OMAHA. SUNDAY MORNING. FEBRUARY 23. 1912- HELP WATTED WALK tu, hkn aad aallellera. AGENTS Wonderful OpportnnltT; net Bjvuck. sell "Ambrwr" Concentrated Beer 1.1 tract; mk real genuine Intoxicating beer; rirhl at home, by adding water; eave he) pec cent brewers' price; not near bear; not substitute, but raal Isgwr beer: no liquor license required; smalt package; carry week's supply, deliver as sail. "Ambrew" Is the concentrated Ingredients of real lager beer, same ma terial used by all brewers for brewing tno Den Dear; Pier seller; enormous de mand, targe pronts: Just send postal; We'll show von how to make moneT ouiek. American Products Co., Dept awn, Cln- nnnao, vr HELP W A XTKD MA LE Aareats, aaleasar Solicitor LARGE PROFIT9, no competition, not M OT stores. K wfrkaharn. onlv aum- tnatie knife sharpener and scrlssor grinder -nana, a cniia can operate It. Advertised extensively, Field for sale unlimited. Beat alia trade specialty erer offered. Wnts for proposition covering exclusive terri tory. D. Spongier, 27 . BUh Street, New York. SALESMAN WANTfcl-arn t per wwa; seu oeaiers nirniy aavertlsed srucie. exclusively or side una. No sun. Pies i to carry. Imperial Co, 81 Louis, 10. PORTRAIT AOEXTS-Our ran make money year round. Great dull season feevelilea Our Luminous Crucifix money coiner. For -rood portraits writs as; for undellverebl kind, try other fellow. Cst Jost Ire. Pioneer Fortran Co., M Hal ated. Chicago. KEMPEH-TH0MA4 CO.. Cincinnati. rant traveling men for ad vert Urns fans as aids line. Quirk money. M to 175 weekly. Copyrighted deelrna Seillug now on. Apply Fan Pept WANTED. AGENTS Leritlmat substi tute for slot machines; patented: sells on sunt for HO particulars. Glsha Co., Anderson. Ind. r-fc-N D ZZ for best puxsle ever invented. postage tree; Menu make bis; money. Cherokee Bargain Store, Vlnlta. Okl. AHK.STS Every one use cards; bsodls our handsome enslaved case and H ceiling cards. Price ess. Sells for SL inner good sellers; le for catalogue. A. Carmel Novelty Co., Box aw. baa Fran- viaco. si HELP WASTED M ALB? Mlarellaaewea. WASTE D-Mlddle-seed married man. no ehltdrea, for care of lawn, furnace ana otner work; furnished bouse on premises: state waxes desired and glv references. Postolfico Box 117, Lincoln. Sea. FREE sample and full particulars; send 1c (mailing cost; housekeepers cannot do without a "no snlaah'' on I k. klth-a laucet; m per cent profit for the agent. A. Seed Mfg. Co.. N Heade. New York. AGENTS Make tf to lie every dar. Something new. Sells everywhere to all. No goods to rutr. No deliveries. N'o hack cans, i ret salary check every week. En tlrely new proposition. Kins- of Illinois made n In two days Writs and learn now easy it is. fampis to agents, at. o. House. 1 Unity Bidg, Chicago. AO K NTS Stop right here, something new; US to a week; sells on sight; lot per cent pront; no charge ror terrliory; new automatic rssor sharpener; abao lutely guaranteed for life; Wlngo made ll.oej profit weeka Stevenson sell Ins at oaiiy. wer quarter muiion oananeq cus tomer. Only devtoe trial bones snd MAN or woman Ib Omaha and every city or town to handle our household ?ZJ2?f22S r old yl. ore , . - rnenomeiiai monevmaksr: men everv- alters are excited over the mysterious tides, profit Appoint sub-agents and mske money on Uelr sales. Our representative rnaoe .ta one week, work pleasant. Writs ua. Addreas Lock Box 17. Lesk A-i(, Tripoli, ia" AGKNTB. LIBTEN-Our "Substitute for piot Machines" sells like wild fire. N capital required. Exclusive territory. emefm wm io, Aooerson, ma." A SiU.Vtl PROPOSITION DO you want to own a mall order businessbe inaepenaent your own bossy wouid you manage an agency for me In your vicinity ir eisewnerer aii printed matter fur ' lushed for one-half lbs profits. Writs tor particulars Haen A. alorton. Desk ai. i raonena, micb." SALESMEN. ESTABLISH A BUSINESS Or TOUR . OWN WITHOUT CAPtTAU 1 Our original plan of celling groeerlac vy sample to farmers, stockmen, restaur ants, boarding houses and other largs consumers, enerjlee ooergetle salasmen now living outside of Omaha to sstabiiab quickly a permanent business o( their own, yielding a splendid income. Com i mission advanced, beml-moutblv sett la ment a uoods sold subject to trial. Ex perienos not etetntutt. Writ for partlcu- ars maay, xivinx rcterenoes. JOHN b EX TON a CO. . ' WrfoLKXALB GHOCKHH. J.AKB A FRANK UK KTrJ., Chicago .ee WANTKDSalesman on commission. irsveung in lows, to sen to farmers snd otner customers. Keeley Brewing Co., .iim. v nr. mu. , ARB YOI' the nmnT Hers la your op portunity. No matter where you live If you want to make but monev snd ss- tabli.h yourself In an INDKPBNIJRNT nuslness. HKyl'IKJ.Vd JSU CAPITAL we will teach you, by mall, ail ths se crets af ths RKAi. r.UTATE BI.-BINEHH, LAW COI'RHhi list with you readily awlnble properties, co-operate with and asaist you to permanent success. Our M-PAOK FKKB BOOK fully explains r meihods and tells what It means lo le the local reprsaentstlv of ths oldest ana largest t.