PART FIVE WANT AD SECTION PAGES O.TE TO KBX. The Omaha Sunday Bee WANT-ADS VOL. XII NO. 36. THE OMAILV SUNDAY BEE: FEBRUARY 23, 1912 SINGLE COPY FIVE CENTS. MAIL OrU'KR BC8IXES9 MAIL OBT.EI. BCS1SBS3 WANT ADS How to Grow Tall AXQ B80ADEN YOOR SHOULDEIS A ItarUlat Staoenry That W1H Benrs lo. Monies tlu Physical Conditio. - oT Maaklad. Why ltemaia Short and Stunted When You May Leara Free the Secret of How to Crow Tail. . eTa Matter How Short Tea Are or Who Toar Age, Toa Caa Increase -Toar Height, No new diM'overy has attracted more ftttentton in the scientific world than tliat made b K. I.eo Mingea. of Roches ter, II. Y. Mr. Mingo la to short nen and women what the great wlxard. Edl son, la to electricity. He haa fathered more Information relative to bone, mus cle and alnew than anyone else In exist enca MakHg people trow tali has been a hobby wl'.li Mr. Mlnges for years, and the reaulte lie haa accomplished are startling to a high degree. By his method every man or woman not over fifty yeara of age can be made to grow front two to five Inches In helghX. and anyone older than that may Increase h!a height perceptibly. Hla method haa the indorsement of leading phyotcians. and several prominent educational Institu tions have adopted it for the better physical development of their pupils. If you would like to increase your height you ahould read the book which tells you how th!e remarkable discovery was made and reveals to you the secret, of how to grow tall. It la free. Tou sre apt aaked to apend a alngle cent, and If you desire It we will send you the state ments of hundreds who have grown from two to five inches In height by fol lowing this nethod. , The results are quickly accomplished. Many have grown as much as three Incbea In two montha There la no Inconvenience, no druga or medicines, or operation. Merely the ap plication of a scientific principle In a perfectly hygienlo and harmless way. Tour moat Intimate frienda need not know what you are doing. All communl catlona will be sent tn plain envelopea The book CV"How to Grow Tall." con talna llllstratlons that will interest and instruct anyone. One thouaand of these hooks will be given away, absolutely free, postage prepaid, while the present edition laata If you want to grow tall, write today. In strictest confidence, for a free copy. Addresa The Cartilage Co., 81 Unity Building. Rochester. jN. T. sparkling rKlLlL. T WIN PRIZB la tee Dak ss o 3 SOLVE THIS PUZZLE i imn eoeioawrs joe will hod ell tht lel- spaa k t full nw P-oBaontsi. 1'ut tens three wonts tctstwr Brsparl- snd and tlMSl to us with A ceou portese sad ws will srad Jos AnetOLlTELY fa! "' fsUrtloa ft s Htoooocnf Swkltaf Us. Dlatsoed Slick Pis, glial or Brooch, State wMok Tea weal. AH ?o bits to so si to seed as 6 easts for rnetsss sod fsoc with year answer sad we will hamelritftr sssd roe rear selrcaoe of a beraufal SLoukU&g x In. Duuaoad Stick Its. Brooch er glad. Toa Biiist ounj up. I m yoar enuss qracrtv wad trr tod auks oat tans thiws wo-ds. writs tore as s slip of peper. sad whoa ieosl-ed wl g esnti pooaje tt wJl also ostitis row to oeruikote of soar is RHEUMATISM Don't Invite Torture by ne glecting' Nature's warnings Try My Drafts. Coopoi Frings Then T Try FREE Don't let that Rheumatlam gain an other Inch. Sign and mail my coupon and you'll get by return post, prepaid, a regular Dollar pair of Magle Foot Drafts. the great Michi gan remedy for rheumatism o f svery kind. To Try ft so. Thousands write ua that the Drafts cure) where eventhlng alia falls, even after a lifetime of suffer ing and trying. If it 1 were not so, how could we send them Oa Approval, for we got the dif ficult cases as well as the mild. Then why hesi tate? When the Drafts come, try then.', they're simple, convenient and harm leas, though powerful. Then after trying. If you are satisfied with the re lief they bring you, you can send us One Dollar. If not, they cost you nothing. Bend this coupon and make us prove thee strong claims. Do It today. f inia gl.uu coupon inu uooo ror a regular ai-ew pair v Magic Foot Draf ta to bo sent Free to try (as explained above) to Name ...... Address Mall this coupon to Magie Foot Draft Co., Oil Oliver Bldg., Jackson. Mica. 1'KKIVK DYER, Cor. See Want ails received at aay time but (o insure proper classification must be presented before) 12 o'clock m. for jthv evening edition and before) 1:80 p. in. for morning and Bandar edi tions. Want ads received alter such : boars will hare their tint insertion aader tbe beading "Too Late to luaolfj." CASH RAT.sToK WANT AIM. REGULAR CLASSIFICATION' One insert) oa lli cent per word and 1 cent per word tor each aubeoquent consecutive insertion. fcacn inaeo lioa made oa odd days It, -resit per word; SI. 50 per line per month when ad is