HTOBIAL ELEVEf TO IWiHTY. The Omaha Daily Bee Lfjokisf, Backward .This Day in Omaha rililf Tastili Tsa tun . -In aUttsttat Px of eseS tssns yOL. XLI-XO. 216. THE BEE: OMAHA, SATTKDAT, FEBRUARY 24, 1912.FEBRUAEY 24, 1912. SINGLE COPY TW$ CENTS. J BaBil jajjss IARKETT SPRINGS SURPRISES iTeDi Commercial Club Interesting Tilings About latin America. jASGENTCSA EXPOETS AEI BIG Jf Diplomat at i.naehcoa Imki f Relatlaa ( Ossaha an Cea tral West te litemti la Fereigw Relatione. If any member of tlie Commercial club rat to the luncheon of the municipal af fairs committee yesterday with the Idea that there U nothing worth while outside the United State, that idea must have keao dispelled by the address ot John Bar rett, director general of the Pan-American union, on "Omaha's and the Central West's Interest In Our Foreign Hela Hons." "Argentina. wlUi a population ot 7,000, N0O, last year bought' and sold t.m.m ! worth ot foods, which is 1100 per capita. i greater per capita trade than that of mar other Important nation of the world," aid Mr. Barrett, seeking to Impress his (bearers with the Importance ot South American trade. "This was (reater than the entire trade ot Japan, with W,9tt),K people, or of China, with ,, 000," I afillioaa la aaproveaaenta. Rio Janlero, he said, spent 160,000,000 on jn, single broad avenue through the city sum nuiiNoi upon nuiuons upon iti oocss. Wh Ova blc Brazilian ports spend more on their harbors than does the United States on its entire coast una. Buenos lAyrea, with 100.000 people, the largest lolty south of the equator, was once thirty sxtllee from deep water, bat spent 190,004,- M4 to bring deep water to her door and 4odav the visitor In the solendld hotel (overlooking the water front may see at any time M merchant vessels from all arts ot the world in the harbor. , Speaking briefly of the site, resource euid population ot eeoh country, ho said khe development ot all has but merely wtarted. Their foreign trade has praet le ad ly doubled in ten years and is yet very rmall oom pared with wbat it will be. Spleaald Race at People. The people, he said, are not "dagoes;" they are a splendid race ot men a new face, a mixture ot Bparush, Italian, Eng lish and German blood, a people of In tense dynsJble energy and wonderful pos- Mr. Barrett repeated bis Idea expressed at the Omaha club last night that toll lee on the Panama canal should be commerce. "I wish," he said, "that every commer cial organisation of the country would bring pressure to bear on oongresa to make the tolla-tow. Wo are not building 'the canal for revenue, but to increase commerce. Congress )s so busy with lother things that it la not studying the canal question closely enough." Oiaaka ta Bo Benefited. ' ! Omaha business men should be as much .'Interested as those of New Orleans or San Francisco In the development - of trad with the southern republic, the lapesker ssld, for while Omaha does not get a dlreot benefit from foreign trade. received a reflected benefit that si vital t business. Cut off foreign trade,' he Mid, and bora trade will languish. Host of the stories of revolution In Latin-America, according to Mr, Bar rett, are duo to the enterprise of sensa tional newspaper writers with whom the country la Infested. In an area three times the else of the United States, he said, there hss been no important revolu tion in fifteen years. Change of Speakers . for Seed Corn Trains Some changes have been made In the Mlanmcnt ot speakers for the seed corn peclal which will tour Nebraska on three ds, beginning Monday. The publicity tfcleago A Noriavteetera Tralae. rror. r. A. messeioacn, supenmerraeai Veiebraska experiment station, all week. I W. Leonard, Pawnee City all week. William Ernst. Tecumseh. all week. T. F. Bturgess. Omaha, February 2-3. I 8. Herron. Mncoln. February 14-11. Frank G. Odell, Lincoln, all week. tnlon Parifle special. Prof. H. J. Gramllch. superintendent (Vcbraaka experiment station, all week. . Hull, Alma, ail weea. K. P. Brown, Davey, all week. Prof. W. P. Bnyder, North Piatt eta- Heoretary w, sieiior, uncoin, an Week. Hasten Krbraaka Barllegtea Train. Prof. W. W. Burr, superintendent North 3ltt station, all week. W. P. Johnson, Harvard, all week. Val