0 liiE HEfc: U.UA11A. .UUMJAl, FEBRUARY 19. 1912. Desperate Desmond Gratitude Haa No Place in a Real villain" Heart Any more man in a aerpent s - By Hershfield u I I - 1 IIU. Atl ' yV.-rl-rur- M ' . " . - - i - f I-1IOW T1IK THREE ESCAPE. Having escaped from lb horrora of the Forbidden City. Rosamond, Claude ead Desmond now hum alone to (at (way from any poaoiblo pursuit The villain for onca la allowed to as octal with lha hero and heroin, for toe la Um face of a common danger all differences mutt b forgotten, for tin time at least. ll-THB PAtat IS TOO FA8T. A tha three white people run alone Reramond (raduallr begins lo weaken. The bran girl caa keep op the pace no lancer. Ana Desmond, hie lunge weak ened by lani year of cigarette amok. Il, alae find that the (Peed haa winded aim and tie to ready to quit. Claude on es Iflstily thinks at way lo help both of Ihanv ' ' . y . . , "' . i. .It'-- .. ' '.,' : '. " III-8AVED BY THE HERO. Gallant Claude: He haa purchased two baskets from a Chlneaa merchant and. putting the yoke acroaa hie shoulders, picks up Desmond and Rosamond as lightly aa if they were children. Tha hero's devotion to athletics and clean llv. Ink' now atands him In good stead, and he runs off with the others from then- . dread Chinese pursue re. IV.-APPROACHIXO THE CHASM. A yawning chasm now confronts the Wave Clauds as ha carries his sweet heart and tba villain to safety. But Claude in his day baa been a champion juniper, so this does not dismay him, and ha calls to Rosamund and Desmond to remain steady, wall ha lifts them across the abyss In aa antelope-Ilka bound. . V.-NOW FOR REVENGE. Just as the gallant Claude springs from the ground to clear the chasm with ht human freight, a treacherous thought creeps Into Desmond's mind. By cutting the rope which supports him. he will up set Claude's balance and cause the hero and Rosamond to tumble to their doom la tha depth of tba chasm. VI. THE TRAITOR'S TRIUMPH. Tin tha boy: cries Desperate Des mond, "and Claude's a falling star. Tha vfllam's plot has succeeded, and while ha reasalns safely on land, Claude aad tha beatiful Rosamond go hurling Into tha abyss. The traitor's contemptible trick dooms Ms benefactors, but ha cares not so long aa ha Is safe. Continued tomorrow. WANT ADS Hani ails received at any time, but to IBM re proper 4flrAlleti be presented before 13 o'clock n. for the evening edltloa and before T:M p. aa. for murala- and Bands edi tions. Van a da received after each hours will bay their first Insertion nnder the hearting Too Late te Classify." CASH RATES FOli WAJCT AM. HEGCXAn CLASSIFICATION taaertioa It rest per word and 1 rent per word for each subsequent Insertion. Each Insertion made on odd days Itt rent per word. fl.AO pec line per montU. Want ails for The Bee may be left at any of the following drag stores one la roar "corner druggist" they are all bra new offices for The Bee, aad yowr ad will be Inserted last as promptly and on the same rat as at the mala office In The Bee building, eeveutreath and Fgrnam streets., Albern, W. C. tth and Fsrnam. Beam Drug Co.. Kit N. IMh St lieneoa Pharmacy, Benson, Keb. Bern Is Park Pharmacy, aad and Cuming. Herenek, 8. A., lH 8. Itth St , , Blake-Hrandisk, ant Sherman Ave. caushsn, C. H.. tin Lavenoith db Cermak. Kmll. 1XM-I H. llth Mt. Cllftoa Hill Pharmacy, 311 