Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 23, 1912, Page 8, Image 8

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lHi-: OMAHA DAILY IteB j fatton Hearst and AJphonse Clark.! satisfaction, harbored by. taxpayers
Kr.ESTr-AiunrkSvTKa Vt.,-n W. K. Hearst Instructed trie ' "P' to pay on increased val.,a-
. - - - - - ! ' tlnnaa -It Via. .nh nmltl 1 ir rime.
v:tT R.vsF.WATKit. r.l.tTi.B J, m. racy of his native state ot Cal-; "'- ;
rrti. 1 ... ,. ... ,.,., i nearly correct, the democrat made a
ojr; kahna j asv
i::i;eed at cir.t-a t,ieff:ce a,
dmh n atttr.
.y oi ti.Sl.HI! i'iON.
: to select Clianin Clark as its pre-
"j lerreti candidate for the presidential i
' ; taI - Jli,! nomination, the speaker wrote a let-
i n f tt i
ejiv 1 ,nh3.i i r.-i. enc ter to California democrats in which
1 ' lsLVeiuiSfbV V-Ai:i"i:t-"" ' t M he liad declined appeal from
VSr ! 4mocra in Obi, and I New Jer-
li:"v iu t'icw -. -i u,-. p-r "!" v set for permission to use bis name
-'d-ees e-1 or'.-iuci .. . . ,
1m tllvry m
, or in.
:a on i-ept.
ar a presidential candidate in their
. AALI.O. - ...j k nM have to decline
WII r-ra , l
r.e--'t tv die., or
rr ib- v The r-, ; i.b-veirnc ceropeny. msr u:
. ... i. . . . -.. ... . -.... i.i tiyment I
r e-fii : rwni ciie-ns, - i bis good friend
rep: on ar. 1 ij'ivn ir-r,snre, hj I
rV.ilh ii ui-C.t N St
'i-.ticll li:.:tt-:.'. gjitt M.
- !r o:n--J5 K.iUdins
; .an--:'-S !'.
'-.iris l:v i-,
.' t ft- H '.Kv
"it a?lvnrton r."
rfmrr';n!t nr r: r'
eilnor'al rr,-tt:" fc!s-.
err 11 H
W. c
Mr.j : ::& and
nli-. l. Hdrsc
Ivi AT'lOX"" "
rwih; V.IMmiv!. c, reunion nunatei
rf Tile lt InbUhtns imp"y. hlnf
dyly r-arorn. ss that the ergi dally
nrci-iatton. Ida !Hlrrl. ftnif r-
t.jrnttl rerle. tor th month ot January,
Mi. .
Circulation Manaaer.
" 'h-rrlhM In Ttty rrer"r and "worn to
tiMnro me this itii ila r K'tiruaiy. 1111
teaal) n uiEItT iti:M'RK.
Notary Public
of it In California, where
William R. Hearst,
native ion, was cntitltd to tirst
; consideration. This gave a skillful
setting to the scene which Mr. Hearst
' was prompt to appreciate. He,
j therefore, wrote, a letter to Califor
nia dciii'ici jtn and In it be said:
I have rend the tstcnxnt In ragaid to
my canJluary which you hava received
from Mr. C!ar. It Is a eharactcrlstic
utterance uenrrom,, considerate, unat-t-
I fifh. hruad-niinded. Of course. I am
I sr.-iufully opprec-.atlia ot hla action anil
h.a kind trferenireii to me. Brit most er
tainly ami pcultlvoly I car.not for one
momeiii ronfiiilrr his retiring from Cal
ifornia In my favor. Oa tb contrary, I
am more ever determined to support
Mr. la'k and to ifrfe every friend 1
have In California to aupport him. I
: return to elective deputy assessors.
ou of tbeir platform issues, and on
coming into control of the legislative
machinery, saddled thii backward
step upon us.
We submit It is only a question of
time when the people ot Nebraska
will be forced to recognize this
egregious blunder, and revise their
assessing machinery again in the di
rection of centralized authority.
akarrlhrra leavlaa; Ike rltv
teaapamrlly bld have The
Bee Mailed I Ihraa. taMreaa
will ba chaaa-eil aa afiea as re
Ko Loaf en for Army or Bary.
