Desperate Desmond -J K Moving' Scene in a Moving Van Desperated Battle for Beantifnl Girl Enmp Ends Struggle Copyright 1H National Newa Aaxfn. ByHersMield "lllll! fh il fc.'AVVk !." r I I i, '...- - I UA .Hfl rai ' 1 Cubes'. dAMMCD IN n THE KATE CP THIS VAN. ITISTHATBWK HERO ClAt-Dfci WORK .HT SHAUJ rvw Foe. this, his! RXSAMcM MUITl BE iVtY Wirt Mr 9WNK rteRfthM KSMO H tV- I (TAW Trtf I T6 MA HOWES AAV AM" J wru ee 1 PU. SWASH MJ ) I IHI TtTfT Tl I'M Pffffff" T THE VILLIAX IS TRAPPED. "Trapped:- exclaim Dwmtt Des toonA th door 'of th moving van ' la suddenly pulled up by Claud Eclairs, ' effectually Jamming the vlllela and pre- , venting Ms eecap. Only to well does , Derroend roans that In a hand-to-hand contest wtth Claude h would hav no ' mire chance of success tlian a rat with a terrier. II--H1T HIM HARD. CLAUDE:" . - Quickly Claud drag his captive In. M lh van and thar compel th acosndrel to face him. Too fMroua to Uk advantage of the villain, Claad al low! Datmond to meet him on equal term. With the ran shaking a Roee mond drive through the atrecta anyone may aliw Tbe brave girl adjure Claud to aoak lh coundrl good and hard. Ilf-PITT TUB POOR HORSES. Always tender hearted. Rosamond fore-eta momentarily the fight which moan ao much to her when lh eeee that the . hers, neglected by their termor drtvor, . ar half dead of thlrat. Quickly tha . kindly girl steers the horse to a drink ing trough and brings th wagon to a . stop while th animals drink their ML Tender hearted young girl! IV-THE IRRIATED TRUCK DRIVER. ' Behind th van la drawn up a Una of tracks. Tha on Immediately behind Is driven by a man who has no sympathy for antsaala, and ha rudely hollers at Rosamond to move an out of th way. Nee lea t say that brave girl pays no heed to such requests: shs Is determined that th horses shall bar all th water they waat. V-SMASHINQ THE VAN. Irritated still more at the delay, tha truck driver forces Us team forward and sends th heavy pole of his wagon smash Ins through the back of tha van In which Clauds and Desmond are battling furl-' ouety. It la a mean trick, especially when the driver Is a girl, but this man has been so long In China he has Chines ways. ' VT-THB VILLAIN WINS. Bump! goes' the heavy wagon pot into Claud, and over ha roes, while Desmond chuckles Hoarsely to himself. To her hor ror Rosamond sees that tha villain la once ' mora la power and that Claude Is unable to protect her from th cur. Again vil lainy la In th ascendant, but tomorrow's Diet urea may show an upset A- WANT ADS AXSOWNCSMEVni Want ads recrlTrd at any time bat to Insure proper classification must be presented before 13 o'clork m. for the evralrm edition mad before 7: SO p. m. for morning sad Bandar edi tion. Want ads received after such hours will bare their first InaertioH under the beading "Too Lata to ClaMifr.'' ' " CASH RATEsToR WANT ADS. REGULAR CliA8SlFICATIOSOne insertion 1M cent per word and 1 rent per word for each subsequent insertion.. Kacli insertion made on odd days I H cent per word. 1.841 per line tr month. Want ada for The Bee may be left at any of the following drug stores a to toot "corner Orugglst" they are all branch offices for The Bee, aad your ad will be Inserted JuM aa promptly and on the same rate aa at tha main on Ice la Tbe Bee Daiituag, tore cento and ran am street. Albecb, W. C , 4Mb and Farnam. Baum Drug Co.. .ail N. Uth Bt. , Benson Pharmacy. Benson, Neb. Bemis Park Pharmacy, wd and Cuming Beranck, 1 A., IWJ a. Mth at. Bl-Hradlsh, 0M9 Sherman Ave. Caughaa, C. It.. 4iJI Leavenworth gt ' Cermak, Kmlt, a. 13th It. Clifton Mill Pharmacy. tut Military Ave, Cooney Pharmacy, USi S. lath Ml. t'rlaaey's Pharmacy, filh ami Lake Its. fchler a Co.. tttt Leavenworth St Preytag, i. 1., N. iith St. Fregger Drug to . MUI N. tath Bt. Vlarrnc lruar Co.. Piorence. Nab. Oren s Pharui'y, park Ave. and Paciflo. Ureenouf ti t o., win ana nicsory. tioldm.u t'harm'y. Uth and Leavenw'th. johann Lrus Co., !th snd rlpaulding. JaK.,.iM ahsrtaaev. rsM Irsrnam Rt. Haiuiuom Para Phartn y. Uul aHh Ava. HiBMrioag Drug Co., slut Ave. and Par. Holat, Ja SM r. la Bl. . Hull. A. L., W3t