OMAHA. SUNDAY MORNING. FEBRUARY 25. 1912. REAL. ESTATE tlTV rHUftUlt UH SAL.. 5-ROOM BUNGALOW . Opposite Beautiful Miller Park Urine room, dining room &nd ball furnished in ok: bedrooms oak floor? and whits nmeled woodwork. '-Valla rauga sand finished: tastily decorated ettnlng iwa. hu plat ml. panelled and window Ml. uo parlor and sleeping room: beautiful lighting fixtures; thor oughly modern; large attic floored laounla room ran ba f! nlhc1 I , full cemented basement with coal bina: cental walks In front of and around hauaa: large lot (sodded). 44rl .: well built open front chicken house, 11x14 ft., with (anrad yard. A mburuaa home with all th 4vantege f lha city. 3 minutes' rtda to Karoam St. Located In Korwooo, N. Wl N. t4th St. SIX-ROOM FLA r-Entlreiy modern Farnam St.. near City Hal'. UM. Phone during dav. I ous 4T4 m LAREHORE AVK.-ftaO. new -noes modern ho up. except het If sold at once. See me Phono Wshslcr 1'1 BUI FROM OWNER Tor ulck aalc and bargain for ore of the beat bomea In Dundee wltb hot water beat. oak. birch, upetalra. garage, halt Mock from ear line, south (rent, paved tree la ahade. lot WilSa. Bult by owner. TEL, HARNEY 2976 PRAIRIE PARK Meat artiatle and uniform residence dis trict of Omaha. Few vacant lota left, n IN to Streets paved and narked. Payable 1-1" caah. balance monthly. W'Hl build la suit so aam term or will ad sane roat of hmiae and band yourself. The Psxton Real Emate Co M Ware Bk It INVESTMENT. Two modern apartment bulldingf. of II apartment earn, rented far IHM par annum, for quick aaJa reduced ta .); lla,ooa caah. balanc In annual payment. Three aew modern brick ftata. rented for C.tW per annum. Price. Write WESTERN REAL ESTATE CO.. 411-lJ Karbach Block I HiKlM bauaa and three large lota, Write, on (2d and Krancli. A. A. Kuray. gtaUon U Harney htn. GOING TO WEST INDIES 1 will aell my t-room houee far ta.l and ar a-room house for 11. Ku. I.ta fac ia 1Mb Ft ; oa grade, worth tej. will eell fur IX. 1. f. JACKSON. Phene Douglas am HU Frederick St. I will eell the ohoteeet buiMIng lot la lha Hanecom Park diet net upon the moat favorable terma that eould ba de el red. If you conlempieie bulkllng thle spring, better aa ma aoon. Lot located nerthweet corner Ud and Aruor. Tele phone Harney tat4 ar South til. William H. Oould. jr. A bargain cheap, new 4-roora, modern ratrage en monthly pay menu. Tel. Web. KM. FOB SALE Lot W ralrfax addition; a fnap If taken at ance. Inquire bya Bahler. BUY DIRECT FROM OWNErW. Two Mod era Cottage III and U No. ZMh St. ' t Keem Completed. Bpace for two more. . Oak and Hard Pine Finish. VMALL CABll PAtMKNT. Balance aame aa rent. Cell up" ownera ' During office Hon re Doug It After p. m. Web. & SOUTH SIDE, $2,800 Strictly aaodem alx-room cottage, ep lea did furnace. Lot aaxlei, only two block frem aoulli Oraab ear. No. Ml 8. 1Mb PAYNE INVESTMENT CO. Dug. rat A. HIM NtCE uudern bouae, reception hall, parlor. Hying room, dining room and bed two atowa; twa bedraame and bath up; good furueoa; open plumbiag; baoetnent and aiatem; lot Ihij ft. with fruit treea; Oure barn, clucken ahad; tt-ew If takaa aoon. I lioiie owner, Webater ITU. but do net draturb tenant Houee lo cated at but corby ft, RE U. ESTATE. ( IT V PROPERTY KOU SALE Will Build Ware house to Suit Tenant Trackage Int. 33x112 feet, on Dodge, near 13th St.; aplendld location for Jobbing or manufacturing; close tn buelneee cen ter: ahort haul to all denote: :extra good atrret car service. Owner will build to ault tenant and lease for a term of years, J. H. Dumont & Son 14R Famam St.. Omaha. Phone Douglas W ' $550 Building Lots taOratM on Maple street, Juat eaat of lOtii utrl. one block from car Una. paved atrct; school and aturai. have city water, sewer, a;as and cement walks, many new house being built In that ieLhborhood Theee are the cheapest good luU to be found on the north tle. unly three Jeft. will make very eaay terma. I id cajh, tl9 ft muDth. . , HASTINGS ft HETDItr, 1614 Hamey W West Farnam Brick Residence W N. 46th St.. rooms, all modern; oak flnllhi very flneet of decorationa and riituree; tile bath room; lot St 1.5 ft.; paving all paid. Price for Immediate aale only tlo.Mu. Lk not let thle get away If you want a Waet Parnxro home. .It la worth li.00O.. Armstrong-Walsh Co. Phone Tyler 153i 2M ft. ITth 8t South Side Home . SPECIAL BARGAIN Owner haa made eperlal low price aa Inducement for quick eale of hit home at KIM Boulh ltth XI. (near boulevard I being a two-etnry, alx moma and reception hall, all modem howae, three bedrooma. bath and furnace heat; fine, etghtty aaet front lot. aiae ffi: with three font terrace. If you are looking for a home on the eouth aide, don't fall to e.e thle. You cannot beat It for the money. Reasonable terma can be arranged. Payne & Slater Co. HOLE AOKNT. CM Omaha Kali Hank bldg. Both phonee Two Vacant Bargains No. Ir-Kttuated aouthweat corner rat bnd Maacall atreeta. only cine aiorg rrom Weet Hide car; I fine building altea. Price reduced to 1.U for all ouh. lMHIB feet. No. I Mtueied eaet aide of lh etreet. IM feet eouth of Rpragua etreet. A big bergaln at tsvo. Hewer, water and gaa. Brick eldewaJk. W. KAKNAM SMITH & CO., Tela. ISM Farnam Rt Iwug. MM: Ind. A-ltM BAROAIN ON 24T1I STREET I4.MM0. , Fnr a If-room liuuea In exreltent con dition, an lot at feet frontage by IM feet deep, en corner of alley. Karellent loca tion for el urea at Mtb and Charlea etreeU. H. A. WOLF. . C9 Brandela Bldg.. 