U 4 Wabaali 10 T T T Wabaak pM 1st 11 II 11 Waetara biarjlant 17 Wonlnsbaosa Elortrlc .. tnt Tt Tt T! Wntecs Inloi 0 US l''4 MS WfwIISI L. B 1.J0 TS T T tehiah Valley 44 IM 111 141 bine Oesoc 1 7l r. st R. 'Vio'lliM 4.704 17S IT 17 Aericas Tohacce 14 Sat Hi fSS TaUl eales for lbs tar. IST-to absrsa. Near Tark Money Market. NEW YORK. Feb. 24.-MONEY-On call, nominal. Time loans, stronger; sixty days, 2 per cent; ninety days, I per cent; six ninnths, siati:1 per cent. PRIME MERCANTILE PAPER 3 to 4 pr cent. STERLING EXCHANIJE Easy with actual business In bankers bills at 14. M for sixty-day bills, and at S4.I7& for de mand. Commercial bills, 14.834. HILVEK-Uar, UMo; Mexican dollars, 7c. BONDS Oovernment, steady; railroad, steady. Closing quotation on bonds today war as follows: u. S. ref la. rag. ...It later M. M. 4'sa... r a eaapa IS Jspaa 4a tT f. 8. la. rag I 00 lsa fci ao coupon l K. r. So. sat to .... 734, I' a 4a. re. 11U S daa e Ual .. n sa eewpas Ilial A N. unl. 4a..... s AllW-ctial. lat 4S.... M M. K T lot 4a. tt Asrr. Af la ' t A T. a T. v. tl.-lllSHa. Pactffc la n Am. Tabexc st t4.N. R- R. ef M. 41 11 aa t. 1!S.M. T. C a 1.... ta Arminir a Co. 4Sa .. Jja do deb t sj Atckuca a ta. .. 1S.V T X. H a H. do ct. "J . at 1 11: do c. N a . i t m.. n A c. L IM !f..d " to ie Bal. a Obi 4a VNft Pacific 4a. 1004 an iva da U 70 do W. ''. 1 rtdx 4a.... tM Praok. Tr cv 4.... a'SPena. c. 11,. uu.. ,;i are, ot Os. aa i1i arto ro. la asw Osaalut Hay Market. OMAHA. Feb. I4.-HAY No. I. H.S0; No. 1 11140; coarse. 11X90, packing stock, rr tOijls; alfalfa, til 01. Straw; Wheat. Kit; rye and sets, saMb Co, teatber as l.Raadinj tea a , st n. i- t ss..iav.a l 1 1. r. n a lt Cbas. a Obto tSa . WlS do swa. So. , a rat. Sa - U 1 W e. r-blcwro a A ISa... 47' '(lo lat m,id C. R. a Q. J. ta... A U S Tt So (en. 4a PUk'sv,. Pac not. n C M a . P. d. 4a 60 ct. aa ss C. R. I. a P TI da lat rsr. ta r. do rft 4a VbV Kallwar S ltt ra. inn. aa- 00 ton. 71a Ola Mid. 4 l'lcs Psclfle 4a ...!) C-. a . r a - 4Sa 17'. 4n tr. aa lait D. H r 4a S . lat a rsr. ta.. mi D A B. o. " f- Rabber a. m do cef 4a S4M' Steal M ta....iat Dt-tlltera' ta TISVa -Car 11m. Is.. Iw. Me 1. 4a " 'at 1st Is !? do m- 4 ao ft a e. 4..... tT do cv. 4a. aar. A. . --m ltd. 4a. . . . . do s-ria B Tt-H'Woat. EJae. er. le '. t4k Can Bloc. CT 5a. -K Wla ranual 4s..... r III. Ceo 1st ret ta. StHMa. Pac. cr. la . .. ?! Irter Met IS U 'Paj.m , Jo.3 Bid. New Tark Minima; f tacks. NEW YORK. Feb. M-Clorfng quots tlons en mining stocks were: Allen m aunto Cbtef s Cam. Taaaal stock.. 11 Mtka tt da sasda Oatarl t lion. 41. a Va ti osAlr 1 Irna Silver IS Staocl tt Lea, ,11. Caa. .... I tallow Jacket ai auflerad. Clearing Heme Bsak gtateesaeat. NEW YORK. Feb. .-The ststcment of clearing houfe banka for the week tflvc day) shows' that the banks hotd S--p.l73.sto reserve in excess of the legal require ment. This Is a decrease ot KM.tu) In th proportionate cash reserve m com pared with last week. The statement fol lows: DAILY AVERAGE. Amount Increase. Loans I,(s;;.i4.ui S.l3.(w Specie S7b.ii93.Otll o,7l. Legal tenders bi.7Aa atl.rt Net deposits lLte.l3.lu 44s.tlv Clrrulation M.,a J,oia Ex. lawful reeerte . "ataSL) Hnk' reeec4-e In vault SSM.SA.aa Trust companies' cash reserve.. t3n.o Aggregate cash reserve lel. 171. 0(a) Trajt companies reserve with clearing house members carrying Per cent caeit reserve, i.s4S.rt). ACTl'AL CONPITIOX. Loans .m.TW. Raw." 8ieci n.UMWl s.HTaayi Legal tender W.!M,iiiaJ Mtl.rta) Net deposits 1.8U..) 7.il Circulation M.lM.ftill M5.S1W Ex. Itefol reserve.. .l. oii.aas.TSo Banks' cash reserve In vaults. .SSTJart." Trust eompanlee- cash reserve.. 