Knska, Hayard, all week. Prof. P. P. Barker, Nebraska, experi lOient station, February t-lJ. Prof. Erwln Hopt Nebraska axperlnint (Station, February 28-20, March L a R. McKelvie, Lincoln, all week. I BarUnatee Nebraska Special, I Prof. C. W. Pugsley, superintendent Ne braska experiment station, all week. Prot U I Zook, Washington, D. C 'all week. I Prof. Charles Weeks, Peru, all week. Chancellor Samuel Avery, University f Nebraska. February Z6-H-ZS. Dean K. A. jjurneti. neorasaa expen snental station, February . March 1. Prof. H. C. Fllley, Nebraska expert' Blent station, all week. Barllsatoa Nebraska Central. Prof. C. W. Pugsley, superintendent Ne itiraska experiment station. I O. Hull. Alma. Prot W. W. Burr, North Piatt axperi Itnent station. ' Superintendent J. E. Pelzell, Llneetn. Frank G. Odell. Lincoln. Oaaaka Bead. Prof. T. A. Klesselbach. superintendent. Nebraska experiment station. William Krnst, lecumsen. W. F. Johnson, Harvard. A. K. Anderson. Lincoln. L. 1. Zook. Wsslilngton. D. C. Substitute speakers, to be used in cue tegular speakers are disabled: Prof. C. B. Lee. Nebraska experiment 'station. Prot Robert Howard. Nebraska expert Itnent station. Prot A. J. Mercer, Kearney. Prot B. M. Wilcox. Nebraska cxperl xneot station- ..... C. O. Marshall. Lincoln. ' -Dr. G. L Carlson, Norfolk. SPEAKER AT COMMERCIAL CLUB LTOCBX0H. feu sn.W .,aar.aWlisi JOHN BAH RETT. aDB TO HAVT TAG WEEK" Uemberthip Committee of Commer cial Club Adopts a Plan. V7ILL TRY 10 DOUBLE TEE LIST Ef fart Will Bo Mad to Have Twa Tkoasaaa Meat sere la Clab by April 1 MeaiWrs De. elde ta Haatle. - ' In Its campaign for new members the membership committee ot the Commercial dub baa decided upon a "tag week," or rather a "button weea." This will bo the last week in Msrch, at the and of which It is proposed to raise both membership fees and annual dues. Every member of the club is to wear club button during that week and Is to make a supreme effort to bring in one application for membership. A th elub now number over 1,090, It will number over aow on April 1 If every sua does his full duty. Th business man without a button In hi lapel on "tag" week will bo "tagged" by every button wearer b moats. By th time h has been Interviewed by about fifty men ho may decide he had better get Into th elub for self-protection, if for nothing else. Samuel Burns, ' Jr.. chairman of th membership committee, say a member ship dinner will be given In the club rooms soma time In lfarch. New mem- ben will be introduced, given something extra In the wsy of luncheon and taaght a fsw lessons In pool and billiards. At this weak' meeting th committee dropped nln names from th roll for nonpayment of due and brought In thirty-five new applications for membership, all garnered In seven day. T. L Davis brought In eight through individual ef fort and H. R. Gould Ave. Writ Compels South Omaha Election to Be HeldThis Spring Judge Kennedy yesterday ordered the Iteu of a writ of mandamus compelling the officials of South Omaha to conduct a primary election' this spring. The offl oisls have Interpreted th new charter bill to mean that th election shall be weld Jn mi, but th Judge rule that it shall be bold this spring. In tbs petition of Tom Hoctor end others for a mandamus writ compelling the South Omaha officials to hold a pri mary election the constitutionality ot the entire charter bill was attacked. Judgs Kennedy did not pass upon th constitu tionality of ths entire law, but only upon the validity ot three sections which deal with the election matter. He held that the mandamus for a primary election was all that waa In Issue at this time and held that the sections which extend th terms of the present officials for one year Is Invalid because It is special legislation. After th election the constitutionality of th law will be tried out in th courts. t CANADIAN PACIFIC WILL INVADE UNITED STATES Th Canadian Pacific Is laying plans to Invade toe United Statea Plan hare ibeen about perfected by which th Cana dian Pacific will change IU eastern terminals from 8L John's snd Halifax to Boston. The Canadian Pacific is one of the roada operating in Canada that la not tied down by Dominion regulations' and entanglements and consequently is at lib erty to build Into the United States or make traffic arrangements with roada on fls aide of th border. 