Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 25, 1912, EDITORIAL, Image 15

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Large Opportunity for Money-Making in the Philippines
ASHIN-GTON. D. C.-In this. I
I A 1 "W litr en rac'i Sara
I W I ,n ,ne Philippines I win to
ray something or tb new
money-making possibilities
which are being opened up by
tne lonranMnt I hevs al
ready written ot the fortunes In the de
velopment of ' hemp, sugar and rice, and
also of the great coroanut grove, which
annually yield from II to K per tree. 1
have written of th public works,: the
roada and near railroads, and something
of the other work which la now going on.
So far but few favors have been given
to foreigners, and by this I mean Ameri
cans and Europeans Uncle Sam has
gone on taer motto -"The Philippine for
the FUiptnoa." and he has practically shut
out the hilands from foreign exploitation.
As a result the material development
has been . slow, but the archipelago has
been held as a great savtnga bank, la
which' Its resources axe being kept for the
JwopJa.. It la a Question whether they
would, not be better off If outside Invest
or" wer allowed to come la and build up"
tbe asrantry. , - -
Fifty TBavaaad Sew Kwbber Tree.
Just now an of the new things m pros
pect is the establishment of a rubber Ox.
dustrjr. The Depart meat of Agriculture
believes that the islands are well Sited
for that, and different kinds of rubber
plants sod tress were brought in three or
four- years ago sad - planted In about
sight 'Afferent provinces. The varieties
chosen were many. - The moat of them
cam frm Ceara and tbey lncladed ant
only tacts but Shrubs and vines. There
were she soma Para rubber trees brought
from the Ajnason valley. The Ceara rub
ber did not do, but the Para rubber
trees, which produca nearly all the rub
ber of : ooounerea. have thriven and the
bureau of agriculture, has arranged to
dutribale 50O Para seedlings to the
proper localities. These seedlings are
now growing la the government narssrles
and they will be put out under the direc
tion of tie bureau and carefully watched.
If they so at well as la petted we shall
have a rubber export from the Philippine!
which will form one ot the most valuable
ssets of the Islands.- .It la the Par rub.
bar that baa been introduced Into Malay
sia and the Dutch Sast Indies, having
Teals a great boom.- which has caused
speculation la London and throughout the
asst. ' "" '
Developing, the (ilk ladastry.
Another' great possibility for the Philip
pine Islands Is in silk sultuea. It Is
know a that, the allk worm has beta grown
there from generation to generation, and
Charles R, Baaka of the bureau of science
at Manila says that nine crops of co
coons cari be annually produced. This la
about four times st many (a some of His
other silk countries have and there la
I sow underway a movement to breed up
m rac of silk worms there which will
outlay all others. The bureau of science
la making's book to Instruct the people
how to build up the Industry.-It gives
directions as te how to rales the eecoona,
how to teed the young worms, and also
how to prepare tbe raw allk for spinning.
Aa It In howthe Islands Import the most
ot their ran silk from China and they
mix It with (he fibers ot the Islands In
weaving Jul. cloth and others cloths of
high pries.
The bureau of1 agriculture says that the
mulberry tree can be grown all over the
Philippines and that It will furnlah food
for the worms 'within two years after
plsntltaj. A . Vyeer-old tree . will give
enough leaves for l.Ouf allk worms, and
two and one-half acres will aupport LIN
trees, which will feed mors than LOW, 000
allk aroma. This number ot worms should
produce several thousand pounds of co
coons, la short It la estimated that the
ailk business will yield something like
n,00 per acre and that It win steadily
(row as.-to profits. Connected with tbe
agricultural eollegs there Is now a model
silk building In which thousands of co
coons are produced every month and
where the students are given practical
Instruction la rearing tbe soring.
Phlllpplae Lands.
The- total amount of land In the Philip
pines' Is said to be about "4.N0.W acres.
