Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 24, 1912, Page 8, Image 8

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Some Want to Make Their Bepert
nS Be Discharged.
iiEur rivoss ADjouiunaan
ItffvN tel ii b A'uti at Ttsss
fair gke Oiantl Jsry I laveetl
atsa Itleev MatalU
liuv.a'laa cunty crand i.ry members
Bave put oa the picstion wiietlier fur
Ifcer efforts shell bs made to nrebe
buostvms chargea and rumor of officle'
etrwmor or whether II, a eri 3 Jury
a)a treks a final report liy tlie J of
(a week ar,4 e that it b dUrhargtil.
Tas question wss debated in to granj
Jary room Testerdar morales. A. D. KMi
teaslne; Ma aids In favor of early adjourn
ment. Itr. Klela eipreaari himself
" tsllsvias" that the rnd jury could fo
as further taaa It baa eon, arcs vara
It ta remain at work for several weeks
mora. Ha mid ho does , not '' believe It
fair to (rand Jury member who have
Important b-jslims Interest and whas
firms suffer to greater cr Ires extent br
thalr absence to kcer tiun at work' as
(read Jurors alien the filiation is aa it
exists at present. He c-ald r. seemed to
him the crsnd Jnry has Rone aa far as
It ean fo In the pronin of 'the aertous
charcos and rumors laid tofoie It br
Judca A. U Suttoa In his Instruct) n
and It la sot fair nor rifht to thot
frand Jury members whose business or
amplorers n4 them to k-ii them at
- work eg matte's of common crime which
can be handled as satisfactorily and ef
fectively by the police and other law en
forcement officers.
Other frand Juivri faret-ed continuing
la aaMion In the hope that further evi
dence rrcarJInt important matters may
be turn J up.
Attorm Charles A. Goes, spsclal -sletant
to the crand Jarr. lot tt be
kaowo that he would crater to hava the
rand Jjiry oocUnue In aoaaloa at least
for sev:al days.
Juvenile Officer Uocy Bernstein and
Bertha Laa. one of the youn (Ms said
a hava bean held for a weak or mora
la a Greek roonlnc house, were witnesses
before the irsjid Jury this mornlna;.
F. W. Brass, superintendent of the
Omaha district of the Nebraska Antl
HalooB leacue, waa called to teat try aa to
lils knowledn of alleced vtolaUoaa of
the liquor laws, but waa able to aire
little testimony that waa not hearsay,
lie told of complaints- received by him.
He said ha has tee at the bead of
the Omaha district only since the first
of the year and beraosa of the activity
sf the polios and the sheriff baa not
secured much evidence.
Evidence aaalset root Malm.
' lome rastlmony recardlnt pool halls la
wMeh minors have been permit tad ts play
pool waa received by tha (rafcd Jury.
C M. retdar, tha barbers' union aent
who has been fbjhtlnc for dosed barber
hope on Sunday, appeared before the
rand Jury aa a wllHng witness la the
hope of striking a Mow at the opponents
of Sunday closing, who hava the upper
band at this time. He ant lit Me sattanuv.
lorn alahemmltt. editor of the Bntar
prlss, a weekly newspaper for colored
people, waa a witness before the (rand
Jury this afternoon. . .
rwiowlnej the lead of Rome Miller Bad
ether hotel nmftrUtun ak. m.
assess before the frand Jury. Bad donated
their fees to tha ChM Bavins lusutssa.
Juvenile Officer Mory Bernstela today
cava bis foes to ths salvation Army Jtao
caa home. They went for two days and
amounted to K ' ,
From Our Near Neighbors
Copper Didn't Know
that Beer is Beer
John Parrot, a saloon keeper at Hi
Bomb Thirteenth street, waa acquitted by
a Jury la polkM court on a charge of
selling liquor on Sunday. Tha Jury was
out but five minutes when It announced
that a verdict had been reached.
