fHh Bhfc: OMAHA, KU1DAV. PKBRUAR1' 23. 1912. MRk LIVE STOCK MARKET Cattl. Trade Slow, with Steady to Strong. Price- HOGS CPCT HIGH, CLOSE LOUTS Beesi ) Lanka la Very Ileal ! au lir Iaflaeaee at ea1 Israaawal l"rt-e Sneer aaSaarr at Tea Cent. SOUTH OMAUA. Feb. C li Fere. in ',-er-: r Monday ... 'J'iria; Tucstiav .'il:.val Wednesday . 1 limine inui-saay Caul. Hot. Sheep. ... 4.4X1 .. lii) UM7 U4 ia.w 4.SM m h i- ts-on averages rmrured from 140 downward. aiJitv ana weight eeterram- if.c ih nrlce. Butchers cleared at th mid.lle snaiJ, Belling largely within tt-Dd Four tiivi this week.ls.44J tl iM S2.&M fan aa laat weak ..Us.lll M Mir Kim day ; w ks asolivU .'J Ji4 day tiki moEiIbI fc...sM 3k.71 reme oav 4 was ago. Is. 13s uk4 ai.i; riu-e days taat year.. !:,!&; .; M1I 11c following labia thorn tiia receipt i t caitla. boat and sheep at South unwtia ;r ih year to data aa compared airh la-t Hit: mi;. inc. lec altl laB.li VA.zr, 11' aa 31' i.7 Mnvp JO.;i rw.JKJ lhc following table shuas toe rung of li'i:. luul for huca at iHritU omulta for t:.e I it tew oaya. with einiiar.iionJ: Ka. . sa. Fi. N Sa. FT. m as etia u ... m ir ... i: :. 04 ... 4. m m Mil! 3t ... JO. 144 ... I 4) Tl ... Ct u las ... it. :t rti ... 447 I 14 ... I 14 741 ... II M IM Mia M MI ... 4 14 74. 1U ... iaa x Hi at I w U IM a) 4 n 4 24 14 I 14 at. i ... 11 i ... 414 m 44 I la it aa ... II 11 Mil. 71 721 ... 4 14 u ii wis a t ... I h 7J X Mia fi 141 ... 4 14 a a ... I M 41 : 4 I n 71 U7 HIM -4 2U It 4 11 a) Ill ... It U 1C ... Ill II 71 44 I H .U 114 44 4 U H im a i it ill 74 IN ... I :' 41. t ... Ill :i 194 n i Ti in ... 1 u o 4i ... it) r .ri at in 47 35 144 4 44 14 147 ... 4 11 44 771 41 I M t. 741 ... 4 a) 71 37 174 I 40 U 717 ... I 74 17 474 ... 4 44 44 S4I 44 4 74 174 14 4 94 47 777 ... 4 14 1H 44 I 41 I ... 4 Ill ... 4 45 71 34 ... 4 as 41 117 ... 4 44 14 rU ... 4 74 41 77 ... 4 44 It 717 ... 74 B ... Ik 44 ... I 44 -714 ... 4 41 TO 774 ... 11 ... 4 44 it 741 ... I 74 71 144 ... 4 (4 41 747 244 4 3a 74 1.4 44 441 41 7711 . . Il7i 14 ?4 ... 4 4S IS 7S4 74 4 771 7? :?2 ... 4 al 4 7;i ... 4 Tti 7i ... las n ltd ... is PHIS. 71 1 44 I 44 .' M ... I S 4 114) ... 4 71 tiaie. i ;1U 1I0 ;!:.. UK. i wi VM. b. 14. 'i H I ST 4 at, I W K 1- : 1ti I U. I il !1 4 J, I W I M J eb. 1U. i s.la. 7 Hi M lliu.ii. eb. i s,,;, J M kj 4 o;l 4J 45, ( II i. !., J i m, , of. lv, t II b. i M a M i 111 4 la 4 7 ( W elp. at.! I ,', ;08 i.li.lll ill in J'eb. 11. i &, ; 1 i , 4l;(44J t eb. a.) 1 7 at nt'iw r. i a W 2 It 111 14 -I I BAD. till. Hon. Sheep. 4o 4M l.i,t 4W Till .... 2.141 l ; m . M 77 14 II , 4 M W 44 M Ill ... JU7 KM Sunday. I(et'ela and dlKpnatllnn of )V4 Mock : the I una Hunk Yatd. s-juih Uniatia, l"r lueiily-lo-ir houia ei.dlnu at 41. ni. ltlrTH-tAlLS. Cattle. HtiMa Hheen It'r'k ac ot. I i ahua! i Ji-c.u.1 fyaclfie.... 1 I moil i'arlfto & 4 . : .v. W., earn... ; 4 . 4. . W., Weal.. 21 .. l-t. f., al. tl.. 4 . ri. at y . eaal.. ti H. 41 v.. west.. Il ... I!. I. it P., eaat II t .. 1). 1. A P., Hf.l .. J.ilauia CeniraJ Total receipt l ... K l'lt-POSlTIO.-e. Cl tTimaha Packlni; Co.... haift and tympany.... l udahy Parkliic Co.... iArmour k Co a livaru at Co lurpuy Morrrll , Mnrlair V. H. Vanaant Vo lienlon, Vanaant aa 1. Illll at l"oii f . B. Lewla lualiin aV Co J b. Root Co I. H. rlulla U f. Hun It Wolf ' Icf-reary Kcllo((... II. r. Hamilton 1.4a Rotliachlld , io. Kan. Calf Co... I Una aV Cl.rt.ll , Other buyara Totala X704 U.mn l.isu f An i.B-KecliH4 or CKtll war very iht Ihla morning, only about 109 tare twine reported in. With auch a llgnt auptiiy and with praoecta that receipt lor the week wou d b vary modarata It aa only natural to expect an active and In inner market today. In thla aallera era dlaappolnted, aa tha market aa a holo aaa alow and prtoea vary little If ny better. Hora and then It waa poa 4ibi to find a Bale man who happened lei have eoroethlna In tha way of good beaf aleera or rowa and half era that ap pealed