Of this only about one-fifth is owned by
Individuals and the other four-flftha be
' longs te the government I' Dele 8am has
been very careful In granting concessions
for this land. Comparatively tew farms
have been given away and there will be
no waste of government property, either
mineral or agricultural, as has been the
case with tbe United Plates. The friar
lands, which covered about 42t,00g acres,
wers 'mostly good farming property. They
were sanight by the government at a cost
of whieh was Just about as mock
as wa paid for Alaska, the money being
raised! by bonds secured by tbe Islands
These lands are being sold and home
steads are being glvra out on the public
lands to Filipinos. Too number of home
stead' applications are comparatively
small. Thar were leas than LiOS last year,
although the value ot puhllo lands Mav
Increased. All lands are sold with Terrene
titles, and this system ot land transfer is
besoming common throughout the
There is a vast amount of good lands
that win be aveatualli brought Inta cul
tlratienj; and he archipelago will some
dsy not only prsdnas all Irs own food, but
export rlca, to China. Sanaa and other
countries, of the ar sant. Last year the
amount jatld for rice to outside countries
Baa mors than Root.ttNt.
In coohectkm with Ike- rice lands, the
soverauoent U opealng up some Irriga
tion works which will redeem thoossads
f acres,', glee must .bar plenty of
water, aad although; the rainfall of the
Pbthppme's heavy, every new and then
comes rout H which affecu 4ns rtos
crop. T$f sill be remedied by Irrita
tion. Tb bureau of public works has
Just aompteted'a project which baa re
deemed Je,G0g acres, and during tbe pres
oat year t- will ban another under way
which wlllNraclatm TS.0W. and It la st
matod that such work In the oratral val
ley at Luxoa sloae will Increase the
amount of th crop to a value of more
than t3.aV.SOJ per J ear-, Jnere are 7U0.BB)
acres la that valley that might be Irri
gated, which; K done, will add to Its
press nt productiveness mere than
eat par annum.
The Frete ef tbe rhiupstnem.
The govern meat Is taking goo care of
the forests. It has kept out the timber
robbers and they are practically as tbey
were when we took bold ot the Islands.
Hera and there concessions bare been
ranted, and there are sixty steam saw
mill tB operatic, bat as a wools tne
forests are la setter conditio than when
a fcwii t- , . '(I
f ? I J
r jj hi.
' 1 ' 5 ML' .p,
iff X-j T "I -
w . ewii am . WMia
4-r!!2' --r V""-'"' xsr
IMor.s and Christians, but the Christians .any sort of a modern civilisation can ba
j are comparatively few. They form, per- I built up. The work baa to be started at
I haps, one-seventh or one-eightd of the the beginning of things. The people hava
whole population. Utile respect for human life. They hava
As soon sa the country was so divided always had alavery. and even now It
K.QK.oa).an board feet of timber which
could be marketed now and that a great
part st this is located on or near the
seacoast. In Mindanao and Luguu, and
could earily be brought down to the
ships. There are hundreds of square
miles upon which the cut will run from
M,as) to M.0M board feet per acre.
I wish 1 could show you these Filipino
woods. Ths trees are enormous. 1 have
seen some hardwood trees so big that
you cou d not reach half Way around
them with your two arms, and they rise
MO feet from the ground without s
branch. Mahogany boards sis feet wide
are now and then to be seen, and I have
been told that the Islands have produced
rosewood logs nine feet In diameter. 1
hava ridden on horseback over bridges
planked with mahogany and rosewood,
and I saw floors la Manila the boards ot
which would have made excellent piano
eases. Mr. Foxwortby st the College of
Agriculture la l.uson says that Ihe
FhlHpptns forests have five times as
many different woods as wa has In the
United States and that there are several
liundred commercial varieties. There Is
a ilenguet pine which la soft and there
are many hardwoods fitted for furniture.
Major George p. Ahern, ths director of
Ihe bureau of forestry, ssyg that a prop-
erly equipped lumber company would run
o risk of failure In the Philippines.
Ths margin of profit Is too wide. It
easts asiainc to secure a concession, but
lbs aomrany must show that It has a
large enough capital to properly exploit
the tract which it takes. Exclusive priv
ileges can be granted up to tracts ot
era I hundred square miles In extent.
snd that for twenty years. Only the
etumpsge Is sold, the land remaining in
the possession ot the government. The
woods are divided by law Into four classes
snd there Is a government charge which
ranges from D to K per 1,M bosrd feet
for the cut. The government has maps
ot tbe forests and It la ready to furnish
Information to prospective Investors.
rortaaes la Mtaes.
