Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 19, 1912, Page 9, Image 9

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fe7 TP
The Defendant's Lawyer Proves to Be a Boob
By Tad
I 1 I I I sjjMftssssaaasaiaaa.saaBaaaBasa
Bou HOMO. VK V f T TV!iFTEN0O?j V "
9iTWJ7rCe o ,T CP DOPE -fLUM-wvy MAT MRBV- I W- '
f The End of the War of 1812 ' Jgj f Conceited Man j
I 7 i I " w
Ihranrr in, imi.i. i crown, but they clearly meant to humill-
Ninety-seven year aso today Fe'uru- ate us.
nry 1. lSli-a presidential pmi"!amtlnn There was that which m d.slresslng
announced to I lio Ami-man eople the ingly humiliating In the way they treated
end if our arcond war for Independence, our nwdi upon the hinn eas, and we
It was a funny affair, that war of '12. ! were perfectly rlnht In resenting the
It bopan before war
was declared, and
It continued after
the peai-o treaty
had been signed.
The hauls
of the. wnr. that at
New Or lean. w:U
fought after th
Rrttteh and Ameri
can rnmmlKgloncrs
had negotiated the
Teace of Ghent.
e--.. Tvere r-.o t-"Ie-
(rkpha In those
there were
not even stearanhlpa.
Xewa traveled
lowlj-. and when "Oik Hickory" found !
Pakrham'a veterans RtandinK up with 1
evident hostile Intent before his lines at i showul itself.
New Orleans he thought there were legltl- the Englishman fired from the trough
mate food for gunpowder, and forthwith ef the wave, his shots going high. Notlc
proceeded to welcome them to horpltahle : Ing this, tha American gave his broad-
Insult. A people cannot afford to be spat
upon and slapped In the face, by another
people. We tried hard to ai;d war. but
John Bull would not listen to reacon. We
protested, and, our protests being treated
with rcorn. we did the only thing that
was left for us to do d'.M'lare war against
the power that had Insulted us.
And. all things considered, wc made an
excellent fiht. The young republic more
than held Its ewn against the greate'l
nation on earth. On the ocean, where
England had been supreme, we especially
ditiniti:hcd ourselves, proving to the
world Unit we were more than a match
for Athlon, even In her own element.
Il was In the sea fight with England
during the war of '13 that the mental
alertness uf tha American pallor first
In obedience to old usage.
Compared w ith the civil war the war of
'13 was a mere trifle. In the battle of
Gettysburg alone there were nearly five
times as many men killed nmt wounded
as there were In the whole war of 'i;
The figures will speak for themsrlvea
The American loss throughout the war
o '13 waa l.STT. while the killed at tietlys-
.sldes from the top of the wave, with the
result that his fire was much more de
structive than that of his adversary.
fcOffN in THATTSumn 6EtroSe .
A6N0 wtiTO Htaopo7H
8 err 6e at th-at me n asmt
rre sun. adc&t me. ouip.
HE LOOKKO fcttouMO Mr fjyar,
uriOETV TtteT to OUT op Tne
niNCkj, Tvraoua-tt tm?
rHi-ATTEfirio. H MOisrO
jav i &at the;b.
3OeoN.irjQMr ser
"T1U. NOOK nttN I (rO
u-e,s AfO Stick up
f'NJ T1U. eAtONIfrHr-
lrtH I CrO 0e TOll
as So"G 6uo ir cam
IN H.i i.Nc.M HOOK. HEXW 70
tO PRfJsia THAT irvM Al an
?(CtVAC. AOUKf Amo JAip
"rtOK StAfr Amo (fo
IFA3A?A,nES 0RANfr i
A SlAAU. EiXoiM FffiT DO
IMW AN-APot-tJ "?
rtOOf5 fwy 0EA8. Hiffr4
f F FAjRS ?v;EENS.
TWe UJMtrt (MJOe..
I fro CivjER to
QP THJyPrftce
T"t CXOPJtC Kr4ll fSI04cy.
tmctt WAS NO HAl!
A HmT IT- TM (CIO v Ccv
TV" OAV AT iCrOJt. KC 7i OmC
ms tupu n6OMt?ttTTr
wCAie ai-tp fuu.wr ah
WOM P LrMCoLM (A UttKtl')
veC A-6 JAera.
Tt VMOf sr. T-terx (
RitE &ACK. N0 OV
NOTei'N- TO 00 TILL.