ran without chance of copy. ' Waut ads for The Bee may be left at any of the following drug one is your "corner druggist" they are all branch offlcea lor roe nee, and your ad will be Inserted just as promptly and on the same rate as at the main office in I no uee Duuuiag, Seventeenth and 1' amain streets. Alharh, W. C, 40th and Farnam. iiaurn Drug Co., AH N. ltkh Bt. lien0Q Pharmacy. Benson, Neb. tieinis Paik Pharmacy, lUd and Cuming, lieranek, B. A., 1U ti. lwtb tiu Ulue lirailUh, Mt Bhernian Ave, Causlian, C. li , iiS Lave;:urti SL Ceriuaa, Kiuil. UM-t 8. Uth lit. Clif.ou :li.l r-lusrnuu.'y, t-it Military Ava toonvy l harmacy, iiii a. 1Mb bl. CrU:ey a fliarwacy, 2,th and lke Bta Uhier Js Co., uu bravenworth at. KreytaaT. J. J, 1H K. lli Bt. 1 r ei Drug Co , 1U N. lotta St. Florence Drug Co., Florence. Neb. tireeii a Fhariu'y, rark Ave. and Pacific. Urwnough at Co., inn and iltckory. Goldman Fharm'y. 24th ana Lcsvanw'th. Johanson Drug Co., mth and Bpauldlng. Johnson Pharmacy, ISJ Barnaul Bt. lianscom Park fharm y. lJl a, iaMh Ave. Hlnterlong Drug Co., list Ave. and Far. llolst, Jake, sm N. 1Mb Bt. iluff, A. K, 2kJ4 iMvenworth fl. King. H. .. th and Farnam Bta. KduMtae Place Pharmacy, IttC! N. Mtn. Lathrop Pharmacy. 2th and Hamlltoa. Mares, l-'red U, mi Central Blvd. Monmouth Pharmacy, 3d and Ames Av. Patrick Drag Co.. Isut N. Mth 8t. Baratiga Dig Co., 24th and Ames Ave, Si haelrr a 'Cut Price. Wth and Chicago, Belter Drug CO.. lit N. lh Bt. Vachsl. P. J., tn Pierce Ml. Walton Pharma'y, nah and Grace Bta Ualuut Hill Pharmacy. 40th and Cuming. . t. ASTHMA nlMN. gee) IwMffj f slksnklM rya Well Vl tsMrllVM M A (;, kstrw W r-T FREE HIT TRMTMEWT HU4IM wwwmwwwwww BhMiM. SMM S SSr PW mmmiw ml u hN tad Mdtt w. it tiihwtO sawi, Fii; wHcrieL. m.o. M. T. iuawkaa baaiai Masts. Ukaja FULL FACTS ABOUT g()g the jrrwat Oerasaa Cere foe . . . . BloswT FolssaUNl, In a 0-eeee bsekM, wrlttfe by sa ewsert. . Mallrd Miwd foe 10 rants. Brad twr It te-dav aww. M. BILL fl B. CO, Bez TtlS-ii. Mew aeefe AA1FNTS Sowwlhlsi aw sns sovsl ts sssale; s ssrtsi fcT rhals. Bond srwtlts; assipls coats Bos ssr- tlcslani. i roots: writs Bt oaoo. BYetrtcks 4 Co.. HUB. 1 Nowisa St., Now Tork EGOS BUTTER POULTRY Bujaael starkst rHeea rala. W rite for quotations and shipping tags BROWN PRODUCE CO Omaaa Ilia aToward M. atss. wKOLagaXBu or ram, OTrrana, s UIKir ltnM tltt dttaetnailt wrtw aiuoiw kuavnn iiki. tor war pwkbL It tolls kow to loora to lsy rloao, Orssa. Vtotut, MssSells, su. Botlssers or aasoo pwslk). Aasrins fcHol el Issk, H LsWaas sg, Csasp. Ul AMl'SEMKSTS ens 1100.00 CtA Prist Oonta. IM IiImm (ml, hit 11 M, ttofttfa, U, Don't Wear a Truss 5 ounwSt 3ln 1 I Pi- if - wV I it, OS tt WVMMCVRIT Bl WloM, ?L" I t.i!!2 i hnir w S ttw. rp-Sai su Mnt"",,",,,l",,," oVMOaSBoUToaAi. . , PUPM UNRATWIES, BkMk 117ft. Lsait, Ba Baal sSl knseriooTnainoias ...w. Apollo Theater Hlgn clsss motion pictures. THE BKST aiCBIC. IsHh an. Lilt enworth. ALWAYS TI1K DIAMOND THEATER. 4th and Lake. The Famous Gem Res Picture for Sunday. TT 12U 8 Uth Bt. Moving VPriP7ia pictures and Illustrated Favnritp Tlipator and Comedy and Select Drama. LOYAL THEATER. N. :tth and Caldwell Bta Motion pto tures. entertaining and educational. ti.uAHA FIMf KX. !.'. uougiaa Motion Ptoture machine and film bargalna PR00RESSIVE ITLM 00. MI Simla Movinc nlctura machlnaa and supptlee. The Laenomle Film Service. Inters of moving picture'. A rents for Powers. FJuon. sioUegriph machine. 1112 I'arnam St.. Omaha, Neb. Free To Girls! LOCKET AND CHAIN FREE "tiuinnnannm .rV Tstsssssaiaiu r 1 a.'ood tslnua witsorawBotMW kU osoli Sow. 4 - sMlaTaiionol S Soak wro, - -4 aforiateawwsioworrow, tltos l' leCkw Flel t WW Vaaaawtaj Marts- wm ihleMiaia o UeaWeaUial store s4a, w4 WMlyt-O isa aattM. RVODarr. $ tbmtt ts sm-, sfM, t ayr-ee) at 9mm (f ynQ VBallM laffkiMaM -a mm urn vm' , JM rWeaellrek V) efnaw eii. A Im. Hlii Mil BlnaL thal IHesai saaaiaW Iharweal ss kssd wtti ths I ewodsosHasy. Wo I troaS Tou. Boti 1 1? SO ssd naae naes set I ' esan. or roof sttortwe . II I ilisil lako back aosOM Bseaa Ssdtk"ewBsawMa. r...i ttSV1 mm LOYAL Theater. N. 2Uh and CaJd. Well. Motion titeturwo n. vrnwifuns ana cuucationai. ASNOt'ClIJ"T8 M. K. Momll. china paint, ta Brandets Th J. A. GENTLEMAN, embalmer. loll Chicago Bt. D. ir.VDER TAKKR 14BS, A-Mt QKT your diamonds at Brodegaerd'a. CARPENTERS PATTON'-BOWMAX HARDWARE COMPANY 11S ramim St., Ar 4fllinf tooli at cost. J prolan Co. To. Uturfs, lv H ULSE & REIPEN, j UNDERTAKERS. ICth XL 1ZX. X-ZM. NORTHRL'P LETTER DLPUCATINO CO.. IM Paxton it Ik., circular lettera, any quantity; oldest eetaslished company; ex perts of M altigraph asd Neeetyle. SAFETY BLADEd sharpened, ail kinds Meyers' News Bland. 