Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 22, 1912, Page 4, Image 4

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Sherlocko the Monk
The Adventure of the Surprising Eansom
Copyright 131?. National Nts Association
By Gus Mager
I TH ?Afta IS AT l
UlAfiV ArLAVih.eoe.i
Let a. ' I
"leave so ooo7ftMA loonf
IN A miNK. BY J VjgS '.J
in . riru,
u. tK me
in cu Mia. too cam hide
Mv (E-r-ss-H L V T" ::i
. ft I . II Efc tTOUOHOO I 3H I I I : I III I C i . fl
m! SsW ' jES ' I TlK.-r'A l b. II . m.
j You Didn't FicUrgI,
Nebraska Basket Ball Five Defeats
Drake, 33 to 15.
Be Malwee flaitn Shaw Mark
Speed) la rin Half, bat rail '
Vlad Basket la ths
DK8 MOI.NE8. Feb. B.-In a hotly con
tested ram of buto tall Nebraska uni
versity defeated Drake university km
ihl afternoon by a cor of a la IS. hf
erecka's tact rioor work and accuracy la
finding th basket won for them In
Drak showed conslderabl speed Iff
tlx first half, but talM to find Iba baikt
la lb second. Ths tarn with Nebraska
tomorrow will close Drsks's iiiin. Ne
braska baa m avary (am played this
mm sad goes to Amas Friday.
Metal Garage is .
Shown at the Show
f Th . ' 'rkland-Wk'en " company of
limaha on exhibit an th (tag of
Im Audi lot lum a nlnlatur "Pruden -tsnV
metal garage, a small reproduction
of ths one that may bs seen on tha south
Ida ot Farnam street, at Twenty-first
Tha company hands aat a circular which
has tha following to say about garage:
"All car ara spproilmstaly at fast
wMa, Tbay ram Irsra taa la aiatasa
fast loasj. If yeu atniply want to bouas
It. taa faat la wtd enough, and two fsot
lagr tha a your ear (with top down)
It long enough. If. you wowM Ilka to put
la all tank and parhapa work bench,
and havs room snough to work around
lasld tha building, twslv ta fourtaaa
taa wtd to barsassr.' and four ta six
fst bblnd your car.
f - - - v.'' ; 111 ? - "
KOMK, Alaska. Hb. tl- Tha annoal
'"Salomon derby for dog tosms. alxty-flvs
'-snttas, from Noma to tho Bolomoa rtvar
d ratam, drar tha saaw draM. wlU ba
Crun tomorrow undar axosllant conditions
"nd wltk rg list ot antrtas. Tha tam
ptoratur today Is N dagraa balow aaro.
nw rac la for a purs of
- ' pvtar Tbrawa Daakar.
fPAPMXION. Kfo.. rb. IWdpoclat
alagram.) Chrls Paters of this city
Jlaat night look two stralrht fails from
tCbarlea Uovkar of Colorado la km than
ran hour. Roth man ara In tha heavy,
weight da. Patera weighed In at 1W
-pouads and Decker at lilt
W.H.McCordBuys' ;
Lexington' "Six"
. ' Roadster afShbw
' ' : i r .. a
About the quickest sale of ths many
recorded tbla week at .the AutoraobU
show wa the on mad at i o'clock
.rVrdaasday aflerneoa. when ,W. 1 1. Mo
Cord, president of the McCord-Brady
company, purchased a - langtoa "Mix"
roadsted of K. R. .Wlloo. Mr. Wilson
bad a modal on. tba . floor which has
paused great- comment all the week. It
Is the property of Harold Horstsr aad
will be delivered when the show closes.
Mr. McCord saw tb car Wednesday,
xaaed ot It from all angles, aked the
price and how quickly bus could be de
livered, - He hi en of the leading auto
mobile enthusiasts of Omaha and, of
course, was already familiar -with the
mailt of tha car. t'poa receiving the
laforraattoa ha gars hi eroer. specifying
a mareoa body with cream tolorad
wheel. Tb car Is t be a present to
bis son. J, a. McCord, snd will bo de
livered in April, ,
It's Hard to Select
Average Man's Car
Tb "avarags maw I a great deal Ilk
"rumor say." Owe never meets him.
aad yet kla Influence Is fait everywhere.
Not long ago a man wanted to get an
"average mas a car." me than the
dealer has ha trying ta find out just
what features should ba combined la tb
Ideal oar of the avaraga man.