The Right Road to Health
burg alone nnmlx red 509.
la calling tha'war of.'li our"iie.on
waf fir' InJcperidencc."'' the hisiurlana
wera prabahly rlglit. Oreat BriiaJrl-of,
to bo more truthful and exact, the Brit
ish, authorities were ' at the time ex
tremely sore over the Issue of the revo
lutionary, war.' and It is nultc "possible
that they had sinister designs upon us.
They may or may not have thought to
force us bark Into submission to the
1 J
There Is a wo man lews republic on i
ptM.lrtBul.1 south of Matetloriia, in Greece.
wtere 10,000 nun, livr. studying and pray
ing constantly, and whrr poHcrmen
Kuard the coun to hfcp ouj women pil
grim and othtr iHrs-jn who would make
urv1iinh! (fuewts. I'rt'f. Caspar l.cnc
(rtnry, Ihrolnnlan nf Dip I'ti! verity of
Ieipxljr, ptudent of biblUal triiinuscrliits.
who lotatel in Kansan niy recently at
the Kin Art Inlltute, told of this motft
untr.ue of all roiiittrtPH.
"The place in Ml. Atho. claic pnln
tul& of Akta. Hie e tMemmos; of thrrt
Utile ienlni(ilas helow Muredonta," Prof.
Gregnry explained. "II Is railed ill. of
the Twenty Monasterier. ar.d iised In
ancient limes us a uinating natl n-Ip
Aaia Minor. It 1 k al fpublir. Thre
are 10,000 monks there, who poyrrn them
selves wHhour Interfcrent-e frtn Tuikejr
or any olher country. Th-r. are. ho
ever, no government buildings, m- ir'i
dent or other freeholders.
" The only police force it m-niKcd of
men wh patrol the roaft to keep out
women and men who have no pfrm.t to
enttr this mort. rsrlulve nf conntrlMi.
Only those who hive a UiUr of perml
lc from the ;reo!; .:ttri:irrli In Con
tantinnpie are allowed to enttr tV hoi
place. The holdt-r of the lott. r inut prc
nt It la Karse, the village capital of
the peninsula."
Home reports hive il, Vrof. t.ri,r
said, that th!a republic wtt founded !a
the Hnth century. It h- ?Jd tMat the
foct of a won .an has not touched the ioll
of the plact; for crnturie. A'.l tha muriks
represent the Oreek CathcMc church. They
work th soil some, but live chiefly uon
the contr.butlrt.iB of pfljnimi-. Probably
the g re test cllctinn nf blb.lral irar.a-
senpta is In the monasteries tf this re
public. "It Is the most interesting place In tha
wcld tor the student of the Bible ' the
doctor said. "I have been there thre-j
tines already ar.d I will never tire of
going. There arc in the raonasterfes
thourands of Greek mairj. cr pt. and
nunama or tnem are corrected with
Are yoo healthy?
Are you happy?
Are you satisfied wit h your fluure?
If you are not you ouht to he. and
you can be If you will jKT.ievere with
Intelligence as a Kuldc.
First ct health and the rest wilt be
added unto you.
Happiness depends on health, and both
depend to a larce oxttni on the circula
tion of tie Hood.
Al exercitjo have tliln one aim to
Inert mo the flow of blood to certain
I nits f the body.
A Rreat many people, especially women,
cxcrclne a Rood dt-al and seem to
derive no physical benefit from il at
all. Housework Is certainly hard physical
l,i her and in many c.i!ea It i not con
ductive to anything more heuutifylng
than nerve?.
Tlie woman who goe in for athletics
often overdoes it with (Hfutrus results.
and the hustneis woman lius life Is
one at constant phirnl exertion can't
he Induced to take up any extr.i physical
tra'nlnpr. for the xercie she gct.-i recms
to !i:i'int hr rather than build up the
physhnif as It ! Mipju'fM to do.
Now the houseworker, the athletic girl
and the businepj woman, all an- exer
cising violently, and If mere!
exercise made one hea It hy t he v Khould
certainly bo champions In the race for
Hut more than that Is needed. Phys
ical exercise without pome mental
silmulna In the ahape of una hi i ion or
, Int'Ttst wears one out. It tutme work,
i which 1 atwiiv the sain , a r.ionuto
1 nous repetition of uniiiterestin move
ments, nether it iA housework or
work finne o, the a' ipe, gets on in
i a mrnta! nnd physical groove vhih in
' not go d t jr the health of mind or body.