Military Ave. leoarr rnsrmssy, na e. istn nt. Crissey fhaima-y. Mk and Lake 8 IS. Khler Co., Leavenwotth St. ' ' Fratag. I. J.. Ul N. Itth 81. ftegatr Drug Co, IMS N. Mth tt. Florsnce Drug Co., rioreme, Keb, nresn's I'tterm'y. park vs. and Pseifkt. Oremough t Co., Ktb and busory. ioMinan Pharni'y, Mta aad lavaaWth. .ohaisoa Drug Co., Mih and aoeuldlng. Johneoa Phaimscy. ts Parmun 8u llaneoom Park Pnarm y, IMS a. IMS A v. Hlaterioag Drig C.i list Are, aad raa. Hoist. Jake, 4i4 N. lath, av - . , Hull, A. U, t Laawnorth t ,. Kind. - .. Nth and r'smam m, Kwuataa Piaca tlrmac)i. tad ft. Mth. laUirop PiMrnavy Itth and Heaeuiee, Uvm. trad 1. auis Central BIU. Monmouth Pharmacy, tsd and Ames A. Patrick Drug Co.,, um N. Mth Ht. tm-aii(a Drug Co.. Mth ana. Asms Ave. BrheeUr's Cut Prlie. Wth and Uhlcaga MeUar Drug Co.. Ill N. Sth HI. Vs.a.1, p. J . aw pierce m. WaitcHi Phsrmacy. Mh and Orsra Ht. Vfaiaut HliI Pliarmaiy. tn saa CuioUiS. ' MAIL onnEit BIIHKSS ' T T r . i (tabUshea a Hcyn Studio sz,J2XR ' srna pnoto; we will give prices snd beat si1ea. Hth and Howard Ht. Omaha AX.VOVXCEMKXTt MOVINU picture mschlnes and euppuea Nebraska Pllm Co.. Uil Karnam Hi. liOlLl Jt. . sheet Iroa and tank work. Omaha mrscturai nieei woraa Bl'SIXESS CHAKCES Kd Kotbery. Business and Heat Estate Eacbange Co. Hoom U. atcCsgue Uldg. CAN YOU INVEST $3,000 la austneas requiring peraoi'al services: Bl'SI.NEiiS I'KRSONALS evrrylklas for Weaaea. CONKULT DP- BI RKE. Doug. Blk. Try tlie KOSTOX WF.T WASH. Have your fsmily wnb broufht home ready tiiy: oldest established aompaa; experts of siaitiarspn asd Neoaiyle. g H. Cues rnsa Co. D. U tl farnam. CUMMCKCIAL Pbotograpny Hubart. V'l . eulnsl'io WA1tK4 PHtMINti CO. Doug. a' CAU roti ft.- 1IKLLO ,Jr2i trt" Doug luw. Hli. Wa iust call ua la tail you mat your discouraging search for a competent cleaner, will end the moment you aena your cleaning to . wooa at t, Howard St. tmr wasun will call for your bundle anywhere in the elty and will re turn your cleaned elutnee piomptly. A few Prices on naasuoabia Usrments. Lsdies: Cleaned-pressrd Dea-Preed. Viaists l.t to si e tl on to II t Hklrts . 7i to I on . I.W to Lev Jacketa l a) to I.W I M to L'JP Long coats... 1M to ion lotto 140 Bulla I lo J m I.7S to . Mensi Cleaned-pressed Dyed-Pressed I-Piece suits ..li es - Coats .... TJ I.W Tntusers U 1 OS Overcoats l.K Is H e) I.llor.) Beys' suits to . l.ft te W. C PARKKR, liOit. PA1NT1NO Thirteenth. lessons tree at tK aoutb , AtTOMQBILKW. Auto Isrops repaired. Omaha allver Ca 0MA1L MACMNiS WORKS Aatogenous welding, gea'l machine and suto nralring. psttern max ng ans sne rial machinery drslaned. Expert die work. Pattern drawings, ul . ltb lit. D. HU1. iDRUMMOND Auto reps Ira i Dorian deawuBtaMe rlma, lMh snd Harney Mt. - Why not sell yaur eld auMtnnraif and bur a new Murphy Uidlt sltiPAIRINO, yjiiMintj. THIMMINU. that they have tin A id rets N n. Bee. FOR SALE Bankrupt stock, consisting of confectionery stock and futures, an-l lunch oounter and supplies. Write or call c. st. atasensa. l rustce. (.ampoeu. Neb. WE want a good, live man, full of energy. In thla territory to handle our proposition: he. must hava 11300 capital In order to limn us of his reliability and stability 1 our proooetlloa la a bully one and will make big money for the man who can show us thst he Is the man to handle It: there is a possible Investment of Ku and you are to hsntlle your own money; quirk action la essential. Address T C7, care Iteej Out-of-daiegsrments ea. for new. W. aWft. Evelyn Bolsn. expert corat tiers; cor sets made to measure, cleaned as repaired; workmenthtp guaranteed. 