IIIK HKE: OMAHA. FKIDAY. FEBBUARY 23. 191i Your Spring "Imperial" Is Here We have been unpacking these new Imperials for several days and jou'H find them all ready, bright and early tomor row morning. The Scratch-l'p Is IT for spring new colors of gray, tan or black new telescope or Alpine shapes in fact, NEW front crown to brim and splendidly worth HEI 1)0.1 PS are the favorite wherever there are discriminating .young men, an abundance of these popular caps are here in new colors and styles. ' Sea them in the window S1.00--S1.50 Tit YWM nWOT mm AM. 1518-20 Farnam Street. AUIOISTS PLAN THEIR ROUTE SIX VESSELS DRIYEN ASHORE TAFT WILL REPLY , f TO ROOSEVELT 1 (Continued from Kfnt Page.) Hon wss called to Theodore HuuMvolia statement mail last night to W. s. Ul rica at Cleveland. Oovernor Wilson laughed heartily at hi own epigram and waa cheered effu- ah fly by a group of member of the WIU mi for President club, who formed hi reception committee here. When ehowa an Associated Press dispatch telling of the proposed division of the Oklahoma delegation between himself and Speaker Clark. Governor Wilson said: ; , "I prefer to make no statement con cerning a matter of that kind In which I myself sna ss del Irately concerned. Walt Until Oklahoma has decided. After a break fa it and reception by a committee f his Kansas City supporters Governor Wilson mad a brief address to tbs Association of Kansaa Grain Dealers, 'la session her. ' "Trade." he said, "la ona thins In this country that la not Hand pat. It currant cannot be controlled. They have put a atrmlcht-lacket tariff on It, but It wlU burst forth sooner or later. , "My Idee, of a progressive Is a man who keepa up with the world. A a tend pat on the other hand Is en who stands llll with eyes shut and ears stuffed with Bow Old is Tour Hair and Complexion? ("Esther In Household Helps ) Tour hair need not be (ray to look 010. it woa rm to your aipimarvnw If It Is dull, lifeless and lusterlesa. Wash ing the head gives that affect. It Is bet ter to us a dry shampoo. Ilka an orig inal 'package of thsrox mixed with a cupful of corniueal. Theros makes hslr grow when everything els falls. Sprin kle a teaspoontul of the mixture on your head one a week and brush out well. It makes the hair light, fluffy sad clean full of life and luster. "What woman would not look young If shs had a clear, soft complexion? Throw away powders and cosmetics If you would look young and fair. Make a simple lotion by dissolving sn original package of snayalone In a half-pint of witch haset, and rub gently over the face, seek and anna every morning. Tour complexion soon will be smooth, clear and satln-ltke, with the dainty nat ural color of a girl In her 'teens, "I tMak Mother s Balva better than any ttalment or oil te reduce swelling, allay tnflammaiioa. or relieve pain la any part of the body. Rub it la well ahd these beauty killers disappear. Mother's Halve la also a wonderful healer of sores, rota, burns and scalds." -Adv. u BKMtl saM Violins of Merit Violins art the (most popular of all moelcal In st rum a n ts, be cause their ton rry approaches the tanas, vote. Tb fliallty of a violin Is entirely a matter of ton. Cene rally the beat towes terete from ago. The worlda tacit, valsxbla rtolins are the ' early rrestioas of tra41var1s, where age has mellowed the toss to so al most unearthly beauty, All our violins ara selected for their tone qualities, sad. whits sot expensive, bars been selected with a view to securing only those instru ments which ws could guarantee. A. Hospe Co. Small iBstrruneat Dept. 1513 Douglas Strtet cotton and refutes to concede thst the world Is moving on." Oovernor Wilson left for Topeka at 11:15. TAFT NOT FOR POSTAL WIRES (Continued from First Page.) ttio posts! commission the following paragraphs: "Such an Increase will not. In the opin ion of the commission, bring distress upon the publishers of newspapers and peiiodlrels. or seriously Interfere with the dissemination of useful news or Informa tion. A reasonable Urn should be al lowed after the rat I fixed, before It Is put Into effect. While ths new rats wilt be very fsr from compensating the government