Steve Maloney on tha stand" told of en
tering tha saloon and finding several man
with glasses partly filled with bear before
them, but dM not see any money pass
over tha bar. Patrolman Oood said he
looked In the door and saw tha men with
.ths glasses before them, but could not
tell what was la the glasses. The otfleanv
did aot arrest any of the Inmates. Bvemr
J:ror empaneloj answered to the call af
bis name. They were Harry O. Jordan,
real estate man; Bay C Ooddard, presi
dent of the Continental Coal and Coke
, company; Walter Willi, real estate; C. J.
' Canaa, real estate; Prank V. Brownies,
real Cite tt, and P. D. Parmer, Co tree
Advertising Expert
to Talk to the Ad Men
E. St Elmo Lewis of Detroit will ad.
drees ths Omaha Ad club at luncheon at
!): today at the Paxtoa.
Mr. Lewis Is advertising manager of
tha Burroughs Adding Machine twmpaay
acd at president of tba Assoctalioa of
National Advertising Managers. He for
merly waa advertising manager of the
National Cash Roctstor company. Ha Is
a graduate of the University of Pennsvl,
vanla and has been In the printing, pub-
tubing and advent ring business since
having college.
F. W. Corliss was here Tuesday on
James Walsh of Bensoabea business
In Waterloo Thursday.
Mrs. Jeasto Cobb and two little ehlMrea
left Wednesday nooa for. Hon county
first gulnar. to Omaha. . .
airs. Mondd Psrk was" visiting Mrs.
Teal the first of the week, reluming
heme Wednesday afternoon.
A marriage license Was Ueued Monday
to Anton J. Blootnqulet of Waterloo and
Miss Sua, M. Pouts of tuey.
Deputy Sheriff Hangar came from the
rtty Thursday morning on some official
business with a couple of umana men.
Dr. C Goodwin went to VBIley Thurs
day morning to Inspect eorre caitiewnicn
were to oo awppeo rrom mere &e ww.
Herbert Bed has accepted a position
with Channroy P. Cor and aa
aumed too duUes of the same Tuesday.
I"harlta Rtenfllrn came from Omaha
Mooday afternoon and -has been on duty
part of the time since at uio arug aioro.
Mm. J. A. Woods and little girl came
from Omaha Tuesday afternoon to vuut
her daughter, Mra. Benjamin Biengietn.
Mrs. Cora Turtle of Omaha and Will
Whert of Oretna were h'fe rTiday last
to attend the funeral of Mra. Prank
'Mrs. Kesfe has been quite tow this
week, the result of her recent Illness,
snd the relatives have been called home
oa her account.
Mr. and Mrs. Rlrhard Jensen of Aa-
burn arrived Friday last to visit Mra.
Jensen's parents. Mr. and Mrs. M. K.
uscaer, and the family.
Mrs. H. L. Whitney waa hero from
Omaha last week to see her mother, Mrs.
Shannon, who waa III at the lime. The
latter is much Improved this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Owen Summer rams from
Dixon last Friday. Owen returned heme.
bat Mrs. Kumnier will remain at the homo
of Mr. and Mrs. S. T. Summer awhile.
Tupllo of the Waterloo Iltth school hava
been tesllns; seed com durinc the last
two weka, having taken up the work lor
the practice It give them along that Una.
Flllen Kellet bewan work at tha imsi
office Monday and will bs the reaular
aelatant after March L Miss Crook bss
resigned aa assistant, to lake affect ua
above data.
Mr. and Mra Peter Jensen of Ant el one
county, the former a brother to A. c.
and Marlnua Jensen, were hero Saturday
and waited over Sunday with their rela
tives south of Waterloo.
' Ths Waterloo Sunday school bass ball
team waa organised February u, with
P. A. Carmony aa manager and E. P.
Noyas aeslalanl manaaer. Deryl Rohwer
Is captain of the -team and the nine le
mada up of boya from tha Sunday school.
Mrs. . Aston was called to Fremont
Saturday because of the dcalh of their
old friend. M. B. MrCord, Who had been
III tha laat two years. Rev. Mr. Aston
went to Fremont Monday morning to at
tend the funeral, returning In ths after
noon. ,
Mra. C. Nlel. who baa been hers sev
eral weeka past visiting her daughter,
Mrs. Campbell, and ether relative, re
lumed Monday to her home In the city.
