THE BEE: OMAHA, SATLKDAY', FEBBCAHY 24. lyi-. This is Why Sampeck Clothes Have a Dilferent and Distinctive Appearance Principally, because Sampeck has for years studied young men's clothcB, he has acquired a knack and cleverness in 'designing; clothes .'which will fit you and your per sonality perfectly it is this subtle "bringing out" of your own individuality which makes banipeck clothes different. 01' course there are fab rics and patterns which can be obtained ' in no other clothes except Sam peck's, and there never was as much value stitch ed into a suit of clothes as there is in these Sana- pecks at '- $15 to $35 ' SI MffiGHf Til TOomnapm1 -v. 1518-20 FARNAM STREET MONTH N 1 LOWER CASE 10KLAH0MA DELEGATION SPUT Senator Crawford Sayi Action Kay , -It Deferred This Loat. HEBEASXAITS VISIT CAPTA1 Tkeenaa M. Beaton Freeeatee! ta rmMnl Telt by Senalea Brawn UMtn Will Have root. Clark and Wilson WiU EtclHm Tea Members... FIGHT LASTS THE ESTIEE BIQET Prepasttlea t Eederas) Seesker Clark la Voted Diwa at Faar - O'rloek This Mmlii teas. SHU, (iuR. BROWN Second Scqniutioa Hade for Him oi Colorado Governor. i. WASTED BY BOX BUTTE JTTBY steswaaeatatlve . t (bnai Liakcr ' Pari Cosasnay Alleged la Have Defeated Bade a( J sa tire hr Resaenrtasj) Beaks. TYom a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN, Feb. 3. Opecial Telegram.) -County Attorney Burton of Box Bull county ha , obtained another requisition for tha return from Colorado to Alliance of Raymond . Brown, tha former requisi tion having barn denied by tha governor of Colorado. Tha refusal was absed on the around that tha previous ona did not tata what 'waa an extraditable of fanaa under ba law of Colorado. It la .fnottcht the new ona will maat this objection. Browa la aeenaed of de feating tha ends of Justice by removing from tha Mala certain record of the Colorado Lumber and Fuel company, do Inc business at Alliance and Hay Sprints, tha Intent of tha removal beta. It Is al leged, to defeat tha prosecution of a ecs aplracy Indictment. . , tievereer Aldrlpfc Hetaraa. Governor Aldrlrh has returned from the western part of tha atata feeling all right except a throat affection. Ha reports that section flourishing and coming rap Idly to tha front . Chief Justice Reese of tha supreme court la at Excelsior Springs, -Mo., trying to regain bis health. At last reports his condition showed no Improvement. While his condition Is not considered dangaroua, ba haa suffered considerably from pains In tha bark aad limbs for soma time past. Asks Delay la Print Case. Albert Prince, tha convict who Wled Deputy Warden Davis at tha penitentiary, waa arraigned today and his attorney ss!:ed that tha caaa bo postponed because he sllrgcd there waa at present excite ment and prejudice which would make It Impossible to obtain a fair trial. The state objected to any delay. Tha court did not rule on the motion and may not for several oars. Aaalke Switch la Ticket. Another switch haa bean siade In the La Kollette-Koosevelt ticket. Judge A. O. Wray of fork, candidate for district delegate, baa retired and Oeorga W. Neat haa taken hi) place. premise Thee Fellows. (Pram a Staff Correspondent.) WASHINGTON, Feb, M.-Bpeclet Tela-gram.-0eoater Crawford said today that aa action on tha Loitraer case could be . expected from tha elect tone committee for at least a month. Ha stated that leave , had been given tha Lorlmer attorneys to . file a brief covering certain legal ques tions oa March 1 aad aa additional brief is to ba filed aa to facta aa start a. The committee haa determined that It cannot sir united sonslderetlon to briefs and report of tha caaa before March II , and It will take Ibsin considerable time to formulate their decision after Ibat - Senator Crawford .haa urged aa speed ' actioa aa passible. ; j ' W. H. Hacker of Gregory S, D arrived . today to