Tim ItKE: OMAHA. FRIDAY. FKBRUAIiY 2:5. WV2. The (eeg nxe yagazire p)age SILK HAT HARRY'S DIVORCE SUIT Judge Rumhauser Helps Out a Fellow Judge Copyright. lli National News Asn. By Tad iaim-: N I ISTM.S PART 6 ? SfSffl ) I l0SE I I rMMmH'A a 3W) tx.ntu. ) NO-rVwlVW 7 ' los i . Dtvow!iirwiu- 4 . - 1 1 v r m 1 r- ttt Married Life the Third Year In Which Helen's Efforts to Economize Torn Out Most Disastrously. r -agsrg3S By MABEL HERBERT VRNEK. .-.'.' s-vi. "v "Flvs dollars?" asked Helen In dismay. "Will It b that much? With thlt drop aklrt and all the lace on the waist?" The woman took the dreaa from the boi In which Helen had brought It and shook it out on the . counter. "Why, wa never clean amy dresa with a drop leea than IS." Helen hesitated. "I'm afraid that's more than I care to p a y." flushing slightly. "I didn't think It would be over three." "You couldn't get It cleaned any where for three," sniffed the woman, haughtily, putting the dress back In the box. "Why, wa get tJ for a plain white slip Ilka that," pointing to whit mull dress In the ease. Meekly Helen took the box and hurried home. This waa the aeoend cleaner's she had beep to. and they both wanted IS. Bhe felt It Would be useless t try to get It cleaned at' any good place for less and (ha was afraid to risk the oheaper ones. In her own' room she took out the dress and spread It on the bed. Whst eould she do with It? It was bar best afternoon gown a pastel blue crepe meteor. She needed It desperately. But It was too soiled to wear It as It was-and she couldn't pay 15 to have It cleaned. Slnos (ha humiliating letter from 'Warren about the expenses. Helen had grimly resolved to spend not t cent on herself pen, gonallv. ' Money for the house and Winifred she must take from hlin. But money for her self -she would do without until she her self could earn It. She hsd written War ren that she hsd resolved to be Inde pendent of him as far as her personal expenses were concerned, and this resolve she Intended to keep. But first of sll she must get her clothes In ehepe. Whatever new adventure any woman contemplates, her first thought Is always to first put her clothes In order. And so Helen was now going over her limited wardrobe. 6be had had so little In the last year, and yet she thought bit terly. Warren hsd accused her of ex travagance. This little blue afternoon gown she had wasted to have cleaned for some time, hut hsd put It off. hoping to have It done soma week when the expenses were less than usual. Abov everything else Helen loved her gown fresh and dainty. And now this must be cleaned. She could no longer -wear H as It was. With a sudden Impulse she took it out to the kitchen. "Delia, do you think we could clean this dress here?" Delia looked at it doubtfully. "1 dunno, ma am." 'Well. I'm going to try. Therea a bottle of cleaning fluid heer that Mr. Cur tis brought home for his ties, and we've never used It. I'll try that on some of the worst places, and if It's good we csn get enough more to sponge over the whole dress." "I dunno, ma'am. I don't take much stock In them cleaning fluids. They most always leaves a worse spot than they takes out." But Helen was not to be discouraged by Delia's lack of enthusiasm. Delia was never enthusiastic about anything that might Involve any work on her part. It took several moments to find the cleaning fluid among the bet, lea on the top shelf In the bath room. "Why Delia, this sheif is :.!-;! with dust Get a pan of water an! wipe it oft and these bottles, too they're covered. " And Delia grumblingly obeyed. This was why sha always looked with disap proval on .any nf Helen's ventures t.1ey usually ended by making more work for her. " 'Cleaning Fluid." " Jie'.en read aloud from the label. " 'Cleans the most deli cate fabrics without Injur... " 'Directum Moisten a soft flsnnel cloth with the Cleaning Fluid and gently rub the article to be cleaned. Do not confine rubbing to the sailed spot; by going over more of the surface no rlnx will be left. Will not change color or injure the most delicate fabric. Caution: Do not use before an open Tre or gas. - The Cleaning Fluid Co.' " Helen first covered the dining room larger. Hurriedly aha poured out half of the bottle and went over one whole breadth of the skirt, hoping that by