Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 24, 1912, Page 6, Image 6

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.? 7 A 1 1
i iii
fRor the
Tea at Art Exhibit
Ts saafsttloa ef j.maD;sn art lc
riayot at, two paacia ' !ibrvr by t
f n At iu Ljro.-ne quite a
x-v: a e"l ammo treat from the
tai.a:Mia ? ec.--r.nj aticrncua tea far
a.' i v. ; swisj by Ih society
?!.t -:.ttut fie of i'ja
Hut ea six. l-i owe turv. To?-
: Pleasures Past '
'Mlsa Kathertn Emm was the hoi tees
till, aftsraeea (or th .meeting of tha
Dehutsnre Bridge dub.
Mrs. Harry Ttikey entertained Infonn
ally at two Ubl of bridge reeterday
cfternonn at bar home la honor af Mlaa
DUnche Garten of Lincoln, curat of Mist
Ethel Tukey. Two tables of .players war
present. .call theater parties were
Mr 7. nr"-w I tuvaai I S.vea ust at Ice Eoyd theater.
M tes can,. .bjOUi. aid lla to- j "If "be attraction wao "Vadam But
ara. itoronwera vera
IV. Taws, Mrs. J. L. Walter.
eC.f W.ui at: C W. t.a-vi. Mr , trrflj.r"
T.VKJir Xnwic Mrs. "!: Offutt. i frs. II.
Mrs. Fube Morgan. Mrs. James McK.nnt
and Uji Carolyn Johnso of n. Je-
t ii. Clarenca Psiarson entertained the
V. W. rlub ".Vejneadsy. Tha docoratlona
cecslned of tba national colors, mtnature
Cut and auqbeu bring ueed. Besides
the metntmre Ilia guest were Mra, Coch
ran, kit C. it. Cochree, Mra. C. W.
FUtrtar, Mra. K. E. 8tephioi and Mra.
lew Doip. The next meeting will be
Kjl.t?. wit Mra. la. a Soott.
With the beginning ol trie new tchcol j Mr. oarnl North and Mra. George
tarm fth -aool social c-Suba have atanaJ I runulctifto .te hostesses today at tha
aeuvit:e with renewed Interest and I Wiiibeon tlvn by lbs Ladles' Aid so-
av.i Oi'mar C.w, iira. Victor Ca:-w-':.
Mr, a. J. Los. Jirm., Vou
!'nL : Wrmaa vllt ta hca
ko. 'Ii,. woman of tba etkib'tlon
ujril'.Jjw. Vt. lwrta Cl!d, Mra.
JkrriT. :tW an4 Mra. Warren Blftck
via: aia at fte aaJbtt moat of tha On
tv iiktM lo&aiBe at tha ptcturaa. .
0. H. S. Activities
lavary Frioay and 6a,uiraay heraa.tter
fivneen aad srealnc panies wi be :n
vrie. Tba stoaaata who arn
lnt afa Smltlrc tBawtaairaa to afternona
Cram tle racsrda af stodanta who r
ciTa4 ara4es aasva a par sent for IS
first tana easier this nonta. It ta wl
at Unu Ihoaa who fcawa feoan attanCliw
sootal ftinctlona aro lost aa high lu las
work aa the etbar atudants. One of tba
leadlnc trla aodal cluba baa a total U
slcbt out of twsres memtara wbona Mm
wars aa tha honor last.
Maar of the olans hare bun o'adftaf
Itaaw aaaaasors aa eoa sow orsanhieUon
Us baati added ta the Eat. tha Tatpts X
sliik. eenaoaat of fraahsvaa sal avpbo
Biors (tn.
' Mas) DorU Us4lar snlartalivaa tha H
itkMs slab this aftaraman. The members
.sent S bouquet of carnations to Mlaa
leaies Hues, a Junior member who baa
.been IU tha last four weeks. Those
-present thai afteiauw
, Misses ' - Mli
Charlotte Bedwell. Maurice Btirrheuira.
iKalhleen Ktaron. Mildred t'olllna,
klenayLaea. Doris Undley.