aid the rest of tha Oregory del . .jill i a In presaing the. clalml o( Uragxn7 as a filing place for opening tba reserva ' lion lands. It 1 expected that the e psrtment will select tha filing place . wKMra edayartwosi '. -W- Charlaa MeDooaid Of SIOUX falls paid hat respects today to tha senators and , house eirmbers tram South Pekola be fore leaving for boms. y ' Llaeola Mea la Capital. William Seelenfreund of the Oermaa National bank, and R. at. Foeeleon, cloth ing merchant, Lincoln, are In the capital today and were piloted around tha ear- . rtdors at tha hobse by Congressmaa Ma. ' guire. Mr. BeeWreund said be waa ; merely on pleasure bent. Mr. ""ogaison gee from here to Philadelphia and K ' York oa business bstoro returning west. Ten Beaten at Wklta Hease. TSontee H. Benton of Lincoln waa pre sented td President Taft this morning by . Senator Brown. Mr. Benton haa bets In New Tor and stopped off In WaeMng- ton on his way home to pay his respects to tne-atembsre af tha Nebraska delaga . tlon. Congressman Moan today recom mended tha appointment aa postmistress at Hampton of Mrs. Kltxabeth MeOurts, vice 'Kd lagalla, deceased. Tba Women's club of Hastings has sent ta tha senate a pstliloa levering tba .adoption of the arbitration treatise. The Elate branch of the Farmers Co operative association haa filed with Sen ator Hitchcock Its appeal lor the pes . aaga of tha Ktnkaid bill to prohibit gam- . bllng In futures an wheat and other farm products. .- , ' DEATH RECORD.- Mrs. Ptareae Pataba Terry. - DENVtR. Colo... Peb. -Mra Fler- enoe rareko Terry, M years aid.' wife af former Congressman William U Terry of utile Rock. Ark. la dead here. She came here for ber health lest June. 'Mrs. Terry waa the. stepdaughter of - Colonel John at. BoiaerrUle of Arkansas. Her father. Arthur Fersha, waa a Louis iana si enter, prominent ta oU Ileal af' fairs la tha reconstruction period of the south. Mra Terry's (pother died two weeks aeo. Tba body of Mra. Terry will be seat to Texarkana. Ark. Martin Taaer. . - M COOK. Neb.. Feb. . (Special.) Another veteran of tha rebellion passed away in the death thla morning of Mar tin Yager at his homo In West McCook. after Illness of a tew weeks, with, heart disease. Members of J. K. Barnea post. Orsad Army of tha Republic, will con duct funeral services and bury their com- redo Friday afternoon tn RJvarvte ceme tery- of .this. city. Peter Carty. McCOOK. Ksb.. Feb. tt-Spectal.)-The body of Peter Carty arrived here this moral ag from California and was In terred la Calvary cemetery of St. Pat- lick's cathoUe church, following services la tba church. Mr. Carty tor many years waa yardniaater" at McCook for tha Bur Ungtoa. but for a few years past aaa beea engaged la business on- tha St. Fraade Una. ' -, . . Almaa C Bsawaaaa. TAKXTON. S. D, Fee. &-SpedaL-Almoa C. Brewaasn, who had reached tba advanced age of M years, . Is Mr.' Brewnsoa was ana of the: earl test ' set tiers of Ibis county and took lieiiwsicryjlcae o town where ho naa lived furmrlv; fifty years.' A fajnlly of giewa lii'.lM hi put live, of whom Frank 'near essnsaswsjest4 home farm. - OKLAHOMA CITT, Okl.. Feb. 11 Contest for control of ths Oklahoma dele gation to the .national convention, waaed between Champ Clark and Wood row Wll sea' campaigners, resulted In 'a ' com premise agreement at 4 o'clock this morn ing, whereby a split delegation- will be sent . lo Ualtlmora. The convantloa adopted tha report of tha Wilson floor leader, pledging tan delegates for Wil- aaa and ten for Clark, . An amendment to tha compromlss reso lution providing Indorsement of Clark, waa lost by a vots of tl to 2W. Tba convantloa took a receee UU-U o'clock. The compromlss . wag reached alter a contest lasting practically all night, stats politics frequently obstructing the way to a deolalon aa tha character ot the Oklahoma