-o-operatlve tteaity and Urokeraae Coruoratlon In the world. Wnts today to INTERNATIONAL KBAI-TT CORPORATION, ft sianhal tsn building. Chicago, 1 KINIB ODD FKILOW7glven pleasant. profitable employment, near home. Wnolo or part time. Fraternal, Thames ttldg. Now York - MAN wanted with rig to take charge of salo of our men Id nee, eitracts, splcee aoape, perfumes, toilet artioles, stock and - woultry preparations, ate In your rnuntr. Ons mndo msds 190 one week. Steady work guarauttaed. Wont healthful, pleas ant, varv Drofltabla luferancea roaulred. writs ns. We mean bualneam. Shores Muoiioe oomnsny. Dept. H, Tripoli, la. WANTED- Toung man to mansKS waurlevllls act. Must be strict IV reliable. Address Box tTi, Fort Iodge, Is ' WAkiTKO-Saleemea to sell our Una In mail oounlry town. Salary tltt per month and eipenses. Prefer those with experience. Ited Cross Vinegar Co Dept. H. t. Louis Mr," VANTttrWrhrae anlaanen for heavily advertised trade boosting system to retail merchants. Leads furnished. Have opsnlnga worth bet weekly or bettor to produrere. B. K., Box ill, Iowa .City, la . WANTaU oalesmen calling on earnst, furniture and general stores to carry Food ete'e hne on commission. Pocki-i sanjilea furnlahrd. Northern Mfg. Co., Heiilh Bend, lnd WANTED City salesman to represent tie locally la the sals of cur coffees, teas rpke, extracts, etc. Dob t reply unless cepablo of handling the largest and beet trade. Must furnlah bond. Olve refer ences, ago and experience In first letter. Wholesale Coffee, Mia and Clark Ave., L Louis. Mo - WANTKO Agents In every township and Bounty In Nebraska to sell our famous Busy Bee Vacuum Cleaner. Good aaeots make big money. Machine sells for only ele and is guaranteed to do the work of tho ll mchlDea. Many agents Iww selling front two to five ma?hluea per day. Writs for full particulars to , haiiea Chestnut. Lincoln, Neb.; or VvNelll-Jsmes Company, 87 W. Madison ft, Chicago. Ill e accuracy and perfection of this little ma chine; write today for full details free; e want l.ttgo eeentx in exdustvs terri tory at onca. Address Tho Never Fall Co la Colton Bid-.. Toledo, 0. A FKW steady industrious men who appreciate fIS or more a day to Introduos a new patented specially, ftsmpiss fur nished. Northwestern Bpeclsl'y Co., tU Markbubin St., St. Paul, allnn - WANTED FOR V. H. ARMV-Ahle- bodled unmarried mea between the ages of U and &: cltlsens of L'nlted States or good character and tenywrste habits, who can speak, read and writs the nglish language. For Information snnhr to re cruiting officer. Utb and Douglas eta. umana, neb.; sw tth St., Sioux CUy, la.: U N. Mth Bt, Unroln. Neb. WANTKD-Uuod. all and sausage maker. Deehler. Neb. around butcher J. C. Messier, tOM RAILWAY MAIL CLEKKS WANTED Cw month. Omaha examina tions May 4, Coaching free. Write Frank- u n Institute, 101. Li SI, Kocnsaur, c. 1 . OfT-EKEl. VOR RUST Faralahed eeeaa. TOL'NC. men aad ladies warn are room In can get their laundry work dome by caning veDSter es.l- THE PUIlTOLA-Jea Haracy; steam heated, modern rooms. nioa. Fsral.hrd Mvasekewalac Mswsas. THE MANT-FTTwat-raon iBartewal S3. The Howard, J-room, privata bath. sjo. ust ana Mowers. FT. MARY'S AVE jSLi Tmo alcelv furnished south rooms, modern, eookuur see. complete tor nouaeaeeping. lco Park Ave., two rooms to two ot three people, modern house oa ear line furnished housekeeping. Ilxht. heat- etc STOP! READ! Get into paving fedif.l.tift Learn sutorsoblls engineering In our largs training shoo. Hundreds nf aiMnM.r,ii graduates. Complete equipment ot auto mobUrB and machinery. Addreas National Auto Training Assn.. 628 Braodeia T nea ter iag.. umuL neb. ROOMS. So alxhL nd Howard. Carey HoWl, lith A MAN of good anoearanoe to work In Window dleolay. Call at the Howard Itth and Farnam, Apt. Na I, between 13 ip. m. naturaay. UlVTL'll !..(.. . , 1 . t .. .... . .... ...iv . , WWru Vila 10s macmnes ana boners, for night ei giBser la Backing souse. Address Y X cars Bea, AOGNT8-K-tl daily aelllng our new Inverted gas burners also kerosene man tle burners fastest money maker 00 ths market. Particulars free. Simplex Oas- IlKht C O., New York AOEXT8 fur the only satisfactory self nesting smoothing Iron on tho market; liberal eoinnilsalon: sxcluxlve territory. Ideal Iron Co., Newark, N. J. WANTED Loral snd traveling reprn sentailvea Also agents to carry qulok selling Bids line. Profit blc. Writs Ne braska Farm Journal. gM Oiamber of Commerce Bldg., Omaha, SALKBMKN easily make Ut monthly selling our dry chemical fir extinguisher. W) per cent profit. Buyers everywhere. Eii'luslvo territory given. Dietrlct msn sgers wanted. Uet our proposition. l'nlted 11 rg. CO., ww janerson, "loieao, v. 8ALBSMEN wanted to Ball high grade popular priced neckwear as mala or side line 111 Nebraska and Colorado, Addreas Ms. nare Bea" WANTED Men to send for our Illus trated catalogue, mailed free, showing new we teaca tna oaroee trade in snort time. Whether or hot yea desire to be come a barber, you will bo Interested In tnis innovation. Tou may hava a friend or acquaintance wno will want to learn yon will know who to recommend. Wo have a novel system. Call or writ at t.nca "Pier Barber college, us a. nth hi wa.mxuj cnaurrsur. married man preferred; no children; fur mailed apart ment over garage; glv reference and atsla If you will cars for lawn, eta., and wages desired. Pustofflc Box IK, Lio- ooiu, riso. WANTED Railway mall clerks, tM a month, abort hours. No layoffs; posit I oa yours roe lira omana examinations stay v Thousands 01 appointments coming. Common education sufficient "Pull'' un necessary. Candidates prepared free. Write for sample questions, r rankMn In atltut. Dept. Ill M. Rochester, N, T. WANTED Mors people to rsiss poul try with ths Old Trusty tacubslor. Writ for free catalogue. M. M. Johnson. Clay center, nto. AGENTS per cent profit. Wonderful little article. Hells like wildfire. Can be carried Ib pocket. Writ Bt one for free sample, it. Mathews, Via) Tnira Bt.. vf ton, O "" I.IVK agent for Omaha, to handle our pocket novelty; coat, hat hanger, button iiooa ana name Dists. an in ons bib sei ler. Isrss profits: send N cents for sam ple and prices. Novelty Co. M Wsst Usth Bt., new iorg."" 8AIJ-:tiMKN wsnted. Very profitable: dealrstjls both reialler snd salesmen. new specialty, easy seller. Salesmen taught success. Money advanced. Box 7, Iowa City, la" AG KNTS- Luminous and gold name Dlalee. signs, numbers: aulck Bailers, sample free. Wright Supply Co., bag It- wood, lll." "'ANTBD Agents sell rich looking Im ported sfxsl rtiss at 11 each. R. II. Car ter, Milan, Tsnn., sold Hi In four days. His profit U. Ysu can do as well. Writ for sample offer and unique sailing plan. Ksclusiva tsrrltorr. Condan. importer. Btonlngton, Maine. CAPABLE salesman to cover Nebraska with slaiile line. Itlih comm lesions. $19 monthly advanced and permanent post- tion to right man, Jcsa 11. Bmiin Co., Detroit Mich." AGE.N'TS-tTS monthly. Combination rolling pin. Nina article In on. Light ing seller, eismpls free. Metal Rollins- Pin Co., 7U Third St., Dayton, 0 TFLuaRAPH nosltiuns guaranteed you by the Union Paclflo and Illinois Cen tral railroads If you gain your training In ur school. Praotle on R. R. wires. Ad dress for particulars. H. B. Boy lee, fres. Hoy lee college, omana, Nso. BALtZd Representative Liberal weekly pay; fast selling lln; capital unneces sary. C. O. Schooner, Rochester. . 