Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 22, 1912, Image 1

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    Lookif Bcckward
This Day in Oman
Ditrty resell Ta Tsars Ago
saitouai rag seek km
The Omaha Daily Bee
Generally Fair
VOL. XLI-NO. 214.
sixulk our two ckxts.
Big- Baiiaeu, Fitness of People to
Bole ud Reform in Wis-
comin Diicaued.
BooieTelt . Would Hire Definite
Policy u U Trftitt.
Declares it U UnneTeuary to Keep
Courts Independent.
mnlll rralses fmnalrt Leale
atloa . Adopted la WtaMiill
- - I i4n Leeaetwalp of La
COLUafBIS. O.. Feb. ll.-"Big Bue
iness," ths fltnssa of th American pee
pi for eh!-gesrernment. tha recall of
judges, and prais (or th t'iTatv
leeialetion In Wisconsin instituted anfl
furthered by Senator Robert H. La
"ollett whan ba waa governor, were
topics discussed by Theodora Roosevelt
In an address before the Ohio Consti
tutional convention her. Colonel Room
ejeit cao aa Ma subject, A Charter of
OT what ' he termed "Btc ' Buelneea."
Colonel Roosevelt had thli to say:
"Tha anti-trust law doea good Insofar
a It can be Invoked against oomMna
tsans which really - ara monopolies or
whler raetrlct production sr which artl
fldally rata prices. But .Insofar aa It
worklnaa ara irarartsln or as It threatens
roiporatlona which hav not been guilty
of anti-social cetrtuct it does harm.
There. should ba a fixed govsrnmentai
potter which ahall clearly define and
punish wrongdoing and give la edvanoe
full' Information to any man aa to Just'
what ha oaa and lust what he cannot
legally and properly do."
A to the fjtneaa of tha American people
fee saM-government, Colonel Roosevelt
said: ."llariy eminent lawyers believe
that tha American people ara not fitted
lor popular government and that It la
necessary . to keep the Judiciary - Inde
pendent of tha majority ot tha people.'
. 1 take absolute Issue with all thoie Woe
hold such a position."
Of tha recall of JJudges. he said: "Th
question Is' one -of- expediency merely.
Kach community has th rlht to try
in experiment for" Itself In whatever
shape It pleases. I do not bellev In
adopting, the recall rave aa a last' resort
whan It ha become clearly evident that
n other course will achieve the desired
result. .
Senator LaTollett was mentioned but
no, aa folio: "Follqwlfig senator
La toilette a number of pnwttoal work-
sa- and Wrmtwrs' l wisctnMa hav
' turned that slat Inte aa experimental
laboratory or an 'governmental acuta
In old ef.aoqjal and Industrial Justin
' tkr hsv Initiated that kind of proa-res-,.Mv
tovernment which means not anly
th preservation f tru democracy, but
th extension; of th. principle of true
democracy Into Industrialism as well as
Into politic " i I
The National Capital
WedaeMUr. fcrv.iry SI, 1913.
Chemical Mil pmm1 by & vote of ITS
to ir.
lUprenentatlve IHobaon of Alabama In
troduetd a resolution tar a hnutte lnquir
of RepresaHttatlve lliy i chant that !
had attack th? military affalra coni
mittta in aa Improper manner.
Military affalra committee favors My
imported resolution requiring svrHary
ef war to aubmit alt papra bearlnK on
Aim worth rase.
AfrtfMiltur 6partmei.t xpnditurv
Com mitt- Florida everglade Inquiry
halted to decide upon arope of Inver-tlfa-tion.
KpiVa?ntative Hobson pwctpltHwl a
livtv lehate by demanding- au Inveatiirilr
Uou of Kepresentatlve Hay'a charge tliAt
be had attacked the nitntarv affair com
mute In a "cowardly manner," but
apologies ended the trouwe.
The Senate.
Favorable report on the wtreleaa tele
graph treaty used by foreign relations
oomuilttea. "
Henutar Hitchcock Introduced a reao
lutlon to Invest) irate Colombia'!- claim
airalnst the Vnlted Ptatee a-i-owlr. out
of the formation of the Panama republic
and the canal sone.