6t Bee. P.-M3. 'e4 Mills and ktaree. Feed, all kinds. Olencoe Mills, CT txard. r lariats. BENNETT'S, cut flowers. Dounlas 13T. A. Donaghue, IW17 Farnsm. D. 1001. A-1W1 HEH3 BWOBODA. Kit Fsrnam Bt. "Bleaart's, Klorlrt A Beedemen. 11 K. 1. HELP WASTED FEMALB ilvasekaenera and Daeaeetlca. WE'LL all soon go swimming, but Fish, the Piano Tuner, swims sll the time Webster iluO. HELP WASTED MALE WANTED At once, girl housework; family of three. Ind. for general Harney Ms, WANTED A competent girl for gen eral houeework. lira W. C Wis, Ul Park Ave. WANTED A good girl for general housework; small family. Mrs. B. A. Simon. OS 8. Ed 8t. Phone Harney 4101. WANTED Ulrl for general housework. Four In family. H. Apply tilt Douglas er Tel. Harney 11. An Investment opportunity. Buy a few shares of Moor ciott Ml if you wish to mske a conserva tive Investment with a sure chance of splendid profit. Welle situated fourteen miles from Burlington rsilrosd and pro ducing the finest lubricant In the world. Invesuaauon invited. - MOOKCKOFT OIL CO. of ntoorcrott. Wyo. Ht City Nsfl Bank Bids.. Omaha. $7,000 STOCK of general merchandise will be sold st public auction at Osmond, Neb., Thurs day Keb. O. lsii. at I p. m. This la a new stoofc. modern fixtures, be't build ing and location and la the leading store of the town. Great opportunity for a live merchant. The entire slock will pos itively be sold at the above date to the highest bidder. U i UTL-Ti 1'a liu, fMm niHtf SHU, money to Invest in a flrst-clsss mining proposition wn",e ii',o a . .,v w to make snoney. Addrcsa P it. Bee. . Itl'SIiVKSS PKKSUNALS COUItTNEY'S - "Omaha's Pure Food Ceatef." If ywur l.aal eealee don't carry It we do. end for eataiogaa free. FraKbt paid an U purchases Whin a radius of fifty EOda. BUTTEK. POULTBT. Hiskrst market price naid.-Wrlta for auotailona and shipping uss, ' : BKOWN PKODt?CECO V Wka4esaLra of lsa, Oysters. reUrr. I'm Howard at. ... Omaha, Wea. AMl'SKMESTS ""inviOuKiTKH N. Kth snd Caldwell Ht. MoUoit Wa. t urea, ;itrtalnln ndvdartlonl. '. . . t. inrt ii i-v 1 ith aad UMAA1A r Kougian. Motion picture machln and film hargatna. "PBOGilEJSIV FILM CO. Sarnam. atovlag BKture nuwaus,. ltlT and supp-'les. outh Oman. Uhiet rated onr-Hlgh Clini Pictures. latireauag iiiueirwsso FEBX XHEATIsR TIT J 1 1 . Vinton and wonaer.iau go. .h st lllrk Cmsa MnClon Pictures. Apollo Theaters Hlga cisss m tt, yKiuiik THJ6 BEHT M1BIC. ; mh and c a v anworth. ALWAYS Venezia; 111! B. llth 8t. Moving urea aad lllastraied songa. Favorite Theater v Cemedy and eVIert Drams. Itth and in ton TUE LALMMLK FILM SERVICE. Renters nf nientig pteeweea Agents for p ewers, Baieew, aensptri marhiaea Uil ramam ft., Omaha. Nh. AXHULKCsiMiCATS J. A. GENTLEMAN,- 1 vf, embalmer. Bt:l Chtras Dt. D. MBV -!. tiNH K-M-T 9J, com stela with all anln. ment: lull, opsn front, s-aaasenger been seed as demonstrator. Price, slue, una five paeaenger lumbler, good cuadltion, Mk Uhe Model tl overlaad. rHO, MARION AUTOMOBILE CO. !ll-l Farnsm Ht. Omaha, Neb. MclNTYRB AUTO C0MiAZ", cars for lha money ea the