We are Just beginning to discover the
mineral wealth of the Philippines. The
bureau of science at Manila has had
ml rung engineers and metallurgists look
ing up tbe poaslbllltlea aad mapping the
country. They say that the Islands bold
districts which are rich In gold, copper
and Iron, and they hava recently discov
ered extensive underground gold work
ings which were made by ths tgorrotea.
The openings of these were so' small that
a man of good sum cowls hardly get In.
but farther on when tbe mineral was
reached, large rooms had been excavated
and hundreds of tons of gold ore taken
out Thia ore waa crushed In rock mills,
many ot which are still to be seen, snd
the gold waa then panned and melted
Into bars. It Is said that the Islands bars
been yielding gVd aa far back as the
third century, A. V. aad during ths last
two hundred years tiers have been num
erous mines operstevl by ths natives.
Spaniards, English roes snd Americans.
The Spaniards and Englishmen were
not allowed to work In the mountain
province on account of the Igorrofes and
other t-esd hunters, bot since the Amer
icana came our miners have scattered
ever ths country and some ot them are
now holding and enveloping properties
which wers located soma rears ago.
One of the beet districts Is near BaguW,
where Is now ths gammer capital of las
Philippines. There at ana company there
which has thirty-five Harms lp which are
IX reins ot (old. These veins range from
one to twenty feet 1ft width, and some
can bo traced tar 'tws miles along the
surface. One company baa the ore do- j
A s. A
veloped for 106 feet below the grass roots
and has blocked out 600. 000 tons of ore.
In some of .the mills they are crushing
the ore and taking It out on amalgama
tion plates. In others the ore Is treated
with cyanide. The above Information
comes from Frank O. Eddlngfleld, who Is
a mining engineer of the bureau of
Another mining district which is now
being exploited Is In the, little Island of
Masbata. This waa also worked by the
Chinese, and It haa three companies work
ing In It today. Some ot the veins overage
fit per ton, and It Is gotten out with air
They are) mining gold on ths eastern
ooast of Luson. This region Is an old one
and much of the output comes from
Placer mines. There is a tract of river
flats from which the gold la washed down
from ths adjacent hills. Some New Zea
land rs are getting this gold out with
dredges, snd others era now bringing In
dredges to take up snd wash out the
solL Quarts boulders are sometimes found
at the bottom, snd some of the best dirt
averages over 1 per cublo yerd. The
gold la coarse and melted down It haa a
value of tli per ounce. There Is also gold
In Mandano. and there Is copper. Iron,
coal snd other minerals of vslue In Luson,
Mlndoro and elsewhere.
The Meres la IBIS.
Before I leave the Philippines I wish to
say a few words about ths Moros. I saw
much of them when I went through thelr
country visiting the ports and coast vil
lages on a steamer loaded with Uncle
Sam's mules. We delivered the mules to
the soldiers, and often came to places
which bsd been opened only a few days
before. I thus had a chance to ses the
More as ho waa under the Spaniard. There
wers about 100,000 of them, and they
were all alavs dealers, slave holders or
slaves. Many bad been pirates, not a tew
were murderers and all had) a low state
of civilisation. An Internecine war was
going on among them, and It took us
several years to subdue the various
tribes. Here Is ths news that cornea from
that section today:
Ths Moros are gradually engaging In
different kinds of gainful occupations
Along the coasts they dry fish for sals.
Farther Inland they are raising cattle and
horses. In soma places they hava little
farms, and In the wilds they gather such
things aa wax, bark and huts demanded
by trade. They are making soma copra
and they are also doing a large business
In pesrl shells and other such things.
Ths pearls Industry, now employs about
thirty schooners, and there are buyers
from Paris ready to take the pearls as
fast as they are found. Ths divers are
Japanese and natives.
The Moroa are also fishing for sponges.
