THE 01IAILY SUNDAY BEE: FEBRUARY 25. 1912. B ARMY SOCIETYJDJ A FLURRY Coming of Major and Mr. Hartmann Awaited at Fort Omaha. . TOTOG PEOPIX ACT FOB CHARITY PriHtM Sin White" Be aaa rreareesl la G ta Ike Call Saviac laetttate. total lalraa'ar. TVESDAT-Aftemooa tea at art exhibit at Public library: Mnt. Henry Hiller. -afternoon bridge: arft w. jacoDa. Lai ver-el Ore's t'arj tlub. WKDNMOAT-Mu Bima chrts, Wrth- Amy Hinnfr at Pazton hotel. THCHSDAT-Reception ano hop at Fort - Omaha lor Major ana an t an r. Harltnann; afternoon tea at art exhibit; Mra. Lee Herdman. artrrnooa nniiee Kik' Hanrlne club, leap year uariv; wedding of Wlss Leora Jones ana a..-. ' Walter Johnson. (RIDAT-Port Crook BrWi tlub meet ing:: Temple Israel sisterhood, alter noon bridge. 1 8ATI RDA Afternoon tea at art Dibit. New Arrival at the Po& The bit social event or the week will be the reception and hop Thursday even ing, alven br th officers and women of Fort Omaha for their new commanding officer. Major Carl P. Hartmann and Mra Hartmann. who have arrived) front their former atatloo at Fort D. A. Russell, Wye. Whenever a new commanding' of ficer and hit family arrive -at a pnat. It ta always the slfnaj for complimentary fesitrltle. The coming of Major and Mrs. Hartmann ta especially welcomed since there baa Wen no regular commanding officer at the post tor any length at time (lore Colonel and Mra. William Olasnford left, almost a year co. for Manila. Thar baa bees little calefy at th fort sines their departure and It la expected that now there will be mora social activity. Th party for Major and Mr. Hartmann Thursday evening, will be held In th poet gymnasium with full military car, many and regalia. Th oflrars and women of Fort Omaha and of th Department of th Missouri stationed In th city, will be present and th post band will fur nish th music Plaaa far Benefit Play. I'Trlaces Snow-White", . ts th play wlttce. wll bo gtve by prominent young society men and women and about seves-ty-fWe children at th Brtndeis theater the. middle of April, under th direction uf Mlaa Isabel Lovdan for to benefit of the Child Having taatltut. Rehearsals for th ensemble parts began last week, Tbs grown-up parts hare not yet been assigned, but moat of those who took part In th benefit performance of "Around th World with Terpsichore" last year will hav prominent parte. Among thee are Mlsa Franc Nash, Miss France Todd, Miss Clair Helm Wood srd, Mr. Robert Burns and Mr. William Taylor. ' Utile Miss Eleanor Austin, daughtar of Mr. and Mrs. 'Thomas W. Austin has been chosen ta Us. th part of th Prin cess Snow-White' and Edward Crofoot. os of Mr. and Mrs. U F. Crofoot. will b th place. Th! play Is m original nantomlne, founded on Orlmm'i old fairy tot of "Snow-Whit and th Seven Dwarfs." It will b suppllmmted by a errtea of scene, bringing Into promlnenc a number of solo daarera, among Whom will b Adelaide Fogg, Orstchea Langdon snd Margartt Itubb. Among th children parts, which hav been assigned, an: Dwarfs Jasper Halt, tawla lfsts.' Hsrtt neaa Kaunas, tsarooa MacAulev, lie Wolf Barton. Ludwn Crofoot, Waller Preston. Huntsmen Philip Thomas, Cullen Root, Arno Harper, plrhard litre. WeHgh Hart on. rtoyd Itmilh, Karl feufccn. Jamea !.v, A. .!. Cloyd, Kdwtn 'ilin rlchs. Vergil D Franc Harold Steer. l.rp-Junlor Naah. Dickie Blewsrt, Merstion Welch. Hlchard Welpton, Gordon Smith. Wood Farlea-Katherine Rmythe, llasel Nichols, Ida langdon, Marjari Menold. Camilla Kdholm, Josephine . Wultam, Joeephin Plainer, Oladya Preertc, iryads Virginia Crofoot, Clsr Daugh. any, Katherln Barton, r , - Page- Virginia laggrl. . A :.: . . . eVasaea Seer far tharliy. Th Original Cooking elus, according ta Its time-honored custom, will saw again this