Leavenworth t. kirk. M. a., atih and r arnam gta. kountas plsi PharnuK', taH N. Mtn. , Lauwop pniHwiacy, as and Hamilton. xjes. Fred U. m Central Biva. oumiiuin Piiarnuu-y, atd and Ama Av. Drue l . N. Mth Bt. Haratoaa Drug Co., Mth snd Am Ava, , sv baator s Cut Prtce, ith and Chicago. isr Drug Co ID N. ta at. ', a'. J JJ Plere . Walton Phsrmacy. aKh and Orac Bta. H'alnut Hill Pharmacy. eXh and Cuming. UNDERTAKEHS. ma St A-EM. NORTHRUP I.ETTKR DUPLlCATlNd CO., pastan Blk.. circular letters, any quantity: oldest established oompeay; as- perta of Multlgraph ana weoetyie. llEAJb'EY &.HEAFEY, S Moved to Mil Psrnsm. A-tM. H. aB. f OU'LL always be happy If vour wed ding ring cornea from Brodegaard a, lu Hth Bt. At the algn ol tne crown. ., i.sLhjW class put in: contrsut work. H. Winter. lll N. Klh. Webster ' KL v.Vr.TENTO HauaNA CIOAK. Bos M. prepaid. 2.Toi try half dosen; tt not istlafactorv money refunded. BfcA TON DRUG CO., liut Psrnsm. Omaha. Neb. Seed Co. 1 Jones. Both phone. Van a atorss. Pack, move. tor snd ship M. H. goods. D lt'Jt, B-. TO LOAN-LOW rate, In sums to suit. HO Bee Bids Phon Doug. at. UrftO!. IXIAN OO. MONEY Upholaterlng. piano lurp, roa. pot Far. HAZEL LKAP PILE COME-Best remedy tor Itching, bleeding or protrud ing plies: We, postpaid: samples free. Sherman Jact'onneii Drug t o., umens. DOI.ULA Printing Co. Tel. Doug, etl. Twenty per cent less than Omaha prices. HOMB Fl'hNlHHlNO CO. Twenty-lourth and L at. South Omshs. MOVTNU picture atechin and supptie, Nebraska Ptlm Co., lilt Farcam t. I. H. Cole Mign Co. U Bat. Ill Farnam COMMKRClAt. Photography.' & M. Hobart Wellington Bldg. Poug. tlM. WATERS PRINTING (V- Poug 'Ft!.era, Filter repairs, til Bo. 14. D. nT AUTOMOBILES. Auto lamps repaired. Omaha Silver Co" DRUWMOND Auto ntMiiai Dortan desaeuatsM run. isth and Harney me. - O.Ng K-M-F as, eomplo with ail aaula ment: tall. oMti front, t-nassensar; bean used dsmonatrator. Price, tf. On five. paasenrer rt am bier, good condition, few UM Mudal 1 Uverian. nam MARION AUTOMOBILE 00. iWl-l Famam St. ' Omaha, Neb BUSINESS CHAXCK8 Kd Rothery. Business snd Resl Kstst Exrhange t'o. Room !1 Slecague Hiug. FOR fiALK Two automatic ssfety rasor aharpenlng machines and office outfit: harsaln If taken soon. 8e Auto matic Sharpening Co., 120 Ramge Bldg. MUST sell my Sewedlsh nissaag bual- neas, vibrator, radiator, etc., doing good attain: reason tor selling, slckneae; will teach purchaser tbe profession. K4 Be Kiaa M' fa (at. M S. KITH 8T.-Furr.uboa fcVroora flat: good condition: dose In. BCUHBSS PERSONALS AtcbMeets. J. T. CottrIL SU Caas. Red aw. ( n ilea Wolse. R. rtEBEROALL Mll-ll nty NsPU KD. BOWK, well bo ring. Benson itt. BUSINESS PERSONALS Laaadrlea. FRENCH Hand Laundry. Tel. H. UM. Guarantee Laundry. Fin work D. S7A staaaraat MaaalMtwrwrw. Skinner's macaroni and siMgticttl. tar pkg. Hoasekeepers aad Dosseatles. WANTED Touna rirl or middle sged woman to work in plain family: wilt give music lessons and email wages. Webster 3601 Marias, Stars aad Cleaaias. KXPRESSMCN'g-reHverr"c,-Morlng furniture, packing, fireproof storage. City office, lis a. I7tn. Doug. km. Ind. B-1M. Twin City Bspreas: HSwsrd. Both Tel. Furniture moving, 1 men. H hour. W. 1711 WANTL'D A sood waitress st once. Apply Delft Tea Room, Brandels Thea ter Bldg. alesaaaaaat aad Man lawssa. 1. r. Bloom Co., lTth and Coming Sla ataala, Art aad La a . . Bxpertaaoed vtohn teacher. Tel.' W. an. br. Alice Johnson. Xtl-t Brsndels The. Bldg. Attoraeye. Ustoa U Hall, Lawyr, M7 Bran. Katheryn Klckolas, CH-t Brsodeia Theater WANTED-tiood sirl for general house work; good wage; small family. Tele phone Webster f Bldg. (i. W. Shields. Attorney, tfl B of Trade. B, T. Farnsworth. Ally, itt Bee Bldg. Optlelau. . B. T. Warn, fitting A rep'g. U3 Brandels OMAHA TF!T CO. Tel. HI Douglas. agsaae and Tasleabe, THS ONtT WAT. Baaaass efteikad to destination. Taxi- cabs and touring oar. Tel. Douglss t. Fatal aad tilaasa. PAINT, oil. lead and tornentin ar II per cent cheaper now than a year sgo. Take advantage ol this and buy oaly trtctly pure material at Barker Bros. rsint co nv raraam at. Phoa Douglas 7Stt. Baa