In some places tbey weave mats and In
others make excellent cloth. On the Is
land ot Jolo ths government le tree kins
them bow to Improve their herds of cattle
and horses, and about Lake Lanaa It la
telling them bow to make mors out of
their farms. The people are coming to
truat Americans. , They protest against
their government being given over to the
Filipinos, and say they prefer o be ruled
by Uncle Sam under their s aligns and
dattus. This Is the situation today.
Tbe Hois Pravtaee,
It waa In Wa that Uncle -Sam' formed,
the Moro province, separating these peo
ple, from the rsst'of tho Islands and. giv
ing, them a yovernmen which was dif
ferent from that ot the Filipinos them-
When You Think
Of the psia waka essay woaiea upsrisace with sisew
month it Biases the geattiasssse aad lutsswsag always ses).
steel vrtth wimsahsnrl seesn so ba almost a mired.
B. bile ia glare! a wosssa rig sis aratat what she re
gards as a saunrsJ ansssiry there is aa wesssa who waale)
as eediy Be tree froea this rscarriaf period ai saisv.
On Mmrtfa FarmrUt PmalpOmm states
aresjr vsarea s reward mm4 aca weave
weI, aseT girm Item rrseerear gross psia.
It sevsblaa rflmrUr, sastfasa isfsae
sBsrJsav aass uletmttum aaef cares fsv
I am toM It kt tmpoeatb'e to estimate
the wealth of tbe lumber resources. Aa
area equal to about one half of Ohio,
Virginia or Kentucky kt still covered j
with virgin timber, aad (hero Is perhaps '
eeie half as much more which has bee I
oaraUsuly cut over, but could be brought I
lata good, produrtlv condition. The for- i
... !
est experts state that there are about
SUk wsissa are invite to soasalt as by letter, rag.
AI exsrreaaaadeaca stnorly private Bed i a ore a! l eeev
Bisstiil Wrsts srrtnoat lear aad witkoat is to World's Dtsocnearv Met,
anal Aeeaoiorio, ft. V. Perns, M. D., President, Bufalo, N. Y.
I tob want a book that tens all ahoat erosssa's disease, aad bow to euro
nWss at heaae, arts! 31 gas ciat stamps to pay eost ot wrappmf aael asailiad
. SB) wo will soae) too a jW sopy ai Dr. Pierce's (real thousand - pars
illuelistsl Casassoa See Medical Avsssv ssvieed, sm-es-aet gajitiges, at
haartiosag F reach eiotli Hiaduta
selves. Ths Mnrog sre under . military
government with a provincial capital at
Zamboanga and district capitals at Jolo;
Zlmbosnga. IHgan, Cottobatto and Da
va; There are five districts' and' they
cover' th Island of Mindanao ..and ' lb.
Sulu archipelago, Each district h both'
each district governor made a count of,
the tribe ot the districts and a study
of them with a view to giving them, as
far as possible, self-government. Coun
cils were formed, courts were organised
and there were tribal .courts. It Is pro
vided that both Christians and non-Chris-
tlans might sppear before the Justice ofj
peace courts and the first courts of ap
peal, and that If there were disputes con-1
cemlng the decisions the esse could be
appealed to the supreme court of the
Philippine Islands. A police force was
organised and In addition the constabu
laries or government police of the Islands
were placed everywhere. The officials
did everything they could to get the peo
ple to go to work. They realised that
the only successful future of the prov
ince could be along Industrial lines,
snd they tried to teach the natives to
raise their own food supply. They got
some of them to working on ths planta
tions and tlhber concessions and la the
sawmills, which have been established
by American and European capital, and
as a result they sre now beginning to
view life In a aeml -civilised way. The
government haa also Improved the sani
tary conditions It haa been building
roads and trails, and ths revenues of the
province are steadily growing, giving
mors and mors funds for public Improve
menta. The Hares aad the Slave.
In some of the provinces schools are
being established and the officials sre do
ing what they can to get th Moro to
send their children to them. Thia Is dif
ficult and It will be a long tlms before
seems Impossible to abolish IL They are
also Mohammedans, and those who can
afford It hava numerous wives. I sasr
one datto, an old rascal named I'tto, who
was said to have sixty women in his
harem, snd I photographed the aultan ot
Mindanao with ten of bis wives. I saw
slave everywhere and waa told that th
wife waa little mors than a lave. At
that time the avenue price for a wlf
waa HO In silver, a water buffalo and
60S pieces of rice cake worth one cent
each. Altogether thia made about t. of
which C went to the girl snd th rst
to her parents
A Twister.