seaso during Unt, for h Visiting Nurses' association. Thla club started when It members wer debutant and has met ack year for th pursuit uf culinary art. In addition to It cooking activities. It sews each year for charity. Th first meeting of th club for cooking will b bald Thursday at lbs horn of Mrs. Oeorgo Print and ths sewing wUI start soon after. ' ' Th charter member of th club, who till Hv la Omaha, are Mra Prins, for. mrty Miss Flora Webster,- Mrs. W. & Popplton (Heles Smith).. Mrs. Ward, Bur gess (Margaret Brown), Mra. Herbert Wheeler (Haul Cady) and Mrs, Charles T. Kounu (May Bums). -Thoss who hav Julned star th beglnlng of th Hub are Mrs, Lather L. Kountse, Mrs. Joseph Barker, Mra. stosher Colpetser, Mrs. JJ. T. Stewart, d.. snd Mrs. Samuel Burns, Jr. Th Wednesday Bridge club of which Mrs. Olenn Wharton. Mra. Thomas Da via, Mrs. Samuel Burns, Jr.; Mra WUIard Hoaford, Mrs. Louts Nash. Mrs. C. T. ' Smith. Mra. B. T. Swobs snd Mrs. Jerome Mages are members, will meet Thurs days during Lent ta saw for th Clark son hospital. Instead of plsytag brides. Th first meeting was with Mrs. Darla, Thuraday afternoon. , The Parish Aid of Trinity Cathedral, f which Mrs. Isaac Cole la president, will meet Wednesdays la Lent to sew lor th sal which they expert to bold at Easter time. Beeletr far eadelaaaha Chair. That society will be weU represented e.t til Ksndelasona Choir concerts this year, when they appear In conjunction wlta the Theodore Thomas orchestra Is evidenced by the fact that a aambrr of reservations bare bees mads by parties of six, eight snd tea on th main floor, whll at the present time of writing boxes bar been engeged by: Mr. and Mrs. Wsrd M, "urge. Mr. and Mrs. Luther Drake Mr. and Mra Job M. liaugherty, tir- and Mrs. hi. A. Fairfield. . Mr. and Mra. Oeonte W. Holdrege. Mr. and Mrs. Ueorge A. Joaelvn. Mr. and Mra. F. P. Klrtend.ll. Mr. and Mrs. Charles T. Kountse. Mr. and Mrs. Luther L. KunUe. stra. J. M. Metcalfe. - Mi. and Mrs. John A. McBhsnc Mr, fc. W. NaaA. Mr. and Mra. f. A. Nash. ilr. ar.d Mra. Arthur C Smith. Mr. aad Mrs. C W esiy Turner. - riaul Affaisw mi reel Creak. An Informal hop was Urea at Fort Creek Friday evening. The guests trees Omaha were Musses Mary Rlngwalt, Eu genia Whitman. Ktotas Jenks. Measra. Taylor Belcher, McCnllough. Bannister, Wytte liafer f Cwasdl Bluffs; Mr. and Mrs. C. a Bosewater... u The iaraesk affair givea at th peat curing to weak was the haft tnasha given Tbasaday by Calnaal sad Mrs. , wiltsui. Bttttier for all or 4b officers and ' mdiea f tee poet aad a few gam tram Omaha. Th rooms war decanted with eC ' K : sH i v 1 American flags, cherry trees and Amer ican Beauty roses. Those ssslstlng Mrs. Buttler -were Mrs. William Allalr and Mrs. John Bubo, who served punch; Mrs. Louis Nuttmsn presided over th Ices, Mrs. Benjamin Atkinson poured coffee nd Mr. Davla an J Mis Adams of Jamestown, N. Y assisted In th dining room. '. - High School Parties M'as Verdh Oldtlrld entertained th members of th Moon Imp club Satur day sfternoon. Those present were: Misses ' Mleeee Marie Hampton, Helen Linn, Dor-Pass. llasel Ii.-hlltre. Clella Hruhaker, Ktalla Morrison, France Mct'omb. tlertrude ureunlg, . Augusta Mengedoht.tlladys Tallmadge,. Madelins Mats, Vsida Oldfleld. Th Margaret Fuller society . held s Washington party at ths horns of Miss Lets Howell Saturday afternoon, when arott tixtyp members wer present. The rooms wer draped with ' th national eolors and appropriate Washington nov elties were used for tsbls decorations. Ths following program wss given: Heading, "lleorne Washington The Man." by Kiel Rogers; piano solo, by Xstheiin IDavenport; paper, "Events of Washington's Life," by Mlludred Sher rett. Those present were: Mil