'Phones Operated at Loss, Says Fratt M. F. Funkhouaer. chairman ot the councilmanlc committee appointed to In vestigate telephone rates In th city, held a second session ot Inquiry yesterday. Lysl L Abbot, receiver for th Inde pendent company, and Ouy Pratt of the Bell company were on the stand and were questioned regarding rates chargsd b Omaha. I. J, Dunn, who waa principle advocate of an Investigation, was sup posed to hav been on the stand hi the afternoon, but was detained elsswher. Nothing was learned from th Inquiry x eeputhat telephone comnanlea claimed to be operating telephone at a loss, due to th us of office and down town phones by customers who did not pay therefor. Deputy Uses Star in Extortion Game Frank Crowe, a deputy sheriff la th employ ot th Union Pacific Railway company, was fined IS and costs In polio court yesterday on a charge of vagrancy. Crowe was arrested on com plaint of three girls, who said b bad secured money from them by false pre tenses. His game was to take a girt, flash bis start and place her under arrest. Ha would then march th girl to a police box.- After arriving there bo would toll her. that for a certain sum ot money he would release her. Judge Foster recom mended that th sheriff take Crowe's , star away from him. SELECT HEADQUARTERS -FOR MUSICIANS' CONVENTION Joseph X. Weber of New Tory City and Otto Ostendorf of St. Louis, president and treasurer respectively of th Amer ican Federation of Musicians, were in the city Thursday and selected the Paxton hotel as official headquarters for the delegates to the American Fed eratloa of Musicians convention to be held in Omaha la May of this year. This Store Closes at Nine O'Clock Every Saturday Evening. Shop During the Day if Possible. A Sale of Children's Books All juvenile books that have in any way become 6otled or damaged from handling and display, together with the balance of some large purchases, are priced for a quirk clearance Saturday. Titles (or bojs and rirls of rvery ase. lc Lot 1 -Choice Lot 2-Choice Lot 3-Choice ..10c 5c Lot 4--Choice ..15c Lot 5--Choic ..25c Lot 6Choice ..50c mm III! m $1.00 and $1.50 Ear Rings, in Newest Styles, are Priced for Saturday at 50c. Toilet Goods at Great Saving Plnaud's 60c Violet Farms Powder Mo Pr. Preys ifa Rosaline. at ISo iio R. O. Rica Powder. at 1 tOc bottle Htnd's Honey and Almond Cream 30 WooJhury e , tta , Faolal Cream .... 17o lima Isabell a i)o I ace Powder 3eo (0c Febeeo Tooth Feet. at 8so Pal Hepatica, We, Me, fl.ia leu lb. borax .......10a I !So r-an'.iol Tooth V)wdir at iwi 600 Perfume 1. wMte rose. vlclet. ill- of tee vaUr, and other, per -oe. Vri Me bos William's or Ou- gate e. Shaving ,Pcwd -. at ... lee Ho Impcrtk! Cast:! Boa? at 1 10. 3he WlUow'AimoiiA Cream at .....J... 10 J6c bore ' white ' bristle Mali Brushes....... a So Joo 14 -lb. Peroxide .. So Sio bottle, Cast o--la..., Mo if If it New Spring Suits for $19.50 Almost numberleaa new models bave arrived the past week, 'With price ranging up to $65.00 as the quality warrants; bat we thluk you will be most interested in the new blue serge sulta because f their elegant simplicity and their highly prac- al Qualities. 1 We are sure those we offer at til. 60 cannot be equalled elsewhere for less than $25.00-and we court a comparison. Finest workmanship and ex tra quality fabrics and trimmings are the basis of our claims tor superiority in this particular line, Sizes for both women and misses. Th in-betwttn'a$on stiffs we hav bn offering at $8.75 art rapidly moving eat. Made of good torgot and $rvicabU mixture in many different coloring. Value up to $23.50 flfQO. J A' Vtlc 4. X J EMM ; w i ' "i i.