Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 23, 1912, Page 9, Image 9

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i V
Face Completely Covered. Black
heads, Too. Lasted Four Years.
Used Cuticura Soap and Oint
ment and Face Is Now Smooth.
R F. D. I. Portsmouth. N. H. "I wu
boilwred with pimpln and blackheads ia tlx
norst ay lor oier four yeani. My lac and
arms mm completely cot
f red with them. The pimple
would come out on my fae
and fester all up. They
would scab over, and make
my fare eon. hotdea beuic
o dlsftirurlnf that I shunned
my fnendf. I tried facial
cream balma and benaoine
r with no eflect.
"On nixht I asked a
friend what wu rood foe
rtmpira. and he advised me to try Cutmira
Soap and Cuticura Ouitment which I did. 1
wouid wash my face first with hot water and
Cuticura Soap, and then put on some Cuticura
Oint roenl, let it stay on five minutes, and then
wash my face aeain with the Cutirura Boap.
It would draw to blackheads out as nice, and
thi! pimples, oh say, it was one irrand relief
to go amonf my friends and b tolly again.
After using two cakes of Cuticura Soap and
two boxes of Cuticura Ointment, my face la
as smooth as if there never had been a pimple
on it. 1 cannot speak too hichly of the iMtl
cura Rcp and Ouitment. and I hope others
will profit hv t hem as much at I have. X know
tney will after rivini them just one trial."
tSignedi Arthur E. Caswell, May t. 1011.
Cuticura Soap and Ointment are sold
by druggist and dealers throughout the
world. Ijberal sample of each mailed
free, with 32-p. book on akin and acalp
treatment. Address. "Cuticura." Dept. T,
Boston. Tender-faced men should share
with Cuticura Soap Shaving stick.
P The
That Makuthi Baking Bittir
Failure are almost Impossible with
We k that it will riv yot better
We katv that the baking will be pever
iixr wtMlwoM.
"We kaa that it will be more evenly
And we keiw that Calumet (i more
economical, both in its use and cost.
We kaew these things because we
Have put the quaJitjr into itwe have
seen it tried out in every way. u la
Md aowin milltoni of homes aad it
eale are growing daily. It tt the
nvcorti baa ins powder.
Have you tried it?
Calumet is highest in quality
in.Kierate in price.
,atM' Pen FeW Eipssatisn.
Save Soot Mat It
Oaa, SI. rtztarM. Barrasa-arasaai.
Zoaorary Cln Mnwrs-StT. T. J
Collar and Bev. Julius Sena arts hav
ben elected honorary members of the
Commercial club.
atr. Palmer la m Word hu been rt
oived that Mrs. Henry E. Palmer, widow
of the late Captain Palmer, la seriously
III with pneumonia, in New York.
Twenty SaoreU ar Btolaa Twenty
'hovels were stolen from a house which
is being erected by McUowaii and Jacoh
berger at Sixteenth and Cass streets.
ataeeaa to Dane Omaha Tent No.
To. Knights of the Macvabeea, will liv
their second annual smoker and stag
party at Baright's hall. Friday evening.
February 23.
norms Moor aWoovers Miss Flor
ence Moore, deputy clerk ot the federal
district court, who has been HI for sev
eral days. Is now able to again take up
her duties.
Chorea Luncheon Friday The women
tf the First Presbyterian church will
give a luncheon Friday at the church.
Sirs. Oeorge D. Tunniellffa division be
ing In charge.
Monger Pla W. I. Carter W S. Car
ter of Sioux Citywax fined 110 by Judge
Munger in federal court (or attempting
to purchase Indian lands. Carter en
tered a plea of guilty.
Bryan Xar 1b March The ('linens'
Vnlon Is planning to have William J.
Bryan speak In Omaha March . Just be
fore the primary election, on the princi
ples of good government.
Exchange X.unchon Postponed There
will not be a meeting of the Rmu Estate
exchange next week. The whole of the
Commercial club dining 'room will be used
tor the Baden-Powell address.
Improvers Will lupport Bensow The
Twelfth Ward Improvement club an
nounces that it mill support W. B. Ben
son, who la among the candidates for
commissioner under the new form of
municipal management.