1411 Farnam 8t . ELASTIC stockings, supnorters and bandages; stock always new. because we sell so many; trusses fitted: evorythlng guaranteed. W. O. Cleveland Drug Co., the largest surgical supply house, Ww-U Harney St. TO be sure, fish is good to eat: alee flsb is the beet piano tuner la Omaha. Phone Webster IX. XT O i 1 astaausbed a Heyn Studio zz. sand photo; wo will give prices and best styles. 10th snd Howard Bta.. Omaba DEATHS All D KINKHAI. MOTKKS. CALIPH AN Mrs. Ellis, February M, aed .4 years, widow of Dennis Calla han. Kuneral Sunday afternoon at Gentle man a chapel. 1 16: at Bt. Pstt l. k's church at i p. m. Interment In Bt. Mary ceme tery. GREEN Edward Jerome, aged 4 years, Punersl Mnoday morning, Keb. PA at Ita) from family realdenie. ltfcl 8. 9th St., to e)t. Peter's chttrcb at a. m. in ternum German CalhoUo cemetery. The funeral of William Hunt it user will ha, hold from the residence. 417 Military Ave., Benson. Monday morning at la to St. Bernard a church at s a. m. imer ment Holy Sepulcher cemetery. PROSPECT Hill Ccmerary. W-Parker 8ts.: Iota snd single Interments for eale. BIRTHS ASO DstATHS, v Births Vlatn and Delia Peterson, i4 Lake, girl; i harles and Ida Gilbert. S47H South Klahteenth, boy: Jacob and Annette Winn, afethodlst hospital, girl; George and Thelma Vstea. 6U North Twentv slghth. girl; Joe and Annie Bchrmeral, t'larkson hosnltsl. girl; W. R and Almeda Brtggs. Zllt ("oppleton, girl: Nicola and lxtrcle Nlgro. 1411 South Twelfth, boy; An tonio and Lr borate Sortlno, Urn South Thirteenth, boy. Deaths-Mrs. Ilattle V. Marsh. 44, new Manderson; Edith H. Pairing, 9X 11W South Tenth; Kmll Koukal. 15. South Omaha; Mrs. Emma N. laefland, . IK South Thirty.serond avenue; Calvin Lewis, n. Portlelh and Popplelon; Mrs Kmma Pamp. S4. lrvlngton. Neb.; Mra. Elisabeth Tall. l, til Camden. M ARRlAtalfi LICENSES. Name and Residence. Age. Harry Reanick. Colonic. S. D M Mally eher. South Omaha 1 Prank C. Rovee. Dee Moines... .11 Mry K. Oraham. Des Moines. k X Carl E. Johnson. Omaha 24 Agnes 8lesak. Omaha Sti Warren W. Van Noes. Omaha 12 Alice La Vera Olorkner. Omaha tl CARD Of TH.t.NKS. To our kind friends and neighbors, espe cially the Musician's union we wish to express our sincere thanks and appre ciation for the sympsthy and kindness o lor the beautiful floral offerings during the sickness and death of our son Clarence, Mr.-and Mrs. A. M. Price and family. ANNOUNCEMENTS YOU'LL always be happy If vour wed ding ring cornea from brodegaard's, lli 8. loth St. At the sign of the crown. AUTOMOBILES REBUILT STODDARD DAYTONS 7. L, 7-passenger f WO . F. "-passenger l. s. P. limousine tie . A. S-paeeenger 9ts SE'ERAL OTHER MAKES OF CARS AT RKDHOED PRICES. J. J. DERKIHT COMPANY. Mil Farnam St.. Omaha, Neb. OKEAT BARGAINS IN NEW AND SECOND-HAND AUTOMOU1LE3. I have several new Chalmers, one new Thomas Flyer, two 8tevena-Duryea, two Stoddard-Daytons and one American that I wtll sell at almost bait price. Cars must bo sold at once. S.S. MONTGOMERY. W Om. Nat l Bank Bldg. Phone D. 4M OMAHA MACHINE WORKS Autogenous welding, gen'l machine and auto repairing. Pattern making and spe cial machinery designed. Expert die work. Pattern drawings. aU 8. Uth Bt., P. taff. REPAIRING, NT1NO, TRIMMING. Murphy Did It W by not Mil yaur old automobll 4Ud buy a mw on or, naaybfj. you a uao the monoy in wnw other w-vy in oithor ovnt beo want ads will do tie work, Kate I'm cnt per word If run only on tltno or 1 cnt per won! it run two or moro dmn eonavcuUvely. Aim . ItAlJlATOKi. npairod. Metal AUXV pMinc. KacwUlor Co nQt Far. FROST liEPAHiS U! PFEIFFKR makes old cars lute new by adding foredoora, repairing tops, re painting, etc, &in and Leav. D. tMJ. OVERLAND, 40- horse- power; Harney not model 4 e-paasenaer, fine condition; tew. Tel. W. J. LA PAOH-Aulo blackanuthlng. brakes rellned. wtieels trued up, spring welding a specialty. New address, all S. mn. Douglas ra. BUSINESS OlANCES FOR eALE-r.arkmlth ahep; beet power shop In state. Address M. U. Matthlssen. Buperlur.' Neb. RtvHTAliRANT and lot I2.ic.0o Hotel and lot Mbtno Barber shop and tut t7 ) Millinery and ladles' turn's t.uuO i Aieo have several city residences for sale at reasonable prices. B. L Johnson, vsientine, rteo. tXill BALb-llutel-rrstaurant in South Dakota county seat. Good location. Must sell on account of health. A snap. Ad drees Box 13s. Belby. B. D. POOL hall and barber shop for sals or rent. A. Nellson, sis North loth. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. I HAVE over 100 diterent kinds of business places for sale, sny kind you want, prices MuS, loOO, two. I1.00U s1 up to MO.nutt. if you want to buy or sell any business. In Omaha, South Omaha or Council Bluffs, call on me. Name the kind of business you prefer and tell me about whet priced piaoe you want, and are able to buy. I know I ran suit you. If you will tell me your wants and will state about the amount of cash you want to invest pro viding you find what suits you. J have been In tide business In Omsha nearly t6 years and give bent bank reference. Call on me, WIIAdAMS, "1'HK OLD hkliaulk.' itoom 411 Mocsgue Build ing, lbtn and uoage streete HOTEL F0RiALE The Clark Hotel property, modern. American plan. Only hotel in town of 1.000 people; av rooms; doing good busl nees. Building is heated Uy the otty. Use snd electric lights, city water. WUi pay to investigate. Will sell on easy terms Aaorees, u. r. vtarg. rop.. A'ta, la. BUSIXK8H CHANCES. NEW 1IAZELTON. R C.-The most talked of town on Grand Trunk. Best Investment in world today. Bend tor free book of questions and answers. Agents wanted. Northern Interior l,and Co.. Ltd.. tl Carter Cotton Bldg.. Van couver. B. C. FOl R DOLLARS a month secures an office In Chicago's greatest office build ing. Moot firms doing a large business need sn office in Chicago, the logical central market of the frilled States and the center of the country's great business belt. Most firms are put to a consider able expense each year keeping up a Chicago office other firms do not even dare to run a Chicago office on account of this same expense. To such firms we offer a new and complete office service, stenographer, tree telephone. Chicago business sddreea ins me and addresa In Chicago directory) forwarding of cor. reepondence. and If neeeesrv. personal representation. Write for full particulars to International Service Corporation. First National Bank Bldg.. Chicago. III. FOR SALlo-Farssa everywhere, busi ness any kind, direct from owners t rock bottom prices: no commissions. Ad vertising Co-operative Assn.. Chicago, BIO money maker. A fine new 40-room hotel In north central Iowa summer re sort town: no opposition; paying extra well la offered for sals or trsde at a great bargain. Owner Is old with a sick wife, forcing a sale. This is no trading stock and will bear the closest Investiga tion. Wtll take part trade In Innome property. Give complete description of what you have In first letter. Mack Olsen-Mobley Co., K4 K. P. Block, Des Moines, la. FOR SALE First-class stock and fix tures of a well established general mer chandise business In the largest and most rapidly growing suburban town In San Diego county. Owner retiring. No ex changee. Excellent opportunity. A snap for about .M If taken at once. Ad dress, 8. A. Reed. San Diego, Cat, U. 8. Grant Hotel. THE only five, ten and twetity-flve-cent store In growing 6.600 population illy for sale Successful established busi ness, excellent proposition for man and wlfa Write owner, Fred Cunningham, Vlnlta, Okla NEWSPAPER In llvs town for sale at a bargain. Don't write unless you can raise ). Ths Sentinel. Oreenlesl, Kan. VTin .K.m. . . cumulative preferred stock of shoe Man ufacturing company paying regular quar terly dividends: established quarter cen tury. Addresa Box lla. North KrankfleM Mass. CORPORATION Stock or bond Issues financed: capital In large amounts furnished going concerns, standard commission rates; no prelimi nary sxpenee of any nature. Address, full iMi-tlculsrs, Associated Underwriters, P. O. Box tH. New York. PATENTS secured or money refunded. Send sketch for free report as to patent ability. Guide book and what to Invent with list of Inventions wanted sent free. ti.0O0.ai0 offered for Inventions. Patents advertised free In World's Progress; sam ple free. Victor J. Evans A Co., Washing ton. D. C. WKALTrl. happiness, prosperity begin with few dollars wisely Invested in com mercial enterprises. I have a real oppor tunity: tl starts you. Don't delay. Write s-merson Clarke, C9 Singer Bldg., New York. DON'T buy any kind of stocks or bonds -until you consult us as to safety. Long lexperlenca can save your money, for fakes abound. Fee, II 00 References, W. SLesvenworth, Olivet. Mich. TO get In or out of business call on OANUKMTAD, 404 Bee Bldg. Tel. D. U. HOTEL PLAZA needs flrst-clase cafe F.ncepllonal opportunity for an experi enced party. We have 71 rooms snd si, eetabllshed paying buainese. Call or ad dress Wm. J. Fisher, mgr. 14th & lioearu F.d Rothery, Bueinees and Real Eatat. Exchange Co. Kman !. McCague Bids BUBlXfchS t'HANL'fcti SOBER, energetic men wishing to le Into a good paying business Inquire a, Mackle a Dancing academy, lsli Harney. FOR SALE Two automailo safety rasor sharpening machines and office outfit; bargain If taken soon. See Auto mstlc Sharienlng Co., no Itamge Bldg. ML'ST eell my Sewedlsh massage busi ness, vibrator, radiator, etc, doing good business; reason for selling, sickness; will teach purchaser tbe profession, ids Bee Bldg $500 r 0W and ths nwt later wtll buy on of th bast new tVroom house either In tiila city or Dundee. Abtwlutely up to tbe ml nut. TiL Harney m. Harry ti. l'u nam. M South (let. Blvd. PATEIN'TS . i.nihjW glass put in; contract work. Winter. 