for the carriage and hand ling of second class matter, It will to som extent relieve the existing burden and result In a more equltabls adjust ment of ratee." That newspapers snd msraslnes have been potent agencies for ths dissemination of public Intelligence and consequently have borne a worthy part in ths develop ment of th country. Mr. Tsft says, all must admit. Periodical Are rretltale. "But." he adds, "It Is likewise true that the original purpose of congress In providing for them a aubventlon by way of nominal postal charges In considera tion of their value as mediums of public Information ought not to prevent an In crease, becaus they are now not only edurstlonsl but highly profitable. T.iere is no wsrrant for th great disparity be tween existing postage rates on periodi cals and ths cost of service th govern ment performs for them. Ths aggregate postal revenue for th fiscal year 111 were l3J7,t7,KB.0t, derived mainly from th postage collected en the four class of mall matter. It la carefully estimated by the Postofflre department that the revenue derived from mall matter of the first class hi approximately ons and one- half times th east ef handling and car- nags: that th returns from third and fourth class matter are slightly in exceea of their cost of handling and carriage; and that while second class matter em braces ever S4 per cent ef th entire weight of all th mall carried, It, never theless, yields little more U.an I per cent of the postal revenues." The postal commission on second class matter was appointed by President Tsft following ths controversy caused by ths postmaster general's original recommend stlons for the Increase In rates. Ths matter was taken up by magssln pub lishers before committee of eongree snd a shsrp Issue wss raised as to ths correctness of the Postofflcs department's figures. Congress finally passed a joint resolution authorising ths sppotnunent of th commission, which was mad up of Juatlce Charlea at Hughe of th supreme court. President A. lAwrsace Lowell of Harvard university and Harry A. Wheeler, president of the Chicago Asso ciation of Commerce. Hlaher state J eel I (lea. "The findings of the commission." says the president, "confirm tbs view that ths cost of handling and transporting second class mall matter Is greatly In excess of th postags paid, and that an Increase In th rat Is not only justified by the facts, but Is desirable. "Th postal service Is now. for ths first time In years, operated upon a self sustaining basis, snd In my judgment thla Is a wlte policy; but It should, not be carried oat at th experts of Certain classes of mall matter that pay revenue largely In excess of their cost. It Is not just that som classes of mall should be exorbitantly taxed t meet th de ficiency caused by other classes, th revenues from which Is much below their coat cf hsntltng and carriage. Where such Inequalities exist they should be removed as nearly as practicable. "Th Propose! Increase of t cent a psund In ths aooond class pastas rates. I believe te be the most reasonable and It sufficient time Is sllowed before ths chsnga goes Into effect It should work little serious injury to the business of tb period tcel publishers, while equalis ing at least In a measure, the burdens of postal taxation." Another suggestion of ths commission, which wss given ths president's ap proval, would abolish ths "cent-a-eopy lies, when mailed at a city letter car- rato" for newspapers other then week- rter office for local delivery. Sleeting Called for March 5 in Dei Koines for Purpose. NA1LE WILSON LEAGUE OFFICERS D. W. Hamilton of Slsearacy Is President mt the Orsaslsatlse O'fiersaaa t New York Is ta Speak Is Weel. iKiom a Stsff Correspondent. I DE8 MOINES, Feb. ML-cfpecial Tele gram.) A state convention for the Iowa State Automobile association has been celled to meet here Msrch S. The princi pal business will be to select a route for a state tour to Include many of the cities of the stste and there Is great rivalry among them. The association will put up a permanent trophy to coat about fl.OW. Officers of the newly formed Wood row Wilson league were snnounced todsy