delegation. . . . . . ; ( Taralaa Paint la Plakt. (7 Tha turnln point la -tad fight oame when tha amendment aasrylna .Indorse ment of Speaker Clark Was defeated, tka tola an ' It -Mowed mUlaly lo aha Clark adherents that nothing remained but compromise; whereupoa tba Murray resolution for a divided dslegatloa was adopted. ' , , It la contended by party leaders hers that tba dlvtalea of tba dslegatloa pra- cludea any Oklahoma votes being oast for Harmon. At tha Baltimore onvaa Uon Oklahoma's entire strength will be thrown either ta Clark or Wilson aa soon aa one ot them abewl a decided lead la tha balloting. flora Heada WIIsm Senator Thomas V. Oore heada tha list of ten Wilson delegatsa earned at the democratic atata convention thla after noon to attend tha aatloaai convention at Baltimore. Robert OaJ breath at Tulsa waa elected national committeeman over John DooDn of Oklahoma City by a vote of SOT to let. Galbreath waa put forward by Senator K. L. Owen. v Congressman Scott Ferris and fudgs K U Williams head tha delegatee-at-large who will vote for Clark. Tba con vantloa adjourned finally at t o'clock. Pataraea Weawrt ta Strike. PATER90N. N. VrVo.-tt-Thlrrv hundred inn esaeeyed tn the silk milts did not report fo wark today and aMuiied that thev. . srauia etrtke ea SM.Klt,'. at mil whten refusa ta ado-jt a eaaee.acoede (duied by sonas at ebej xraeat (ai-a J .1 I -fcrii J ',a. ' -. v : EDITORS WILL TOUR SOUTH DAKOTA IN SPECIAL TRAIN ? eaatssawaasaaa I0CX FALLS, 8. U. Fab. M. Special.) -Ona of the mast Important gatherings lo bo bald In South Dakota or tba north west during tha coming summer will be tha dosing session at tha annual eonvsn- tioa af tba National Editorial aaodaUoa. Tha oonventloa proper will be held at Chicago on June It, and M. whan thoss In attendance will coma la a bodyjlo Sioux Falls oa a special train aad hold the last session of tha convantloa la this city aa Juno V. t Tba apectal train bearing. It la expected. about HO members of tha assoctatlan, will reach etoux City ssrly oa J ana . After concluding tha work of tba convention bore tha visiting members of the aa elatloa will again board their special train for a tour ot South Dakota. This trip will extend to tha Black HI Us and all tba principal cities between Sioux Falls and tha Jlilla will ba rial ted, ar rangements being In progress far stops at the various Intermediate points. Tha saembe rset the national association will be la South Dakota seven or gigkt days, most of which, will ba spent sight seeing m, the Black Hill aad other parts ot tha atata which have feaiitres ot unusual latercsL. . ..... . VARNER'S BOOM IS GETTING . UNDER GOOD HEADWAY TECVM8UH, Neb, Ksb. B.-(8peelal. Hon. A. L, Verner of Starting, who baa filed for tha erflce of lieutenant governor on tha republican ticket. Is one ot the old-time newspaper mem ot ths atata having beea editor of tha Starling Boa from 1817 to lMg- Ho caaa to Nebraska from Ohio la 117. located at Harvard. where ha waa admitted to tha bar, and, where ha lived three yeara, removing to Sterling, where be baa sines made his hornet He, waa a member of tba Ne braska Press association for twenty years and Ha president during kla last year of' membership. In IKS he represented Johnson county, In tha legislature and in Wll he was stale senator from (he Fourth district, comprising Johnson and Nemaha counties. 