Maaalsetarira, BBMIS OMAHA BAO CO., Omaha. Ksb. Bill P eaters. OMAHA BILL POSTING CO., lit HARNEY, TJOUOI.AS KM. Boa aad Paekaa ktaaataotarar. Wooden Bo Package Co. ttll K. llh. Carpewt aa4 Ceaieaetai glswnsoa, rarentr, oont. Both 1 pnoi Ctaaew aad Tea. THa Sanitary frown Ftp. 1U 11 h. DR. r CBtrapsdiaea. -ROT. UN FArnsm. Dwktl T. MclNTYBGAUTOCa DEATHS A0 FtMKBAL MOT1CBS. ,CI KRJ. F February S, mi, aged K yeara. , Funeral services will be held from th reaidenc of hi daughter, Mrs. C. L. NeweU. pal Maple atreM. Sunday, Feb ruary at. at I s clock p. m. Friend in VI led. interment, private, T AMP Anna. February St, Ult aged M yeara, I month. M daya, beloved wife of Charles K. Pamp, Kuneral service will be held from fam ily borne at Irvlngton. Neb., Saturday, February M, at 1 o'clock p. m. Inter ment. Mount Hop cemetery. Friends In ttod. , . TuVf the beet ear for tha money on the market-Oak land, eteerna. Knight and M. c it. aiar- gain la ueed cars. 2PM Farnara. wIlCAT BARGAINS IN NEW AMD SECOND-HAND AUTOMOBILES. I hava aeveral new Chalmers, sns nsw Jhoroae Flyer, two Stevene-Duryea, two toddard-Dayts and ana Amrtra that I win sail, at almost naif price. Cars must be sold at one. g. 8 MONTOOMERT, ' MS Ora. Nstl Bask Bldg. Phone P. 1M. MAIL ORDER BUSINESS OMAHA MACHINE WORKS Antoaenoua weldtne. gn'l machine and auto repairing. Pattern making and Pe nal machinery designed. Kspen dl work. Pattern drawing. a 8. mn at., u. shi. REPAIRING. PA1NTINO, TR1MM1NQ. fy . . aUrtabiisbed a Heyn Studio 'zSnXSS! aena puatoi we will gw prices snd beat styles. lth and Howard Sis . Omaha. ko;a. BUTTKR. PoULTRT. Highest market price paw. Writ tot aueuuions .-.d shipping tags. , , BROWN PKODUCsl CO. Wboieeaiers of Fish, Oysters. Cslenr. mi Howard St. Omaha bleb. stamps lorwcru. PANAMA STAMP CO- S itsvule Block. Omaha, Neb. 1 MAKGIAMELI BROS, itiii Macaroni, mad in Omaha. Every pack age guaranteed. Ask your grocer, Send us fifty "esglM" cut out of packages for premium. gwrrCHBd WALK FROM COMBINOS. Mr. Peck. lUt S. tttb, 'Phono B. WM. AMUSEMENTS Apollo Theater i Hlga Class motion pariur. THS BBrtT MUSIC. aHh and a aa worth. ALWAYS Vcneziai lilt 8. Uth L Movuu urea aad illustrated songs. Favorite Theater v ' Coeoedy snd Select Drams. lstk and mtoa LOYAL THEATER. N. Mth aad Caidwrtl Sta. Motion pic tures. efltertAimtig ana educational. J AHl wn.Vf V.X Hn aad Morion ptotore maehln and film bargaina. PROGRESSIVE 11LM CO. lelT brunt. Moving picture maohla an uppttea THE LAEMMLE FILM - : SERVICE. Renters of Storing pictures. Agent for reners, fe.mjn. slutiogispti mscnlnea, 1212 arnam Hi.. Oman. Nebt THE DIAMOND THKATKR. lh and Iak. Toe Famoua Ueaa ilea Pictur lor 4wndy. ANNOCNCE.MENTS If. E Mom 11. china paint. 3 Bra ode la Th J. A. GENTLEMAN, etnbajmer. Kit Chirage SL D. C.VDKK. TAKKR IS. A-XM Cletblaa MUwataotaaera. . Wear Ideal dreea shirts. M. K gmltb Co, Ceaf Coalers. C. S. Johnson, eoat, Mth A Isard.. i phones. WESTKRFlELD sells KKEDER COAL FI'HNACB of RANUB V. IUI: A-tUS. ' klNlll.lNO, M WA It (iroas, W. 3SM. Creaaaerlee, IMtrloe aad Sappllee. Fairmont' tnadem butler. Always good. DAVID COLK CRBAMKHT COMPANT. Baralsa aadi catllna. , CARTSR Sheet Matal Works Omaha. . , Ptet Aeadeeilea. . t Morand't ertrats hreeona everv dir. Clasaea Moa, and FTk, I p. av Doug. aWL Murphy Did It1 STAGE and fancy dancing: also nhya- leei col tar tan hi; children aad adults mt Harney St. MACKlU'S Dancing aoaaemy. . Why not wll your old automobll and buy a aw , one or, maybe, you can us th money . in some other war ui either event. Be waat ada- wilt do th wore, ' Hate lis ats par word it run only on time or I cent per word If run two or mere . time ojisasutively. ' ' repaired.1 Metal piaUng. Kseelslor Co., flat Far. RADIATORS ERUST REPAIRS Awta, wag as, ' la Lsav. PFLIFFEH make aid rare like tvw by adding forrooore, repairing tops, re painting, etc. th and Leav. D. ant OVERLAND, moaei 41 aVherae-power; fin esIUos. 