1 Government Farmers wanted: Omaha examination April Ml o and living quarters; many Beaded. V rite oiment. ej Pt. iwiis. T 1th aitutll caoliai manage state ajrency, eeubllshed mall order business No competition. Luera- 1 vs Income start. Address sa moisy Bidg., Rochester, N. T." WANT bill elerk In shipping room, 011 who I accurate and quick; refersnces required: no other heed apply. U. Spies- berger A Son Co. SALMMI:N-9M per cent profit selling gents' neckties, direct from Knitting com pany; oesuuiui ooiors, aix luater; wash- abis; easily seti fur II up. Send M for three sample tie. Kasford Knitting Co., U7 West xh St., Now York." AORNTS for starve arllole. Sella Ilk wildfire. Rig commission. Sand Mo for sample and terms. Th Crla Frederick Co., Mlmlen, Neb." WANTED By larss Indenendent man 11. fsi'turer experienced sal ea man, 10 to X years of ags to call oa established trade In Nebraska; must be s hustler. Address 11X3, Bee. WANTKO-Advertislng salesman nos- sealng producing shinty. Attractive proposition exclualv territory. Fund savsrH-ed for traveling expenses, Best line of Bdvartlslna- signs and novelties on ths msrket. Great opportunity for lle man. rieierences must be iiirnisned with Bppllcstlon. Htata are. fllv busln eipvrlrnce. Stsnfnrd-Crowtil Co., Ithaca pixn worxs, itnsca, . 1 . toys. WANTED Errand boy at onea. T. A Medlar Co., 410 H. 14th Bt.e AGENTS MB per cent profit Brandt s sutomatle Rasor Stropper automatically sharpens any rasor In th world. Big feller. Every man wants on. Ret si Is xf. Advertised In leading magaxlnee. Writs quirk for terms. N B. Brandt Cutlery Co., 41 Hudson St.. New York f WANTED-ejaleetnen of ability and next PPearanc to call oa all merchant In sheer territory. Hcsnnt slde-llne. con venient lo carry. Good commissions, prompt renittancea. Belmont Mfg. Co Clncinnstl. O." WANTKO rlALBHMEN-elplendld Sld ne. Lnetro Furniture, Plsno and Auto Potish. Hacked up by strong advertising. Liberal oommisalena Lualre VI anulao Aurtng Co.. Ha w. LaSslle St. Chicago ee . LAiUiK niAoutxcturer of specialty Hue with eetabUehed trade Santa experienced traveling salesmen. Salary position and 'expenses advanced. Reply with refer nce. Iroquois MIg. Co.. Cleveland. o.e 1'KI Powder Fir Exllngulshsrs kill rsaouno fires: glvs 1M per cent profit, automobiles and motorcycles free. Rich mond Chemical Company, 172. Richmond. to WEEKLY selling collection cabinet to merchants, N eorupet'.ttoa. Kxcluelve teerrasry. Write for free samp.e and deamptlvw matter Ssyer Co., Laclede Hide . St Louis. Mo " , AOENTS 3et particular nf en of the nest paying proposition aver put oa the market taomeihlng n on else sella aJaa mak WW yesrly. American Prod cts Co, ass aycamore St. Cincinnati, AiNTa New oataUigus and sample free. Mak big money, act quick. No eBDerlewoa required, photo pillow tops, portraits, paintings, frame, at low prices, easy te sell. Write. Rlttera Art Bludio. .Madison Bt. Chicago. lll. BIO MONEVZtEirord.r boslrveee "wi start ywa free; no ksveetment. but poet eee aad station err. Vo-Opsrauv," oa Fifth Awe.. New , . WB PAT tas a week and expenses to men with rigs to Introduce poultry com pound. Tear's contract. Imperial at fx. -o. Dept. 7a, Psrsucs, Kan - AGKNT8 mak big money celling ear ineiaiuc lexvrs tor omos winoowa store fronts aad glass signs; anyone ran put 1 1 .Will OB, J7 N. Cli ; samples free. Metallic Sign Co lark St. Chicago.- W A .VTTJ rUlceroea. aide tine, to offer our quick Belling merchandise plan to dealer ko small towns. No re quired. Oommiasloa ts per cent. Stronc enough to sell exclusively. Imtut China Co- St Louis. Mo.- A Gii - WAVTKD-Agent, either sex. Sell ruaranteed hosiery; T per cent profit; cxd replaced free If hnie appears: ex- Jwrlenc onneeeesary. Address "WEAR 'ROOF.- West Phuadelphis, pa ns A TRAVEL! NO SALESMAN, ears Wn.le you learn. Write for particulars of SJ.' yjS" BniMm Mu. Rucbes- tlertoal aad Oftlew. IF TOU KNEW Th firms that hare called on ua for help, you would see us without delay. lack and every position listed below are wita iarg ana rssponsioio firm, call at our office tomorrow and lt us show ysu how ws pise th applicants record In direct touch with ths business man. If unlisted look this up. Investment re quired. Manager hardware and Imple ment store. Young man who Is capable of working himself up to a third Intereet In th firm. This store did it, worth of business last year. Don't fail to look this up AT ONCH. Credit man, must bs thoroughly sxperl nced. Sttu, Cashier, wholesale firm. VglNi Kales manager, with oa of th larg est firm In Omaha, tio. Lumber yard manager, Central Neb. tlOo. Yard manager, lumbar, prefer young married man. -ri. I cuter salesmen, experienced, tlos. 1 specialty salesmen, t per week. per cent cornmiesioa ana ex p. Multisrsph operator, on who can do typewriting, lev. Shipping clerk, had. gs. Salesman, traplementa Commlsshn, Ass t bookkeeper snd salesman, prefer young man. Salary depends Stenographer wholesale, ft. CO-C)Fr.HATiVB REFERENCB CO., (Established FIVE YEARS In Omaha.) lvuvu City National Bank Bldg. "CANO- High grade positions. 