'Tha Ky Laaa club, one of tha senior
' f Iris- social clubs, was aatertalned thla
afternoon by Mlaa hoiu HowelL "Those
present were:
Misses- Misses-
. Ruth Clsrk. AMaJde runkhouasr
Clem t'lrkey. Adelyn Wood,
c'taire fstiermn. Helen Poaiie,
I Vlor,nre Hraahlade. t.'lah Rennar,
KaUierIno UavenportUoia Howell.
- Tha waddtaa of Kiss Edith Orouba to
.Air. Edaar Hsbhar was celtbraled
I Wednesday araplna; at tha home of ti
f sroom s slits. Mrs. Oeorse Klnf , Rar.
: K. II. Curry of Calsary Baptist church
Tba bride wore Wafts caahiners erepa
trimmed with ajlorar lacs. Tha tulle
. veil was held in place with luies 3t ths
vallsy and aha carried bride s roass.
Mlaa Henrietta Tulp was bridesmaid
and wore pink allk oiufl. She carried
pink roses. Mr. Ooorge ilubbaad, brsUior
, of tha (room was beat mas. About M
quests wara present.
Mr. and Mrs. Hubbard prill reside at
tiM Decatur street. .
For the Future
0s of tba Mrawr parties this srenlna
at Tba Jolly Mnakatars" at tba Braadels
t Hater will be (Ivan by Mr. and Mra.
Jack Dumsat and Mr. and Mrs. Arthur
Draper Smith, i
i k.ty ti' tha ririt pTesbyternan' ctiurch.
;.uk-Loa was from U N la i s) o'clock.
Mis. Alfred C- Kansedy sntertelned at
an U'otujd keulntlon this afternoon.
Tha guests of honor wara Mrs. Cllatoa
iro3iaud MIas Margarotha Frsnkal of
Mr. anl Mrs. Charles a. McDonaJd an
terra! tied delightfully at bndgs last eren
lag at their hams on Thlrty-aighthSToaue
fa.- a number of their tellhbora. Prises
wore won by Mlsa Moorbead sad Mr.
J. U. Harding. These present ware:
Mr. and Mrs. Diarlea F. Sherman.
.Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Veil.
Vr. and Mra. Walla nqti!er.
Mr. and Mrs. K. U. UcUHtow.
Mr. and Mrs. Ilarley Moortirad.
Mr. and Mrs. John W. nsbblns. '
Mr. and Mra. John MrDooaM.
Mr. and Mra A. W, l arpeutar.
Mra t'barlM Hardlag.
Miss Catherine Unsrhead.
Mr. J. H. Harding.
Ta olden times wers la evidence at a
masque part last irsnlbg. gives) by ths
Misses Cons and Saurtieff at ths home
of tha former. Ths rsosn wars arttattsally
decorated In the, national coljra dad
miniature George Wsrhlnatea . faor
were given. Thoss present war:
Vllln Uresjaan.
Irene Brunner.
Florence Wood,
Ituth Morrla.
iters Thompson.
Ruth 7.1 tl le.
Iva Wright.
IIH.n rirsdt.
Msrssrrt Kyms.
Mtnnls Rl'-hards,
Mary Uorelady,
Beesto Wlnchsll,
lone Ksrn,
Beth liurueaker,
Mabel Keiloa.
la'.Ue Borden,
Jennie Hislop,
01 fa Laoo.
Myra Lumry,
Jflmma Cone,
also Murtleff.
Twlpar Morris.
Rebart Hvme.
Albert Hancock,
Rirv Haber.
Charles Thompson, tleorga Boyden,
Henry Johnson, trsiier nuieon.
Rsv Baker, Harry Hunsaker.
Andrew Oraajsaa. - lora Talbarl, .
lonard UahteU Phillip Rllle. ,
Wilbur nrnejean, Carl Uimry.
Claude Psteraon, Bennle Miller,
Richard Clark. Ira Pal St. I
fisorga Parrtth.' t . i "i .
; , Ta Stay Skirt flasket.
A good, way to keep a akin placket
tram tearing out at tha bottom la to sew
an a book and eye at tbs extreme and of
the1 placket, fasten and Ihea crush thsta
flat , ,
Lsttaes aad Oaloa Salad.