market-Oakland, ateariis, a. night and R. C si. tier gains In used cars ran farnsm, one or, oi Or. yuu aaa use ths ntuney in seme ether way in either event. Bee want sda win da tha warn. Ha us Its cents par word If tun unly ens time er 1 cent usr word it run twe or i limes consecutively. A 1 1T I HAU1 A'i'OHd repaired. '1J'"im(liu Ksualster ia.. Metal KxoelMcr Cm fls trar. FROST REPAIRS waaoas 19 Laav. I-'S'I-.IKFilm. luiik ,iU wa Ilka m by seining loreuoora rauairtng tui-e, re- S aiming, etc. stn and Leav. !.!. icVi.s'u iiAu ua at akuicr RKDUCKD PRICES. , . Cgn now be beughl from us. A number af owners wish to purchase new ears IMs spring and new Is the beet time oo ever saw to get a real barsaln. Call an us or tell u what you want and the amount you will spend In tha first letter. TOesa.cara are moving aa rapidly we canaot keep a correct list printed. n. K, KSI'HICKBON A TO CO.. awi- is ej rarnam wt." ; OVKRLAND. model riwwwi . -horse-power; fin condition; less. iel. Hartley MM. "FSaBB trucks, air cooled, flva modela Lent to wOsu pounds rap. Bee them at Uil Jones 8s, i'hona Doug, ata tor semen ati at ion. BC8IKK8 CHAXCU ' OO Wk-81 Yoi'MQ MAN. New rallroa now building, f.aa open ing fur general slurs, tana, lumber yard and elevator la new town. Beet dry farm ing sect la In Idaho, uets ex, wheat 3b- bushsls per acre; fine farms fsj per sere. AU Inquiries giadiy answered, A. L. McHeynoids, Badger. Idaho. Areatteela. r-otlrell, 11 Cass. Red W. I Arteelan Weiss. , -i U ft. NEBEItOAI.U MIMI Cite VlX "icuTTtOWK. Wall boring. Benson t. "BRANDEI8 FLbrtllT. Brsndelsg. TTTncNPERSON, 11 Kamam. D. !. WHITE girt wishing lo go west with family next month; must be neat, willing and of us to children. Phone Harney WT1 "BATH'SI FIOU1ST8. Bcvd Theater Bldg reaadrlrs. MeDonaM, brass snd bront foundry, alu minum, tin, lead castings. HOT Jackson. Hospital. WISE MEMORIAL. Xlh and Harney. laearance Rhodes slxclromery Co. Ins. Ksmgs Blk. WAN'TED-Olrl for gsneral housswork In fsmily ef t Danish er Swedish pre ferred: aoelr eventu. Thomaa, 101J H. ann at. Alfred C. Kennedy, EX,..": sncc. First Nst. Bk. Bldg. foug. m lewa aad Wire Feaclac. Anchor Fence Co.. X? N. 17 Tel. Had ill l.aaedrlee. FRENCH Hand Munlry. Tel. H. IW. Guarantee Laiinury. Fine weik. D. tG3, ' Lassbrr. If. Oross, Lum wreck'g. plls il i Maoareal Maaafaetnrera. Skinner's macaroni and spaghetti. Me pkg. WANTED A goud whit housemaid. Hi N. kith Ht. cook and WANTED A g'od gtrT for general housework. German or Swedish pre ferred. Must have gooo references, uooo wages; no cooking, no washing, fill Howard. Bed Zl WANTV.n flirt for aencrst houaswurk. , . .. d. e.l 11 - n.-w SS9 risiiarj di. c w . .- . nnr.ui fi SOLVED Ths Be will run your Domes tic Help Wanted ad FREE- until you get the desired resulta Bring your ad I Vb ... . .1 HSrlM isuo. nee wnn-e w itwinm... WANTED Girt to assist with house work and help care tor child; caa go home nights. Ill Park Ave. WANTED A neat housekeeper. Phone Harney 77. Burt Bt. ' WANTED An experienced girl to assist with housework, no wsshlng nor cook ing. Phone Douglas snu. WANTED a nest housekeeper. Phone Harney m, can Burt. GIRL w anted to take car of baby. AP ply Bonoff. tt Park Ave. rvsiduuevi Delivery Co. Moving furniture, packing, fireproof storage. City W office, U . Hth. Doug. a. Inc. B-11'l.