Tliey were stadlng on a street corner.
The tall man was speaking.
"it seems aa though there are fewer
all-round men from year to year," he
The abort man smiled with self-satisfaction.
. ,
"And there sre continuously leas man
ready for emergencies."
"Thai's right." served th short msn.,
nuttlnc hie right hand under bis coat
I w here it covered his chest.
"And there sre rewer men wno com-,
bine good Judgment with executive abii
llv," said the taller man.
"Klght again." chimed In th shorter
man. puffing up- ,
The tall man looked at his companion.
"Hut," he concluded, "there seems to b
no diminution In the number ot conceited
jack donkeys" !
Th short man shook his head nega
tively. "Then, that's where you etend slone.
said the tsll man, and he walked away.
The abort man thought It might hava
been an Insult.
The tall man was sure ot It-Clsve'snd
Plain Iwaler.
The Peevish
Needs a Laxative
It Is natural tor a child to laugh and
pray and when It sulks drowsily or
cries you may depend on II something
physicist la th matter. If you see no
evidences of a serious ailment you will
not be wrong if you ouletly give ll s
doe ot mild Isxstlv that evening on
putting It to bed.
The remedy most generally recom
mended for this purpose la Dr. t'sld
weU'e yrup , Pepsin, which mothers
throughout the country have been giving
their children for a quarter of a cea
turv. Today thousands ot families are
using ll where hundreds used It then,
and lhr must be good reason for this
word of mouth recommendation.
It Is admittedly the perfect laxative
for children, womsn, old peopl and all
nihera wh need a senile bowel stimu
lant and not a violent salt, cathartic
Jill or doctored water. lr. Csidwella
Syrupi Pepsin will act gently, and when
taken before retiring Bin bring com
plete satisfaction in th morning. After
a abort use of thia remedy all forme ot
outstanding acid can be dispensed with
and nature will again act alone.
All claaeee of good American peopl
keep It In Ihe home for Ills of ths r.'om.
ach, liver and bowels, and among thai
thousands who have written ths doctor
that they will never be without It are
Mrs, Mary .1. Paddock. Manchester, lows,
snd Mrs II. Srovil, Oeceoka, Iowa. A
dose of It haa saved many a person from
a serious Illness. -
Anyone wishing to mnks a trial of this
remedy before buying It In the regular
way of a drugs tat at fifty oenta or one
dollar a large bottle tfamlly eisel cant
have a sample bottle sent to the horn
free ot charge by simply eddreseing lr,
V. H. Caldwell, st Washington ft.,
Montlcello. III. Tour name and address
on a postal card BUI do,
" 1
eooeeoors to
Bt-rttars. - .
Nraiest equipped dental office In
Omaha. Highest-grade denlstry at
reasonable prices. Poroetala lllllngs
lust like Ik tooth. Ail Inatrumaut
reretulljt sterilised atr sacs, onens
lion. ',) Oersee lath aad Varaaas Sts.
eirtaD ri.ooa. yarrow wt.oct
Art Poses of Btarjorla amlltoa, Amer
loa's World Famous Art Calendar QtrL
Tens of Thousands of Grateful Patrons Pro
claim This Wonderous Drugless Fat Treat
ment the Climax of Efficiency.
Nt STimtloa Diet; Hi
Dofi; Ni Pills; m Poi
sons; Nt Sieitln, Jack
ets; Nt Bandages; Nt
Rollers: Nt Electricity;
Nt line-Wnctlni 6r
nastlcs er Hirsfal Eur-
cists; it cippiif cops;
ll Sour Da
Nullns- Vi HiinntlM
....-el ww .,,,...,
Nt Ftollsham.
lotlls. Harsh tr Hsrifil;
Slaplj Dslllttfst Trejl
tat.islJopt H units
(or SlltUt Effort. Tn
Cai't 6tt Hi ..latitat
Froi JUif One Else hi
the Wkolt WKt World.