' . rour crtap laaswa of bead lettuce, two
small Spanish anions, four sticks aalory,
ess-ha If cup French dressing.
Pates a lattuos leaf on eaoh salad plats.
eUlos asdaa wary thin aad siaes upon
kuuea. Pstir French dressing orer tba
U4 wheat ready to sartra. , , t
: Personal Gossip
A aan was born yesterday to Mr. and
Mra. Jo tin W7 Radlck.
Mrs. W. T. Robtneos, whs has besa
slatting In New York, la now Ue guest
of reldllvaa ta St Loiria
Mra.1 Arthur Oratfli of Detroit la as.
peeled th latter pari of Seat weak ts
visit h.s slstar. Mtsa A dele Moors. ,
Mra W. D. Perolrsl haa seea called to
Ackley.. la., by tha critical Illness of hsr
father, who Is nearly N years of age.
Mlsa Blanche Garten of Lincoln, who
la ths guest of Miss Ethel Tukty, will
remain until tha middle of neat week.
' Mra. George P. Moors of Kansas City,
formerly of Omaha, la visiting Mr. O.
D, Klpllnger. Many Informal affairs are
being given la her honor.
Mr. 1L D. Neely left Friday for Ban
Antonio. Tax., where ha will join Mr.
Neely. Thay will visit New Orlaaa and
Cuba and go to California by th south
era routs and will return to Omaha early
In April.
Word has bean received In Omaha ttatl
Mrs. Henry C Palmer, wlf of ths late
Captain H. & Palmar, Is asrlsway in ta
New York with pneumonia. Mrs. Palmer
I visiting bar daughter. Mra. Herman
Kountss, J. . , .
A spoonful of whipped cream la a tasty
addition to any eream soup Add It V
th top of th cup just befors serving.
I . aaaiamod. ' MB X-
m The Famous m
MM attTATO "
5C3 Imported
Trimmed Hats
' Seciirai a! 25c
.. cntti9 Dollar '-.;:
This purchase offers
you aa opportunity to
buy your new spring hat
a; tv' rtJJiv-rtably hw
price., i v " .
Sample Sate of New Spring Suits.
' Coats and Dresses .
Actaal $20 and S25 values, Saturday . .$10 and $15
New Serge Dresses ai $3.98
Ic tot juKS them by the low price. Se. there. Note
the fcplentlU etjie and quality. .
Jitra Special for Saturday .
.Tiw&ptee&pd, real $2.5 J values 98c
23 w.n HMest Licgeria Waisti, real values, in,
fiaiHtit of patierao 98c
rSilk And taffeta Petticoats, real $5.(K) values, in all the
DoukI faced material is lucj tor this
top coat, a quiet plaid showing at th
titrniaf of ta rrvcrs, collars and cuffs.
Its da Ha to special notice is in toe
.extra long revcr, aad lue buttons just
Ikrea, Tery cluec togetaer. .
Soot Dakota Tows Would leitraia
Land Opeaiag Headquarters.
wanm luxrjra stroho full
ritiasas LlvtatT Along t'alsw Pasttls
la Nebraska (end Pwtltlsa s Cow
rows Aaklas; Rlabl-of-Wsy
Be Mat Balarsed.
fPrara a Staff Correspondent.)
WASHINGTON. Feb. tr-(Hpclal Tele-grsnLr-Congrsaamaa
B. B. Martin baa
rauMvwf a telegram that a delegation from
Gregory, g. D.. repreeentlng lb Commer
cial club. Is s Its wy to Washlngtoa
for th purpose of retslntng at Ore gory
th headquarters for th government la
connection with filing on landa to be
apened la Mellette county la April. Ore.
gory wsa In th fight two years ago. Tha
towa of Winner la making a hard fight
bow because It la Bearer tbs asw lands
aa tha exteaetoa f tbs Horthweetera rail
road recently atnphitsd. White Htver
claims It should be selected being still
nearer, though off tba railroad. Murde
sf lb Chicago a Milwaukee ts another
active rjowt eo lent.
Bxaealaatloa far laveaa.
