THE BEE: OMAHA. MONDAY. FEBRUARY 19. 1912. OFFERED FOR REXT lloasc aad t'otlaaie. NEARLY n-w seven-room house: U modern; electricity and furnace. S3 Bristol. Nice location: look it over. Call w ner. Harney bra. E. E, Huntley. i'KNTRAL-; all mod., steam heat. 7-r. end bath: 5-r. flat, 73 X. 23d St. SMALL coxv cottage for rent. Webster 114. (2i Sherman Ave. NEW. 5-room Tat. modern except heat. J140 N. 19th. Phone Dougias 41(0. .MODERN seven-room, bnek hour Dear high school. Apply 45 Capitol Ave. storage, 8 8. ltth, by the viaduct. Branch office aoa s, 17th St. Tel. D. 4ia A-lsd. MOVIXO. packing and storing of house hold foods ud pianos is our business. Omaha, Van and Storage Co.. fireprool storage. 8. 16th, by the viaduct. Branch office. a Kth St Tel. 1. 41 A-laK. PERSONAL THE SALVATION ARZ'Y soUclls cast off clothing; tn fact anything you do not rise Ws collect repair and sail at 1M N. Uth St . for coat of collection, to tlx worthy poor. Call phona Douglas 41 and wagons will call. T-room comfortable house, close In. th nd Davenport, lis. C.EORGE B. LF.HXHOFF. 107 Par. Tel. Doug, m. POIl RENT A large modern rsidnc, corner 11th and Pierre; II rooms, furnace, electric light, t toilets, M month. loug. b,2. ikZ X. 1STH. (-room. mod. J. W. Young, Webstar. I74J. FOR RENT 4 and tram cottages. In quire Ml 8. tttn. WALKING DISTANCE 515 Dewey Ave., T-room brick, strictly modem: hot water heat; combination l.ghta. M. W W. MITCHELL. OWNER, 120 SPENCER ST. PHONE WEBSTER 4173. SIX nice rooms, modern, in prtvato family. Harr.ey 3463. JSli Dodge St.. "-room strictly modern flat; tree rant to March 1; as); walk ing distance. tR Chicago St., t-room strictly modern hone; will bo ready for occupancy March 1; Ki. Gallager & Nelson 483 Brandels Bldg. Omaha. Neb. FOR RENT cheap; JuOl N. ltth St.. a s-room houso and barn; will una key one door north FIVE-ROOM modern coitago, northeast comer Uth and Castellar. NEW t-room, modern house. ai North MU Bt. Web. Hit. tore aad Onto. M'CAGUE RI'ILDING, lith and Dodga, Attractive offices, single or en suits; hot and cold water In nearly all rooms; rani. 17 to S3); service complete. Apply OMAHA LOAM BUILDING ABS'N. STORE rooms, steam heated, front! alley at 1W7 and IK Far nam SL liar merchandise entrances, glass (rants. Ihos. F. Halt. 43) Rang Bldg. Both j'honeo. OFFICE room, second floor. Wright J.asniiry. MM South ltth St. Phono Doug las 1U. LARGE store room with balcony. Leavenworth. Phono Douglas ttus. 1711 Store at SI 8. Uth St. Store at U04 Harney 8t. Of nee or salesroom at Uth and Harney. Sd floor at 1M4 Harney (now). 3d floor at UW-10 Harney (.new). Basement at Ijnj-l Harney (new). Office at 1517 Farnam (second floor). O. C. RE01CK. ATTORNEY, . UI1 Farnam St,, Omaha. fltoro at mt Cuming street. 8tore at Bm Cumlug street. Store at MS North 14th. Store at I7 North S4th. Store at tM North, :4th. south Omaha, O. C. REDICK, ATTORNET, 1H7 Farnm Bt., Omaha, Dh.SK room for two Brandels Theater Bldg. fourth floor, beside elevator; us of phone and private office, to right par ties. Phone B-19Z3. STORE ROOM. lie Large store an I basement; good lo cation. 2STS Cuming 8t. II. A. WOIJ, 431 Brandels Bldg. Phones: Bell, Doug. tot; lad.. A-H71. OFFERED FOR SAL FarwUas. HIGH grad piano at half pries; practi cally new; a bargain. Phono Doug. Hat FIRST class furniture lor sale In thro room flat. Call Dougla 7S, hih HALE Handsome dining suite consisting of 1 foot table, t small chairs, i arm chairs, china cabinet, ser vice table and massive buffet. Must dla IKwe of at once; leaving e.iy. Pbeoe Har ney 4HIS. BRAI'TlFL'L hand-earved sideboard. old-fashioned, but tn good oondltlon; din ing room table. Call 1KI N. 13th. FOR tiALE-.Nesrly new sewing ma chine; also furniture of two rooms. MM N. JSd St. Typewriters. RENT an Oliver typewriter from lbs Oliver Typewriter Co. Dougla ait. TYPEWRITERS. ALL MAKEnV-FT sale or rent: largest stock: best bargains. B. F. 6W ANSON CO., lilt Farnam 8u moans- veil or MlaoollaaoM. FOR SALE-Two cnotarbIp In th Omaha Commercial eolleg and on la Boyles college. Buatne office. Oman Be. SOW blue Kress now on the snow aad have nlca velvet laws neat spring and aumnter. THE NEBRASKA SEED CO.. Tel. Douglas 1W1. ml Howard Bt ""for" SALE New and second-hand carom and pocket Millard tabloe and bowling alley and accessories- bar fu tures of all kinds; easy payments. The Brunwlck-Balk-CtUndr Co- SJ7-40 8V 1Mb St. ;D SAFES. PERIOHT. Itl Farnam Bt. LAROE modern barn, hold M bead. r!1 Willie ave. K A FE8 Overstocked with acoond-hand ssfe. all -alses and mak: bargains. American Supply Co.. Ill Farnam it. M 1. AtwnnwA -I I 111 VOMll llAC tSO. l'.k earrings worth Out. 114s. , Uk stud worth MS. 14. FRIEDMAN'S LOAN BANK. 1Z11 IWflM i-r. Coal for store or furaaoa. Try It! ? J Harmon A Weoth. Webstar H you SALir-Thlce pool tables, new rlmh: first clasa condition; 130. Call Harney BEAlTIFt'L mahogany piano, hslf prl.e. Call Douglas lr7 or 407 Paxton Block. C I XDEHS for sale cheep. Phoon V. 411. SODA fountain. 1 syrups, onyx body, cherry top. electric fixtures, oak counter, steel tsnks and charging outfit; complete outfit at a bargain price. J. II. Schmidt, 24th and Cuming Sts SET Deagan Morlmbophones, 2 octave, H5. bargain. M N. Kth St. EXCEIJ.ENT, large breeding cage cheap. Phone Harney 18a. WIZZAKD concrete block machine, Ixtal. Ksl Camden Ave. PIANO bargain at PA Phone M-1S62. PERSONAL M S XilV Swelish movement. Apt JIAOOAUL t iM2 F.rnam. O. (B44. RE.IL ESTATE. FAR1I HII U I.IND9 FOR SALE SAl'VniSH massaae. vibrator and lallterala. DON'T WAIT i TEARS. BUY CALIFORNIA Fl LL-HsURl.NCJ OKCHARJiS. MONEY BACK IF NOT SATISFIED. IMt cah nad 13 per month buys five acres with full bearing fruit trees In the famous Bidwelt orchards at Chico. Cai. snyder. 