1(1 candidacy baa bee vary wel)f received. ,. , ,l(a ,,i YORK COUNTY SCHOOLS HAVE PRELIMINARY CONTEST TOIUC. Neb.; Feb. fc-ifir-ectai.V-About two years ago County Supaiintandsnt Mlsa Alice Flbrer ' Inaugurated ths "county reading contest." wtdrh waa to ba taken up In each school la tha county. Last Juno ths first oouaty contest waa held end with ouch good results that twenty-eight tountlsa have taksa tha "reading contest" up and will hold one this year, Tha contest la tha schools ot the county to select representatives lo the county contest waa held last Fri day. Tha county contest will ba held during ths session ot tha county Inetltute, which will ba tha first week In June. Cyras and Martina reader will ba used and scare tor points are aa follows: ArtU cu la tioa. St pronunciation, 11; posters, K; expression, M, ,!... Lexlaatea Nates. LEXINGTON, Neb, Feb. atBptefial.) The Lexington Shipping aaaociatlon had a banner day hers j-eeterday, 1.9J1 head ot hogs being received and shipped. Nine carloads went went aad three east. Man ager Hswsoa haa shipped seventy-one cars of bogs from this point since Janu ary I, Mil The large amount of alfalfa In Dawson county makes It tha best bog raisins; county la tha stats of Nebraska. A petition was filed with tba city .clerk signed by about fifty voters af tba city of Lsxlngton, to compel tha city oouadl to submit tha ooeetlon of license or no license at tha coming city election, aa provided by law passed by the last legislature. C eater Coast r Man lasaae. ' BROKEN BOW. Neb., Feb. H.-Rpe-(M si) Chris Bamssberger, a- youag farmer M years of age. living near. Msrna, waa taken before the Insanity board Fri day afternoon and adjudged Insane. He waa taken to tha asylum last night. Tka young aaaa Is afflicted with hysteria, elossly akin ta madness, and when the spells coma over him break! up furni ture and attempts violence oa anyone near hi ml A sunstroke received la Ham ilton county overt two yeara ago la said ta ba responsible for his condition. Hastings Man Sticks " Head Under Wheels of Switch Engine t essssaaaaBM .HASTINGS. Ksb.. Feb. a.-(8pedai Telegram.) A verdict of suicide waa ren dered by tha coroner's fury today la the caaa of Patrick Barron, who crawled In front of n Burlington switch engine last night and waa Instantly killed. He waa despondent over bis Inability to find employment and bad worried greatly ever since his ettpdaughter. Elaine Hyatt, fled to Iowa two months ago to escape testifying ss the complaining witness la the trial of Dr. Philip Bartholomew of Blue Hill for attempted assault. Udell Talks at Mearaey. -KBARNBT. Neb.. . Feb. &-8peelal.)-Before members of tha Kearney Com mercial club, members of tba Buffalo County Board of Supervisors and farm ers, Frank O. Odeil. secretary of the Rural Life comnrl salon, outlined methods of getting tha farmers of tba community to visit the coming seed corn special a. ' Back frena Paid Beads Meet. SUTTON. Neb.. Feb. - Special. W. K. Davis ot tba Sutton National bank re turned Friday from Washington, D. C. where ha had been attending a meeting of the Good Roads association. An ef fort Is being made to induce congress to appropriate money for the jbutldlng of ths national highway. , Many Bayer at Sale. 'CTT0N. Neb, fee. tt- Special. -Ths annual bog sals at tha farm ot Gilbert Van Patten, one and one-half mile from town, waa held aa advertised, Stock buyers came from over the ante and ad joining states. Sixty hogs were sold at aa average of a little more than MS per head. Directors of Lumber Company Charged 'With Taking Cash PHILADELPHIA, Feb. It -Claiming that the concern waa organised for the pur doss of defrauding tba public, and that It la Insolvent, four stockholders of the International Lumber and Develop ment company, with offloas In thla city. today filed a bill la equity In tba United States district court aakeng for tha ap pointment of. a receiver for tba corpora tion. Judge McPherson fjxsd March I for bearing argumenta oa the appointment ot a receiver. The corporation baa a capital of M.O30, n. It waa organised for tha develop ment of timber and agricultural lands la Mexico. The complaining stockholders charge that tha officers and directors nave appropriated to themselves sums of monsy amounting to IWO.OOO. It la alleged ta toe bin that tha pro moters of tba company got possession of MMM acres ot land la Mexjoo toat had originally cost tlM.OOo. and floated a M.u,M corporation. Subscriptions were offered to tha public, and. It Is 'alleged, whea purchasers failed ta pay monthly Installments of It a share tha eontraota under which they purchased tha stock provided that they should lose all right ta the stock. ...'