' A certificate . haa been Issued by th
War department to Arthur Bauman st
Council Bluffs, CorigressraaB Orsea'a ap
points to Wast Point, directing him t
take at sssmmstlsn at Lea vea worth.
AprH at Mr. Oroees Aaaapsns ap
pointee, EaWtrA P. Bausr of Couac
Bluffs, la now In preparatory school at
Annapolis, getting ready for his finale to
be bald at Washington ahortly. Both ap
polntess have passed their physical ax.
animation, which waa conducted ha
Omaha following their appointment.
A Nebraska member st tbs national
repuhhcea coagreaasonal committee, Coa-
Klnkald last night attended th
at the Wlllard given by tba ease-
mitt ta hewar of William McKlnley of
Illinois, pre-conveatlon aaanagw for the
Taft forces.
PwtKlsas Seat Caasrsss.
Senator Brown haa received a lengthy
petition from Lincoln county cltlaen pro
testing stains! th present application of
the Carp act. It was Introduced la the
seast and referred to ths posits la ads
Th senator also presented a petition
from altlsene of Crelgbton favoring tha
enactment of a parcels poet law. and a
memorial from residents of Schuyler.
Osrssla. Blair aad Beavsr City, favoring
taa federal say bill for state atilkla. ..
Resarutlons of tbs Lincoln labor union
havw been sent to several members of th
Nebraska congressional dalegatloa ask
ing them ro support ths Pepper hta
which forbids any factory from threaten
bag so close during a presidential cam
saiga showM orrtala partlaa or candidates
be successful.
Th senate yesterday confirmed th ap
pointment as postmasters st Joseph O.
A lava. Aarwrs, and Daniel N. Wonder,
Bill Springs.
II. P. lbt-sf-may (see.
Siaalsr Bswwa pceeented ts tbs senate
redey th petit Ion sf rllhten living a leas
th Colon Pacific nght-of-wsy In Ne
braska cslltag sa rongraes to sulet title
hi taeva ta Issds b'lng sdjaceat to the
road. Th matter Is now befors the bouse
la a Mil Introduced about six weeks ago.
at which time each member received a
copy from tbs attorneys tor th Valley
rarmees" Protective association. wMh ths
request that It bs enacted into law.
Recsaaly a bearing was had befors the
house Jodlrlary aasnsmte aad W. A.
Prince sf Crsnd Island, appeared tar tha
farmers, ths Talon Pacific being repre
sented by Solicitor Lsosnle of Omaha.
Under tha original grant by congraa
tha V:atoa Paclflo waa xtrra a) feat
tasagki unlU mint years stay M feat
ars alalmsd Ja maap nee is, bsasesf. It
fct alleged that suits havw been Instituted
for a greater width and th bill ss to
jiet this litigation. Tha amount Involved
la said to approach K MO. COG.
I Wayaar'a Bill Aaprwvd.
Th kouss committee on public lands
SrMii B:
318-320 South 16th. St.
HTQ The Final Wind-Up
R U Your Choice at $6.75
We will open the Ilnal clearance of our stylish high-grade cloth coats. The price will be
so ridiculously low that no woman in Omaha or vicinity need want for a coat on ac
count of the cost The price is within reach of all.
Take Advantage of Your Last Opportunity
This is positively the LAST SPECIAL SALE
on coats that we will hold this season. This is
your first and last opportunity to buy one of Or
kin Bros.' strictly up-to-date models at such
a low price. 1
Worth $19.50, $25, $29.75 and $35
The materials are worsteds, cheviots, serges,
fancy mixtures, reversibles, polo cloths, etc.
Take Your Choice at .
ri isi r r f
Pure Food News For Busy Housewivccy
frhese Prices 1
I and Save y I
Fresh Drc::cd Spring Chickens II1 2c
Pig Pork Loin . . - Bo
8tsr Pot Roast . .
Bler Btssk
Young Veal Chops
Toast; Veal Rout
Pork Roast,
... 10
Pork Butts 9 'it4
Ijimb Leg 8Ha
Lamb Roast 5
Swift Premtnm Bacon ..19
Bugar Cured Bacon . ...Il
FRRK frosi dust sod chaff, our ttlrwl IVt snd Hlftrd Coffn ll all
that ths most srdnt lovr of this refreshing bevarag could deslr.