5W Bee Bldg. Red . f if 'VITTTP treatment K. Brott. .10 BEST bracer for men. Uray s Nerve Food Pilla n per box. postpaid. Sherman It McConnell Drug Co.. Omaha, Neb. 11A1RDRESSINO, manicuring, facial masaags. Switches mads from combings. Mrs. Waterbury. O Neville Blk. ADVEKTISF.RS-Own a mail order magazine. Rate low. Address Y-30. care Bee. POULTRY AND PET STOCK KO(13 fw batching from ll.e Brandels Farm. Thoroughbred 8. C. White Leg horns. VUllty stock, ILi setting or H per 14. Exhibition or show stock. (1 to St a setting. Write for catalogue. Address A. D. Brandets, Omaha. TaL BasM 70t. KsMir corn maaes nens lay. n ser ltv, screenings. U S per luo. Wagner, km N. ll BARRED PLYMOfTII ROCKS-riftv fin cockerels of my champion exhibition and heavy egg-laving etraln; prices very low. F. C. Ahlqulst. Box D, Ante Ave. Si.. Omaha. Neb. Florence 104. ROSE Comb Rhode Uland Red cock erel, tl up: eggs for settings. R. C. Walker, South Omaha. REAL ESTATE A TRACTS tlk- TITLE. Read Abstract Co., oldest ahstract office tn Nebraska, 1ft Brandets Theater. NRALK CAMPBELL. 1714 Farnaa St miLOaEH' lNFOBMATlOX. Fleet rle ga flxiure. Omaha Silver Co- Ideal Cement Co., 17th and Cuming. Kucha. Son 4V Blind, painting, decorating. ROOFING paints, building papers, plat ter boards. Amer. Sup. Co., 11US Nicholas. WELL digging, r. Grossman, 15 N. Kth. CITY PROrBBT FOR SALE SEVEN-ROOM hous. oak finish. 4 rlos ts. psntrv. bath, furnace and fireplace. UoOO: part cash, balance monthly. Tel. Webster eg. WANTED TO BORROW. Thousands of people have found the home they were looking for among the real estate ads on The Bee want ad page. Th home you want to sail can bs disposed of quickly at cost of only a few cents through Be want aas. WANTED snTATrOXSs Your money bsck if not satisfied upon investigation. The Bldwell nrchardtt are the most noted and productive in the wonderful Sacramento valley of Califor nia. It's our confidence in this land that prompts this generous offer. We've Peaches, prunes, almonds, apricots and bartlett Dears. Buvers' railroad fares. not exceeding St, will be credited on , at start purcnase price. Land adjoins the Ihrlv- YOI NG colored ladv, experienced cook, .ng town of Chico tlt.oa) pop ). (Refer- wishes a iKMttton a cook In boarding t-nces: Any bank of Oilco. American hi,.. nr T.i.hne Tvl.r isu . . i ivu . i Diia t 1 can r ihkimw kiiu w.tits position. MWtl.t .ge; twelve reart." railroad experier.c 0u4 off; good rf rencwi. Addrvett O re Be. KkT.IiaBLI-: Udv work In office at store, lHinpt to niAise henelf generalty userul: refereme or oond, maii aef ATS, Bee. OMAHA LIYE STOCK MARKET! Not Much Hunpe in Cittle Pricet During Week. NXW EECORDS FOB HOGS MADE lieep LaMtka tn I ar- Herelpt All lae WrrW aal rlee at tfcf ( lose re Ten Flfr (r,U l.avrer. 11 ri Nation I bank of San ltandro.) de&tl for valuable Information and tact to Bldwell Orchards. Inc.. CMco. Cai. t.Uv buy W acres ahere CaJtfornlana Invest; f'ortervilte early oranre land; water rirhta; rroatla; no ecale. K. F. Allan. Ni! CtM St., Omaha, Colorado. TEN necttons fine farm land In Lincoln county. Colo,; 17 per acre. AN KXPKR1KNVKI laundreaa vanta day work. Call b. McU. WOMAM wants day work or general1 housework. Call Webstar 2006. rS'INCl'MBlCKKD mlddle-afcd widow wants potdttoa aa huuvekeepei In re (ptn'table wtdower'a lionic. Those mean tnc; baslnsa only, nesd answer. Address H 34. care Bea. WANTED Host turn aa cirdtt man or office manager, by youns; man thoroughly experienced and capable or handling an acres In Washington and Vuma'hUth grade position. Lock counties. Colo.; $7 per acre. Retails from jW to ll per acre, r . C. Logan. Hi 6. Main Kt.. Council Bluffs. J a. tie re; la GREAT S0UTU GEOEGU Trsversed by th ATLANTA. BIRMlNGHAbl - ATLAN TIC KAlUtUAO. Lands adapted to th wtdeat rang of crops. All the money crop of tn th plentifully produced. For literature treat ing with this coming country. Its soil climate, church and school advanlagse, writ W. H. LEAHY. DEPT. K. tieneral Passenger Agent. ATLANTA. OA. FOR KALai by owner, six-room house: lrg Int. Four block from car. Good plsi for rhleksn. Price H,X Part cash. Webster Mb. $1400 Four-room eottag at M24 8. ?th Street with a full let ttxIM: good well end cis tern: ga for lighting and cooking. It I worth mora. Do not fall to see this, as It will go tomorrow. Owner on th placs nd will show It. lewa. THE easiest way to find a buyer tot your frj-m is to Insert a small want ad ib th Des Moiae capital. Lavrgest u culation lu th state of Iowa. tl.u dally. The capital I read by and believed tn by the standpatter f Iowa, who simply tefuse to permit any other paper In their lomix Hates. I cent a word a day; sl it per lias per month: count six ordinary word to to Un. Address Des Mum Capital. De Moines. I. AWW A BARGAIN. E acre, all tillable, acre broke; good Improvements, 4 mil from school; pries Hi. bend for bargain list, Pollard bros. Ksrnsm. Neb. KOH 1SALE on block. 12 lots, near tte farm. IJncoln. Neb. Beeutlfully located and all in alfalfa. Address Mrs. Jennie alcKrlvte, Fairfield. Neb $1,975 Five-room cottoge. modern except het at baa Howard Street: tint clsss plumb ing; porcelain bath; house nicely decor ated throughout; south front. W ran mak term on this: 40t cssh, balance monthly. $3,400 Nearly new six-room cottsge at 143S Plnkney street. Full lot; paving psld Plenty of shed. Hous ha rlx largs rooms; oak finish In th living room, din ing room snd vestibule; best of plumbing; flao furnao. elegant combination fix ture; nicely decorated. We can sell this houas for test cash and th balance monthly. It 1 a Jim dandy for th mousy. On block to th street car. A rmstrong-Walsh Co. Tyler KM. ltd . lTth "troet. BARGAIN ON NORTH JTH fT. 14 2M buy the three frame dwelling at 4211-IHs North Mia St., with Km feet frontage. Paving all paid. Annual rent l nor year. w. B. VI elk la, M Ramgs Bldg. BUY FROM OWNER For quick sale and a bargain for 'on of th beet hone la Dundee with hot water heat, oak, birah upstair; garag: half block from car line: south front; paved street: ahade: lot IDtiM. Built by owner. TEL. HARNEY 2976 OOINO TO WaOT INDIES snd will sell my t-room house for f0D les that It can be built for and save you the lot. Lou facing lth on grd; worth 4M each. Will ll for KM. J. P. JACKSON. Phono Doug! 4tM. 1(11 Frederick St. CATHEDRAL DISTRICT Just finished; I room house, strictly modam; oak and birch finished. 