from Wilson democratic headquarter. Tbey are' 1). W. Hamilton, gtgoumcy. presi dent; John Denlson. Dubuque, vice presi dent; Henry Hlegelman. Ies Molne. sec retary; Karl Hronson Spencer, treasurer and manager. The district managers are. John K. Craig. Keokuk; tieurgo W. Scott, Davenport; Luuts Murpby, Dubuque; Fred (Hermann, Decors h; o. P. Meyers, New ton; J. U. Sullivan, Dee Moines; W. If. Ilobb, Crest on: J. 1). Duller, Fort Dodge, snd D. K. Kerby, Bloux City. Th association reports thst lord hss been received that Senator O'Uorman of hew York will accompany Wood row Wil son to this city and speak. Storm at Horfolk, Va.. it Worst for Thirty Yean. BALL TRAFFIC IS DELAYED Stores Esieade lalaaa as Far as Kansas tlty Halt Mllliaa Dol lars Dasaaae la Western Pea.ajl.aala. TWICE A YEAR EXAMINATIONS IN MILLS COUNTY SCHOOLS GLEXWOGD. Is., Feb. .--(itpacUI.)-One hundred rural school pupils are this asek writing the rural school examine iwn for admission to high school. This rs the first of two examinations that will be held this year tin- this purpose. The successful ones will be entitled to sltend high school next year at th expeiu of Ik district In which they reside. Already the tultlun of these scholars Is becoming such an Item In some dis tricts that there Is talk of forming town ship high schools and Introducing high school work In tb rural schools. With th sdded expense tit boards snd parents are beginning to feel that they may as well provide these privileges and have ths children at home. guperlntendent Masters left todsy for Des Moines to attend a meeting of ths Iowa Better Schools committee of which he is a member. American Tourist Arrested in Germany HE RUN, Feb. E.-Tb ttsuonage erase which la so prevalent throughout Ger many, resulted today In th arrest of an American tourist together with his German companion by a sentry on guard at ths fortress of Bpandau, a fees miles from Berlin. Ths arrested men pro tested, declaring that they were merely interested In ths famous Oullus tower where the Imperial war chest containing f3O.OK.00e In gold coin la kept so that It may be ready for Immediate use In case of a sudden mobilisation of the German army. Th man were kept In th guard room for several hours, during which they wsre put through s sever examination by the officers on duty. They were then released and returned to Berlin. ROCKEFELLER PLAYS GOLF DAILY AT AUGUSTA AUGUSTA, Gs.. Feb. St-ln spits of occasional bad weather John D. Rocke feller la seen dally on the golf links and country roads around Augusta. lis laughed today when asked about a recent slight cold, which hs apparently has suc ceeded In throwing off, notwithstanding his seventy-odd years PII.K1 t'RRBD lit -TO 14 Pitt, Tour druggist wilt refund money t PAZO OINTMENT falls to euro aav eass ef Itching, Blind. Bleeding or Protruding rue in la ss oaya. see. NORFOLK. Vs.. Feb. H Six steamers have been driven ashore In the outer liarbor here by the worst storm that hss j swept the Virginia coast in many years. I Th blow which began last night, con-, tinued unabated today. No loss of life j hss been reported. i Th Norwelgan steamer Cecil also was thrown on the beach. The vessel lies ' near the railway terminals at Lambert's Point. ! The storm was the worst since the famous August gale of 1ST9. . ' Other vessels driven ashore were the old Dominion liner Madison, the Nor-1 welsan steamer Hermes from Baltimore; , the British stesmr Btrathallan. loading for San Francisco: the Danish steamer j Nordstjernen, from Boston, and the! British steamer Elswick Manor, from ' Philadelphia. Hall Tea f fir I Delayed. I KANSAS C1TT. Feb. E. -Traffic con-' ditlon In southern Missouri and Kansas j waa in a bad way yesterday, because ' of drifted snow, but were all Improved j today according to reports here. The I local United States forecaster reported clear weather over most of the south west. I One psssenger train, on the Missouri : Pacific Itoffeyvllle branch still was atuck in a 11-foot drift near Dexter. Kan., but the fifteen passengers abandoned It and were draft n to town In lumber wagons snd sleds by farmers. Workmen ex pected to release the train