Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 21, 1912, Page 7, Image 7

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SaT Soot Frtat It,
Oae, Site. ttxtiues). Bars-Orar.der-
Irord Admitted to Practice Carrot J.
l-'rd a lval attorney, haa been admitted
to i-raotice in the teUtral court.
Tb Big Oaea In automobile aece
S", the Omaha Kubttr rom,eny.
Harney street. "Just amund the corner"
oaorarj Club Members Her. T. J
C'uliar and Kev. Julius SchaarU have
en elected honorary
Commercial elub.
members of the
Mrs. Iuob Is Sick Mrs. W. N.
Njson. widow of the late V. X. Nelson,
is (TiiicT.Hy ill in her apartment at the
Lrexel hotel vhere she ha. been ma kins
her home.
Grand Jury Fail to Substantiate
Eumors of Ballot Stuffing.
'' t. Are Retaraed. bat
Are Net Aeeeated Because the
I'waii Forgets l alga
Douglas county grand Jury "a recount
of the ballots cut in the Second pre
cinct of the Third ward at the general j
primary of last August failed to dis
close discrepant-tea aufflctent to mb- j
Stailtiate stories of trcOTiUrltl mhlch :
HaBdeJbsrs; etnne Walter Man- have been in circulation .i,..-. the r.ri- 1
dclherg of the People's store haa re- j OTiU.y. Tne ,., , finished Monriar j
turned from New York where he bought I afternoon and the ballot envelope was!
a large assortment of the season's novel- j repealed and replaced in the county !
ties In women's wear for hia house. clerk's office, by Deputy County Clerk j
Brocket Beturns Councilman Coodlej ; M. llaverly. I
V. lirucker his returned from t'anloioi.1 I Johnnie rVheff. a Third ward resident, j
where he has spent the winter recuperet- 'old the grand Ji:ry the halM box in
inf. He has entered the rare for com- ,he Second precinct of the Third ward
mlssiomr and returns feeling much better 1 "Stuffed'" and an affidavit of "Itcd
and ready to begin his camp.tirn.
Dramatic Committee Annotated The ' "ne " I
five members of '.he oin.ina li,ui .-c..v.
srnlor class dramatic committee have
been appointed. They are ltr lloulton.
chairman; I'uih Ucnncr, Adelaide Funk
hnuscr, Maurice Clark and willlim Noble.
Railroad la load I'nited states At
torney Howell has filed In the North
I Wke," a former Thltd nurd resident.
Along the same general line was read
lo the Inquisitors. No other testimony
regarding the alleged primarv election
iricgutaritles has been melted by the
gland jury.
Krror tm t'eaal.
The grand Jury's report of the bal
lots an! comparison of Its figures with
ihoee of the precinct Judges and clerks
J"! itte division of the federal district j of election revealed that errors In count-
eoort a suit against the I nion Pacific
in whtrh he ake for a iienaltv of
for a violation of ih- law regulating the
hours of e'-v.ce of railroad employees.
X ansae Clt7 Man Addresses Club It
ti. Moore, pi i ndent of the Kansas City
t'orumert iul , lub, addressed the esccutlte
i ommittee of the Omaha Commercial
club commending the Omaha orgaulsa-
ing tlte ballots were trade by the Judges
and clerks. The errors wera trivial and
were about evenly divided anions re
publican and democratic candidate. The
grand Jury's final figures did not differ
materially from those returned by the
judges and clerks. An error of three
was made hy the Judges and clerks In
counting the vole for Sonhus Noble. Jr..
lion's combination of business and so. la 1 1 a candidate for the democratic nomlna-
uffair. He ravs the Kansas City club
considers adding the social features.
WW Hold Bif Bally The Vour.g
.Men's rioiricfcsivo i lob of Bheely will
hold n big Washington's birthday rally at
Polish hall. Twenty-sixth and Martha
treets. Thur;lay evening at 8 o'clock,
lulls Hen s. Haker will give a lecture
in "Ueorge Washington" and John A.