! If you want t be hralthfui, y t out
! f tl e rut.
Almost every one nets inlo a rut of
(jo:r.e kind and stays there,
j Fenple us a rule de-.-elop nerves, bad
t d's;Ksttn. mental dprc.-ion and in-
j Vou ,ir- in a rut if von pre always
dfijne tii aIne thing ' .y in and (Jay
n it ar"' thinking t':e same thoughts while
! yoM do theni-
j You don't ha.e to live in this rut,
i n. matter what r our occupation.
j r ma to avoid ireiting into a rut that
I toon up dancing again arter incoming
known as a swimmer and div. r, ar.d
combined th- two vastly different kind
of work.
When I was in vaudeville, living a Rood
rart of each day in the theater, I found
that inoM of the people had no other
thouEh: than their lite on th Pta&e, and
I f -it mystlf alfo beginning to develop
i "tlrvsvr 1 har nn livi. tar n r-ri-a m an
to Xew Testament Hundreds of students l I promptly hauled rmlf fit of the
hare .tud.ed these manuscripts very care- mntM rut I was getting into and de-
VMiy out there are other manuscripts , termined that 1 would have some other
interefting work to occury mvseif with
during tho time I ran not on the stage.
In this way I took up dancing asain.
and piano practice every duy besides
keeping up my French and ;-rnim.
In New Tork and when I am in a city
H!a Clmr Idea. longer stay and net living at a
Drug Cerk fiay. you tna!01 1 var" my, p'r with house-
tott of the retr tor.ic you sold Bill Mar-! "rr nd f'a 't rests and amuses me
tin- ; ar.d sjpp.lee that estra outside Interest
't r Proprietor Ye. What about it? ! which I believe we all must have to kn
ourvlvea In really good physical ani
that hav not yet been read careiullv.
It fray be that gr discoveries valuabla
to the Bible scientists will emanate yet
from th gr-at ttore?.ouse of majiu
cr'apts," Kansas Clt7 Star.
TT. rrk-Wlr. IMJ crjnk the wh
h"t.e an" w-nt hom and whipvd h:F
An" : he ran tf, ,;n -A- iv.
ar tn f, i Elv-'it i: "
Te lTOprt-T--'i;ns !i tio tVj : it?
I have Ul fse.l r.T two b-vt r tr-l fi to go home a-.d get evta.-Cie!.
i alB Da er.
-rental Ci-r.d.tlon.
The woman nho wa;if to ! ha:hy.
d hv that I man nx ntl w hlcn
i I.ri; n-ss s weil as Tc;.ya; health.
mt get out of her rt. rhanjre her
w -iiiti4 or thjik of ametbin
new and exerc'se along d.fferr-nt lirtt-?.
I take up hoii, r.o-k I- r rwt and ry:e
ation. Iet the iio i.- aiTncr t-.i-.e u; my
work tt ,u rw irrr,1!!;' : ft-J iJanc ng
for l.Tf.
Tn New Y r; a: I in rtf.-t i.f th b:g
cities thre ar- f - c wirnmin' ptfllg
Ili;e the mLnici;a! tatUs h- r- v ..n
can get htu.a. nu (ua tree U
tmniun of heaJtli and your
e cf inird tti pot larg lv dee to
fiK in a rwt. Onesn'i ir' day
" ?a::i kind ft wori,. tiie same
proiisnt.. t . ncn.e rnttrestt or
i 'Ul'Ir': y ..i c i tii-re o;it
i M f.?tt of vo-ir ritT Wore
ixir, more pro':;T
w.l ir i ta n iou'trjf It ln- ?e
'fiuKKv rooonu )
f V.v if W,wv rm f- JLV -W
fa . J y't?"? j ' ' " v- f ; , - V -,.
; . v .... , -.'- I k' r,;c'W :T
S.Viv v t a ; Y n V j y
a4 -fZZ
. M..r l.'r! if iv ir x. . " ;,,, -
To i S. t i l .(r,l u , , , f ,,,y h. !
t-i l-f ii...:;p-. I. il r.w. hi.e lr:ik' 1 i
" I "i.-.t t;.. -,av. si I hair . I.i;i1 ".'