4M N. 41st St.; H.MQ will handle II : Immediate possession. TICK RKI) 4444. OWNER I will sell th choicest building lot In th Hanooom Park district upon th most favorabl terms that could b de sired. If you contemplt building this spring, better se me soon. Ixt located northwest oomer 2M nd Arbor. Tele phone )lrny Btl or South 411. William H. Oould. Jr. BRAND NEW COTTAGE $2450 Iok at Z7Jb Manderson. 5 rooms and laric full 60-foot lot: pavd street. Away below eost. uniy saw caan requires. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO. ACREAGE SPRING BARGAINS IN ACRE PROPERTY Kt acres one-balf mil w eat of Ral ston. of a mile from car Hno; fair house; good barns; a dandy fee yard pro post ttoa. Prtoa fM per acre. V acres, mostly all In orchard, Una beejin- and standard aiitrlea of fruit, good improvements and practically Dew. If you want an Ideal suburban horn lo cation here It la. Pee ua for price and terma s acres about one mite outside of the city limits of Bouth Omaha, Improve ments not extra, but nlca piece of land. Price $175 per acre. It) acres about one mils west of Benson; flood Improvements; considerable fruit. Price KTSO. Five acrea south of Albright: has good Vroom house, barns, etc. lots of fruit. This is an exceptionally nice place and is a real bantam at the price. H0OO. We have some other tracts, both Im proved and unimproved, that are food buys. i O'NEIL REAL ESTATE & INS. AGENCY 136 Fmam St., Omaha. Phones - Tyler lout. Independent A -Mil 11 N. itth Nt, fouth Omaha. Phones South 131 la dependent r-Utt. 43-IiAT UIXXID KtilKUT. Gladish Pharmacy. Uth and Doda'e RHEUMATISM Absolut guarantee to cure at a reas onable price. Msny people In Omaha havo been cured whom we can refer to.. No fake proposition, f none riarney . 1UL..U wwiiic a ' - strsngers are invited to via.t tbe Toung Women s Christian association building at fteventeentb and St. Man's Ave., where they will be directed to suitable boarding place, or otherwise assisted. Look for our traveler' sld st the l'n:on station. BEAIi ESTATE PABatg at BAH Cat LAJIO FOB tALst WE rent and repair all kinds of sew ing machines. Ind. A-l'i Dougla lstt. NEBRASKA CICLg CO.. Uth and Harney str. Msaeage, Rlttenbouee. X old Boeton B.d. Treatmeri. Mr Fteele. 173 Ltodce. Ground ( ..or. rlttak tlwaakla. HAZKI.TON-A new city. (Ituaied In a new country. Central Bnusa Columbia, on a new railroad, tha Oraad Trunk Pa cific, offer ground floor advantages to Investors and settlers. Located at th head of steamer navtgaUsn from th Pa cific; surrounded - by productive farm lands and a rich mineral srea. Close In lots selling from tM i etfi on very easy terma ond for free booklet. Address CANADIAN NATIONAL. INVESTORS, SI Psxton Bldg.. Omaha. Neb. Will buy for aasoaa British Colum bia Farm Landa on uncompleted Orand Trunk wtttout eommkisiea axeeptla; per centag of profits. Large returns cer tain. hYsaik Crawford. Hoaiar 4rt. Vancouver, cr tlmaha. T. W. IlLACKBl'RN, candid! for con- gresa. -want to sell tin section land. Kenn county, oniy ss. l'OK 8 A L.1C. MS acres, unimproved, erasing land, t mile north of Hershey, a station on I'. P. railroad. Must be sold quick. Plies. 13.90 per sere. W. L be I by lata Farnam hi.. Omaha, Neo. FOR QI'ICK oALK-Th best and most fully equipped chicken ranch west of Omaha at one-fourth actual eoat: eoncret dwelling; all buildings in nral-cias oon dltlon; D acres. A. I'eArmon, Cheyenne, Wyo. FAKM berra'n near Omaha; poasossioa given, onn 8. Merrill, uu City Nat l Bank Bid. CHOICK improved 140 acres in cream of th corn belt, IVi mil to lowu; possauloa March 1, lull; saay Una. U. Larson. Owner. C'arks, Neb. ttmUbHt-L WI1KAT I.ANU. Is H Auris TCe have) far sale over SO SO acre ( Cheyenue county, Nebraaka's oholosat farm land, wner tne erov yieios tur u years, inclodtug lilt and 111. avarag mittk the heat In th aiata. Alfalfa ate a leading crop, belter toil, water and climate cannot, be found, writ for full Information led. Agent wan lad every. wnar. rWMDINOgLAND INVEnTMKsT CO, lldney. Neb. HOMtHTItAD-Us acre rich farmland for ll.s, filing fses and all. N (and bill. 1. A. Tracy, Kimball. Neb. 11,600 will buy the best l0-acr homo- stead m Nebraska; partly Improved. Write owner, u. at. uouroan, sumoall. Neb. Miscllaaa. Farmer and land buyers all over th country r reading Bee want ad every lay and snapping up vry bsrrsln offered Kale Ira cents per word II run only on tlm. 1 par word If run two or mor time consecutively. Writ and mall your ad tsday to steal Eatat depart, rilent of Th Omaha ile. Kesult are ur JtKAL KSTATK I-X1K RKKT Farms aad Ilaaeh l.aads. TO RENT A TOO scrs ranch In Box Butt county, Neb. Plenty of water and other, condition satisfactory. Address TBs, care Bee. REAL ESTATE LOANS OMAHA Property and b'ebraska Land. O'KBKFB REAL ESTATE CO., M New Omaha Nat'l Bank Building. LOANS, farm and Nebraska Lands. Dumont ft oon, tv Farnam M.. Omaha, WANTED City loan Petsr Trust Ca. 6 CITY LOANS. Uemis-Carlberg. ilO-ll Brandels Theater. WANTE1-Clty loan W. Fmm Smith it Co.. and