today. Two Mlsrourt Pacific trains snowed In near Reece. Kan. yesterday were dug out dur ing the night After being snowbound near Dealer for two days a Missouri Pacific train reached Cofteyvllle. Kan., today. All lines of the railroad "had been cleared and traffic resumed at noon. DETROIT. Feb. fL-Although the ter rific snow and windstorm that swept the lower halt of ths state yesterday and last night had abated somewhat todsy. traffic In all directions Is practically at a aiand.'dll. Bllaiard In Norlkera Ohio. CUCVhXANI). .. Feb. 22. A hoallng blixxard gripped Cleveland and northern Ohio today. Traffic Is badly disarranged, telephone and telegraph wires are down and there Is much suffering. The Big Four passenger train from the west was sixteen hours lata this morning. PITTSBURGH. Pa., Feb. KDsmaga estlmsted at 1600,000 waa done by the seventy-mile an hour gale that swept western Pennsylvania last night and to day. Hundreds of oil derricks were blown down. At Washington. Pa., the roof waa torn from the main building of Washing ton and Jefferson college. -Tralae a tailed la lll.ole. ' ST. LOUIS, Feb. H-Hundreds of pss senger on passenger traina on the Bal timore t Southwestern have been held for almost twenty-four hours between Trenton and O-Fallon. HI., and on the Southern Hallway between Billion and Oermantown, III,, by snow-filled cut. According to reports received; here pas eengera suffered Isst night from cold and hunger. The blockade became serious Wednesday night, when freight trains became atalled by the heavy snowfall. Passengers from some of the trsins ob tained accommodations for the night at farm houses and private homes near where the trains were stalled. The Baltimore A Southwestern char tered a hotel at Trenton for the passen gers who were held on traina near there. The snow In many placea Is fifteen feet deep. Wing Reewrd Brake la Xeer York. NEW TORK. Feb. r.-The gale from the southwest which swept the east last night and today attained In New York and vicinity a maximum velocity of ninety-six miles an hour. This breaks all weather bureau records here, the highest I previous wind velocity having been eighty-three miles, in April, 1908. I Frank 8. Coffya'a hydro-aeroplane wssi Dining Furniture Of more than ordinary merit. This suite comes in soft brown, fumed oak, and considering quality is very attractively priced. DINING TABLE (Like Cut) Pedestal Colonial design, select oak, fumed finish, round top. 8 ft. extension, 4S-inch round top. .$26.00 8 ft. extension, 54-inch round top. .$33.00 DINING CHAIRS Full box frame, scroll design, Spanish lea ther seat to match suite, each $4.50 3 BUFFET (Like Cut) 5 ft long. Has large mirror, Colonial scroll pattern, fumed oak $19.00 CHINA CABINET To match above sideboard and table. Single door, 33 inches wide $21.00 Double door, 46 inches wide $33.00 Orchard & Wilhelm Carpet Qo. wrecked on s raft In the North river and the tugboat Margaret D. was sunk in the East river. Scores of brick chimneys were toppled over. Wireless reports received here todsy said thai three barges were adrift be tween Montauk Point and Block Islsnd. Persistent Advertising ts the Road to Big Returns. A De Moines man had an attack of muscular rheumatism In his shoulder. A friend advised him to go to Hot Springs That meant an expense of 1M or more. He sought for s quicker snd cheaper way to cure It and found It In Chamberlain a Liniment Three daya after the first ap plication of thla liniment ha waa wsli. For sale by all dealers. iogM m mm ON FRIDAY AND SATURDAY (KILY We have collected a large quantity of useful house hold articles, from all parts of our hardware stock, many worth up to $2.00 and $3.00, and all will go on sale Fri day and Saturday at one price ONE DOLLAR. Large Casseroles In Large slxe Vegetable Rasors. Bllcer. Granite Dinner Bucket. 50-ft. Tsne Lines. Hand Drills. Block PUnes. Automatic Iush Drills Klckel Towel Bars. Nickel Tumbler Hold. ' era. - Jilckel Soap Dishes. Opal Glass Shelf. nickel plated stand. 