-. Italian Steamer is '..AdrifUn 'Atlantic HAVRE, France, Feb. B.-The British steamer Buxton, which left Oulfporl oa January IL arrived here today and landed part ot the crew of the Italian steamer Delphlne. which left New Orleans oa Jan uary a for Oenoe, The Derohlne was spoken on February , JO miles ta the north of tha A so res. whsa It reported that its propeller waa broken. When the Buxton sighted It the Italian steamer was In good order.. Part of tha crew, how ever, left tba vessel, the captain with several ethers romalBtng on board. Tba weather was bad. Tba Delphlne, which was absolutely un able to proceed under Its own steam whea the Buxton left It with ssranteen at Its crew on February U, had a numtfr'a pro visions aa board. WOMAN BAKES MISSING DIAMOND IN LOAF OF BREAD PIERRS, 8. D.. Feb. . (Special - Mrs. Reascll, aaa of the . "suffering" homesteaders near Eacla Battel n few days ago, missed a IIS jlamond setting out ot ona of bar rings aad e tart ad a rch of tha house, with a. dust brush aad tray and ber husband aa apectal re lief. NoUiiag looking like the sparkler waa ta be found, aad tha sitaaUon looked hopeless. The next day Mr. Russell est his teeth against something hard tn a slice ot freak bread which tie wife bad Just baked, and betas to search, for the cause of tha trouble along with hla re marks, and Aaa ao pleased to Bad that ba was biting Into the misting sparkler that he had aa further objections ta make. ' , . V astasia Anaal Train'. BEATRICE. Neb.. Feb. B. - Special. V- Tha Vnioo pacific railroad, which has been experiencing considerable trouble the last fsw days on account of wash outs between Maryavttle and Manhattan, Kan, by reason at tba Big Bine fiver k-avtag ta banks when tha lea began ta go out. opened the Una tor traffic today. Since tba flood trains oa the Manhattan Lincoln branch have aot been operated farther south than Marysrtlls. The key as aim ess la bnstnsss la ths petaHteut and Junlrtsua aaa ed seissw ... ...... . f . Trimble Visits Geneve. . OEXEVA. Neb.. Feb. Si 8pedaL Tha local Grand Army af tba JUpuolls post hut night held a camp fire and to day tha aid soldiers aad tba Woma Rerlrf corps met at the Orend Army of tha Republic ball aad marched ta the high school auditorium, where a good program waa rendered. Ths most Im portant speaker from out of towa' was Department Commander A. M. Trim bin Valuable Mara Stele a. RAVKNXA. Neb.. Fab. &-Spectal.- Leat mgtit a valuable horse waa stolen from the bare at Kenneth McLean, llvmg tn Ravenna. Tha animal waa a arc mare, weighing shout 1 JO) pounds, aad waa recently purchased lor na ' Oely Oaa. BMO-TT CHJIKIJCsT" That le I-axattv feroroe Cfwirtee. roe tee the sumaeure ef K. W Qreee. Veed the a arid over as aura e ass a aaa day. WOMAN SUSPECTED OF MURDER OF EIGHT BABIES NEW TORK. Feb. tt-A. woman at tendant in ths Brooklyn Nursery and Infants'' boa pit al la under surveillance by physicians there who are seeking to solve too mystery of the deaths of eight children wlthtn tha week. Tha children are believed ta have aeon polaenad. The suspect Is at present under tha observ ance of alienists. According ta the hospital authorities the susasrt waa committed to tha In- etltutljon by tba ctty last summer. She brought with1 ber a baby boy. Her duties brought ' her' la frequent contact with tha Inmates of tha nursery and alas afforded her access to tha kltehen. AH ef the poisoned habeas were In one ward, and there are only faar children In tha ward who have