43.644.00u Amal. Ckpser. Aaacoada ..... Aubleaa Ageregate cash reeetre Altk.'W Trust eompanlee' resen with clearing bouse members carrying X per cent cash reserve, Sc3.147.00n. nummary of state banka and trust com panies In Greater Now York not report ing to th New Tork clearing nous: Amount. IncTwa. Loan ttaaUM.TOI ! ., Specie sue, got . Legal tnmlera ll,ol.aa) r.a) Total deposlu 717,083. K 1.S4.M Lecrease. Loadea iteck Market. LONDON. Feb. X American ecurlUe opened Irregular her tudy and later de clined on light realising. They closed easv, with price ranging from above to H below yesterday New York dol ing. London clciirn; stocks: Oonaola mossy. Ttiilissls C antra! Its .. iaieiteine m c uww .. SI.. K. a T :74 .. 1N. T caatral 111 ..IttSNarMlb A W 111 da ptd 14 d nt.... w Baltlmor a Obl...10ebanlarla a W 41 Casadlaa PaclCIa Pmaa?leaal U Cbeswaaka a 0... ltHad kllnoa.. ........ Cbtoaao a W tt keadltl Tl Chi- MIL A ti. P..IlotbarB III tt Da swsr. lt da pet TI Dasrar a Rl 0..., tlsoatsars Ssclflo llt a. sM as Valaa Paalfla lta Iris 11 e pfd tit do 1st pM I1MV steal Ul ea M sft IS t, pfd 1 Oread Tnank lsahseb MLVER Bar, quiet at Jt l-ien per o. MONEY-auJi r cent. , . The rate of discount In th open market for short bill Is H-lSojJH jwr cnt: for U're months' bills, Sl-WOi tr cent. Beelew Iteck Market. BOSTON. Feb. H.-Cloalng quouflon on stocks wer as follow.: Alleoea 41 Mohawk B aArnal. Oappar 4No.s Cos 14 A. g. L a . MSMplaalsg Mlsas .... 1 R. a C. r. a I M. ISNortb Bolts I Ralta lymlHtos tltkNartll La I c-.l. a Arlaon 101,014 Domitlon 44 Cal. a HacU oacaoia ilaatsnnlal MSQalsay Cop. Kan C C... ItttKbansos I" Eaat Bolts C. St.... llJJMwerior ...j.. ....... msklls II Superior a k M ... aitwaa Cb 4Tamarck Orsnby Con V. a S R. M... ailraana tasnas .... 1 a pfd 4T, lata Roral Vappsr.. mI'ts '"oa a Kan Late I flak Capper Ot M Lake Copper StiaWlnona 1 1A sail iwppsr 4Talrsn It Miami Copwar M ka-tlvidacd. (effee klarket. NEW YORK, Feb. 14 COFFEE Fu tures market opened steady at a decline of point to an advance of 5 points, near months being lower under some catter Ing liquidation of March, which wa at tributed to th circulation of notice. Th notice, howevtr, were eatlmated at only 10.000 bag and were evidently oon pro vided for. At any rate the market quickly stiffened up on revering ot shorts for over the week-end and In sympathy with rather steady European cable, and th close was steady at a net advance of I to 11 points. Ralea, 7.7M hetr. February, lS Mc; March. April and May, l.o; June, llllc; July, 11 Sic: August, lire; Septem ber. Usee; October, Uc; November and 1 Wmhr 1.1 Uc January. II 30c. After a lower opening the European markets rallied partly, wnn Havre closing net n chnnwed Uf lower and Hamburg un changed to 4 pfg. lower. Rio unchanged at SM7S. Ramos, barely steady ; , 14 rel lower at ; is. uncnaiuteo. at it. Receipt It two Brasilia porta, Jl.ttM ban aenlnst a holiday last year. Jun- dlahy receipts. 11.00 bar. Brsilllan ex change on ljoncmn -ea nigner i 1 js-wh.. Rain was reported In all districts of Bao Paulo. New York warehouse deliveries yesterday. U.S2& bags, against 1,701 Isat year. Boot coffee. tedy; No. I Rio, (414c: Banto No. 4, IHbo. Mild, quiet; Cordova. la017SC. nominal. Evsporatrd Apple aad Dried Frail NEW YORK, Fb. 24. EVA PO RATED APPLES Quiet and unchanged; on th spot fancy are quoted at rStHOSc; choice, mfc: prim. 71ktil4e. DRIED FRUITS Prunes, nervous but with less pressure to well, quotations ran from tSUlOc for California up to 30-40 and stUo for Oregon. Aprioota, dull but steady; choice. iistfiMtr: extra choice. iwtl4c: fancy. lfA,em4o. Peachc. steady with a fair Jobbing de mand; choice. ttVt10o; extra choice, lltHVac: fancy, U4dUc Raisins, In active and about unchanged; loose mus catels. t9!r; choice to fancy, seeded, V'7Vtc: seedless, afjffc; London layara, ll.t061.eS. Cettoa Market. NEW TORK. Feb. M.-COTTON- Fu ture closed tedy. Closing blda: Feb ruary, MOOe; March, Mate; April, 1014c: May. 10 23c; June. lOavj; July, 10 Joe; August. 10.35c; September, 10 Rc; October, W40; November. W.42.-: December. i.4c: January. 