Art Vooes st Harjorl maaUltoa. Ajner
IsaV Worla ressoea Art Oaleaaar OirL
111 A-.yf'.;,
I Xoks as fat as aa Os Be
fore I m4eoa My Weia
with My wrest Drag-lee
Why Be Fit?
AS I AM . .
After BeSaelsr BTy Wolffs
37 Lb, la rive Weeks with
ry Marsaleas ssossa Trea.
Bssat. '
I Waa Vat Asa t Xaow.
My frlenrls were rhsrtlahle ana they
railed II osesltyi others referred to me
aa bains riT'JLT, but I know, it waa lust
plain bulky 1st I was miserable you.
you are
too. are oaally irtlrnihl4 tf
too ftl To rwdiice your wolrht
you must find tbe couee, yoa
ra JJt rt at tht very roa,on.
r rows nt causb vn
IIIT WetvJ 1AIT. Brfnro I
ucxfidvMl. I vrled oroirthtne;
within raiion. auid soon thins
beyond rfMon. Jt mvMjn
liitr. dUffuetlnc But, I fouod A
wav ouL
All J had to do wa to r
mive tbo cauoft. and I awoar
un let oath, that by atmplo
frvaunent, without drufrs. mod
t ini. hara.f ul cxrriaa. or
atarratlon diet. I reduced my
wta;M S7 pound in flvo weka,
and I iruaranteo thai you can reduca 6
ir1 antofint of your fat. 1 do not to
metir,fie of any kind, or worthiM atuff
to rub n Irmly. Just a ivlinplo home
treatment that even a rhild ran ne
without harm. Throuirh thin marveknn
rombination home treatment. I surreed-
Tao Joy of la tha msrttagra of tl-a t happlneaa, hraith and flanire. you will
ibmi awsgj iv rii ywm m m fM-kf ywr ffH
"Natwe's Wr" mm mum ear- .
hr twnatt to Mrtt im u mmrr
aMe mmm mr 4rmtmm noMmum mmmm IM
eHerlkv trmtimnt wiu aei torn hmmnt, IviM
te yea Pmmiw, wwmmr s4 pam aM re-
r pnmmntmm ta tmm 4 nrnvrmt
It ta iMiatM tae witee eff
f tl gaM'Bjr I am twvvtviais. i. B-
aMtte, at ca. oraet mm.4. iu .
VfrtSM that tkeat eAsst Aflf wMOa
Uk tmf hamUm trmummm. W. U
rrmKA, UwMnlB, Hiae.. It
tkinr iwwli ta Uirty ear, Memie
M'N(?. Dwto.. M..-wriAAs, ut
wttm kawM atstr-ne 9mm4n with mf
treateMtBt. m4 I ma " fmm ttwe
mwtm t pwswi ? Httvfitsj ntiB-ire,
I sBte mrwmmrmM hmk far rwj .
II 1 14. "W(M lUiBKllM WltWfK
!! " wlei I mm ginx avwar
trm mm wadim etveBfl. taxt ym
Weir lw mt mr mrrmmr tnift
im4 etriir riwm Bttt. Mr
m eaBlre. tmfatT
MarrMiaw jMe. tilth, ttrvc ar wiyrmm
mm th nrwbli ma iMMtlH (mfc T
Ui U fmamm ( fr M. m wnte thia very
da tmr tmwr mv it will rprt jmm.
I f far tAOO te eMa tf I fail to wrvra
taat say area rwlm Oeasaiew la
aaytkiAf bat oaJa, aiatt aad Mflm
Tr eoofi row
Ma HtamatTMier
e1 becauee I had found the nrtit way. I im fattwdtttioaw I hare found that tha
mw "limb to the euirmit f Pike
jVitit with eaee. I rmiM not do that un
til 1 haJ taken off -7 pounda of bit
riiderouf. welirM. n.y new way. vhirh
Boiii'l he your way.
if wu art? interest.?, in yoiir own
best way to know happiness ts to trive It.
Sincerely yoor friend.
aita tT04 CaatrwJ Saak Bldf 2esrrr.