Some one writing to a Philadel
phia newapaper recently suggested
that a good way to dispose of "loaf
ers" would be to enlist them in the
government's military and naval
forces. Apparently the suggeatlin
was mads seriously. It only oes to
show bow unfairly and short-sighted
ly many people view these two im
portant arms of the government, with
what careless thought they address
themselves to any consideration of
the army and navy at all. It U a
habit of soma to sneer at the soldier
and sailor and It Is a very bad habit.
This catchy little staging of Al-The government regards them In no
pbonso and Gsston in politics Is supercilious air, bnt emphasizes their
formal and final notice to the demo-1 Importance and the necessity of con
ci at le party, and especially tbosejitantly elevating and Improving their
other h.ilf dozen aspl-ants for the . personnel. The whole tendency of
office, that for present purposes Mr. I army and navy regulation points to
oe W Backward
ThbDqy InOmalia
FEB. 5
llie Bt Leiler Bo
Borne mighty bald truths
a hen army officers fall out.
That anli-tippicg movement seems
to bt as dead as Mr. Folk's presiden
tial boom.
11. ha, the groundhog is making
good, especially in other places be
side Omaha. . ,
Cousroasntan Dies of Texas, appar
ently resents the imputation that he
'. a dead one.
However Omaha may be fated as
a show (own. It will be voted a good
aulo abow town. .
Still, accommodating neighbors
nay occasionally take pity oa tb
autaioss unfortunate. .
In spite of the Outlook, his cam
paign manager Insists that Senator
La Folletta has not withdrawn. .
ttoubtless the Chinese) know now
what a good frlenl they lad In John
Hay when he opened that door.
Mr. Hill assure us that competi
tion survived. We are glad It did,
lut It was very slrk-for a while. '
I Hearst has taken bis seat aa tb i
! driver of the Clark bandwagon.
here he will light when tbat vehi
cle atrikes the first rut In the old
corduroy road leading to the nomi
nation la another matter. Of course,
Mr. Hearst, being a shrewd man,
may decide that It will be necessary
to defer hi owa candidacy for yet
another four year aod stick to Clark
to the last. Clark la not being
reckoned as a formidable candidate,
but under the two-thtrda rule, with
tb two leading candidate, Wilaon
and Harmon, badly deadlocked, the
trophy may fall to a semi-dark horse
and. with Hearat back of him,
Speaker Clark might develop
strength sufficient to match that' of
that other now celebrated dark
horse, . Chairman Underwood of
Alabama. . .
France Is said, to have nineteen
women lawyers, which soma folks
might call "high-heeled justice. "
One reason there are not more
really good people must be that so
few recognize too Deed for Improve
ment. - j
.Texas probably got the name "Lone
Star 8tate" from tb fact that In the
early days Just on republican re
sided within Its border.
Every now and ' then President
Taft shows a tbat the man who con
serves his speech can put It to mighty
good as when occasion arises.
Patrons of th ' Omaha postofBo
are assured that the prlc of postage
stamp will remain the am attar
tb new post master take cbarg.
And now they say tbat 0. Wash
ington merely took tb third term as
aa excus to get out of running for
an ode h didn't want any longer.
It 1 a safe guess tbat George
Washington er ,- m '
0, 000, 000 peopl calibrating his
blrthdsy aflur MO... .-,..
burled more than 100 years.
Of course Mr, Hearst could not be
Champ Clark, for Clark, himself,
say that Hearst' father and mother
were "born In my congressional district."
If the supreme court should knock
out that commission plan law, what-j
a relief it would ba to certain self
vonstituted slate-makers Just begin
ning to realize what a tatk they have
loaded up with.
No other city in the country of
Omaha's size permits building con
tractors to abuse the privileges of the
streets as they do her. It should
not he necessary to w ait tor the com
mission plan of city government to
apply corrective measures.
A Good Eoadi Anpel.
Brekklng In upon all the agitation
for good roads In this country, T.
Colemaa Du Pont,, head of the Du
Pont Powder eompany of Delaware,
announces his Intention of giving all
his millions, save on, to the building
of good roada la hla state, and from
It ; Into adjoining commonwealth.