1444c. Spot closed quiet. I points lower: middling upland, 10.10c; middling gulf. t0c: tales, HO hales. LIVERPOOU Feb. 24.-COTTON "Dot quiet, prices 4 points lower; American rrlddllng. fair at .; gooa miaaiing, IKo; middling, tVc; low middling. I.'.V; good ordinry. slid; ordinary, l.std. Th ale of tbe day were S.000 bales, of which l.omi wer for speculatioa and export and Included 7,J0 American. Receipt. !l,A bale, all American. Pklladelnbla Produce Market. PHILADELPHIA. Feb. 14. BUTTER steady: western creamery special, lie: extra. Sc: nearby print, extra, Uo. hOi Weak, and II SO per caa lower; Penmylvanla and other nearby first. free case, tn p per ease; current receipt. free case, aw. en: western nrst, tree caae. 19 B0: enrrent receJpu. fre oases. Wtn. CHEEHK Firm: New torn rim creams. lancy, 18c; fair to good, lTViflllc. NEW TORK. Feb. M.-DRT COOD9 Ury lleaede Market, Jobbers had a fair week with business of goodly proportions being offered In dress good and wash fabric. Retailer have been tlmuiated In their purchase of domestic by the hardening of prices In primary circle. Linen continue firm nd burlaps are In short supply for spot delivery. Tarmentlae aad Realm. SAVANNAH. Gs.. Feb. t-TP R PEN- TINE Markst quiet. OWac; receipts. 117 bhls.: fhlpmenu. 74 bbl.; stock. 27.47V bbl! ROSIN Msraet nrm; sales, vy nms.; receipts, I'd) bbls-: shipments. 141 bhls.; stock. M.174 bM guote: B and D. Si.fi'.; E. at fTlt: F. .?: O. S 7J: H, 15.75: I. I ; M. f7.8; N, 17.10; W. O. r.40; W.W, 17.45. 1 jar Market. NEW TORK. Feb. M.-KCQAR-Raw. steady; muscovado. W test, 4.10c; cen trifugal. P. test. t.Mic; rooi asset sugar, as test, M. Refined, steady; cubes. It 05. fine granulated. .: powdered. for. B1:TTER Firm: recelpta. 7.744 tuba: creamery, held first. XQ2tc OMAHA LIYEJTOCK MARKET Killing Cattle Ten to Fifteen Lower for the Week. FELDNG CATTLE ABOUT STEADY Hetsa for Week A beat Five Ceets Laser, While Sheep and Lass Are a Utile Strowfter Tkaa Week Ago. SOVTH OMAHA. Feb. 14. 1111. Receipts were: Cuttle. Hogs. Sheen. Official Monday n.a Official Tuesday 4.161 Official Wedneday .... 4.u Official Thursday Official Ftlday tf Estlmat Saturday 7 Vx days this wek...li.54 "arne daya last week..l?M7 Sam daya rw'ks ago. 11.14 name days 1 wks. ago M.eSx oamo das 4 wka. ago l.14s Same daya last year..ll.tts The following table ahows ef cattle, hogs and sheep at South Omaha for the year to date as compared with last year; Cattle W.lft 17.11 lOM Hog IU4.1X3 SU IOI l cM Bheep SM.41J 177,1X7 17.U Th following table shows th rang of price paid for bog at Houth Omaha ft th lt tew day, with twvrnnarleons: 7.144 14.W 15 447 IS. 11 4 14.UJ7 4,-Wl 10 a.-; 4S 7 k:i; NW.7M tWsnl (7 ba 14.. 71.4.1 44.730 SKI a.ew) 17,40 th receipt Tt S.-4 S IN St t3 ..is Data 1 uu. 1 mil isio iise. iwfi.i nwiwt I So til Feb. It Fb. II. Fab. 1. Feb, 1 Feb. 10. Feb. a. Feb. a. Feb. . Feb. ill Feb. M l IKl 7 Hi S 7 4 III I I Ml I Mfe T 041 I It. 07 4 I 7 Oej I P4I I Oaj 4 101 i 81 I 90 i I si I l 4 lij 71 I 7'4l J OR; in 7 ! ot 1 n i n I 7 04i I SOI 4 04 1 I 1MWI 7 04, fth 04 t MH.I Sl HI 11! 4 M d I: IK I 111 It - I IM I II I 13 IM 04 aa lot Kuuday. Receipts and disposition of five slock at the I'nlon Stock yards for the swenty- lour hour wtding t 1 p. m. yesterday: RECEIPTS. Cattle.llogs.H'r's. C . M. Bt. P.... Wabash 1 Missouri Pacific Union Pacific .. 11 C. a N. W.. east la C. an N. W , WSt .. e. 1 C, t. P., M. 0 4 C. B. ax Q., eaat I C. B. at V.. west 11 C. R. 1. a P., east l C. H. I. P., west.... t .II not Central 4 Cmoago Ureal Western. .. 4 .. 