Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 23, 1912, Page 5, Image 5

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Shows Difference Between Main
taining Stable and Garage.
Ossaaa, with Ita
mt the Pi
alerrata. Will Br
' the FarfBMI Vaers (
"""'"hil Traeka la the
Aear Fatare.
The Price in Six Stages
t 'The merchant who euntemp'ates the
purchase of motor trucks today, either '
ena or many, whij to be shown con-1
!ualrely whether or not he is gotne. to
save mone- oxer tbo us? of horse ami
"whether or not the truck is going to be
of value, as a permanent investment."
said George Sullivan of the American
.locomotive company.
"The American Locomotive eompanv
has recognised this entirely reasonable
'demand by the establishment of .1 bureau
of costs. It Is in chars.- of William P
Kennedy, known all over th-? country a j
,the beat Informed transportation engine?-.- I
we have. He has a larve roriK of work-
era and assistant'. This bureau work
In thta manner: 8ippo- a large concern 1
(Working say Ml' horses on a great many j
trucks, has begun to Ihlnk about the use !
of motor trucks. They do not kno !
whether or not the lntallation of trucks
will be of value. They may not be sure
that thtlr work is adapted to the use of
motor trucii.
"They ap:!y to the A-ner:can I.oeomo
'tive eompanv for t?te use of the bureau
of costs. Tr'a service Is absolutely fr.e.
It costs the Inquirer absolutely not him
and puts httn under no obligations what
ever. Mr. Kennedy makes a thorough
investigation of the conditions surround
ing the horse installation of the Inquirer.
He find? on' w 'iat the original equipment
cost, what li-e depreciation has been and
what Its present worth is. He goes Into
the jucs:lo:i of routes, how much the
liorses stand Idlr. hther or not tht
:load Is maximum to a certain point and
then deliveied at once or gradually de
liver!! whether or not the truck return
with a returning load or empty. He
'considers expenses of shoeing, veteilnary.
heat, light, power and telephone In the
'stable nr..) all that s..rt of Ihinr. lie
takes up the sunj-ct of route and th-lr
geographical and physical charatrlstlcs.
The result is thai hen' he has obtained
all this Information he has a complete
bookkeeping picture of actual horse colt",
laqnlrera Are Amaseel.
"It la astonishing how few large users
of horaes actually know what their horses
coat them. They thlnU they do, but It
has bain our experience that when In-
:n,:couNTRY's father honored
pleteness and Its new Information. In-
aide of twenty-four ho'ira from the an-!
piouncement of this service in New York wawinglon I BirUday UOSerrea Dy
I'lty we had thirteen of the biggest con
cerns In the metropolitan district on our
wilting list for the service. Not on?
of them had the allhtest Idea what their
2VA8 ss. ""i-S 4-tf.ARS jg- SgjjS'
5 Ylea 4 Vfr
horses actually cost them.
"Now when this horse cost Is obtained
Mr. Kennedy is able to recommend the
ie of motor trucks, ' how many, etc..
ahowing exactly how they can do the
work dona by horses or do more work
In the same time and aubmlts an exhibit
ahowing the cost of operating this equip
ment of motor trucks which h ha
Omaha Buiineu Men.
Plagji Are Floated from Doiri Town
BalldlMftN - Yaa Wamra'a
Womea'a 4 b Hat la a Aaatt
rlalloa Maslcale.
A stow ins tendency In Omaha to honor
the Jobbing .mime. The Blrls at the IMrlha nm Dm, tie.
Commcnlal club fallod to Nn a holiday. WrlhRoy A. .,i n,.k- U U-lph
also the waiters and rooks. Commit.- (Xa liavfiiiHtrt ulreri, itirl; lUrnard and
aair ..nil.. .,f Hi club and MariHEer Mollie UraMinan. Ml. .Ninth .-veiur'nni
I'arrlsli of the rtyh publicity
were too buy to take a layoff. x
Flag were flown over the federal and
army building and many of the buslnfn
house In honor of the day. The flag on
the Branded ImlMIn and City National
bank build Ing are K-ants.
) uuhk Women elebrate.
The Younn Women's tliiistlan aasov
tlon celebrated the holiday with a m
noon musical for Its membsT. The
muKlcal wan directed by Walter It. Gra
ft........... street, boy; William and Minuet r. lKm-
lecommenderi. This exhibit is obtained noted yesterday in the fact Jnat a large
from the sludv of the specific problem number of business closed antlrely
In hand and from the great m.ts of data I In the afternoon or were occupied by only
hlcli the comanr has collected from ! small minority of the working force,
.ha hundreds of trucks it h'. sold all I As usual, banks, city offices, county of
avar the country gsd their openttlng 'flcen, oen metit offices, ths armv build
expense." I Ing. the drain exchange and the courts
i were closed all day. General delivery
! windowa at the noatofrica were kept open
all day, but only one delivery was made
in the reatdenc; section and three In the
business district. Even the grand Jury
took a rest.