1U N 17th. Webster e&M. hi, . U.MKMO HA11A.NA CIGAR, U ,, ... .1 , , . .-u I. - , ., 1 not satisfactory money refunded. BEA TON DKCO CO . Uig Farnam. Omaha Neb. Seed Co. IXsJ Jones. Roth phones. Maggard Van A Storage. Pack, nova. store and ship 11. H. goods. D 140s. B-M TO LOAN-LOW rate. In sums to ."'Hi. 3ie Bea Bldg. Phone bout. &OJ4. I NIOX LOAN CO. MONEY Upholstering, piano furn. rep. 2304 Far. HAZEL LEAF PILE CONEB-Ilest remedy for itching, bleedinc or o rot rul ing piles; 'J, postpaid; samples free. Sherman g- .'.let onnell Drug Co.. Omaha. DOCtils Printing Co. Tel. Doug. 41. Twenty per riit leas than Omaha prices. HOKK Kl KM.SHINO Twenty-fourth and I. Sts..tBouth Omaha. MOVING picture machtnoa and buddim. Nebraska Film Co . HIS Farnam Ml. S. 11. Cole Sign Co. D. 17SS. UK Farnam COMMERCIAL Photography. C M Hobsrt U Wellington Bldg. Doug. Zln. WATERS PHI.NTIXti t. Doug ilss Filters, Filter repairs, 112 Bo. 14. D. 4,14. AUTOMOU1LES. DRUMM0ND Auto repairs, painting, body work, trim- mine, machine shop. 1Mb and Harney. Auto lamps repaired. Omaha Silver Co. FOR BALK-Cadtllao automobile. 13W model. Owner has left city, and wtll sell cheap. This ear haa had but e months' usage snd is as rood as new. Address 3 . Bee. - THAT PROTBCT AND PAT. Hooka Advices. Search and VI? k V List of InvenUons Wanted. tMl1 Send sketch or model for search. Highest references. Best results. Promptness as. sured. Watson E. Coleman, Pat. Law 'i 22 F. St. N. W. Washington, D. C. Industrials, Land, Short Steam and Electrical Railways Financial sales, campaigns organised and conducted. A highly specialised or ganisation prepared to render best pus Bible service. Corporations organised and capital enlisted for commercially sound established and projected enterprises. Wallace Vaughan. Plymouth Bldg Minneapolis. Minn. FOR SALE or trade for farm or email ranch near town, tho "New Broadway Hotel." Denver, Colo. Hotel one block of atate capttol: 75 rooms, modern and up-to-date. House always full; reasons f.r selling. Address above. FOR SALE Dry goods stork In Cedei RalMds. la.. (!. Invoke, will sell right for quick turn or will consider cheap land for part; doing a nice busl nees snd guot. prospects; one of the ownere has othei Interests and must sell quick. W. A. Reynolds, agent. Cedar Rapids la. IF you're ambitious, aggressivs and of food character and want to start In the stall business for yourself with the back ing of Lamm 4k Co., high grade wholesale tailors, cnicago, we will provide you with' out Investment with sll display stock and equipment with which to open In your own name a high grade store for the ale of made-to-order clothes for men hi a aesirabie western elty or town. Many xcellrnt opportunities are awaiting your decision to become your own boss and tin In business that will be both dig illled and profitable. Experience Is not necessary, but energy snd personality oount ror mucn. only capital neceesar for operating expenses, which is smsl Advice and personal aslstsncs Without cost. Personal Interview aranged. Address t care Me BUSINESS PERSONALS Crhlropewtlata. DR. ROY, 15K Fsrnsm.' Douglas 497. Clet blag Maaataetarere. Wear Ideal drees shirts. M. K. Smith Co. Cwtal Dealers. WESTF.RFIEI.D sella REEDF.R COAL; FVKNACK or it A NO K. D. 1.M; A-1M). KINDLING, it load. 11. Gross. W. E-M. Creaaaeriea, Dalrlee and kappllee. Fairmont sjilsdem butter. Always good. DAVID COLE CREAMERY COMPANY. farm low aad Steel Cwlllsga. CARTER Sheet Metal Works. Omaha. Daaelagt AeadeMlea, Morand's private lessons svery dsy. Classes Moa. snd Frl. p. m. Doug. Bee. Deatlele. DR. MrLERAN. snecMtllst In plats work. Satisfaction or no fee. 41 Brand era Bldg. Bailey, the dentist City Nat L D, Moa. Mach A Macii. 3d floor Paxton. D. lOaV Taft's dental rooms. 117 Doug. D. tlss. DetewtlTca, Omaha secret service det. agency, Inc., bonded. CH-t Paxton Blk. D. ills. A-lJls. JAMES AIJAN. Neville Blk, Tyler 113. L. W. I.ONONECKKR, H7 Karbach Blk. Dreassaaklas). Terry's Dressmaking college. Uth A Far. PLAIN and fancy dressmaking: latest French styles; prices reasonable. 