141 Hog. 7I !0W 14J4 1,411 114 Total receipt 1 DISPOSITION. Omaha Packing Oo Hwirt and Company , Cudahy Packing Co Armour a Co dchwarti ex Co , Total ,4na CATTLE Receipt today eomriated of lea than 100 head, there not being enough on sale to make a market, which la the usual situation on a Saturday. For th week receipt rail a lllti short ot Hu heed, being about the earns as (or th twj week previous and not much differ ent from the corresponding period a year ago. Th quality of th catti throughout ttio week ha been poor, good kilter being th exception, while the bit; bulk of th arrival naa oonalalad at enort-iea ana Inferior beeves, wtlh a liberal sprinkling of cow stuff and stockors. I'ndar tbe Influence ef liberal receipt nd a non too ctlv demand price during th early part ot the week broke quite sharply, th market on Monday and Tueaday being decidedly lower, since that lime there ha been a little reaction under the Influence of omwhit iigntar run, but Hill at th clot beet steer ant In most case tOblte lower than last week's clone. Right daatrehl killer, that la, omathlng right tool, might not show that much loa. I an and heifer aim declined iherply t th beginning of th weak and whit th but grade might not be tbat much lowr, th market on the greater portion of th butcher atock arriving U saioly IftOUa lower than last week elo. A feature of th trad thl week tu th harp break In bull ana weni cairsw. at th ClOS Ot in We It IB awrr iieiu in v.t in, bull good enough to bring better than K M or veal salves that will bring over 17-00. Feeding cattle of desirable quality have been In light upply all week and they have shown conipranviy nine mam, ueing now about steady with last week s close. Common feedera ana ugnt sioca oat tie have been rather alow al all week. but that lo was in MtMuuva ot ua market last weak. Quotation on cattl: Oooa to choir beef Sleet. I4.bOJI7.7I; (sir to good best teer. f.7MjMi; common to fair beef leer, tt.&eo.lt; fl cholc hslfsrs, 6.0utj4.7o. good to choice cow. 14 7ott. J5. lair to good rows. H0tr4.7f; common to fair cows. tTTKHw; (ood to cholc atockar. and feeder. 4uJ0- fair to una .N.ckcra and leeder. l4.7oiii.4U; common to fair mocker and feeiiera, 14 4t4.7i; HOCK hellers, sa.avtpi.io, iai calves, S.ovti7.; bulls, lUtTi. ate, P 14 koo. HOtW-Kor a Saturday receipts of hog were heavy enough to prompt effort at cheapening coat, but ald from a low tart, th condition of trade occasioned mile romnlaint In selling circles. Early nates ruled stfioo lower, a d eel in that waa followed by prompt recovery. Mld teaslon prices averaged about a nickel lower and the closing market had Im neoved so much that value war gener ally quoted steady with I hoe In fore yesterday. Bulk of offering want Into killing droves at llguiew ni euvunu wc lower, cost of two or three early strings hnwlna this dociln. Yard estimate called for over 10100 bog. Ilttl butcher and bacon walghia proving the general rile. Th demand from all quarter had plenty of ton and volume, especially during th lata mar ket, and clearance wa mad In very good season. Hhlppsr and apeoulatori furnt'hed very fair eupport throughout, buying about 10 per cent of th total supply. Beat heavy hogs on sal brought tt.ll, aa compared with th same top yester day, while bacon weights ranged from Sobt downward. Butcher cleared largely at o.lew'0S, quality and weight deter mining the price. During th week receipt have been fairly liberal and vary well distributed, but the total still shuw a big decrease from last week', record run. The demand en moat daya ha been broad but rather quiet, prices ruling easier aa th reeult ef poor competition. Current value avrge about a nickel lower when com pared with those reported a week ago. Representative sales: a. Tt.... S.... !.... IM... T4 71 Mverewl Grala Market. LIVERPOOL. Feb. 34. WHEAT flnot. steady: No. 1 Manitoba, tsld; No. 1 Manitoba. Slid. Futures, easy; March, 7d: May. 7a44d; July. 7 rd. CORN Spot, quiet: American mixed, new kiln dried. td Future, easy; March, tall'ad, May. isll'.d. Key ta the SUuaUoa Bee Want Ada. A. b. Pr. f"o. Av. a. Pr. ..171 4 I M tt 110 ... I M .171 ... i TI It IM ... I tt ..lat ... I TI TI 1T4 I M .Ml tt I TI 43 Ill ... at .171 10 I II tt SM ... I S) .171 M 171 It Ill . . IN ...17 ... ltt TI Mt tt ltt ...IT ... I TI Tt Ml M I at it in it no ... t tt ...in ... t n ti iti ... i tt ..lit ... t Tt ti an ... 