-st Mieaelssaeena, vnnMll women eomlne la Omaha stranger are Invited to vlelt the Toung Womtn'e Christian association banding Miseellaa AUTO SCHOOL, i O if AHA, I LAKGE SHOPS. GUARANTEE, higher eual itv araduatari. Mora care end actual repair work tlian any Uua western schools; let us PROVE It U.S. WANTED FOR U. S. ARMT-Abl- bodied unmarried men between tbe ages of is and la: cltixene ef United States, of good character and temperate habit, wha can speak, rcau ana wrue u uiai- language. For Information apply to re cruiting officer, 13th and Douglaa Slav Omaha, Neb.; OUT 4th St.. Sioux City, la.; 13 N. 10th St., uncoin. STOP! READ! liet Into a paying profession. Leant automobtl engineering In our large training shop. Hundred of successful graduate. Complete equipment of auto mobiles and machinery. Address Nstlonal Auto Training Assn., 3I Braouaia Tbeatar Bldg., Omana. Nea WANTED Railway mall clerks, M a month, bhort hours. No layoffs; position yours for lite. Omaha examination May 4. Thousands of appolntmeata coming. Common education sufficient. "Pall" un necessary. Candldatea prepared free. Write for sampl questlona Franklin In stltute. Dept. Ill M. Rochester. N. Y. MEN wanted to learn the barber trade. An Important announcement lust now. W tesch by free work and save years of apprenticeship. Tools given. Wages in finishing department. No better work. Jobs always waiting. See our offer. Moler Barber College. 11 S.'Hth 8t- OFFERED FOR REST Varalsaed Haoaea. LAN DOX OOCRT. BU. H block sooth Howard, east of Mth, furnished modern rooms for one or twe; reasonable. Ty ler 1T. U6 S. Mb Bt. Bulla of rooms and aing, rooms with excellent table board. Ideal hem for young married couple or three man. Referencea expected. Dotorlaa Slat. TWO roams la large private residence! steam hens, elwctrtc lights, um Dodg. TTfJP MAN t.'Ki-Two-roora apartment, taos. The Reward. !-room, private bath. fsVOu, Hat and Howard. 1M Bt. Mary' Avenue Two nicely furn ished aosab room complete for house keeping. Cooking gaa; til per month. SXKJXlSKBD rooms for light houss heepuw by March i, MM N. 13d St. TWO room, ensulte. aa; strictly mod ern, gs s. mh St LOOK I Vary desirable housekeeping roormr; cheap; modam. ioi S. Mth avenue. SO. ITTH AVE,, Ua, aicaly furnished modern rooms; reasonable rent. FURNISH RD housekeeping room. S- lUi. Mn quire baasment. NICELT7 furnished hoeseikeeping rooms; ay waJfcwig dlstanoa; M12 Dodge 8t. Furnished t-room house, strictly mod ern. good neighborhood, mil NT. Mth. TELEGRAPH positions guaranteed you by I he Union Pacific and Illinois C an tral railroads It you gala your training In our school. Practice wB.it. wire. Ad dress for particulars, H. B. Boyles, Pres. Boy lee Coilere, Omaha, Neb. IN DUX LUCK Nicely furnished house, strictly medea-n; two hatha Harney ja.. Fur, bouse. W. Farnam district H. 1747 UVE STOCK PUR BALM Heroes aad Vehicles, HORSES and cows MM Cuming St TEN HEAD of mares and ehunka, fif teen head of horses snd msres, weight from PM te Lews pounds. Douglas Street Barn, 1114 Douglas. 