IUm city attorney, will speak on 'The
:ommiseun Vorm of Government,"
Jobs Are Wanted "(live us mora
tvork.'' is the slogan of the Associated
i'harltit's. Aiile-bodled men have been
applying by the doien seeking any kind
uf a Job, Work Is slack and but few
nirii rati be placed In temporary posi
tions. Mivs Ida V. Jontx. secretary of
the iluirft;, . ays worjc has never been
so mm li ui d?m.tnd nor Jobs so scarce.
Labor Lea jus to Have a Hate The
l.abor Le.tguc. a political organisation
composed for the ruwt part of members
of the Central Labor Union, held a meet
ing Monday night at Labor Temple for the
purpose of ascertaining what men the
league will back In the commlsslonership
i atiipalgn. The league will stand bark of
only five and they will take a referendum
vote on a large list of names which have
been comi lied.
Xallroad Employes to Heat A spe
clal meeting of 1'nioii Pacific branch of
the American Railroad Employes' and
Investors' association will be held Thurs
day evening tn Continental block. Fif
teenth and Douglas streets. Various mat
ters of considerable importance vlll come
before the meeting. Ilcmarka of Interest
lo railway inea will be made by.W,.R.
CahilU auiietinteDdent of (be Nebraska
dlvlrlon. and 31. J. Koclie, organiser for
ihe association.
Tha Best Cough Syrup Is
Easily Mad at Home
Casta Utile aad Acta (talrkly.
Maaer Befaaded If It Kails.
lhi reciiHJ nuiles a pint of conch
tjrup, and saves jo't about 12.00 as com
lsred with ordinary cough remedies. It
tojs obstinate eoitclie "rn whiwpinu
cough in a hnrrv, and U splendid for
aoro lniigs. stlir:a, croup, hoarseness
ajid other throat troublt'S.
one pint of granulated sugar with
Vi pint vf warm water, and slir for 2
m'inutes. Tut U'i ouncrs of Pine iliftjr
cents' worth) in a pint bottle, and
the Sugar Fvrup. lake a tesspnonful
every one, two or three hours. 'Jastca
Thit tskea Tiglit hold of a cough and
elves almost instant relief. It stimu
Jatra the appetite, and is slightly laxae
tive both excellent feature.
l'inex, peihaps ou know, is th
most valuable concentrated compound of
Norway white pine extract, rich in
Riiaiaeol and tlte other natural healing
pine e ietnents.
No other preparation will do tha work
of l'inex in this recipe, although strained
honey can. be used instead of the sugar
ayrtip, if desired.
'Thousands of housewives In Ihe I'nited
States and Canada now use this l'inex
and Sugar Prnip recipe. This plan has
often been imitated, but the old success,
fill formula has never been equsled. Its
low cost and quirk results hare made it
immensely popular.
A (rtiaramy of sbsnltibs tstltfsrtinn. or
tnnnev nrnmntlv refiiuderl. mies with this
recipe. Your druzeiH hss Piner, or will
f'l it tor tou. It not. send M 1M
iocx Co, Ft. Wayne, Ind.
tion for county judge; a similar error was
made tn counting the vote for Pelix
I. .McShane, Jr., candidate for the dem
ocratic nomination for sheriff; similar
errors were made in counting votes for
Fred lloye 'and J. It. Hummel, candi
dates for the republican nomination for
sheriff, and several candidates for nom
ination for district Judge on the repub
lican tkkct.
The affidavit of "Ited Mike" was se
cured from him In Chicago, wheie he
now Is stopping, by Sheriff Methane.
alcShane, Charlea K. Fanning and Srhelf
went to Chicago last week to find 'lied
Mike" and Induce him to come to Omaha
and appear before the grand Jury. He
refused to come, nut consented to make
an affidavit regarding alleged ballot box
Examination of witnesses In the mst
ter of the alleged Improper conduct of
South Omaha officials In connection with
liquor license matters was resumed by
the grand Jury after most of the niorn
ing had been spent Inquiring Into
routine Omaha police rases.