going over a large surface and rubbing It dry the rings would be cleared away. Hut wherever she sponged with the fluid It left the same mottled, streaked appear ance, die used the other halt of the bottle trying to Improve It, but only made it worse. Almost In tears, she shook the dress out over a chair. Had she mined It? Oh, It she only hadn't touched It. At least sha could have worn It at night even It it waa soiled. Bat now, with one whole breadth streaked and mottled, she could never wear it. "1 told you, ma'am. I didn't take no stock In them cleaning fluids." said Delia. "They ain't Don of them no good." And then, aeeiim Helen was al most In tears, aha added consolingly: "But I gueaa you can take them streaks out If you dip the whole thing In gaso lineIt's much better than all them cleaning fluids, and cheaper, too."' "Oh, can IT' asked Helen eagerly. "Why didn't I think of gasoline? But where can ws get It enough to dip the whole dress In? ' "Paint store. I'll taka two of them gallon water bottles and get 'em full." t Half an hour later Delia returned with the big bottlea ot gasoline weighing down the basket on her arm. "My, that's heavy," she grumbled. "And I had to go three places 'fore they'd sell It to me." Helen to kolt Into the bathroom, where there would be no danger of tire. Empty ing ono of the bottlea Into a large dish pan, ahe dipped the whole dresa In. The odor was sickening. Not wanting It to get through the bouse, ahe kept the bathroom dour closed. In a few minutes tha drees hsd soaked up tha whole panful, and she had to pour In the other bottle. Most of this, too, was quickly soaked up. and the rest was almost black. Bhe tried to rinse It up and down, but there was not enough gaso line left for tliat. The fumes were mora snd more sickening. She was growing taint ' and disiy. as though ahe waa being chloroformed. And her hands were red and smarting. Almost overpowered with the fumes, she still tried to swish tha dress around. It s only a black, wet masa now, and she could nut tell whether or not the streaks were out. Vet. with desperate determina tion sha kept at It. It would be bard to get more gasoline, and now that sha bad begun ahe must do It as well as she could. Bo ahe shaok and awtshed the dresa ebout until she could stand It no longer. Then she opened the bathroom door and staggered out, the wet dress on her arm. "Get a coat-hanger, quick. Delia, Hang this up somewhere." "Why. you're as white as paper, ma'am; what's the matter?" "Oh. the gasoline-It waa awful In there. Hera hang this up quii k-" Delia took the dripping dresa and hung It on the wooden hanger. And Helen fell almost fainting on the couch. "Open the window Delia. Oh, I'm so sick." Delia threw open the window and dragged the couch before It. Helen, deathly white, was lying almost In a stupor. Snut up In the bathroom, with the fumes from two gallona of gasoline, the effect had been aa drugging and much more sickening than from gaa or chl-iroform. Thoroughly frightened. Delia wanted to send for a doctor. But In spite ot the stupor, the word "doctor' brought to Helen the thought that had dominated her through It ail, "the saving of ex pense." "No, no." she protested faintly. "I don't need a doctor. I'll be all right In a few momenta Aa she lay on the couch by the open window the horrible sense of nausea gradually parsed away. Slowly the fresh air revived her. blew away the worst effects ot the gasoline, but left her with a throbbing sine headache, which lasted the rest of the day. Delia brought some cold cream for her hands, which were still red and smarting from the gisoline. At length she rat up, dltxlly. "Rrlng me the dres, FKIs. Let me see bow it came out.' "Walt till you ftcl better." urged Delia. "You're dead white yet, and it ain't dry nohow." "Oh. it must be dry br this time. Bring 1: in I want to ee- it.' Keluctantly Delia brought the dress, laid it on a chair by the couch and dia- A pone nrukiu'; 7MAT MISU& TeTHrM OF TVhf 0 tMvH As. fit RATTJE BlA(M60-gUT VeHeftfc OH Vieetiata;. ITMsAi DANE lNi IMn TO RECfTE ' M HfcD fSU-frfAT fAMOUi OEM TXty worr. sto xjcxjh My otw (OOM. TeH,Lcar (it tAlM T)NJ. I (T A. vaxc as THE MeKjrrtQoRtooO. t&Oeutftj THey J HAUL JfViiH n Mrrr tm tar Mv wi ISrOoW v0.W IF MCS HOT A. .SMAfl-T MWHEil TJO- TVUE frciseru Murruitr rr e-o JfltV "a? "N L TT TO TttT VZL Jf sr wen Jviv PrUtOiArrDET- VEU-ED . IF .CHINA 5 A RETpuG U (, I5 VACCI AATIQIS? EAW UtiTH THE VMHif M0 ITS A HIRED HOfZJE hah. iAA a Boob fsaTTTSTB AlSMA J A-r . . - . - v -. , uv , wr. -w.PnMerAlrllr1r FtoftOA. luel 1 'B60M SltC- MC cajfto AMP eSAtEFuiW KiCKIeHCr Al0 rteTR.anl VJAS A BOOT TO JWCET FOM TVie IWOeA. .SArlDY J(M PCWtrD FoS. HIS JHjc KELL-V. Hli eyS FtAJHieed" QeTNCATM fll fLAOc MOWS HE TrtJHOrieO , ,H P7 BARiTONE vyaict IFORMARy VrvAMceit. 