aot shown symp toms ef pnteoalng. Tha physicians scout the Men that tha children suffered from any disss as af which they wsre aot cognisant. - SALE Oar business haa Increased to such an extent that we ara compelled to secura larger quarters. Wo mora to 1207 Howard ..Street about May 1st, and do not Intend to remove any of our stock. Everything About One-Half Price PATTOIl-BOWMATI HARDWARE CO. 1615 Farnam Street uvea-"f r Finely Tailored Suits, to Order, $35 At your service here two experiencea salesmen to Buggest goods and style -that beat become you; two first class cnttera to cut and fit, and. fifty sewing tailors to mould and sew your garments Into that exquisite shape seen only in the work ot high claaa tailors.. - ' Good Bastaesa Hulls, made to measure, 930.00 aad By. MacCarthy-Wilson Tailoring Co. 804-8O6 Sooth 16th Street. Fire Steps South of Farnam St. DES MOIKES'TKDST INDICTED Grand Jury of Polk County Eetornt Bill Against Printing Combine. LOKQ UTQ.T7IK7 E&S BEEN HADE lawn Hardware Dealers Declare fee Penny Fsetaaw aad Seek Mere . There ash laveetlgatlon af Pareela Paet Plan. From a SUff Correspondent. DES MOINES, la.. Feb. a.-tSpedal Telegram.) The Printers' Credit associa tion, alias tha printing trust, was Indicted today by the Polk county grand jury. In addition to tbs Indictment ot the associa tion, indictments aero returned sgainst t. . Jdoon as president. O. W. Dickey aa secretary and Walter Russell, former secretary of tha association. The Indictment charges the association with being an Illegal combination in re straint of trade and organised for the purpose of fixing the prices to be charged for printing In Dee Molnea. Tha Indict ment follows ssvsral months' examination Into tha affairs of the association. Peany Peetaae. Ona cant postage received a boost at the bands of tha retail hardware dealers this morning when the report of the commit tee on resolutions favoring the one-cent rata for letters wsa adopted without ob jections. Members ot the delegation In congress will be asked to work for the passage of such a bill. Declaring that tha parcels post plan would result tn the centralisation of busi ness la tha big cltlea, tba dealers urged that congress appoint a commission mors thoroughly to Investigate the plan eiefore any step la taken to pass a parcels post sill. la addition the committee made an objection to a Changs in ths classifica tion of rates on mixed carload lota of steel and' Iron products, declaring that such a change would work a great harm upon tha hardware 'men osthe atata The Iowa railroad commissioners are requested to use every effort to retain tha present claMiQcatlorr, ......w'Pt Inl " Order In Wales ekerks Caaa. ' Judge McPherson ot tha federal court today Issued a. . temporary restraining order' 10 prevent. further action by pea Moines looking to condemnation of .the city water worka Tba court will hear arguraeata at Council Bluffs March 19. NORTHWESTERN DETECTIVES ARE SEAflCHNQ FOR HOLDUPS uian I'lTt la.. Feb. a. (Soeclal Telegram.) Detectives arrived In the city todsy and tor two hours put tne in res suspects held on suspicion ot the at tempted holdup ot ths Chicago North western passenger at Bertram Thursday morning through a hard sweating process. Tk will a held for further Investiga tion. Two ethers Who were la thla com pany got oft at Cartervllw and were going i k ainaotLen af Rockwell. They will ba picked up tonight. One ot tba men waa bandaged arouna tne neau, , . ' Faraltare Store Baraed. FORT DO DOB. la., Feb. !l-(8pectal Telegram.) The town of Badger, north of thla dty. waa visited by a 15.000 fire this morning, when C. K. Houghe's furniture it ore and contents were totally destroyed. Mr. Houghs bad little Insurance. Ab sence of wind saved the buslnsss district I A train arriving opportunely was side tracked by the crew, who