14, 'isl. rtarney ni CHASE trucks, air cooled, ftv model. Pa) to 4.0011 Bounds saa. Hea them uui Jones t. , Poea Doug tut for aemoa- stratioa. CAMERON Co. Runabla tentlon gtvsa. Trucks and aatoa stored. irgine in uaeg cars. Ml S. 1. D Mil. FOR SALR At a hareala t allehilv ssed Midland AutomeMlea. FrMlaad Aute Le., ma and .Inns. W. J. LA pArtfc-iuto biackamllhlne. brakra retinsd. wheels trued up, spring welding a spedslty. Kew addrvea. 111 b. Uth. uouglae It,. JBLIHXKK9 CHANCES An Investment apeortunlty. By few share of Moor Croft OS It you Irish to make a conserve. live imeatraeat with a ur chano epieaoia prom, well sttuaied fourteen miles from Burtlnnos railroad and nru- doctng the tinst lubricant la the world invest utstioa utnted. MOORCROtT OIL CO. of Moareroft. Wyo. ST8 City Nst l Bank Bldg.. Omsna. tus tCUPSg foMlng machine, chea. la good order; make offer. Koiest, iice oiag. FOR SALE-Bicksmtth shoii: t power sbop In stst. Address il. tL ststthleeen, Etlperior. Neb sXatsst. DR. MrLKRAN. STwcieltst In plat work. i n. ea Sarlafaetioa or no : Brand! Bldg. Balhry, th dentlet, City Nsl'L D. Sat Mach A Maeh. td floor Pattoa. D. Taft's dental rooms. 151? Doug. D. loA, . De'ewtiv. . , Omaha seertt arrios Set aawner. Tne.. bended. 43 pattoa Blk. D. Ult. A-U15. L. W. LONONECKBR. tl? Karbech Blk. Terry's Dressmaking sotleg. loth a Far. PLAIN and fancr drassntakiag; latest rreaca styles; pneaa reasons bta ma ctu- eago. Tel. ins. B-snw. Dragglaee, DRI OS at cut arieest freight mug oa tie orders; catalogue free. Shormaa A McConnall Drug Co.. Omaha. Neb. Kverrthlaa taw Waaaea. CONSULT DR. Bl'RK E. Doug. Blk. Trv the BCSTON WET WASH. Have your family wash Drought home ready for sryieg at too, uoag. ssiu awaa. Out-of-del f Armenia ex. for aew. Kvetra Mulsa KUart eareetiee: aor set made ta measure, cleaned a repaired; werkataniirip gusrant. sv He. D-a. SWITCHKS made tront eotsblnaa. tl: Psych puff. Wc; extension w itches. H ie. Webster mm. MANICURING, FACIAL MASSAGE, fcMAMPOU sad halrdrewMng; restdrnee work aohcltad. Call Mrs. Peters, Doug. E'eetrie Itrhtlna fix., wholesale and retafl. Baigese Geandea C. Utl Heerard. D-4S1. -tt MUla wait S Feed, all kinds. Olenewe Mills. t Isard. Flaelala. BENNETTS cut flower. Douglas IS. A. Donaghue, ! Far. T. MM. A-lvti HtHt 8WOBODA. Hit Farnam St. SOBUl. energetic men wiaaing t gt Into a good paying buslnees inuulr at Mackie s LXJieiag acaderay. 11 Herwey ' ton aAUO-riotei-reistaurant in Suuta Dakota county seat. Good location. Must seW en account at health. A auap. Ad dress Box 1. Selby, A D. The Leemmle Film Sen-ice. Rent its of mevms pictures. Agents for Powere, K.iiwn, Mottogrsph auichlnea. 1331 Fsrnsra St.. Omsda, Neb. GT your d aji-..ia st Brodegsard'a CARPENTERS PAITON-BOVMAN - HARDWARE COMPANY 1C Farnam St.. Ar asumc two" at cose HOTEL FOR SALE The Clark Hotel aropertr. modern. American plan. Only hotel a to we .ef i.j people: m rooms; uotng gooa awa nsa. buiMlna is keeled Mr tbe city. Gas and eieotrte lights, city water. pay to investigate. wui sett aa eaar terms. Address, L. P. Clark. Prop, A t. la. TO get In or out of business eaC oa GANGKSTAD. M Be Bldg. 'ii. D. MH. HOTKL PLAZA need flru-eJass caf. Exceptional opportunity for an expert eaced party. Wa hav 7t ream aad aa stnUbd pavtag Call r ad- dreaa Win. J. Flab, mgr. titb A Howard. Stewart's. Florists A Seedsmen, lit N. M W'ANTED-CIrl for cenersi housework. can Harney xsa or an north wtn St. w,r.,.- A a11 iw kvikibi nuuw Work: small family; ao washing, tut s. anh St.e Pasaata. P. O.Barnall, Paxlon Blk. TelRedTHf. Wlllard Kudy, ISnu City Nat. Bank Bldg. raaaaarapaa. Edison phonographs. Shafts Bros, if Fsr. Photographers, Rlnehart, photographers, tMb A Farnam Plastaa. OMAHA SILVER CO.." rt . Uth. . . , , Fiamaoea. .... .. , , L. F. VALKENBBRO. Plumbing, W-SB Prtailag. f , rTB-W PeUe DeTit, Telephone uvn n.uaviiimwii, Doug HU PES ULLHi. EltTUUrlCK ON COURT. LET the CENTRAL PRINTING CO. do your work. Mil uougiaa. Tel. D. 17M. Lyngstad Prlnilns- Co.. ltth and Canltul A vs. Tel. Ind. itus for good printing. ' Rles-Hall Plf Co., it 8. Ill Ind. A-tMt Steel Tank aad Calvert Cssapaalee. NEBRASKA and tow Steal Tank Com. pen- ta ana nioneiaa. i. xese. tteaognaabee aad Ceart Kepoelera, Myrtle A. Krlley. 