1S14 Chi cago. Tel. Ind. B-1107. Drasglsla. DRI'OS at cut prices: freight paid on tig orders; catalogue free. Sherman A McConnell Drug Co.. Omsha Neb. Kverylblat; far vYossea. CONSITI.T DR Bl'RKE. 1 Doug. Blk. CURTAINSnt.rJyrUc"- Try the BOSTON WET WASH. Have your family wssh brought home ready for drying at 76c. Doug. 1071. B-eW Out-of-date garments ex. for new. Evelyn Bolen, expert corse tiers; cor sets mads to measure, cleaned A repaired; workmanship guaranteed, tut Bee. D-fctA. Bverylhlaa aSlewtrlsat, Flectrlo lighting fix., wholesals and retail. Burgess-Orandsn Co.. 1M1 Howard. D-oHl. Teed MIIU sad glerea, reed, alt kinds. Olencoo Mllla tat Isard . rlarlsts. BBNNKTT'S cut flowers. Douglas 137. A. Donaghue, lev; Far. D. 1091. A-luOl HESS A 8WOBODA. till Farnam St Florlsls, Btswsrt's. Florists A Seedsmen, ill W. 1 BRANDEIB FLORIST. Brandels Bldg. L. HKNDURSDN, Kit Karnam. D. ilia. BATH'S FLORISTS, Boyd Theater Bid. Feaadrlei McDonald brass and bronse foundry, alu minum, tin, lead castings 1407 Jackson. lasaraaea. Rhodes-Montgomery Co. Ina Ttamge Blk. Alfred C. Kennedy, o"? anoa. X Ft ret WK Wa Hld, Pcm. 771 KOH BAIJ.iabl!hrd hardware and lutiibtnir atora; well equipped: Invoictng "i: twn eLOOT: rent reaanntb e: rtcn rutt producing emi'itry of weatern Now Tork. leM Roitere. Auburn. N. T AN oiuKirlunlty fur yount or middle iri mini tu ennae tn profitable bual ire. Jnvfrnifrate, Artdrene. A Ml, Bee. Dni'O (STORR-iT'ountr seat town ot :.wt, only two drtif; etorra: food preacrtp tlon buMlrrtM: taaea tM.a to tf.WO to handle. Kell on account of health. For full partlcutara addreiui Y 240, care Itee. N ICR little ronftTtlnnarv aUtrn, A0O. j A NO EST A 1. Hootii M. Bee Pldr" THK Implement atork of A. D. WoUen, CI m wood. Neb., a bantaln If taken at one. C. D. wulnton. Aaaiirnee. (!OOD navlna restaurant for aie cheat). Aiir iau, room jiit nee tunf, ioR educed prico on arooery, four nice living room, at earn neat: rent, fl" 60: nust acU on account aickneaa. Douarlaa a-io. FOR 8A IaR or rent, ft-room house. partly modem, with exoellent otore uiidinv imlzz wnirn may be uaed ror any malneea, one block from rar line, 300 N. Vh ftt.. South Omaha. A. Uandoroar. Tel Houth MW. IIAVR a merltomaa little patent unJ versal uae, want ho neat party, lady or gentlemen to aawat me in fortune, can b made In a ah art time. Amount re quired. 30U. Money aerured. Rafercnoas equlred. Addrena N 24a, Hee IF TOTJ want to aell your atock of merchandlaa for raah. Let ua hear from you. Ji Beo Huiioinff. PROFIT A BLK bualneaa for you. Manu factura WheeU-Coko-Oiiip. new confee tlon, tie parkajja. Coat you IHc, aamplea 1V. Machine, lncludlne; formula. 1760 prepain.- iicn. miienneia ot uo., utpt. si. vi sin hi., sarramonto, t. ai." DAIRY for wale. Phone Harney fl47. FOR BALK In one of the bft towns I n aoti t h we t er n Iowa, popu I a lion i.auo dolnc a atrlctly cah buslnesa, a atock of about l&.QiN, conalatlnit of boeiecy and underwear, coraeta. notlooa. art aooda Infanta w-ar, millinery aad lad lea' fash ionable furnNhlnga Term muat b raah; have teen located hero for aeven yeara: reaaon for netlinc. aickneaa and death. Addietw 0oev,ev Sullivan at Co. bhenandoah. fa. FOR KALiv-One of the beat Imple ment burtneeeea In central Neb., tocetner with building. If you want aomethlnft worth tho money, writa ua. Addresa P. O. Hoi J. Ord. Neb MAXGLIMELI BKOS. YOU MAY LEARN IT m M a mt ktsnr tlwe aal ta etway km iia IstrfMlaUi NOW an Xwf W Mat Wrttw imr trm lltuatai tortlM aa arm. ata. Umitm. taMil Mcm- aaaiMe au w. ija tACKioH. wacm. gin rta.aaiwi tmtg nnwwa nat lta t Mrnd ll Naurfaa naiOT CO, luaxro KraAd Maetearoal. na4a in Omaba. Every paJ aga guaranteed- eAak your grocer. Head ua fifty 'eajjcLar eat out of paefcagea for premrura. SWITCHED MADE FROM COMBLVGS. Mra. Peck. U1S . Mth. 'Phono B. lOL Knd for Prtoa LJat. PANAMA RTdlMP CO- NarUta Block. Omaha. Net). HEA1TC Y & HEAFEY, xS" XoresKto am raraaav A-eM. 11. Xii V.NI! E-M-F Js. compleie wilth all equip ment: 111. open Iront. o-paesenger: been ueed as dexnonstratur. Price. IT'. One flvw passenger Kambler. guod condition, Ibuw. One Model 41 Overland. MAKIUX AUTOMOBILf: CO. 2M1- Karnam St. Omaha. Keb. McIXlTREALTOCO. HAVE I Iwi beat cars for the mo nee oa the market Oak land, stearae. Knlgbt and R. C. H. Bar. galne In used cars. Sat Karnam. "e charges, fersonai atteo tentlon gtwes. Trucaa and autoe atorad. Itargains In uee; cars, .el s. is. D Mil. FOR BALK At a bargain, twro Bllghtljr used idldiand Automobl.aa. Vrealand auto Co 121 aad saraan. O F.N ERA L. MERCHANDISE; SNAP. If you are a general merchandise man and have $10,099 to Invest I can show you the best mint In the est. Business es tablished nine yeara In an Inland town with a very fertile agrtcullural cattle and sheep country to draw from with no competition; the last four years have snowed a aet profit of eVffOv per year with a steady tnrresae. Investigate thlr bonanza. A. K. Lwts Columbia Mont CAPITA!, secured for meritorious en terprises. Organisations formed. Storks eold on commission. Specialty of Increas ing business of established merchants and of pulling eame on a cash basts. Reference, exchanged, lillllas a Co., XA aisin t.. Councd Bluffs. Is. FOR BAUB A drug store In s thriving little town In south central Nebraska. Stock will Invoice about CeM. Business netting owner about 11. 