15 A WOMAN (J, A,NNSTnr HEi-LEr-M An ? pi-iN CriMCr a of- Gold to Tue 5RviTDR.,H VAOLTEO WON H J7EET AMD G-AlX OPeX AvnAV INTO ' THe Nlfrrfr. 7H AUlLrkeT OUT I i,rict A BOOB if?-4M(r iOM PAfpis 6T fTrA IN &O00 eHOfV- kin Tele SrerrtoO Crlseos-OOjTssit jiMint, ' RDvAiST TVtfi PouoerAArt, VAuL AMO tlEtir H'tslU-ICUDDV VAS TrTROOMO TWe tAAXei OP TrmHt-I'x, VtTH FAIR. SOPHlt iCWMOrx BOCOEtL.AlX ATONCS Hft CCAHJETTJ 01CIL ANOyirVUptTMNfr iNm 5aPHit'4 SKeu-Lir-c 1 THE CArf OANCf IV CunmV HUr CAN TVre ruftkctzV tpor? LET 70V B6- CALUV 9 IMA,eNi.l eCjeePCU-ETti, U06rH THCN 1-OTaTN 10 7eTi Jmnropntei redraw JrMfl-cxxJ. a,t a-A'W . irvmeourrH "J A MAPrV A N61 H060OV toponu. The Brewer of Ghent Djr KKV. THOMAS B. GRKOORY. February 23, 183T. Through the atreeta of Ghent. SiS years ago today, crowds of burghers were marching from house to house, calling tor their comrades, snd saying unto them: "Come with us and let us hear tha wise man's c o u n s e I." Presently they lined up before the great curved entrauccway to a stately home and made it known that they would like to talk with tha nfaater of tha house, in a very few minutes tha great oaken door opened and there stood before them the stalwart form of James Arte velda the brewer of Ohent." tranoeway Is a stately home and made II known that (hey would like to ta with tha master of tha house. In a few mlnutea Ihe great oaken door opened and there stood before them the stalwart form of James Artevelde, tha "Brewer of Orient." "We know that you are wise and that Secrets of a Famous Chef Cookiof Adrice to Girls and Hints on Preparing Chxken and Fisb. By KMII.K 1IAILLV. In Germany there Is a proverb to the effect that no girl should marry until sha knows how to cut bread properly not that cutting bread Into thin, perfect Hues Is a high art, but It does require practice, and if a young woman can do It properly It shows at once that she haa had some experience and la at home In the kitchen. I do not think any young lady should msrry unless she knows something ot the art of cooking. No matter how exulted her station In life, her succeea will depend upon the excellence of her cuisine if she is a woman of wealth. Just aa a good deal of her happlnrsa does If she is the wife of a man In modest circumstances. married, come to the well known chtfa fur Instruction. Yoti will frequently see classea of Ihexe charming young ladles working away lu the kitchen of a hotel or celebrated restaurant, under the direction of a chef, watching him and learning how to order a well balanced dinner, and to discrim inate between whst Is really good cook ing and what Is merely good food spoiled by over elaborate preparation. Here they learn the combination ot food and vegetables, salads and desserts, which later on make their dinners such gastronomic successes. It Is largely because the French hostess and her chef or cook understand each other and because the lady of the houac discusses and advises with her cook thst the French cuisine In private houses still II table w:th a sheet and then spread the ' erectly went back to the kitchen. Helen dress out uimn it. Pouring m- of tr.e : gave or.e eiance at it, and then burled fluid in a saucer, she srorig"d the spots ! ber fn in the pUlow. It was mined around the b"ltom of the fklrr. carefully ruind.. All o',r it the dirty gasoline following the .lirwtion. i had S'Ui'.I In clouded, mottled 'treats. But. to her dismay, dark r'ngs outlined , .he tinned ber face to tlK "..i,! aod the pieces tTiat l-.ad been c e.,nii. And burM :r.-t tear. when she tr e,j to ;:. see tw' the rins- And this this aas L.