THE BEE: OMAHA, MONDAY. FEBRUARY 19, 1912. Mutt Should Have Shown Better Judgment By "Bud" Fisher 1 ; - ' ' "i aCRPor X WNY TO .V.O&txe I WOULDN'T Htr yon 'NTtoNM.v.y For wthns. 1 ewiTO Nu KMtftoT VJ-Til So.(lf . J APOLOGY I TN.T VOW HMt. X OLOHTE WHV SotrT YOU SY S0W6THING' CLLOW CMVTttO rVNf MOR TNN rPoiOl2E He. WVi fi nam,, x Pocfri7. Sm ! dont Younerva. BLUFFS MENJSTN WHIST COP Iowa Players Capture Fint Prise tt . Meet of Central Association. OMAHA ENDS KXXT TO LAST Revival ml Interest .eted at veal lea Held at Graad Islaad " Omaha Crli Meat Meetlag at Whlet Players. Tha annual meeting of the Cantral Whlat aunelttlon waa held at Grand Is land. February M and 17. Soma af tha old members were back In tha game. Mike Hanlon of Sioux Clly. who with hla part ner. Oscar Roberg. uad to ba feared In all tha tournaments, waa particularly wel comed. South Omaha for tha flrat tlmo waa represented by Dcnnla and RadiuwMt and they gave a food account of themselves by winning top score Saturday afternoon to tha pair play, with a plua of thirteen, putting them Into second placa. Roma Millar tendered tha uaa of hla banquet hall for tha meeting next rear and tha offer waa accepted and tha maul ing will be held In Omaha next year. Tha meeting wai successful and the members were royalty treated by the Orand Island mambera. for which a vote of thanks waa tendered. Trophy a Mlntfe Tea a. Th association trophy fur the team of four eontaat waa won by Council Bluffa oa account of baring a larger plua tha Orand laland, who tied them In the number of matrhea won. The acora of tha teams participating was: round I Rluffs. matrhea won, 14 plua 14. Orand Inland, matchea won, Ili plua a Kloux City, matchea won, I plua 11 F.Ik Point, niatchea won, I mlnua 1. Omahn, matchea won, S plua &, Tork, matchea won. mlnua 31. at. Jae Trophy to Oauhaaa. Tha St. Joseph trophy for tha pair onteet waa won by Cahn and Burneea of Omaha. Tha score waa: rahn and Burneas, plua St. ennia ana rtadauwldt, plua 11. Martin and Hlli, plua 11. Abbott and Stern, plue 10. Abbott and Menck. plue 1. Oooh and Wlckhem. plua t llorth and Vlereag, plua a l.lhble and Rchelsel. plus a Iwnman and Hague, mlnua 1 Wyrkugg and Valentine, mlnua 1 Howard and Rennle, minue burnt and nahraa. minus 7. made and Lambert, minus U. Kochter and Cornelius, minus 17. IR tha free-for-all eontaat (Saturday night Wendover and Apple of 8L Joeeoh. North and South and Bhea and Mlthea of t'ouneli Bluffa won the smellier trophy ana Buttons. ILLNESS PUTS WELSH OUT EASTERN ATHLETES BATTLE Twenty-Bonnd Fight with Britton it Called Of. BACK AND KECK MUSCLES STIFF sat Waa (ckedaled Near Saa Free rise la Opposition a Fwtrwakey. Klaae Oa far Weahlastea's Birthday. BAN FRANCISCO. Fab. 11-The twenty-round fight between Freddie Welsh, the English lightweight, and Jack Britton of Chicago, scheduled for Wash ington birthday, waa called off yester- day by Promoter Jamea Coffroth, who en nounced that Welah waa confined to his. bed with aa attack of muscular tiff- neee almllar to tha ana which prevented bout wtth Bobby Waugh In Los Angelas recently. Tha fight waa to hare been staged at Co ff roth's Daly City arena, just outside tha city limits. In apposition ta the Petroekey-Klaus fight put on by Jack O'Connell In tha center of tha city. wsisns pnystaan said that he waa suffering from tortleolUa muecularta. which had affeoted the muscles of hla hack and neck to such an extent ha was unable to move hla head and that ha had recommended that Welch spend at least two months In a Chicago eanltartum. This Is tha third fight which haa been Interrupted for Welsh by tha Illness of one of tha principals Hla ached uleu bout with Ad Wolgast at Lm Angeles waa stopped by the attack of append! clils which put tha latter under tha krdfe. Later Welah waa attacked by muscular stiffness Just before his tight with Bobby Waugh. Coffroth aald tonight that ha might substitute a twenty-round bout between mta Holland and Otto Berg, middle- weights, for tha Walah-Brlttoa go. Three New Skating .'