Thla bring to a very practical and
definite point of action all the good
road boosting, ao-aalUd, and ought
to set at mighty good example for oth
er aa able to follow.. ,
General Da Pont say be doe not
believ I hoarding hla million for
ever; that ba ha concluded $1,000 -000
will be sufficient for him and his
family for present needs and a heri
tage: that by observation he fcan
learned tbat young men unburdened
by large money endowment ar apt
to get on In life aa well aa those who
begin with millions another man has
mad and left them. Thus he stops
by tb wayald In coming to his goal
of philanthropy to preach a mighty
wholesome homily, on which other
men ot raat fortune ought to re
member. Cood loan have an economic valus
which It Is not easy adequately to
estimate orfhand. They have a vital
relation to the basic problem of
transportation and the co.t of IIvIi.k,
all of which have been gone o.vr
many time. So that on need not
think f thi benefactloa aa purely
an Impuls of civic pride. Good
roads, or course, enhsnc th beauty
of a country, bat they also enhance
th vain of land and crop and
lessen th coat ot transportation. It
Is proposed to build first tor Dela
ware a boulevard 101 mile la length,
coating om 12,000,000. For this a
special act ot th legislature will be
required and tb governor, who la In
sympathy with th Da Pont plan,
counts on calling th legislature Into
special aessloa for thla purpose next
month. This remarkable Innovation
ot giving the atat th direct benefit
ol accumulated wealth In tb hands
of private citizens I a moat encour
aging and praiseworthy sign.
The city council is finding fault
with th bill presented by the char
tered accountants engaged to audit I
Sample of Deaoeratie Folly.
Tb public baa Just been apprised
that a law enacted by tb 1st demo
cratic legislature require the voters
ot Omaha to ftomlnat and elect
twenty-sis district assessors "n-
mas" thla year. In other words. In
this day when every nllgbteaed In
fluenc I being exercised for . the
short ballot and simplified govern
ment, our voter ar to bear th bur
den of twenty-six additional crosses
piled onto an already heavy load.
ho folly ot making tb deputy ss-
the gas compaoy!) books. The Water ; sessors elective In thta state, how.
board would not be so easily startled.! "ver, dates back to th preceding
being long accustomed to draw Lb-1 democratic legislature, for tb same
eral warrant far high priced at- vtctou practice of dividing responal-
Mllty that should be centered woild
be involved whether these district as
sessor were elected one at a time or
tweuty-siz at a time. When the
republican grappled with the long
The test ot the eemmissloa plan
law before the supreme court. " al
though brought up from Omaha, af
fect every city la Nebraska
which has qualified, or zcay qualify
under It. by adopting Its ProTUtens.
To decide the law rxlte ur defertire ! ited method ot precinct aaseasmrnt
now will save a lot o' towns from j with wonderful reralta as measured
cnrenalnty aci jostfbi- expensive by the grand assessment rolL. tint
experia ' 1 to take political advantage of th d!-
a scrupulous attention of Individual
fitness and character, and the results
are gratifylngly patent.
A soldier, addressing himself to
this Insulting fling at the army and
navy, observes tbat the various re
cruiting stations over the Country are
not enlisting "loafers," but th very
best young men they can possibly
get and ar rejecting many who are
by no means in tb loafer class, but
who do not quit measure up to the
exacting requirement of a critical
government In the first place.
to say nothing ot moral caliber, th
loafer probably would seldom pass
muster on a physical tsst, for Uncle
Sam I looking hi men all over these
days, taking Into consideration their
three-fold natures and then, upon the
Other band, he 1 making life In the
army and navy steadily more desir
able for those who prove acceptable
and, of course, In competition with
ill th attraction and advantages ot
civil Ufa, this haa to be don.
Th sympathy of all Americana
goes out to Houston In the great
calamity which devastating fire baa
brought upon It. Destruction ot
17,000,009 worth of property In a
city ot Ita six I indeed disastrous,
and yet Houston, with It native en
ergy, may be expected to emulate the
example of other American cities
Similarly stricken and rise better and
stronger from these ashes. Chicago,
Baltimore, Saa Francisco and others
stand aa eloquent monuments to their
Phoenlx-IIke power. Oalveaton was
swept away by flood, but It I a bet
ter city than It aver had beea before
th sea overflowed It, and Houston
la even a more Indomitable city than
th old Galveston waa. '
Tb offlc or stst railway com
tnlsslonsr seems to be . attracting
mor candidate In th primary than
any other atat house berth to be
filled. Of course tb fact that this
office carrie with It a salary consid
erably larger than any of th others.
and continue for six year Instead ot
for two years, has nothing to do with
Its popularity.
Pelatlar with Prlrte.
ft. Louis Republic.