Another Tstea Pamphlet A pamphlet
containing objections to the Aldrtch bank
ing and currency plan, by Henry V.
Yates, president of the Omaha National
bank. I being circulated by the author.
The argument occupies a dosen printed
Burglar ot 1Mb A,ssortmn i torse
Bohelm reported to the police that his
room at the Harvard hotel. Twenty
fourth and farnam street wa entered by
burglars and a valuable watch, six lace
curtains, and a clgarett case were
Union Pacific, Burlington -and the
Northwestern 's Start Monday.
Issairr arrisk lias lea I.I
for alr.
Mis. Iulse Sim lair and Nate A. Sp!-
' I yesterday afternoon at the home of Ir
w Writ that They Frederick Conn, who offkiatrd at the
Have Gwoel Seed Cera ! wedding. Only immediate relatives were
present, and Mr- and Mrs. Spcieherger
j left last evening for a brief stay tn the
W ork of eouu.ptns the special trail.. ' ,f'
which will go out over NVbraaka ii. "j00 '" '""r ,ake "
seed corn cam;). nun will be begun t- i r
day. the train, to start Monday. The ": h '"
and Louise Sinclair Police Drtffnct .1
Married Yesterday id0M
jffral Oreler to CI est tl y Tstsea
(oaifa Uewlnar R - Mvr
derwae A I lark a4 arlosia
Ferase mt Rblry.
I'niun Pacific train nod the Rurllnitton ;
vYiitral .Nebraska train will atart f:om
Omaha and the Northwestern train and
the Hurltngion's southern Nebraska f(e
dal will start fi-orn Lincoln.
11. il. i'uttrfll. agricultural commis
sioner ot the Hock Island lines, has rtt-
UrandeK vtores for a numWr of ar,
ha U'cn one ot the most yutTensfut
husinfi women of the mlJllo west and
has won an enviable rrpuutin fur sue
cesa tn mllllnry circle in both the east
and wf.-t.
N. A. Speifheiaer 1 manaxrr of the
Foster Roasts the
Lawyers Who Deal
in Court Pardons
Judge Foster yesterday eunpended
the activities of his court for a few min
utes while he took a shot at certain
lawyers who hav been malting a prac
tice of securing pardons for prisoner and
then Belling them to the prisoner.
The judge said: "Hereafter tf I tint
out that a lawyer has been aelllng par
dona he will be excluded from further
practice In my court room, and I don't
think that It will atop there. I had a
prisoner before me thi morning who was
sentenced to. ten day Just yeaterday, and
here he come befor m this morning
on another charge, having been pardoned.
I won't stand for H any longer. The
pardon law wa not made so certain law
yer Hray make- an Ineeatmeat out ot It.
The law was made so that deaervUif
prisoner may be given clemency."
makes hard water soft
By the use of Gold Dnst
you can at all times have nice,
soft rainwater right at your
elbow for the asking. Imag
ine what a help this would
be for washing clothes, and
for all cleansing purposes I
Just a little Gold Dost added
to any water softens it, tales
out the mineral substances
and brings out the greatest
cleansing value.
Gold Dust dissolves dirt and
grease, works like lightning,
and relieves house work of all
its drudgery.
For your poor back's sake,
don't try to keep house with
out Gold Dost.
Pioneers Reunited
at Annual Meeting
Hundreds of Nebraaka pioneer gathered
yesterday at Baright halt where the a
nual reunion of the Douglas County asso
ciation were held. At 10 o'clock th hall
waa crowded with men and women, who
hav helped to develop Nebraska. A so
cial commute of twenty-five looked after
the new errlvala, whisking them Into the
ball, which waa decorated with flags and
portrait of Oeorge Washington. William
J. Klerstead had charge ot th arrange
ments committee and assisting him were
several Omaha and Bouth Omaha mem
ber. Sickness disarranged the program and
prevented several members from attend
ing the social. Frederick W. Iwe. who
was to have responded to the opening ad
dress by Mayor Uahlman. waa III, and
President A. X. Yost took hla Place. Mrs.
Samuel Rees, also on the program was
ill at horn and unable to attend. Mi,
tost la also reported ill.