-r... i m v pit :tft w I1 i is & WW Candy Store Specials 60c. fresh Fluffeta chocolates the kind with the soft creamy centers Saturday, 29c the lb. !6c, fresh pure fruit jellies, Saturday, 13c the lb. 20c, fresh salted pea uta, Saturday, 15c the lb. Continuing the Flower Sale Carnations, 39c Dozen And other Flower postals ataraay. Serge Dresses One lot of black and navy serge and black voile dresses In sixes from 14 to Si, that formerly sold up to $11.60 are special ly priced tor Satur day's selling st 1 $5.00 New Dresses with serge skirts snd silk tops ln white, black, navy- and tan colore; that would be priced In most stores at f 10.00; marked at Bennett's to sell for jour choice $7.50 Children 's Knitted Wearables A large assortment ot children's sweaters In white, grey and red colors, that sold at $1.60 to $2.00. Saturday, 70c. OiUdrea's red and white sweaters, for age two to four years, to close, Saturday, 49c. Children's long, waist leg gins In red, white nd black, to close, Saturday, 83c. A DinnerwareSale Involving 2 1 Different Patterns Eight of them are to be closed out entirely, while the other thirteen most be greatly reduced in ptock. Three patterns of porcelain dinnerware with pink, blue and green spray decorations; will be sold in 100-piece Bets only; $13.50 values at $8.95. Three patterns in 100-piece sets only-Russian conven tional border, pink and green clover conventional border and pink and blue floral pattern decorations$22.50 values, while they last, $11.95. In the following pattern we have made up cottage dinner tet coniting of 6 dinner plate, 6 pie plate, 6 cup, 6 aucer, 6 fruit diihtt, 6 individual butter, 1 butter plate, 1 tugar bowl, 1 creamer, 1 open vege table dish, I tmall platter, 1 gravy boat, I large plat ter and I email vegetable dith45 piece in all or enough to properly terve tix people on any occation. PRTCED 25 TO SO PER CENT BELOW REGULAR For Men Suits and O'caats at Final Prices All odds and enda of the season's selling. of men's and young men's suits and overcoats are to be closed out Saturday at thes prlcee Up to $25 Value, $12.50 Up to $15 Value. $8.50 A majority of them are suitable for early spring wear. Plenty of styles and colorings for your choosing. All odd sad snd ef our satire steek of aaea'a and Tenths' separata tronsera, worth up tu, to close, Saturday, fl.SS all otlM- odd trous ers, worth up to 16.00. fsturday. IUI, Boys' Clothing is Greatly Reduced or heavy winat weight wtator salts, worth from 14.10 to M 0, ar subject to a discount of II per cent fritiirdsy, or, your choice. SS.SS In be-. AU boys' wlster Overcoats, worth from I4.M to HMO, ttattirday, :.; to It er, or, as pee seat lees than fersMrly. 60 toys' smcseroocwer sects that Boy all wool kaloaer booker trou. era with belt loops and hip pocket clasps, that we regularly sell at II and II. IS. Saturday only. SO. oye' so blew waist, with at tached collar or without, Saturday, 46. Buy Men's Furnithingt for Lett, Saturday ISa black and tan cotton boee... S 2 So fin cotton boee, with whit feet or plain, ths pair IS II 00 silk and linen ahlrte, with aoft collars; sixes It to 17, Saturday, at SMS IK) coat shlrta In strictly new pat terns and colorings see High grans too Huapsedars .... vo silk knit four-ln-hsnd Ilea, In ' plain or striped patterns, for spring wear, (Saturday only SSs 13.00 Jersey H westers. In oxford. navy, ana maroon colors; paiurday. at tie Men' Cap and Hat Our new spring line ft men's and hoys' cape has lust been received. They ere "right" In mailers of style and fabrlo. ami you will find them quit reasonably priced at 1.00, Too and SO On lot of men' libs snd 11.00 soft beta In good stapl ahapea and col ore, Saturday wWtiW.I Never Before, and May Be Never , Again, Such Wonderful Bargains m Gen uine Imported Flowers j. ' The home milliner will revel la this greatest ot all exhibitions and sales ot the finest Imported flowers ever, brought to Omahs. . ..., . Savings are From a Third to Half with assortments so boundless and varied that every woman in this city and surrounding country can, be 'abso lutely satisfied. If they were purchased and sold in tho regular way the prices would range from 50c to $1.50, but, for this great Bale, you will find them divided-into four big lots and marked as follows: . T Lof One Lot Two 19c 29c Lot Three Lot Four 39c 59c The Sale is Composed of Thousands of Imported American Beauties, Roses, Lilacs, Tulips, Sweet Peas, Cherries, Lilies and Other Wanted Flowers, as well as Fine Imported Foliage, of All Kinds and Novelties New to This Season Alone. Milliners' dealere can buy flowers at this sal at savings approximat ing to per rent. There ar plenty of salespeople to serve all quickly and aatlsiactorlly. . 