One of the finest things about 8evr
Ury Knox's "mission of peace and good
will" to the Central Ameiiqan republics
la the fact that he will ask every on
of them to net the size ot Vnele Sara s
aaval Cat.
late laferaaatlea. -
Chicago Record-Herald.
A commission has seen appointed by
tb Canadian government to find out what
Canada, lost by rejecting reciprocity. Be
fore submitting Its report th commis
sion should And out what afreet th re
lectloa of reciprocity la going to have on
th Canadian summer resort business.
a rtitiae s-iaiaa.
Philadelphia Ledger.
Th Impressive ceremony planned for
th burial at a of the Main shows that
even a supposedly Impersonal government
may evince a tin sense of the fltn
of things. As In the ease of "CNd Iron-
eld." u may be said of the twisted frag
ment of th former pride of th navy:
Iter thunders thook the tnlsrhty ucep.
And there should b her a rave:
Tlsae to W ake I p.
Philadelphia Kerord.
Cased see ma to b suffering from th
sain creity of food in some lines as
the United Slates. Butter there baa
reached such a prlc that it has been
found profitable te Import the New Zea
land product. Some thirty thousand
pounds from tbat tar distant land recently
reached Mont real and were at once dis
posed ef. When the United States are
farced te Import potatoes from Ireland
end Scotland and Canada toes clear to
New Zealand for Its butter th urban
dweller may be pardoned tor bellovtn
that It la tun for our farmers to
wak up.
Leah tm the Url(aat Cease.
Philadelphia Bulletin.
Ileal ear eeastraettja undoubtedly saved
many Uvea la the disaster te the Fenn
sytraela Limited and laismil the extant
of Injuries suRerwa by the passenger.
But steel can. while they away ear-re to
asoatfy the consequence ef such acei-
evauea ouiy oi revenue rerora, iut atnlmm (ha fiiml cans ef railroad
established the county assessor sy-1 disaster. Heavier trains.
tern to lake th place of th dlaered-
STwetar strain ea ran aad tracks sad
tlplkaUn .:
atari cars Is ra any way contflbwtsrr tu
tbaas malts assat ttaat to their bene
fit tuust tut rerocntsad.
Thirty Veers Ago
Th board of managers ot the slat
fair, meeting af the Withnell house,
made arrangements to unite with the
Douglas county society for the next atate
exhibition. Among the appointees were
the following: Assistant general super
intendent. W. R. Bowen; swine. J. E.
North. Columbus; poultry. George Threw.
Omaha: fine arts. Airs. W. II. Heming
ton. Omaha: discretionary, L. Crounse,
A ar or detectives K on including all
sorts of charges and counter charges be
tween City Detective Hszen and Private
Detective James Nallgh.
Henry Pundt will erect a large resi
dence of brick and stone at Seventeenth
and Douglas streets.
Th ferry cars on Union Pacific bridge
division sill not run next Sunday aa they
hav been laid up for repairs.
A new real estate firm has opened up
on the corner of Harney and Thirteenth
streets consisting or E. L. Emery and
Joseph Lees, both old resident of Omaha.
W. A. Alorrlson. formerly with Tli
Bee. has accepted th Omaha, manage
ment of tha Post Job room.
The new bank is to be railed the Ne
braska National, with these officers: 8.
It. Johnson, president: A. E. Tousalin.
vice president; 11. W. Yates, cashier.
"lillly" McCune. our dandy cop. is get
ting his arms In shape from a sever
strain suffered a few days ago. "A.
runaway team was rushing up Douglas
street, and everybody but 'Billy" got
out of the way. When the cutter went
dashing pail McCun mad a flying leap
and landed In th sleigh. He took tb
line and had th horses In hand In leas
that a block."
Twenty Veers Ago
Washington s birthday waa celebrated
at th Orand oner house last evening.
Every seat was filled, upstairs end down.
Mayor Bemls presided; Prof. Krats fur
nished the musle with hla band. Tha re
ception committee consisted of J. If.
Scanlan, George p, Ortgg, R. R. Bents,
W. B. stockham snd II. C. Kuael.
M. R. Hopewell of Tekamak la at tojf
Millard .-A
commissioner Coburn presided st th'
meeting ot In Fir and Police Board
Chief Seavay asked that M copies of hi
fourth annual report be printed for ex
change with atmilar reports from othe
cities, ueorga A. Easton and Orvllle T
Robinson wers appointed special officer
for duty st th Salvation Army barrack
R. r. Hackett waa burled In Mounl
Hop cemetery under tb auspices of th
Knights of Pythias. Pallbearers
George W. Sabine, August Stephen. W
Darsh. H. Knodell, o. M. Painter and J
Donnelly. ,
rostotnee inspector John Hteen of
Wahoo la In South Omaha.
neann commissioner Somer sub
mitted a list of dairies to th board of
neaitn for regulation. II offered
resolution compelling all milk dealers to
obtain a permit, costing tie, before thev
cuuia psaai milk.