Hundred) of Houses and Many Fc
. tories in Houston, Tex., Are
Destroyed by Tire.
All Structures on Twenty-live
. Squares Are Gone.
Girl BurnecLto Death
;' Near Sturgis, S. D.
. STCROIS. a. D., Fsb. tl.-tftpeclai Tel
grm. Th 11-year-old daughter of Al
fred Wadnam, living three miles west of
Bturgts. died last night from th affects
of burns. . She was putting wood In th
tov whan her clothe caught fire. The
child became frightened and ran out Into
th wind, but no on was present to
render assistance.
BUUOTA. Colombia. Feb. a. Th
action of General Pedro Nel Osplna,
Colombian minister to In United Btates.
In notifying th State department at
Washington that the visit to Colombia
. of Secretary ot State Knos would be In
opportune haa not Become known to th
general public.
The Colombian government has the
matter under consideration, but either
tli newspapers are Ignorant ot th oc
currence or ls comment haa been suppressed.
NASHVILLE. . Tenn.. Feb. Jt-A mob
seeking a near murderer and his com
panion near Brentwood failed to catch
tha blacks today. One of the fleeing
Ma-roas shot and fatally wounded stack
YoH, superintendent of a railroad con
atructioa company whan Volt ordered him
to (0 to work this morning.
The Weather
for NEBRASKA Generally fair,
warmer northwest portion.
FOR IOWA-Uenerally fair, colder.
Tessprmutai at Oamakn Yeatn-daur.
TTfl Hour.
41 s:
nil a. m 23
U m a
1 p. m 3
Widespread Anarchy
Prevails in Several
Sections of Mexico
WASlll.SOTOX. Feb. U.-Advices from
Mexico to the state department today In
dicating widespread snarchy south of the
Rio Grand caused much uneasiness In
official circles. Several cities and towns
ara reported to be In the .hands ot rebels,
protests by Americans against robberies
ere multiplying and rubber band are
operating without apparent Interruption
throughout th republic.
H I feared her that all that Is needed
to plunge Mexico Into civil strife Is ths
appearance) of a leader, who can harmon
ise th factions and bring the rebellious
el menu together.' Slnaloa, Oaxaca and
Yucatan ara aatd to be virtually In a
stats ot open warfare-airalnst the Madero
government, while from all quarters of
Mexico reports of raids by marauding
bands continue to Increase.
Americana In tha Cullacan vslley. In
th south Mexico, have suffered to such
an extent from th operation of the rob
ber bands that they hav mad an urgent
appeal for aid to tha I'nlled Btates gov
ernment through Consul Alger.
Th situation In which Americans In
Mexico find themselves Is considered so
serious by th department that Its repre
aentattve there have been a'ked to make
semi-weekly reports.
Talbot's Camp Has
Delegate in Woodman
Insurgent Meeting
MIXMSAPOUS, Ftb. a.-rrepared to
make strenuous tight again the so
called, Mobil. 4u0. and 41 Incrosss
r.ites recently adopted by the Medero
Woodmen of America, aosraa of delegates
from air part of th rnited Mat sr.
rived hr today to attend the national
Modem Woodmen assembly, which begins
Among the "Insurgent" delegates who
ir her today are F. F. Priest of Lin
coin, Neb., representing Lincoln camp
No. M, ot which A. R. Talbot, head
consul of th Modern Woodmen of Amer
ica, Is a member, and prof. Nsthan
Bernstein, head of the department of
physics In th Omaha High school.
Iowa thus far has sent th largest
number of delegates of any one state.
Frank K. Painter
INDIANAPOLIS. Feb. !1.-Frank K.
Painter, former business sgent ot th
Iron workers' union at Omaha, who has
been In custody for almost a week, after
consulting with other defendants In the
dynamite conspiracy cases today prepared
to give bond for hi appearance for ar
raignment March II.
Painter Waa apprehended at Pralrl
City, III, after government agent had
traced him through various cities.