1 BENNETT'S IS THE ONLY STORE UN OMAHA THAT GUARANTEES WILLOW PLUMES. Flower Trim'd Hats A Special Showing and Sale, is Arranged for this Saturn day's Selling $15.00 to $18.00 Values, Saturday The majority of those ars the product of our own workrooms and had their Inspi ration in some of the most beautiful Im ported Paris model hate. Mails of fine hajr braids and hemp and tagal braids; trimmed with Imported roses and French flower novslUes or elegant flower comblnatlona Many will buy nwr than one at this special price, for tho styles and quality will warrant it $10 ExtraSpecial " One lot oFabout, 100 new Trimmed Hats Worth from $5.00 to $6.98, Saturday, only $2.98 4 (-piece Cottsge Plnnsr Set of while porcelain ware, almoat as thin as china, sale price.... 4A 4!-plc Cottage Dinner Beta, of guaranteed porcelain war whit and gold decorations $- ti-plece Cottage Dinner Seta, with clover border decoraUona, sale price only Se.TS 41-piec Cottage Dinner Seta, of Ed mond Bootee' blgheet grade Eng lish war, sal price ...... Sla- It-piece Cottage Dinner Sets, with blue conventional border decora tions and full (old border, eals price ST.4S 41-pleo Oottsg Dinner Bets, with blue and pink conventional decora Uona and full gold lines, sal price, at SS.TS 41-plec Cottajr Dinner Rets, of HavUand china, in two different styles, with pink and arson floral decorations, sale price gaSM Saturday's Bargains in Pure Food Store "Pride of Bennett'" flour-speclsl of fer ef a sack for 1J( Bennett a best coffee and ill st'ps, Sao I lbs. Bennett's beat coffee and stamp for 0140 Assorted teas snd 71 stamps, lb. see Tea sittings and IS stamps, lb. . . .Ifle l-lh. can Bennett' Capitol baking powder and 100 stamps t-lh. roll Premium butterlne for 45e Seeded raisins and It at'ps, pkg. Hive Maraschino, Crem de Mentha and White f berries, on ssle as follows He bottle for See, 5c bottle for Me, oc bottle for 40s, joe bottle for SO Enlders chile sauco and 10 stamps, the bottls for S5e 14-lb. sack "Queen of fan try" pastry riour ana ee stamps ror Barton's French caperaa-sperlal of fr of a bottle at ISe aad SOS Gslllard's olive oil and (4 stamps, the bottle for 45s 20o can imperial aklnlea preserved figs for 16a Vlrglna Swlsa ehees and 14 at'ps. ths lb. for , Full cream cheese a 14 st'ps, lb. toe Sour pickles and 14 stamps, qu, 12o for the MaUn Seasoa Use. Larse Jar strawberry or raspberry Jem and 10 atampa ror soo cans Kvsrgreen corn and 14 stamps for SO We are Headquarters for Best Grades of Butter Both country and creamery butter, quality, at prioes te suit all. est uooavry avrcer, ine id., see Bennett's Capitol OrsesMry Bavier . .. . 1 1 ... r.,.1 t- L, .h 'bricks, guaranteed (ull weight SO SAo th ponad FRUITS AND You're Thinking of New Shoes And; Naturally, You Want to Know Where You Can Get the, Most Shoe Value for Your Money. It bardly matters the price yon par. yon are sure of getting good styles, for -no dealer overlooks, the matter 'of styles; It's his first talking point. but-how about the quality? In a way. yon ar bound to take the deaicr a word for tha quality. So why not buy where you XCJIOW you are going to get full Value for tho money spent? Here's a shoe stor that has el wars considered CJUAX.ITT as the most important feature ths constantly Increasing petrous, and th fact that th majority come back for successive pairs prove lb w, ar very particular concerning th leather used, the style dis played, th workmanship, th lasting, etc same makers say wa ar overly particular. But that' what make QVAUTT. That a why Bennett's shoe store ta a dependable shoe store. New Spring Styles in Women's Shoes, $2.50 and Up New Shoes for the Children, up from $1.25 the pair ,'t Men's New English Walking Shoes, $4.00 a pair And thus the reasonable pricing goes throughout tho entire shoo stock. Largs Vaokag Only 10. 