aapadally to buyera who Ihougut I hat h aecured a airong price. I'aaea of that kind, however, wera rare. Aa a rula aalaamen wera quoting tha market aa only alaady with Ilia trail now at (hat. Common and medium kind Viera. If anything, weak. A great deal of complaint waa heard h-garuing bulla being eatramely hard lo beii. rionva of tha iargeet packara ware put of tha market entirely and would 4t look at a bull. It took right good lat bulla to bring K, and If anything ten lo tall above (hat It would have lo i fancy. Veal calvea, even Hie beat, vera aleo very alow eellera. and It takaa exnetliliig right good to bring 17. mw'kera and feed era war la very light lupptr. and thar waa lull cluuiia la In market, Uuoiatiiini on rani: Good to choice beef aterra, K 7141.74; fair lo good beat Hear, tk. tm 75, common to Ulr beat Itetre, lt.vUtrl.4Wi good to choice heifer, b 140 good to choice cowa, KTbuTt.!!, lair to good cowa and hellera. Kiluvt.ll, lummon lo fair eowa aad half era, miti I good p choice ateckera and fdra, 6 J6. fair lo good atockara and fead i a, ri.aoiia.4l; common to fair ockr knd feedera, Q lavt.W, alorfc belfara. U4 l.fS. vai caive. U-IHVlMi bulla, ataga. iic .;,. a. UKCV IT EX Ha. Ha, l. n. an a at ii a, HI I II 4 p 444 I 44 , I Mi 4 e I nil 4 4 a law I a It 1411 I M II .1144 4 14 II . k . .. 14.. At. rr. 1111 1 1 llll I 41 1144 4 44 1114 4 44 1K4 4 44 lias 4 41 ...lias 4 14 ....IU4 4 at ..1171 4 4S ...1144 4 74 ,...1171 41 ....IBM IH ....MM Ik u tl ta..... i 4 C...... I I I..w.. 1177 4 ta tl..... ...1441 IS 7.4... ...IMS 4 4 II .,.1144 4 M 1 ...IIS1 4 IS ...., ...ITte 4 14 I 8Tk.c.tui AXD UKIKKHS. ... 4a 4 Hi g -' 1 1'" 4M COWI. ...1444 I H .4 ... n.... St.... a.... it..,. 7.. 14.. 4 44 441 4 4 141 4 4 14 4 U M Ii4 1411 I 44 1444 4 44 441 4 te 1144 4 S 17J4 4 S U., 4 49 ten 4 4... I... a... 4ft i . ut I a , 14) . 471 4 , 414 4 7 . 43 4 44 . 77 4 4S .517 I . 74 4 S4 . 144 4 41 111 4 t . lei 4 74 . 4D 4 S . 144 I aa J 4. 4 1 a. a 41 I I II 11....... 4. 1 BULL. . tia l as i .1474 4 41 ... 14 IM ... we i it ...nil 4 ti ...llll 4 H ... in 4 ti ...llil 1 1 ...1171 14 .. ilii I aa ,..iii4 las ...144 I II ...SaH I is ..111 III .. .144 44 .. I4 I as ,. 4J las ..14 las .. n is .144 I 14 ..seas I .. Ill I la ..ruias v 44 I a ..114 I as ..Ml I M .. 4M I M 474 4 44 ..141 4M ..SIM M 14M IM fllKEI'-A limited aupply of sheep and laniba enabled eellera to puah fat atoc: aioes up a notch, the market being gen. erally quoted a dim higher. Thli ad vance involved a w .int 4 im heat, and. alth Urn demand reasonably active from all .iiiurtTs. a aoixl clearance was made tr.rly In Ihe morning. I m and lamLi made up the bulk of offering.-, almost everything coming from tsirn-beii feed lots, and tiualuy on an nveraxi- nan nothing to brag about, rang ing from common to extra good, in iM'iwcto clause uaually allowed the beat a' Hon. a Irade fratura that has been apparent on all da lately, but pre miums for toppy atringa, especially lamba. were widely margined. Poir and choice Iambi are aelllng about II. apart al pn-Henl, some long-term fed westerns bringing ., a dime above yeaterday a lop Comtiared with laat week- eloa at.ih prlca rule a little) higher, yealer rtny'a tiade being practically ateady with ili- trade last Friday. Tle advance In aheep waa Indicated 1 ' lily by ew ale, ai there were no 1 wethKia or yearling of consequence In . I rlutied in receipt. Attractive ewea aold . I up to U.s', and omeihlng hlgh-gi anV In . iesery respect would probably be aleanle -l.i !. ven monev-al.W). Compared Willi ptlce for sheep on laat Friday current value! average fully a dime hlghar. Feeder Hade remained almost barren and nominal, the proportion of thin atock proving loo meager lo give the market anything like a lair workout. The coun try outlet lias also oecwine i -..4 , lb three days' buy amounting lo lea than I awl head. . u not a lions on neep and lamoa: uuwi lo choice liimb. S Hiti.40; rair to gooa la mi's, fc'.r.tiii.n: good 10 cholc year ii 4.. a.. U414.', s..' fuir to Q4id vearnng. l4.Mi..l; good to cholc wether, t4.1u4j .; lair to good wethers, n.H4Vo4.1i; good lo choice ewe,. n.SMiJ.lw; lair to gueu ev.es. lJ.uJ.i. , t'HK.tl.tl I.IVR RTOIK MARKKT ISeataad tar f aille nasi hee llraii Iloga mow. ClllCAOa. Feb. a -CATTI.B-Ra- eelpta, U head; market airong to lfto up; beeves, 4Wi4i.w; lsaa aieers. aa.isaw.ia; western alters. Il.snnj ; .On: storkera and feeiler. 