Mil Pearl Arrasmllh, Ella Austin. Kdtth Jon, Ruth Jorgenson. Chailalta HedweH- Elisabeth lierrvmsn. Suth llinrlchs, Illanciis Busk, Virginia Weller, Kaiherlna Robinson, Mildred roote. Adelaide Funkhouser Helen Osll. Katharine uouif. , Rthet Bay re. Fay Chamberlain, Marlon Coad, llasel Clarke, Helen Coon, Bather Colter, Irene t otter. KalheHne Mullen, Helen Houck, X a1e Hlsmann. Margaret Wright. Margaret Williams, Ixstherlue Siurde- nt, Kstherlne DavenporlKlste Rogers, Clem Dickey, uuita lui'iy, Cvsrliui i:HKtt, Ktltn lorne. Ruth Kreuger. Evelyn Ledwlch, jenny iees. Carol -sea I'm. Mildred Kherrar, Helen Strelsht. ' Imrothy Weller, Msrlnn Weller, Loulna Hunp. Helen Pesrce. Margaret McFsrlandKsther Knapp, Ituth White. Kstherlne danders, Ia!k Howell, lilanche Hahm, llah Benner, nne Mcilulr. I.OI Moore. Dorothy Meyr, Kva Nlson. Martha Noble. A lie Pelers, Miss r.ess Heaton entertained a larg party of high school girls at her home, MM Hawthorn avenue. Saturday after noon, th occasion being th annual mid winter aortal gathering of th Browning aoclety, en of th largest girl' social organliaUons of ths school. Those present were; . Misses- Ruth Anderson, Ruth Arnstrln. Beulah Byrd. Lola Byrd. . Margaret Burks, tmrotny riiacK. Ml sues Fanny Livingstons, Klhel Magney. Kuth Meyer. Kestora Netty, Mary Naaon, Hvbll Nelson, Henrietta Berxmnn. Ruth Ogle, Gertrude Dickinson, Ulllan Parsons. Ruby Dsvidson, Klhel rry, Marie Vrrelsnd. Oladys Goodman, Martha Hadrs, Bertie Hosg. Marlon Persona. Claire Patterson, Viola Pierce, Helen Pogue, Jessie Roaenatock, tirace Robinson, Florence liegxblsde, Kllsabeth Ralney, Helen Hokansou, i,waatia Kmita, Bee Heaton. Oladya Johnson, Marjory Johnaon. Biva J arms n. Blanch Jenks, Edna Levine. Lekina Brown, Flora Buck. ' Alice Rushton, Rena llleuriils. Florence Jenks. lsiillne Trout. Helen Weeks. Marls Hsmpton, Helen Keating. Adeline Wykoff, Pauline ( ilfton. Lenora Allen, Mary Mareton. Karah Buckley, Kloiae Steven son. Pleasures Past Mrs. Sol Degen enterlsined Informa'ly at bridge Saturday afternoon at her home. Five tablea of pmyers wer present. Mrs. Everett Backinghsm entertained delightfully at luncheon Thursdsy at her home. Decorations symbolic of George Washington birthday were used and twelve guests wer prent.- Mrs. Arthur Met entertained In formally it I I o'clock coffee Saturday afternoon at her horn la honor of Mrs. Peycke of Kama City, guest of her daughter, Mra Arthur F. Smith. The Diets club gave Ha regular danc ing party Thursday evening at the club house mar Carter lake. About forty couples were present. A n amber of lunch eon parties wer given preceding the party. The members of th PI Beta Phi soror ity were entertained at luncheon Satur day at lb bom of Mrs. Austin Dodds, when the assisting hostesses were Miss Alice Troxell and Mra. Frank WUkjos. Twenty guests wer presents Th H. U cm gav a card party at th dub rooms Wednesday evening. Th rooms wer decorated with the dub colors, whit and blur. Those present war: Misses LMlla Und. Blanch Ek deal. Anna Llnd, Hildur Walls. Bla Ekdahl, Messers. John Leader,- Rdbert Travis, Huge Ed holm, Frank Ekdahl and Arthur En holm. One of th plaaaaat social affairs Fri day evening was give by Mr. and Mra. Karl Shoe ml Iter at UM North Nineteenth atm. In sooasloa bains' ."the twenty ninth birthday anniversary of th host' brother, Mr. Clifford Shoemaker. Music snd cards furnished the entertainment Those present were Messrs Olson. Cook, Hosteller, Hsrland. Llttsll, Oritftn. Jen nings, Hatchings, Page, Klldell. Met 'Ton. Rahn, McClurg, Shoemaker; Misses Mc- Clurg, Overholt; Messrs. and Mesdames Karl Shotmaksr, Herman Drelbus. Msater Richard Lane Welpton cele brated his seventh blrthdsy by enter taining twelv