"It seems to me." sss a Chalmers ef
tidal, "that Us avaraga man requires,
first, service at a medium price. Tb
avaraga man cannot afford to pay ex.
orbltantry for service, because, t him,
a motor car hi mora a necessity than a
luxury, lie buy It iscaass he baa in
for a aar, aad It Is tb last thing be does
buy. In he does not spend ths money
until ss absolutely needs ta hav a motor
"But whether he happens ta be using ths
oar In his business er purely for pleas
ure, be dsslres comfort aad beauty of
Una aad flnlah. .which will enable Mm to
Wold! up bis brad among owners ot high
priced cars.
"Tba average man Lake ear ef his ear
hunsslf. lis want, therefore, a oar
which I a nearly treukle-proof aa It
can ba mad, lie wants, tee, a ear with
easy adjustments and readily accessible
"But. parhapa, more thaa anything else,
he went an economical car on which Is
so designed and built that there will be
no'expeass for replacements; one which
may be maintained at a low coat of up
keep, for the average man buys hi car
to us for several seasons." H does not
wspt, and k cannot afford a new car
every yesr. and ha naturally turns to
real car which ha the highest reputa
tion tor service, eewuoeny ahd endurance."
Luxury for Drivers
. arid Passengers is
Feature of New Oars
"The most striking feature of the new
models seen at the automobU show Is
luxury." said If. K. Predrtckson. --
"I have seen most of the new ears snd
I believe that never before bav manu
facturers given so much attention to ths
matter of luxury for driver and psssen
fere. . ,
"By luxury I do not mean extravagant
fittings, but rather a general refinement
of tba whole car which gives that luxury
that la synonymous wtlh efficiency. A
careful study of ths new type ot stand
ard cars will prove my point - -
Take the Instance; of the self-starter.
This la a feature of luxury which has
been perfected for this season. In one
senes of Ihw world It Is purely a luxury,
beca uee tha driver has only to get Into
his seal, press button snd away goes
his motor, In the case of compressed air
self-atartsra there I also tb kdded lux
ury at power lire Inflater, which Is a
part of tb tarter mechanism.
"Vet three twj features certainly I ut
eres as ths efficiency ef any car which
ha them. The tlm and effort saved by
tha self-Itarter and by tb power tire
inflater add Immeasurably to tha pleas
ure of motoring.
"Teu will also find that most of ths
standard ears are now equipped with ds
sieentabl rims. In Ihla way the manu
facturer reduces to the minimum the an
aoyanc ot tlra trouble.
"Tb two original Inconvenience ot
motoring which bav survived all attacks
by designers and manufacturers up to ths
Dresent season are cranking and tlrs
trouble. Tba year 1111 marks the great
est advance In the last five year through
the development ot thoroughly reliable
sslt-startsr and tha general equipment of
the new cars wltk demountable rlma."
Expert Says Auto
Show is the Best
. 'of the Long List
"Ths Omaha Automobile show is some
how," raid Fred Jf. Coatee, vie presi
dent ot the Lexington Motor Car com
pany, who la assisting In demonstrating
ths Lexington car at ths show. ' have
attended r.rarTy every rhow In the country
thla year and none haw--1 found
largely attended, by deslers and pros
pective buyers and so well managed and
atlrativ. Then ire mora sales of ears
mads her In one day, I believe, than
there were made during the whole (how
in tlie other cities.
"Oreat credit should ba given to the
dealers for this wonderful exhibition. A!
though tha cars ahown en the floor do
not have lavender bodies with green
Pokes as did many at tha Chicago and
New York shows, you can bank that they
are of the best and Just whst ths people
In this section of the territory need.
"One ot tha astounding features of the
show Is th great enthusiasm shown by
People attending. Never before have I
seen so many peopl In this section of ths
country so greatly Interested In motor
car. - ; . -
"It used to be that a good talkative
sal en man with a large vocabulary could
get up on th floor and sell a ear to a
buyer, even though th car was a lemon.
Things bav changed. I find at this
show that what th peopl want la a
good, reliable car that they know will
land th wear and tsar. Ton can't sell
them a car by telling them th spark
plug la attached to ths rear axle. They
want tacts about the car and a car that
has mads a record la tha automobile
world for durability and can be relied
upon. And they ara finding these good
feature In th Lexington car."
Ksaelalara Beat C'reereate.