13 m4i 7: cow and heifers, B it imVMI; calve. o.iiOj7 .71. MtKis iteceipts. Z4,vw neao; maraei alow: light, 4r.r it; muni. H heavv, m.lOB ; rough. Mt .; pigs, H XKi; iiulk of aalea, K iVrt li. KIIKKH AND I.AMIIM- Hecelpts. 10 wro head; market atrong to liv up; native, riwHW; weatern, UvirtH."; yearling. H iMiiK.Ti; Iambi, nallv, H4WB.lw; weal rn, rl 77.W. HI. I.aals Live mock Market. BT. liOI'18. Feb. a.-CATTI.B-fle. eel pi a, t.J0 head. Including 301) Tesans; market ateaisy and lac liisner: nauva shipping and esport steera, ..iSi4jii.i40; dressed and butchar ateera. lo.:sua.i; stockara and feeders, !3 Mi.tw; cowa and he fera. K 1MH.W. rannera, 7.vii4.w; bulla. BMll.;); calves, la lMr.; Tessi and Indian steera, swjr,.iu. cuws ana brifer. u ()( wi. llot-Heceipis, i.o nesar market o Ke higher; piss and llglita. Ii,iiuo4.4j. mixed and hulchers, H.JusjS.uO, good beavy. M.404S4.1O, HIIKKP AND UA M U KeCeiPlS. a.lsw head; market steady; native mutton, ll.7MM.6i; lamba, ae4t4J.6u; culls gnd bucks, ll.avtil.Xi; atockers, fi.ntui.im. ' Kaaaaa Ulr l ive ktoek Market. KANSAS OITT. Feb. a.-CATTI-K- R4elpla, J.KW head. Including tuts south erns; market stesily to strong; calves Jta higher; dreaaed beef and export steera, ta.ei.uu; rair to gooa. .oiu.i; W4viern nteer. Milr7.aO: Blockers and feeders. U southern steers, su.w trS26; southern cowa. .oottt.uo; nauva cowa, U .j,vS; native heifers, M wtjii.?!, hulls 14lun'L40: calvea. a4.tsttr7.Ia. lilHiB Heceipta, ltJ.uo neao; mars.es stesdy; bulk of sales. H.lOos. J5; heavy, as 7U4ii.2;S; psrkrrs and butchers, 4.lliT 136; lights, o.7il.3); pigs. M MStae-lO. KHKhl AM i.aiihb isaceiSMS, s.w head: market HMTl.V higher; lain ha, KU14 .W; yearling. i4.754itS0; wethers, H.'Oil 4ia; ewes, 4-v l"4.iw. aiocavr auu seew ers, $niiJ.7a. at. Joseph Live mark Market. BT. JOSF.PH. Mn.. Feb. JJ.CATT US- Receipts l.M Lead: market ateady to strong: steers, Vi.2mT4.is; rowa and nail crs. :.&ii.!iO: calves. (IMV. ti. HOUtsKecelpia, ,vv neao; market steady to strom; top, S 3i; bulk of sales. fV0Mfll. ItllE.e.l' AIM LjAMrK rtaeeipiB, PM head: market steady to strong; lambs, it.uir144, 0 1 stack la slaot. ' neoelDts of llva stock at the tlva Piin. clpal western margeia yeataraay:- bailie, nogs, eneep. South Omaha 111. Joseph Kansas city St. Louis .Chicago I.3U4 ki,HM Ji.WO IS u 1 . ri 4 a W 14 ,111 111 . U4 1 14 !"'.144i I B , "K" CAXVEiJL .... 171 I IS I ...... ... 144 4 M 1 IM 4 M ( .... US) 4 M I....... 1 M I II bT04- Kr.rU AND FESDKRfl, S4 4 4 14 41, U 4 SJ7 4 !... 741 I S 1 St 4 M I I 14 " 4)4 4 M JJ 4 M 7.... . 4SI I 3 1 74a I as l M4 4 M .... . 711 I SI r M 4 M 4 mis U 4M 7 S4 14 U 4 4 M 14. M I a t...... 4M I m II 1 I l!..- 411 I U II 171 i 74 St..... 441 i M I. ISM I -.SBS IS iUJM-A higher hr surkt any aatriaiMil clitsXiy ar srupous and imc bkuvr. lapered oil letw a steady l.-a aa mm aa eolaicS aupteex was) wiiiiX-aWTS. 1U4 a HiUs ai. isaa wa don Curing (IK rasaal' a: figisro Sin hlgkr. salt 1 4-Jr Mesel tier tULpsweal sat id ' by svsjnrg . Tba deasaad oa jnui- iiciaiii did asM exniolt aiarab kit s.iul wail eMivg toward U o'oiock, r. buyers kegaii la operate ta ialsureiy tasrSun at scscaa n higher thaa thoae le'4 ) 47 area y tor larger dioves. Uanatiai ware tnziy large, exceeding iV Iseasl. aad Ksrvernesu of bulk waa riec. raw lllng ia a lata eiaau-anu. Out- ereera oailed (or fully thtrty-flv sVaaa of varMsia wetghta. aotnastblnc Uke na fiith e the total aupply. Bast hsavry bo7 sale or aught MX, M tvsnparad svUh r)tariay 'a lop of 43a. l, SO i.lM) l.MS) IV.ISW 4.W) 7.340 iv.ful . BUI Zi.UM I1.UV Totals UsSoa Stock Market. Ixindon closing stock prices: Mawls, BMasf . 