of his young friends at a "stag" luncheon Saturday at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs, Douglss Welpton. at th Normandla apartments Th table was brilliantly decorated with the national color and George Washing ton favors were given to each of th guests. Following luncheon, Mrs. Welpton, accompanied by Mrs. C. P. Turner at ths piano, gave a delightful program of ten children's songs. Th guest wer: Mssterg George Paul Borglum, John Welpton, Scott Welpton. Arthur Smith, John Hunt, William Popplrton, Frank Sturgeon, Aaron Barr, Daniel Langfeld, Mlrhon Welch snd Winston Cowglll. Mlis Kdna Riley and Mr. George Riley entertained at a Washington party Thurs day evening at their home. High Flv was played and prises awarded to Miss Mlnnett Rousseau and Mr, Jack Bowen Ths guest list Included: Minnas Misses Rsglna Connell, Lucille MrCresry. Kaiherlne Ot'onnor.l.uills Bonnlff, Mlnnett Rousseau, Kllen Fowler, lone Fosx. Mary Flndlev. Carlta O'Brien, Helen M.-Cafrey, Edna Riley, Messrs. Lawrenr Bushman, rTwnoes powers, kVlwsrd McCaffrey, Frances Bushman, Jack Howen, Thomas Foley, M Beverldge, Clark Riley. Ixiretta Flndlev. Mary Claire Swift, - Messrs Gerald Dutfv. Robert tMnnell. Raymond Byrne, Donald Klollnger, Juha Hannlahsu, lo Rilev, Frank Walker, Paul Shirley. Oeorgs Kilty, On of th delightful Washington par- lies was given by Mis Margarst Richard at her home Thursday vnlng. Appro. prist gsmsa war played, aftar which re freshments wer served at two larg table. An attractlr scheme of red, whits and blue decorations with tiny hstchets and cherry twigs irer used. Prises wer won by Mia Theresa Dun ran and Mr. Robert Mcintosh. Thoss present were: Mlsses-r ' Misses Dewitt tallsbury, Isabell Duncan. Elisabeth Mcintosh, Margsret Scott. Mabel Scott, Mabel Ktlrllnl, Theresas Duncan. Dorothy Schmidt. Agnes Kutliertord, Alice Rlchsrd. Margsret Stirling. Voruthy Harrlmsn, Kllsabeth Kurts, Ulsdys Harrison. Mary 1. lUrhard, N'ancv Young. Margarst Edwards, Margaret Richard. Messrs. Willis Kennedy. Thomas pollack, Kdwln Mclean. Robert Mcintosh, John McDonald, James Adams, Harry Lovstt. Frank Keamleth, Oeorse Soott. Mr. and sirs. J. i. nuns. Mr. snd Mrs. H. J. McGregor, Mr. end Mra J. Richard. Mr. and Mrs. C. N. Schmidt, Messrs. , Karl Thompson, James Jackson. George Meyer, Kwift Nevers. Alfred Neemlelh, Rlchsrd Edwards, Frederick Aleaander, William Richard. Harry McGregor, Jr.; Engagements'- A telegram has been received In Omaha announcing th encasement of Miss Lillian Hellman. daughter of Mr. Meyer Hellman of Baltimore ta Mr. Harry Hlrachberg of New Tork. Th Hellmsns wer formerly resident f Omaha, Mr. Hellman having been an of th pioneer merchants of ths town, and th family was long prominent In aoclety here. Mr. and Mrs. & I. Hayne announce th engagement of their daughter Mluale te H. F. Matsrhullat at Chicago, formerly of this city. Ths wedding will take place in the spring. For the Future The Elk Dancing club will give a leap year party Thursday evening. February a. After th danct supper Will be served la th banquet hall oa I be second floor. Personal Gossip Mrs. S. M. Fairfield experts ta return from New Tork next week. Mr. C. A. UrlmmeU leaves today far a ten days' stay In southern Texas. Mrs. Herman K easier returned Friday morning from s trip ts New Tork. Mrs. Jenate Lspper of Iraa Mountain. Mich., la visiting bar sister. Mrs. B. F. Miller. Mis Helen Eastman I visiting Mr. and Mrs. Meredith Nicholson la Indian apolis. Ind. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Doup, who are Ploying a tour of southern Europe, are aow in Rome. Mr. and Mrs. N. P. Dodge, Jr.. are so journing at San Trtdro naca. which Is near Santa Barbara, CM. - Mrs. C. T. Smith Is snaking a three weeks' trip thraach Kansas. St. Louis and ether southern pi see. Mr. and Mrs. Philip N. Bigger and staters. .Mrs. Jsroes T. Milter aad Mass Clara Gienaoa, leave Sunday for several February S, Uat-Charks Edward Blcck. hatter and hustler, observes his china weddinc; aniversary on bis fifty- j first year. The marriage took place at I Creston, la., and Tilly L. Rex was th I bride. I weeks' visit with friends in San Fran cisco and Los Angeles. Cat. Miss Josephine Young Is expected home next week from ciin Francisco, where see bss been since last May. Mrs. Frederick Wing of Chisago ar rived this morning to visit her parents. Mr. and Mrs. O. P. Moorhesd. Mr. A. K. Kingsbury of Akron, O., wbo ha been visiting Dr. and Mra. Loam C. Swart slander has returned borne. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Baldrig are plan ning to spend Esster at Atlantic City with Mrs. Baldrlge's daughter and sons. Mrs. Carl F. Hartmann and ataighter. Phyllis, together with Major Hartmann. are at their new atatlon. Fort Omaha. Mrs. M. L. Stewart and daughter, Lena, of Manila. P. L. are visiting Mrs. Stew art's parents, Mr. and Mrs, C. R. Cow. dery. 1 Mrs. Blerbower and her brother, Mr. Jay Boyd, went to St Louis Tuesday and Mra J. K. Boyd will leave Monday to Join them. Misa Grace Callam of llion, K. T.. who has been spending ths winter with Mr. and Mr. Samuel Rees left Friday fori Chicago on her way home. i Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Haller returned yesterdsy from a trip to Cuba and Palm Beach. Mr. Haller la suffering with a severe atlark of rheumatism. i I Mr. 8. R. Lewis of Duluth, Minn., is In I the city and will return bom Sunday, I accompanied by Mrs. Lewis, who has been here visiting Mrs. S. F. Miller. Mr. and Mrs. Archl Love, Mr. and Mrs. Casper E. Vom and Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Lyman leave Tuesday for Los Angeles, where they will remain several Weeks. Mr. and Mr. W. J. Burgess, Mr. and Mrs. J. Hynea and Master William Hynes returned last evening kfter spending sev. eral weeks In Los Angeles snd San Frea- clsco. . Mr. and Mrs. Peycke of Kansas City, formerly of Omaha, who hav been the guests of their daughter, Mrs. Arthur F. Smith, and Mr. Smith, returned home last evening. Mr. and Mr. J. J. Derlgkt nave re turned from Fremont, where they were called by the sudden death of Mrs. De-J light's niece. Mrs. Hsrry D. Brown, who, was formerly Miss Lilian Malcolm. Lieutenant and Mrs. John Pullman, who hav been 'stationed In the Philippines, hav arrived In Ban Francisco, when they will spend a few week. Mrs. Pull, man'a mother, Mr. George Ribbelt, has Joined them for a brief visit. " Instead of going to Did Point Comfort as at first planned Mrs, Herman Kountss and Mr. and Mrs. Ben Cotton and chil dren went to Atlantic City, where they expect to remain ten days, after which Mr. and Mrs. Cotton will go to New York whll Mri. Kounls and th children will go to Virginia. Mrs. T. L. Kimball and Mis Arabella Kimball will leav next week for Or mond, Fl., where thr are a number of Omaha peopl Including Mr, and Mra. R. R. KlmbalL who went there In No vember; Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Bcobbs, wbo hav a bungslow there, and Mr. C. II. Plcken and Mis Elisabeth Pickens, wb re at in urmona notei. Miss Lottridg. for six years teacher of English at Brownell Hall. I coming to. Omaha th first of aext month and will' be th guest of Mr. and Mrs. George If. Thummel. Mis Lottridg was at th Chicago university until, her health de manded complst rest, and aba Is si present at her home In Peoria. She has eoepted an excellent offer from Miss Cow lee' school for girls. "Highland Hall," at Hollldaysburg, Pa., to become head