'Pbonea-Ball Doug : ind. A- ALL mudera auuare bouee; receptlea bjalL Hvlng room, U.nlng room and kitchen flrat flour; three bedrooma and hath aee oad floor; comb'&eUim fiatarea opea ptnmbtng, good furoac-: full baaement. eteneniedi eorner lot, wtlk He-ft. frontage oa boulevard, and room for anuther beuee; cloee to achool, two car llnee and within walking dletanee. Located at XXI Ti. tub t. ' By bwner. Tit A GREAT BARGAIN lt-room modern houee. with hardwood flnieh, oak floor, hot water heat and every convenience, full eaat front lot and large garage; paved afreet and paved alley. ITIce, Kim. Cravenlently located for member of t. Peter Cathollo, Hanarom Park Methedtat or Weat .Myn eter rreakyteiiaa churchaa. Thle tprop rtv ! In fine eondttton. worth more than fl0,m Doa't ellp an thle It you want a bargain. J. H. DUMONT & SON, Phone D. am 1B Famara t.. Omaha In Benson Two Lots , $850 Theee lata art located three block aouih of the rar line. In a good local Ion Um M.h aiMl elvtitlv. eaet front, eood ml- pie ahade tree In front, alao eome bearing fruit. Will aell one lot aeperately It pre- Got to Sell For vartoua reason the ownera Inetruct aa they have to aell the bouee. That meana they will be eoid. ana we invite your offer. C.wo-al? No. 42d St.. 7 raocna. all mod ern. Can make terma to suit. t3.M-(3Qg MYRTLE AVIS.. BemJe park. cix rooma, all modem, corner, paving paid. Terma to eutc 0.1-mt MYRTLE AVE., another cor ner; aix rooma. all modern, well built. Terma can be arranged. Cno-atla Char lea St.. I rooms, all mod ern, paving paid, full lot. owner nere now from New Tork and will conalder any fair offer. tS.Kk-Facmg Omaha unlveralty, new houee. 8 rooma modem, Joet paperea throughout. Can make terms of lew caah and t a month. -.6tf-DI NDKK. aame term, a new (- mam ell fnndern home, well built. tiwl-CREIOHTON-8 1ST. J rooma. mod ern, wen located. Terma to auit. ti.TT-nrXDEH. new houwt. Ideal ar- rangemerrr; uvmg room, oinmg room, kitchen, three bed rooma. full attic and cemented baaement. buffet, book caeca and f I replace, hot water heat, oak tin lah. nicely decorated, bandy to car, neved etreet K.O0n-r3S SO. m AVK.. I room, wrlrtly modern, run eaat front tot, gora oaru. ("an be handled with I1.0W caeh. ItMSo-DL'NDKK. SH1 Davenport St.. np- to-date modern atucoo oungajow. not water heat, seven rooma. Including liv ing room, dining room, den and kitchen flrat floor; three good bed rooma and bath, large dneeta. op M floor: hard wood finish throughout, and built In buffet, bookcase, fireplace, etc. Handy to school, oar line and paved atreeta. Cheap Lots I each for tare lot at list and Case, flxlS; S'aO cash. It a month. I each for two lightly Iota In Dundee, eouth front. K tn for lixlli, high groond. In Field elub dlatrlcl. ts. for N. K. corner Md Ave. and Mar Uia, MDxc,., paving paio. Glover Realty Syndicate BU 1ST ATE ABSTKACIS or TITLE. Reed Abstract Ce, eldest abstract office In Nebraska. Brande.e Theater XEAIJi x I.AMPWKI.U KM Farnam Si llLOKBa' lKtKMT10M. Electric gaa fltture. Omaha gllw Co. Ideal Cement to. ITth and Cunung. Fucha. r) Blind, painting, decora ting. FA) KE.11 ESTATE. H tMH LtND FOII SALK . eleraie. FOR SALE 8g A. deeded, irrigated land. Morgan Co.. Colo.: A. broae; 4 nbles from R K. Address, Owner, 3JZ 8. 4th Ht.. sterling. Cola- ROOFINGS, paints, building papers piaster hoarse. Aroer. 8up Co.. Hat Nick a k M.LL dUaing. F. li. use man, U&l N. lath. JiORTCACEH FOR f ALB. We have for sale choice mortgages on Improved Ne braska farms, beerine ranging m amounts from to BH.wu. r one oi tnese bortaajtea exceed JO aer cent of the market value of the farm. Call on ua for further pertlculara. KLOKB INVESTMENT CO., . Ml Omaha National Bank Bldg., Omaha, Nebraska. eF mortgi mbort RKAL ESTATE FARM BWH LANDS POIl 8ALR . BrltUk Caleaab:. Win bar tor anyen British Colum bia Farm Lands oa uncompleted Oraad Truak without eemmlsstoa axoeptlnf aee eentage of profits. Large return car ta la. Fraak Ckawford, lis Homer fueeu Vancouver, er Omaha. HAZBLTON A aew city, situated In a w country. Central British Columbia, on a new railroad, the Grand Trnnk pa- clna, offer ground floor advantages to Investors and settlers Located at the head ot steamer navigation from toe Pa cific; surrounded by productive farm lands and a rich mineral area. Cloee In lota selling from (MD le MOO on very easy terms. Uend for free booklet. Addrees CANADIAN NATIONAL I.N VfcfclUKB, est Psaton Bldg., Omaha. Neb. iflf-a City National. 1oug. snss. Building Lots In Collier Place ' $475 Each Wt hare only tour left en Larlmore Are. between rat Ave. and tad street that we can aeU on terma of 110 down and 110 a month. The ar all deelrabl lota and will ba the last Iota you will ba able to buy In thle choke locality at such low prices and earn terma. l neee pncee :nclnd wte and eement walka. YOU must act qukk If you want one of three. HAHT1NOU HKTDBN, Kit Harney Bt 4, Big Lots 2 Blocks From Car $750 located In Florence, high and sightly ground, each lot la elltia ft.. Una. new hnmea built In the same locality. You can aubdltrld Into sl et-ft. lots, which would cost only lilt each. If the four are too many, will aell yea two oa the corner for Itfe. whlc yoa can eobdtvtd Into three lots Mil (t. each. This Is a rar bargain and will be aoia qujc. Inn't wall. Call at office or call up In dependent or Bell phone. Will make term IM cash, lit a month ea two Iota HAHTINOB HKTDBN, lilt Harney St. H. NF.IAON, contractor and builder, tet N. litb it. Phone Web. MM. BARGAIN. l.mim built I rear, walking dialance, fei w., iiANfirwTAtt Hmm U He Rld FOR KKNT OR FOR HA Lit Tti best bungalow cottage la the city of Omaha, mealed oa M Ave. and Wright , asntainln t room and sewing momi ret-claa finishing; good neighborhood ad aa the ear Una, Rent reasonable, ale price the lowest for the elaaa ot preperty in tba eKy, Call Harney cut or LOT tor sal rteutk Omaha. D. A. North nth ft.. i " tanning. I r ry . i a CHOICX comer for flat or apartment ibulldl; Bear hlgH arheol and walking dtetanea, Ksatera eetate most be sold. Three small bouses aew renting over (a per year. Room ea comer to build apartment house without moving houses. 