1 1 . sol ... I It U lot ... I tt ...ltt ... I m ti Pit ... t it .171 ... ltt 71 til ... 3 tt ..lit a is st lit at t u tu 144 t 4 Tt at -a i . it ... i it t tn ... t u . til ... I It 71 TH ltt I at ..in to I a ii srt ... t ss ..in . . ttt it pas sa i a ..ttt 4 I tt 74 141 tt i tt ..14 IS t m U TIT ... I u ..l ... t It 44 It ... M ..ltt ill 41 :il ... pj . pat 4 I tt 44 J4I ... I m . 30 . . I tt 71 tli ... H . m mic t :a ... t tt . n to t ii Tt at ... i m . ttt ... s ti l' sis ... I H . es ta tt st; ... in . :it . . i a ti in ... it . tat 140 I II TI 2 ... d tt .171 t I 05 H......JT up it .fa ... I as st sm ... ttt . in ... I a to t . . too ..tu ... I u to rrt 4o i re ..us ... I ts tt i aa ta. . it ... i i n mi ae t st ..Tit ... I 4S 71 in I S . in 1st I as Ti m ... at . 1't ... I Is tt fit in lat ,.m m in sm ... i oo . ik is i at II nt at i tt .IK ... I at I tt r.l M I at . !M ... I a Tt nt ... w . 814 ... J Ti l!7 ... 1st . io . . I ts sa to tat . Its ... ; at Ti X-t .. dot . ltt ... I t7Uj 44 :o -1 ..lit ... 07 4 St ... IK .111 M t M JH . . t ti .-SIS ... I M U Mi at t a-. . TSS H I It M TTS ... ..sat ... I st II Sti ... I at ..nt ... in a vt ... tss ..tu m IN s.-....ri .-.lit ... TT5 ... t 1 . .. 113 ... t It . J7S ... li Tt tit ... M nus. TS IS It SM SHEEP Nothing of consequence waa received today In the way of sheep or lambs and the market had Ita usual oaturday appearance. being quoted nominally eteady. During the week th trade has been rather uneven, opening lower and closing a little higher. Heavy receipt on Mon day caused a slump In value, attended by a dull demand, but since that time some Improvement has developed, Thurs day'a advance leaving price bout a dime above tnose in f.uve at last week's clove Both fat sheep and lat lamb were In volved In the early decline and th same classes of stock shared equally In th lat reset ion. Receipts on most dsys were fully up to packing requirements, enabling killers to fill their orders In leisurely fashion Af ter mid-week, the d.-mand took on a stronger tone, but the heavier run on the first three tlava cleared slowly. Bulk of recent offcrlllKH cunaisted of fe.1 ewes and fed lambs, uethera snd year lings proving the exception. Rest ewes ere closing around life, with medium tn poor ewes ranging front Sl downward iamh. made a top of KH yesterday, the htgheet price of the week, but the range in values amounts to shout tt. at pres. ent and very plain grades aie non to.) popular at the low spreads. Feeder trade has exhibited no new fea ture thl week, the detuand and aunpiy both being meager. According to p k era' tab, th total purchase on country ac count doea not exceed te head, only I per cent of the total receipt. Quotations on sheep and lambs: t7ood to cholc lambs, Sa OOuaj 40; fsir to good lambs. S&.S&4M.s); good to cholc year ling tVtwtio.; fair to good yearhnss, S4 447 40; good to cholc wether. Rtfia 4 at. fair to good wet hero. B vtft I.'., good te cholc ewe, tl.tjotj 10; fair to good ewsa, IS Mul 4. CHICAGO LIVM ITOIK MARKET Dewsaaal far Cattl aad Rkeea Steady Iiogs Hall. CHICAOO. Feb. Jt-CATTLE-Recelpls. M head, market slow, stesdy: beeves. H S0wK.it); Texts steers. HMi.7i: west era steers. H utl7 U0; slockers and feed ers, U ni !.; cows and heifers, liKU 4.MI: calves. '..Mbu;.j0. HOOli Itecelpin, r..0) head: market dull, mostly ItV oft; light, SVewirt.lt: mixed. l5.Wnjg.30; heavy, li .allr4.il; rough, V vu(lf. ptgn, l.al4ja.D0; bulk of saJco. StA tKi J' HHEKP AND IJ4MBS-Rcelpta 15,000 head: market steady ; native, t!.frt); western. U Ttiij,; vesrlings. H mmi. 75. lamba, nntlve, $4 404.90; western, H.7MJ 7.10. I. Leal Live Mock Market. ST. LOCIS. Mo., Feb. M. t'ATTLR Receipt, S.W4 head, no Teasns; market steady; native beef at sera. 14 TMfl 60; rows and heifers. HOdajdlS; storkers and feed er. t.7Mj00; Texas