It Is rumored that Morrla Morrison will
resign rrom th Board of Education.
Tea Years Ago
Row Robert Tost of Cortland. N. T.
nnuunoea oy tewgrapn Ms acoeptanc
of th call to the pastorate of St. Mary's
avenue congregational church.
W. K. Annln of Denver, superintendent
of western division, rural tree delivery
srvl. left Omaha for Chicago, after
two oaya here en official business.
ins committee to rain it, t0
secure a tannery and glove factory for
umana reported gratlfvlrur aueesaa.
Deputy County Attorney Lysle Abbottl
was agitated over the report that 1. H
van Dueea was working to obtain th
pardon ef a certain prisoner from th,
penitentiary. Abbott being under th sus
Ficivn mat in prisoner was one h
was very much Interested In having kep
in in penitentiary. Governor Sav,
had aent a representative to Omaha t
ascertain the name of the man.
The weather man announced that win
tors Backbone waa bent.
Th funeral service of Chrlstlsn Hsn'
sen. who was accidentally killed In a
ton yard, were held In Washington
hall, under th auspice of lodge No. I
Danish Brotherhood of America. Rev.
Mr. Mlkkelaon had charge of th funeral
and the burial waa In Sprlngwell cam,
Colonel C. J. BUI of Fslrbury la at tha
lasaraaee aad Heser Baekv
0MAHA, Feb. Jl -To the Editor of The
Bee. t read with much interest in last
night's Bee a letter over the signature ot
J. A. Barbour rewarding the new In
creased rates In the Modern Woodmen,
herein he advocates thst members be
permitted at their option to withdraw at
any time after fifty years of age and
have all their paid assessments refunded
with 4 or i per cent Interest.
Such a policy would be very desirable.
It would also be very desirable if a good,
strong fire Insurance eompany would In
sure our property and agree to pay the
loss It we have fire, but If we do not
burn out they would refund us all the
premiums paid and with interest after
w have been insured with them a cer
tain number of years.
In such a case the assessments or pre
miums ild for life and fire Insurance
would be the aame as tbat much money
put In a savings bank that can be with
drawn with Interest.
Doea not Mr. Barbour know that the
asaessmeuta paid by the members who
have been fortunate enough to live have
been used to pay the Insurance for the
less fortunate members that have died?
Does be now recommend thst the remain
ing and Incoming members shall continue
to assess themselves for Increasing death
losses (which must Increase with advanc
ing age), and. In addition, assess them
selves to retire members at their will?
Thla is beautiful In theory, but I fear
Mr. Barbour could not secure a position
as actuary with any standard Insurance
company. Life Insurance, like fire Insur
ance, costs money; also there is a great
difference between terra insurance and
whole life Insurance. The Modern Wood
men of America Insure men only in the
prim ot life under the age of ii, and for
many years the mortality Is light. It Is
cheap term Insurance, but unfortunately
men do not remain young, and, if they
wlah te pay their losses whea members
grow old and mortality Incrsaaes. they
must raise their rates or go to the wait
Fraternal Insurance societies st their
best enly give temporary or term Insur
nver have been led to make such a J
statement. Although Dr. Ramsey has ,
some warm friend among the church
people, few of them think him fitted for i
carrvlng on a work of this kind.
Our church is to be congratulated that
It has men whe are willing to sacrifice
their owa personal feelings and 'under
take to do those things which are dis
agreeable, not because they liked to
do them, but because It was necessary
In order to save the church. Kindly keep
mv name In confidence.
1912 MODUS.
"I thought you said young Jaeger was
a coward? In our automobile accident we
found he was full of grit."
"Humph? I d like to know where he
got It so suddenly."
"I suppose from the ditch we tell into.''
Baltimore American.
Maude I've something to tell you.
ngaaed to Jack.
Ethel I am not surprised. Jack never
could say "No." Boston Transcript.
First Little Girl Your pspaand mamma
are not your real parents. They only
adopted you.