1 Price anlf U.O. but heat offer get IL CHAJUXM R WIU.1AMSON CO. let South leth St. BAKGAlNlt. rbB-M Dewey Ave, M rental . . . .- " "T' T iwm.. tmrrmA fan make reaannahla terms mi 11 leAomseAo.:":":": IZL I HsHTIN.IS ft HKYUKN, llt Harw Ml rharlee, I rooms, room for 4 reors, IM Ceeh .l flot Charlea, I rooms, corner lMo (tit Cass, I rooms l.a JOHN N. FRENZER-BOTH 'PHONICel.e FOR SALE ONE newest and moat completely modern ten-room aouoee on Weet Far nam. Hill. Owner going away offers t a bargain; Immediate poeseeetoa If de sired. Aleo offer one of the flneet vacant corner In the Weet Farnaai Lletnet at a low figure And a choir building alt. Ttxl.'e on Thlny-dghth avenue, sear Faraaaa tor HICK. XU Board ef Trad Bldg. .VACANT LOT , ' ' $2,750 . Ob 38th Ave.. Bear Dodge: pared trat; food hoasea both aides. If I job know anything aboat price, la i thd 'Watt Far nam district jrea will recognise tkia a a snap. Owner think it ! worth IS.teo, but haa BOvse away nad waata his atooay. J. H. DUMONT & SON, " 1(01 Fareara SL, Omaha. Phoa Douglas . A OOOD PS aerond mortgage bearing aaereat t the rat at f t-r per cent oa a ew, atrtetly modern. -rnom boa. In a gwad locality, pu able R. a moatta ywner wanu le trad tor one or two nsT lets MArriNO, rTF.TPEX. Mil Harney W.e ; A GOOD BUY . alx-room bowse, atrletlv mod aaw atoec ' rrom Ne. W:h ear: btocka t achoul and mtm.h:: paved etreete and aidewalks. Large ehade trees, unt bhx-s trom iimana I til. You. a as ateaey aa tklv i'nr anpolnt Web. 4622. CHARLKS K. WILLIAMSON CO. RENT TAIK NO. 11. 'WHEN A MAN HARRIES he naturally wlahas that he might have a home of bla own into which to take bla bituv -uel as natural as a bird takes to hie neat-wboever heard of a bird renting a nealT They always urovtd their OWN. They OWN. .. . . . Our gift plan work a welt with sale of heueae that we bow apply the plea to vacant lota. We nave arranged with owaera of certain good building iota to give a accident ineuranr policy ror with each tas) value of lote or fractional part of E04 not ease than 1A The lots that we can aei oa tms pan nmt, from 110) up to too and are llm- Ited In aumtier. None are farther than minute rrom poatultlce. i-ieaae ere ua at once while they laet. With a tx lot a tl policy, with a two pollciae, let three pellet e ot Hi) each, eto. The let will be eoid at exactly the aame price aa heretofore. And the pollelee are fully paid, no saeemtnt er other coat whatever, in rale in pnee. iwwiowi our eamtlone rireetonee r.uoui,i.n. Charlaew Height. EHIelone l-ar r aoe. CHARLEa K. ILI.lAMKlJl v-Vfc. 101 ho lth 8t.. Uoeige L Neat Cottage Home Ma room modem, and well kept; U...U. am Um.v 1 1 m ml luet Weet ot BHb. at. Street paved and neighborhood good; homelike. This la cine In and only a taw eteni to the many (tore at Park Av. and lavnworth. Owner built thle a few veara ago for a horn, but haa eutgrown. Price. .M. Two other larger hauaa la thle earn general location at about the aame price. Ne better built nor better kept thaa the above, bu a utie more rvom. , W are building two new ones at Mtb and Dodge street. 1 to t room. Ixok t lurs over any lime, fcitt w ar not ready to irak price ye.-W want to build eome more there or will aell you a lot with the restriction thai you build a good horn. Harrison & Morton FOL'R BEAUTIFUL LOTS near ear Una on corner fronting south and eaat. alee 17UUB. within 114 ml! ot buelneee center ot Omaha, where ran you find anything Ilk thl lit Omaha for tan tlmea tne price, pw e caan, oai' ance like rent. M'OEK REAL KeTTATB CO., ' lot Pearl Bt.. Council Bluffa. UI'ST BK BOLD AT ONCei. Jiiat vacated (owner left eltyl houee. eta-ht room, attic, cellar, furnace, eleo trhi llxht. sas. aewer. oa block from ear, moderate price. Part cash, balance eaay payments, WILLIAM A. HIOQIN". Phone Harney til . CaUlaemla. DON'T WAIT I TEARS. BUT CALIFORNIA Fl'LL-BKARINO ORCHARD MONET RACK IK NOT SATISFIED. Be) cash nad 131 par month buya tie acre with full beating fruit tree In the ramou Bldwell orchard at Chlco. cel. Paymenta Include Interest and Use. Your money back If not sstienee upoa Investigation. The Bldwell orchard ar th moet noted end pruductlve tn the eadertul baaramento valhw of Califor nia. It ur confidence bt this land that prompts thl generous offer. We've peaches, prunes, almoada, aprtcota aad Banlett peara. Buyers' railroad fare. not exceeding KM, will be credited on purchase price. Land adjoin th thrre log town ot Chios (14.000 pop.). ( Ret ev en cee: Any bank of Chlco. Americas National Bank of 8s n FTanclaee and Flrat National Bank of Ban Leandra.) Band for valuable Information sad facta to Bldwell Orchard!. Inc.. Chlco. Cal. HOMESTEADS. Lands open for homeatead entry, which have been la pasture for the last twenty five years; all nice and