701 Bran. Tha D. MO. laata .ad Awalaa. , OMAHA TENT CO. Tel. ttt Douglas. iraaka aad aalt taiaea,. Frtllng A Stelnle, mt Farnam St. Vaeeess t'leaaer. VAC17UM CLE A N ERA Richmond Bue. tton Cieaser rented by day. Rental to apply on purchase price tf purchased withia alt moathe. RICHMOND SALES Co., 1SH Farnam St. Phone Douglas alls. Wlwoe and Lienor. WILLOW Springs beer. Hcuor, risers. ssnawicnes. Aiex jetes, in uougisa. VIRGINIA DARK win, ftc a larae hot tl. Klein Liquor House, att N. 1Mb St. Win ataaalaetarera. . D. A Griffith, wig mfr.. 11 Frenser Blk EDUCATIONAL TUTORING, let to 1th grade. H. M4t BOYLE3 COIjLEUE DAY AND NIGHT SCHOOL ALL THE YEAR Complete eourase ta Bustn, Book. keeping. Stenography, Telegraphy, civil service or aiasmansnip. i net catalogue la tree for tha asking. Call, writs or phone for It at once. Address H. B. Bovlea, President, Boyle College, Omaha. Re. HELP WANTED FEMALE GIRL or middle-aged woman to assist with housework. 1111 Orac St. GIKL fur seneral houeework: small family; best wages. Inquire 2&U Capitol Ava ' WANTKD Girl tor aenerai houeework; family of four; no washing. Hot Harney St. Phone Hsmey Kat WANTED a xlrl for serwrsl house work. 11M A Rth Ava, Harney Mat. WANTED Girl for general housework; no washing, 'rnon Webstar Ms,a attaeellaaeeas. TOUNO women coming to Omaha Vs trsngsrs ar Invited to visit ths Young Woassn's Christian aasoclstlon buildlns at St. Mary's Ave. and 17th St., where they will be directed to suitabl boarding places or otherwlss assisted. Look for our travelers' guide at the Union elation. Mackie Danclne Academy. MM Harney. Daily el eases Mon., Thura., Bat. evenings. EXPERIENCED wsltresa: resort ready for work. Oilman's cafe, vet Howard SL HELP WANTEDMALM Aaata, aaseaeeo and sollollor. A FEW good saisraB wanted to can vass In Nebraska. Wa nave a good line that will sell at sight- A proposlUon that hsa never been worked before, will be at th Pax ton hotel, room St, between It. n. and I p. m. Saturday and Sunday, reoruary n ana &. LIVE STOCK tXR SALE Horses aad Vchlcdlea. FOR SALE-1 horre. t sets of buggy double harness, brand nsw; good phaeton, be used ulngle or double. Inquire at J. Houska. P528 Sherman Av. FOR SALE One good l round horse. Prlc lis. Phone Harney !. LOST AND FOUND. PERSONS having loot some article would do. well to call up the office of the Omaha A Council Bluffs Street Railway company to ascertain whether they left it in the street cars. Msny articles each day are turned In and the company Is anxlou ta restore them to th rightful otuer. Call Doug lss . OMAHA A COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET RAILWAY COMPANT. rtvat iwA -,r three unfurnished rooms for housekeeping; modern house; light, heit, telephone and cooking gas. Harney Mi. LOST Bosion bull terrier; brlndle and white; bat eara and screw tall; weighs about 17 pounds: liberal reward if re turned to 13 Dodge. Chas. Moore, LOST-Black and white fox terrier; wore collar with smsll sleigh bell at tached. Liberal reward tor return to mu N. ttd St.. or Information aa to hit whereabouts. Phone Douglas st, or Web ster 2. w Mttnuidurn tarWlUhl for Mn. 1 iv, r,ij i r i inn ... - -tlemenT THB CHATHAM. US a Uth St. OXFORD and Arcad. special wkly rate. I hOT V.. . II. rn.u mw,A Central Rlvrt watch fob; tnltlsls W. B. O. Phone Doug. 147t. . , i , - 4 M4 tr' tel. Liooge. runiuns mm 7 - ephonee in every room-prices the same. LOST Gentleman's wallet containing railroad pass and other papers of vslu only 10 the owner. Reward snd no questions ssked for return to Room 7W, I nion pacific Office bunding. . Apartments aad Flats. - - .mhhimI. Mart mod am. Hit Elm St.. near Vinton. Phone Harney tea, evenings. emv rmA tnw muff erev llnine: reward. van neiiivr iin. t-ROOM modern flat, Scargo Bldg., 616t N. Mth 8t., South Omaha. Hail. M Ramge Bldg. potn pnonee. I.OST Lower atone of diamond pendsnt; reward of tie) tf returned to Albert Ed holm, teweler, ltth and Harney. lyOST-Karbob, Monday evening, with elesr stones setting with coral. For re ward bring to Patrick Ave., or poos Webeler rd7.e LOST Lady's Shriner pin in or near Dundee. For reward return te Be office. WAK.KD-A REAL SALESMAN to sell our unique line of MAP AN D OTHER