Pioneer of Benson
Found Dead in Bed
William Ilfcntxlnger. saloonkeeper, and
x pioneer of Benson, was found dead In
ued at IS yesterday morning. leath
was apparently caused by heart failure
t he coroner will hold an Inuuest.
Huntilnger, who had not been feeling
well of late, retired about 11 Wednesday
night, aad when he did not arise at the
usual hour his wife went to his room,
where she found him dead.
Beside the widow, there ar two sons.
Arthur and Carl. The former la employed
oy the Nebraaka Telephone company, and
. the other la located in Wyoming. Hunt
' singer was M years old.
Cold Dust ia
old in &C size
and large pack
age. Tb large
pscksf mean
greater economy.
aft TVJ
All clerks representing Lincoln camps
of the Modern Woodmen of America have
directed a telegram to the Minneapolis
meeting, where step are being; taken to
' oppose the Mobile bill, averting that f.
' F Priest Is not an authorised represen-
tative of their tamp. The telegram Is
' directed to John Hulllvan and ia signed
i by the following clerks: W. K. I'nland.
! ;. II. Wray. Ellas Baker. J. J. stroh,
! Charles UeKlatz and Frank S panglcr.
'The telegram reads:
We understand F. F. Priest, a ills.
I charged deputy of Lincoln, Is attendnut
' tlie Minneapolis meeting. The un.ler
i tgnd clerk of Lincoln camp herehy
! certify that neither Priest nor anyone
irom Lincoln i authorised to represent
Lincoln camp In that meeting.
Superintendent Jack Masten of the rail
way mail service baa received a letter
from a clerk In Council Bluffs asking to
be protet-ted from being made a "xoat"
by bis fellow clerk a The complaint says
he was recently appointed and that last
pwtorday b waa ordered by another
clerk to waah three dirty mall Met. 11,
:.ys he did M. thinking that the clerks
bad to keep the sacks clean, and that
ever atne then be has been made mis
erable by tte tauata of hla fellow eu.-
tn Mr. Parrtah a letter, ct.romendlng th f,PiMbertfer wholemtle mtinim-i
puuiiony uuivau ior imjm up me was .Mr, tnd Mrm Splejibersrr will rrMUe mt
com campaign ami says tnai did report j; j-'ama,,, street.
Indicate Hor seed corn In Nebraska,
Iowa. Illinois, Minnesota, bout.. Uakoia,
Missouri. Katifa.i and Oklahoma.
.Manager iartish of the pub Hetty bureau
of the Commercial club has a 11 H of mvn
who say they have good seed corn for
rale, with the results of the teat matte
by themaelves. Mr. Parrlah will not vouch
for this seetl corn, but says each pur
chaser will have to verify the teats by
testa of hla own.
John Grant Pegjr, city inspector of
weinhti and measure of Omaha, haa re
ceived high honor as a delegate to the
national convention of weights and meas
ures men m Washington. Helng the only
colored delegate tn attendance he eaully
llallroad headquarters tn Omaha are re- j hs attracted the mot attention. The
eelvtng requests from all over Nebraaka. aahlngtoii Herald sajaof him
Thirtv-nlne aes. who exist by various
! forms of debauchery and crime, were
roundest up yesterday by police In what
waa the moat sweeping drag-net process
since the proscription of the red light
Murderous assault, hold-ups and va
rious forms of robbery that have been
carried oa with a high hand of late,
is at the bottom of the order to clean
up the town of every auspicious charac
ter who could not gve a good account
of himself. The order waa Issued by
Chief Ltonahue, to whose attention the
recent crimes have been forcibly brought.
Officer Ke Baa?.
Moat of the arrests were made east of
Thirteenth street, principally 10 the Third
nard. and practically every detective on
the force was preaaed Into service. Ar
rests were made In such rapid succession
that the two patrol wagons could not
get around to the call boxes promptly.
The two wagons were kept going practi
cally all morning, and even then It waa
neceswary for some of the officers to
walk the prisoners to the station.
business men and farmers urging that
the seed ccrn eieciais atop nt the towns
in which and near which they reside.