emoolh. and good water tram 2 to to feet. Now I your time to get a home. The locating tee is Ilia) for 1 acre or CM for X9 acres. MAINE LAND COMPANY. Pl.'EBLO. COLO. IN THE FLORIDA MOUNTAINS. Of couree there are no mountains In Florida Ilk the Rockies or the Blue Ridge, but there Is a great hill range that la marvelous to those not acquainted with the facta They ar frequently re ferred to by writers ss the "Florida Mountains' or the "Florida Sapphire Country.". They are smong th moet fertil agricultural snd fruit isnda in the state. They will be opened -for home eeekera and Investors on March under the auspice of civic and municipal or ganixatione. Hundred ot peupie from all ever th United State will be at thle opening. Honieeeeker' rate, tor fur ther information write or wire N BOARD OF TRADR. DAUB CITT. FLA.e FARM A RAX H LAUDS FOR BALE Webraaka. 42 Acres Easy Terms i.icpv. rpi.An FARM. 2 miles from good town, IS mllea from Omaha and In good neighborhood. The improvements are alight : t or t-room house, small barn snd chicken house; good spring on place; M acres of winter wheat wnicn goe wnn the place: 1 acres new ground; ail can be cultivated and the land alone Is worth the money; gently rolling. Price 1 Per sere; ti.itaJ cast.; oaiance e i - cent See me at once on thle. POSStSMOA ui ..-. ORIN B. MLKK1LL CO.. 133-1314 City National Bank Miog lsft-ACKK FARM FRF.E Along our line of railroad. If you will come duwn here and settle on these leads, or if you will send others down here to local we will, on very easy conditions, gtva you free of one dollar's cost, from 4 to 1st acres of our very best Isnds. These lands are jtiat now opened for aettlement. They are amorg the rlcheat land a In the south, very close to railroad, good towna and big market. For full particular ad dree. John H. Mulholland, I.and Com missioner. Room 4a. General Offices Live Osk. Perry dt Gulf Railroad. Live Oak. Florida" FOR 8 ALE ll.Onv-care tract grapefruit, orange, vegetable land, southern Florida, near Arcadia; packing housea: altitude 71 feet. Price K.S0. Box 304. Dubuque, la." The Most Developed Place in California ' Is Around Ontario which' la located at mile eaat of La Angeles oa three main lines ef railroad. the Santa re, southern Pacific and Ball Lake road, where yea can a at least le.ou am-e In oranges, lemons snd traps fruit from one to B) yean old; Hi,) sore In peaahea, apricots, plum and English walnut and apple from I 14 U ear oia ; ,wv acre ot airaita rrom ew month ta a veara old. and moat everything els yoa can think of you cea see around Ontario. A brautirui place to live, elevation Mm to lis ft., fin climate tin soil, fin school. church and people. We have for aJ vacant lota, vacant land, or Improved piarea in this dlatrlct, the flneet to be found In southern California, at the moat reasonable prices ixo.oot is new Being spent for the hew school building1. For further Information call aad talk to our Mr. Hoyden, who recently returned ere to there. HAST1NOS HETTON: ' M14 Harney St.. Omaha, Neb Southern Florida The Lake Marion Tract of the Famous Kissimuiee Prairie &mt acre of Beautiful high and dry prairie landa with the usual monotony broken by email clurnna of nalra treea varying In extent from one-quarter of an acre to an acre. There are no atumpa or atone to be cleaved. The land I ready for th plow. Just Opened and for Sale at $25.00 Per Acre. Thl week th choicest selection can e secured, i Thess Isnds will produce any of the fruits and vegetables for which Florida Is famous. That wonderful returns can be reallaed from rattle, hogs and sheep. forage crops, com. etc.. we ar pre pared to prove to you. Small acreage for Intensivs cultivation of fruit and vegetable for sal on eaay monthly paymenta. Larger Mreage for aiverainea i arming for sale on annual term. Th new railroad grade la now witntn 1J mllea of' our town. Train will be In operation about June 1. Price will then advance. But th railroad to it. We have a nicely uiuatratea noon lei describing thee land ID detail, ask tor It. THB NEXT EXCURSION LEAVES MARCH t. MACAUSTGR, CANNING CO., Main Office, Broadway and Main, Council Blufa, Iowa Iwal Office, Kieaimme. Florida FREK LITRHATURE Will be aent to any one Intereated In the wonderful Hc ramente valley, the rlcheat valley In the world. I nllmltd opportunities. Thou sand of acraa available at right price. The piae for the man wanting a home In the flneet climate on earth. Writ te a public organisation that give reliable information. Sacramento Valley Develop ment Association, Sacramento, cat. (room new buagelw. eak floor, cloee te school and rar line In south part of city. IMS eaahr. balance monthly. F. D. WRAD. 11 Farnam W.e For Sale at $2,900 4113 North 18th Street ail tan w eetendid nets ttharhml: eminlwl T ykesng aoupe lees man six meat he. tiaJL Hvtrsr room aad dmuu room fut BtiMg la eak; window aeat and pedestal esdaa: pltndld arrangement through ewt. Large floored attic; eould finish twe addltkeaal looses Basement, walla bricked np; Hani Mod bottom. Hot end cold water tor laundry; eel la r drain Fell -foot lot. Mease was bwtit en honor and would be a good buy at 0,1c. Easy terms. If not ol at nc will teas: now vacant: key next door. Don t loee any time if yea eut 10 get rocstr locate. D. S. Efner, UM-. H. tlst mi Harney St EASY PATMBNTS-IW CASH. a-room brick cotwg. poc gl.tut; tl cash. 4-room eottage. Hat and Center St Irl.e; cash, t-room rottss en paved atraet. Price 8,S3. to caah. a-reom collage on in eive. near mkv, price .. caah. t-room cottage, lah and Martha St. Price U.m. sw) ch. k-roore mod., and Martha Bu. e aaa ttat eaeh. i ;-reotn nvxL. 41 CaUXornla: 13.53; KW cash. . . .. . I a-rnom new eunivee. rnce, e..