. Records in Sweden CHRISTIANA. Fob. It-Three new world's skating records bare been made by Oscar hUthlesoo. tlie Korweglaa abater. In the International competitions yesterday he won the He-meter event la forty-four and two-tenths aeconda, which la two-fifths of a second better than the record made by himself In 19M. Today bla thjeeon won the Lt0s and K.OW meters event, the former In two mlnutea and twenty and three-fifths aeconda and the latter In seventeen mlnutea and forty stent and three-tenths aeconda. The pre. vtooa record for 1 meters waa made by Mathleeen In ISM two mlnutea and twenty and four-flftha aeconda. Tha 1B.VW tneter record, twenty-eevea mlnutea and fifty and threa-flflha aeconda waa made by P. Oeetlund In I50J. Forfeit Money Put Up by Heavyweights CHICAGO. Kb. IS. -Jack Johneon. Jim riynn and Jack Carley today posted Saaan In currency and oertiflad checks with Al Teamey as forfeit money for the world's heavyweight tight between Johneea and Plyna, The time and place for the bout were not made public, but Cnrley aald several ettlea were bidding for tha fighL Curtey Intimated that he weuld sot dedde aa a plaoa until May 1 8. a STABS TBIM ZXCELSIOBS Tnka SJest Kad at l . 14 aaw at aahet Bali, The South Omaha. Stars beat tha Ex rddore at basket hall at to M In the gymnasium of tha South Omaha loung Men'a Christina asaoctatloa Saturday Wooley mada ten pan far the st&m; Jooa, It; Klddoo. a and Groewa. L Haaea and Taaipktna mada thraa aaeh for tha Exeehunra and Moras L Tha rlnanp: 8TABB. . J. K-XCELSiorta Crovea M' Oahaa Hasen Tompkina Marvin Jooa 1VlM C ruberu J-2 KxlOoo ir.. c H.O.. B-FJR.F. Theaipeaw Keaeki Oat Leator. gVDNEr. Australia. Pab. Is. Cyclon' Johnny Ihompwe. toe American mlddle wstght sum list, yesterday knocked out Jack Lester of CUIum. Wash., the former heavyweight ehampioa of Australia, m the twentieth round. Lreter was leading on polnta when ba received the knock out blow. Do yea know that more real danger lurks ht a numnnai cold than m any ether of tha minor ailments? The aafe ay la ta take Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, a thoroughly reUabie prepara tieau and rid" yourself of tha 00M as ejuKkly as poaaible. Tail remedy is for asle bj .U deajtra. Youth Defends Title as Skating Champion NEW TORK. Pea IL-Robert MeUaa. the lS-year-old Chicago schoolboy, cue oeeafully defended hla title of amateur Ire abating ehampioa of tha world by winning both at tha American Indoor championships held tonight at St. Nlch olaa rink. McLean wan the mile championship by a well-judged sprint In the last two lapa Ha was crowded closely by 1L Wheeler of Montreal, who had set the pace most of tha way. The lima waa t.11. In the quarter mile Phil Kearney pushed Mo Lean hard. Summaries: Ouarter mile: Won by R. McLean. Illinois Athletlo club, Chicago; P. J. Kearney. Hi. Nlcholaa rink. New Tork, eix-ond: A. J. O'aicky, Cleveland, third. Time, :. (Hie mile: Won by K. McLean: K. Wheeler, Montreal Athletlo association. Montreal, second; P. J. Kearney, third. Time, S.Uh. Big Eight Heads Plan Rigorous Measures CHICAGO, Feb. It -New and vigorous measures for tha government of athletica la tha west will ba considered by tha presidents of tha "Big Eight" universities st a meeting to be held March ( at the University of Chicago. Prealdent A. W. Han-le of Northwestern university today m1 a call for tha gathering which Is sxpected to be the most Important legisla tive aeaelon etnee tha formation of tha conference In last. Tha assembling of the presidents of tha universities for tha third time In the history of tha conference, la the outgrowth of dlesaUafaetioa with tha present condition of Intercollegiate sports. It Is expected the discussion will have a great affect upon the future of ath letics In tha middle west. KNIGHT TRADED FOR