Stores generally, were kept open, also
the memory cf tleorge- Washington was I ham and was made up of piano numbers
by Miss Florence rcterson, vocal solos
by Miss Maude llutler. Miss Gertrude
.Mkln, Mlsa Gertrude Gideon. Miss l.uell.i
Interstate Model
is Perfect Machine
The 191: Interstate models "0' and
perform all tha labor of electric self
starting, electric lighting, tire pumping,
and automatic regulation of fuel con
aumption. The electric engine alarter Is - simple
In construction and perfect In action.
It will run tha engine forty minutes if
desired t It requires less than one-seventh
of one-horsepower to keep It fully
efficient. In addition to starting the
motor, it aupplles current for the Illum
ination of fiva powerful electric lampa
and the ignition of motor mixture. Elec
tric snitch buttons, used from the dnv
er'a seat. Incite the successful perform
ance of every function named. Constant
efficiency is automatically maintained.
The long stroke, four-cylinder motor
of fho "" models is a revelation. With
all back pressure removed, by Improved
construction, this motor "hangs on" at a
low speed, like an electric motor, and
vibration la conspicuous by Its absence.
Enclosed valves make It practically
Tha new carburetor Is automatic, being
regulated by motor speed and needs.
UcoDomy of fuel and Increased power
never before attained by any other car
buretor 1 actually accomplished by the
lateratate feature. Auxiliary air con
trol is easily accessible on steering columns.
Tl little worlds tour Hupmobile la
being well patronised by Joy riders. The
ear Is kept continually on the go by
people wishing to be able to say that they
rode In an automobile that has been
around the globe.
This car arrived In New Vork January
I. having completed a tour of the world.
Since Its arrival here no repairs of any
kind have been put on any part of the
car. and It Is able to eat up the ground
aa well aa aay of tht new Hupmobilea.
When In the Philippine Islands the car
cut up some remarkable apers. Joseph
brake, president of the Hupmobile com
pany, drove the car on the tour. The
car was driven up the famous lig-ug
road, a IJOs-foot climb from Manila to
Baceno. the roads for Ibe most pari
betnc muddy and sticky. These roads
bad neser been covered by an automo
bile In the history of the world and the
appearance of tbe Hupp caused great ex
citement among tbe natives.
Miller, Mlsa Vcrda Oldfleld, K Arthur
Lynn, Willard Slabaugh and Arthur Gross
and a uuartet number by Misses Miller
and Aikln and Messrs. Slabaugli and
A I. He Keateaer
of suffering with throat and lung trouble
Is quickly commuted by lr. King's New
Discovery. 50e and $1. For Halo by Bea
ton Kriig Co.
J. YV. and Florence Itollck. :i? Kvans
street, boy.
leaths Charles Cunningham, years,
-t. Catherines hopllai; Mrs. Emma
KovkH, ft.", vears. i:U Mouth Thirteenth
street; Frances Kocar. M years. .Seventh
and Clark streets;' Andrew l". Borg, is
years, -'CI tort Omaha street.
The Pure Product of
Nature'. Springs. You will
fed better and do better for using
Glass on Arising lor
We Fixed the Price,
Then Built the Car
WHEN we started to build the Paige we determined that it should be a car
so etod as to be dominant in the $1000 field. We fixed the prices of our
models at from $900 to $1000 the variance being natural in view of the
different types of bodies.
Having determined our ideal and fixed these prices, and having brought our organ
ization together equipped to do things, we set about building just the best car that could
be built to sell at the price and leave a legitimate manufacturing profit, and we did this.
Now as time has gone along we have been able to effect certain reductions.
You are interested in what becomes of these savings.
We are building 3.500 cars this year. They are
all built on the one Paige chassis and with the one
Paige unit power plant. That means that we have
reached the point now where our quantity earns the
very stisiassi prices on those parts which it is ad
vantageous (or ua to buy and that the quantity fat
sufficient to permit of the lowest test in handling all
Ih awry tkrtmyk tht factory. It means, further, that
our selling costs have been divided. So, on quan
tity alone we have saved all that any manufacturer
can save, car for car, no matter how many cars he
guilds, because 3300 is a unit- it's a nuix imum in
figuring price reduction in automobile parts.
Now, havtnff made this saving, we have not for
saken the Paige ideal of building just the best car
that can be built and sold for the l'aigc price. We
haveclungto that ideal, we have not taken this
saving over to ourselves for added profit, wc have
turned right around and put it back into the car.
Study thecar and you can see it yourself. There's
the Disco Self-Starter for instance. Run through
the list of car that are using the Disco. See if
there's another anywhere near theJCaiae price.
Then there is the Deko Ignition. We could have
continued building with the ordinary magneto and
we would have been tip to standard, but we didn't
do it We took part of the saving and put it into
Delco ignition. There isn't another car selling for
less than $1600 that offers you Delco ignition.
We had a good clutch in the Paige last year good
as you find in most cars but we had made a saving
and we were going to put it hart into tht car and
naturally one of the first things that we improved
was the clutch. So we cut out the regular multiple
disc clutch and now vt arc; v. ith a multiple
disc cork insert clutch. You won't' find this clutch .
in other cars at Paige prices. They haven't got it.