warrants U Farnam 81, MONET tn loan on business or reel' dene pre pert les. ILVW to toW.utn. W. U THOMA8. K First Nat l Bank Bldg. lit u SltOM mad promptly. T. IX Weed, Weed bldg, Uth and Farnam. GARVIN BROS-a KtXX; TEAJfSHIPf. EUROPE In comfort; select and limited party sailing June 11 via Mediterranean, eighth season. Miss Ann 7. Rosa, Council Bluffs. Ia.. 417 Willow Ave. FOR BALE OR EXCHANGE I handle trades everywhere. If you want result writ r call IXan. 417 Bee. f int. 11.90 PTfH'K In established Insursnc agency: opportunity for active man. Must sell account otner ousiness. run particu lar furnished reliable parties. Address C tl Bee. WAXTED TO BUY M-basd goods. Kleaer. KB Canter. D. Uik Young Team Wanted GOOD CONDITION K U BEE. Omaha. Neb. dilng any Box 3. WANT position s housekeeper In widower or bachelor's home In city. A 1ITS, Be. DAY work wsnlej Webster HIT. WANTED-Position sschsufteur for a prlvais family or at a garage. Have ev- uerlence; will go anywhere. Address D-$6. care Bre. WANTED Poeltlon at private swttcb board; on and oae-haiC year' experi ence. Ztto Fowler Ave. TOl'NO man a years old wants paaltlon ft bookkeeper, highly recommended, graduate of Packard Commercial chool. New York fliy. Moms Rosen, S41S N. St., South Omaha. W A NTKD Evening clerical work bv experienced young man. lTnlverstty gradu ata Reference. Address O-Wll, car Boa, An sipertenosd girl want poattle 1n doctor's office. Phone Webvter WASHING snd Ironing done. T., H. Ml. F1rst-cls, prsclcal nurse. M still). A-tHl4. Curtsins laundered, (guaranteed w. sua. LA lit wants day work. Web. sMS. WANTED Work by" day. calfTnor mg and svenlnga Webster 441. WANTED Position as chauffeur for private wnr by young man. good habits, a graduate, garag experience, competent to handle high grd cars. Tim of be ginning and place no object up to April . Address Box 148. Juleshurg. Col. VOI NU MAN, married. wouldTTk posi tion with om pnvt family; go hom nights; references. H 4t, Hee. WANTED Position as motion picture operator, experienced, referenc. Address 8, be office, South Omaha. Be want ad will salt fur. allure, pianos, stoves, type writers, sewing machines, muslcl Instrument, bicy cle, etc , at a cost of only a few cent. Don't delay; get your ad In bow. 1JVE STOCK MARKET OF WEST Ship your atoek to South Omaha. mileage and hrinkag. Tour ootuigii ment receive prompt ftnd caraful run. Uoa. Me Itawk Coasailselea Her aaa Is. Byere Bros, a Co. Strong snd rospondbla WOOD BHQ8-. XM-U Exchang Bldg. Orst Wt. Com- Co.. Omaha Denver. W. jj SMITH 80N lust handle sbMp. TACIO BROS, hanale oaltla. bog, eheea. Clay, Hcalnsoa Co., m Kachang Bio. Inlerstate Co. Better results. Ship t us. CLIFTON Com. Co., U Exchang Bldg. U E. hO HERTS A CO.. ra Each. Bldg. Cox sV Jonas Com Co.. hunch of hustlers. Fsrmars L. 8. Coax. Cc. X Each. Bldg, Dspvait proceed of aipmota In Slock Yards Nat'l Bank. Only bank at yards. alamo Bros, ex Co.. M-t Excb. Bldg.' OMAHA THE CHAIN MARKET WEEKS OMA1N Co., grain merchant. Con.lgnrasnt coltclled. ist Brandels. LKtsAL AO J It KB. STOCKHOLDERS MEET IN (A, Th annual meeting of th at nek holders of Tha Be Publishing company will be held at th company offlo In th B building, Omaha, N.. at 4 'clock p. m., Monday, March 4. UU. far tn lctlou of a board of director for the nsuing year and for th tranaaotlon of such other business a may properly com belore the meeting, Hy order of the F4d-Wt. N. P. FKlU NOTICE OK STOCKHOLDERS' MEET. 1NU Notice 1 hereby given that th regular annual meeting of tha alock holdera of th Bo uth Piatt Land Com pany will be held at the office of aald company at Lincoln, Neb., at U o clock a. ui.a on tbe slxlk day si March, A. V. C. II. MORRILL, PreldL A. B- MINOR, Secretary. Lincoln, Neb., February 1. uu. SEALED BIDS WILL BE RECKlVKIl at the office of th uoderslgntd until 1 o clock noon, rebruary !3, 11J, for teel breeching for the heeling and power plant, also fur setting boiler and stoker at th Indnstrlal School at Kearney, Nebraska. Plana on file at th Institu tion and at th office of the oommloaloner of publie land and building at Lin coln. ADDISON WAIT, Secretary of State. ' FlSd t MEW YORK UE.XKRAL MARKET SOl'TIl OMAHA. Ftb. IT. li: Cattle Hot fheep. . .. 44 II.--1 .. i.H ..tut 1.J- .. i.f: i.7'M .. l.Osi 15.4ff .. 1W 11. Til Keveipli. were: Otflciel Monday . Olflclsl Tuesdav . Official Wcdnenlar Official Thursday .. Official Frldav .. Kslimsle Saturda ' i.i 14o 40.v S4..W Sit days this week..l.: VC H Same daj la-t week. .KM Same data ! ki ae, Xtl 71 tr Same daa a wks .... is lat tl x7 3 "1 Same dav 4 wks am. tl.4s av; S3 Same dsjs last yeor.. illre 4J.142 JI.J The folloalng tsble shows th reoeipts of csitie. hog and sheep at South Omaha for the year to date a compared with last year: isii ten inc. Dec faille 1JJ49J 1S1 U.OS Hugs iST.M? bHl M7.M Sheep ai7i :i,lJ,l The following table shoes th rsufv of prices paid for hoge at South Omslts for tne last lew days, with comparisons Dels. lu. ,iu Jiws.l ln,iaM ( 40,1 7 421 I el' I 4 li t "I t 7 i an.) i ja. a,, tci 4 M 7 sf 011 T U t 7l I6l i HI t 74 IUVslTMItslWI4rl IsK tu)lnl4i;ia)l ! i Ti 1 1 4 m i m i n Feb. J.. Feb. t. Fsb .. re. 10. Fee. U. reb. II Feb. 13 I S 7l f est i ( Vil 4 II $ ! r. It. f (r, MIT71 4lsslt! Feb. M.I 1S I oil I 71 til 4 W ! I 4 Feb. Is. I 4s' T 11 I 74. li I ( Ml t ' Feb.17J I f 1 t B m t i Is l Sunday. Reoeipts and disposition of lite stork st the Union Stock Ysrds, South Omshs, lor the ta'entv-four hour enillne at 1 o'clock yosterday- KBA.EJ l! CAR I .O A DS. Cattle. Hogs Sheep. Fi r . C . M A St. P... Wabash Missouri Pacific... I ninn Pacific C. A N. W.. asst.. C. N. W.. west . '. B. A'ij., east... ., n. u , wast... C. R. I. A P.. east C. R. 1. P. west Illinois Central Chlcsgo ut. West... t 4 l 4! II h 14 9 I t Total receipts... 