-ie re4: of her ahe auw'e-i -' in miking th-n j efforts t eeenomitve . c4 rVSidiV I V:. . Lr- t sW i I v SiS l --J-.I! EO!4, x., tJl.il I I - I. UsftJ aw ip J aT assssssassjaj , m- S ' I 1 . M I trig at .vim? miiiuet! iindrr&taiiHiMe. AM v m "v cti - ffM iut .Ml WOMEN WORK x ,j - ranks nign. r than In oth Efi. '.l NO GIRI, BIIOUI.D WAItl'.T VXTIL HHH KNOWS HOW TO CUT BREAD I'ltOPKRLV. and flour In a saucepan and stir con st! ntly for five minutes. Then graduslly pour In the milk, stirring briskly with a whisk. Add salt, whole black pepper, about twelve, and a little mushroom liquor or other flavoring. It at hand; also a bouquet composed of six parsley stalks, stalk of pure celery, one bay leaf and spring of thyme, one clove, and tie together and put In the sauce. Let It cook well for fifteen minutes. Than strain carefully. Serve this ssure with a garniture of rns-hed red pepper and cayenne. FILKT OF KlXUFItm OR BASS CA- t MOltiK-FOU FOL'R PEOPLE. Take two kliigfish or bass, each piece i about one pound. Take off the filet, aalt ami pepper them and cover them with flour. Then etiok In butter. Have ready four pleers of exgplant cut lengthwise. Salt anil itrtnr thni a fium .,.-..-,. good cooks have a k.nd of prt.ale code. floiJr fry ,n B) i nnr r'-'cipes are use asetcnes nisae you love liberty," said tha burghers. "Will you be our leader and help its ta overcome our enemies?" "If It Is your will, comrades, and titer Is no ons else I will do ths best I csn for you." Then all said, with ons voles: ; "Ws promlss you faithfully ta stand by you In ail matters." Artevelde was s great man. and In !'. little while he secured ths hearty so-. . operation of the fifty odd guilds of tha city. At the head of his "Whit Hoods." aa ths burgher soldiers of Ohent war ' ,' called, he soon drove Into axil Count i' ' Louis of Crecy. who bad for some tint bean trying to play ths king game over '; ths people; and, establishing peace and : order, proceeded ta rule the country la accordance with damocraUa prtnolplea. '! Under his wis and righteous rule th , weavers of Ohent grew rich and tbs whole province prospered as It hsd a ever ' prospered before. go great did Arteveid make Flanders , that Edward III of England sent am bassador to requeet his aillanoa. And V. right there began mil Ms trouble. As'' petrtotlo as Wsahrngton, Artevelde did ' not possess th solttleeJ wisdom of th -great American, and, accepting Ed-' " ward's vertures, hs found himself at ' last in th 'ntangttn7 alllaocssT which ; were to ruin him, " Threatened by th continental attempt ,', to crush his democratic burghers, he tried ' lo persuade his countrymen to accept th 1 Black Fiinc as thalr titular sovarelga, ,. thus securing ths mighty support ef Eng--land. Tha proposition angered the burgh era, eeperlslly the of ths city ef Ghent,4,, and It was all over with Artevelde. Artevelde's motives wars pure and no ble, but th majority of th people thought otherwise, and they turned ' agalnat him, In bloody battle between , ' the guilds in ths market plar at Ohent tha party of Arteveid was defeated, and A the once popular and always wall-meaning leader waa a lata, four years almost to . a day, from his accession 1 sower. ' ; It was th last of Flanders aa well as of Artevelde, tor from that day to thl . the country haa had only now snd the " a crumb of the sweet morsel of demo cratic freedom. Arteveid put of th way, . there cam the eounta, and then Charles -V and tnen Philip II. and th lone Iliad of woes that no Flanders man can ever forget. rlECTION ILL OK 1XO UNDER CHEF. homes. If you want good cooking and under- The woman who Is lo di.-pense Urge i stand an) thing of the fut.Ject. vou will and ro: hospitality needs to know how know that to get the bert results fr-irn ; to ord-r. wt.mai or lesser mesns ' your cook ou mu-t do more than write 's!.o'-:d knw l.ov t ;;;. orders or a ;.p or p:er Y.xe llwm ! In France C.e vuung ladles of the b-n . t:anst.l:ttd h the I .:-e I eeper or njsid. jsocictj. wtKtt they a e eneagel tu Le j Vou m'j-t con-ul! n;th ;.our coji. .;e!- for a big painting, which can only be ! filled In by a person who understands the 1 art of rooking. 