Mrs. Nlel makes her home with her grand
daughter, Mrs. Oraoa Wheeler, a trained
'The drodgo working In ths creamery
ditch moved the first of the week oa the
Stengletn land south of town, whore the
other drodgo quit work laat year. The
dredge cut through tha Donohoo lake and
Minos puanina un the alourh ejul u io
expected tha work will be finished this
A very pretty wedding took niece at
tha comfortable country homo of Mr. and
Mrs. A. C. Jensen Saturday evening. Pen.
ruary 17, when their only daughter, Moia
Uda Jensen, waa united In marriage to
Prod Schneider. The ceremony waa per
formed by Iter. E. Alton of Waterloo,
! . - Valley. .1
Anton BlooMulat waa aa Drnth,
Monday. ,
Mr. and-Mra. Ed Lswta wars shannon
In Omaha Tuesday.
Miss Marlon Whltmora anent laat wreak
with friends la Unouiu.
Mrs. A. 'Oardlnar went ta Omaha Vna.
day to vkut her daughter, lira, Noyea,
Mrs. Branson, who cane out hn
Omaha vary III last week. Is slowly Im
proving. . ... ,
Miss Hssel Cordron visited her f.iho.
In the hosultal In Orualia Mondav. in
Cordron la doing nicely.
Mra Jennie Olbeon esme nut hm
Omaha Saturday to spend Sunday with
ner oauanior, mra. w. a. soay. .,
Tha Wtoman's Ctirletlan Tsmperenro
Inlon held a Francis Wlllam memorial
advice at tha Methodist Episcopal church
ounosjr evening.
Monrv ' FrMiritn nureheoerf IK. inh.
Domlna farm last week. The farm la
leased for one, year and at tha and of
(hat time Mr. Freeman eipecta to move
on It .himself. .
Friday Will he Patron, riee ml (ho
Valley public school from A a. m., until
p. m. Kimbiia 01 the work In each
room will be ehown and at t p. m. a
program will be given In the assembly
room. .
Tha Woman's Chrtatlan TeniMniu,
t'nlon met at the home of Mra. F. M.
Butta Friday afternoon. A large number
of gueeta en toyed tha program which
WSf fallowed, by a flainlv lunch eervaj
bv Mra Butta , .
J. S. Ksnnedy. superintendent of the
Methodist Episcopal Sunday echool Mra
Frank Rico and C. K. Byera. and B. A.
Fya of the Presbyterian Mundav achonl.
attended the County eiunday Kchool con
vention in (Minn Omaha Wednesday.
Ths members of the Vailev Woman'a
club entertained tor their husbanita at
the home or Mr, and Mra W. K. Weekly
Friday evening. A musical program.
Interspersed with two readings, wss given
bout fifty members and guests were
present. Delicious refreshments were
ssrrsd, - - - . .
The nwrrlate of Etta M. Foul a only
dkiiEhtrr of Mr. and Airs, (lenrae Fnuia
and Anton J. Blomqulst, was very quietly
retcDraieo ai nor qome wtonoenay even.
Ing at t o'clock. Only reiatlvea and
Intimate friends were present. Both the
bride and groom hsvs grown an In the
vicinity and are well ret period young
people. They will be at homo after
March t at Iho V. H. Thomas Una.
this place has voted to tsko la thirty
three new members next averting.
Ts Dissolve ths Valoa
vt stomsch, liver and kidney .troubles
: i ' bil'omnes snd malaria, take
""In i. Cua: an teed. Only Mc.
For sals by Beaton Drug Co.
. , Millard.
Hoadley Stuart visited ta
Bluffs Sunday.
Mies Mabel Koch aa a Baisaaasr to
uir.ana Tiiursaay.
A daughter aa bora to Mr. and Mra.
Arganbright Monday.
Mrs. T-omnfce of Omaha visited with
inends naro ejaturoay.
M'.aa Frieda Ilolatein of South Omaha
waa boms over Sunday.