7 1 I 1 DISPOSITION-HEAD. Catti. Hoes Rheep showed few chsnges. Toaar.1 the week end, markettrgs were especially heavy and seller wre forced to cheapen cost in order to make clearances, both fat sheep and fat lambs closing at net de cline of to? IV. In most respects dellv run lallv hate been little- different from the eail Feb ruary and late January re.-e:!iH. More good lambs are coming, of cours.-. as fre quent sales of fed westerns and Mcxlcnn st the top Indicate, but withers and yearlings been seta. at jtli uniee. Kwea made up the big bulk of !irp of ferings an-1 Hie trade in tins clas f to-it shoaed more rtalnlny than the market f-T Unin. Prices in both elieep and lamb covered a wide raiixe. iKor and choice aradrs selling ab.ut SI. 7 to !- alutrt. Toy lambe sre noa uu.viallf- up to flje. s pnoe thst wss paid vesteniay. while prttne ewr hsrdly pays el or S4. at nutwt. Kverlers are rinsing nominally stesv. the msrkel pro1tig sniil throiislioul. Week's puri'base of thin stock in country sccount. accordlnit to packers' l.ib. Amount" to le.4 th.n &.tkKi head Quotation on sheep and lamlui: t.teHl to ctiol.-e lml. OViib 3; fair 1o ood lamre. I'. Itirii: 00: vooil In choice vcuirllngs. t5 ftijf r; fair to .-m1 sailings. $4 i.t), gOil lo c eethere. S4 1 u4 J; fair to good aetliers. i '.in lr.. good to chcii-e eaes, II 45tt1.Se; Uir :o kihki ewes, W.'U3.fc. ( IIK tt.O l.lll: STUCK M 4HKKT IVrasaad tor Cattle aad hreg. Stteady Host maker. CHICAOO. Feb. K. CATTI X- Re ceipts, as) head, market, ateadx . beeves, 14 ,Otf.d. Texss steers. S4 A 7. wentern steers, it MiT.tiO; stoc'keis and feeilere, f.i.Mhd-lrt- cowm and lictferii. e.luvt..oC, calve. STlSS IttHIM Hecrlpts. Iinmhead: market. Idc higher; light. iXt; mixed. - tats tut; heavy, eva'.i.. rougli. evOttyi. Mgs, st Atr w. Dins oi saiee. eueijv Mtl.l' AND LAMBS Kecelpts, l.tu) head; market, steady; native, I34i4n, wesaern. Utieetai: yearling. Kiatrs.; lambs, native, etlU.j; western, I1 .i 0 fU It. Joaepk Live stack Market. UT. JOPKPll. Feb. 17, CATTLE Re- tviots. 21V head; market, steady; steers, t,JKrf. rows and heifers. eJOhjtti, calves. MtOOT.fa. lt(XlsHe.eiDt. COD Head: market. strong to r higher; lop, .S; bulk of sales f6tr2. SHKKP AMU i.AMBS-Re'eipts. none: market, unchanged; lambs, iy;tS2S. Stock la biatit. Recelnls of live stock at th fit prin cipal western markets yeaterady: iama tioa. snopp. South Omaha Uh 1M St. Joaeph 7'i CiKM . . .. Kansas City t W Si. Uiuls un Chlcagu k Uoin GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Cable Newt Still Bearish and Longi Sell Heavily. RUN OF CORK IS VERY HEAVY ask to Primary Pol. Is Ha WraL eaed talaea aad banged the Seatlasrat for the Time Betas. Omshs racking Co Swift t'ompanv... Cudahy Packing Co.. Armour er Co AVhwarts-Bolen Co.. Murphv ,. Morrell Hill 8on I. II. Bulla Mo. A Kan. Calf Co. Hlgglns Olhsr buyer Tntsl I.3S! 8.64 4.AM .. 4.UH m .. . 34 , 7 . 4 ... . 11 , II . M 1S.M Ne. kssut, onw-haif In ad-.-ance. Beet of references. ADDRESS BEE F-6H BI'T in Punny Kansas. ISS-acre fsrm - the hand.omeet and bet In America, pev-1 v" ANTED at per cent: first! porl.TRT Alive, tiull: western chlrk fectly level, rlcn as a garden. mile : mortgage on property wortb ls.; la- ns, IJtfllV; fewis. ugilr : turkeys. US from railroad, ail in wheat. 114. K a I com if C.40 a year will be aaanrned 111 tec rirasard. n titer western chickens Chicago. 19 tf. 17tn ft.. Ut floor. It. I-. M. imub. Tope, siaa. dea-rwu. Add: 3b. B. I ir,lic, fowl, U-r314c. turkey. 12llc LIEBCN. mask suits to hire. 1314 Hcw'dL ) f 4i KIP Baths, salt (os aromatic t)ao(atlaa of tk Day Varloa less si edit les. NEW YORK. Kb. 17 FLOUR Quiet ; spring patent. VlotVK: winter straighu, M.lnu); winter pstents, at.iiawin, spring clears. 14.3b4m.4A: winter estras No. I, U.70BI ; winter xtra No. J, ttu ! ; Kansas strdght. H AVftH M. Hy nour. sieaav: tair to good, t4 xet ; choice to fancy, ttotif js. Buckwheat i nur hmIi'. eves m. tne Ik. CORN M E Ale yulei ; fine whit and yel low, si tnWLes; coaise, i.4sAa; kiln dried, UCb. KVF-yulet; No. t 7r, e. L f. Buffalo AKLKY-julet; maltuig. c. I. f. Buffalo. WHIUT.aMl market eeev. Vn A I1J4. elevator, xport basis, and 1.4, " f o. b. afloat; No. I northern Duluth, !JJ' (1.1. f. o. b. afloat. Future market was easy under liquklstlen due to lower D cables, favorable Argentina news, large I n receipts am weak outside market, rlos I'ng st Vi to Ho net decline. May, tl MS 1 closed at Hot 11-14, July cloMd I Receipts, bu. CORN Spot market, easy; export. 11c, I. o. b. afloat. Future market waa nom inal. Receipts, 4 1T bu.; shipments, HHt bu. OATS "pot market, essy; standard. 4-. elevator: No. 2. GOUc; No. I and No. 4, tue; natural whit and whit clipped. 1st WG-fl V. oo track. Future market waaijt I nominal. Receipts, 4.wA bu. a I HA Y Firm; prime, tl ; No. 1, l.Mtn . 14; No. t tl.lstjl it; No. I. tl.. i TT) A LT A A DPC TTl HOP8-8tedv: suu. common to choice. UlIr 1 X'lXlIVjUO ll !'. tc; 11. nominal; Pacific coast. in i. wbsc ipiv. nominal. r HIDES Steady; cenual American, ttc:' Bogota. !3Sni4V' ,t LEATHER Firm: hemlock first, K9iH 27c; second. 344l3c; thirds, Sltrxsc; re-i. Jscts. Isflc. t. PKOVisloNS-Pork, tedy; mess, I'.t I17.KMM7 55: family, tltOOVJJOOO; short!! clear. 117 uObU U Beef, ueadv: mesa I tUtvejlliu. family. tiL'Jtiyli-M. beof hams. " tr, 2 J. Cut meat, quiet: pickled bellies, r to 14 lbs.. : pickled hms. i,T tll.r). Ird. eay; middle west prime. ki' ISwtJgi: refined, easy; continent 116,:,! South America, lv-l; compound, tfi.n'.jtjl n. 7,i;h. j TALLOW-Qulet; prime city. hhd.. tc; special, tc; country, et36wc. ,44 BL'TTER-atssdy; receipts US pack- JJ ,,etv mnA tk endncement nl a bi.ei- I T ' . .' 