STREET; PIRATES GET MIKE DONLIN NEW TORK. Feb. lL-8hortsto Jack Knight of the New Tork American league club haa been traded to tha Washington club tor Catcher Street. This announce ment waa mada at the local club's offices tonight. Tha trade waa arranged at the recent American league meeting la Chicago. Manager Wotrarton Intimated some time ago that ba waa after another catcher and Manager Griffith of the Washing- tons had been credited with casting long lag ayes at Knight, who la capable of playing first baas aa well aa tha other Infield position . PTTT8BUROH, Pa., Feb. ISSecretary WiO Locke of the Pittsburgh club an nounced tonight that Mike Donlln of the Boston team would play this season la a Pittsburgh uniform. Donlln haa b takes over by Pittsburgh la exchange for Vincent Campbell, who played right field for Pittsburgh part of mat saa ana, IX Ua la now la early training at Wast Baden, Ind, Best Performers Seen at Columbia University Belay Carnival. C0B5ELL WINS TWO-MILE BACE Jaaee, Haider af Wsrld'a Heewrd for Mile, Reel I y Finishes Event for Teaaa After Mate Strag gle Hard. YORK. Feb. 11-Tha cream of the eastern athletlo world competed here last night la the eleventh annual Indoor relay carnival of Columbia university, Harvard, Yale. Princeton. Cornell and the University ot Pennsylvania all had rep- reoentallvee entered. One of the features, the two-mile Inter collegiate race relay waa won by Cornell. This race waa nip and tuck until tha final lap, when John Paul Jones, holder of tha world's record for the mile, took up the race for his learn and won In easy fashion by about twenty yards. Sum- marl aa: One thousand yard run. handtatn? U'n. by Harry Lee, Boston Athletlo associa tion, I five yardai: I), a. csidweli. u. eachuastts Agricultural college, (as yards), second; a. M. Janney, Jr., Columbia, ( ' uuiu. iiroe; s minutes, li sec ond e. Sixty-yard run. banitlean Van kw T P. llarland, Princeton university, if fact): W. J, Lenders', at. Harthoinmaw Ath letic club. New York, (I feel), second , . N, Thatcher. Yale university ti tMmti third. Time: mlnutea. Sufe seconds. ' Two-mils Indoor relay ehamotonahiu. men erratch: Won by Cornell uoirer ity, (H. N. Putnam. H. H. Snyder, I. K. Finch and J P. Janeel! ITnlVAMltw n Penneylvania, (W. Lererlne. L. A. Crocs. H. O. Foster and J. W. Bod ley), second; Harvard unlvsrnitv. (T w Hneh w u Temald, H. M. Warren and a m! Preble), third. Time; minutes, S 1-e eeconds. Hunnlng hlxh iutnn. hsndlcen: by K. Jennings, Pastime Athletlo club, tt Inches) with six feet; P. W. Dalrymnle. Massarhueetta Institute of Technology (1 inch) second, with six feet; (a a Dickin son, Yale university, is Inches), third with five feet, g Inehea. Five-mile run. hendlnan Vm h, v O. Hellers. New York Athletlo olub, (iej , mim nyen, inso-Amencan am letlc club, im yards), second: r n nmitn, ew York Athletlo club, (17S wiuu. 1 nm A minutes. B xA SHDDOI, Six hundred-yard run. novice: Won by L. F. Carr. Yale unlveraltv: V r v. don, Princeton, second, 0. tj. Buyne, Vsle. third. Time: t mlnutea, is i-i SHUIHU, One-mile Indoor Intereahaa-lsta eelsv cnampionsnip, s-ratch: four men, eeob running let yards: Won by Syracuae snjversuri v oitimina univereity, eeoond Cornell university, third. Time: S mla utes, 11 aeconda Baxter mile: Won by A. B, KlvlaL lUBd. Hoeton Athletle aeanclsflMM .. Moran, new York Athletlo club, third. s muiuies, si t-e seoonaa; FAST PLAYINGJN TRI-CITY Omaha High and Creighton Win and Lose in Main Contests. BOUGHTfESS IN FINAL GAME Speedy Magla city High School dalatet Trlma I'alvevslty at Omaha la Preliminary Cawteet. y i 1 -,. v,ea! kifm r . tei on. 1 MICHIGAN OFFERS A DATE I.earse Staadlag. w. Pin tea Omaha High School 12 South Omaha illrh Hrh l ta Crelahton liellevlie ia rtjnlveralty of Omaha Tramps 10 council Bluffa "TT" S V L. Av. 1 jam s .;m S ."Oil s .ht 1 . .!50 s .vn 7 .126 Golf Course is Laid Out at Fort Omaha A nine-hole