1 The following re lis arc amplified and completed lo fit the needs ot the ordi nary cook and amateur: BREAST OF CHICKEN'. JOSEPH HAAN-FOIt FOUR PERSONA Take two broiled chickens and slice off the breast, making four perfect pieces, one piece for each side. Remove the skin. Have ready four ci uata f bread the exact stiarm of the chicken breasts and about four inches thick. I'm the yolks of three eggs In a deep dish, add a little full, stir well and add lonly six soupspoons of heavy cream. Now place the crusts In thla mixture and let them soak for a few moments. Re move the crust, dip them quikly In bread crumbs and place them In a pan :th cljnfl'd butter. Fry to a nice hruwn tolor. I'lsre a napkin in a dish, arrange the crusts on It. Put Hie broiled breast of ihicken on the erupts and spread a little drawn butt-r mixed with bread ciurtibs oer it: Karnish the dl-h with psrsle:'. With Pec four tomatoes, take out th seeds, stew them in a pan with a little butter, pepiier and sail. To Kcrve place the eggplant on a long dish and put a filet of fi-h on each slice of eggplant. Cover with the stewed tomatoes and over this sprinkle cheese, chopped very fine and some very fine herbs. Fine herbs, used so much in French rookery, consist of half a small onion, two shallota, two sprays of pars ley, two pieces of chives and the cloves which slready figure In thla recipe. The "fine herbs" are chopped very small. It's easier to make love than it la al ways to mean It. A woman who can apeak seven lan guages generally does. bvery man a rreolt Is good when It vomea to borrowed trouble. A hotel patron la justified In kicking when he haa to pay good dollara for poor quarters. It Is well to exercise your rights, but don't work them to death. Some people who tell everything they know don't have much to sav. Few men will register a kick If they The man who Is always on time wastes imam- valuable hoars watting for the ins sen a sauce lcnanHl mane ;otner r-liow Ket more then their moneys worth. Many a man haa been accused of stesl- I"'' ' """" " "'" "'" log kisses when in realltv they were 1 r- n.iik i.n.1 e.nlng. P'a.-e the butter ,fr, tj upon him.-Chicago News. of two ouri'ts of butter, t fu'r i f f!oii-. a pint an,l o tablet-noun- ! l. .if of ix.il- 1 . MANT RISKS TAKEN TO TO MAKE PICTURE FILMS If figures mean anything tha moving picture show la ths most popular of all our national amuaementa, not excepting base bail, which undoubtedly thoroughly deserves its till as ths national sport of America. But ths calico oosueif and drama dally entertain more parsons than any other form, of pa bhe diversion aver devised. Already this Infant tadsstrf haa jO..00 Invested In It, although only eight years bar elapsed sine a second rate theater gars the first film exhlbltloa In New Turk. Today there ar more than SO houses In th metropolis alone devoted wholly or principally to moving pictures, in th entire country there ere many thousands of gaudy little theaters, marvelous with tiles, gliding, marble, costly mirror and Ingenluus trick electric signs. There srs scores of picture companies employing staffs of authors, actors and scene painters to give them th peeper settings and all the paraphernalia, hu man and otherwise, ot th regular thea ter. In every city and town throughout the United States exhibitors eagerly await Ihe latest creation f th moving picture studio. And the printing; of and dispatching to Ihe four corners of th continent of the latest films Is a business in itself, resembling nothing so much as the preparing and dlrtribuUng at metro politan daily. The business haa extended even la Mexico, Central and South America grid tli Panama canal son. Every daw la New Tork the combined length ef th films reeled off would reach across the Atlantic, and th film exhibited dally la all the American picture theaters would easily encircle th glob. With ths enormous growth of th mov ing picture business there has coma Into exist rare a class ot adventurers who at- ' most dally risk Ufa sad limb ta btaia.' realistic effects for moving; picture com- -panic. On of th most daring of toes ' Is B. B. Dobha, who recently At tad sp a small schooner at Seattle and left for Alaska In order to portray ta saovins; , picture the birth or death of a aew is land. It aoprara that the Boerosiof group -In the last year or so has heaa arising " from and subsiding Into th Tlai la sea. -A moving picture syndicate has offered -Dobbs tas.m If he gets the fUra. Tech nical World Magmxtne. A man wonld do many a wonderful ' thing It some Itttl thins war saw, sa la way.