The Kicelslor baakst ball five defeated
the Walnut Mill Crescents hurt nlgnt at
th Booth Omaha Young Men's Chrlstlen
associatlon gymnasium by a eoore of H
to s. The kJ-celelore would Ilk to hear
from the at. Johns, Fort Omaha soldiera,
iu.H umIam nmaha H ah achoot
free" men. south Omaha stars. Council
FlluHs Boys' club or any team out ot
towa. Call Douglas MM ana ask torjoeech
a. tf. IM a awi ta hV aTsfUl. aUat
Moimn i.r "- - -
North Twmty-n-tli artwt. ,
The Imperial Vulcanizer
Imperial Vulc&nlxer creates a sensation. .
Most op-to-date Vnloaaiier oil the mij-ket.
Portable. Perfect repairs at low cost,
. Economic euid efTfcient. A
, Eeadj for use anj time, anywhere.
' Instantly appeals to the nier. '
Answers a long felt want. , '
Let us show it to you.
The rWPEKIAIe VTJLCAltlZZE eliminates the old-time use of cement and add.
We furnish a specially prepared rubber for patching to be used as per directions. See
figures 1 and 2.
RtralR NUBtt
Ts resaw ssailsnl W.
gssig avSN -To
repair mat in tern tab.
APPLICATION. Place the tube centrally between the two plates of the vulc&niser;
fasten securely with the thumbscrews. .
-tc A
I wot
VULCANIZATION. The gasoline is placed in pronged receptacle and ignited. A
perfect vnlcanuation is completed in 15 minutes.
THZ IMPZBIAL EZPAIS KIT, comprising Imperial Vulcaniser, Gasoline Gauge and
Cloth, Shears, Emery Paper and specially prepared Hubber sufficient for 40 punctures,
complete for
Extra repair rubber, cm giz and quantity, 25c pw nit
The IVIcGravv Tire and Rubber Co.
Manufacturer " ' East Patettine, Ohio
'4 by
Comfort is Now the
Big Feature of Auto
Charles T. Jetfery, "president of j the
Thomas B. Jetfery company, maker of
Rambler motor cara u uki- -v..
that th mechanlam ef th motor car has
Become so tanda raised, what la ths most
Important thins1 demanded hv min -.
owners!" Mr. Jsffery said, "tJotnfort U
ins ining demsnded by the motor car
buyers of today."
In the daatm Af tl B nmmm
Country comfort had torsmost considera
tion. For a long time many designers
fait that with properly flexible springs
Ml that was a eras as ry to provMs com
fort bad been don. Spring ara only a
starting point. Wheel basse have been
lengthened. That of ths Cross Countrv
I lJ- inches. Formerly thla annmJl.
matsd what was provided for seven -pa -enger
cars. Ths bodv la buna ia .
Uiat tb car win carry steadily, avoiding
side sway and giving to th passenger
a feeling of greater security. The seats
are lower than they used ta be.
GIBBON. Neb.. Feb H.-o-oeclaLV-
A special meeting ot tba -Ulbboa Cem-
mercial club ems held at th club rooms
. -i . . . .
wrar vnuog, ro eonsiaer tb
matter of eerurlng th locatloa ot one
or more demonstration farm in th
vicinity of Orobon-'
In connection with ths agricultural
extension work of the state unlveraltr
It Is proposed to establish in a raw
eounlls of th stats ten demonstration
farms, thee farms to ba operated
by th owner under super-trial on ot
trsined experts In farm management
sent out by th department ot farm
management of tbe university.
The department ot farm management
at tb university will employ men who
are graduates of ths agricultural college
and proficient in their prospective lines
ot work to spend tbe spring, summer,
and fall in demonstration work on these
'arsis euperlntendlng, advising good In
Instructing ths operator ot the farm In
farm management.
Three farms must be owned at mm.
sled by men who ere willing to follow
in msiructtona an take th advlc ot
tb demonstrators.
After a thorough discussion of th
matter. It wa th unanimous senti
ment at th members of th club that
an effort should bs sssd to secure tb
oration of on or mors ef these demon
stration farms in tbe vicinity ef Gibbon
and of tea In Buffalo.
As this matter ot securing the loca
tloa of tea of the demonstration
farms In Buffalo county is to be pre
sented for eonaideratbMa ta. tH Van.
Commercial club on February St, by Mr.
rrana u. oaell. secretary ef tbe Rural
Ufa commlrslon, Mr. W. H. Buck, pres
ident of the club, annoiiited aa a ami.
mlttee on tha part of th crab to attend
I tbe meeting , at Kearney on F'ebrusry
8: D. A. Lynch. 3L D. Marsh. Boy
Ilaak and & C. Basse tt.