and Indian steer. .O0U7.00; enw and heifers. U4uojt.avi calves In carload lots, li 00u6 in. , HOOSReceipt, l.0t head; market 6a) Wo higher; pigs and lifthts. Sf.Oufja, mlxdi and butohers, MI4)r.t; good heavy. Kttd.40. SHEEP AND LAMIea-Reoelpt, head; market steady; nallvi mutton, 1171 tHW; lamba, st.5oejii.5e. I Kaaaa City Live llock Market, KANSAS C1TT, Feb C CATTLE Re ceipt sot head. Including Wl southerns; market ateady; native steers, SbsTauAOO; southern star. 7fl0titi.Ai; southam cows and heifers, ' sxfiutj.ta): native row and heifer. H.iar.76. atneker and feeder. S4.SD.M; bulla. 11754)5 : caivea Hajt 714; western steers. HU4T7M; western sow. 13 0Oi to. HOOa-Herelpts. 4.SO0 head: market. 10c lower; bulk of aales, 15 JO; heavy. It 10 4f4.sU. packer and buu-hcr. KOtrvAl. lights. K luvvufi; piga, 14 35.. BHEEP AND LAMRrl-llecelptS none; murket ateady; muttona, p.SHi-tiai; lamba. 15 XtJg.M; fed wether and yearling, tuO tjw.W, led ewea U75O4.00. ; GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET With Corn Values Easier Wheat is Dull and Prices Sag. SHORTS 15 CORS ARE WELL HITS Break Are Short Lived, Hovaever, a Ike I adrrlylapj Slteattoa la Strenaj aad Valara Are Exmeeted ta .Idrssee, OMAHA. Feb. 14. 111. With corn values easier today and io dlfcrent cable wheat proved dull and prlcea sagsed off some. Some of the new as to the Kioainir crop is rather bullish and aa lh season of cron scares and tolher bearish Influence Is near at hand i it Is very doubtful it wheat values will have any material decline. ! Miorts In cc.rn were run In yester l.'.ay aud tiie market l'.ad an easier ton ! today. I These breaks are very short lived, how ever, us tlto tinutrlylng situation Is very ! strong ami f.r a long pull values are expected t. advance. i Wheat was dull and ruled a ahade llowtr. YeMordaj's nihance was due to the ahai-p advance In corn. Selling was 1 Ihe feature of today' trading. Cash wheat waa '.c blgner. Corn was slightly easier after the hrr hulr yesterday, tinurls had covered freely and lonss were best seller for profit. Cash corn was unchanged. primary wheat receipts were sat-wi, bushels and alilnmenta were 312.000 bush el against receipt last year of 3S1.009 bushels and shliunents or :io,iw ounneis. Primary corn receipt were 7. bushels and shloments were 74b.0ta) bush- ell, agalnat receipts last year of 415.0") bushel and shipments of K. iwo auaneia. Clearance ware 151.000 buahel of com.' to bushel of oat and wheat and flour equal to Its.rtD bushel Llverpol closed td lower to id higher on wheat and ind higher on corn. The following cash sales were reported:' Wheat No. 1 hard: 4 cars, 'c. Corn No. 1 white: 1 cars. k:.c. 1 car. tlttc. No. 4 white: 1 cars. fc. No. 4 color; S cars, 67c. No. 1 yellow: S car. 41c; t, car. H'sc No. 4 yellow: 1 car. I6c; 1 car. 5SSc; cars, 5'c; I cars, IM; 1 car, I7c; 1 car, 57V; car. 67c; 4 car, Me. No. I mixed: I cars. 41V: 1 car, lc; 1 car, 41c. No. 4 mixed: 1 car, 18V; I car. lac; 1 car. 47c; 4 car. &SV- No. S mixed: 3 care, 41V: 1 car, UWc 1 car, 410. No. 4 mixed: I car. IbV; 1 car, Sbc; I car. 47c; 4 cars, tsV; 1 car, otic. No. grade: 1 car. tec; I car, 64c oats No. I white: ear. Ho: No. 4 white, 1 car. 6oc; a cars, tvivt I car. Mo. ' Omaha cam p-rwees. WHEAT No. 1 hard. XV4 OS; No. 1 hard, tsct 11.01; No. 4 hard, Wtqwlc. corn-No. i, tiwev; No. 4 while, S74tjc; No. color, 41nU6Hbc; No. 1 yel low, ilirsiv; No. 4 yrliuw, eti&V; No. I t r.gal,c; No. 1 a6MjiV, no grade, Wvlc-V. OATd-No. I while. IP.O'.IV: stsndard lltjiic: No. I whil, evMiolc: No. white, nOti5tV; No. 1 yellow. fj04vo0c; No. 4 yrliuw, 4PVtjM4c. BARLFY Mailing. Kctjtl SI: No. 1 feed. 75ar7oo; heavier feed, s.'