golf course haa been laid out a Fort Omaha and tha officers of tha signal corps stationed there expect to or ganise a club of themselves and make the game of tha greea their principal diver sion during tha coming season. Tha course tarts near tha salute can non at tha northeast corner of the parade grounds and winds over tha roadway at the wast and of tha ground, thin back around tha balloon house and ends up on Major Gilchrist's front lawn along offl ears row. Tha putting greea at hole aom- alne ta tha feature of tha whole It waa laid out by Private K. W. Long ley, former "caddy" to Walter Travis and runner-up for the p residence cup at tha Transmits! sslppl tourney last sum- ICspeclal care will be taken during tha dry season to keep the greens well watered, and It la planned to Inetall sev eral new hssarda and bunkers later la the GEORGE STOVALL TRADED FOR "LEFTY" GEORGE CLEVELAND, O, Fb. U. -George StavalL Brat haaemaa of the Cleveland league team, and. who aa ot tha orgaaleattea last aum wlth cnnaiderable sue ruse, to day, was traded to the St. Louis Ameri can leeurm dub tor Lefty George, a promisjaf (eft handed SicISi LICHTER WINS DISTANCE PLUNGE IN ST. LOUIS ST. LOt'18, Feb. IS John P. Lkh- ter of Illinois university woa the national amateur athletic championship plunge for distance last Bight la the dual aquatic meeting of Illinois university sgalnat the Missouri Athletic dub, by making 7 feat Inches. He defeated the record holder. Millard Kaiser, but failed to equal Kais er's record of B:1L O. A. Johnson of tha Chicago Athletle association w third with n The Missouri Athletic club ' woa points and Illinois university 4 points la tha meeting. The Missouri Athletle dub water polo team, the national champions. woa tha water polo event, f to a Sum- marles of other events follow: Fifty yards swim. A. U Voeburg. Il linois university, winner; SI 1-4 seoon 1 yarda awtra: H. K. Qrlffla, Illinois university, winner; 144 S-i. 2ft yarda awim: A. H. Voeburg, Il linois unlvsrsity. winner; S:4S S-s. We yarda breast atroke: Jamea Bng ham. Missouri Athletic club, winner; 1 46. Belay race: Xli yarda, four men to team. Missouri Athletic dub, winner VALLEY HIGH SCHOOL DOWNED BY MADISON MADISON, Neb.. Feb. ll- Special ) Valley High school basket bell team waa defeated Friday at the heads ot the Madlaoa frre. The Brat half aaded with a scare ef T ta 4 In favor of VaUey. Ia thte half tha local team seemed unable ta break up Valley's fine team work, bat Use second halt told a different tale. The final acora was S to U la favor of Madi- ! last Evening's Scarce, Omaha High School, 14: Crelrhton, it Crelghton, 17; Omaha High School, IS. South Omaha Hieh School. 21: llnl. varsity of Omaha, 1. South Omaha HKh School. If: Tint varsity of Omaha, S. Four fast floor contests were pulled off la tha Tri-Clty league aerlea Saturday evening at tha University ot Omaha gym nasium In which the Oataha High school Ova and tha Crelghton basket tossers broke even and tha Magic . City lads trimmed tha Univarslty of Omaha quintet In two straight contests Although considerably handicapped by the abaenoa of Mark Hughes, eanter, and Sidney Meyer, right forward, who are laud out for the present with Injuries, the local high school lads put up a stellar exhibition of the sport against tha eel- legiaaa The Crelghton tossers were strengthened by tha return of Prucha, left forward, who has been previously barred from Trt-Clty contests because of alleged preceaalonallam. Sbary played a good gam at center la plaoa ot Hughea The second contest between the purple and white and Crelghton waa easily the stellar gams of the evening and was marked by considerable rough play on both sldea Class B fouls were celled oa Balderaon, right forward for Crelghton. and Harry Muaneke, toft forward for the high school lada, during the last eight minutes of plsy. Tna High school tossers kept up a steady game throughout and while the Crelghton lads' team work excelled at times their passing was rather erratic and loose. In the preliminary contest the Magic City lads outplayed the University ot Omaha Ova. winning both games by good margins. Tffi university players put up a game fight, however, especially Whit- osmbe, left forward, who rolled up total of nine polnta Hlsa Schaal aad Crelahtea. Tha High school -Crelghton lineup: OMAHA HIGH. CKEIGHTON. Crocker RF.IR.F Bslderson Munneke L.F.LF.. ........ Prucha Shery c. C. Hoffman uarniner uu.'l.u Shtmerda Buraenroad ... R.O.IR.O Haller First Ua me Field goals. Burkenmad. 4: Munneke, 1: Crocker. 1: Prucha S: Bal- dereon, r. .Shlmerda. t. Free throws Frucna, 1; Crocker, 1. Polnta awarded: High echool. L Referee: Homer M. Curtlo. Scorer: George PerelvaJ. Time- see per: k. l earns. Time of asms: Twenty mlnutea. Second Game Field eoala: Biirken- roaa, 4; Crocker, 1; Hoffman, S; Prucha, Balderaon. L Free Throwa: Burken. road, I; Pruoha, a Referee: Homer a. lAirua aoorer: i. A. Perdval. Timekeeper: R, L. t arns. Tuna of game: Twenty mlnutea. Game wtth Omaha V. Tha South Omaha High school-Univer sity of Omaha lineup: SO. OMAHA HIGH.l'N't. OF OMAHA. Owlllne R.F.IRF Dew Menefee L.F.IL.F Whlteombe Nixon C.IC Jerome Flttle L.O. L.O Parish Lyman R.G.IR.O. rar sons First Osroe Field goale: Col Una. S: Menefee. 4: Lyman. 1: Dow. L ma Throwa: Colllna, S; WhHcombe. a Ref. eree: Curtlo. Scorer: Peralval. Time keeper: R. I Carna Time of game Twenty mlnutea Second Oamw Field goals: Collins 1: Whlteombe, U Free Throwa: Colllna. S: Whlteombe, 1 Referee: Curtis. Scorer: Perdvsl. Timekeener: R. I., t'srne Time of Game: Twenty mlnutea CORNELL WINS FROM COE Mount Vernon Team Pats Decided Crimp in Cedar Sapidt Five, COE HAS CHANCE FOE SECOND cere at Forty. Fan r ta Twenty. Severn Decides Merits at Thee Two Teams Maay Reefers Lee aa Osteoma. MT. VERXON. Ia. Feb. It-tSpeclal Telegram. -CorneIl won from Cos yester day afternoon oa tha Cornell floor In bas ket ball by the score af 44 to 27. Coe put up a creat fight, but was outplayed by tha Cornell five at every point. The Coe five having won from Cornell In the first game of the season, there waa unusual Interest In tha game. A special train carried SOSCoe rooters from Cedar Rapids wha risked their money quite freely on their team. Left Forward Sage starred for Cornell with seven baskets Cornell's floor work waa the feature of the game. Accurate and swift passing kept the ball la their hands the largest ah are of tha time. Cramer at guard did etellar work, espe cially oa tha aggressive. Verink, Stookey and Qrfauell wsro In stood form. Referee Blrsch called both teams close on fouling so that part af tha roughness wss eliminated from the game. Up to the Cornell game Cos haa en Joyed Dearly a clean record, having been beaten only by Grinnell this season. Cos has aspirations to a second or third rank la the state, and probably a deciding gama will be arranged between Cos and Cornell. Cornell Is being atrongly supported for tha Iowa-Cornell tame Tuesday. The lineup: COR WELL. COB. L.F Stookei Fuasell-Klauaa.. L. F. Saga R.F. Carhart C. Cramer L.O. Reltaell (O....R-G. Edwards R.O, R.F..... C w L.O R.O HO . Grlssel .. Vsrtnk Dorman . Gorley Parker Bowling Entries May lieach Six Hundred CHICAGO, Feb. M -Entries of U teams In the amerlcaa Bowling congress had been received by Secretary Langtry tonight when ho went to hie home at Milwaukee to make out the schedule tor the twelfth annual tournament of the association. Before be left Chicago Secretary Lang- try aald that more than SW.sM had been paid aa entry fees. Ot this sum between PT.OSi and S3.SW will be available for lea. The awmber of entrtee and total receipts la fees break all previous records ta the history of tha American Bowling Field baskets: Base m irusssii m r-. r Brt (4), Cramer ti), Heltiell (J), Stookey w,, xfisM w, verma ts), Ltorraao tl). Free throws: Reltaell (1), Grlaaell (6). Referee: Hlrsch, Normal. Umpire: Kerns, Government Tests Cars for Its Use ST. LOUIS. Feb. lt-On last Mon day a model M, Bwldt motor ear was de livered ta Colonel Spencer Crosby of the war department at Washington to ho weed by the Inspector of buildings and grounds tor his dally trips. Tha government Invited all tha leading manufacturers ot eara priced from IMS to COOS to submit a car In competition to committee of expert mechanical men. Theee cars were driven to the designated placa and the drivers dismissed. The examination waa then mada with no repreeentatlve of any of the cars present Motor for motor, shaft for shaft, bolt for bolt, ths cars wars compared, taated and appraised by tha government experts On by one the cars were eliminated until but one remained. It was a Bulck. Of ths seventeen or nineteen cars submitted the Bulck alone stood tha rigid test of quality and construction upon which ths examination waa baaed. Thte car waa at once turned over to the government for Immediate service. Tabor College Five Bows to Crelghton Crelghton'! basket ball ahootera put a crimp oa Tabor college Friday at Tabor by tha score ot M to S. Tabor lacked la quick passing, while Creighton's swift and accurate throws gave them a hla lead In the flrat half which the eolleaians were unable to over come. The lineup: CREIOHTON. I TABOR. Balderaon UF L.F. Mann Hoffman - C; R. Plttmenn Francis R.K.IC HsJI Shtmerda L.G.1R.0 Mover Bliss R.G.IL.G Johnson R0.... Baakervllle Field goals: Hoffmen 2. Frances 1 8hlmerda 1. Balderaon S, Hall t Mann a Muyer 1. Pit l men a Free throwa: Pitt- man X. Fraacta a Referee: ( la us Delfs, Drake ualveraity. Scorer: Gaston. Time keeper: Feetne-r. Length of helves: K mlnutea. Score: First half. Crelghton zi. Tenor n: second half, crelghton a. Tabor 14. Total: Crelghton K Tabor & la aa exciting preliminary game Tabor High school lost to Tabor academy by two points, the final score being: Acad emy 1, high echool a Cornhnskers May Play November if Travel to Ann Arbor. DISPATCH TO LOCAL ALUMNI upew Dale aa Both Nebraska aai Wolverine Srhedalea, aad It Will Doubtless Be "erl aely Considered. Local Michigan alumni received a tele- gram yesterday from George Ranelme director of athletics st ths University of Michigan, stating that the Ann Arbor school haa November 1 open on their iu schedule and is willing to offer the Cornhuskers that date provided Coach Btienm s aquad will Journey to the Michl gan campua for the battle. Conflicting reports have been emsnsllns irom ooui camps on the Mil Nebraska UI..I . "-"sen contest curing the lsst two montns, and according to an suthorlts. tivs report given out by the Nebraska management January 28, the Cornhnsksrs can nave the choice of two dates with tne wolverlnee-a game oa November or uie closing game of the year. If the november I date waa accented, the nm would be played In Lincoln, but If th. v.ornnuBKers closed the season with the wolverines as their opponents, the con. test must he pulled off st Ann Arbor. The local telegram received yesterday upsets all the previous dope and puts It up to the Cornhuskers to accept Novem ber J aa the date of ths Michigan con test at Ana Arbor. nowerer, If Nebraska takes un the Wolverine gama for the November 1 data, another conflict will 'arise, aa both Ames and Missouri have applied for contests on the asms date. European Billiardist Drops to Last Place NEW TORK, Feb. U-Edouard RoudlL the European champion, dropped to the bottom of the International stand lug In ths amateur U.I balk Una tournament sat night when he met hla third defeat. this lima at tha hands of E. W. Gardner of New Jersey. Gardner finished up his string of 400 whsn his opponent -had chance to win, but bungled a shot and waa left at 392. This waa Gardner's last gama la tha tournament and It leaves his record two won and three lost. Gardner's average la tonight's game waa IHt