Strike Leader Ettor
Held to Grand Jury
LAWRENCE. Mass.. Feb. IL-Joseph
J. Ettor, Industrial Workers of the
World leader in th local textile strike.
and Arturo Gknrannlttl. his assistant.
war held for th grand Jury by Judge
Maboney la nolle court today charged
with being accessories before th fact
to tha murder of Anna Loptsso. The
woman waa killed In a strike riot Janu
ary 9. ,
p. m W
7 p. m S
tsasparmtle Laval Record. I
1312. Mil. 1M. DOS j
lligheet yesterday 2 1 S
Lowest yesterday S t t 3t
Mean temperature : 14 S 41 '
Precipitation T .at . Ml
Temperature and precipitation depar. I
turee from the normal: , j
formal temperature ..J Zt !
Karats for the day I
Total aacees since March, ml .V2
Normal precipitation St tnc
Lxncieaey for in day inch
Total rainfall sine March I...M T3 Inches
LiefleMne lBee March I IS. 71 Inches
IwflcteierT far oar. perMd. BM..U laches
Jucess for cor. period, IMS.... I inch
Indicates befciw sero.
T uwticatea trac ot precipitation.
U A. WELSH, Local Forecaster.
CHICAGO. Feu. !l.-8core of tele
grams alleged to hav been sent by Louis
H. Heyman, manager of the dressed
beef department ot Morris at Co. urging
saltern representatrvea to obtain higher
price wer read In the packers" trial to
day. Th object of tfae government in Intro
ducing th telegram was to show the
test cost, th bams used by th packers
la fixing the selling price.
In on message sent to Boston Hey man
What are you trying to do. cnit na out
of business with your low selling prices?
On telegram addressed to a New
Tors representative read:
This is awful and we cannot stand for
it. Hold beef for better price. If you
doaf sell another carcase this week.
Another message to a New York agent
If ynu don't get prices up we will have
t reduce your shipments-
KETSER, W. Vs.. Feb. . "If I
robbed that tiaia I waa so drunk tliat
I didn't know what I waa doing." de
clared F. A. Becker, th Baltimor a
Ohio krakeman held her charged with
holding up tha Ba! tinier Ohio pas
senger train si Everett tuanal, Garrett
county. Maryland. Monday night. The
prisoner Is almost a nervous wreck.
Firemen Succeed in Keeping Tire
from, Vain City.
Forty-Five Tkeaaaad Bales at Cwt
toa. Worth Two Million Dollars,
Arc limmr amber of Per
soas Are lajarrd.
HOl'STON. Tex.. Feb. tl -Impelled by a
gale that swept In with one of the coldest
northers of the winter, flsmcn swept
through th esstern section uf Houston
early today, wiped out twenty-five bluvks
of the city and caused a loss set at from
M0O,0(l to SlIMflO.OOU
pVurea ot cottage wei destroyed.
well as a number of big manufacturing
plants snd thousands of persons were
msde homeless. v
The greater part of lb. los is con
fined to the lumber and cotton Industries.
Forty-five thousand bales ot cutton stored
In warehouses and compresses wer
burned. This Item alone represents a l
of 12,000 000.
The fire started In a rutlnge near th
Southern Pacific railroad track si
sfter midnight. Its origin has not bn
definitely established. A heavy wind
picked up the flames and hurled them to
nearby cottages and boarding houses. In
a flash they Ignited, spouting great col
umn of sparks. Seising the th forty
mil gal carried them block awy and
within half an hour after the tire broke
out. a great area of email residences wss
in flames.
Fire gpread to Farterles.
Th fire spresd rapidly to manufacturing
plant thst bordered on cottagee and
boarding houses where hundreds of work-
Ingmen lived. The fir apread so rap
Idly that firemen for the Urns abandoned
attempts lo check tha flames, instead de
voting their energies to wsrnlng house
holder. Possible loss ot life as thus
At the big manufacturing planla and
rotton compresses city firemen end vol
unteer had organised to fight th on-
rushlng names. Walls snd roofs of the
plants wer water soaked. This water
was licked up In the flash of an e
by th advance guard of parka, and
When th great column of flame a
reached the -f aetorle they aucoumtwd as
easHf aS'th rows ojt Mtages.
Flames t becked Haa.
'An Dour after th flames began thajr
adranc. th .Qrwmea orgsntsed tor a
final aland at. Buffalo bayou, a amall
tieem that eastern part of
th city rfom the mala section, and every
piece of flrf fieliting apparatus was sta
tioned along the bank of Hill stream.