SPECIALTY CALENDARS. Our line is different, exclusive It lends, ths big buyer, tired et picture, v. also supply strong Hue Leather Novelties and Signs. Strongest combined outfit ever offered. Big money tor live men. mi territory now being placed. Write fully, giva ex- Krlenoe la first letter. Kenyoa Company, m Moines, is. l.ith jar.) AGENTS W pay well and give val uable premiums free for a few hours' work. Sample and catalogue free. Mod ern Housekeeper Co.. lilt Girard Ave., No. stlnneapolla, Minn. WANTED Experienced shoe salesmen. Apply at once le superintendent Brandels Stores.e Clarion! and otllce. FOR a HIGH-QRADE7 commercial po sition see us. ' CO-OPERATIVE REFERENCE CO, Wli-is City National Bank Bldg. "CANO"-Hlgh grade poal Hons, too bee. FULL dress suits sad party dressea for asle; also lor rent, tl to i w a num. John feldman. s n. mn. d. uat Faeterg and Trade. Drug store (snsps) jobs. Knlest.Bee Bldg u'iv ,i-n a imv) tailor At th Boys' iniiueirtai eehooi. slnxie man preferred, but man and wife without children could be employed; must bsv good reference snd be temperate In all tnings. Adore. C. B. Manuel, Sunt., Kearney. Neb, alHTKII. An A-l first Class paper ksnser. Ns other need apply. The Abel- Pedereen-Van Hlper Ca. Sioux City, la. OMAHA COMMERCIAL COLLEGE, "BEST IN THE WESi." Day and evening seesiena all tha year. Shorthand. Typewriting, Bookkeeping, Agriculture. Civil Bervk. SaiesmauahlD. E. A. Zartmaa. Pres., ltth and Faraam. HELP WATTEB FKMAIJ. Asreats aad aateaweawoa, W ANT rj Fx set Policed ssliewooae for lsoee and embroidery department. Apply at once te eupertateodent Jfranueis Stores' Clerical aarf wlfia. WANTED-Caahlere and cash girl. Apply at once te supariataadsal Braadcts Store. Faelarp and TraeWew Olrla to learn hair r-1ng; prices very aote. tmpenneim. zn ei.. tnry st t. WANTfcD Two ladtaa to tears tne hair busvnea. ant Douglas. WANTEO Fuat-cUs oeoriat t nul- Hnerv Vewalnx roes. tendent Brsndels Stores. Apply Super a- Electricians PATTON-BO WMAN ' HARDWARE COMPANY Ult Farnam St.. Ar selling tool at Miacetiaaaaaa. AUTO SCHOOL. OMAHA. . . I A Uill" ta kale1 a ttat UtUAIVrVXH 1 ateanx, AlTT qU-U- IIJ lirttUtAdMtTsV wVlw . el Miittil nrMlr work thm tnr thrM . w . -a ... ftraJtTkVti' Id U.S. WANTED FOR U. S. ARMY Abie- bodied unmarried men between th age ef I and to; clluena of t ailed States, of good r ha recur snd tsngpersis habits, who can speak, read end write the tnglian ktnguaga, For intortnatiea apply to re cruiting officer, jstk and Deugia Bts., Omaha, Neb.; N7 4tb St., Sioux City, ia.; UM N. ltth St., Laneoin. Reo. LOST Small diamond aettlna st Rom hotel or between - Rom and Hth and Leavenworth; reward. Douglas Bat, me s.- 2sTH-t rooms, completely mod. rn W7.S4. i?i o. Wth. t rooms, com pletely modern, t Thoa F. Hall, tat Kamxe a', f. i-v, " MEDICAL. MBNTAL diseases cured. 301 Bsrker Blk. DISEASES CURED Cures Piles. Fistula and other Rectal diseases without a aurgical operation. A cure guaranteed and no money to be paid until cured, write xor dook on necixu blaeases. with testimonials. DR. TARRY, BEE BLDG., OMAHA. MONEY TO LOAN. Salary aad Iballsis. LOANS NEGOTIATED ON REAL ES TATE. FURNITURE. PIANOS, WARE HOUSE REtT.IPTS. SALARIES. ETC. LOWEST RATES, WL'TCKEST SERVICE, CONFIDENTIAL. SKE US FIRST. RELIABLE CREDIT CO., SD FLOOR PAXTON BLDG., 17 S. 1TH. TELEPHONES DOUGLAS Mil A-llll. CHATTEL LOANS Lowest ratss and easwat terras. Sea other; then eee snd be convinced that w will aavs you money. MUl suholu laian lv. is. u. Cor. Mth Doug. St. D. Ind. A-U. (fcif IT of Ml Snow, C. L. B.. at Star Loan Co., Sal pax ton Blk., m to fit, without security, a suit you. as oa furniture, pianos and N OH I V r"' atat at a vary low rata 01 interest. , Nebraska Loan Co. Dong. ISM. ' 230 Be Bldg. A-US. MONEY loaned salaried people, women Keeping nous end otner. without se curity; easy payments. Offices In 7 prin. clpal cities. Tslmsn. MS Omaha Natl Bank Bldg., formerly N. T. Life Bldg. DIAMOND LOANS at ft and I par cent r uai AU. uit Dodge at. let. ttea tua. OFFERED FOR RENT Beard aa Beams. O. M. F. fcs'ill trunks. D. tlL A-Xll. LARGE nleasant room: private: mod ern hoir,; Meet Fanuvm; beat board. Call Hsmey 44. HOWARD, ma, room and board; prt- vata liEslRABLE rooms with board, sult ibis for one or two; gentlemen preferred; able I reterencee. tfil S. ltth Ave ROOM and beard for two gentlemen. snutneast room, zasi lmoge. ttr RAILWAY MAIL CLERKS WANTED BM month. Omaha examina tions Msy 4. Coaching free. Write Frank lin lastltute. Dept. lit M, Rochester, N. T. STOP! READ! Sl Learn automobile engineering ta our Isrge training shop. Huadrede ef successful graduate. Complex equipment of to mebtte aad machinery. Addreee National Auto Training Assn. 3e Brandels Thea ter Bldg.. Omaha, Neb. WANTED Railway mail clerks. PS) a month. Snort hours. No lsyoffa; pocuoa yours for life. Omaha examinations Msy t. 1 neusano 01 appointment coming. WNTATeaca lad' tellere, Cot ST"1"1?" Karbaeh Blk. 1 w, tir auimle aueetlona FrankSa lo- BRAKDCIS FLORIST. Braadet Bidg. U- HENDERSON. Hit Faraam. D. li BATH'S FLORISTS. Boyd Theater Bla, MeDoaald Bras and towaas foundry. a!a- fnlnsm. tin, lead casting. Iee7 Jackoa. P. hoc ex-Montgomery Co. laa Raaure Blk. Alfred a Kennedy, "tol, ear. W First Nat- Bk. BMsT lou. ra treat aad Wire Fcaelaup, Anchor Fence Co.. trr N. T7. Tel. Red St H. Cross, Luas. wreck g. plk. S A Paul r keepers aad Do ascetic. WANTED Housekeeper end rtenog rapher; country town. Address Im medi ately ta owa nanawnana- u as. see. . WANTED a, girl for general house work, til M. Mary'a Ava THE SERVANT GIRL PROBLEM SOLVED Tbe Be win rua peur Denss tic Help Wsnted ad FREE aaui you get tbe desired results. Bring your sd te The Me T?flT lT. Bee office or teltpkeae WANTED Girl or woman for general housework w a farm. Meat eragea. Mrs. John S. Johneen.' I ndei weed. la. R. L WAti rED-mneat second girt, good 000k: reference required. , Call Mrs. Joba S. Pwenoweth. roet Ceo. .!??. WANTED A glri who understands houeework : a good home and gout wage to the right party- Harney Mt' Wanted a rmtr girt to assist with housework; ao wasting. Haras tat Itra. U. C Edgarty. au Cnung Si. stltute. Dept. at M, Rochester. N. V. WANTED Good, all around butcher and as usage maker, i. C. Messier, DeahHrr. Neb. WANTED More people ta rauw poul try with the Old Trusty tneubator. Writ ior free catalog u. M- M. JoOoaoa. Clay Center. Nee. TELEGRAPH position guaranteed you by the I'nioa Pacific aad llliaote Cen tral railroad f yoa gala your trsjning u school Practice oa R. R. wirea. Ad- dree for particular. H. B. Boyle. Prw. Boyle college, umtne. ceo. SOLICITOR WANTED Either lady or geMlemsa, for a good proposition, with good pay; call tcday. Room 1 Millard Hotel. UTB STOCK FOR SALE. . Reewea aad Vetticfaa. 'HORSES and cows. ItU Cuming St, DESIRABLE furnltbed room: private family, ssis is. tavl ft. tei. v roster Mt.a HAKNtY nr., coxy front room, well heated, on bath rocm floor; strictly modern house; electric light; test. Tea minutes walk from Bennett s stors. Now. while peopl ar look ing for raor comfortable ouartera. Is the time to ad vertise your rooms for rant. Kslea I per word where the ad runs two or more times. NICELY furnished room: modem: elec. trie light; , per month. Mi Douglas Sl." 141 CASS, walking distance, neatly fur. menen wsm room. tut NORTH 17TH-Nleely furnlehed steam-heated rooms; rates reasonable for gentlemen. Phones: Doug, buju or ino. A LARGE, well furnlehed front room la a modern home. Douglas siZ3. THE PORTOLA 2a Harney;, alee. steam neKieo, mouern nenna. TIXTI wnAtnm In lar. ivtnt J J steam heat, electric light tat Dodge.' DOUGLAS street. r.S, modem two geatletnen.e ' are lasted MeauetteepiaB Beeaae THE MANUElV-Two-reoas asartmeaL ta. Th Howard. J-room, privet bath. see. xisi ami nowem. TWO good bouekomc rooms, fur nished; electric lights, gas, hot water; private family. Free use of lanndrr. parlor, piano. Near two car lines, twenty minutes from postofflce; only tl. Phone weoeter itei.- KH'E isree bested room, with kitchen fwrntahsd complete for bouaekeeping. strictly modern; gas for cooking free. Laundry pnvdeses. m a. ath st.e OFFERED FOB REST raraiabed Menace. FURNISHED house. West Farnam dis trict H. K84 Faralshed Apartsaeats. FOR RENT 4-room modern apartment furnished. W3 So. Bih St. Phon Harney 41 . - I'afaratahcA Iteoaaa. 