of the English department thsrs next year. Anybody Want a Baby? Carload of ; Them is Coming Anybody want a baby? There's a whole carload of them to be given away about Easter time. Fin babies, all of them; anybody want one? They ar to b sent west from the New Tork Foundling and Orphan asylum and are te be placed In kernes found by M. J. McFeeley, who represents that Insti tution In the west Pretty little tots, these. Some hav blu eyes and golden curia pink toes that squirm and aqulggle, and chubby fists that have crease at th wrists. Anybody want one? Speak up. , Mr. McFeeley makes his headquarter t th Ileusnaw hotel, wher he will be glad to meet any prospective foster pa rente. Anybody want one? FROZEN PIPES ARE THAWED BY ELECTRICITY City Boiler Inspector Bob Wolf, City Electrician Mlchaelsea and George Keeb ler, superintendent of construction for the Omaha Electric Light and Power com pany, are elated over a discovery made- Mr. Wolfe wanted twenty-two feet of water pipe that ha been troasn for sevea weeks thawed out This was at the City Emergeacy hospital and the water was needed. The pip was laid enter the cement sidewalk and the estimated cost of tearing up th walk and taking out th frosea pipe was 06. , , - -"Ltt'a try electricity.' said .Michseisen Mr. Kesbier and a force were "loaned" by the light company, wire and a stand ard transformer secured and connections mad. The wire wss connected to th water meter at the hospital and ts ths water hydrant at Ninth and - Demglaa, Th current waa turned on and In leas than four minates th pipes wer thawed out and water waa rtuvslag. The actual cost had th eity bees obliged to pay th electric light company a man would hav bora lea than S3. . , Little Folks Out of May Festival Prat R. U Cams has excluded the kindergarten clams f the public schools from the May festival. Objects have been made by parent, who would be compelled te be with and watch th ehi: dra throughout the day. Only tna fifth. aUta. aereath aad eighth grade will take part. ' It has net beaa decided what gssM win a ptayed by Urn flf'-k aad atxtn greats, bat th seventh will o th "May solar .aad the adghtsl .wUt produce the -wearing gam. Beautiful Dew Spring Models The greatest values ia new Spring wearing apparel for women and misses. Advance showing of exclusive styles at prices that are surprisingly low , garments thai possess beauty of lines, weave and colors. . ' If you have never Leen a customer, we feel you will be ; . after looking over our offering of new Spring garments. Beautiful Spring Suits at $11 COO Made of new Serges, wide wales in the latest Jf shades, navy, wide wale, cadet, tan and gray, fancy and plain tailored suits lined with peau de Cygne. These suits are equal to any $25.00 value you will see elsewhere." . ' ' Latest Spring Suits Sold at $QEO0 Suits beautifully cut and finished in two-Jf""" toned whipcord, imported serges, wide wales, . . fancy mixtures. Latest colorings, strictly tailored or fancy braid effects. Skirts in tunic, apron or gored styles. f y 35 00 These Smart Hand Tailored Suits at $ Loveliest styles-in new fancy or braided ef fects with large or small revere trimmed with lace collars and cuffs, or plain tailored, with popular length coat These suits are made of choicest materials, new style skirt. Suits that you would appreciate at $50. NEW SPRING COATS for Women, Misses and Children A very large assortment of new Spring coats in all new est materials, styles and colors. Prices ' S10l, S15., $19 Is, $25i?, S35i!g and $45 00 A Light Lunch at Our Sodoaiis with a cup of our delicious hot choco late or Ceylaa Tea will prove a rest ful tonic to tired ahopperg. Quirk, clean service In our down' italra Eodoaati.