Four indictments In routine police rases
wero handed to Presiding Judge Abra
ham 1 Button by the grand Jury, but
the Jury withdrew them, having over
looked the formality of having been
signed by the foreman. They will be
presented today.
Manley Tells How
He Writes His Ads
. Sam. Hets. Jr. of the Itcs printing
Company, ran Penn P. Kodrea. a clos
race for the VW prlxe offered by the
Omaha Msn j'ariuers' stwla lo.t h r
the best On-ahti trade mark, according
to the of President A. 1. tSulc
of the Ad club, before the club yesterday.
The design of Ueorge Draka of the
Baker Bros.' Engraving comriiy, wis
third In mvit he said.
Fodrra and Rees are membe.a of the
On'.iha Ail club, snd Mr. lisle nH their
tucctes snruld encourage tnn clubmen
In try for the ll.Ots) prlae offer d by tne
l.cllcc t.'om Flake company of Uie Ix'st
ad. .Ir. riiirra told of the nvmal evo
lution of '.lie winning design and pissed
a'no'ig the n embers his orli,is.l
eiiili mis sn'o Khat different f I im Hi?
(!eiru as f naliy adopted.
Kobert Manley of J. U llra.ideia
itona told how lie writes ads. the aim
being to put something inly ea. !i ad
that will make a woman va.e li . break
fast dishes unwaahed and come down
town to spend money she intended to
St. Klmo Lewi, a noted advi rtislng
specialist, will address the club at lunch
eon, at the I'axlon at 1M Saturday.
Pastor Quits Pulpit
Bcause of Trouble
Wrought by Deacon
Hecaue of ? trained relations between
Kev. Kamay. pastor of the Third rres
yunau cliurcX ft faction lu the
coneregatiim he has hamted In his re.
ii.tuoi. He Is the third minister to restfcn
since it trannformeJ five year a so
from a mias-ion to a eiarate churcti.
Xne man. a d7acon, l the cause of all
thia trouble, which has cvt the chunh
th Kt of three of the best ministers in
the city," a member of the i-rewby-tery
The same tivuble exfstetl aome time
hack in the Herman Iresbytertan church
and ai eliminated when the faction that
haul been the root of the trouble aa put
down. Not until this man in the Third
Treshyterian church and 1 is followers are
checked will t'ie rehytery le able to
act a man to atay In charge of the
When Mr. Ramsay tendered his it sisna
tk'n it waa tha wish of the members of
the presbytery that a committee be a;
pointed to look Into the matter. Mr
Kamsay asked that U not be done. stiytntT
that the affair had Kon um far and thai
it nas better to let it dnt with his resig
nation. Kev Kobert I.. Wheeler of South
Cniiiiia and other minister wanted to
hae a committee upMtntd to look into
the matter but the ihhJ wily of li e presyb-
tery toted aathis. it.
Iter. Kamsay occupied the pulpit at
I'astellar Presbyterian church last Sun- ,
ilay, and then is omc talk of hU taking
chitrRe of that church. No artlon haa as
yet been taken, there belli about fifteen
applicants for the iastorate In the hands 1
of the presbytery at pi-em-nt
?i-J ClWTi him frood substantial food, but see
tlj that It tasfoa mvid and ia etaailv riiresteel. flat.
ual with Its big load of starch often ferments in the stnenaoh.