.Xc. RYE No, t, Uc; No. I, PUlilu. Cerlet eeespia, Whaai. Corn. Oat. Chicago 41 Mu M Mlnnrapoll HO omaha 30 71 M Uululh U t. Joaeph Llv Iteck Market. BT. JOSEPH. Feb. Mj-CATTLE-Recelpta. lnt) head; market ateady; steers, aVtm.OO; rows and hatters, l0uej.lo; oalve. HVt . HOOeJ-Receipt a 1500 head: market tt 100 sowar; top, MvM; bulk of sales, iout SHEEP AND LAMBA Non on ail; market ateady; lamb. 15.750415. Iteek la lliht. Receipt of llv atock at th flv prin cipal wetrn tnarksU yesterday: , Cattle. Hog. Sheep. South Omaha. I .. 71. m su) la Rt. Joseph loo) alias Kanaa city 0 d.ftre St. Loui J,iw) 4,oi) an Chicago M S3.IMI 15.UUI Totals 1.771 w.ao ll,w nmw vork. obherai. MAmtsrr aelatleaa af the Day aa Varlaa t ees modules. NEW VOTJK v.h a s-initrci..i... SbrlnB nnlemo W. bailu. ,' S4.1Ul-t.35: winter patents! 14 ktit w; aprlnii v,n a.-evajn-ao; svansas irJgnt, 44.70 tn 15- Rt. flour, quist; fsir to good. 14. ai4.se; choice to lancy, tb.MHii.ai. Jiuck- " ii-., ,,wur, quiwt; ai.VW. CORNMEAIesteadyi One while and yellow, ll.5iL7v; coarse. l.rCtl.tw; kiln dried. 3 45. RYE-vulet: Na S, 97o o. I. .. Buffalo. bARLET Hteady, malting, ll.Xtvl.tt. a I. t, Buffalo. WHEAT Upot market ateady: No. I red. li.oit elevator, enport basis, and IIM-al, f. o. b.. afloat; No. 1 northern ltuluth, SLaOS. f. o. b afloat. Future market moved within a narrow range. hill t ll nnnrfnn. .. .. --- - mimar wi. winaui offerings due to fear ot crop acares and steady cash market, cloalng ne: unchanged. May doted, 1104 11-14, July. CORN-Hpot market steady : No. t corn, 74V elevator, domeatlo basis to atrlv. riit , raro, ti-iVl I. o. P., Utloat. Future market, nominal. OAT8 npot market, quiet; standard while fk In ,1.. a;- u,. S and 4. nV: natural' whltoT'and 'white ..I I n , Im . . l , s ..n., wvmj va vTBiK. ruturot mar ket, nominal. 14 A V oiilf nrlin. tl a. X'- . a, an tjl ; No. i, el litjl.JO: No.'l' Sl'fai.' ruin, cenirai America, 23c; Bogota, R'e'fsMV. I.KATH4:U 4-lrm' t.-l.l, Ci .. eia 17c: seconds, ttajXc. PROVIMIONS-Pork. steady; men. H7 17.54l: fnmlly. tiatOttllSO; short clesrt, Il70t(lljn). Beef, steady, mew. IlilToTl ISM- famllv tl&OAAltUI. I . , vnu ClB.M. Cut meats, quiet; pickled bellies. . n Hvunaa. sc.'". pK-Biea nam. II 1 uu lao: refined, quiet; continent. '; South America, a.o.iw; nompoutn, tb.a,v4tl7.lH. 1400; special, MSO; country, U 75434. JS. ' dk I I r.rv rnrtn: receinta. 7.744 tube Creamery, held firsts, KtyaV. CHEESE Firm; receipts. Ill packages: state, whole milk, held specials, colored I74c. EOG8 T'neettled: receipt MM canes fresh gathered, extras. S3-o40c; first,' nV: econds, SOfllTc; westera gathered' Whites. 134UC. T U V III t . . . 1 ... " i' v . wewiem rniCK- ens. lHJI-IV: fowls. 13LytniV: turkeys. 154y1t. Iireesed. steady; western chick ens. ITjtjlic; fowl. UVKjiUk:; turkey, riaeain CHICAGO CHAIW AttJ rBOVISIONS) Feslare f the Trading aad Cloala) Prices ea hoard af Trade. CHIOAIR), rob, K An estlmsi that th wheat eurplii of th four leading ex port countries showed a kiss of 435.uu0.0v bushel lifted the market today for a brief period, but the rest of th time price wer weak; largely 0V1 account of indifferent cable. Find trade ranged, from Sao la ta under last night. Although th alleged remarkable cut ting down of xport possibilities wa stated to have revolutionised the wheal situation, trsiisferrtug the outlook froia one ot probable plenty to one of provfte bl acarelty, th bull who gav out Hit figures did not succeed In arousing muck nthualaain. General commission house sailing and profit taking seemed te form an lnurmountbl barrier. The temper of the trade had been given a bearish turn by disappointing foreign dlspatahea right at Ihe start. Beside weather con dition were fevorabl in tbe United Mtalea winter crop belt and there wa no Improvement her Us respect to cult demand. Hetween th opening and the clone May fluctuated from I1.00H to II 01 and flnlahed t 11.004, a Ion of ho net. Heavy profit taking wiped out an ad vance In corn. May varied from Oftic to c, closing steady, V net lower at V. Cash grade were In only fair da mend. No. I yellow waa auuted at lota 65V for car Iota. oat eased off with other grain. Lim its for May were ii-ttyblV and 52,o with last sale at KSftlH4 ut V lower than yesterday'! clue. A larger run of hog than expected -pulled down provisions. At the close pork waa aSo to T7V off, lard iu to lets and ribs la la 5tj';v. The lending futures closed a follow: AllU'let Open. I illgn. Low, j Cluae. Via ),. Wheat! May.l 00N. July. 1Mb tl' Sept.l P4 Wi u Mar.fcses July. I nept.1 I Oat. 1 Aiay.attmt! 