Yark Wlsw trans Perm.
YORK. Neaw Feb. Special -LaTt
veamg th basket hall team at the Peru
Normal played Tork college. Tbe score
wss n to 11 m favor ot Tork college.
j A Pteaoaat gaepelo
! follows th first done ot Dr. King" a New
I Ufa Pills, th painless regulators that
i strengthen you. Guaranteed. Sc. For
Beaton Drug Co. -
Intimation Decision Will Come
Down in Time for Filings,
Legality at New Plan of Gems.
meat Say Be Defermlard la
Advance at Primary
Beatrice Will Join.
d'ront a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN. Feb. 11. -(Special Telegram.)
Ths case to test th validity of the
Omaha commission form of government
may be tiled Friday. The Judge of th
supreme court have Indicated that It the
oase Is filed then and th briefs are ready
It can ba argued the same day and sub
mitted to the court.
The court Intimates that If th hearing
la expedited a decision may be expected
In ample time to permit filings for ths
primary, which would be an important
matter in rase the court held against the
legality of the commission form, for no
filings have been or may be mad for city
office under the present charter as long
as the law I effective. .
The court also Indicated that other
dtles which are Interested In th same
question may be heard at the same time
tha Omaha ease Is argued and under this
ruling. It Is said. O. B. Krltslnger of
Beatrtc will appear. '
The case arises out of refusal of City
Clark Dsn Butler -of Omaha to file- ths
nomination papers ot a candidate fortify
clerk on the ground that under the com
mission form there Is no such office.
Walter V. Hoagland ot North PlaUa
has filed aa a, republican candidal for
senator for the Twenty-fifth district.
oculists Havs CaadldatrV
There were Indications today that ths
social lata will soon bav a candidate In
th field for submission at tha primary.
Trier bav been no tilings by that party
up ta date, but a gentleman was- la the
Secretary ot state's effic today obtain
ing blanks and asking how to proceed to
get a name on th ticket.v " '
A. T. , Gatewood ot Chase . county has
filed a- populist petition asking to have
f his name placed on the primary ballot as
a candidate for secretary of state.
IL O. Taylor ot Merrick county today
formally entered the contest a a repub
lican candidate for railway commissioner.
His filing has been anticipated for some
I. A. Reneau of Broken Bow has filed
at a republican candidate for elector from
the Sixth district.
Sraadlaavlaa Aid Society Meets.
Ml.NDKX. Neb.. Feb. Jl.-4Hpecial.r-
Ths Scandinavian Mutual Aid- association
held Its annual meeting today. 8. R.
Barton, state auditor, was present The
raising ot rates waa discussed and several
propositions voted down. Th only chang
mkgo was from twelVe assessments to
on for each death during any one year.
This might make twenty-four or mere
its 'if there are aa many deaths
In one year.
Sellers. Murder 'Case
is Before Grand'Jury
LINCOLN. Xeb, Feb. S -Harry BesUb.
serciag a liis sreme in the penitentiary
tor th searder ot Certes Seller, a
l a mil seas wOl be ttkns ta Vsjsmtm.
Jfch, this rftrrn on i tea the grand
Jury da gins' en tkvre what Tie krsrvs
rjbent tha crime. Heath, with b sweatn.
Keemeth Hsrsfcy. aad twa ivm nd
Weed, pleaded guilty to ds aging1 nailer
and drew life tarma In prison. ';i
Th -ptbllo sentiment,-In CnrrrV .feounly
has been Inclined to connect Eunice Mur
phy, Heath' cousin, and tb gb-rixkhont
Betters loved,' with the "crime and heath'
testimony. Is supposed' to be .wanted oo
this phase ot th case."- -,
It-id a frenerallr Tecoimixrd froth that medicine, made front rentable
ingredients are a rreat deal better adapted to the delicate human system, and
gafcr in every way, than those composed ol strong Imirieral tniiturcs and
rompoanda. Mercury, potash, arsenic, etc., which are used in u&taaulac
ture of most blood medicines, are too violent in their action, and ircrfuently
derange the system by disturbing the stomach and dfjrestfart, afWting
the bowels, and when used for a prolonged period often cause khetuna'tism.