0 per year. ileo. A. Arnold. Holdreee. Xeb. t)N sceount oflTl Teslth I will sell a wetl-eatabllshed wall paper and picture bustneea In the beet city In Iowa. dress Y S9, bee. Ad- Hawaslaa; Heam for sals. W B. SBTif ST. Pumiobfd iv-room flat; good condition; close In. IllKIi8 PERflONAlS Arehlleets. . P. Cottrell. XII Cass. Red eOT7. arteslaa Weiss. H. NEBKUC.ALI.. Wll-1 City NatX Kl ROWB, well boring. Benson See. Atforweyw. Ustnn U Hall. Lawyer. 647 Bran. Bldg. i. W. Shields, Attorney. 37 B of Trade. K T. Fsrnsworth. Atty. 431 Bee Bldg. OMAHA TENT CO. Tel. sa Douglas. sfgsgs and Ts lea be. THK CUT WAT. cabe and touring care. Tel. Douglae 2 saafacteunera. BEMIS OMAHA BAO CO.. On Bill Pewters. OMAHA BII.T. POSTINO CO.. MS HARNEY. DOUGLAS M04. flfTTi BIU. POiSTINO CO.. H.tllNKI. DOCOLAS I Bex and Peeks Maa.faelareee. Wooden Bos Packsee Ci Pll T Tern Carpenters .Bid 4..Mtracitra. Stevenson, carpenter, cont- Both phones. Clgsuns and Teaaeea. THE Sanitary Crown Pipe, lit & Uth. lraa aad Wlra Feaelag. Anchor Penes Co., JU7 N. IT. Tel. Red Hi La a. bar. H. Pro os. T,um. wreck'g. alb. 11 1 Paul. aewuadrlee. FRENCH Hand Laundry. Tel. M. UM. Ouaranlee laundry. Pine work.D. (J71. Maearaai Maaafaetarsra. Sklnner'e macaroni and spsghett, toe pkg. Meelsg, (rage aad Cleaalaa. . EXPRESXMRN'S Delivery Co-Moving I ti I 111 I.U er, areas, mi 1(B), g wyi n stui saj w. v, ij office, M H. 17lli. iloug. SN. Ind. U-124. Twin City Ksprsss; Uit Howard. Both Tel. Furniture moving, I men, II hour. W. 174S. Moaaaseala aad Maasoleasas, J. T. Bloom ft Co., 171 h and Cuming Sta t Maale, Art aad Laaaasnes. Experienced violin tescher. Tel. W. S93S. Oeieapalhy. Alice Johnson, 90- Brsndels The. Bldg. Kathern Mrkolas, KH-i Biandsls Theater Optlelaaa. B. F. Wurn, fitting rep'g. 441 Brandela Palst aad tilaas. PAJNT. ell, lead and turpentine are it per sent cheaper now than a year ago. Tske advantage of this and buy only strictly pure material at iiarker Bros. t aint uo., isuo, rarnara uu raona Oouglss 47M. , Pateata. D. O. Barnell. Paxton Blk. Tel. Red T11T. Wlilard Body. UM City Nat. Bank Bldg. Pheaasrapka. Edison phonographs. Khultt Bros, ina Far., Rlnehsrt, photographers. Uth Fsrnsm FUtlagb OMAHA SILVER CO., t!4 a Uth. rlasaaesa. L.. F. VAI.KENBKRO. Plumbing. W-ac Frlattas. T TIT nl,n. TMol.. Telephone scer n.imuciiiuKl, Doug.WU DBS BLUU. ENlKANt B ON COURT, PRIVTrVfl "P"rtor grede. J. K. Thompeon. Web. 17 LET the CENTRAL PillNTINO CO. do your work. 1417 Douglas. Tel. D. 1714. Lyngstsd Printing Co.. liith and Canitol Ave. is. ina. iov tor gooa printing. Rles-Hall Ptg. Co., lu & 14. Ind. A KM EDUCATIONAL . BOYLES COIJLEGE DAY AND NIGHT SCHOOIi ALL TIIE YEAR Complete courses In Business. Booki keeping. Stenography. Telegraphy. Civil Service or Salesmanship. The ratalogu. la free for the asking. CaU. wnte or Shone for It at once. Address H. B, oyles. President, Boyles College. Omaha, Neb. OMAHA COMMERCIAL COIJXOE, "BEST IN THE WEST." Tay snd evening sessions sll ths year. Shorthand. Typewriting. Bookkeeping. Agriculture. Civil Service. Salesmanship. K- A. Zartman. Pres., lsth and Farnam. HELP WATTED FEMALB Aaeats aad aleswaaaea. WANTErv-Experlenced saleewomen for laces and embroidery departments. Apply st once to superintendent Brandela otorea. LADY AtiKNTS Make fS a day steady. Our baby a napkin and boas supporter sells on sight to svery mother. Sella without talking when nothing else will; big profits; secure protected territory now: extra special free offer to live iojfic. iving twies t;q. Chicago, in. WAXTK-.I) ot w . .. - '" ,.w v,,w.. WW ladles over tl to travel, demonstrate aad sell dealers; IS to M per week; rsilroa4 far. paid. Goodrich Drug Co. UDs-it) pi., umsiis woo." w nu irv k . : ..... .. wu,ai,ew nuww; ev ipee cent profit; make tie dally; full or par, iiiTHeii.wiw. otrong SUUlo Box ea. Weet Philadelphia. Pa EARN good pay copying addiessesi Dan-tlculara 11 . , Chicago ' ""-r. COPY ' AriliRVliHi.-'a s. 010 li-. particulars Ic postage. Taarjuaea. Btao tton B, Memphis, Tenn t'oeriral aad Olflce, WANTBO-Cashlera and cash ' (iris. Apply at onos to superintendent Brandela Stores. BRIGHT office girl good at figures, A. Hlsenbaugh Co.. Publishers, U14 and bookkeepei. bookkseper. BTKNI M 1 M A PU IT R Ohnluil. Stf HTKNlHlHlPUre ..a ale(el.l 0OJL 2-lt? 1 n . secretary; suntohiphsh and bookkeeper. Inrursnra Ins, STKNimneurs ai,w . 4e-;e. -ansier, 1 ItiMPTOMBTEn operalora laiarT depends. 1 CVi!..1PiS?.TIYB' RKBENCB CO, Win City National - Bank Bldg Ast. Manager, large mercantile 00 tabllshment. Investment required. .tire Bookkeeper and cashier ex Traveling salesman, mercantile Una.. 1X4 Traveling salesman, apeclaltiea at Secretary and stenographer as HI.nn.MKk., k.Mi. ...r ; ' ' menographer, railroad , ., m (.leniraiiner, railroad (a Offloa oesra, must operate typewriter it Office clerk, muat be good Pen man fag g as And many others. WTaBT. REFERENCE! et BOND AeWTjLe IKS t In.. V. XI.. I .1 k . 