Second Little Girl-All th better. My
parents picked me out: yours had to take
you Just aa you came. Chicago Post.
Howell Did you ever want the earth?
Powell Yes. once, when i was fool
enough to let a fellow take me up In his
airship. Judge.
"Fifth grade this year. Tommy?"
"Yes. sir."
"You rs in decimals or fraction now, no
"No. sir. I'm In crochet work snd clsy
modeling now." Pittsburgh Post.
The baby emporer of China to his Im
perial nunte riay. Tinkly Kan.
Ttnkly Kan Well, inettaoie oneT"
The Kmperor lKn t make me abdicate
again today. I want to go out and play.
Cleveland Plain Dealer.
W. J. Lampton in New York World.
Oh! Oh::
See the show:
Th Automobile fhow
That a few years ago
Was not to be found
In the whole world 'round.
Wow. . L
See what the mind of man has brought
See what his hands have done
To fashion this birth
To th needs of earth.
And put Father Time on the run.
The chariots of the ancient kings
Were gorgeous in their amy.
But nothing like the gorgeous ness
Of motor cars today.
And in a half-mile chariot race.
A motor car, by heck.
Could ive the chariot two weeks' sun
And beat it by a neck.
Oh. say.
That's the hnnkhustle wsv!
On the roadways of the New-tua
The motor honk and hum.
And th twentieth century whizzar
Put the Old-time on the bum!
Gee whiz.
What a vtonder It la!
What a revelation
In transportation:
Wtiat a Joy In riding!
What a bliss Intense
That makes all human being
Forget ezpense!
Out. damned spot!
The cost Is nothing: we only care
For the power and a peed that gets us
For th car ef today! I
Through the splendor of the future.
In every land and ell me.
It will lead th grand procession
t'p the corridors of Time.
In th niche ot transportation.
In the Pantheon of Fame,
IT, among the Its ot motion.
Will Inscribe Its seal and name.
only Baking Powder
made from
Royal Grape Cream of Tartar
Saves Batter, Floor,
Eggs, and makes
borne baking easy
No Alum No Unto Photphata
Boston Transcript: That lieui.n.
who I going to be courtmartlated for
leading a detachment of our troops Into
Mezlco will doubtless plead that th
boundary line is very Illusive, since he
and his command got pretty well down
towsrd th business center of Jusres
before even the Meikwfl police die.
"overed that he wss off American terri
Springfield Republican: When former
Senator Bsveridg scornfully described
tb antl-truat law "as a relle ot th
seventeenth century." he told the literal
truth about It. Th antl-truat law ef
IM waa merely, la essence, the re-enactment
of the old common law affecting
combinations It restraint of trade. But
some of the old thing are Just a good
as they ever were. Th common law
contains many of them. So does th
derate, which is a "relie" of a period
considerably before Christ
Philadelphia Record: There are big
men In China. On ot them la assuredly
Dr. Sun Yat-Sen. who abdicates hla revo
lutionary presidency that Yuan Shlh-Kal
may become tlx first president of th
united Chinese republic. There ar few
Instances of a broader patriotism than
has been shown to th world In this eelf
saertflclng and generous act. It should
make Americans proud thst Sun Tst-Sen
is an American ctttsen.
Richmond Virginian: The passing of
!. Foltette I something of a tragedy.
They hav dene for him. They hav
duped him. They ban wanned themselves
la bis flame, sat his conceit and ambition
t working te utter exhaustion in the
interests ef soother and leas sincere In
dividual. But. tot all that. La Folletus
fall la tb best proof of La Folletta
koewsty. A man smaller, leas confident,
las vale, might nave eeea the trap.
La Foltette walked tela It with aa
almost god lias uaaesnc.
Waats aa exesay Ceatewt.
OMAHA. Feb. a-To th Editor of The
Be: I have wondered why some of our
publlo spirited educational workers hav
not awakened an Interest in our public
schools In essay contest. Omaha schools
ar not keeping abreast In this work
with Minneapolis, Kansaa City, Denver
snd many ether cities throughout the
country. Thee contests cover work
along strictly scientific It nee. There
ahould be no politic or pre Jodie allowed,
simply sclentlflo facts concerning stimu
lants and narcotics. Instruction In which
our atat law made compulsory aod, of
sours. Is being taught la our schools.