-". e-v e-roon cottage. zltZ Lake: U . KsTKRN REAL LSTATK CO.. Dout'et .WT. 411-U Karbach Blk. Omaha ACTA BAGS), SPRING- BARGAINS IN ACRE PROPERTY 117 acre n-h1f mil west at RaU ton. I of a mil from can line; fair hou: good berne: a dandy feed yard prr inaition. rric fix per acre. ft acree. mostly all in orchard. Tin bearing and standard varletlee nf fruit. good Improvement and practically new. ir you want an Meal suburban noma lo cation ner R ta. He u tor price and terms. 4 acre about one mile eettaMe M the etty 11 mite ef south Omaha. Improve ment a not extra, but Bio piece at lead. Price wn per acr. - le acre about on mil went er Benson; good Improvement; considerable fruit. Thla hi an xeapiTonally nice place and is a real bargain at th price, item w has some ether tracis. both .nt- proved and unimproved, that are good buv . O'NEIL REAL ESTATE & INS. AGENC7 UBS Farnam bl, Omaha. Phones Trier MS4, Independent A-WU. tU N 24th St., South Omaha. Phonee ioulh IK, Independent F-lltt. GREAT SOUTH GEORGIA Traversed by the ATLANTA, BIRMINGHAM ATLAN TIC RAILROAD. Land adapted to tb widest rang of rropa. All the money crop ef th eouth utcnitfuHy produced. For UUratur Ireat- ma wilb tnla ootnlng country. It soil. c 11 mat, cauroh and achvol advaataaaa. wflt W. H. LEAHT. DEPT. K. Ueneral paaaenger Agent, ATLANTA. OA, BAROAIN ON WORTH MTH ttjs bay the tkre fram dwelling at tU-U-tt North Mtb SC. with B) feet Paving ail paid. Annual par year. VT. . Mwkl. M tS.Sr Bin t foot trontae en St. Mary's Ave. 1. feet west of Thompson Bel- den' store; improvements bring left) per year. F. T. WFAD. lt Frnl 8t.e New 6-Room House 2318 South 14th St. KEYSTONE PARK ACREAGE W hav worn irmall trrt trm I to It town ovnm, airJ on tefTTi. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO . $25 To Live Oaks California March Second 3o with us an oar next excursion and we will l how you the garden spot of America. No better land, no finer climate than w have at LIVE OAK located fifty rollra north of 8rrmrnntn, on lh miatii II nM of th Mruthrn Pt. rifle and Nortlmtrn KlKt He raUroad 22 trains ch y. An abundanca of water for IniaTattoa purposN ta furnlhe by tb SUTTER BUTTE CANAL 00. on of th beat Irrigation project! tn California. Today at Live Osk th flower ar blooming, th vegetable tn th garden i ar ready for ua. Th alfalfa la about ready for first outtlng. Th friner ar about don plowing. The children ar barefooted. Its Ilk May In Xebraak and Iowa. READ THIS "Must ear w are greatly pleased with Lire Oak. It' I aplendld all that eould be wished fnr snd an much water for Irrigation, it certainly la a very fine proposition, and we are all eat la fled wlih it. Tell all my friend when yon e thero to com now for tha land will In rreae la price rapidly." tsigned F. VV Ht H WGDHELM. Thi In only one of th many such let ter that we hv received from person who nan bought land at Uv oak. lioa't wait any longer. Writ or tele phone a yen are going en March t and we will make your reservation. DO IT NOW. Trowbridge Bolster Company 44 CITT NATIONAL BANK BLDO.. Phone Douglaa lost Omaha. Neh. lew. THE easiest way to nad a buyr tot yur farm I te Insert a email want ad in th Da Maine Capital. Largest cir culation la the sists ot Iowa, uvi daily. Th Capital I read by and believed in by th standpatter of Iowa, who almply nhua la Derinlt any Other lDr in tbeif heme. I cent a word a day; 11 1! ner line oer month; count ala ordinary word to the line. Andres Dm Mow Capital, De Moln is- FOR SALS I uuartsr wheat land. mostly broke; 4Uj mile from main line Rock Island; level, without biemisn. Southern Kansas; I14.0O0. C. F. Dledendi, owner. Campbell, Neb.. R. W. No. JtiMweeola. BIT a tkrm In the lake region Minnesota: fine agricultural land; crop fallurea. Writ W. B. Taylor, Deer River, Mlnn Ml earl. CALIFORNIA EXCURSIONS EVT'IRY WEDNESDAY KXdunrion for Fatteraon. Cnfornfa, full parttculara applr laavtaa Omaha vary Wadnaaday. For I PAYNE INVESTMENT CO- Colonisation Agent. Southeast Corner, Uth and Farnam Bta., Omaha, Nebraska. tl.M buy M acre where California Invest: Porternile arly orange land; water rlghte; froetleee; ne scale. E. P. Allen. Mil Caes St.. Omaha. lfr-ROOM koua aad lot. an comer. V wo, an 7 k. yarn s ewner; easy terms. raU Webster lltT FOR QriCJC SALES SEE r. D. WtAD. Istl Farnam 3t Only take Vf cash, balance t a mohth. Including Inteccet. House to lo cated at Bl 8. 14th St.: haa emtv hall. parlor, dining reeen. kitchen and bed ream en Orst fkwr: two good bed roeme and baxh an th second f oor; tlnvt-ctaes ptumhuuf snd a good fumac- eement walks terrseed lot. east rront. cwee to Gardens to Lease Six acre with Hit I eottag oa weet aid of lath St.. and north aid of Arte Ave. Rock bottom land, tiled. Will rent for tut thl year. Tea am at tth and Chafer eta. wtth t-room house, bam, well and windmill. Ua per year. A real gardener will get rich aa either t these place In a few years- I'nleea yoa like gardening and are wilting to work, don't npply for tb place. Harrison & Morton Csasaa. TIMBER, British Colombia Coaet. worn estimate 2H UOO.OOO feet. Price only XT .: correepoadenc solid ted. West minster Trust A Safe Deposit C . Ltd. New Westminster, B C. IS On. Kat l Bank. Tel. T. tl. (-ACRE PLACE. P.arht In town, H-mil from rar Una. ba.'