71 I KUalavllla 474 KMa..lU a acswsst 7l.vlo., Ks. & ii -74. .Ml. 4j4fisr MSNew York .elrsi..ll41 AK4IOS4 l4bMflk a Wislers.lllv Aubuws .....les-, 4 ., w aa i4 w.otiurMi a westers. 1) Wisconsin. D a'-ei.tsS; Michigan and Mln nrsuta. ti Nil W POCL.TRY Firm: turkeya. live. IJc; turkey, dressed. 1SV; chickens, live, 13c; chickens, dressed, 14c; aprtogs, live, 14c; apringa. dressed, 14c. YEAl-teady at 7tfllc OMAHA SKKEBAI. MARKET. BITTER Xtx. 1. l-lb. cartona, e: No. 1. la HVlb. tubs, 2'c. Ko. 1 74c; packing. 30c. ("HF.EPB-lmported Bwlaa. 13c; Ameri can Swim, 2 ; block Hwlaa, sve; twins. Jsc; daisies. 3Dc; triple is, zSc; young AmerStas. lie; blue abel brick, BCi Urn serger, 3-lb, 1sc; l-lb.. 30r. POl'LTHY Broiler. fcultr. par dox, springs, sic: hens. 14c: cocks, SOr; ducks. SMjsTlc; geese, lie; turkeys, 23c; plgeoaa, per dot.. 11.3a. Alive, broilers. USc; bens, lobe; old rooster and stags, Sc; old ducks, full feathered, lie; geese, full feathered. lr; turkeys, 14c; guinea, fowls, 360 eact; pigeons, per do., 40c; homer, per do.. il.aO; squabs. No. 1, ll.M. No. t. fcsj. FISH (fresh frosens-Mckerei,7c; white, 10c: pike. 7c: trout. 11c: large crapplea. 12 Jrl&c; bpaniah mackerel. 7c; eel. ic; had docks, Uc, floundeis, ra... greea caniah. lie, roe aiiad, W each; shad roe. per pair. Mc: aalmoi. 13c; halibut. Nc; yellow perch, tc; buffalo, SV; bullheada, Uc Ucr.F-Hlbs. No. 1, i:c. No. 2. 1314c; No. i. llrSt. Loins. No. 1.' lw; No. 3, lic; No. 1, llc. Chucks, No. 1, ic, No. 3. 77ac; No. 3, Ihc. ltounda. No. 1, lWc; No. f, ic; No. i. sc. r'lates. No. 1. iyc; No. Z. .; No. 3, fsc FRUITS, tlC. Apple, extra fancy Ben liavia. per bbl., Jonathan, per bbl.. M j: fancy Wlnesapa, per bbl., Kul, fanty Missouri Pippins, per bbl.; 13.au. fancy Ganoa, per bbl., H , Idaho Jona than, extra fancy, per box. U 'J. Waah- uiklon cpiuenberg, per box, 4V.4W, svasli liiglou K. Ueeuty. per box. au-is); Wsaa- Ington Hlaman Wlneeaps, per box, t aU. liunana. iancy aeiect. per buncn. 52.4fii IM. Jumbo, per bunch, tUoejl. ,'e. Cran berries. Wisconain fancy, per bbl.. IW Ji. per box. Iltii. Dales, Anchor brand, new, M l-lb. pkgs.. In boxes, per box. Dromedary brand, new, 30 l-lb. pkgs. in box, per box, ISU Figs, California, per case of 13 No. 13 pkg., asc; per case of M So. a pkga $Lw. bulk, lo 3a and ao-lb. boxes, per ib UK; new lurklah, a-crown. In liv-lb. boxes, per lb. lie; t-crawa. In JO-lb. boxes, per lb., lc; 7-crown, in - lb. boxes, per lb.. I.e. Urapetrull. Florida. 46-14 slsea. pr crate, li.su; av-4-4 aue. ixr crate, ie.tsaja.il. Orapea, alaiaiia, lo bbls., 4V44Va4.ua. Lemons, Llmoneira se lected brnnd; extra fancy Us) six, per boa, 14.011; Loma Llraoneira, fancy, axst tm slses. Per box, l6.tW; 34 and sAi slsea. iuc per box less, Oran4a. California Ca- muia brand, navels, extra, fancy, 44-131- li.v-l.V3iw-314.Zsl alios, per box. I3.: exira choice, ail slsea, per box, li.si, x.lcphaiii brand, all nxea, par box, $3..sli V tiJtTABUtJ - cabbage. Wisconsin. per lb., sc. Clry, Califuniia Jumbo, per Jos., 11.00. cucumbers, iiuinouse, per Sua. !2-i. Kggplant. (ancy Florltia, per dux.. 43.11. uarlic, extra iancy. wnit. per lb., slo. Lettuce, extra fancy leaf, per doe., tic. Onions, California, white, boiling, pel lb., 7c, Wisconsin, yellow U.obe. pr lb., ac; red Uiobe, per lb., 3Vrc; atpanibh. per crate, II. M. parsley. Iancy auuthern. per dos. bunches, iutiiic. Polatcea, Mlnneauta tsrly Ohio, per bu., 11.40; WiKonain, whit stock, per bu., Lti; In lO-sack lota, io less. Hutabagaa, In sacks, per lb., lSc. Tomatoes, Florida, par 4-baS. crate, tv. Cuban, per t-bsk. carrier, IH iu. MltK'ELLANr;uU8 Almonds, TBrra- gone, per lb., !!. In sack lots, lu less. Cooesnuts, per sack, lo.iAi. Filberts, oer lb., 14c; In sack lois, lo lass. Peanuts, roasted, per lb., 