..u .1. ;-r r ', - r. ; r I I. ,( ,i m t ,f vn ir nil More
tha blue ribbon In a bsauty ahew It yai
cam In contact with thota cod-Ilka''
younc matures In tba clolhlns store sfi-'
vrrUMrotnts In the back of the maga- .
tines: Aad wouldn't you be about a .
fariy-ratrr, even. I( you lined up acalntt .
a inatlnre heroT Oo to, son. Put the aoft .
pedal on your braaftng about your looks.
you are satisfied that Ike reason you.
hare an enlarced cranium la because you. .
poseeee such an extraordinary amount of ..
brains that It takes a blc head to hold
alt of that (ray matter. What have you. ,
ever done, son. to prove It? Ara yon let
ting a flfty-thourand-dollar-a-year eel-.,
ary a plenty of men with extraordinary ,
financial ability are?
Have you written treat book? Have
you itot a play on at the theater that .
parka the house every night? Ara you ,
In demand as an after dinner speaker? ,
Do people repeat your Jokea and good
stories? Have you Invented any great
labor-saving device? Is anybody talking
about you as a prealdrnttal possibility? .
No? Then If you haven't dona anything
remarkable doesn't It behoove you to .
keep still concerning that mighty In
tellect of youra? What you've got la near
brains. Not tha real thing. ,
Finally, If you want the laat vestige o(
conceit taken out of your system, just
try to find out how much lea you really
cut 11 the world, and the beat way to do
this la to take . cambric, needle and In
sert It In tha ocean and then watch the ,
hole It leava when you withdraw IL .
There tha alee of tha vacancy wo leava
behind ua when wa go kenoe. In our
work aoaeebedy atepa Into our shoes aatt
fills them better, la society people bare
to be told that we are gone because they
never mlsa us themselves, and oven In
our homes our family la heartbreaking
resigned to our loss.
The rare for conceit lies wherever you
cast your eye, sou. Tba wonderful thing
la that anybody can hold on to a rag of
vanity In the fare of all tha discourage,
ment to swell headlneaa that Ufa offers, t
I have received a most refreshingly
frauk letter from a voung man who
wishes a remedy for conceit. He says
that lie is twenly-flva years old and un
marrird, and that he cannot kelp but Par-
J reive how auprrlur
he Is to hie fellow
creatures, and how
h a n da o at a and
clever and witty,
and big, and strong,
and generally won
derful ha la.
"I do not think
that I deaerva any
credit for being
t what I am," writes
this youth, "for I
am only what tha
; Creator made me.
' N'nvertlirlres, while
' I feel that my con
j celt, or egotism, ta
perfectly Justified, I
also feel that It
would probably bo
I best for me to curb It and ao I will be
grateful to you If you will tell ma how
to do so."
I hesitate to offer my correspondent
the advice he requests, because It seems
a pity to shatter such a sublimely per
fect thing as this young man's good
opinion of himself. Also I would not
willingly mar anybody's happiness, -and
1 can think of nothing else in tha world
that la such a bubbling spring of Joy la
one's breast as to be able to anrnd one s
time hurling bouquets at one's self.
Hay what you will, vanity Is tha root
of all contentment. As long as you think
well of youraeir, It doesn't mailer a but
ton what other people think of you. Aa
long aa you can look In the mirror and
see an Adonis there, ao long aa yoa can
puff out your own chest until your but
tons won't bold, aa long as you ara ab
sorbed In listening to yourself talk, and
can laugh at your own Jokes, you ara
Just aa well off aa If you were the hand
somest, cleverest, moat successful and
entertaining man In the world.
And if other people think you a dull.
homely, tiresome failure In life, you can
afford to snap your fingers at their lack
of taate and Judgment. You csn even call
them envious and Jeaious. If you want
to add frills to the compliments you pay
In this world, where we dally see so
many big ieople who bava dona big
things. I shouldn't know bow to tell any
one huw to maintain an exalted opinion
of himself, but It's easy enough to tell
one how to acquire a humble opinion
of hie own merits.
On the principle that desperate diseases
demand de,perate remedies, my first
recommendation to the young man who
desires to be cured of conceit Is a heroic
remedy. It Is nothing short of getting
married. If that doesn't puncture his
balloon, and let all the gas out of him
nothing cle will.
No married peop! are conceited.
The cut be, for the Institution of
matrimony is Inlmlcable to the growth
of self-eeteein. No coneoltnif sprig of
vanity rrn take root In that rocky soil.
None of ua not even the meekest of US,
have any idea what ioor. weak. Imper
fect creatures ue ere until we get mar.
ricd and hav Hie partner of our bosom
remind us dally of our fsults and how
far wa fall short of being worthy of
the perfe. t being who condescended to
our loaly estate.