If th fir leaped th bayou, It meant
th destruction of th entire eH.
As th advancing tower ot flame
began lo hie toward th bayou banks,
hundreds of streams ot water wer
hurled Into tlim, checking, little by lit
tle, their progress. At some ot the nar
rower portion of th stream the flames
leaped across, but ths mors substantial
buildings they reached did not afford the
Under. ke . fuel heretofore encountered,
and the spread of th fire was prevented.
Thousand of persons were driven from
their homes. In the cold ot th norther
they suffered slightly from exposure. Re
lief work waa at one set under way,
hdVever, and food and clothing provided
for tha refugee.
Many persons were hurt during tha fire,
but so fsr as can be determined there
wci no casualties.
I,araje Area Sweat Clean.
The burned area Is at least a mils and
a half long and at points a quarter of a
mile a ide. It embrace tha ah of long
row of cottage and solid streets of
manufacturing plants. It waa swept
clean by the flames. Nothing was saved.
One of the first of th mora preten
tious buildings attacked was th brick
Star and Crescent hotel. Inmate had
been warned of th oncoming flame and
all escaped without Injury.
Th flames' roar gave wsrnlng of their
coming, and hundreds of persons, giving
no heed to the chilling alnd, dashed.
from their homes clad only In their
night clothes as they heard It. Women
carrying babies: women at whos skirts
small ehlludren clung, gathered In homes
ot nearby neighbor for refuge, only to
be drlvea out a few minute later by the
further progress of th fire.
Mssurles Are tared For,
Firemen appointed leaders among the
men of th flame-swept district, and
they, marshalling the ref'igees, led them
to the rear of the flames snd out of dan
ger. Homes were quickly provided for
th stricken people In other residence
sections of the city. Clothing and food
was BreDared by a relief committee and
there was comparatively little suffering. !
Among the mills, factories and plants
either totally destroyed or seriously dam
aged by the fir are the Mc Fad den South
ern Compress and Wareboua- company,
Roger Paint company, Hudson's Pencil
factory, Houston Packing company.
slightly damaged: Ed II. Farrell lumber
yards, standard Compress company, th
Co-operative Manufacturing company.
Acme mill. ft. Patrick a Roman catholic
church and a school operated la conjunc
tion with the church.
Cleveland compress and cotton ware
house. Mcllhenney cotton pickery. Texas
Tinners' Supply company. Industrial Rice
Milling company's plant. Southwestern!
Rice tompanya mill. Hoosler Vinegar i
company's plsnt and a number of lesser
mills were also destroyed.
Beside the 4V UP bales of cotton de
stroyed with the Standard com press,
thirty-six Southern Pacific cars loaded
with cotton bales were burned.
Th number of home and stores burned
amount to more than ZA.
vV A Interesting
' $Szl 'k;
----- ' jsiif
-" "Wlilill.--
-- PiP''
From ths Washington Star.
Underwood Tariff Measure
Through, 178 to 187.
All Insararoal TWI with) trglrt
. Isr Frt Tins la Thro Ye
ea . fJIU et 'Tklt "
, ., i Kind. . ...
WASHINGTON, Feb. Sl.-Kor th first
tltn Usee ' th Insurgent ' republicans
broke away from ths refular In the
flgl)t on the petroleum duly In the lie
tariff bill In !!. th republicans ot th
houss today presented prscticslly a solid
front agalnnt the passage of a tariff re
vlalon bill. All Insurgents voted with
th regular . republican forces against
the Underwood chemical tariff, which
wss passed, however, by a vute of 171 to
Th Insurgents opposed the measure on
th ground that It was revision upward
instead ot downward. , '
"Tola bill haa no support from ths
Independent voters In th house, because
it Is a rank ess of upward revision," said
Representatlv Victor Murdock of Kan
sas, a leader of the Insurgents. "It
would take scores of article from the
free list and put duties on them. It Is
Indefensible." . .
Representative Theron Akin ot New
Yutk. who was elected to congress ss sn
Independent republican, voted for the
measure, aa did also Mr. Hsnna of North
Dskots, a regular republican. Itcpre-
sentstlve Berger of Wisconsin, socialist.
voted airalnst it. All democratic mem
bers of th house voted for the bill.