7Sc; raw, per lb., sc. Pecan, large, per lb., 17e; In sack lots, lo a. Walnuts, nsw crop, mil, caillornia. par lb., 17c; In sack lots, lo less, cities, new Nahawka, par tt-gaL 1 bbl., fc.uu, per sv-gal. bbl., Ii.it); Nsw tork Mutt', par U-gal. H-bbL, It-SD; per 3D gal. bbL, law. Houey, new, 34-Iramua, 13.1a. Krsui, per la-gal, sag, as-iw; per s-gai. sag. ilii. Spanish Veterans . to Have Bean Supper All veteran of tha Bpaniah war and Philippine Insurrection who served from April H, IMS, lo July t. VM, sra Invited by Camp L Forby No. 1, Bpaniah War Vstel-sns, to be tha camp's guests at a bean and hardtack supper and stag smoker Haturday night oa the third floor ol tha Paxton block. iRAY DOCUMENTS TURN UP Killing- Record Found is Paper of Franklin BelL USED TAFT HXCOMMUiDAnOS Major Ordered t Phillpplae at Osi blxpease byRaaBevelt aad Afterward Heat Bark aa Basse Ceadltlea. WASHINGTON, Feb. -Some of the documents In the, caue of Major Beecher b. rtay. wnicn were said to be missing from th War department files, were turned up today and sent to the Helm committee by Secretary BUmson, who said the paper had been found In Borne personal eft" acta of J. Franklin Bell, for merly chief tf staff of the army. Tha committee had already subpoenaed General Tasker H. Bllsa, who was said to have copies of tha documents. Major Ray, who Is an army paymaster, has been under fire before the committee on charges of political actlvlilea, particu larly about the time of the Chicago con vention of 11, which nominated Presi dent Tafl. The records show that Major Ray, when under investigation in tba Philippines on charges of signing a false certificate) used a character recommendation from Mr. Taft, then president-elect; that on an other occasion Kay was ordered to th Philippines at his own expense by Presi dent Roosevelt and that later h was ordured back to the L'nlted cTtates at his own sxpense by General Bell, who cabled that Ihe order was "by direction." By whose direction is not disclosed In the record and the committee considers call ing General Bell. After Kay bad been on leave from the Philippines) before the convention of UuS, General Bell ordered him back to the Islands, wrota General Funston at Ban Francisco that President Roosevelt had directed him (General Belli to authorise Ray to sail on a Pacific, liner. PRICE AND QUALITY WELL MAINTAINED IN HOG MARKET CINCINNATI, p., Feb. tt-48peclal Telegram.) Plies Current aa) a th sup ply of hogs tor market Is being wall maintained, aa also th quality of atock In arrival Total western slaughtering waa l.m hogs, compared with 714.0W live preceding week and MS.IK0 two week ago. For a corresponding time last year tha figure was 106,(100 and two years ago liO.ooo. From November 1 the total waa 11,146.000, against , 190,000 a year ago, an Increase of i.K&OCi) hog. Prominent places compare as follows from Novem ber 1 to February a: !!ll-i;. Chicago Kansas City Bouth Omaha 8t. Louie Ht. Joseph Indianapolis Milwaukee Cincinnati Otlumwa, la , Cedar Rapids, la.. Bloux city. la. St. Paul. Minn Cleveland, U ...t.t.o.ui) ...,l.S0i) .... ir&.imt) ..... sW.OM .... iiio.OU) .... .... M.a .... !XMt .... 233.0U) .... M.V .... DC.K4) .... SfO.llO .... 331). tax) St. Louis Sales Girl Sues St. Onge Clerk DEADWOOl. S. I).. Feb. S. Balm lo her broken heart lo the extent of la asked by Anna Lucy Ballmaa. a sales girl In 8t. Louts Mo., ia a breach of prom ise suit Tiled In the circuit court here to day against Floyd 1. Headlee. a bank clerk of St. Crge. this county. According to the complaint Headlee be came engaged over two years ago to the girl and broke It last December. He Is the son of J. C. Headlee. president of the St. Onge State bank, and Is 49 years old. Caaarll Blofts Predar Market. The following quotations, snowing price paid to producers, are corrected dally by William Hlggeson. city weigh master, for publication In The Bee: CcTi.")aiac per bu.; wheat. 