Joined fit the fire fighting. The causa of the Art Is unknown. ; " Postal Files Suit for New Joint Rates WASHINGTON, D. C, Fab. aa-Acca-ing tha Western Union Telegraph com pany of unlawful practices and tha exac tion of unreasonable Joint rates, tka Pc. tal Telegraph and cable company today Instituted a proceeding before tha Inter Mate Commerce commission demandlcgan adjustment 'on aa equitable basis of al: interchange rates. ' The Postal company, eeconllne' s complaint, accepts messages to all desti nations, whether It may have offices at inose points or not In event It has not, it sends ths messsss to tha uum .eri and there turns It over to the Western union. Ths Western Union, it Is chars-ad mri. Its local rate for the message ta addition to a charge for tha three additional words. In many instances this charge la declared to amount to more than tha Postal re ceived from messages. PUTS UP. FIGHT WHEN HE ; CANT PLAY THE PIANO Gus Fagenburg and Eva Gorman were fined $ and costs and KM and costs, respectively. In police court on a, charge of fighting. The fight took placa at the Vlsnna cafe when the proprietor of the asms refused to let Fagenburg play the piano. f ; HYMENEAL Calllsea-Reeves. McCOOK. Neb, Feb. (Spoclal.) County Judge F. M. Colter ot Rod Wil low county married Mr. Jessa A. Culllson of Anthony, Kan., and Mlsa Ruth Ann Reaves ot Denbury, Neb., here Thursday. Ilaa Grave Merchant Missies. STORK LAKE. la-. Feb. ttMSpecfal.) Tha strange disappearance ot Ingwal Psnley. the leading merchant of Uon Grove, thla county, haa beea baffling his friend. Over .a week ego he hired a livery team at t o'clock .In tha morning end crave to Rembrandt, and since noth ing baa been heard or seen af htm. Ho had recently made soma deal by which to trade hla store to a Sioux City firm tor Wyoming- land. W00DR0W WILSON TALKS TO STUDENTS AT LAWRENCE LAWRENCE, Kan, Feb. tt-It waa as a university mad that Oovoraor Wosdrow Wilson aadrasssd ths students at tba Uni versity of Kansas hers today. Ha talked fifteen minutes. All Haas is wars dliinlsssd during hM visit. Tba east at Bring was hla theme. -it would ba a fallacy," ha said, "to tell you students of economics that the cost si production geveros the cost of a commodity. Tha coat ef production la too uncertain. It varies ta dittereat factorlea It vartee In one fatcory under different management Governor WUsea arrived here from Te nets at s hX Ba waa Introduced to the students by governor W. It Stabas ef naaa. Ha departed at till, expecting to reach Nsabrrus. Tean-. tsnisrr moraine where ha will nsaka aa address. iuiHt Killed. .. TTva-s rTTT. la.. Fen. B.-Fseclal Tel- egresu.) C E. Adolph of Cedar Rapids, la, a brakemaa. waa instantly killed tn tbs Rock Is head yards at Moras today whea bo slipped and fell beneath the can. SeJespsspis W mated. Brand sis Stereo require tba sen leas ef experienced silisa a la sscaaaad a broidery departments, n earl eared sal men as shea depart sunt; alee rashlsrs and Cash slrta. Apply at aeace so T. P. Red aopd. superintendent Praadels Stores. A Ilea! I PIN-ETIl.t.E. Me.. Feb. B-HarveT Wiriek of Pa on la. Colo., waa brought here today and held tn connection with the murder of Rer-.Hoage, a Rveryaian at Tiff Clrv. Wednesday. Wb-ick waa cap tured ay aiwnff '.eve near Andereoa, Me., yesterday after bts flight bad been Mocked by deep saew. Hodge waa shot to death. It la said he aad, WtrVtk auar- reueo over n vvery aau. lewa 71 ewe Hatea. . , rrT rxinriK Wise Gar DolHver. sis ter of tba lata senator; -recently waa operated upon at Hauls Creek. Mich., where she went thinking rheumatism wsa her ailment ' She la recuperating nicely now. Mtse uelltver is oeea or viura a Moral ngalds college. Bloux City. FORT DODOB Lostns: his wlfs a year ago aa tha result of Injuries In a street oar accident aad a week ago being bereft ot hie