Miaa Time Kelson of Omaha vlelted
at her homo mis week.
Miss Gladys Baldwin of Omaha visited
with Bar pa rent a sunoay.
Mlas Margaret Mert vMtsd with bar
stster at uretna au week.
Mr. Moeller of Omaha wlsrtsd with
reiatlvea aaturaay and aunoar,
Henry I.udenberg returned hut weak
rrom a runt with menu K.RuahviUa.
Mr. Bowman of Omaha was a sued
of J. W. Aadroeea Katurdsy evening.
Btlie Delia Blam of Chaica. ' NaK.
visited friends snd relaUves her last
k- ... . . ; .
Mr. and Mrs. Boenel and dauahter
Rose, of Omaha, wore guests of the
vua Donroa family Saturday evening
Charles Boedel and Mlas Hsttle
Dshrcks or rnnaha were guests of Mr.
and Mrs. William Tea Dsarsa, Jr., Sun
Mrs. C W. HVJceys awthor la vistring
him thai week. , . .
Miss Kirrma Mangold Is rlatthsg Urn
week saa as ursxna, neo. ,
Tim Ohr and C. W. Olaudt bava bought
tns cement woes laciory. -
Hy Anderson and Mlas 'lasrh) Silenert
wars auvmsa at too boom of tno anas.
Tveodoro Klabasda Is almost aMe to
ho around aawia aner Ms severe Wneea,
A snaoqiwrsda ball agaia '.will bo given
at the Modern Woodman ef America, Ball
eatarday oveoing. J -. -
JTba Woodmen of tao WorldlioisVot
Bert Deersoa went to Ewlng Tuesday.
Mrs. Otto Phelffer spent two days In
Omaha this week. .
Mrs. Vaaaist was called to Iowa Mob-
day, ay the death of aa aunt
Mrs. Charles Deersoa slipped and fell
oa a waxea uoor. ntionng nor auaie.
The Peter Hofeldt sale waa WriM at.
tended, everything bringing fair prices.
Tha- Imp year dance given by the
young ladies, at Schuldt s hall, was well
Mrs. John Mangold and two children
of Hprlngfield arrived Thursday for a
visit with reiatlvea.
Mra. J. D. Mickey and daughter. Miss
flora, wont to Lincoln for a visit with
tns Clark Mickey family.
Arthur Wtdfery and brMo arrived Fri
day from Winnebago, Neb., for a few
oaya Willi James Whlgery and family.
Henry Smldt haa purchased two teams
wnicn ne eipectro to take to tanaie
In a tew weeks. Where ha has a homo
stead. Henry Pfelffer and Miss Kmma Mat
schuck wore msrrled at Omaha Wednes
day, February a. They will make their
home on the Mra. William loUlUraa farm
north of Elkhorn.
' Mrs. J. a. Seeftie ratertalned ths C. C.
club Thursday. Mrs. C. A. Norens won
nrat dtiss and Mra ft. A. Mockeimann.
least. A very nice lunch waa served. The
Best meeting will bo with Mrs, Qtrina.
Those attend! as- the dlstrlot meeting
of tha Knights of Pythias at Omaha
Monday wens O. Pheirfer. Homer Mlckev.
John Purrsll, J. M .-Connies, J. A Gibbons
i William
Mra C. L, Harrison waa a Blair vbltor
Fred Kahtohkamp It spending lha week
at Omaha.
Lewis MMIloa of Klckersoa visited rela
tives Thursdsy.
Mlas Ssdls Brlon of Ewing Is ths
guest of Mrs. O. J, Pfelffer.
Mr. and Mrs. B. a. Nunnolev retorned
homo Tuesday from Idtons, la.
William Looker. H. C. Eaain and Myron
Cook are at lending tha automobile ahow
at umaha.
Mr. and Mrs. Ben Lamb are rejoicing
over the recent arrival of a baby boy at
their home.
Mrs. Ross Coleman of Omaha waa ths
guest of her slater. Mrs. O. C. Huberts.
over Sunday.