8. S. S. is the only blood medicine guaranteed absolutely and purely vegeta
ble. It ia made entirely of roots, herbs and barks, selected for their purify
ing and healing qualities, 8. S. S. cores Rheumatism, Catarrh, Sores and
Ulcers, Scrofula, Contagious Blood Poison, and all other blood diseases;
because it cleanses and purifies the blood, and at the same time builds op
the entire system by its fine vegetable tonic effects. S. S, S. may be taken
by young and old with absolute safety, aad with the assurance that it will
cure the diseases and disorders due to an impure and poisoned blood supply,
even reaching down and removing hereditary taints. Book on the Wood And
any medical advice free to all who write - : v ' J'..-1
...... tsb tnrar specific .co' lu&yk, ca.
'Tha pries for either of three moSela Tenrlag. flv-pasaagsr Terse!., fonx-passesgeri or Boad.
ter two-peoeenfer la gieno. aot s oent mora hi aseded to seels either oar .before It la reedy
f suTforop?lWet Batansr, oaatabla rim. BI Urea, wtadshtal, Urg gas taak.
auwaaio-diuu tgnittea rMav-aad ail things nsnaUyilsMd aa extras are taclad.
Don't buy an automobile that has been forced out-of-date by the advances of enginr)ering prog.
. ress. Such depreciation amounts to much more than does the effect of wear and senrioe.
Cars not strictly up-to-the-minut in design and equipment lose value more rapidly because
of that fact than from any other cause. " . ' '
At the Automobile Show the one notable exception to the average car, in the matter of sia-
plicity, for instance, is Howard E. Coffin's latest automobile the -
New Self-Starting HUDSON "33V
a v.. ., .jvanced feature that tou will find them
in combination on no other automobiles.
It has approximately 1000 fewer parts than nas in
averse car.
It! is a quiet automobile. Every moving; part ta
thoroughly dust proof. . .
It has s Self-Starter that in thousands or teats proved
to be (S efficient and which for simplicity and ef
ficiency is typical of the rest ot th car.
It weighs but 4H pounds snd has but 13 psrts.
There is nothing complicated. . There is no great
weight to tax the motor s power, to weight the tire
and to Invite th never failing troubles that sre found
In practically all other starters.
There are no check valves to leak.
Ton won't find as simple a car anywhere as is the
HX'DSON" "35." All parts ar instantly accessible.
When attention is required by any part of the carrit
can b given without delay, extra cost or Inconvenience.
Every detail ot equipment is complete.
Easy riding springs, soft 'cushions, high grsd up
holstering and lines which make the ear as graceful
as a yacht. ' ' -'
All Mr. Coffin's esrlier cars there have been five
and all famous too have served ss models for other
If yon sre thinking of some other ear, the chances
ar it is modeled after one ot Mr. Coffin's earlier de
signs. His cars have always Set th pace. That is why
you run great risk in buying any other automobile
today. '
Think what yoo lose when, next year the then car
rent model of the car you now think weH of Is" mads
to conform to the principles thst are introduced In th
HUDSON "33." . ,.""."-'
Same Price to All Everywhere
Aa Important reason why row should prefer th
Self-Starting HI DSON -S3- is that it is mot a "dr
coaat r."
Its prlrw everywhere is tb same ftric to every owe..
Th only dlfTrvrwcej in the pric yo pay and what is
smid in Europe hundreds are sold there t tree dlf-'
feveace ta the daty aad tb greater freight rat front
Dealers are not permitted to cat price. They for
feit their right to sell HI DMON cava if they do. . This
means that jronr neighbor cannot bwy for less than yon
cm. It means that if yon wish to sell after the ear haw
grrea long service, and yoa wans a new car, yon caa
get a larger pToportiim of what JW pa,' ka
one els has a car which cost him 1 ' i -
By maatausins; the nrice e cry where, dealers ran
git s n real service to thetr customers, impoesible when
a rar la told at a rt price. -...-i;,-. .
Think over this fhaee of tbe rut -r ice Iroaaheas be
fore yon bay. Vow OJ sow the sdvaatajn of ooylag
car that la surd to all on exactly the same baM.
Mora than tliree-toswth of the esrtire 1S4S prodoc.
, tioa ha airendy been sleMvered to 'racriTtdmsJ nsn'i.
There are tliowasnds of MIIsbON "Srs" on th rood.
All who will want this ereptirmal car moat art quit klj.
el they will be to tote. Cwe see tho car new.
guy: SMITH'
2205 Farnani Street.
I, -
Space 14 at the Auto Show.
Omaha, Xcb.