Cora and wheat lack eiementa which the healthy child must
bare. The aerfect food made from the perfect grain is
Cream of Rve
'eat it for health
Rt sqwtMwe the need of rrrwlnt for and mmmc Ia. Crran of ftra,
tn sort 0 kat- RsaMle fmn ttg W bote Hj brrry. ts fur tun- ixui
ls&:na m nleri wheal or eorn akea. i'ocih- to the bhls ftrattty
Cooked M H(wSern srieaee sdrtM, Creaia of Kt Is Um ttxaiK itethMoua
tmUtaaldioh roaesa fc-rre d4 on.r (or btir, but for tt eotit
tin!ir. Tst4e food and see the Momera aweat and Um
dlcesllw tract c(en. Mskra an birad. atiilllQa, and fntlem.
kcxl tuna foa ordar iTwvrwa it a pacaag ol Cnsua ot Kja.
Frat Saoaa ftiiW la tlte Pickira Vartr-t rm asni
Crwaum pf Reat, Tta htwatvs iiaaM wajauld ttstNf rMt ymi Wtor (Km prCa)
af ia peckf kiritarsjjTiiieti fur axitf ! of p , Tirrim it itriinrl
aUDIUFOLB COIU. Co, lac, sbastsssb, ksav
New Officials of
the City National
Take Up Their Work
The Omaha at Council Ruffs Street
Railway company has turned over to the
police relief fund $SO0 as a reward for
the conviction of Boh Williams, who last
fall held up and rubbed Karl Spencer,
toll taker on the loulas street bridge.
KrUklfal I'alna
in the stomach, torpid liver, lame bark
and weak kidneys are soon relieved by
Elect rV Hittera. Ouarantecd. 50c. rVr
le bv Pea ton rnia Co.
Waiter J. Silver, new ti.'e president of
the nty Trubt and ifo l'epoit com
pany and di ret tor in the Citv National
bant:, has arrived In Omaha am) Vtlll as
sume his duties at once. Mr. Silver was
connected with the Harris Trust and
.-aviriiis bank of ChlcaKo, New York and
Host on for over thirteen years, and Is
widely known in eastern financial circles
John F. Ilecox. new ice president of
the City National bank and di ret tor In
the- CHy Trust and Kafo leposit com
pany, has already taken up his new work.
He came hrra several week atro from
Chteajio. where he was connoted with
the Continental and Commercial Na
tional bank.
The key to success In business la tha
persistent and Judicious use of newspaper
IJcense Inspector Pt'k Schneider will
personally visit every public danca hall
In tha city to see that the paw ordinance
prohlbltinic the Hilly bear, the tnrkev
trot and other objectionable dances la
"I m viit these halls Saturday nltht."
said Mr. Schneider, "and 1f tha patnns
are dancing the dances that have been
prohibited charged against the proprie
tors will at onc be ftUd and the licenses
Thomas Klllian. of Walioo. was a vis
itor in Omaha esterday.
Robert Reckon!, a t3r.rnfst of Waco,
Neb., Is one of tha curly visitors at
the Automobile show.
J. C. Nelson, an Omaha boy who atarted
In the telegraph aenlce as a massenger
Ihiv and who worked up to the position of
superintendent of the (oral office. In In
town visiting old friends. At thia time
Mr. Nelson is general superintendent of
the Western l'n ion, with head quart era at
I tenver.
Every woman is invited to consult our Staff of Physicians, Surgeons and Specialists, at the
Invalids' Hotel and Surgical Institute, Buffalo, N.Y.,by letter at my expense R.V. Pierce, M. D.
There is every reason why women should not trust their delicate constitutions in the
hands of unskilled persons. It requires a thorough medical education to appreciate and
understand the female organism. There is every reason why she should write a specialist.
As a powerful, invigorating tonic " Favorite Prescription" imparts strength to the whole
system and to the organs distinctly feminine in particular. For over-worked "worn-out,"
"run-down," debilitated teachers, milliners, dressmakers, seamstresses, "shop-girls," house
keepers, nursing mothers, and feeble women generally, Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription is
unequaled as an appetizing cordial and restorative tonic.
As a soothing and strentrth-
tning nervine " Favorite Pre
icription" is invaluable in
allaying and subduing nervous
( Hi )
Please send ms letter of advtee and rear Book for Women, all Ires sad pastas, sal 4
without any ebUgstkas en mj pan whatever.