40 Bee. FULL dree suits and party druse for sale: also tor rent, tl te a night JOHN FKLDMAN. 904 N. nth. D lua kW WILL furnlah all books and thor oughly teach you bookkeeping In three weeks or refund vour monev. r n e. kelmann. 14 Belmont, avenue, Sprlng fleld. Mass. EARN good copying addresses; particu Isrsv stampa. Uortcon Agency, puoaga. Faetery and Trwdee. Prog store fsnsps) rtail K nieet.Bee BMg WANTED A good tailor at tho Roys' tnouainai scnooi, singis man preferred, but man and wife without children oould be employed; must kav good references and be temper! la all tiling. Address C. B. Msnuel. Supt, Kearney. Neb WANTED An A-l first class paper hanger. No other need apply. Th Abel- Federecn-Van Riper Co., Sioux City, la Electricians PATT0N-B0WMAN HARDWARE COMPANY lf Farnam St., Are selling tools at Mlacellaaewaa, AUTO SCHOOL. 1 OMAHA. 3 LAKOK SHOPS, GUARANTEE, hlfher qual ity . graauatsa MoT cars U.S. and actual repair work than any thro wsatatk tl,4. teX US PROVK It. IF ANT TOl'NO MAN has decided not to enter th United stales Navy because of some wrong Impression about th work of msn-o'-waremen, it show tht h is not fully informed regarding TUB VARIETY of Navy occupations. YOU ma not know that a man can find work at hi TRADE. That men are employed hot only a seamen, but a electricians, stenographers, bookkeepers, machinists, firemen, clerks, blacksmiths, musicians, shlpfltters. plumbers, stew. ards, 000k, carpenters, bakers, copper smith and In tho hospital corps. fc-X PbiRlENCB la any trad brings bsttsr na v from tho tart- Bat even more Important 1 th HEAI.THKL'LNKHS of Navy Life, also Its thorough physical and mental train ing, oompsniottshlp of fin .ambtttou fel lows, ens nee to learn by study snd travel, snd opportuiuUs for promotion aad sav ing money. The Navy Department wants serious minded men between 17 and ts to KNOW tho opportunities offered them. No other kind of man la wanted or accepted. Call at Navy Recruiting Station. Postofflc Bulkung. Omaha, Neb. Th officer In caanra will aaswar all questions, tsll yos whsthsr or not you ars suited for th Navy, and will glv you helpful sdvlcs. Send for Th Making of a Man-O"-Warsmsn." a FRLU, Interesting, lllus tfated book, tsllng svsrythlng about Navy work, plsy. pay, promotion, etc. Address Bureau of Navigation, Box . Navy If partment, WaehlnKton. D. C NICE larae heated room, srtla kltchan: furnished complete for housekeeping, strictly modern; gs for cooking free. Laundry privilege, til 8. SMh St Or KtlU-IJ KOlt KJCVr TWO mcely furnished rooms. la Davenport housekeeping TWO furnished rooms for housekeeping; modern house, on car Una, light heat tea Tel. Harney mi SOUTH 23d, els. two rooms tor house keeping. In modern flat: close rn; heat and gss furnished: walking distance; 44 week, lit month; references. Faralsked Heaeea. FURNISHED bouse. West Farnam dis trict H. t7M. 7-room, nicely furnished. TcL D. X77. A BAitOAIN la a beautifully furnished house; strictly modern: a big bargain. as owner Is leaving city. Call at Utt ninney m. OFFERED FOB RENT Maasea aad CMtaar. SS fhlrago. t rooms, mod., Iarg yard. wrn or garage, eex afJ S. ath. M rooms, modU Ml Capitol Ave- 1 rooms, mod., PL f 8. 17th. 7 rooms, t-i. tat Hamilton, i rooms. tU. fuS liurt, ( rooms, bath. ISC. R1NOWALT BRO!- Brandei Theater Bldg. FOR RKNT-A -roora house, : l sisrys Jrew- nua rnone Mod el, Houses, Ina Ringwait. Brandeie Th. Bldg. rTnntuia ' Bil part of tn city. "" Ctlgh Son sV Co., Be BMg. t-nOOa. steam hatrf ,t-.i m n ... ana si aeon ma-. ex Tel- LUfWf ISfl. COTTAQB for rent. IM Burt St." Iff7! rooms. mM.rn lirix u erth. nu iw9 larmues. uougias lau. HOI'Sik. I rooms, mttflern. lrri I '- ut ."I SOU. WEST FARNAM New stucco, ill N. ttth Ave., to. realdcnc. rtea bm;. FOR RENT 4-room house. l cept rum sc. Reel eheaa, k19 North s-KOOM house, modern newly decorated. Km r-nrh v . ... wusiai iio. nuLai. jtii lanv . t modern. Uoyer eHatloncry Co, Id Far- I'afaraUhea stewsss. 4 modern rooms, parlor floor. 1S0I 8. h. Sis CASH Tao rooma alcove. house modem; referenoea; ear line. ONK or two unfurnished rooms for noueekeeping. modern house oa car lln. ignt, neat, ic. tel. Harney grs. WANTKll Two laree all nuMtra nn lumienea rooms, call Douglas iOis. THRKE modern, heated, nrivala famllv "iwni uisiaoo. ua tturt Bt I NICE rooms, housekeeping. 1111 S. 11th TWO or three larss unf urnlahad ponnia r so. acqs or sevi, ONE. two or three unfurntatu mnMa ror aoiiseaesping; modern house; light, heat, telephone aad cooking gss. Harney lau or tnre unrurniaherl ranme. op win lurnisn to suit lanant: oast front sasy waiung niatanos, strictly modern gentlemen pre! erred. lOut Georgia Ava namey eaea Hotel, a.d Apartasoata. Dewey European hotel, llth A Famsm. NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS for sen. tlemen. TH K CHATHAM. 11 8. Uth Bt OXFORD and Arcade, special wkly rata Dodge, running hot and cold water: tei- pnonea in every room prices in sama Agmrtsneats aad rial. IMP-g Isree room apartment part mod. rn. Ult Llm St.. near Vinton. Phos rtarnsy tn. avmlngs. t-ROOM modern flat Scarao Bids.. als4 N. Mth St., South ' Omaha, Hall, alt Hamg BMg. Both phone. 