Harvard aad Cslumbul college. Chi
cago and Lslartd Stanford, Jr., unlver
allies, and many other of our leading
oolleces, not only In this country, but
In Buropeaa ceantriea ss well, hat mad
study along the Unas part of thelr
In Kansas City! Mo., for Inatanc. last
year mor than t.00 essays were written
snd prises of SM In gold were awarded
to the winners In each of th three high
schools -this pels money was con
tributed by prominent business men of
Kansas City.
Fourteen gold snd silver medals were
also gtven In th grade schools. Thee
were mad and- donated by two ot the
leading Jewelry firm of th city.
Surely th Interested co-operation of
eur eupertatesdeat and teachers, we be
lieve, would be heartily given If some of
our ministers, doctor. Women's Chris
tian Temperance union or club women
would take toe mutative. I
The oom position and practice in pre
paring presentable manuscript is not a
small part ef the benefit th pupils de
rive from suck work. Let Omaha school
children have a live, enthusiastic essay
contest. A VOTER.
Affairs at Tairel Peeerteriaa t aareh.
OMAHA. Fab. zl-Te the Kdttor ef The
Bee: Permit sse te correct aa erroneous
Impression regarding Third church and
ks affairs created by a news Hem In The
Be. It Mated that en maa waa re
sponsible tor the troohte between the
church and It pastor. It la very evi
dent that your Informant at la ne way
related t Third cfeuree, ease he would
Hav Your Ticket Read "Burlington"
I for
This is the time THE CHICAGO LIMITED leaven
tlie Burlington Station, but the sleepers are ready and the
dining ear is serving at 6 o'clock.
It is a brilliantly lighted train of standard and library-observation
sleeiiers, chair cars and dining cars
whose simple elegance of interior and excellent service
is the admiration of traveled people.
The schedule from Omaha, 6:30 P. M., and into Chi
cago at 8:09 A. If., with dining ear service at either end,
has proved most convenient; the time en route is planned
with the intent of a smooth and restful ride, and punctual
Burlington Depot agents in Chicago meet this train
and will give special assistance to women and children.
Opposite train No. 5, leaves Chicago
6 o'clock in the everiing.. You will alway,
have plenty of company on these trains.
H. RKVNOLD8, C. P. A..
FaYsuua Street, Omaha, b.
Agent for the best ocean steampship lines. Complete
supply of sailing lists and cabin plans. Let us help you
secure cabin reservations early.
Coal Wood Coko Kindling
Our Careea Soft Osal as ezoalleet for eaaklnf snd besuta-: claaa, awteh l
start. Usui a We have ssM soft coal la Onuaba. for tweaty-etght ywafw. aa we
know this I b the BK8T COAL ever offered sere tor the price St.esper toe.
II tb adrem ot) CocL OVR HAR1, OOAL b u D, U i W. BriLaJfTOl Uas baa, coat smwsa.
Ala sail
-TI sir Aatoraclva, Sa.eS; Climax Nut. Si-;
Caeraas Mat. -
Restores Gray Hair to Natural
Color, Stops It from Coming
'Out and Makes It Grow.
It Is easier to preserve the color ot
the hair than to restore It. although It
at possible te do both. Our grandmothers
understood the secret. They made a
"sag tea," and their dark, glossy ban
king after middle Hte waa due te this
tact. Oar mothers hav grey bairs be
fore they are fifty, but they are bein
amg te appreciate the wlsduaa ef our
grandmothers hi asm "sage tea" for
tbeir hair and are fast following- suit.
Th present irenerarjoe has the advan
tage ef the past la that -it can get a SI, Loyal K;-'l
ready-te-nse prepanuioa called VTyeth'i
Sage and Sulphur Hair Remedy. A
ecaip taasc aad color restorer tills prep
aratloa as vastly superior to the ordinary
"sage tea" made by our grandmothers
Tha growth and beauty of the halt
depends on a healthy conditio of tha
scalp. Wyeta' Sage and Sulphur Ha4r
Remedy ouicfcly kills the dandruff germs
which rob tb aatr at Its lit, color and
lustre, snake th scalp clean and healthy,
gives the hair strength, color and beauty,
aad SBSkee It grow.
Gat a 9 eeat bottle from your druggist
today. He win give year money back
If yew are aot satisfied after a fair trial.
Abennaa A McConnell Drag Co.. Cor.
ltth and Dodge. Cor. Mtb aad Harney.
Car. Ml and Faraam, JR-f No. 1st a