.rieee etreet end city school. Fin level rnad and good walka out to It. teoee) t-raom boo and bam. Soene fruit. ttholle school, ene biock rrom Bth St. i-i, r,nid for frurt er pasture. The car Hne. twe block from Mtb Be car Une. A splendid local ic far a bom. All ready to wtv Into at once. HASTINGS A HEYDEN. MM Harney St. etty Is growing arouad thu place and It la cheap at at wsi M GEE REAL ESTATE CO, M Peart BV. CaeavcU Blutt. SOMJTHING CHOICE Tins "WILL STAND UP UN DER INSPECTIOX IM trrM of ctoar. rrL lnprox-d Irrt- IttH Und, randy loam avML under rood canal; cod fr-nxim hoaaa. ham. Larfrt potato rav OMttnc aitd wtn and alndmUl, f?ned and croaa fenc-wt. W H r-nt4d: only !'- mii from Vailarr and about T mil front Tt Morsaaa Colo., $uat acraa Nrraka ana. I will itTMM thla for irooal Itvoarna and Wt any r labia retton af ran M or ran mak Ta.uatioa on It. If woa want toAdKhirisT rtrht that will Wine tic rturaa im ma har frosa rou. L. C. GIBSON South Omaha, Nebraska. TL South A Opp. P. a SPECIAL BAROAIN Quarter section Missouri valley to- baooo. corn, clover, and wheat land; good house and ether buildings; Ml acres in wheat, i acre in tame grans, balance for Corn; Ilnejy lecateo. e miiee 10 goua town, on R. F. D. and telephone llnee. Renu for half crop; a money maaer: goon rea sons tar Balling. Aduroae, IT ti;. Omaha Be. Mataaa. TWO lolnlng IBVacr homestead relln- qulehmenta, center ot Irrigated tract, cloee to town, tew eaca. Jiuureee svacr, sua 141, valler, stont. Jlebesaka. tJ.MB will buy tn neat Mw-scr hem. trad la Hebraaxa; partly improves. Writ owner, c at. ttuxrman, ajinnaii. Neb. RKMiKST SNAP IN NEBRASKA. lea-acr improved farm, located mile weet nf Cniumbue. C and i miles from twe caod town: M acree alfalfa: IA acr la cultivation, balance paeture: all the vers best of deeB Black (oil: e-room hows; birn for horse ; barn for it oowa; oor north, gaanary. chicken bouee. ho houee and ood pi Bed hog pasture. Thla farm 1 quit rolling, but flrat class and la aa good a locality aa there la In eaatcrn Nebreaka tn sand): all tencen. Price for aulck sale H. u. with caah balance long time. Thle I th btarrest anap In the at ate. When can you look at Itf Must go at once. . E. Walt A Co. SIT Be Bldg.. Omaha FARM bargsln near utnalia; poaaeeslon given. Orla B. Marrtu. uu city niti Bank B'dg. aVBL'SHEL WHEAT LAND. R t H PER ACRE. W has for aaie over B.W acre t CheveeM roualv. Nebrssk' choiceot (arm land, where the crop yields tor II yean, Including 191 and 1)11. average with th beet in tne mate. Aiiana aiao leading crop. Better aoil, water and climate caaoel be found. Writ fur full wferaaatMB today. Agents wasted every waer. FLNDINQSLANl' INVESTMENT , CO, Sidney. Neb. J HOMESTEAD-cat acr rich farm land for tan, films fee sod aiL N aand bill. J. A. Tracy, n-imeail. Kern A FINE farm ef 13 a. Tee 12 mile from Omaha on Calhoun road. Price, fee per acre; land no better, adjoining, cannot ee bought tor res thaa tl. Thla land ta In th neighborhood of the con:.iry F. D. W BAD. I Farnam St. MOoT beautiful a-r term within twelve mile ot Omaha' poalofflce. See me Monday. Wm. KeJeon, U Paxton Blk. BARGAIN 4 acree. mut be acid by March 1. lmarovemeat good; fifteen acre alfalfa : balance com land. One- half mil of Relieve col I ere. Can glv possession. Price right. A. VI . South Omaha. ONLY tie. Cat acre at school land tn Cherry county: lease run ;t years. Would make a good ranch ror rattle and horses eplendtd Investment for aora one. I need the money. nt ewner. L. C. CrandaU, m Funke Bl lg . Lincoln, Neb. REAL ESTATE FOR SALK OR EXCHANGE NwrtB laroliaa WANTED-Men to become independent farmers In tern North Caroline. Nation Harden rlpot. ' Lead or 'rf profit on small capital. Write for bopk et C Van Leuven, M Southarn Bldg., Mllmlnirton. N. I." THE GREATEST fruit growing- belt In the world la in tne nosue n.. valley, Southern Oregon. Our fruit U large ana juicy, riceovov ------ ,.r..i hv.a deeu and beautiful color. Orchards earn from ttu) to tl.000 per acre Ve have a fine climate, good read, good schools, good churches and good neigh bors: no undereiraoie loreisn c "--...- -- Cur 1 or more acres miiu eujvi l , 1 with ua ror nui iniormauoii -- -- valley, prk-ea and terms, address Oliver B. Oregon. Brown. 43S N. Bartlett BU Medford. soalh Dakota. i ar-RR near Aberdeen. I miles from j, me. ruer. H mile from small town; all good, hard noil; no sand; no duuuiiis-. 2f acres cultivated. Owner mu.-t sell. S per acre; half cash or less. This i worth more, i . . neeiej j- -- Bee Bldg.. Omaha, pnone i. - Texas. t.Avn nrF.vivtl Over lOg.OW acre Texas Slate land behig thrown open to the public; .W to B per acre, iii.e from state: 1-40 down; balance forty years: for further Information write, pox 1736, Houston, Tela FOR 8ALE-1000 acres fine farmlne" lands In Henderson county. Tex, wiu ate on main Une of Cotton Belt railroad. Only mllea from Athena, .county peat, "?,ii"!".k''"-.,Lr.ri sAiV lion on in isnu. ciiv-u, - Ideal for sub-dlvlaion Into amsJI tract a. In th heart of th famoua Texa Alherta peach belt. Good rhool and fhu"-h -. w.nrf rainfall. High, dry and heelthy location. Good sUr lor domeetlo purpeee foe full particulars, prli-e. etc. ; Moore, P. O. Drawer l7. Dalla. Tex, Wsaklsgton. wii r a u-it.iji tha valley of many r.:.r.. conntiea onnortunltle to small tract farmer; the climate Is tlcrloua winter and summer: exceptional educa tional facilities; land values ar reason able: writ for Information regarding fruit tracts, farm lanas, iruoa .. . dairying, tc; aak for beautiful iree mue trated booklet O. COMMERCIAL CLUB, AULA WALLA. WABlt.