Mr. and Mra, Kenneth White Bra In
Beatrice thle week rtelting . with . old
friends and neighbors.
Mrs. Oram Jones of Chadron. Neb., will
be tha guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
O. K. Ilas-n for a few weeka
II c. Oslnes. after ependlng a week
visiting Kidney (Neb.) frlenda returned to
Ma home west of towa Friday.
County Superintendent J. A. Rhoades of
Blair waa visiting sahoole la this section
Wedneedsy and Thursday.
Mra. H. L Andrews, after a three
wesks vtnit here with her parents, re
turned to her boms In Hooper Sunday.
A lam number ' of ths friends and
neighbors of Mr. and Mra, James Bryco
govs them a surprlsa party Wednesday
Henry Vopel will visit Oermany this
R. 0. 0 lover of Weening Water wag
hers oa business Thursdsy.
Mr. and Mra. Charles Msdlson of Raoid
City, S. D., are bars visiting friends.
Thomas Nelson attended the hardware
Insurance convention at Lincoln Thurs
day. . .
Mr. and Mrs. K. Jarman celebrated the
thirtieth anniversary of their marriage
last week. .
Tha Vast ore Star celebrated Washing
ton a birthday by an aooronriate pro
gram and a flaa spread.
Ths young people of ths Mwtlradtst
Episcopal church will sirs a Wsihlngtaa
birthday program Sunday evening.
Newton V. Snodgraaa, sged V died at
tha home of hie ooa. Frank, woanoodar.
The body waa taken by hla three sons to
Kouta. log., for Burial.
Alois Wwell haa fmlahed hie work at
the Cmverstty of Nebraska and will take
charge of tha bualneee of ths Elwell-
Peters Hardware company.
The water la coming out over tha bot
tom south of hero and a crew of mea Is
blasting ths heavy Ice. which threatens
the wagoo bridge at Louisville.
Some excitement waa caused by Frank
Anoon eaahlrur aeveral checks on ths
bank here, where ho bad no deposit. Hs
wss afterward arreeted. Hie friends made
the parties Interested good financially
and lbs mailer was dropped.
- Irvlagtsn,
fleoree Pittrvs bss been visiting at ths
homo of bis sister, Mrs. 8. A. Bates.
Miss Jean McMaatsrs wss ths guest of
Mrs. e. A. Bstaa a few days laat week.
a enaiuma ball waa riven last Wednes
day svsnlng at tha Modem Woodmen of
America nail.
c. I. eVhell la visiting In Lincoln for a
few dsys with his dsughter, Mrs. H. H,
Harmon, and various tr tends.
Tha Roval Neighbors gave a program
and bos social at the Modern Woodmen
of America ball Thursday evening.
Mm Ray Stevens, formerly Mlas Clara
Pamp. waa called home Saturday by the
serious Illness of her mother, Mrs. C E.
Mrs. F. E. Pamp died Wednesday after
noon at her horns. Shs had been sick
for some time with paralyals. Phe leaves
a married son snd a husband besides an
adoptsd daughter. ,
Tha Loyal Beroane and the Lower
Ughts, ths two adult Blbls clssses of
ths lrvlngton Christlsn church, gave a
program and oyster supper at ths church
last Friday svsnlng.
M. K. Freeman of lrvlngton died last
8undav st his home sftor a long Illness.
Mr. Freeman waa a middle-aged man and
a member of the Methodist church. He
leavea a widow and two eons. ,
r. W. Conk ling haa returned from a ten
days' trip Into Colorado.
Mr. and Mrs. HI Miller are expecting
to remove to Blair la two weeka
Mr. M. R. Hopewell returned last Sat
urday from a several weeka' visit at
Riverside. CaL
Mrs. Msrv Soars returned last week
from a several weeks' stay at ths home
of her daughter, Mrs. Dlz, at Salt Lake
The Tekamah Woman's dub will put on
a home talent production on Saturday
evening that Is expected to bs highly en
tertaining. .
Arthur Neablt of this place has Sis-ned
up with ths Rid path Lyceum bureau to
hue tha place or seooaa uoor la on of
their mala quartets
The high school senior eondoeiof a
successful waffle supper Thursday even
Ins, to provide them solves with funds for
commencement doings.