Senate Will Uraat Hrarloa.
With th passage 0f tba chemical re
vision bill by th house today, another
democratic tariff measure Was added to
th senats calendar. Tha steel bill Is
pending In th senste, where only a coali
tion of progressive republicane and the
democrats can pass It.
The Intention of the senate finance
committee la to grant ample heartnge to
all panic Interested in ths tariff bills
sent over from the house.
Tiie republican members of the senate
finance commute have had but one
conference. They have not definitely out
lined their tariff program.
The Illness of Senator La Follett has
Interfered seriously with the formulation
of policy by the progressiva republican
senator, who hold the balance of power.
Recalled Mayor of
Seattle is Given
at.lTTl.E. Wash., ' Feb. SI. -Former
Mgyor Hiram C. UIM. removed from
office In tisgiwee a yes 'ago by a recall
ejection, aa given an overwhelming
plurality over bis rival for uwtulnatloa
fof nffke yesterday at th municipal prt
n'.aris. 1
(ini i ecelied nearly H.iW0 more' voles
than Ills pes rest competitor, George F.
Cottrrill, single lax candidate, who will
oppose him at tha election tn March.
Thomas A. Parrlah, business men's ran
dlrtale, ran a close tr.lrd. and Hulrtt M.
Wells, socialist, fourth. ' '
Gill campaigned under an "open loan"
slogs n and th result yesterday Is said
tn Indicate his probable - election over
coiterlll In Match. .-.,...
With at ut of M precincts counted
the vote for mayor stood:
GUI, IVW7; Coiterlll, 1.S-'; Parrlsb,
.13: Wells, 7, 7. ' '
Spokane Shippers
Ask Reparation of
Two Million Dollars
WAaiUNaTON', Feb. :L-As a seiiuel
to the Interstate Commerce commission s
decision in the famous "Hpoksne rate
cose" that freight charges to and' from
Spokane were unreasonable and , ex
orbitant, the shippers of the eastern
Washington metropolis today made a de
mand on various northwestern and trans
continental lines for K.O0U.OW reparation.
The complaint against th railroad
waa filed with thee ommisslun ami cov
ers the alleged excessive freight charges
exscted during the yearn Ul and I'll.
It la Ihe largest single case of reparation
ever brought before the commission Snd
amounts almost to .as much as the g
gregat of th notable "yellow pin
case" of 1W.
York star Is Rokked.
TORK. Xeb.. Feb. n.-rt'pecisl.)'s clothing store, eras entered hut
night by sou, one taking out a window
pane In the back of the store. The thief
took tLSD from the cash register, leaving
between IS and ta) in silver In th
drawer. Nothing else was disturbed.
Missing Papers in
Ray Case Are Found
WASHINGTON. Feb. Jl.-Tln? mUini
papers In the Inquiry twine conducted
Into ch.rra of political activity arainfft
Major B. fi. Ray of the army pay de
partment by the house committee on war
eiptndlturea were tent to the committee
today by Secretary of War Mtiniaon.
They were discovered In the War de
partment, he Mid. among some personal
papers of form' r CWef of .Staff Bell and
refer to conditions under which Maur
Ray ax granted his maar leaves of ab
ate nee. (
As soon as tle committee has the op
portunity to examine the documents Uk
hearings In the lUy case will he rr-aumcd.
Home-Made Whisky
Fatal to Maker
OXAWA, la. Feb. il.-iprelal.)-A
man named A mason Is dead, George
Fttslmmona Is unconscious and t'harlea
Hammers very weak as the result of an
attempt to make their own whisky. TJie
three men re'lde at Mondnmln. a small
station south of here. An:ason had a
nelpt for making whisky and Induced
his pals to help. They drank frely of
the desdly poison, with fatal rerilts.
Tug Omaha is Sunk
by Ice at Kansas City
KANSAS CITY, Feb. .-Breaking of
aa Ice vonce here today caused a rusta of
heavy floes down the Missouri river, sink
tag the tug Omaha and caving In the
sides of a large barge. Three rivertnen
narrowly escaped death when the tug was
unit. Colder weather north of Kansas
City la believe, to have lessened the
danger of boats moored In the rUtr.