47't 141 fan, I MS tl! 4Mb 1 ov, 1 oonf 1 v WS.9uxt, Pi ' IH4'4iUV-H-o'i iS '.al si !tl Ml, ' 41 I!,:K?Mj 52H9vfol.rrS. ilMtlwl 47-l 47', 41l 4l54)tiViUVi4 li 4 14 7 mis is to u w US 06 t 30 IJ74! 15 M 15 40 am 100 15 I S 55 I IN l57Svl lie S 724 .5 .! IS 15 lillll! too 15 I 6 S 56 S -."4 117 Cu? lo7- t15 70 la to , t a j;1. S 57 4 40 I 74 Maaaaa City tire la aad Previsions. KANSAS CITY. Mo.. Feb. H-WHUAT Cash, unchanged: No. 2 hard. SuSc 11 7: No 1. rcySLOS; No. 1 red. IsV'jKU-; No. I. SM1V. I'ORN I re hanged to 14 higher: No 5 mixed. MMinTiV: No. S. ctSV; No 1 e-wjte. 5Vr7c: No. 3. 3'tc. cXfing price of futures: WHEAT May. 99nc. sellers: Julr slt-e Wd. CORN Mar. mr; July. 7T,fMc. eiloTS. OATft Unchanged; No. 2 white. a,( 51V: No. 1 mixed, UtjUV- KS Ys- SBC. HAY iMeady: choice limnthv. sta mrl J1.50; choice prairie, rt5ari:,.o BUTTER Creamery. Mc: firsts. seconds, Sc; packing stock. He. EOiii-p:xtra. 2.-"Vc. firrta. IfcalSV; teconds, 10c. Receintn fihtunentn Wheat, ha ma 45 on Corn, bo 1U to, Oat, bu jimj Mllwmakew lirata Market. MILWAfKKR, Feb. M.-WHEAT-Xo 1 northern, L4H1-J0: No. 1 northern, 1107 wl.et: No. 1 hard winter. SOcniLOC: u a.froa-ec: July. SM,tj'i9V. cok.v jso. a yellow. 44c; No. 1 whit. S4c: No. 2. tic; May, Hbac; July. 7wec OATii-SUndard. ITVir.'c. BABJJCT-uualUiig. llJLlo, j July.; Sept. Pork. May. July. Sept. Lard. May. July. Hept.iS-7Vt! Kibe. I May.f IU July. S74 Kept. j ITV FLOCH-Steady; winter pairnta. H Mr 1.10; winter sirstghts. lilaill.Su; spring pstents, So.lVu.w; spring alraJgnts, 44 ,ut 47il; bakers, 55.W. Rye, No. i. SW. BARLEY Fetd or mixing, kVuc; fair to choice malting. 1.15$ 1.S5. SKEDtl-TUnotby. IlLwejllj. Clover. PHovlblONS-Mes pork, new. sii&: old, 41u.it. Lard (in tierce). Is 70. ehort rib liuoMI, eS.A Total clearances of wheat and flour Pwer equal to Iki.ixa bu. Primary recelpta were w.vn bu., cumpareel with Sl.vtm bu, the corresponding day a year ago. Estimated receipts for Monday: Wheat.' 44 care corn. IM car; eats, 9 can; hog. el.iAu head- Chicago Cash Prices Wheat. No. 1 red, Syvi4l : No. I reo. s7ac; No. i hard. II OnVl ; No. I hard. Wrarti tl; No. 1 nortliern. II 4afr1.ll; No. 3 northern. ll.Otul.to); No. 1 northern, 11 Cti(L07. No. I spring, U 0O81.ua; Mi. 1 spring, Sc? S lrf. No. 4 spring, Kriltl ; velvet chaff, a.tl durum Iilc4iXl Ot. I 'rn Ka X 'wstivtc: No. 1 white, liwtlc: No. 1 rel- loow. KfMV: No. 4. iilvraHiC; No. 4 white, jlc. No. 4 yellow. j,t-n,r. Oats. No. X 5V; No. 1 white. 5i4i Jc: No. J, SlMlSIUc; No. 4. 4nS-)c; No. 4 white. 47ulV: standard, Mvtac. Ry. No. 1, loc. Barley. awttJlLM- Tim othy seed. IH0UU14.:. Clover. iiof83.j. UI""ITLK Creamarles, HtyTTc; dallies, nttic. EUOS Weak; receipts, 4.510 cases: at mark, case Included. MtKuc; ordinary, firsts. 9 27c; first. c. CUEE."E-teady: dairies. r7i,i!7V; twins. Ibiatfiic; young America. 17iui 17V; song horns, nwiVnc POTATOfc Steady; receipts, tl ears; Wisconsin. siOvaLat; Michigan and Min nesota, si.omil.W. POL' LTRY Easy; turkeys, live, lie; dreaaed. lac; chicken, live, 11c; draw ii. Mc; aprtturs. live, UV; dreawd. 14c VEAwL-iteady, 7tllc. Waal Market. ST. LOriS. Mo., Feb. U-WOOL Steady; territory and westera medium, 140 itc; Cn atediumi, liijl7c; fine, tuslac FOB SAXB 1 10 latamatioaai Textbook (Te. fitack I 1st) later. Sdee. pit, Tt atock 1 aaarea ef temMow Stock. fl.000 Ibo. tViei h Iaan, Co. 1 No reaxonable olfer declined aa f funds are required immediately. Ad-aj irwaa T 114 car Bea oflica. p