Co-opera Uug with the Omaha Commer
cial club the railroad officials worked out
schedules providing fur stopping the
trains at about each third town along
the lines to be traversed. At these points
lectures are to be delivered. Now re
quests are coming in from the business
men of the towns at which the trains
will nut stop and from the farmers living
in the adjacent territory. They state In
almost every Instance that they appre
ciate the Importance of the movement that
haa for Its purpose the education of farm
ers In planting and cultivation and are
anxious to learn everything possible rela
tive to the subject.
Jolly Musketeer is
Show for Women
Just because the Ak-.r-;Sen shew at
the den each summer Is prohibited to
women many women have acquired the
Idea that "The Jolly Musketeer.'' to be
given by the Knights of Ak-Har-Hen at
the Brandets Friday and Saturday, Is for
men only.
"Far be It from such, said E. Bucking
ham of the Ak-Sar-Ben royal line, mem
ber of the committee which Is managing
the show. "We want the women. In
fact, If we can sell all our scats to
women we don't care tf the men stay at
home. Here ts the first real chance for
the women to see what an Ak-Har-Hen
show Is like."
Floyd Huff, acril 1 year, attempted
to take hla life yesterday by drinking
the contents of a one ounre buttle of
carbolic acid. He waa attended by Po
lite Sura-eon Arraamllh and he will live.
Huff, who with his father boards and
rooms with his sister, Mrs. Flora Nelson,
at 1 Taylor street, had uuarreled with
his slater over the rem. Wlwn the
quarrel had been aettled apparently
amicably, Huff went to his room and
drank tko acid.
We wish to call youi attention to the
fact that rant Infectious disease such
a whooplnif cough, diphtheria and acar-
let fever are contracted when th child
ha a cold. Chamberlain' Cough Hem
dy will quickly cur a cold and greatly
lessen the danger of ooertractlng thee
diseases. TMs remedy Is famous for it
cures of colds It contains no opium or
other narcotic and may be Uvea to a
child with Implicit confidinc. Sold by
all dalrs.
lroliiihlv one of the most unusual scenes
ever witnessed on a convention floor tn
Washinntim was enacted yesterday after
noon at the cloaing session of the seventh
annual conference on wctRhtK and meas
ures of the 1'nlled Slates at the fUlrlgtl,
when a new- office was created by the
unanimous vote of the delegates In order
to honor the only colored delegate who
has ever attended a conference of the
it was in the last minutes of the session
nnd several hours alter the annual elec
tion of officers had clo-cd when the con
ference created the office of svrgeant-at-
nrnvs and then, by a rttng. unanimous
vole, elected Delegate Vet, city sealer ot
weights nnd measures of Omaha, to the
new-made iioaitlon
An clement of faretlousness preceded
the unique action, but the creation of
the office and the election of I'cgg wa
enacted Uh all the dignity which nsu-
allv accompanies such procedure.
After the election Pegg made a clever
surah ol appreciation. He was cheered
and oongralu.aled by th delegate, among
whom he haa won lavor since nis re
markahlr record of sla eara' service as
city sealer of Omaha was made known.
I'egg apiieared at the conference armed
with official credentials from the governor
of Nebraska, almost Covered with blue
silk ribbon and gold seals. Ho far as is
known he ia the first colored delegate
who has attended the annual conferences.
Angered because he could not get a
room at the Millard hotel, a trjger
threw his traveling bug throughSthe
large plate (las door of the hotel rimd
The man wlked up to th night clerk
at the hotel and asked for n romn stat
ing that he had Hied nearly every hotel
In town and found they were all filled
up. When told It was Impossible to get
a room there he walked out of the lobby
In anger and hurled hla suitcase through
the glaxs window. When employe of the
hotel reached th sidewalk he had dis
appeared around the corner.
Fred lleell of Wisconsin and Toualff
Mahmout hav signed article for a fin
ish wrestling match at th Bovd theater.
The match will be pulled off on March .
Fred lire 1 1 challenged the winner of th
Mahmout-Westergaard match held last
Friday ami Mahmout accepted after
dumping Weetergaard In two straight
Th key to aucceas n business I th
persistent and Judicious ua of newspaper
SMI.Slll M. !.! SMSS WSWi.
vomSi wW ,lmm HMiM kr
kr" ems M aeH lasims la,
foSMMsi tew aiwiiisei 1 1 w i . i 'iiUd
llsaLasf rargAYor balrtuJuvSi
oa auasgT.
es .