3 specially selected, extra iauc. oranges, per dozen, 13c, ii(h, 20c, 30c and 8.V- Fancy cooking apples, pk. 25o Fancy Red River potatoes- bnsbel, $1.80; peck ....85c Large, sort shell English walnuts, the lb 18c Head fancy lettuce- - at 10c aad 7K Fancy Endives, each so Two bunches Radishes So Two stslks Celery loo Csllforma Cauliflower, lb. SVio 3 cans Early Jun peas snd 14 atampa sue Tsgstabls aad flower seed of Ver io us kinds, th paokage at....gL,e Six rakes Klectrio Upark soap and 14 atampa for seo Walker'a hot taiuelea and If atampa th can for , too Dili plcklee and 14 stamps, doa. ISe Snider' pork and beans- and lfi atampa, the can for 150 4 -lb. pkg. Dewey Cleanser or Com pound and 10 atatups for Se Introductory Sale ' Ot tho Vstlossl aisoalt Oo. ISuaad Xa-Bi-aaal Vsosag Oood is continued for two day more for tiio benefit of those who were unable to take advantage of the demonetra tion and sale last week. xou can sample th good at th toro before purchasing. Demonstration of "Minute Gelatine" la the Big rare rood rooary Sataraay. Te naka this event of still fur ther Ir teres t to you, we will sell. Saturday only, S Boxes ef fOnate eMattao for ealy See. It may bo bad in seven different flsversLemon, Orange, Rasp berry, Strawberry, Cherry, Pis tachio and Chocolate i Tha new Tapioca Charlotte Bsaee. made without eggs, wlll also he demonstrated. A Cook Bosk rasa with every two packages sold. Uaeeds Blsealt and all f their pack alar So pkg. goods at okgs. for to Also all of Uslr regular 10 pack age goods, laeUduvg the celebrated Bablsoa soger wafscs, at 1 Baekagea to as. Saturday Meat Bargains PORK SHOULDERS, 7VzC PORK BUTTS 9C PORK LOINS 94c HINDQUARTERS MUT TON OR LAMB....71.4c? F0REQU ARTERS MUT TON OR LAMB 540 LAMB LEGS 912C LAMB CHOPS, 3 lbs.. .25c SHOULDER STEAK, 3 lbs. for 25c HAMBURGER, 3 lbs., 25c POT ROAST- at 8' 2C and 7YsC VEAL ROAST .10c CHICKENS ..OVeC 10 y,-Tb. pkg. LEAF LARD for $1.00 Sheriff 's Deputies.. ' Make False Arrest W. I 8tull and his wife, Anna Stmt, were discharged in police - court yetsorday on a charge of keeping a disorderly bouse. The cotrei wss arrested by Sheriff ale Shane's deputies Thursday night.- When the deputies arrived at th bouse. -' North Twenty-fourth street, all waa serene snd quiet and the coopl waa asleep. Tbey wen routed out and msd to dress and brought ta the station. . " There waa no evidence In court again them xcepting that given by woman who Uvea oa the first floor ef the room ing boose, who said - the couple played card an sight long and bad many frteods upstairs. Stan aald there waa a boy dub la the earn bouse and aft the aolse n the place was xoade by these. Th shertrrs deputies did net appear again ft the pair. MANY SEEK INFORMATION ' ABOUT NEBRASKA LAND The t'nloa Pacific's first colonist train ot th season, leaving March I. prom ises to do a record breaking business. The low rat ot CS from Omaha to tho coast la catching many, bat there are many more who propose to take advantage ef tho trip aad go wast la search of ehsap land. Many are seeking - Informatloa as to the purchase of large tracts of land hi western Nebraska aad Wyoming for ranch and colonisation purposes. HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS -. LEARN REQUIREMENTS An instruction meeting waa held at the Omaha High school fur the fifty-wen members of the senior (Isss who ars eli gible 10 compete for pieces on tbe tnz eoniroencemeat program, when th details of ths competition were given out by Mies Sarah V. Taylor, bead ef th cea- t slructiv English dspsrtmoot, who will have charge of tbe program. From tho number ef essays banded ta twelve win be chosea by a faculty com mittee and the delivered by the soo osesfal stad exits in open oompotlaoa. ' Oat of this somber tbs six best will be se eded for regular place on th program. The require menu for mnsical-competb-boa were not discussed at' the meeting, but there will be three seleeSoas. aa lo frnuer-yrarr, which may be vocal er in strumental. Th students taking part with musical number will be decided upon la a single com petition is May. Key to tho SUuetlca-Bea A4vsrtlsin Ure Writes Hot Letter to Council City Treasurer V7. a. tTre bad addressed a eommoaicatioB to th city council ask- 1 ing that body to determine upon what ' ' basis bonds are to be sold. Eight ques tion ar propeanded. to. ench of wh.VM co demands an aaswer before author? lug lie sale of u-s last Isr-'s of ka.e boeds. This :tter arises ' cut of is- ' quabbi between tbe -city oompire!;er the city oterk and Mr. t're's ofOe ever" S, the IsgaSty ef prsossalsge Vaadiag te " the sale of bsada. 4