4-ROOM fiat on Sherman Ava Web. 4744 4-room apartment new brick. g2t 8. sua Bt. Harney M. KM WANTED Persons to earn good com missions getting members for Nests snd Auxiliary Nests. Order of Owls, South Bend, Ind- GOVERNMENT railway mall clerk, bookkeeper, examined everywhere soon. Oct prepared by former United States civil sarvlco oxaminsr. Writ now for fre booklet, pstterson Civil Service school. Box 1174. Rochester, N. T T HBiix; High Bcbol young men to solicit house rental busio evenings, good commission. Address P til, Be. CLOSE IN APARTMENTS On s-room and one 4-room en aliment in ins sixitoinu, corner uth and Bt Mary Ava- now vacant The apart menta ars strictly modern and uo-to- asts in every a stall, iteasooabi prtooa be them at one. PAYNE & SLATEB CO. Sol Agta. th Fl. Omaha Nat Bk. Bldg. MODERN 4-room brick Cate, 8 lvth St., (17 and BO. Tel. D. tea lao-n LOOK AT THIS HOUSE. Six room and bath, strictly modern, walking Ulstanc, lull baeeroent, with sewer, hot and cold water; nlc ysrd, fencer); range, shade, water free; pnM; no boy. Is N. fist. Xty next door. Webster arm. AT h and Farnam Sta modern 4 room flat, Ml. Harney FU. 6-ROO.M HEATED APARTMENT ImU at No. J In th LEONB at En 8, Mth St.; strictly modern and up-lo-data IV lc 40 in winter and tX in aummar, PAYNB 4k SLATER CO., Sol agent 4lh floor. Om. Nst Mk. bldg. FOR RENT New (-room brick flat; first class; entirely modern. Ills 8. Nth St, IX. Prion Dotlglss 4H7. t-ROOM modern flat t?7.Ia. decorated, best furnaoa. lilt A. Sv Silk APARTMENT8. OFFERED FOR RENT Bar4 aad Bami O. M. E. hauls trunks. D. tit A-MtL FOR , RBNT-Newly room lo modern bom. best board: man and Phone Harney 451 furnished front Private family: wlf preferred. FURNISHED room In private home: Bultsbls for man and wife, with or with out board. 14 Ptnkney St. Web. TOW. THS MADISON. First-class tabls board: steam healed. newly furnished rooms; hat water at ail times; cletta baths; special rates by week month. Th Madison, ust and Chi cago. HOWARD, ML room and board; private. -;iClLY furnished room, with horn cooking; easy walking distance. MOT Harney. FOR RENT Room and board In prl yai family for husband and wlfa or I gentleman; rarorenco. r-non wen, was. &'bCl lUlBWH 1WI1H WHO - . ' abl for on or two; gentlsmsa preferred; references US s. !th Ave. ROOM and board for two aeuuernao. southeast room. M1 Dodge. Faralehed Mawssa. 1 DFRTRARt.E firrnlehed room: private family. W! N. mth St Tst. Webster t;k TWO rooms, snsulte, tli; strictly mod ern. 3 South lrth streeta ti4 CAciS Walking dkttanc: furnished room. neatly IWlVk ST. MARY'S AVE -Furnished rooms, for gentlemen only. D &i. MODrTRX. furnished room. M3. ri Dodge. Douglas HARNEY ST.. 77; coxy front room. well heated, oa oath room floor: strictly modern bouse; electric light: tits. Tea minute' walk from Bennett' store. Now. while People r look ing for more comfortable quarter, ts th time to ad vertis your rooms for rent Rate 1 per word where th ad run two or more time. modern; elec Jeet Douglas NICELY furnished room; trie light: . par month. St. NICK Urge front room. Han acorn Park --cl JUS Marev St.. Harney 40S1 a . u rooms in targe private residence. team heat, electric light let Dodge. DOUGLAS atreet. two gentlemen. XUu, mouara room; A NICB. dean room, private family. close tn. It a month. He a JM St. tn PARK AVE; strictly modern fur- ntshedl room la private family. Phoo Hsrner 177. SOUTH MTH 8T.-SU Warm. Well furnished room In all modem detached house: sevsu blocks from court hoii. Telephon Douglas TtuL A LAROE. well furnished front ruom la a modcia boom. Douglas UA li.V40 New B-room snartmenf swi frest floor Alsatian apartments, Btth St.. be tween Farnam and Ikxlre. Heat hoi and cold water and Janitor servk-o. H&.0P New s-room .anartrnent on first iioor m. worse Apartments, Xist Ava, and IHijre, Heat hot and cold water and janitor eervice. Very nicely decorated. t'J W 4-room outsid s partment on th second iioor Alsatian auartmenta Heat, nut ana coia water snq janitor aerv Porches front and hack. tl Each for furnished atngl rooms ror Dernelor in th Alsatian apartments. -an rant on a two or threw tog titer. AJtMSTRONO-WALSn CO., Tyler IMS. tia Bo. 17th Bt HOL'SEIIOi.n rinoiist u.i warded: cheao fretrht mtM- m . storing. F.x pressmen s Delivery Co. Tel. 7-ROOM. all modern, brick, 1016 N. Sth paved; house In good repair; fjo.aj). totBBva"1 (Ave., 4-room oottaga; O. 11 TrRKIXOTON. tr Rea Rldee MOVING, packing and storing ot house hold goods and piano I our business Omaha van and Storsg Co., fireproof ii. "Lr""- "ln ,n" visouct Branch oiiice. a. inn Bt lei, u 4161, A ibi. (-ROOM FLAT, fir el floor of U.-vl.n 11 Park Ave.; ons ot th ne treat and most up-to-ost apartments In city; two extra well lighted rooms, In half base ment, esn be secured for us of meld or issei pisy room for children: all furnished In hardwood; til bath mom; (as rang stir! refrigerator; vacant March L Phone narney nns.- 4t Charles, t-r- all-mod.: I families If you wiso. o keetTs real fjstatb co FOR RENT A larss modern residence. corner llth and Pierce, 11 room, turns ce. eiecino ngut, two totieta, as) month. iousiaa six. BIX room, new. modern. West Fsxnsm. 01 ocx to car, g. Douglas SMI. BIA-KOOM r aAT Two front rooms. sultsbls for offlc or housekeeping, mui Keaaonaoio rent Phone D tT4. NEW 4-room cottaxa. full basement Iarg attic, all modern xopt heat, 420. n. sua ax. m N. March I. 4IST-t-room. modern; ready A. l r-atnrg, iw N. 4Id St. FOR RE7NT A larxe modern realdrnca corner llth and Pierce; It rooms, furnace. eieciru ngnix; 1 tolleu; N per month. arougis Sil. ITH AND BURT 7 raums anH hath. tr users weal Estats C titt Leavenworth, 4-r. and bath. O'KEEFB REAL BS TATE CO. FOR RNT Larss brick house and soout 11 vs acre improved (round at onennan ars ana epruos St; very siut aMs for club, hospital or Institutional bom. well a prlvals rostdsnoa NEW FIVE ROOM MODERN C0TTA0E - This nottass la somewhat different from other eottagea of Its sis, and presents an atlractiv utid appearance: has a gabis mateaa 01 oungaiow root, wnicn gives a se siiio ana room to nnian two mors room u needed later on. Convenient veailbule snlranc with lli style front door, three long panel with square bevel Plate at too. Nlca Irvine- room, hrieht arul cheery dining room to south side, large aucnen ana pantry; two fin aleeplng room and Iarg bathroom: two bis eloe- eta. Bathroom fully auulpped. pororleln tub, pretty lavatory, hlgt-grade water cioeei. not ana cold