- Sherman 4 McConaell Drnf & lotn aati image sts. , r ive (Jsjod Htorc la Omaha BLANCHE S0RENS0N ...VOwAL TEACHER... 804 HOVD THEATER. Tel. llarnef 2HH7. New pupils received Monday after noons and by appointment. Many Claimants for the Reward Twenty-thre demurrer te the claims of persons who say they are entitled to part of the reward offered by the Union i'aclfla Railroad company for the cap ture of William Matthews, on of th nsndlt who held up th Overland Uraltad at Lan Cut-Off. hav been tiled In th office of th clerk of th federal court by Homer A. Bearle, administrator of the estate of Will E. May, deceased, wbo captured Mat the we at Boise City. Hearte says thst May In capturing Matthewa, took all of th risk, snd that his heirs ar entitled to the reward. The five reward for th capture of the five bandits aggregated CMW. There are over forty claimants. Twenty-three claim they assisted only In Matthews' arrest and ar eliminated from sharing la th rewards offered for ths capture of other four men. DR. JENKINS TO LECTURE ON -HUMORIST IN HISTORY" On Tuesday evening at St. Mary's Ave nue Congregational church Dr. J. A. Jen kins, pastor, will lecture on "Th Humor ist la History." an 'evening with the Jokesmltti of th world. It ts under the auspice of th Domestic 8dsac circle of th Ladles' association of th church. Tbla Is th program: (a) Masurka Vardalle lb) An Irtsn Melon y t nesnir let A Prayer Hasseinan Miss Marie gwanson. Th Humorist In Htstorv" ..Rev. James Alexsnder Jenkins, o. D. Masurka tfthuecker Miss Marie Swansea. HIGH SCHOOL GIRLS ADEPT AT PIE MAKING Pastry making was the chief eubject of Interest among th girls In the domestic science department at the high school last week. Miss Neva Turner, whs has rharge sf th work. 1 well pi rased with the results obtained and declares that moat of the pie efforts would tempt the palate of the most critical epicurean. ART EXHIBIT AT LIBRARY WILL BE OPEN ON SUNDAY The exhibit of modern American art at the panne library will be opea Cunday, rearuary X. from 1 until n. m. Usually th Horary bar ding ia not .open before t o'clock on Sundae, bat tn hour bar been lengthened f the art nblbit s as t give those feavftur Sunday afternoon at their dlspesal more time te view th picture. Henry Kanwa course of Illustrated leetare opea th orchestra, sill be held Friday at 4, instead of Wednesdaya Commend ner March 1 la the School of Music ' SSBSSB asss e - J me famous E"j TAXI TKI UTATOaV 5UU metric:. Trinnsd Hats Secured at 25c on ttia Dollar This purchase ' offers you an opportunity to buy your new spring hat at a remarkably low price. Sample Sale of New Spring Suits, Coats and Dresses Actual $20 and $25 values, Monday . .$10 and $15 New Serge Dresses at $3.98 . ' Do not judge them by the low price. See them. Note the splendid style and quality. Extra Special for Monday Houses Dresses, real $20 values .98c 25 dozen newest Lingerie Waists, real $1.50 values, in daintiest of patterns'........ ,....98 Silk and Taffeta Petticoats, real $5.00. values, in all the new wanted shades ..............$1.75 A GOOD IDEA would be to have repaired or put in order now before you are ready to start on your Bummer vacation. " e i also have a fine jewelry repairing de-l partment. Let us do your repair work. Remember the New Location 221 South Sixteenth Street S. W. LINDSAY, Jeweler and Oplieian Dainty Footwear: For Pretty feet. Every young lady Bhould take pride in her footwear. It hurts her feelings as well as her feet when she wears ill fitting, clumsy footwear. We have a young ladies' shoe built on spe ciallasts in Patent Colt, Gun Metal and Bus sia Calf and Vici Kid, low and half Military heels-Sizes 2Y2 to 6- . ... goo DREXEL 1419 f amain The Bets for All the News