- Wyesalas. wvnuivn Tit a.) colony, enormous acreage, abundant water, completed pro wl n-eat crop, low price. DEEDKO d CAHKT ACT LAVDS. Writ, rellsbl. WYOMING DEVELOPMENT CO.. Chy Wyo. 77 seuon of fin land, 4 mllea west ot Mandan. Morton county. N. IX, all the beet (Oil. with living spring on same. Price t per acne. All prairie land. Will trade for hone or seneral gacrebandiae stock or other properly. 7 .rjn-acre tract, t mile from atanaan. Morton county, N. D.: finest otl. He well, with apring on same; prairie land. Will trade for stock of merchandise or horse. Price 13 per acre. r l.ito-acra ranch and farm. 11 mile north McCook; nice improvements: finest of soil; big percentage of It In cultivation. Price K per acre. Want to trade for stock and grain farm In eastern or northern Nebraska. sKluartir section fin land ta tied u- low county; serve in cultivation: well located; mile to town; good aoil; ' Per acre. Trade for email atock merchan dise or right kind ot property. at Fine XaVacr farm. 10 mllea south west of Ogalalla; th best black aoil; big part cultivated; Improvement new: beet farm in eoaunanlty. Price 13U. Want bom adjoining county seat. W For sale Fin quarter section farm adjoining Overton. Neb., on th north; brand new Improvements. Price Slut per acre. cash, time, ar would lake MiM hardware If well oca led. 4 m acres, Z2 acre under cultivation. balance) pasture; mile from Bart ley: one of the best grain and stock farms to be had for th money; Improve menu alone ortu f.n0; ail new and modern. A big snap at Dv rer acre. Be-BP-ccr farm in isoaaway county, aio.. near Blanchard. la.; uniainl farm; best t oll; fslr set of Improvements; tSa per acre; mortgage MiMO: will trade for Omaha residence or up-to-date auto. Ma A good 20 acrea In Knox county; 1 mile weet of Crelghton; good hay and farm Land: clear, and will trade for small farm or good merchandise. Price IS per acre. ll&-fi acres black land, hard anil. In southeast oomer of Haya county. Neb.; living water; a big snap at Ids and owner warns merchandise. C7 One ef the very best, finest half section farm in Antelope county. Neb., near Brunswick: only lie) per acre; finely improved; lie perfect; beet of soli. This 1 a decided bargain and owner will take soma trad on IL SI a This Is a gem: 4-arre farm near Madrid. Perkins county. Neb.; highly, Im proved, cultivated, fenced, level aa a floor, deep, rich, black soil; a perfect farm at (44. Take part trade. 11D Half section rami. Cherry Co., Neb., near Dakota, line, well improved, fins black farm land. Prlr 1.17. 50. To ex ohangs for S. Omaha property; prefer i to M acre. This I a ftplandld farm, 11J 240-acre chiice farm, IV miles Wlnneton, Knox Co., Neb. One of the best farms In th state: extra fine soil, well Unproved, laya fine; tlOo Per acre. Will take 110.000 atock of hardware or close-in residence property, Omaha, I7.0W; naianc eaay. 1 113) lie-acre farm, t mile from Ne vada, Ik county teat of Vernon Co.. Mo., nicely Improved. 1100 per acr: clear of In cumbrance; would Ilk to trade for Land in Nebraska ot lea axreag. This is a fine farm and will stilt th moat critical. fUtl-tBVacr farm. 220 acrea In cultiva tion, near Hartley, Red Willow Co., Neb.: fine Improvement and new, best of soil; price toil per acr: clear of encumbrance. want to trans ror ill. isrm or eastern Iowa. A BARGAIN. (116) Nicely Improved lat-acra farm in Stanley Co.. So. Dak. Lays fins. Best of oil; cultivate); al clear. For small tract of land near city to ua for chicken and truck. This Is desirable deal. J. A. ABBOTT m CO.. M Brands!! Bldg. Omaha. Neb.' IN THE BIO HORN BArjIN 7J acre Irrigated land, Hi mile from market. miles from Basin. ii " .... L.i .. ji...h. Plant of water. ia acres in alfalfa, young orchard place all fenced, t-room houee. barn for I head horses. Kheda, eto. uoou '. TERMS If sold oemre atarcu i v per acre, 11. yw caan, naiance ' mnu at per cent. 8 mailer caah pay ment f deVuwd. jy. her information cheerfully given. Addrees Box ML, Wn- hoo, Neb, Vn an v lah aiwe lrrlarated land i,k a.i.r rlrht and well Improved: two mile trom countyaeat. t&5 per acre; sy terms Aoares r. u. do m - rliiKton. vtyoj WOULD you own a en J"" ""ra Wyo.. Irrigated farm. . w. ij er .. crone should repay nvie mmolete lnformtlon addrees ilenrv H. Brown. UI Moffat Bldg. trolt. Mlt-h D- Mtseeliaaeew. Where Opportunities Are Boundless Ruv . aoutheaatern farm how. Present prices ar wonoeriunj ivw. iv 4i up. Vou can grow anything desired. Oar den truck sell at handsome profits Pnn irv nave trom to tear ncu yearly. Many orchards now paying He . the . ere Alfalfa, corn, cotton. peanut, pecan nuts and numeroua other proaucta an net ikuu pleasant summers and mild winters make Ufa enjoyable In the territory ot the Southern railway eyetem. Aak tor land prices and free subscription to th Southern Field. Aodreaa, Cha. 8. Chase. Vtern Agent. Room ii tetsnsai building. Ht. LOUia, JSO. Farmer and land buyer all over th oountry are reading Bee went ad every day and snapping up vry bargain offrd. Rate 1st otnta per word It run only one time. 1 Per word If run two or mora time consecutively. Writ and mall your ad today t steal Eetate depart, nient of The Omaha Ba. Results ar sur REAL ESTATE LOANS OMAHA Property and Eebraeka Lands. O KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO, , nil New Omaha Nat l Bank Building. "WANTED City loan. Peter Trust CT 6 CITY LOANS. tie-It Bnuidels Bsmis-Carlbara. Theater. WANTED City loan and warranta. W. Farnam Smith A Co, ia Farnam St MONET to loan on business or resi dence proper lice, tl. to MMOt. W. M. THOMAS. (M First Nsfl Bank EWg. IU0 to lie.000 made promptly. tTu Weed. Weed Bldg.. Uth and Farnam. tlARVTV RROS Loans. SMO.and up. 