Ik-fore marriage we may have thought
that, like Haul, we lowered head and
shoulders above our fellow man, but
after marrlajre we realise that we are
the great oiiKlnal human ahrimp, and
none are ko p.r n our own household
a, to do uh reverence. You never hear
of a mirrlcd person calling for a sure
cuie for conceit. He or she has a home
remedy that alaays works, and for this
trouble I guarantee matrimony as a
specific that never falls.
If, however, he balks nt such severe
treatment as the altar, the next best
thing to matrimony for taking the
puffineea out nf m man's opinion of
himself Is to pick out the prettiest and
brightest and moet attractive girl he
known some girl with a reputation as
a heart smasher and see how many
dents he ran make In her heart. My
word for II. he'll come out of tha ex
perience a chastened and a humbler man.
floir.e day we will bulM monuments to
fllrta. I have aeen a little Innocent eyed
kitieneh girl knock a man's whole
opinion of himself Into a cocked hat be
fore you could aay scat, and turn a
pompo'-s egotist into a nice, quiet, ucob
trusttve, respectable citizen.
Anot.wr remedy for reducing the
we!!tr.a; In a man's head la for ?r?m to
measure himself up axalnet tha people
woo hare really dona ttirura They
are the true yard measures, tha real
i:s.-.iird of official weights.
Voj think you're good looklnc son. 'arger. estimate of the Rothschild family
b.i:-. yrrj sroir ar.a snuie oac at your i ronune is i,.rju.qw,ow.
. i flee;!: a In thj nJrror as you shave.' Seventeen billion and one hundred mil-
Ma -.-be joi ::re mer than the red- Hon American dollar would pave a track'
hni2cd. fr'o!-fcicc. squint-eyed, hump- i from the earth to the moon aA
l' .d fellow on the stool next to than two-thirds of the wev'hx-k w :
Is the wealth of any ona family so
gnat that if It were changed Into
Amrrlcsn sliver dollars tha coins, placed
edge to edge, would make ft track of '
silver dollans aa long aa tha distant .
from the enrtli to the moon and mora -than
two-thlrda of the way back? It.'.
thle could be done and Ik strings of"
ailver pieces were of new coinage and .
bright, and were strung from earth to f
Its satellite, tha poetic fancy or "the.
ladder of light leading up to tha moon""
would Indeed be realised.
The extent of the wealth of the vera
rich Is never an open book. A recent
estimate of the Hothachllda' wealth l :
made In an Interesting roundabout way.-
The fortune of tha house la said to have
been founded on profits made on the
London Stock Eirbange by a Rothschild -through
his having early Information of
the outcome of tha battle of Waterloo., r?
In the guesa as to tha present wealth of :
the family It la recalled that when one
of the four sons of James, who founded
the French branch of the house, died he
left to his daughter Helen about 170.
000.M0. The fortune of Helen's father,
was twice that sum. and his three,
brothers snd one sister Inherited as much J
as fell to him. From this It Is presumed.'.
that the combined fortunes of tba five '
heirs amounted to between S7W.oM.00u and T
tMO.OOB.OW in 14. Thera were four
branches of the family auppoaed to be
equally rich at that time, making their
wealth between Cm M M . -
IWOOt fifty-seven years ago.
At rive per cent profit a reer a f,,ni,.
double in twenty Tears. If tha Roih.
chllde could do no better than that with
ineir money they ahould have had from
$5.,e).M to K.400.000.w in MSt. and tn
net. from m,y.n,VH to tirn.tMo.n.
Since ISM tha combined fortune of tha
family should have been augmented by
one-third an that according to this rea
aonlng the Rothschild family I new the .
possessor of the snug sum of between
fi4.m,agc.0N and tIT.100 oonono.
The American sliver dollar la a shade
lees than an Inch and ft half In diameter.
Eight of them placed edge to edce cover
a trifle lesa than a linear foot. There ar :
&JM feet In a mile- A few more than
I of the coins would cover a mile. The
distance of the moon from the earth In
about 30 miles short of MO. 000 mllea. Th. "
number of American silver dollar placed
edge to edge required to cover th distance
from th earth to th moon. S(.0 miles. ;
mvuiu on approximately io. U.'.BBP.OOO. The-
tui In u.e cIUc. bol would you ceij.ngs Uafazine.