W buy Just sa good coffe ss the world produces snd we blend,
roast snd prepare It for use bttr than any other dealers in Omaha.
- We are the Coffee Ieatlers.
Mocha Mixture 40. 3 lb. - Eicslaior Blend 35. 3 lbs. $1.
Market Special, 30, t lbs. for 1.0O.
Y. L. MASTKRMAN CO., Tbs) Coffee Mrs.
10:30 JUL
md J P. M.
1610 RAR
Doug. 2147
(w ws Csw 2f52
Gallon can rips Olive -
fi.ltnn Mn RkmlM. ProaeTVOd FlSS
' Quart Jar "Manaanllla olives
Iju-ae bottle .Lotus.' Extracted Honey
55 Cluster Ralalna. In cartona ,
f I cakes alaglc Washer Sosp, does all the work
d 4t lb. sack Aberdeen "Snow White1' Flour
JOc can French 8rdlnea, lOo; per dosaa
pkga. Vnoeda Biscuits
4 lbs. loe Jap rloa
4 v Towa Brand Egg. Green Gaga or Damson Plume, can
t ninin, meom aad omn
Lotus" Creamery Butter, In cartona, pot lb.
Our Best Country Batter. In unitary Jars, par lb ..
rresn Kgga, rrom nranoeia rarm, per oosen
Taylor to extend tbtea years tha time
wtlhia which settlers sat ths desert U1
act cj eewv hs case) shor fstlur.
I other rtrcMnwtaaces not due tu the set
; liar's aagUgcnca. or hwaardiate fault.
I The prwt stuns of lb, bill affect landa
'lying la WattHg. Coeorada and Soutb
baksto, and. tncMeataSy, certasa per
nor, s st Hebrsskal
sf. W. George e Brokee Bow. rattrsd
aapltalfcn. Is at tba Howard hotel aad
will be la Waahlastsa for about a week.
II says he la ew ass war ts visit tbs
Hers- Land aad will Incidentally eejoora
la other parts ef ts world before re-
Fresh Dressed Spring Chicken, per lb. 12V2c
Wo handle nothing but the beat of meats snd poultry. Br
buying is large quantities to supply our wholesale business wa sre
enablad to sell st low figures.
For Lenten Observers we sre earning a complete line of fresh
and aalted flab. , .
I Prime Rolled Rib Roast, 12H
Native Steer Sirloin Steak I.Se
I Choice Pot Roast, 19c snd 9&0
' Cslumet Sugar Cured Bacon, per lb 11 H
Kulakofsky Moat Co.
Pig Pork Shoulder Roast
Fall Lamb Legs, per lb.. .
Lamb Shoulder Roast, lb.
D. 1TM
210 No. 10th.
sea T
; CP
3 ll
... .... ass 9r
S 3.
, V-
.... SOo-SOS
lsa-sa CfJ
. IS Sao -eos :t
SOS t l
sos ill
5 Ptra
Domestic Hwlee Cheese, per lb.
Large Edam Cheeee, each .
Mew Tork Full Cream Whits Cheese, per lb.
Bwediah Cheese, par lb.
Puru'i Spice.' Cheese, Jar
Hone Mads kllnce Meat. Jar
Chow-Chow or Sweet pickles, per quart
. ravssK ntrrrs asts tmituui
Fancy Homo Growu Jonathan Apples, per basket . . .
Cooking Apples, per peck SOe-teei per box tlJM-tl-
Sweet Potatoes. Per lb So
'Fancy Navel Oranges, per dozen ....
to lbs Imported Turkish Figs, per lb. loe
Head Lettuce. Cucumbers. Celery, Kgg Plsnt, Cauliflower, Im
ported fcudlve Tomatoes, KsOfShoa, Turnips. Carrots, Bests, Etc.
tka An oomi ssrAaTatwjrr ,
Tou wilt find those coffees to bs dtlicloua, aroma, flavor and
color not possessed by other blends
"ltus" An kola, per lb. 40a
Ideal Blend. I lbs. for SI -SO; par lb. see
Lolua" Japan Tea. There can bs nothing better for spicules,.