'T ' ' ' ' - v,r rrr ei.7 Z,,VZ nrsts, j,c: state ostry, tubs. a leSi Interest. nc. ml to prjnM! jafcc; com. noa to, xsc; process, specials, 3c: extras. SMjSV; firsts. 14)2; CHKEKB Firm; receipts. IJM pack age: aklme. Tt-etfliv CATTLK-Th yard wr practically bars this morning, only lx cr being reporter In, which ws not nouh lo mak any showing. For th week re ceipts foot up It.! head, about th same last week, but mallr ihsn a year ago hy about I, bo head. Th duality of th receipt haa averaged about th asm aa recent waekn, th bulk conltlng of com mon to pretty fair short-fed can I. Good beef steers hav been very scarce vary day thla weak, although thr was on bunch received that waa good enough to bring sT.ii, th highest prlo paid so tar this year. Tlia receipt as noted abov have conltd lrgeiy of hlf fat caul every day. for which there ha been fair demand. While price hv varied somewhat from day to day tha week Hose with tha best kind firm snd wllh th medium to common kind DosalMv a little easier. Cnwa and heifer hav nld reasonably wall all week and fully steady price aa compared with week ago can n quotea for th better trad. Common rows and oanners hav artown a little weakness recently, but still th ehtng In th market aa a whol has been very slight. Th demand for feeder and stockar has bam rathar disappointing tni week, but to offset thla th supply has been very light. A a result trietly good feeders hav commanded firm prleea throuahout Ihs week. I .ess desirable grad of feeder and common slocksrs hav been rather alow sellers all tha tlm at price that wr it anytning a lit I la re-k Quotation on rattl: Coed to obnle beef steers. H.767.?s; fair to good beef leers. I 900 Ti; com moo to fair beet steers. B Wts.s; (ood lo rnoic neirera. It oaaam: aood lo choir row. t4.7MK.Hl; fair to good cow and hellers, H.OKK"; common to fair cows and heifers, MTM 4 ro eood to choice storkers snd feeders. js 4e ; flr to good itocker and food .re u vie. so- common to fair etocker and feeder. $3 eotrt.60; tock heifer. t.t0 Siil; veal caivoa, nuns, sim, .tc. U lMrt W. , M HOOS-Over U0 hogs rrlvd tody. making a week total that Is far and away tha heaviest of any week in th history oi tn traoe. wince t. Snih rimsJia haa received over lut.we bead as compared with the previous high Meor i.t m tat head, mad last weak. With enough hoge on band to provide killer with good-ied droves, even for mid-week slaughter, th packing demand lacked activity and trade was rather lat In alerting. Favorable advice from the et gv sellers some utue eavaniaae. end after mor or lea desul tory business early, th market became fairly established at steady figure, bulk .nine in yesterday' notches. Movement was not very active st any time In th es1on. as locsl prices are relatively too high to ancourag free buy ing, but outlet seemed lo he broad and a vary good clearance wa mad before Mili. flhloDer nd aeculstors took eery little lntret In the market, purchasing lea than M per cant of total offering. Beat heavy hog on sal brought K. a nlcksl above yesterday's top, snd baron s versses sold from VM downward. Medium to strong weight butcher landed largely around 16 k4j . smooth grades moving mor readily than mlied classes. The main feature of the week market appear In th total recelpte. Including a new dally record on Tuesday of almost m head. Packing demand has been broad and reasonably active, currant ale showing losses of only IStJiOc. as compared with price pld a week ago. Representative sale: Av. gs. Pr. "e. Ar. . p. ...144 4 4 44 SI U4 HI ... t ts as til ... i at ...14 ... s 19 SI xu ... I e ,...le ... 4 Tt ail to ...14 . 4 1 xu ... as ...MS 4 74 91 us ... t m ... lie .. 7 4 tw st 4 oe ... Ill 4 t 74 Ml ... 4 et ...lTt ... 7 4 ... 4 44 ... in ... 4 tt 4i iu ... ei , ..lit ... st bi ef 4 ei ..1st ... 4 s si tat ... i el ... tM ... 4 41 41 U ... 4 4 --tl ... 44 , l.t ... 4 s, .1 US ... s ..III ... 4 U '1 M SI 4 Si I Ul 0 I'l til e I at Total .1.1m 43. TM WANTED TO BORROW. HAVE YOU MONEY t 1 want to borrow tl.30" to $1,800 for on year with the privilege of making a pay ment of tils) each month after the sec ond month. IJfe Insurance policies fir 71... . tet ..ill .IK .. I a. ... 1 u ... Ill . 4 .. I .. I U . Itti IS .. . 4 S IS Nil .. i S a Ik .. i st .. I m ..let . in ..lie ir in an ret I tt m ... e in M ..9 111 .211 ..t its . Ill ... I ! ..19. ... IN Witt ... IK ... I tt . . I m i si i i at I M 111 ... u tm m 4 m tt ... is. Ill ... 4W ..t21 ... 11 .11 IS I ..l ... let ..111 ... I .IU ... eel .m ... sss ..mi u i . t) l 111 Ml' ... 4 AS .114 II S W : ... ii;i, ..til ... I is .141 N I 1 ..! tt 4 : ..:,'i ... I is ti: . i is .ft m s is . rn ii i n mi . is ..! ... II .Hi W I It M ... 4 II s II OMAHA GKMltRAL MARKET. BUTTKR-N. 1. Mb. canon, Mr; No. L la 4-lb, tub, BHc; No. a, tu; packing, air. Cllg-ISE-Imperted Swls. Kt: Amerl can Swlea, itc, block Swiss, ale. twin Hie, delsiss. He: trlpleta Mu; young Anttricas. 11c: klu Uvoet brick, asj; lias berger, J lb.. 1M; l-lov. We, POliLTHY-Urollars, S.0 Per do.; aprlnga Uo; hsns, 14c; cocks. Ion; duefca lae; geese, lie: turkey. Jtc, pigeons, per do,, tLH AUv. broiler. uc, naa tSic; old roostsrs snd staga so; old ducks full fsaihrred. Ho; geeaa, full feathered, lc; turkeys, 14; guinea fowls, ts oh; pigeons, per do.. Hue; homer, par do,, 111. quaba No. t ll.M; No. I toe. FISH - (freek frosenl Pickerel, te; whit, lc; pike, fc; trout, lie; large crap, puis, 12ttc; Spanish nvackerel, lo; ssl Uo; haddock, Uc; flounder, Un; greea atflan, Isc; roe shad, tl seen: shad roe, per pair, T salmon. Isc; halibut. i; lellew perch, K, buffalo, tc; ouunoad. Uo BEEF Ribs, No. 1. line; No. i, 11140; No. i, lixc. latins. No. 1, iw; No. 1 I4ic; No. I, llVc Chucks. No. I. tWc; No. I 7Vc: No. t, 114 . Round. No. I, tOMc No. i ujc: No. I, tc. puts. No L Mao; No. t r; No. t, Mac. FRUITS, ETt'.