4 modern rooms, parlor floor, 1KB 8. Uth. TWO or three unfurnished rooms, or will furnish to suit tenant; eaat tront, asy walking distance, strictly modern; gentlemen preferred. 1KB Georgia Ave. Hrney 434. Hate la aad A part meats. Dewey European hotel. Ilth A Fsrnam. M-ROOM, steam heated, ao 8. Mth 8L F, U. V EiA If. loot r ' u.. t-ROOM flat on Sherman Av. Web. MM E .naHmant. MW brick. t-L Kii 8. Rth St. Harney Wat. Meaaee aad Cottage. mod. t-r. cotlaxe. fin repair. H. M44. Houses, Ins. Rlngwslt, Brsndels Th. Bldg. Itmiuoa ail paru of the city. liOUBeS cigh Sons A Co.. Bee Bldg. t-ROOM, steam bested spartmeni, ins Mason, list and Mason Bts., tX Te)- hAa farailsvlttal 1KT1 COTTAGE for rent, 1604 Burt ML .. EN rooms, modern. 1814 S. nth; fin for two families. Douglss Itti. t ROOMS and bath, short walking dis tance; new, every convenience; perfect service: first or second floor; rent trsa to Mrrh L Phon D MM. HOl'HE. roome, modern, 19a Case SL; rent 180. WEST FARNAM New residence. stucco, fit N. Mth Ave., lid. Red nV7. FOR RENT 5-room house, modern ex cept furnece. Rent cheap. MM North Uth Street a-wi Wii hnu.a modern axoftot heat newly decorated. WB Corby. Key td door weet. Douglas fti. HOUSE-ailt Dewey Ava, 7 room, modern. Moyvr outkmery Co, Mil Far aam St. HOUSEHOLD OOODS packed and for warded: cheai frelsht rates: moving snd storing. Expressmen's Delivery Co, Tel. Dougiss KH. city eruce, sis a. uto eu, Bee Bidg. itvtrai. all modern, ateam heal, T rooms snd bath; t-room flat. iaW.Ha St. 7-ROOM, all modern, brick, 10 N. Bth; paved; house In good rspair; SC tn. c Camden Ava, 4-roora cotixga; 1 tots- steo O. E. TURKINGTON. tot Bee Bldf 110 VI NO, packing and storing of house hold goods and pianos la our business. Omaha Van and Storage Co., fireproof storage, tot 8. ltth, by ths viaduct Branch office. FA 8. 17th St. Tel. D 16 A liot. FOR RENTA large modern residence, corner Uth and Pierce. 11 room, furnace, electric light, two toilet. month. Iieuglas "- , r. ti V T n I. r.,i V 1!th fit J-room house and barn; will find ksy OR new iwrio. axil l-hAriaa. t-r all-mod.: 1 faaalUaa it you wish. O' K EEFB1 REAIj EH1 A1K w.- B1X-ROOM FLAT-Two front rooms, eultabls for office er housekeeping. KM lk. rteaonDi rem. i-noiio . . ... . . . aM Am. rt 14 arvla nil enwa KimA, muw. ; n Park Av.; en of th newest snd most up-to-date apart merits In city; two extra well righted roome, la half base ment, can be secured for use of maid or Ideal play room tor children; all furnished In hardwood: flla bath room: ts rsng snd refrigerator; vacant March L Phon Harney Met 8IX rooms, nsw, modern. West Farsant, x block te car. 13. Douglas 884. "JOS Farnam, I very pleaant rooms. US N tilh St. 1 rooms, hot water heat OX Harney, I rooms, mod. except best F. D. WEAD, 1x01 Fsrnam St NEW t-room cottage, full bssement, large attic, sll modern except beat, IS PH4 N. tTth Bt Mt! N. 418T t-room. modern: ready March I. A. U Patrick. 17 N. tfd St. FOR REiNT A lsrre modern residence, corner Uth and Pierce: U rooms, furnace, electric Sights; 1 toilets; ft per month. Douglas 672. VTH AND Bl'RT-7 rooms and bath. O'Keefe Real Estate Co. UlJe-Aroom flat ail Douglas St, mod em except heat gttt rooms and bath, 179S Burt St., modern, steam heat. ta t rooms, laid Madison Ava, modern except beat ta t-room flat, 1E7 Fsxnxra 8U mod ern except beat. B0 -room flat. Mli Howard St. mod ern except heat f3s-t rooms, Stt S. Uth St., modern ex cept beat tat- rooms, MM Hsmey 8L. snodera. One repair. Two and three-room apartments In La fsyette. 17th Ave. and Jacksoa Sta., In cluding bath, refrigeration, vacuum -lean true, laundry and Janitor services. Rental tr ie and 87.30. GEORGE A COMPANY. tee-lS City Natl. Bank Bldg. Phones D-75 or A -1756. 2 Leavenworth, t-r. and bath. O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO. Stores aad Of rice. M'CAGUE BUILD INO, leth and Dodge Attractive office, eingle or en suite: hot end cold water in nearly ail rooms; rents. t7 ta I3t: service complete. Apply OMAHA LOJkH A BULLING ABaTM. Kf O