Boyce Was Unarmed
When Shot by Sneed
KOliT WORTH. Trs.. Feb. TapMln
A. O. I'-oyce waa unarmed when shot by
J. It. Sn-ed on January 11. according to Mueller, the undertaker, vho took
Boyce lo th- hipital before lie died.
H umJrrrd Captain ftoyce, he said.
M teller was the last wilne., for the
prosecution and arguments hi the -case
were to be begun this aftern'm.
Business Portion
CHARMCS CITT, la.. Feb. M-FIre
swept the butnntss section of Floyd, six
miles north of here, this morning, do
stroing seven store huildmga, including
the postof flee. The ' lorn is estimated n
fM.Mg. The fire orlgnlated in a meat
market, but the cause has not been ascertained.
Number of Towiii in Mississippi An
Badly Damaged.
kll Wire l.eadlag laia Tow a An
' ribwa-Hnsara tee II lass a Daws
and Mandreds of Animal
' , ; Aro Killed. ' ' : '
MKKItikN.'Miaal f ibi-n.-A dsiruc.
tlv windstorm swept over this district
last night, destroying tbnusand of dol-
s is' worth of property, killing herds of
istll and demolishing homes In th sur.
rounding country, 'fsleprsnh wires wer
prostrated, communication not being re
stored till this afternoon. . -.
Her. W, T. Carroll was aerluusly In
jur i whin Ills' home st Klondyke, near
Meridian, was destroyed. . A dnssn other
rrsldeacea Iher wer blown down.
At .Vnllovh a church was jicaitsred In
every direction and two houses blown
doan. j ,
At Bodga and Bailey eeveral buildings
wre arrrked.
Report from th sloim area are slow In
rtathlng here owing to th almost par
alysed rendition of the the telegraph and
telephone wires.
Wire Down aleag Coast,
NKW ORI.KAN.i. Feb. il. -Attempts to
communlvsl with Pensacola,' vhwe it Is
known a sever storm raged last night,
were irtifuciTssfu! today. All aires are
down; .
At 'points along ths Florida roast la
tbe vicinity of Pen ea cola a wind velocity
ot sixty miles an'hoiir was registered, it
waa a-companld by a heavy rain.
W ind aad Har la Trill.
WUJS, Tex.. Feb. 3 -Heavv wind.
storms, accompanied tn sutna sections of
Texas by heavy snowfall, did ttwusands
ot dollars' dainsg by wrecking build
ings and demoralising telegraph and tele
phone serviie lodsy. in tba Panhandle
country th storm, by four
In. hes of snow, completely disarranged
railroad schedules.
Fan Antonio and Austin, where the
damage appear greatest, report a wind
averaging seventy to 109 mile an hour,
which unroofed many residence!, blow.
lug down ch.mnry and uprooting tree.
Al tl Paso much damage Is feared
from frost, aa fruit trees were in blossom.
Nloras lo tealral State.
CIIIfAOO, Ken, a. -A snowstorm blown
by a forty-two-mile gala from th north
visited Chicago and the central states
today accompanied by a sudden drop ot
the mercury.
Th snow belt rrache son to lo St.
Ixnils, west to central Iowa, north a
short dlsiajw into Wisconsin nd east
into Ohm. Nut mora than an Inch of
snow La.t fallen in any section, but It is
coming down steadily, belay In hog
shipments caused Ihe market to go up
from i to 1 cents here at the opening
John Harmon, a laborer, waa a victim
of Ihe storm here. His body waa found
partly frosrn In a snow drift In the
yard of his home.
KANHAft CITY. Feb. a.-Wlth the
eleiring of the skies In Kansas and Ok
lahoma and northern Texas today, rail
road traffic Impeded by he-ivy snowe
yeterdar assumed semblance of nsju
laiity. Snow continued falling today In
southern Missouri snd northern Arkan-
I a. Two feet of snow haa fallen at
Springfield, Mo.
last Fight Labeled Society Higut
and Elite of the City
Are Oat
Sorac Attractive Gowns Are Won by
Pretty Women.
Flowers Are Given Away to Fem
inine Visitors at Exhibition.