Post omce. Bute
Age? How long ainietea? Are rou married?..
Msks a eraas I X 1 In front of the ailmenta from which rou oufTer.
la front ef the one f nan which you suffer most.
i (XX)
....Headache '
.....rata us Back
....Stomach Trouble '
....Kernels Weakness ,
..Bearing Dowa
..Painful Periods
..Fainting Spells
..Change of Life
... It idsev Trouble
Bladder Trouble
...Womb Trouble
Ovartaa Paia
Hot Flashes
Itrhlag Parts
...Ski. Disease
...Impure Blood
e Vecrtss eas elasr eyaspesu ea a stparats ahssl if yea ansa.
Advances In membership fees and an
nual dues are features of new bv-laws
presented to the t.'ommerctal club execu
tive committee yesterday by the bylaws
committee for a vote next weeK or sick
It ts proposed to raise the membership
fee from IS lo Ml. the H to include the
duea for three months, and lo raise the
annual duea from ! lo tM. This provi
sion. If adopted, will lake effect April I.
excitability, irritability, nervous
exhaustion, nervous prostra
tion, neuralgia, hysteria, spasms,
fainting spells, and other dis
tressing, nervous symptoms
commonly attendant upon
functional and organic disease
of the distinctly feminine or
gans. It induces refreshing
sleep and relieves mental anx
iety and despondency.
Dr. Pierce's Favorite Pre
scription is devised and put
up by a physician of vast experience in the treatment of woman's maladies,
have the indorsement of leading physicians in all schools of practice.
The " Favorite Prescription " is known everywhere as the standard remedy for diseases
of women and has been so regarded for the past forty years and more.
Accept no secret nostrum in piace of "Favorite Prescription" a medicine of known
COMPOSITON, with a record of forty years of satisfaction behind it. Sold by all Druggists.
Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets invigorate the stomach, liver and bowels. One to three
a dose. Kasy to take as candy.
Send 31 one-cent stamps to pay cost of wrapping and mailing only on a free copy
of Dr. Pierce's Common Sense Medical Adviser, 1008 pages, cloth-bound. Invalids' Hotel
and Surgical Institute, R. V. Pierce, M. D., President. Buffalo. N. Y.
Its ingredients
Can't Beat It
because you cant
equal it The bottles
bear the triangular
"Tho Finest Boer
Kvery box is sold for the Friday night
performance of "The Jolly Unsketeer," '
th, Ak-Sar-Ben show, which will be at j
uie irs.-iueie rrioay aini rjaiuruay. Home
of the box seats also are sold for Sat
urday night.
The house Is almost sold out for Friday
night and would-be spc tators will have
to hurry to get tickets. The sale for Sat
urday night also ts good.
C. R. Olson. IMC .South Thirteenth street,
last night was swindled out of 14 by a
man pretending to be the sheriff of
A -lame county. The auppoaed sheriff told
Olson he would make him a deputy for
U. Olson handed over the necessary c
and t hf ma i sa id lie sou Id go g-t a
star ard gun for htm. Olson waited fur
two hours and then went to iultee headquarter?.
! M'ftiNNis nxnt THP
R. W. atcGtnnls, general agent for the
Northwestern road at Lincoln. Is tn town
at headquarters oa business
During the last ten days Mr. JfcGlnnl
haa traveled eztensive.y over the Soutr
Platte country aad finds agriculture
-prtdltions the beat la the history of tha
i section ar.d farmers !n better sp'rl-s tha.-l,-er
There is at better medicine made fo
colds than Cta-nhertain's Coeg-h rteneel
t acts en MirCi rlxa. retlem tv
jBCB, opens the surra eras, cats erpec
.ration, and Tret ores tae sjststu t. :
eaJtby ccntfWcn. For sale sy all frog
1 J
0e- y-i,
n n
The Great PubKc
Pulse Says :
It says "Calumet" For the
critical housewives of America have
found that Calumet Baking Powder
nukes the most appetizing, light,
wholesome food that Calumet
most economical and dependable
of all Baking Powders.
f you, too, Mrs. Housewife, want to learn what Calumet means
to you, bake with it just one batch of biscuits. If you don't find it
unlike any other so much greater in leavening power in uniformity
in purity return it, and get your money back.