only daugnter, a gin or is, r. n. Dewd. a prominent Fort Dodge grocer, today was robbed by death ot the last jiMnhir of hie family, Harold, a son 14 yeara old. The children were taken ill a few weeks ago with typhoid fever after drinking from a contaminated well. There are other rasas ef malignant typhoid among people whe used the water of thla suae weu. neversa are ss a cnuw condition. NEW SMELTER IN BLACK ' HILLS READY FOR WORK DKADWOOD. S. P, Feb. tt-S pedal) -About everythlag Is ta readiness for tha beosrlng In ef tha new Osterman Danckwardt smelter at Galena upon which tha hopes of many properties throughout tha Hilla are based. This smelter la the first to operate. In the Hills an any considerable basis for nearly tea yearn and owners . of ground con taining, pyrttlc ores have been making arrangement ta supply It steadily and there si mns no doubt that the smelter wta ba suppflcd with from M ta JCS tons daily of this claaa of are. ----- Standard "? Reduction . 'r . ,1. J. - ' Low prices on drSigs do not mean much when- not backed up by quality. Bea ton's quality ta a household word In Omaba, and tha rea son , wo 1 make ' such low prices Is to extend our cir cle ef patrons. , , 75o Pompeian Massage Cream .......... .45c 25c Pond's - Extract Cream .......... .16o 25c'Beaton's Cold Cream ...........19c 50c Beaton's Cold , Cream ......... .'.35c 25c Colgate's Tooth Paste .15c . 25c Rubifoam .... .17 50o Pozzord's Powder, at 24c 25o Peroxide of Hydro- gen 7o 50c Syrup of Figs . .45c $1.00 Duffy's Malt Whiskey ......... 89o 50o .Hair Brushes t. '. 19c We are demonatratlnt STEERO.'V "One cube makes a cup" of delicious 1 beef tea. Come In and sam ple it.- . "FoBou (Ae Seafea Pmtk" Beaton Drug Co. 16th srtd Farnam Sts. Smart feb for . v .vv. Critical Men- THE V Browning, King &Ca, SPECIAL DERBY al ft skWalsVUIaYtl UUUUI Wli.? UW. hat of its kind, in the world selling at. $3.00 -C filffercTii dimensions, A shape for every face. Panama Hat Sale Unblocked Panama shapes wben finished are worth freer, $6.00 to J10, special $2.65 EiacrtDjt' and trimming, $1.00 Extra. . Browning, King & Co. JL S. Wilcox, Mgr. 15th at 'Douglas RESTABRANT INSPECTION Will make no difference In The Belmont. Our kltohena and dining rooms have always been kept eeriv piously clean and none - nut the moat sanitary methoos of eooklns and aandllns tha food la employed. Restaurant Inspector or private Individual will be welcomed and shown through our kitchens at any time. - --' f' Tfi8 Belmont Restaurant IBIS Soars Street. . . - O. M. IUL, (ran. THE OMAHA' BE . prints nothing but elean news and clean advertising.' , All IKWF.VTI. Brand e is The at re WEEK STARTING SOXDAT Matlaee Wed. And But. .. . -..iie-'. "-t it -iKlaw aa dtrraniar'a nlualral' C'siriedi'" De- Xnx 'i' PI IK LADY SEATS NOW SELLING Nlghta OOc, 75c, SI.OO,- f 1.60 and $3.00. ' ' Mats. 60c, 75c, 91.00, $1150. COMING LET CEOO IT Brandeis Theater TONIGHT-SATVRDAY NIGHT The Jolly r.luskateers . AK-SAR-BE.VS BENEFIT SEATS AT THE BOX OFFICE KRUG THEATER Xat Today iiO Nlfbt ; lest Seats Ks; t MOULIN ROUGE . 'AND ' I JACK JOHNSON WORLD'S CHAMPION 'hEAV 1. WEIGHT. BOYD'S J?.?! T.airiiamni smaa-Q onu co. Tonight-CASMEN . ,;. Bataraay sTatlns's IvgOtA Sataraay mih n, TBOYATOBI , Htll nisss Ooaoart S assay at S P. st Tvesins;, rarST CQMXma romsss loicmor , xsa. a-ieea. r5aUxvv ADVANCED V AUUJSVUaLii MATINEE TODAV S:15 ' Note: Early Curtain Saturday Night 8:15 Sharp. Tha S'iow That's Town. Talk. e'ar BEHMAN SHOW axTmAWAvAJTS AJTS Taa7TTxuaj Wataoa bistera, Lea HaaceU, Charles Falke. Joy Ridlnc Beauty Chorus; i.aos lauaha Oorseous Scenic Koulpment. Laalaa Mass Mstlaes Kvery Weaa Bay. Sim. at Wr.: The yuoen of Bohemia. American Theater Voalerat. atata. Tees, Tanra, Sat acta a sta vam and the WOODWAAB STOCK COatTAaTT U THE ROSE OF THE RAKGHO Baa Wk Tae Xsaxt af - aaarylaad