tne oriental essence, per f, lb. SSei par lb..... ess
Butter, froab dally, par lb. TT....- soe
each isa, lSo. taa aad ss
our larse atoca 01 t an
one-hair price Hatu
lao anaaea zoi 7to, ahaoea 1
uovos araaozaxa r
Iitua" Kentucky Whiskey t-year-oid. full auart ai m
isht Whisker, full auart . ai 5
Port Wine, foil quart ; an. Sil
Hherry Wine, full quart Sou SI
White Tokay, full quart aos cl
caiiromia ciarei, per
l rragrancs anc
r "Lotus'" Peanut
yi la suua iara,
rji 1 w rwauce
' sell all ahado..
rmr to avr sxabbs g
' Candle Shades, as have dscldsd to a. fl
at BOe, ste.
' sos
rt sos fel
bottle ass aad o WJ
&1&ij$ CM QiJ
turning to h:s norne. He eaHed on his
old friend. Congressman Klnkald, today.
Charles S. McDonald of Sioux Falls
S. D-. a member of ths mint commission
called on Senator Crawford teday. Ha
baa besa hi PMlaeslpMa at the mint on
bontnass aad ale In New fork, coastnf
here on bis way home.
S. P. Wagnef of Mitchell, a D., paid !
hie raetieets to ths South Dakota sena
tors tsdsy. Ha has been sightseeing la
Wasalnstea ks addition to transacting '
aoms errteJal bounces at lbs department.
He leives for boms tomorrow.
Before one of tne auwest and meat
today reported favorably th MU of Mr. enthusiastic aadlerwea, that filled the
crmnaalsm ol tas w aissi nui atetnooisi
church tats sssssn. fosrr etuhs of the
chorcti cs'w aa excelsnit exhibition of
the athletic work that they had aceom
pllshed. Several af tbs members par-tk-iratlng
, at tbs aastbewls wsrk bad
small novelty stoats waiew kalped to
art ox forth a great seal af kuarhier and
applaing. '
The ctuba presented their work In the
following srder: Juator Strut areamtlng
sa Interesting carae sf '"Three Una.'
Junior boys sfrertng aoMial good relay
races: senior girls sartMpatkag hs a
walking and skipping race; the senior toys
denwaatraed tbelr ability' la callsUenlc
No Credit! No Delivery!
Rarely doea one find s market re
fusing credit And making no dellv
ertss of orders Ths dealer must
have a tood reason for breaking
away fr.ra tha custom. We have;
wa find that we can give better serv
ice; better meat and bettor prices by
msklng trie a strictly cash market
Order your Sunday meat bare, and
note the quality and price.
Pork fina ....Ste
Pork, Shoulders SHo
fparsrlba i0
Pork Chops lsis
Pork Steak . .lla
Choice fttb Roast ....10 aad ISSa
Pot Koast Us, So, to
Horns kvH Pork Kausag ....ISWa
Horns Rendered Lard ....... .na
Homo Made Han-burger 10s
Diamond C Hama .....lWs
Box Bacia -.!
drin followed by three pyramids. The
pmnm waa finished by tha swinging
ef electric lighted Indian dubs by Homer
Tba key to aim sss at lualsm Is the
perststsat sad Jsavcioaa ass ef aewipaper
Pure Liquors for
the Home
Home Made Grape Win or California Claret per gallon. . ..JJ ,00
Pine Rock and Rye the home remedy tor colds or grippe regular
$1.00 bottles for fg
liners hnmie.Iti-Finik.rts
80c, $1.00, $1.25
IiSr'i Fm Wmn, Per BotO
35c, 50c and 75c
We are agents for most all advertised Whiskies -such as Gucken
helmer Rye, Cedar Brook Bourbon, Shnaodoah Rye, Clark's H'e.
etc.; st, per quart S1.00
Saturday are will give a half piat flask of flae
Rork aad Rye wtth a qaart or asorw of HiUejr-s
. Botli Fbaaaea.
1SOO Faraana rUe.
Proaswt DesiTer.