water. Poluhrd oak floor finished to high gins, fleet rlc lights ll through and in basement. Con. struction Is first class In every way, very best materials throuxhout snd nut to. gethr by high class workmen. Nothing soout the construction of this neat little collage has been skimped, lower Joint r 2x1. ceillns lolsts sra rxa. floors are double with No. 1 shlplsp for under floor, red rosin between tar felt between walls: all )olata studs, rafters ere on 14-Inch centers, joists all doubls bridged. Th lot la high and sightly and full lis. Tbls I a oosy Httlo bom that you will be proud to own and your rent will buv it Vrice !.!, tut cash and tLM per.roonth monthly payment Inrtud th Intereet.) If this sounds Ilk a horn that would anlt you, do not delay, but see me today, for the cot tares sell very aulck I v. can be sen Sunday and ven!rur only. Com today to Hi South Halcyon Ava, Benson, phop Benson 1X1. F. a TRULLINGER.B 4 ROOMS, CLOSE IN Look at K9 Howard St., a 4-room, strictly modern. St Louis apartment, within Tory easy walking distance. Price PAYNE & SLATER CO. Sols AgtB., th Fl. Omaha Nat. Bk. Bldg HBW BRICK FLATS. At th northeast corner of 13d and Chsrlee Sis. Thee seven apartments ace iinisnea and tor rent a loliows; Four room, lit Two rooms, ts. Sea them today and take your Tack. ARMSTRONG-WALSH CO- " Tyler uvt ft So. 17th St. OR RE-NT-Seven-roem (tlctly mod. ern fist, new, 4 Dodge St. Qallagnar A is et eon. Loug. xsn. TILE STANDARD STEAM HEATED CHICAGO FLATS. High grade, t-room, full modern, pri vate halls, baths. Dantriea, cioaeta shades, ga range, janitor; fre hot water all year. One left at 33 winter; tl loss summer. Why pay K for not as good! Iteierences requirea- PAYNE SLATER CO.. Sol Agts.. tth FL Omaha Nat. Bk. Bldg 3115 PACIFIC STREET A beautiful 4-reors strictly modern St. Iieuls apartment la to tunacom Park dJsuict, living room finished in quar ter seared osk. beautifully deoorsted throughout. Price, H!.sb. PAYNE & SLATER CO. Sol Arts., tth Fl. Omaha Nat. Bk Bidg. f-KOUx flat. Id floor. 1 front rooms suitable for offlc r housekeeping pur poses, am t-ax Bt atsaaoaabls rant. Dougias St.. low SOUTH FTH 8T. A t-roora etrlctly modern -St. Lotrrx' apartment. In a choice loeatfcoa. Price, W7.ii. FATNB gt SLATER CO- Sola Agents, sth Floor, Omaha. Nsdonsi Bank Building S-KOOM APARTMENT VACANT Steam boat lanitar service, tiled bath ga rang, retnscrator. Ocors-ia apart- PETERS TRUST CO. Heaeea aad CMtauroa. 174 R. KTH-4 rooms, completety mod rn. t37.ia 471 t. Sth. I nent rsn. pletely modern. IX. Tboa F. Hall, tt Ramgo Blk. a 714, A -4404. 4-r. cottage,' mad. except beat flna r. n1r. good location. Phone Harney Mel 119-Oottage. part or modern, sttt N. Sta Ava Webster LTl. 4 ROOMS and bath, short wslklnc dis tance: new. every convenience: perfect service: first or second floor, rant fx i March L paoa O Ua. Mil Csss St, t rooms 4 7.0J 34 Charles St., t rooms 14 03 Ut Chsrles St., t rooms, barn 14.40 Flat, Col Leavenworth. I rooms S3 id Mlt Cuming St., g room, barn IS M 2M N. Hi, modern, t room a,. 00 41S N. 15th St, I room . .to 11x7 S. Ust St., W rooms. ' JOHN N. FRENZER BOTH 'PHONES OFFERED FOR RE.VT Maasca aad tettase. FLATS. 9S Harney St. ram M floor Mwwt. ern. e. 1 S. Sth St. 4 rooms, modern. I't 6n S. 2Mh St 4 rooma mod- eve. fun. uecv, eia. ui2 s. uth 8t . room, rtty water, fit 3 S. lath St. a rooms, ciiv wTT.r SU.M. J -ae Bt, I rooms, mod, exc. fur nace, til -' B. 17th St, I rooms, city water, tit tlH N. 17th St.. 4 rooms, city water, a. 1ETACHED HOUSEa I'll 8. th St, 7 rooms, modern. PI 1111 8. tMh St, T rooms, modarn, fM. sett Blondo St. k nuiu mAri hp rue 2004 Blondo St. g huhm wmw! aa c- ft ' 111 N. Mth St., T rooms, city water, tas. SjjO Hamilton fit. g msm moA ... 1 UI .. ... !lt N. Sth St.. 1 rooma nnri t. Mth and Doug la Bt, t rooms, city N ISth St.. f rooma im4 4U5 FrankllB St. I room, city water gas. tl. 2WJ Charle St. rooms, dty water, tl. rai lwey Av., i rooms, city water, 115. o. istn tst, s rooma, city water, tie. SOo 8. 34th St. ft rooma. citv water til 2bl7 Chicaro K( 1 mnni cite auw t, , Mt Mth Bt, t rooms, city water, tot let, til. J N. Ed St, I rooms, dty water, tlL -' ' - t- . cuums, til 7 water, . 41t Dorcas St. room, cistern, Ko. C7 Center St., 4 rooms, cistern, e-Mi 854 Omaha National Bank Bldg. FOR KENT Cheao. a 7-ronm honu near srtn ana r-arker st. call Web. 2SM. j OFFERED FOB HCff Hewers aad Cwtxasea. m-5-r, rood. ex. heat, 4H N. Kth. t-'J-t-r., mod. ex. beat. Ill a. aita. mod, ex. heat, IK Corby. l t-4-r, c. W. and gas, au Hahler. IS-t-r, mod. ex. beat. XQ N. SKn. til-e-r.. mod. ex. best, 4L3 N. Sth Ave. Mir, new, all mod, 235 Cluoaso. I Ji 4-r., mod. ex. heat. Ju Parker. t3--r, all mod, 14 & Sth. t3--r, all mod., SS Harney, tii-s-r, all mod., mt & sth. tli r, mod. ex. heat, 17M Ontario. BIRKETT A TEBBENS, 3 Be Bldg. Doug. 4754, A-I754. FOUR-ROOM cottage, gas and water. Harney J296, B-M7I. 704 N. ad St, t-r., . 7W N. ad St, -r, f.. N. Kth St, t-r. III. 11 !4 8. list 8t, t-r, fffl. lull Dswey Ave, 7-r, 13. ARTHUR J. M'SHANB. :i First Nat Bank. Phons D. 1G7S. 7(8 8. Jtth St. t-r.. all mod., flna brick K .... . - .nr i nua Webster St, 4-r., mod, xji.50. 1 4ta Cuming St. 4-r.. mod., new. USJk. 41 IS Ixard St., 7-r.. mod.,, 13ut 8. list St, RVr.. mod, barn. TO. 4ath and Nicholas Sta !;. H. Corner. s-r, moa.. 43a. 11 8. th Av, t-r, mod, tM. I9M 8. 10th. Av.. t-r.. mod.. tW. 41JS lianl St, -r, mod, tat 4.1) Lafaytt Are,, -r, mod, 12. 1M Orace St, 10-r, mod, ti. knd N. uth St, l-r, mod, C&. 1M Farnam St, 4-r, flat, VS. lmt Farnam St. t-r.. flat. tU. Ixard St, t-r, mod, tail sw S. list St.. t-r, mod. ex. heat. tit. tent N. Mth St. Id floor, t-r, 117.60. ZU4 Hamilton St. t-r.. lit. Ult N. Bth Ave, t-r, 115. 