95r per hu.: oats. 4ksn7c per bu.: hay loose), i14.TStr li. per ton; alfalfa (looeei, tlt.iX17.v per ton. Kearney Runaway is Caught in Omaha The last of four boys who escaped over a month ago from the State Industrial school at Kearney, was captured In Omaha last night by Superintendent C. a Manuel. Th lad was Roy Slack. The other boys have been captured various parts of the state. Superintendent Manuel came to In vestigate the case of an Omaha boy whose parents had moved to Council Bluffs recently. After Investigating ha declared the boy, who had a Rood job, was "all right," but "his parents are to blame." Mr. Manuel believes that fre quently boys are sent to Kearney when their father and mother ought to be punished Instead. The key 10 success la Business hi th Judicious and persistent use of newspaper advertising. , TO BE HAPPY A PERSON MUST BE WGOOD HEALTH Thousands Do Hot Live, bat Simply Exist Because of Plague. J. T. TrT '-T GIVES SOME FACTS Tell ( Saw's (oaditloa aad Says He Tried Maay Way to Heatore HI Health, bat Failed I atll He Tried er Teair. Th key to success In business Is th persistent and Judicious use of newspaper advertising. fpREAM of Rye for the morning meal starts the dav rifirht Tastes eood different from the oatmeal you are tired of no soggy overplus of starch. Four times u nutritious aa corn Cakes and every spoonful tasty, satisfying morsel. Cream of Rye e.a.44 iv wsvri ur Al 1SU JuJ, ,iu- 4SVt 11 a-wr-a nfciwin Science wane antes! resdv prsiwrsd fisida fun of dM4 and germ, Cr4sa ol Kre Blast be rooked, therefore Ss el wars wboltemne. litres sire rifts Wilboat tsxlnr the sloiaarli breaOM mad of waoSs rve lbs perfi-ct loud. 80IS. esstl? dirested flakr roll of the kind of dob run. mens thai alalia foe feel good. Sweeten and vitalise tbe entire iliS'-atlra tract. Fine for hrrakfat-lao make the beat rookie, iilTsna aad Bras. Cellar lata it. Ask teCnaMafsMim sneer. U4M h). rnis sanasoflM apaoswmus nsu cess jam mot tnss sms i , V 1 1 J St us bbsb. KwssiisMhla 1W atw sscset tfrra II aasrs. I i 4yfl ,Tivi4 S'S 1 :- Wihf -re' V4BM- ,-7- I " ; 7r&t ,ea vssxiiji,sra4a) ''i ii' i "brisiSa HEN you go to the automobile show, make a point of looking at the Mitchell exhibit; go there first or last, or whenever you please; but see it. hi - r You'll see for yourself the reasons for buying a Mitchell; they're all in the car, not merely in the things we say about it; they're YOUR. reasons as much as ours. "To be happy you must be In good health." said one of tha siiedalists who were In Omaha for the purpose of In troducing the remarkable new tonic, "Tona Vita," recently. "Tel.". continued he, "there are thousands and thousands of people In all large cities like Omaha who do not live, brrf simply exist, and are not happy on account of 111 health. Lead ing the life of excitement that most peo ple lead, there Is little wonder lhat the modern filagiie, nervous debility, has not i even more In its grasp. I "Few understand the nature of nervous -debility. They just don't know what Is wrong with them. Unmindly of results ! many go carelessly along, never taking lime to realise Just how serious their condition may be. "Chief among the symptoms 0f debility are nervousness, sleeplessness, stomach anil bowel troubles. Imperfect digestion, poor circulation, cold feet, headaches, backaches, iisilessness, despondency. "It Is only during the past few years that there has been sny apparent awaken ing to a realisation that some means for fighting thus dreaded disease must he found, but the effects of that awakening are felt today. I "The reports from those who have taken I this new tonic. Tona Vita.' have proven I that this malady may be relieved. During j tlie last couple of weeks of our stay In I Omaha," continued the specialists, "we j had hundreds of people come to us for the sole purpose of telling us how happy ! they are sinco they have regained their ! heslth through the use of this new tonic." -I