The Teksmah Firemen's assutlailoa
held Ita annual ball oa Monday evening
and had one of tha largest and moat
successful gatbermte of the kind la the
history of their organisation.
S. T. Story, W. R Langford. Cbsrles
Gsmmet and son and Mr. and Mra. Fred
Story farmed a party that left on a trip
to Texae and Old Mexico Tuesday. Tbey
expect to he gono two weeks.
Weeplaa Water.
The Eller hotel haa been traded for
property la Eegla. Nsb., sad the present
proprietor, Mr. KUar, will move to Eagia,
Among the high priced farms that bare
changed hands la Cass county Is one of
eighty scree, owned by George Oil mora,
three and one-half muea aortheast of hero.
It sold yesterday to Tom Miles for I1KJ
per acre.
A district meeting of tba Odd Fellows'
was held hers ysstsrdsy. About 10 vte
tters were present. Secretsry of State
Walts. F. P. Corrtrk and I. P. Gag made
addresses. From to I p. m. a banqaet
wss fives, tba visitors giving toaata.
' William Baler of Avoca and Miss J rests
Jone of Weening Water were married
In Lincoln Wednesday. They will reside
on a farm near Avars. Tha bride ta a
asogatar g Mr.' and Mra. H. B. Jonas,
f awaaw. : : it m ft it it b osTa, r-"Sb, n nh m m
and baa 9m was, 1 m
Saturday Sale of Trimmings, Laces and Gloves
From 300 to 400 yards of trimmings go on sale at 29 cents a yard. Persian
effects colored silk embroidered on nets, various colors gold and silver
tinsel effects sold by us up to $1.50. Will clean OOl aam 4
up (8 a. m.) at, yard. ZZ G&il IS
Oriental, Normandy Val, Point de Paris Laces for jabots, trimmings, under
wear, etc
TwO Prices--19 cents and 9 cents a yard
Worth two, three and a few four times as much (8 a. m.)
About twenty-nine dozen pairs of Kid Gloves left AQ aaIq a nil!
from our largest glove sale; Saturday on the square vulllO CI pull
None fitted Saturday. All guaranteed if you will allow us to fit them
afterwards. Very few whites; most other colors; all sizes (8 a. m.)
All that is left of the 12 and 16 button length kid and lamb gloves, worth
$3.00 and upwards perpair to close at CJil kC
A few oare very slightly soiled . . . . J Ow' U
Many new arrivals in the Ready-to-Wear Section Special Showing of new Silks and Woolen Dress Goods. And
a magnificent collection of fine cotton goods. Fays to trade in the morning.
AFTEE ABOVE WAS WRITTEN Word came from Second Floor to call attention to a purchase of House
Dresses. The. lot is desirable and all new. Saturday will sell $2.50 House Dresses at $1.98. And two other lots
equally good values at $1.50 and $1.25. Also and this is very important Will close out a lot of Tailored Waists,
sold up to $1.50 and $2.50; on sale Saturday at 50c. t
Thbs. Kilpatrick (Si Co.
, 11 LSh
1 Ml
? 1 I resTa?"
ea mr
Not Ono Day, Out Every Day
Got Our. Spring Prices on
27x54 inch Velvet Rugs 95c
27x54 inch Axminster Rugs $1.45
6x9 ft. Seamless Brussels Rugs $4.75
9x12 Seamless Brussels Rugs ....$9.75
9x12 Velvet Rugs $12.50
9x12 Axminster Rugs $15.00
See our complete line of Body Brussels and "Wil
ton Rugs furnished in all sizes, MUCH BELOW
(Like Cut)
No. 1 Leather Seat
Solid Oak Chiffonier
; With Plate Mirror
Low Prices on G jod
Stoves and Ranges
We sell a good 4-hole Range, set up in your
home $24.50
6-hole Range $26.50
Pull line Quick Meal Ranges in all sues.
Stoves Sold on Payments
aevVi! m Vaas