Tw s. r wt.
rot J at taantaa HeOoaaaU atatwa.
all grag-fleM aad rtsa
! si i ii ii ..MaaJ
Era il.cates
If lhM utvts v Mwte "1
The Skin
old it 60c, 78a, $1.00 ALL 0IALIRS
Entire Stock of our' South Omaha Branch Must
Be Sold During This Time
Greatest Piano sale ia years. Nothing; will be reserved. Terms to suit
every customers convenience. Every instrument will be nold, guaranteed to
give entire satisfaction or money buek.
Contracts have been let to make repairs on our building workmen will
soon begin oixrations. We need the room, you need an instrument Pianos,
Player Pianos and Organs will be sold regardless of prices and terms.
Greater bargains will be offered during this rale than we have ever offered
during our 33 years of piano business. If you ever expect to purchase an in
fctrument, now is your time. In addition to the list of bargains given below, you
have the following well known pianos to select from: Steinway, Weber, Hard
man, Steger & Sons, Emerson, McPhail, and our own sweet toned Schmoller &
Mueller; also the Aeolian line of player pianos, including the Weber, Steck,
Wheelock, Stuyvesant and Technolav, and our own Schmoller & Mueller player
piano made in teven different styles.
Ftas practice ptaao
To a Coa practice plaa.
Gilbert apri(ht plaa
Kimball uprlffet plaa . .
Gaeler aprurut plaa
To a
Imlta A Bara Bprlfat plaa.
rormar 7 or soar
nc lo Prtos Bow
. . SJM) 31 Baldwla aprlfht plaa 3M 1T
.. aeoo $ JO Bate? aprlfht plaa . rrt tiaa
. . two t 71 staffer Boa aprl-t plaa 4O0 lira
. . I1W 1 SS Knabe aprl-ht ptaas leoo 1310
. . aaso 1100 tela way Boa nprlf at plaa . . . tTM BasO
.. 1371 (us atca rraa pisss amo 1310
.. 1300 1135 litfir Boa rraal pteaa .... i860 lleo
. . 1350 Ills Bmereoa nprla-ht ptaa tsoo aari
.. laoo IMS as Kote riajcr Piaaa 16O0 lasa
.. B3S0 140 ts-Mow ri7r naao tM $3m
Think of it! You can purchase a Piano at the Manufacturers' price and in
some instances even lower. Make your selection now. Come in and investigatu
for yourself. You will be convinced that this is the greatest opportunity you
have ever had to purchase a Piano, Player Piano or Organ. AVe mean every
word contained in this advertisement.
Orders by mail will receive prompt attention. AVrite for our catalog and
price list. New Pianos for rent, $3.00 and up. Expert tuning. Telephone,
)ouglas 1623.
Schmoller & Mueller Piano Co.
Your Boy's
I'Jash Suit
Is Here
w"e announce the arrival of boys1
new wash sutta on display in oar
Fifteenth street windows The assort
ment is the most varied that Oinahd
mothers have had the pleasure of In
specting. The prices arc very msi1
erate. We invite you to examint he
They're the neu)
1912 models
"The Favorite Rye of Six Generations'4
m a
Ta M
I 1
When you want a good, straight Rye, buy
Distilled (4) times in
(Ortftnarr wulakay not mora than twloaj
This makes SC HENLEY 4
times purer, with 4 times
better quality. SCHENLEY
tastes and smells and is
genuine because it is properly
aged and its mellowness and
delicate flavor is all its own.
Bottled in Bond
Each bottle Bealed with U. S. Government Stamp.
Its age Is guaranteed by the 17. S. Government.
Its purity by the Schenley Distilling Company.
Its quality speaks for Itself.
When you buy Rye, buy Schenley. At all dealers.
Scbsnky Distilling Company, Lacsacct Pa.
"The Favorite Rye of Six Generations'
taaau aiuJ rtr" jaBB
DIRECT LINE-Omihi to Chicigo
inois B Central
Omaha-Chicago Limited Leaves Union Station
Daily at 5:50 P.M.
Omaha- Chicago Fast Day Express haves
Union Station daily at 7:10 c m.
Pur inamaliuiis. detailed information, etc. apply,
Phone: lkula Sftl; A-21&K