Mr. J. T. Blair, of ll'H Douglas St., this city, made the following statement re- cently. "My son has been In a nervous, i run down condition lor some time. His j blood was in a very bad condition snd his i circulation was poor. He slept poorly and his sleep did him little good. Ills condl i tion grew gradually worse. He hss tried Imsny different kinds of remedies, but I without relief. "When J came here a few weeks ago." continued II r. Blair. "I got a bottle of (this Tona Vita.' but doubled very much If It would help him. He began taking It regularly and we wera pleasantly sur prised at the quick results. The first dose benefited Mm and every day he has become stronger and better. Now after a week's treatment he Is In better condi tion than he hss been for years. I can not speak too highly of this tonio and hops It will benefit many othen as It hss my son." The following druggists have the agency for "Tona Vita:" Sherman at MrConnell Drug Co., 161 Ii and Dodge Hta; Owl Drug Co.. 16th and Harney Sta. ; Harvard Pharmacy. 24tb and Farnam 8ts.. snd the Loyal Pharmacy, VI- North th Bt Ads'. Balttawre A OSl..)4)lP4iB4vlTSBi .. Caaalua rat'Uii ..lisllasl Sitae ... 4Mtke 4 uats. iZ';lcaUBs Chi. lrt Wsnsib. ia Boatbsr ay ... I.U.. MIL A St. F.I47U. 4a f4 Best -. 74 soauMr rarine IMotsr 4 HI O. .. llJalnlaa Partite a 14 4 H ., grte 11.". StMf..... a 1st N nit 4 ta M I4 43 Wskask Orssl Trssk , e (4 lU4Ml4i 4-sslrsl US Mi.vr.it war. z s-ita per ounce. VUiNKY-3 per cent. The rale of discount In the open mar ket for short hilla Is 34 per cent: for three months' bills, t 7-lCia3 per cent. , u .. 4 .. 71 ... US ... Ill, ...11414 ,..1414 .. M ... 41 ...111 ... TV. .. u Uverpeol 4rmlw Market. TJVERPOOU Feb. ft WllKAT-SnoL ateady; No. 1 Manitoba, Sa 7Hd; No. t, ia ISd; No. 3, 8 4d: future, mum; March, 7s Kkl: May. 7s 4d: July, 7 4d. CORN spot American' mixed, new, kiln dried quiet; (s 7d: futures, quiet; March, i n.Vd; May, ia llSd. Kassaaa City Tradae Market. KANSAS Cirr, Feb, 22. BI'TTER creamery. SSc; firsts. 24c; aeconds, 33c; packing stock-, tic. EUOd-Exuas, 30c; firsts. rSc; seconds, Wc. Oasaha Hay Market. OMAHA. Feb. SX HAT No. J. $14 44: Ka t f)l t: rarse. 1134: packing atock, r.tJ.: SJfa fa. 314 Straw: Wheat, K.j. rye and oats. K.WtM. wal Market. BT. IX:l;l3. Mo., Feb. 22. WOOL Steady; territory and weatern medium. mrUu; fine emdiums. li17c; fine, Mbiic. thsraa Pradaew Market. BtTTER No market Efum No market, CHr8B-eXeady; daisies. 171,ff 7c: twins. iSvI7e; young Americas, 17V e ITSfc: long horns, 17it17V. JVTATOKS-Steed) ; receipts, 27 cars; WI. !,. 7l).( SlS.flllr) tfu.ino swi.aw 3K..00 191.1100 l.Ji.i") 173.WB) 27.0S 3rin.lW0 :40.OO0 Isws Neeva lalea.- NKVA DA While attending church last nlghl, Mr. Thea gunn, aged 71, of Ituland. was atiicken with apoplexy snd died before ah could be removed to her horn. .4 I XJ AN-With th resignation to fake effect March 31. Rev. J. T. Baker, pastor of the Presbyterisn church of l.ogn. will accept a call In Illinois. Kv. Mr. Baker cam to lgn In 1910. OTTUMWA-VVlliram F. Hunting, ell known here, and secretary of the Ol tumwas Young Men'a Christian associa tion, has resigned to accept a similar position at Cedar Rapida. , HUMN RR Mr. and Mrs. William Dick inson, who were among the earliest sett ler In th county, yesterday celebrated the fiftieth anniversary of their wed ding. They were married In Ldgerton, v., in li 'KNISON-Iir. ! M. Coon, one of the leading physicians of this county, and a member of the city council, returned today from a tour extending over four mouths around the world. He was ac companied by his wife, boy of 4 year and a niece. MARWHALLTOK'N-Whlle despondent over financial troubles, Richard Kloppen borg, aged as, a farmer of near Melbourne, commit led suicide by shooting himself. Placing the mussle of m shotgun in his mouth, he pulled the trigger with a forked stick. His widow and two small children survlvo him. BITRUNGTON-A moat Important In