5-plere set Sad Irons, Garbage las and Cover. Large Blue and White Enamel Dish Pans. 0-foot Htep Ladders. Kibe Water Pitchers. Hot Stove Casters. ' Hour Cans. ' Large) ran Nickel Pol led!.. Auger Bit Sets. Rasor Strops. Safety Rasors. Safety Razor Strop pers. BATH ROOM FIX TURES. Spirit Lerels. Plastering Trowels. Saw Buck and Back Saw. Family Grind Stones. Mrkel Soap and Pocket Knives. TamMer Holder. 25c Metal Match Box Free When properly filled out with name and address this coupon en titles the purchaser of sny of our Special Dollar Hale Items to one Handsome Wolai Match Box Kree. Good only on Friday and Saturday of this week. , Address & SONS CO. 1515 HARNEY U Asthma Catarrh WHOOPING COUGH CROUP BRONCHITIS COUGHS COLDS (STSSIISHIB 1ST A shsste, eW. us f u newest aw bra, ekial SMH vntM exist Ike match auk Sip. Ufa wllfc Mcteej fw uurty yean. Tee sit ns4eS enesrlr ssOSeeUc, tseeli whk -r Siesta, smsss srsslSlef esrr. ike esra i Sew, u4 swf uw cmis.smiIoi im. fsl silirj. Ceasiess Is Intlsuls Is rsMkeiB its easg skusisa wstfrisaiass) Sains. teas ss eeasl fee Incriettt beetkt. ALL DRUGGISTS. I I Try CreMiue Aid. l.'.SjkjS'rT V erne TSresl tssims W'vzyr- for tse irritates ureal. B W TrOTSreSafesVtv lf yesrsietrMjftssiss, RWJsLaX ioc la Map. Vase Creselrst Cs. 2 CenlssSl K, N. Y. AMl'sfiMESTg. The Toppy, Tasty Toast HYMENEAL DbiMp WeSdl; ( Taker. TABOK. la.. Feh. Special A double wedding occurred at the home of Frank Harrison on West street Wedies dsy afternoon at 4 o'clock. Mrs. aits Downing was married to Mr. F-aak Abbott. At th earn time Mis Lisas ! Hiatt, aged 13 years, daughter of the j first bride, wis nsrrled te Mr. Will Winston. Both ceremonies were per formed by Rev. John Clark. W llllaasa-tloelseaoa. HURON. 8. D.. Feb. H.- Special. -The rnarrlacw of Visa Verda liodgewon ef thla city and Lieutenant Loaey J. Wll t llam of Watertown was solemnised here by Rev. C. W. Rosen berry at th home of the bride's parents. Lieutenant Wil iiama and bride art II spend some weeks In Till tine relatlreal and tr'.tut Hrr sailing for tbe Philippines, where be is stationed as lieutenant or scouts. r Persistent Advartlslog j tb Koad ts I Big Returns 1 Food science has taught us that there is much body-buildirig nutri ment in the whole wheat grain which we do not get in white flour. The only question is. how to make the whole wheat grain digestible. That problem has been solved in the making of mm Arrnnnoon TOisn -MME. REGINA PRAGUE In Two Yiddish Plays TSTat Tb Oath by the Sarer orah Tonight a Shop Olrl One Week, Sunday, Feb. 2$ Matinees Wednesday and Saturday. KLAW and E ELAN GEE'S MUSICAL COMEDY DE LUXE THE PINK LADY Seats On Sale Today Prices Nights, Orchestra, $2.00. Balcony, $1.50, $1.00, 75c. Gallery, 50c-Mati-nees, Orchestra, $1.50. Bal cony, $1, 75c. Gallery, 50c Tiras KRUG THEATER list. Today t:S -Night l:U est Seats 60 MOULIN ROUGE AND JACK JOHNSON WORLD'S CHAMPION HEAVV-WEIGHT. the shredded whole wheat wafer. It is the whole wheat, steam-cooked sV shredded, compressed into a wafer, and baked the maximum of nutriment in smallest bulk. Many people prefer it to ordinary bread toast Heated in the oven to restore its crispness it is delicious for luncheon, or for any meal, with butter, potted cheese or marmalades. "THE TOAST OF THE TOWN" THE SHREDDED WHEAT COMPANY NIAGARA FALLS. N. Y. I aAT. BAT. lAaOAJtSI O&AXS OPEBA OO. feyigbt tst anaim innmi rrlaay OAJtMEB Saturday tutu &VCIA atsrdar Wljrht IX. mnimsi XTA Oraad Oeaoert Bnadsy at m aiTasuas, r.uT COMXaTO rOTaBBg BOBEBTSOtT .iOOSS Boaz. . . tea. A-1SS4. Ma tinea every dsy. every night, 1:15. Advanced Vsudeellle. Aids Overt m Walker; td. P. Reynard: Those Four Entertainers; Hopkins ana Axtell; Ethel McDooowgh ; Inness and Ryan; th Three Gladdenberka; Klneto scope; Orpheum Concert Orchestra. Prices Night, 10c, ;ic Sec, Tic; mati nee, lee: best seats, the except ristur say and Bujiday. "OKA-KAy. TVM CBSTTBVSV The Show That's Town Talk. thctBEHMAN show txixarisAru abb tacdthj,b Watson Ulsters, Voa HaacalL diaries Falke, Joy Riding Beauty Chorus; l.eus lauirha. Gorseous Scenic Equipment. T .h, , sis Metises Bvary Wk Day. sun. Wk.: "The viueen of Bohemia. ' AmericanTheater ToalrbS. Stats. fae, Tbsrw. Bat. MISS BWA 1VABO an tb WOOPWAM STOCK OOKTAJTT la THE ROSE OF THE RAKCKO B.xt alesrt ef Karylsad