1 . - ' " cvjmptometer operator H to P. menograpnsr, Bmith premier M Bookkeeper, Out of town f-f ,,tr5rfhI'M",t rurn'sh machine. M WiUTf. RETERENCl" BONO AnSrV. TM Omaha Natl. Bank Bldg FMIarr aad Trades. Olrls lo learn hair dressing: prtoas very rsaaonsble, Oppenhelm, Id FL. City Nafl. llnuu w,n.w 1.0, - - . : . , , r ., ," ona girie seoo ,-.,. e. fiiuwo; experience u. sary. Call forenoona twn a ltth. HaasekMisere aad pasaMllea. arT,H,ll85.?VA,T""t' PROBtJBM" SOLVED-The Bee will run your Doines. tlo Help Wanted sd FREE until yougeg u rnT4 "tng rour sd to Tha : , irninnn. i y iwr two. Wik'Trn a .1.1 . . ' .Hi woo uaooreiaaM-i housework: a good borne aad goud wagea In tho .1.1., n.. ., - - ... ...... yny. norwiT sws.o W A VTvr . . . . . ' " . . " wniieoieni maia 1 or gwst. ra! housework. Apartment , Normaada, mHmm, rt i. , .... - - z : . imi, nanssy 174a WANTBD-OIrl for general hsueewkj two 111 family' h nms!... et-.-.-.-- .,. l N. W it W A NTri 1 ni . . rf no ...hi- """!Js I., ' " iJwiiT arrji. i WAn!TKlL-l art. I ' --------- a... .ajrr BerTtVrmi nOUO- work: ima II 'imiiw e..-.i teth St.. " WAKTrn m.i .v r. u.znLi- 57?f. -.. ., i rvorts evtn HI. A riimrt ... : . Pacific aipiy si ones, era WAKrrTi . , , . rr- . ",trl " S'ri 10 a rami 1 of two; ttUI Harney Bt. Mrs. W. J, Bui Ufiveri r - . . . . . , Lmwi Cin ror gsneral bouse, h 12 "ages; small family. Teta. rrin r . , .. . i .TV'"!. 'nsiHut. wants care. ker for girls. Phones H. BU and A-i3a, iiVANTEI) good steady girl for house, uth st ma ' leel Task aad Calvert tTeHBaaaiea. KEBRA8KA aad Iowa Steal Tank Cora. pany. Ht b snd Nicholas. D. H. t.asragusees aad tyenart Hyrtla A. Keller, TM Bran. Tha D. KB. Teats aad Awrslagw. OMAHA TENT CO. Tsl. f Douglsa Traa sit Ci Prellng Stetnle, IM Farnam St. Vara a as C leasers. VAC1TM CLEAN KRS Richmond H ac tion Cleaners rented by day. Rental to apply on purchase pries If purchased within six months. RICHMOND SALES CO.. lata Farnam St- Phone Douglas gill o Wlaes aad Llejaera. WILLOW Serines loser, liouor. rfrus sandwiches. Alex Jetes. Hot Douglas. VIRGINIA DARH wine. Sc a large bot tle. Klein Liquor House. S3 N. lotb St Wlgt Maaalaetarers. . D. S. Ortfflth. wis; mfr- 1 Frenser Blk. EDUCATIONAL TUTOR1NO. 1st ta Mb grade. U. K44. I TOITNO women coming to Omaha aa strangers are Invited to visit the Young? Women. Christian association building! st tic Mary's Ave. and 17th St.. whara they will be directed to suitable boarding places or otherwise assisted. Look for our travelers' guide st tho Union station. MoBl.'. I,..,-1 . , ' , - .... .... oiwiur, uiw narnev. Dally clssses Mon.. Tbura. Sat swinge. RVOI RifLTrn .1. 1 . J ... . W.IUOJ., rwpor reaay www. unman s csre. um Kowarn H, 'lVTrnl. J... 1 i lL..r - . . ." anw . 1 j"." "nanaig " y.q.irews J -Mi. cars Bee." LADIES, make supporters; $ti per he): o mnvoHlno m.t.i . .... . " . . iwueieii bash Supply Co.. Dept. V ty Chicago. INDIES WANTED Ttnt post cards at home, pay II. U dally, straight eenseoy. ment. no canvassing, expeneaue iu neceasary. mall dime, samples, partleu. lara Burns, all Weet 121th St, Newr tt'BlTr . -- ...... iwmii, fn.Miw piars; o-B -, ,,,. in. mi j aoiiii so. necessary; free particulars. Atlas Pub lUhlng Co., tMl. Cincinnati. Ohio. ItlllKR mok. ohl.ia. .. 1.. iu y . .. . . . i , m , ... pww 100 . work sent nr. no iA tn tvli.hL. psrticulars for stamped addrwseed en. velope Kureks Co., Dept. W, If slams xoo. Mich. WANTED Cnmneinnl mJiui. from s to X years old. of good aneear. a nee, at once, for private cases and boo- pitai positions, we need nurses. Bendj references in Tiret letter, let 3 Oak Bt-. ow -iiy. aso., arnvera rtun Istry. HELP WAATE& MAL aaeats, saleeaiea aad Saliedtsva. WANTED Experienced aheos Apply st once to superintendent etoresL- CALEXDAR BAIJ-JtVAM VlVTm- We want a reliable and capable salesman at once to carry our attractive lino at calendars, fans snd advertising spec taJ tie. In Nebraska. Wa have a splendid Una, carefully selected by men long la this business snd who have . themselves sold this class of goods on the road for veers. On our liberal ejommtasion basis piaa, a salesman who will devote his time ex. elusivaly to our line should bars no dif ficulty in clearing from M to IM per week. 1 you are a man who wtU work: and can 'sell goods, addresa Sales Man. ager. Ka'amaaos Advert tat ng Ca.. Kaia masoo. Mich. Attach this advertisement to your reply and glee full snrtirulara regarding your past buwhtasa experlenca. WANTED an adveruelng solicitor: will pay better than seal, of wages. 43eorge. BUI, u-n Kussell Ave, tntUaaapous..