'Omaha Nat l Bank. LOANS Farm and city property. J. H Dumont Son. laM Farnam St. result writ or call iverywbei all Dea. tlT Be. D LJa, etiVACRR ranch. Haya county. . Ne braska: M sore alfalfa, 109 acree under alow: BJs-SM acre aood bottom alfalfa land; running water; good Improvements, good terms, write, v. a. wier. riaai Lng. Neb. Merchandise titocke IL2.0UU. tJO.ICU: two stock KS.lWO each. All good, clean storks In good town. Want clear lands. gCT.txn hardware ana mmeer siocw wun building Clear for eastern Nebraska or southern Minnesota land. Fine improved Mo-acre Knox county. HOD: clear, for hardware. 4fc0-acre Loup county, level valley, al falfa and corn land; 146 00 clear; will exchange for email Improved tarn, S. w. Iowa preterrea. 1.BM acres, Improysd Brown county ranch. Extra good, 14. Will tax small form for part. Clear. tSB-aer Improved Iowa farm, tt : dear. Want ranch on unimproved land central Nebraska. Omaha realdenoea, t,(Mo to tdinw. All !rood value and guod location; nn unk. Can get yon good deal for good anda In Nebraska, Iowa, Dakota or Kansas. List your properties with us for et chang. Call or writ giving full par ticular and state what you want to get. T. W. WHEELER CO. IS Bee Bldg., Omaha. Phone I). H. FOR EXCHANOE-Oood cheap agri cultural land; alao no-acre relinquish ments; a townalle and aa eastern Ne braska farm. W. M. Tarr, Room 1, Con tinental Block. WE HAVE a client that own 310 acres ot land close to Emmett, Neb., that he Is desirous of trading on a good modern horn In Omaha, either In the Cathedral or Kt. John parish. HI farm I well Improved and In good stat of cultiva tion. Price lit, 000. Gallagher & Nelson 48 Brandela Bldg., Omaha, Neb. SHERIDAN COAL CO. STOCK WANTED Will exchange s good, well located and veil rented doable brick bouse, with full lot, at its cash value, for Sheridan stock at market price. J. II. DUMONT & SON, 1603 Farnam St., Omaha. 'Phone Douglaa S0 MONEY TO LOAN. WASTED TO RENT WANTED. Listing ot nrst-olssa rental properties, i to s-room residences. PETERS TRUST COMPANY. 1G3 Parnsm St. WANTED to rent March L grain or dairy farm, this state, M to ) acree, on tharee. 3 to (-year lease; no sen a or swamp isnds. Write today. A. Nellsen, os N. Hermitage avenue, Chicago, HL FIVE or six rooms for two months beginning March 4th. Farnam district between 24th and Sth atroeta preferred. Beat references. Phone H. KU.' REAL ESTATE WA.VTED WANTED To buy a or g-room house, $30 or OM cash, balance monthly pay ment. O. 244, oar Bee. FOR BALE OR EXCHANGE NCCKOI.I.3 Co.. land Itst free; Ne- braska' bat county. E. C. Moore, Angus. Neb. EASTERN NEBRASKA FARM CHEAP. le sere. Improved, located 7 mil west of Belgrade end C miles east of Woibach. botk good towns In Nsnc county. All th very beet of deep black soli. acrea la alfalfa, IS acree in cul tivation, balance pasture, fenced and c rose-fenced; (-room house, barn tor I horeee. cow barn for 11 cows, corn crib, granary, chicken house, hog house and hoc pasture. Thl I a roiling farm, but tint cia and in on ot the beat locali ties In eastern Nebraska. Price li.2M. Mortgage IvJI running t to 1 years at per cent interest, equity I&.BJ. Want good clean dty property, cheap reaek or clea Mda. tork for equity, property must be clear aad priced light. Act quick. Addree Box 474. Omaha. 4 acre Utke C., Oregon, land tor va wnt lot in Omaha. Bee A-. alary aad Chanel. NATIONAL LOAN COM PANT. SOMETHING NEW. If a place where any person hiving steady employment can borrow money on Just a PERSONAL NOTE. No mortgag security or tndorsr re quired. XKir rata ar low. Terms to suit SALARY LOANS OUR SPECIALTY. We have new and prtvat office. ALL LOANS MADE QUICKLY AND CONFIDENTIALLY . Call or phon and let us explain. NATIONAL LOAN COMPAY. ROOM OH. SIXTH FLOOR. BEE BUILDING. -PHONE DOUULA3 MIL LOANS NEGOTIATED ON REAL ES TATE. FUHNITL'RE, PIANOS. WARE HOlE' RECEIPTS, rtALAKIES. E'IC. LOWEST RATKS, QUICKEST SERVICE, CONFIDENTIAL. PF.E US FIRST. RELIABLE CREDIT CO., SD FLOOR PAXTON BLDG., tn 8. MTH. TELEPHONES DO COLAS 1411 A-llli. CHATTEL LOANS Lowest rates and easiest terma See other; then e ua and be convinced that wc will save you moaey. HOUSEHOLD LOAN CO.. N. h. Cor. Ith A Doug. St. D. 4J. Ind. A-B12. GET IT of mum bnow. c. L. B.. si Star Loan Co., vet Paxton Bleu. to tm. without aecurity. to auit you. I on furniture, piaaoe and JllflTiPV real estate at a yery 1U"W low rate of Interest. Nebraska Loan Co. Dong. UK. a Bee Bldg. ; - A-IE. MONEY loaned salaried neoole. women keeping house and others, without se curity; easy paymenta. Offices In 7 prin cipal cities Tolman. its Omaha Nat l Bank Bldg., formerly N. T. Life Bldg. DIAMOND LOANS a: 2, and a per cent. FLATAU. 1M4 Dodge St. Tkl. Red U13. RiAh ESTATE FOB RENT FOR RENT ) acre ot tb best land tn northwest Missouri, all plow land; will rent far t years, cash rent; teams and toot If wanted. Rout 2, Box . Graham. Mo. was la the) persistent aad Judicious ass of aawasaeaf advertising.