WHEELING. W. Va.. Feb. tl.-In aa
explosion and panic In a moving picture
show at Albiightavflle, Preston county,
W. Vs., twenty-aln persons were In
jured hut night one of them fatally. 8om
of tbe twenty -eight Injured arc saM to
be fatally hurt.
Astossohle Dealer Are Doing Rash
las Uaslaess, with Maay fa
lesser frwas liver cbraaka
and W estern Isna.
Society a as out at the automobile show
last ulght, fur It v. as deslgnstrd as "so
ciety night," and Omaha society haa ac
quired the habit of attending the annual
show on the night set aiart for It,
The admission price ass double the
usual flguro, but tiiut wss on of ths
f. stores which Insured a social success.
It.Kave assurance that the Auditorium
woild not be overcrowded and called the
attention ot the city' elite to the fact
that in management did not merely
label th iiiitlit "society night." but en
deavored to make It so tn fact.
Automobll allow have not yet becom
th eeoaalon for III display ot dress that
ia seen at III usual horse show, yet the
tendency la Uanlng mot and more' thl
ay on the apeclal night ret aside for
society. Last night was much more bril
liant In a social way than the corres
ponding night of last year's show. Pom
sura.'tlcs gowns acre worn hy th
feminine coutlnent-of course what th
men wore doesn't mak any difference
The well dressed women made a beauti
ful picture' as Hiey 'lounged about In the
handsome ran or promenaded up aad
down Ihe avenuea that run th length
of tha building.
All Hi exhibitors wet In evening
dress, slso th floor committee Clark
Powell, J. J. TsylfcTlit. Denis Harkelow
and J. T. Stewart, Sd. Kvery speck of
dust has been taken from the machine.
Thr ws an extra sunny of rosea, car
nations and other flowers f ir decorations,
flowers were given away to femlnin
.visitors at many of Ihe exhibits and
Nebla s orchestra gave a special program,
Th show haa brought more outsiders
Into III city thsn any oilier event sine
Ak-sar.brn week, ray the exhlbltora. All
tha hotels In th c:ty ara taxed lo their
utmost canailty. The Merchants' hotel
InstslUd fifty out' In th halla and other
par place III in building and still had
I lui'a awr gut. lbs thr hotel
ara nearly all onug ma hd-o ining.
The dealers ere dolnn a rushing busi
ness In the sal ot motor ear. Hundreds
of dealers from Jsbr"!ra Ind luwa ar
her nd nearly rvery one ha one or
inor prospective customers with him. A
uuld-li purchaser wll !"! d day or
two al th ahow, settle on tw or thro
types ut car that he llkri end then go
tu the garage on automobile row whr
these cars ar kpt In stock and try them
out with a spin on the rosd. Then h
will mak hi final choke.
KPUIX(IKIKI.I). III., Feb. n.-8ixten
persons, twelve passengers and four
trainmen, were Injured In a head-on col
lision between a Chicago, Burlington at
in, m, v nasaeiiKcr train anil a freight
train of th sain road at Uowder today.
Si, one in fatally hurt. Knglneer Lay
man and Fireman French were seriously
The railroad company refused t give
ui ' ihe names of passengers Injured.
The collision. It Is said, was due to th
terrific snowstorm whlcli prevented the
engineer from seeing far ahead.
LOS ANGELES. Feb. Sl.-Earl Stand
ard, tha missing bookkeeper of tha Amer-
K'siinmi bank of Pomona, whoa al
leged defalcations were found yesterday
to amount to sie.w, is ssiu so no ia
v.r. II is arrest Is expected eoon.
Tha entire aurplua and halt tha capital
stock of the bank are saia to nav oeu
swept awy by lb shortage, which
amounted to one-fourth of its total deposit.
Buying or SelKng
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tliat want atls in The Bee
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satisfactory. Men with
money to buy or men look
ing for really good busi
ness chances turn to the
classified columns of this
pa)er. The best opportun
ities are there. If you want
to buy, you will find ex
actly what you desire
under the "Business
Chances ' hcadiug. I f you
wish to sell, insert an ad '
there your results will
amaze. For a few pennies
you can do this, and you ,
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