Why, we pay more royalty (or the piii ilrge of using
the multiple disc cork insert clutch than it costs to
build an ordinary multiple dic clutch or cone clutch.
We have enclosed our motor valves too. This
wasn't necessary. Nobody had complained because
they weren't enclosed, but it makes the car a tetter
car to have the valves enclosed. Kcepx; the dirt and
dust and grime and oil out of the motor, makes it
run smoother, makes it run quieter.
These things count for Paige owners.
All through the car. we have improved the Paige
just as far as the money will go, just as far as in the uorld could improve il and still sell
it for from $900 to $1000.
See the Paige before you are led into a misstep by
the preposterous claims of some of the makers of
low-priced cars who talk in neutralities. And don't
forget this, that while they are featuring their wind
shields and tops, we state to you frankly that a top
and a windshield don't go with a Paige. If they did
we would have had to cut out some of these things
that are vital to the convenience and smooth-running
and durability of the Paige and we believe that you
would rather have these things in a car, then buy
your top and windshield, than you would to have
the top and windshield thrown in and not have
these things in your car.
We will sell you top and windshield at absolute
factory prices, which are just about half the prices
you are paying for them with most low-priced cars
which feature them as "regular equipment."
Multiple Disc Cork Insert Clutch Enclosed Valves
Disco Self-Starter Delco Ignition .
tmr,MoMBrmnmnch,tlOOO w S
V.. It. Wilsos) Auto Co.. iiOlO-lKMo Harney HI,, Omaha, IMstrihuter fur North I'latte Territory,
Capital tiarage Company, Lincoln, Neb., Distributor for Houth Platte) Terrktiry.
A pair of Woodworth Treads lasts about as long- as the bare "shoes," and sells for
about half as much. The tire thus protected lasts about three times as long as if run
bare, and all repairs are eliminated. That's how the OWNER saves, both in money and
in freedom from trouble.
Tba Xjaziiurton -cylinder roadster,
aalac axalblted at tha show bv tha E.
K Wilson Automobile company, is win
cing much favor srith both city and coun
try ksvera. air. Wilson has sold on an
avaraga mi one of tbeas cara a day since
tba abasr opaoed and Is almost conMent
that b can keep up the good work.
YY si oar sJ rllrscicd asorii aneli
tfcaa at t!M Chicago show. Tba car was
aoM almost aa soua as It waa turned out
by tba faotory to an Omaha man. When
axBhttd at tha Chicago show the same
aar coaiel have been sold half a dosea
yfcer cs" is a rsro-pasaeuvr tnr.p.
fnlr eouiptvA. It ales ruts a
Pratt sctf-atanez.
. vuica tns aX La j
The Car of
Practical Luxury
TUDY all sides of an automobile its artistic
appeal, its mechanical construction, the service
back of it, the men who built it. Do this with
any car before you buy; especially do we invite
such careful analysis of the Marquette.
In the refinement of its exterior lines and the character of its
general appointment, the Marquette reaches point of elegance.
These, combined with the reasonableness of its price, make the
Marquette the car of Practical Luxury. And added to its supremacy
in these essentials is the fact that the Marquette is produced under
the immediate direction of the General Motors Company, giving it
not only the ample engineering and mechanical backing of this large insti
tution, but assuring thoroughly deoendable service to owners
Those handsome cars will be shown at tbe Omaha Auto
mobile Show, of course, but the
Real Display is at Show Room 1912-1446 Farnam Street
Lee Huff, MgT.
H. E. Sidles, Gen. Mgr.
Sioux City,
S. C. Douglas, Mgr.
Model 25 Price, $3,000.
" ;- - "a. fa If.
Head of Onter Studs glass-hard clear
through. Labt .'iO per cent longer than ordi
nary cjurfat'c-hardfiR'd studs.
Heads of Border Studs soft to give non
skidding grip on smooth pavements.
' t lirome Leather Base finished by new pro
cess and permanently waterproof and pliable.
Side Springs attached by new, quick
acting hooks.
Kxcessive thickness of fabric not neces
sary, owing to constant tension of side
springs preventing looseness and chafing.
Readily applied by anyone.
Kill! Onter
Sue. Studded. .Studded.
3KJ S14.10 S .0O
3234 18.90 11.50
344 24.00 16.50
3644 29. 40 22.00
365 32.70 25.00
Comilet-rlce list of all tiro lizes on request.
arm vs it m uow.
1 I - ' ' - 'f ' '
- t
P if
VsTO" ' . ; ' V -a.
Model grcaped at the Omaha Aato- ?Z&;
bik Show offer an exhibit which easily KriTClfiR
surpasses in point of interest that of any 'tA
other one. :
See tbe Faunous Silent Knight Engta
Solrl ia TU Tmitorj by
4 ' -1
."" V 111
t-K'll'l 111 1818 FARNAM ST. " V
J. J. Deright Co.
f-Jt Ti