109 N. Md St, 1-r, 111. W. FAHNA54 SMITH CO, 11!U Farnam St, Tel. Doug. 1064. Ind. A-MS4. Ml & 17th St. 7 rooma strictly modern, & J. I. Kemp. 2Sth and LeaveBworta. Ind. A-IS, Dona-la M. 627 Park Av.. t rooms, modern. Ina aire Carey laundry, utn and Howsrn. KIOHT-ROOM modsm houte. with full lot. on Park Ave, south of Pacific, Us. j. n. Dt Morvr ko.x Phone Douglas W. lilt Farnam St, Omaha. b-ROOM cottage, modern, close In. istn et, iai let uougiaa tzn. m Burt St.. t rms.. all mod., tltt. vi fth Av.. ma. all mod.. tR.Ca. su n. mm avo, rms., ail mod, Ka, , rmx, all mod., KIM. Vm N. Ed. rma, all mod- tat. 11 N Hat.. rms, mod. ax. heat. 111. 2rB Ernmet, t rma., mod. sx. heat, 417.50. 3 N, 90th, t rma, mod. x. heat. 11 CM. cut toroy, rms, city wster. iixtjo. MCt'AUlIS INVtfcTMrJNT CO, 1HM Dodre Bt. Phone Doug. 41s. For Rent Flv-rorrm modern brick hoosa, almost new and in first clans condition; on mock from street car, on mil from post' offlc; t. J. II. Dumont & Son 138 Farnam Bt. Phone Douglas . TO COLORED PEOPLE. . II 4. 0O-. room outtaae. cloas in. 1141 North mth St H. A. Wolf. 4t) Brandcl Bids. Phones. Bslt Douglas Mae; ind. Still.' 115-6-KOOM modern cottaxe. tit Hick ory St H. A. Wolf. 431 Brand! Bldg, ironone unugis ; A'Sbil. t'OLl can buy now with rant money. 8e our special ad In For Sal Column and new -nent 'la ix." it ts worth reading. CHARLES K. WILLIAMSON CO, tut o. inn nt, tcomer uoag.) tut Chicago, t-r, mod, barn, Iarg yard. 24ns Cap. Ave.. 7 rooms, mod. 130. 2WS Burt, t room, bath. II. V! Hamilton, t rooma. Ilk 1 M3 ALT BROS , Brandei Th. Bldg. DUNDEE bungalow, possessloo at one. mono r.nrnarot. i. 4c IsaSB. Sth. 4-R, mod. ex. beat. ..415. 00 iiK n. tn, a-K., part modern liM 3M4 Slander eon, 6-K-, part modarn... 14.0 ua n. inn. s-rt, eloss rn 17 1 117 8. Mth Av, -R., class In tia Capitol Av, t-R., close In !i.u ?S Leevenworth, -R., close In .... K.00 not o ttth, 7-R, al modem n.oo Mil Blnney. I-R, all modem.... M.O JW7 Patrick. s-R, mod. ex. heat.... ts 0 M 8. Sth At.. t-R, stl modern.... 7.0 1M N. ih, It-R, all modern KM lll X4IHOH Ka'KU CO.. IlI81Tth 81. Doug, jjj A-W34 1114 8. 10th, t rooms, all mod, axespt ... , vii . isaupsoie rent HOUSES FOR RENT Tf you -r lootrfnr for a how, eall frrr 0 tjur 7ooiimw pnnia iittts or sJ lOW VM tO IMlI YOU Ana. Hi VSav knit. WHl KJwVwat o ail kin vnd aJ xum iaai txxaa a-wa VJuqFttks IIW1I 4W t fDtX PAYNE & SLATER CO., Bel sxsnts tth floor. Om. Nat Bk. bldg HOirKFJl I9t-l S. Cd bt, 4 rooma, modera x espt best 1343X1 8. ttth St I rooma. wieAarvi p7.e-:il7 Chicago St; t rooms, modem. teJ dO Z4II Dodre Ht T nam ainn. "w-xui Wirt Bt; u rooma, (trlctly ARMRTRONO-WAXSK CO. Fnon Tyler 1M. 21 & ITth fit 414 South ilst St. t good room houee. B Frank W. O roe jean. Na I Frensar Block HOUSES WITH GARDEN LOTS: I4V-U17 Park Ava, 7 rooma. modem. K-4H4 Charle Bt, I room, modern. 13 till Locust St- ( room, ssoder except beat bars. 7-44tt Charles St- I rooma, modern. WALbutTO DISTANCBT: B-41g N. llth St- rooana aval. Sis eibaibv I narf yea anH 1 ,1. - ,wvu. tnuwOTu except neax. 14-ua N. 17th St, 4 roona exoept heat. . eTREBT CAR KB?: l-m Vlntoa 6t t rooma xcept heat, tw-IM . Wt St, t roorn. nedera ex cept beat. tii-1U4 a tth St, I rooma, modem ex cept best CLOSB TO CAR LINES: taV-M4 Miami SU I rooms, snoden ax. eept beat B0-CB1 Fowlar At.. T rooma. madam xcpt heat tx-m N..t4tb St, I rooma, modsm ex cept heat. CLOSB IV FLAT ROOM TNG HOTBES. IX 74 8. Hth St, 4 room, modern ex eept heat Vacant March 1 t9-Z4th and Douslas Srs modern, on hill top. good fresh air. U-Sll -N lth Ct. an - Mock from Coilseum, I rooms, modem. A bafgaia. PETERS TRCST COMPANT. AGENTS. lea Farnam St. Snt Waolworth Ave, t-r . mod, t& CI 8. tn S A f- riT; T..V tr.i. " ; ratal St.. T-r, mod.. tS. - Remts-Caribexg Oa.. tM-st Brand da the- Brtck rooming house. 14 rooms. IMS N. llh St tM.W -rt. nouse. a42 iravennort ct 4-room house. k?0t N. JDth St (will rent to colored) JO 00 t-R. houss snd barn. 24 N. t6th.. 15.00 7-R. house. Slant N. fjth Avs 15.00 JOHN W. ROHP.INK. 1HU FARNAM 8T RKNTAL BAROAINS. It tt, t rooms, modern fist, 1671 Cuming tlaOO. t-room, part modern. Kit N. Ust lit. S-room, modern fist, 3677 Cuming St U7.60, 4-room, modern Hat, foTt Cum ing stroet. 13000, 7-room. modem cottage, 1701 Clark street IMOO, I room, modern. 0t N. 17th 8L H. A. WOLF. 4S3 Brandkut Bldg. Phone: Dong, toil: Ind. A-JS71. 113! N. 19th St, 4-r. cottage, dty water, man and wife. tiO. 1S34 N th St. -r. cottage, 111 '1 No. 221. St, 7-room. mod. hone, 130. Kit Grace, t-r. modern house, lit. 23 Blnney 8L, -r. cottage, dty water, etc, tu, W. O. tTHRrVTTt. 147 Omaha National Bank Flag. Starrs ssd Offices. bTCAOUE BUILDING. ISth and Dodre. Attractive offices, sinrie or en suite: hot and Cold water in aearlv all rooms: renta 47 to 130; service complete. Apply OMAHA LOAN ft BUILD1NO ASS'N. W7 8. llth St. basement 130 DX GOOD STORES FOR RENT. ESI Farnam St, KrxU feet. 1907 Cumins- St SAves fu. JOHN W. ROBBIXa. 18M FARNAM rr . Store at Z3ut Cuming street. Stor at not Cuming street. Btorw at tat North ttth street. Stor at Kg North ttth atreet Btor at M No, Mth. South Omaha. 8torB at W7 North 14th street. U C. REHICK. Attorney. 117 Famsm street btor at loot Harney street. Offlc or salesroom at Uth and Barney. M floor at WW Harney (new). td floor at kwt-l Harney (new. r Basement at lifts-w Harney (new), " M 1617 Fsrnam (M floor). O. C. REDICK, Attorney, 1MT Fsmam street ' ! ?,; ment basement. 110-11 8. 