1 DHAe'T and driving horses, all well broke, ready for use. lor sal or hire; boardina and llverv a cpeelslty: sll staff bt. Mary's Ava end 17th St. where guaranteed, at Diner's stable, Kll Bher A Hemes e. Llefnn I,. Hail. lawyer. M7 Bran. Bldg. O. W. Hhlelda, Attorney. Ml B. of Trade. Awniaga aad Teals. OMAHA TF.NT CO. Tel. Ml Douglsa , Ssg Manafaelnrera. BKHIS OMAHA BAG CO., Omha. Nee, Baa and Packaa Maanfaalnewra. Wooden Bex Package Co. U14 N. tWh. , Haa gage and Taaleoba. TH8 ON1.T WAT. Baggsga checked to destination. Taxt aba and touring car. Tel. Douglaa M. CWrpeaters and Cenlractera. gtevenepn. carpenter, eont. Both phones Iklreawdisls. DR. ROT. 1 Farnam. Douglas 'usT. Clgara aad Tebaeee. TI'E Sanllsry Crown Pipe. 115 8 leth. Twin City Express, lata Howard. Both Tot Furniture moving, a men. II hour. W. nts. Moaaaseate aad Maaealeasss. J. F. Bloom Co.. 17th and Cuming Sta .. Maslc, Art and l.aeaee. Kiperlenced Violin tearher. tel. W. Oeteeteathy. Alice Johnsan. - Brandels Tha B'dg. Katheryn Nlrkoias. gt-i Brandeis Theater. Uptletaao. B. F. Wum, fitting A rep'g. 443 Brsndeta Petal and Ulasa. PAINT, oil, lead and turpentine are per cent cheaper now than a year ago, Tsks adantuge of 'thla and buy only trlctly pure maUrlal at Barker Proa Pnlnt Co., HWH r'srnsm Su Phon lieug. 4760. Patent. PJVJlkrnelPait ton Blk. Tel.Red 7117. Wlllard Kddy. 1M City Nst. Ban Bldg. I'lechlBa Maaafaetaewea. Wear Ideal dress shirts M. E. Smith Co. .. . Ceal Dealers. C P Johnson, coal. Itk A Ixard. I phonet. WEKTEUKIELD sella KEEPER CdAL; FL'KbACE or HANOE. U. IMi A-litl. "kiNDLlNG. 14 load. H. Urosa. W. JSS4. Cfensaee!, Dairies and Ssppltee. Fglrneant'a Diadem batter. Alwevs geed. "Batiu COI.E CREAMERT COMPANY. HOTEL FOR SALE, The' Clark hotel property, modern. Ameiiraa plan. Unly hotel la town ef Lew people; m rooms; eetsaj goad busi ness. . buudiaa Is heated uy tk city. iia and aiecwie lights; city water, will pay to Investigate, will cell en easy terra. Addrees. L. P. Clara. Progi, Alta. ra. - - -- FOR SALE stock of gtocertea and queenaware lor cash; caeaa. Bog eV Har vard. Neb. HULSE & BEIPEN, U . fKDERTAKEP.'. HEAFEY & ilEAFE a, ffogfr Moved to 11 Farnam. A-33V II. Mi VOL'LL always kd liappy u your w ding ring eemse from BredegaarsTe, S. isth St. At the aiga el the crown. Ul M. K. Morrill, china paint ul Brendan) Tb GET your an unoe mi sirouegard a WINDOW glass put la H. Winter, Ml K. rTtk. eantraet warlt Wehetar am tL CONTKNTO HABANA CIGAR. Bex H. prepaid. .73; try half dozen: It no, satisfactory money 'refunded. BBA TON DRUG CO.. IMS Farnaaa. Omaha. Msagard Vaa tk btoraga Park, move, store and ship H. -H goads D. d, B-M3, Mli-S E. MiiXkH, puoli stenographe. UM CWF Nat I Bk. Doug. 47St er A-1UL 1 1'U get m wr out ot buesinese call ea OANGl.-7.tO. M Bee BlUg. 'tel. D. Mft. M0BTQA0ES. 6 ON GOOD v - , - .FARMS. : . asvlage bonis eeot ed hi ftist merteatas and eur capiiai ami turptu of Mi. X0 SAFER LWESTMEXT BoMt lor lasX f3M and ap, a salts xeer aavuiga.' aaa your maoxy nrinc yiw in aies inqeiae. aa ior .avvteuisra PAYNE INVESTMENT CO. IMh and Farnam ta Oinahe, Neb Neb. Seed Co.. 1M Jonee. Botn pnonea CONESBeet HAZEL LEAF PILE remedy for Itching. Weeding or pretraeV log pile: SOc, postpaid, cample tree. Wsennan A McConnel! Drue Co.. Omaha. TO LOAN LOW rate, in came te suit, no Bee tint. Phone Douc. MM. rmoi loan co. MONEY 5 LISTEN Hltlf "Tf yea want to buy the beef pool hall In the state, the eae that la making; the asori ester money iw ine aeei po,u lewa a the stai snd the only town In tae courtly that has a pod hall and wfcer you buy directly frem the ewoer, no; aecauaa be waau te sell, but sacs use he