-Applea, extra fancy Ben Davis, per bhl 1M; Jonathan, per bbl.. fancy Wlnesap. tier bbl.. t4 i: fancy Missouri Pippin, per bbl.) 13.(0; fancy llanos, per bbl., tt.00; Jtlaho Jon than. xtra fancy, par box; Klu; Wash melon Spltsenbera. nor bos. 87 at. Ingtoa R. Beauty, iter box. H.WI Waah- Ington staman t ineeaiie, iier box. K m. Bananaa, fancy select, per bunch, KIM) iw: jumoo. per nunrn, g3.74e 7. crsn. berrlee. Wisconsin fancy, per bbl., I.7I ner box. I3.7&, Dates, Anchor brand, new 84 1-lb. pkgs., Iti boxes, per box, tS.aV Dromedary brand, new, M l-lh. pigs In boxes, per box. tttn. Fig, California, per case of II No. II pkgs.. He; per case of is No. I pkgs.. con. bulk, in zi and MMb. boxes, per lb., 10c; new Turkish, s-crown. In lb. boxes, per lb. He; a-erown. In W-lb. box, per lb., lc; 7-crown, In X- Ib. box, iter lb, 17c Oraperruit, Florida, 44 sixes, per crte, tni; M-s4d4 slice. per crate, Knttt. Or pee, Malaga. In bbM aV 60414. u liemona, Llmonetra se lected brand; extra fancy IN slsa, ter box, asn; um umoneira, ranry, so ls si see. per box,; Me arm 4s slsee 50c per box les. Orange. California Ca mellia brand, navels, extra fancy, w-ia-KsVtfil-aao-ni'Sf) slsee, per box, H : extra choice, all slsee, per boa, ti nt; Elephant brand, all uses, per box, V EO ETA HI .ES Cabbage, Wlaeonsin. per lb.. V. Celery, California Jumbo, per do.. 11.0. cucumiters, hothouso, per so., no. Kggplaiil. fancy Florida, per do.. KOa list lie, extra fancy, white, per lb. IK. Lettuo. extra fancy leaf, per do. 4ttc. Onions, California, white, boiling, per lb.. 7c: Wisconsin, yellow oiooa. per lb. frit; red Globe, per lb., ivtc; Spanish, per cralo. Parsley, fancy southern, per do, bunches, &ut7oC Potato, Minnesota Early Ohio, per bu., Il.w; Wisconsin, white stock, per ou., 11 a; in iwsacx iota, tc leas. Rutslwgas, In aarka, pr lb., lVsc Tomato, Florida, per -bk. erats. .iu, Cuban, per -bak. carrier. Uio. MISCELLANEOUS Almond. Trra- aona. per lb., lic: In sack lota, lc lees. Cocoanul. per sack, UK. Filbert, par lb., 14c; In sack lota, la lee. Peanuts, roasted, tier lb., vtvc; raw, per in., sc. Pe-ans. large, per lb.. 1"c: tn sack lots, lc leas. Walnuts, new crop, isn, t aiiiomta. per lb., lie; In sack lota. In lees. Cider. new Nohswka. per Is-gal. H bbl.. Kl.ia), per M-gaL bbl., e.5ft; New York Molt s per is-gal. -nni., sa w; per ev-gsu. nni., VlsO. Honey, new. 24-frame. tl 71. Kraut. per le-gal, ksg. IJ.0, per e-gal. keg, U.S. St. Ial fleaerwl Market. BT. LOTIS. Feb. 17 WHKAT-Csah lowr; track No. I red, mr. No. I hsrd tl.iWSMI . COR,V-Lowr; track No. . CVtc; No, i while. 64c. OATS Higher; track No. X W4ci No, J Whit. JVf.'. Closing prices of futures: WHEAT Lower: May, avc; July, MV. CORN-Lower; May, bVac; July, 4e'0 ss4c UATH-FIrm: Mav, tSc: July. 47Vje. ln:R-Dull: red winter patents. H (M H; extra fancy and straight, U luQi.w. bard winter clears. U Mil tt. SEED-Tlmothy. 110 r14.lX). CORNMEAIe-tSlO. BRAN flower; sacked, esst track, tl M. HAY liower; timothy, 3i.rX.U, prairie. Ill owtl!.A PROVISIONS-Pork. unchanged: lard, unchanged. Dry salt meats, unchanged boxed. xtra hort. st-tt; clear rigs, tsA; short clear. I 7. Bacon, unchansed, boxed, extra shorts. IB S: clear ribs, ttfi, short clears, XS.7S. ptin.TRY-KIrm: chickens. He; springs, lie; turkeys, Isc; ducks. 14c; geese, lc. BI'TTKR-Dull; creamery, Ctt.Tc. EGOS-Steadler; Kc. Receipts Shipments. Flour, b'bls KV . Wheat. b 4S tl.eal Corn, bu 14! 1J7.IM1 Oat, bu Bono ;s,we OMAHA. Feb. 17. 1'17?. All tl.e cable news was bearish aamn lodav and lonx were heavy sellers tr iiiis to save proftta and cash wheat was tlull and l.iw.T. Conservative trsders be lieve it will take a big improved cash demand and a let up in the rprtng wheat movement lo encourage any fresh buying otcrallon... '1 he run of corn to all prlmxrv point- has been verv heavv all week and th! lias Weakened values and changed sen timent for the time hel.lK. Cash corn weakened sharply today and exen bull leader cin.-e.le that some fur ther break In I'llcei ts likely. Wheat opened vift and values were lower on weak cables and continued heaiv receipt Trade very moderate. Csh a heat sold H lower. There was an easier feeling In corn In sympathy wllh wheat and heavv receipt and dull cash demand were feature that ent talue lower. Cash corn was un changed to Jc lower. Primary wheat receipts were bu. nd shipments were .M7 (ma bu.. glnst receipt last year of 60.000 bu. and ship ments of le.ivu biu Primary corn receipts were 1.ISO,QIIO bu. nd shipments were :.l ! bu., against receipu last year of S46.) bu. and ship ments of UgvtM bu. Clearance were 34a.0O bu. of corn, none of oats snd wheat and flour equal to svissi bu Liverpool closed H to tyl lower on wheat and S to il lower on corn. The following cash km lea were reported: WHET-No. 3 hard: 1 cars, WK; i car. WStc. No. I hard: I car. nc: I car, c; 1 car, srje. No. 4 hard: I car. lie. No. S mixed: 1 car, ssVk- CORN-No. J white: I car. Sc. No. 4 white: I car, MV; i cars. !. No. 4 color: 1 oats inc. No. 1 yellow: 4 cars, sic. No. 4 vellow: I csr. I1: 1 car. Ui,r; t cars, lo; ! can. t;c; 1 car. s7Vc. 1 cars. oTc; 4 cars, s7c. 1 car, 5A,c; cars, fceV, 1 car. SeV,c; 1 care, Mc. No. S mixed: 1 cars. lc; i care. ic. No. 4 mixed. I car. iMc; 1 car. M1.C, 1 car, etc; I cars. Ctc: csr. Mc; uo grade. 