17th. ttxfiO each; fin basementx. Osrsgs In automobil row. 1307 Howard St. two floors. ' r. v. wbao, inn Farnam f TWO pleassnt suites In Baldrigs block. L- WEAD, 11 Farnam 8t LIVE STOCK FOR RALE. Hareea aad Vshlcles. HORBE8 and cows tilt Cuming St. LIVERY AND BOARDING A nice nsfr of w-11 h ,v- -u. . rnuto; a (oodBmra, 7 years old stallion: v Mien ana a silvery norses tor aie or nlre; boardlnr and liverw a -r All stuff BuarantAMt n,l Mu,navi. . i Dllloy' Stables, itn Sherman Ava J. C. R,!T'l'nw P"50- Fnr reasonable rate call REKSB AT WEB. Hit. FOR 8ALkV-8lnl bun harness. .1. m"t : (Ingle top busgy, almost now. laws rveoeier ejio. FOR SALB-1 horse. X afa nf doubls harness, brand new; good phaeton. '"'- vr uuuois. imtmra ax a. Houska. trttl Sherman Ave FOR BAIA One mo4 al .w.,1 Pries ) Phone blarney B47 Black mare, wtj 1,400 .Wagner, 801 k, M- DON'T forget I. C riailiin'a r-.,.l.e horao auction sale at Union Stock Yards, South Omaha, Thursday, Fsb, Sk will hav for tbls sals aver flo - -- - slat ng of heavy draft, match teams, cholos farm mares and atngl drivers. Also a fsw second hand or city horses UttlS DBVement sore, which eall w. heap and mak useful horses to take out on the farm. Remember th date, next Thursday. February 38. FOR SALE Two hora r,A n. 1 wtlght LWO to 1,904 pounds, at 1X24 Lake St, or 'phon Webstsr 16L FOR BALE-Tsn head marea .1. om good driving horses; five head of mare in loat Douglas ctreet stables. Ill Douglas St. HEAVY draft horses for aala- a. ... sason la nearly over. WIN sell a few of our tin teams. See them st Uth and arcy. Havens-Whit Coal Co. FOR BALE 4 good farm marea at Hi,.,. rnsns Stabl. Mth and Clark, phona rreuster isus. ONE black horse. Leu nound. nn k. ioex a.vd Forxa PKRljONS having loat aon.e .hi.i. would do well to call up the offlc of th Omaha A Council Bluff Street tt.iiw.v eompany to ascertain whether Lucy tart ft Many article each dav - and th company Is anxious te restor Jhemto th rightful wner. Call Doug- MAilA ft COUNCIL BLTTFFS STREET rwvi 1.W A , COMPANY. LOdT A fur Mllar - ,.. - . Cuming and Ih and Douglas; tf found call Benson M7 W. Reward. FOR REJNT. E No. tMt Seward SL, I rms, an mooern. t-'7.t-rnst and MillUry Ava, C rooma. now, all mod.; oak finish. 4 beautiful rooms. "-! No. ISth. I rma. all mod. x.oii4 so, ttth St, I rma all mod. PO.Otait Bin OCT St 11 rma. all enoil C7. 5026 ;t Sherman Ava. very fine. FATNB INVESTMENT CO, Dong. 17B: A-1U4 7-room flat id floor, til North Mth. t-room flat, td floor. North Mth. -room nous at 15SS North 17th. s-room house at Wa North 17th. t-room flat td floor. K7 North Mth. a C. R F.DICK. Attorney, 1517 Farncm street t-rm. flat. t-ROOM MODERN HOFSK. FOUr bed rooms- (tea en J- mji. sir rumace; 1 block to two cam. mi aaary ei. FETER9 TRUST CO, ICS Farnam St. t-ROOM cottar, partlv raodren: near w, yara; snaaa. v eo. ' Country Home Ten acre wih srrove. fruit nrehard garden and Iarg lawn, private water system, larre nam ana nouiirv a - The houee has B rooma eiertrle HfiitMl and them Is a small hous for gardener or otner nireo neip. on mil weet of rtanscom park on center road, (paved). Rent tutt per year. Will IrSt Utre year. PTx-rom modern detached honsa with good yard, 424 Famara St M par month. Six-room cottage, modem except beat; N. E. corner Hi aad Larimor Ava. 123. Ten-room modera frame house, not new. but good, aid house located be tween high school and Crelghtaa ooUege. SB. Will be r scant March L Harrison & Morton 111 Om. Nat l Bank. Tel. D. tut All Kinds NlrRTH All ibreeL WEs-T List of 75. EAST All 8hapea nocTII All Price. F. D. WEAD. isa Farnam St NEARLY new. aevea-rrjom house, all modem; gas. electricity and furnace, yta Bristol . Nice location: look tt aver. Call Owner. Harney K73. E. R. Huntley. CENTRAL, all modern, steam' heat V M bath; s-room flat. ft. 24d St lajbt Oentlanixn wallet contalaliK rsllroad paase and other papra ot value only to th owner. Reward and no Ayar-aArooo, Monday evantng. with Blear ton tting with coral. For re Weblt Si! "U10 - hoo. LOST-LAdy- ahrlner pin la or near - rewara return to Be JW-Small diamond Betting at Roma . Riwei nun ana win Tvn worm; reward. Douglas two and LOST Black Imv lr o. ' llii tj?lu vnla o February Jt. cU LOST Gold medal with . ' engmved) on eroasbar. Call Douglas 4144 or return to nt N. 22d St, Omaha, for rtSWaaJta, saEOICAL. 1 .4 re ' 1 fl ROOM In Brandels Bldg, Doug. 14. STORAGE ROOM IOIi RENT OR LEASE Four and fifth floors Averv Bidrr, 1007-11 Lesvenworih St, wholesale dis trict; rlos to freight bouse: floor tfrxUt ft. Offices, elevators, two awitch track and loading platforms. Inquire o. W. Perrin. -ifgr. Avrry Co, office antrancw directly oppoxlts Union station. I i STORES AND BUILDINGS FOR RENT. A detachable storeroom on ieth at. near Harnev. shout mvian ft . r-. i. - show windows, basement and steam heat Terms of leas on sppllcatlon. Two fine storerooms at 413-15 8. ICtli ft, ust south of ths New Union Out fitting Co. Building. New store fronts, floors, ceilings, electric light, decors. tions, etc.. full cemented haaMmanta. Hantal 117$ per month. l7.ii.lslB fin modern (toreroom, x0 ft, new fronU; full basement. Rental 7J per month. JU7-J1 rnam St.. two good rooms. In th automobil district suitable for auto supplies, tires or salesrooms for automobil una. Rental tto per month each. GEORGE ft COMPANY. 102-11 CitV National Rank nU. Phone Douglas 7M, Independent A-rW. MENTAL dii oured. an Barker Blk. DISEASES CURED Dr. Terry cure ulea PXarni n -.1. Rectal disease without a surgical opera tion. A cur guaranteed, no money paid until cured. Writ for book on Rectal Disease, with tesllmonlala Rs-rn ai r.: OMAHA. DR. RACFL aoM-tali j chronto dlsrsae. kra Harney. Red as GALLSTONES Pain or dlsrrass in mt r m.-.a - hour after meals, la nh -sa. shoulder blades or bacxacha, spall of to. d: treat ion. sick beacbacha, bllllouaness oaiie. laundica, esnstlpaUoa, bruee. uiee.' Mo,. fullDess or oppression over tomach or liver, chronto stomach or appendix troubtea. excessive gas debliitv The are unnuatakabl lymptom of nii S tor epTrtghtMedtaa Book, free; save operations. Address n R. Ca. Dee, fx H n case, in- RAVAL ESTATK CITY rRttFEaVTT FOB, SAXxL nCE vacant fM, svna aUHw.m ,hp,: rental mJ terma A Httlo lem f oV ca. h. Leca,"J 7tk and Erskioa. Owaor. WttiFkilt T I I 5 1 1