has been la the business In tnjs town lor twelve year and was advised te star la j the epea air aad eht piaoe was cqetppsd May: and ewt think yjs can buy tt cheap: It will cost yen ptcnty. because It la worth H. J. If. Daren, fhelsy. Nek. - Cerate aad Steel telliaaa. CARTER Sheet MeTl Works. Omhl i Daaetaa Aeadeeslee. Ms Okie's Danclna Academe, lit Hsrnev. Daily eiaases Mon., Thuis.. eat evenirut. Morand a urivats 1 wnni averv dev. Clsasee Mon. and Fit. p m. Doug. Xet, , MeatUta. DR. McLErAK.apeclallat In plate work. gatlafautlon or no lee. 4t8 Brsndsis H,og. liaiiey, the uentlst. City Nat't D. la sisea A Mack, id tioor Paiton. D. Hal lte del. i Si ruoms. ill, Doug. D. ilsa. , Bverrlklaa Mseetrteeli. Electric lUhtlne fix., wholesale and retail. slurs sec wanes m. iui Howsra. La eat MB.Ld' MA1ITKU TKHALII Agtaasa and naleswemn 'i K te Bi dally te a host fine Mdy or geaileniaa. Thia U no fake. Write ue tor particular, Kortf alfg. Co.. sing. Mich. WANTED Tounc ladv who Uvea at heme with parents for saleslady In per. fame eepartmeat. merman A McvenjMli DruJ Co., isth snd Dodg Sts. Olllew. Ladv or Girl weateeT each town, geed pay spar time, ccpy ns hiss for advertisers, cash weekly. stasia far partlcutare. American Adver tising Bureau. Dcpt F. Leightona Cor ners, N. H. ... litaUXESS PERSOVALS DOUGLAS Printing Co. Tet Doug- Ml. Twaaty per cent lese than Omaha prices. Home furniture co, Twaeity-tonrla) and L Sta, Seath Onsaha. VinBolstcrlag, (uabev lura ftp. ZM Far. HARDWARE store for I For sddrrss write te T att. ada 'er trade, eare Bee. FOR bALK-BlaekamtU newer enoe In etatc. Mattnleeea. Superior. Neb. shop: beet Adduce M. H. MUST en lay iiwediah aaaa.ge busl neaa. vt scat era radiatara. etc.; win teach piotteeloa u purcoaeat. sss sic aVucV Beeectlvc. Amahs, secrel sal lice dat. agency. Inc. bended. 4-V Paxton Blk. D. l-'l. A-lKk W. DONGNECKEH. i:7 Karbach Blk. JAMSA ALLAN. Neville Blk. Tyler Ills. DeeaeoaaUaa SEWING by day la famines: good work PI. t N and fancv dreasmaklna: latest French style: prices reasonable. Mr. O Dell Phone lnd.. H-tin DraaaTiata. DRUGS at eat price: freight paid ea lie eeeere: eaislogae free, fhermaa A McConaell Drug Co, Omaaa. Nea, Pkvaaarapka. Edison phonographs. Phults Bros.. Ul Far Fkeiosrapkers. Rlnehart. photneraphers. Tlth A Farnsm. . , PUtlag. OMAHA SILVER CO.. Ml S. Hth. rrlatlng. Lew W.Raber, Printer, ttr.r. BLDG. ENTIIANCR ON COURT. Lyngstad Printing Co., Mth A Capitol Ave. Tel. inn awe ror rooa priming. Kiee-llall ft. Co.. le . 14. lnd. A-M:k It the CENTRAL PIUNT1NG CO. do your work. 1U7 Dougla.. Tel. D. WA Steel Tank aad Culvert Cam pa a If NEBRASKA and lows Steel Tank Com pany, llth sn1 Wlcliolsa. 1. WW tenearaskhera aad tenet Mepaatesew ilyrtte A. Kellev. TQ4 Bran! The. D. t Teats aad Awalnaa. OMAHA TENT CO. Tet CI Douglas. . Txwnks aad fast Caeca. reeling A Stelnle. 1M Farnam St Wine and Llejnera. WILLOW Sprints beer, honor, ebrsrs. sandwiches. Alex jetes, un uougiaa Wig Maantaelnrera. D. & Griffith, wig m.'a-. 12 rreaaar Blk. EDICATIOJIAL they will be directed to suitable boarding maces or otherwise assisted. Look for our traveler' guide at the Union station. EXPERIENCED waltr; report reidy for work. Oilman's cate, 1.VJ Howard St. HELP WANTEIVMAlds A avals. Salesmen ana Sallattars. TWO aolldUra that can build substan tial salaries. 