dustrial move was made at Burlington yesterday when a company of local eapi tnlists incorporated to take over the necessary power from the MISBisalppt River Power company at Keokuk to fur nlh all the need for eiectrlcal energy in the city for years to come. CBBSTON-Tneodor Wall, editor of the Osceola Democrat, ha announced bis candidacy for the democratic nomination lor cuogreasman of the bigluh district. It has been expected by the deraorrata that ex-Con4rresmari Jamleeon of Shen andoah would announce himself for the nomination, but up to the present time he has nSt. and It s now almost conceded h will not. MAKSHALLTOWN Busby Brothers, the oner and leases of a line of theaters In Iowa anal llllnola. today In corporated their buslneas here under the name of The Busby Theatrical company. The brother are W. L. Busby. Qulncy. 111.; K. R Busby, Iubu.Ue. and A. J. Busby. Waterloo. They own and lease theaters In Waterloo, Marshaiitown, Oska looaa. Clinton. CTeston. ' Orinnell and IVrry, la, and tjulncy. 111. . .... 4 XT U.H. . ,-4 1 Star, neighbors and friends Joined with the relatives In paying tribute to th ! memory' or n llliam H. Rogers, whose funeral took place here yesterday after noon at the Preebytefian church. The music was unusually fine and the floral tributes from the lodge. Presbyterian 8unday school. Christian Kndeavor. pub lic school ami business firm of ljOun were numerous as well as beautiful. 7-passenger Mitchell-six, 6 cylinders, 60 horse power, fore doors, tires . 36x4 y,. Price equipped $2,250. . "V 4-passenger Mitchell thirty, 4 cylinders, 30 horse-power, fore doors, tires 32x3 Ji. Price equipped $1,1 So. 5-passenger Mitchell-six. 6 cylinders, 48 horse power, fore doors, tires 36x4. Price equipped $1,750. r 5-passenger Mitchell thir ty, 4 cylinders, 30 horsepower, fore doors, tires 34x4. Price equipped $1,350. 2-passenger Mitchell runabout, 4 cylinders, 30 horse-power, fore doors, tires 32x3 J. Price equipped $950, Mitchell-Lewis Motor Company Mitchell Motor 2050 Farnam Street, Company Omaha, Neb. XUl tvmawxxnml ariU apptar in Ihit paptr tat mc4. We 'Have Underwritten and Now Offer for Subscription any part of $750,000 Par Value Common Stock of th Ozark Power & Water Company ith $1,500,000 Par Value Cumulative 695 Pfd Stock ) (with Dividends Guaranteed) r of tha Electric Bond Deposit Company for $1,500,000 in Cash Sabaotiptioiu pavablo SO per cent, with reserratioa and baUocs) not more than 30 per cent, pec month. Si!)3criplloa will dose at Noon March 1st, 1912 Full information on request Application may be made through your banker or broker, or direct to Henry L. Doherty & Co., Bankers 60 Wall St. . New York The purpose of this public offering is primarily to broaden the market (or the outstanding stacks of thesa companies and to interest small investment buyers. Telegrams of inquiry may be sent at our expense. ALWAYS THE SAME GOOD OLD l" iiiinra ,11 zSm 3 BnBaaaarV. fTiFlaMsni A beverage that should have a part In the household supplies. Its tonic and food properties are a valued domestic asset. BLATZ COMPANY aea-sionisiii . .1, nai.Ba. Mil. Pavaasii tfmglmMn Automobile Show cars make you ponder whether you had better get rid of that last season 's model and buy one of those bright, new ma chines. Certainly those new motors are an im provement over last year's, and they'll make a splendid machine for this summer. The old car cannot compare with the new ones at the big show, and you cannot deceive yourself into believing that it does. If you wish to get rid of It and gather in a deal of money to apply on one of the new, handsome machines, just let a Bee want ad help you. List your bargain car in the classi fied columns and it will reach an Immense number of people who have great buying ability. Try an ad in The Bee for a short time. No need to come here yourself; just phone Tyler 1000 THE OMAHA BEE .Tints nothing but clean new i4.udxclean advertising. TV J 4 v V A.