1 care, Mr; ear, tec OAT'e-No. I white: I car. eivc; car. 61c. No. 4 wlille: 1 car, No grade: 1 car. 9a Omaha tas T-reres. WHKAT-Mo. ! hard, taceyti.tiu.: No. i haid. inVtotrUOHt; No. 4 hard, Mtttwc CtUlN-No. I whit, timiiar; No- white. MlMitSCi No. color. elHc; No. t yellow, tm-plc; No. 4 yellow, burMc. Na a 4iui.c; .No. 4, MtrolViC; so grave. Wvexesir, OATS NO. I Whll. 61tstilc; Itmnsru, tPstrtlSc; No. white, Htf.I'.c; No. whits, WVisreVvc: No. 1 yelfbw, tOVtrblc; No. 4 yellow, sotrMHec. UAIU.Kl Mailing, "bcvjji:-: no. x feetl. t'Susuc; heavier feed, ot)t6c. RYBNa. i sstrwc; No. J. tlBtuc. larlot Wheat. Cora Oals. Chicago 44 m 1U Minneapolis 714 Oman 14 U I Duluth i CHICAGO tiHAI.H A.NO PR0VlIO5i Featarea at tk Trading; and Closing; rrleea mm Board st Trade. CHIC AtlO. Feb. 17.-A harp break In prices for wheat occurred today aa a re suit of big atilpmenle being made from Argentina, and heavy receipts at primary terminals In th United Stales. The does was weak, to lo under last nignt. I sleet trading In wheat snowed a de. dine of 44a from th recent Man point of lh market. Only on rally look place during th seeelon arm tnat una proved feeble. Bueno Ayr dispatches told of greatly Increased export anil promised a further gain next week. A cabl estimated th Argnntln surplus at tt.uuu.OM bushel. Bearish sentiment grew rapidly wttn the announcement that prt- x mary receipt tor tn wees in me i-numi State had reached 4V, bushel, a total nearly twice th figure of a year ago. In the last part of tha day knottier blow ram In the form of a atatement that Hie government report haa put the Minnesota crop bushels too low. ttsv ranted from II.UUW to 111. Wllh tha ooncluding sales 1 viatrl mm, exactly lu down compared with yesterday. Long appeared to Do selling out corn, tt fluctuated from 47 Sec to MIMIW'.C clos ing net weak at lbs first named level, a decline of lie net. Cash giad were, easy especially for I he cheaper kinds. No. t yoiiow was not quottd. Commie, alon bouses pounded down oat. Limits touched by Msy were ivsj.viic kna MW wllh final transaction 4c oft at wsic Higher prices for bogs failed to offset weakness In provision. In conaeiiuenca the end left pork 11 to 30c lower and lard and rib easier a ahade to TV. Leading options closed teiiows: Articlei Open. I lllgn.l Low. Close. t y. I I n neat: I I lsv.l 01,44:1 Clival Jiily.iSuVo'Hl a'1! sept.iaitnil ww Com I i I May. m eVrAi July.tt7Vir ;H Sept-iChrlrSI Uvs I I I lKW'xl.ntr,l 47t 4t' 41HI 411 104,11 OtrVsil 1kl 4,4Tli,il'U . w,i aitsi w-a 7HH,tii 7SoJSo-w 7iiS4lr I 47141 71 tl May. July.l Sept. Fork May. July. . VrBt-l Lara May July, Sept Ruts May. July. Sept. KM 14 1 15 95 II at Ilia IrTHft 47HIj 4 I 7 tt tt IT 1 7e K1H1 KH KWl . 474 47-sl 471, 41 41 j 41-w 15 4B IS Ti I IS M IIM 1 0 IS Is 14 WVsl 14 1 j It J 0 kttt-TvJ 7V( U t I7W t X s i eHKLP Only a handful of sheep and laml arrived today, not enough to make a market, and pricee la all branches of ths trad remained ouotabiy steady. During th week receipts have been a little too heavy for packing recj jlrements, but asd from a generally quiet demand on earlv day valuee held u In good shape and th situation a a anol Kansas Illy l.rala aad Provisions. KANSAS CITY, Feb. lT.-WHEAT-Vn-ehanged to lc lower; No. 1 hard, 41-401 107; No. 1. Scrtrll i; No. 1 red. 79c; No. X. f7c. COR.V-l4)3e lower: No. S mixed, T f-c: No. J, t'JoviSc-; No. 3 white, 4Kk 6Uc; No. J. Uc. Closing prices of futures: WH EAT May. V: July. WHttlc bid. I CORN May. Mrc. sller; July. 7Mtrli!!C. seller. OATS Unchanged to He lower; No, t white. i!i4r; No. I mtiod. UHlJalc. HAY Steady; choir timothy, IS1.0SH I 22 tn: choice prairie. tH.oOOH.aa. I ECeflS-Extras. MtiWc. firsts, Jteiftc; i seconds. Uc I fteeainta RhiiwtMilfl Wheat, bu 4 WW Corn, bu .l.n I17H) A9 tti I KVi 7i To-34 1 7-rit to-;, t a Cash quotation wer as follows: 1 liliT'R Barely teady; winter patents. M liats): winter straights. t3 Wi4 W, spring patent. k e i; spring straights, t4Ui(i4.;. bakers, HYI-e-No. !. 3te. SKKIis-Timothy. tHOuOli 00. Clover. tlH.ilejlt .00. PKoVIHiONS-Pnrk. meas. new, !5CVi; old, lir. ITS. Ird tin tlercee), Bhort ribs loose), p.Jo. Total clearance of wheat and flour wer equal to se.oo bo. Primary recelpta were 571 .on bu.. compared with 3W.M bu. th corresponding day a year ago. Estimated receipt for Monday: Wheat, i cars; aorn. 471 cars; oats, be ear: bog. Most) head. Chicago Cash Prices: Wheat. No. J red, vj.itlK): No. t red, WVrWc: No. 1 hard, tl rtiLlv: No. t hard, sUHcsril.M; No. 1 northern, tl MHyl.ll; No. i northern. ll.Jt.iy 1.10; No. J northern, tl 0-Jtjl.; No. 1 spring, tl l 7: No. i spring, tl el : No 4 spring. icrl .; velvet chaff, tl II ' durum. PJetrll . Corn. Nix t, a1 4tc; No. i white. ilHc; No. 1 yellow, istrtjvc; No. 4. Stssi'c; No. 4 white, tut 41 w-; No, 4 yellow. ). Oau, No. z, Sic; No. t while. S2S&6Jic; No. 1 white. 5H,62V: No. 4 white, 47VJt0ic; atan dsrd. Wi4JeJe. RYE No. 1. Hc. BARLEY-"-!-- CLOVER SEED Nominal. TIMOTHY HtKD tlt0li Bl'TTtKt Steady; croamcrks, SXc; dairies, acre. EOtiS-Kecolpt. J.T14 esses Market steady; at mark, cases Included. 25!-'7c; ordlnarv first. ntJSc; first. JsiyWOr. CHEESE Steady; daisies, lTWeuKHc; twins, lttji;c. Young Americas, ITSc. long horns. 17V,17leC POTATOES Receipts. M car. Market firm; Wisconsin. wtilLtt:; Michigan and Minnesota, tl tOfcl.. POI'LTRT Easy. Turk-' Llo, 14c: dressed. He. Chicken: Live, Uc; dresMd. 14c. Springs. Live, i:tc; dressed. 14c. VEAL Steady at TtJUc, Milsraakew Grata Market. MIT.WACKEE. Feb. 1T-WH EAT-Xo. 1 northern, .ral.l4. Na I northern. tl7Vjtl ; No. 2 hard winter, tJ.fLin; My. c; July, sic. CORN No. t yellow. 484tje; No. 3 white. 4ic: No. a, 4344c: May, Kc; July. nsc. OATS-6tndrd. SJ,tJ6!c. BARLEY MaltlngT. tl-kiWHt Oats, bu ...IS..) Peawttt Market. PEORIA. Feb. lT.-OORN-i.ower; Ko. white. 41 'c: No. 4 whit. 9c: No t yet low. 41WiZV". No. 4 yellow. eMMrVc; 49.10) i No. t mixed. ii87e; No. 4 mixed, sua. t;.v ! sample. 4CS7Vc. U4W j, OATS Easy, No. t whit. UVtc ;