That's all we ask and think what it means to you to always be
sure that each time you bake you will have the most tempting biscuits,
pastry, etc. Think of it the highest quality Baking Powder at a
moderate price the most economical in use. Cheap big can kinds
give you quantity, but not quality. High-priced trust brands mean
extravagance. For no Baking Powder can be equal in quality to
Calumet. Was not that proven when it received the Highest Award
at World's Pure Food Exposition ?
Don't be deceived ask for Calumet and get it.
We are ready with the greatest col
lection of clever hat styles ever
offered to the public of Omaha.
You are already familiar with the hat
values and styles we have given sea
son after season for the past quarter
of a century. Now drop in and see
the great hat show.
Mro4ltai "The Favorite) Rye
ot Six Generation"
When you want an especially good
bottle of rye for your company, buy
Why not have it for yourself
Distilled 4 times makes it 4
times "purcr"
Bottled in Bond
Each bottle ia sealed with
the U. S. Government Stamp.
. Its age is guaranteed by the
U. o. uovemmen.
Its purity by the Schenley
Distilling Company. .
Its Quality speaks for itself.
When you buy Hye, buy Scbantoy. At an stealera,
Schenley Distilling Company, Luceeco, Pa.
Nfeient etiuinped dental office In
Omaha. Hlghest-grade denistry at
leaaunnale prices. FercaJaln filling.
Just like the tooth. All Instruments
i artfully eierlUsed after each opera
tion. Ooraer lath aad raraam ate
I SMUS4 isU irtitvatvaat ratr em HiMTtel hvr tva4 Ml 14
Sa.,. 1 - t IS.faMT 4 ibsX MJ M aaMrfaV t
' rtm i Mi? imif mi ! wrmtw
sit im sMirti li t awa rk -4afBirM rlf at- crew r.kv
aoli ea.Hi auiie vhslar Va ra?4 t Mer iai, ie), a! at mt wnm tiUt flttfcr yonr ttt :t
gssislsw ftaOarf ftatstsg gsaS gtsa. mi-W, st. a, a ms, at.
Iranii 1 ' !VasaittiiSsi uss sw
Aged in White enameled
(r fi(J glass-lined. 1,200-barrel tanks
mI OSl) I "M 'n'ond Lager Beer la fully matured, ripe.
r:ch and mellow. Vou tsate the rare, delicious
'tWa, Ib ",ulna vIi Grman Uger tweause
ff '. r ' V& " made after the oil UertLaa lager beor
iLyi K.-tf- good to drink, and ae pcevlar. thai lsll-
. EvXW iftr tion beers with elmliar names are freneeatif
' , i,'X--vyJi!.v oflered. But lnssat on -Old Taahlaaed kagwt
i ."1. WT,'' jV Beer." Remember that sine-end. lor ti-e
rvJ5i 4 . V ?JJ J. ! Renarate carton for eara bottle kes ant all
nrT light, peoerving the anaa and Ufa at tola
lvl r-V- llrloua beer. Order s raae "en home. Both
l y yi?A rtlt pnocea, Douglaa list; lud. A-J14I.
j 1 H'JLl- Raew the cape salt for eur Hat ef presUina.
-M.JSil cacaxzr kskm, Pletrlaaisse.
,' jl'l 1 i J Was. aT aad aw. eeawnt Bales) Asaa,
EsassawaasssasaavasssssaaaaBl IXt. Is, 11 M.
MAIL OaVBSS tor "Gist