with high runs of et, ST and SS: Rou dll's average was 7 fl-M with high runs of 4S, 44 and IL J. F. Poggenburg won the evening gama defeating Joseph Mayer, the Philadelphia ehampioa by 40 to Set. The winner's average of 14 1S-2S and his high runs SL a ana sx Mayer mads an average of S 12-31 ana his beet runs were 46. at and St, SIGNAL CORPS IN LEAD OF BOWLERS AT THE FORT The ten pin game continues to he popu lar with tha soldier lads at Fort Omaha. -ma signal corps school team la sull in first place) with an average of til Ser geant Andrew CI arks tops tha Individual with an average of ISt Following Is the league standing and Individual averages: LEAGUE STANDING. P. VA Signal Corps school.... 21 1.1 i ompany h si n Extra duty men 21 le Company A fl 10 Headquarters 21 IS Hospital corps U s L. S lv 11 11 11 i: Ave. .1J .(34 .474 ,4;c .474 .4a ROSS DEFEATS WALTERS IN ST. VALENTINE'S FINALS Entrtee mailed at a distance Friday alght which will arrive here before Mow day morning may bring tna total entry net ta mare than M teama. Fvraa Forfeit Fwated. KANSAS C1TT. Feb. M. Jimmy Hurst, manager of Clarence Feme ot Kansas City, wha del roe the welterweight boxing chanwionenip, tooay nostra a forfeit of Sl.M with the aportlng editor of a local newspaper to dim a matea with Fmcky McFariaaa of cnicago or Ray Branson of Indienapolle for tha weltarweurht rhma ploaahlp. the money to go as a side bet Pei sona troubles wrts partial paralysis are often very araeh benefited hsr aaaa- ag the affected parts thoroughly whea ape tying Chamberlala'a Ltnlntent This Irntsseat alas renews rheumatic HOT SPRINGS, Ark.. Feb. IX. -C. a Ross, member ot the Sheyboygan Coun try dub, woa first honors la the Basis of the St. Valentine's golf tournament svwr the course af the country club here, today, defeating E. B. Walters of the Salisbury Golf club ot New Tork S up and t ta play. Ross qualified for the finals by a acora of St agalaet an SI bogey for the course. Thirty-two players par. tid paled. PINEHVRST. N. C Feb. It-Miss Mary B. Fewaes of Oakmont, sister of tha V national golf champica, easily wwa today's qualification round of the Fwhruary golf tournament for women and tha gold medal offered tor the beat Persistent Advertising Is the Road B.C SsiMIHt INDIVIDUAL AVERAGES. erfesst Ctsrke 1U sertetnt Flsfce its rrlvste Lesf IK (Yirperel Fseie lit Private ColllBs. lit rrlvste Docker Ul Private tee HI Oersorel Hsnmis... m rrlvste Keedrfek.... IIS Prints Hsnsiss.... lit Prlvsts Crela lit Privets Xollhuter.... 1U vrgesa AM m prime Jscksee. ut TECUMSEH QUINTET DROPS FAST GAME TO AUBURN AUBURN. Neb.. Feb. IS. (Special.) Auburn High school won at basket ball from Tecumseh Saturday, SS to fl. The game waa featured by hard, fast playing. Minor of Tecumseh was removed dur ing tha laat half for personal foula. Tecumseh has been a strong competitor for southeastern honors this season. Falrmoaat Defeata Fairfield. FAIRFIELD, Neb., Feb. ll-(Special.) -In a hotly contest game of basket ball played here last night, the Fairmont High school defeated the Fairfield High school by the score of IS to IT. Neuralgia Sloan's Liniment has sooth ing effect on the nerves. It stops neuralgia, toothache and sciatica pains instantly. HERE'S PROOF Mrs. C. VL Dowses, ot Jobssseseait, Mteh.,wrltss: "Sloan's Liaisient relieved aie of Msurslgla. Those pains have all goae end 1 ean truly say vow I Istaeit did Slop then." SLOAN'S LINIMENT is also good for rheumatism, sore throat and sprains. atsaeMkn. me sat., ss. a i se. Dr. Karl S. Seen . Boston, Mast. lips? sW Bottled at the brewery. Just abont 100 per cent, perfect For health's sake have it la yonr home. "Atwmy thm tmmrn aod Old Blmtz" BLATZ COHPArTT Sea sios 1 si eiiiito .m Fheaei OwaglaaSMS "J n Y 1 I have no mora apprehensfoa ot my Cadillac a not starting and finishing than that my heart win stop beating. I Ta beat, tht CADILLAC t fas sAosyaa J I00A for tk laiinf cxAiotf