4 North Mth St VK WANT local , agents for the new model Fox visible typewriter. Write us lor our liberal propoalttgn. Typewriter Inspection and Supply Co.. Western Dis tributers, Inc., IMS Farnam. w ANTKfk Evoerlenced coffee, tea and clgsr man te work Omaha, South Omaha and Council Bluffs. Also one for rued work on Nebraska route, a liit. care Be. ' SALESMEN We want men of ability nd good character In every locality te take orders for groceries at wholesale from farmers, ranchers, hotels, stc.; spe cial Inducements to experienced mea. We leach inexperlenord men. George Mel. drum A Co., Wholeaole Grocers, Chicago. in. A FEW aood salesmen wanted to can vass In Neoraaka. Wc have a good Una that will sell at sight. A proposition that haa never been worked before. Will be at tha Paxton hotel, room 1M, between la. m. and I. p. m. Saturday aad Sunday, renruary wtn and lotn. Clerical aa U I tlee. , TANO"-Hlgh grade positions. 0 Baa FULL drese suits and party drosses tor ssle; also tor rent it to 11 a a aigni JOHN PEI.DMAN. Hit :. 17th. D. UJL WANTED Flrst-ciass prescription clerk. Hherman A McConnell Drug Co., Itth and ivvdxe Sts. Beys. WANTED Bright, hustling boy la every town, stales Nebraska and Iowa, outside Omaha; wa pay U M cash per week after school and eaturday; no cheap junk to sell; send reference self addressed tamped envelope for particulars. Big Four oil t o., zi l. loth Bt.. omana. man Ave. Phone Web. 11. J, , nsw owner of stable. Kcsss, FOR 8ALe-Slx head of farm mares, from UOO to l.as) Iba.; twe In foal. Nher. man' barn, Mth and Clark. Phon Web ster was. DON'T forret 1. C. Gallup' regular horse auction sale at Union Stock Yards, South Omaha, Thursday Feb. C Wilt nsvs ior this sals over sw nurses con sisting of heavy draft match teams. choice farm mares and alngle drtvera Also a few second hand or city nerae little navemenl aore. which sell very cheap snd mske useful horses to tak out on the farm. Keinemner toe oeis, nexi Thursday, Kbruary 22. LOSI A.D FOUND I PERSONS havlag lost soms article would do wsll to call ud the office -of the Omaha A Council Bluffs Street Railway company to ascertain whether they left It In the street cars. Many articles each day are turned in and lha company la anxious to restore them to tne rightful owner. Call Doug lsa 41. OMAHA A COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET RAILWAY COMPANY. MEDICAL ' MENTAL dlseasee cured. Wl Barker Bllt DR. RACK, specialist; nervous and all chronio diwases. 2311 Dewey Ava. P. 1534. MONEY. TO LOAS Salary aad Chattels. LOANS NEGOTIATED O.V REAL ES TATE, FUK.NlTL.llki riASUO, WAKIS' HniTSS! tlKCKIPTS. fALAKIlA ETC. LOWEST RATES, 4JCIOKE8T BCttVlCE, CVNF1DENT1AL. BEsi tl tnui J. RELIABLE CREDIT CO., 3D FLOOR PAXTON BLDG- 217 S. lfTH. TELEPHONES DOUULAS 1411 A A-1411. CHATTEL LOANS Lowest ratea snd eaaiest u-rma bco etnera; tneo aea and be convinced that we will save you mnner HIH'MKHfll.D UMAX IU. 21. S. Cor. ISth A Doug. St D. 4-1 Ind. A -All. GET IT of Miss Snow, C L. B., at Star Lean Co.. Ml Paxtoa Bik as u sun, without security; to suit you. Factory and Trades. Drug store (snaps) lobs. Kn lest. Pes Bldg. WANTED Good, reliable all round printer, capable ef taking charge of well equipped country newspaper office; wages every Saturday night Write, stating quel Iflcattone and wages expected. Want man te be en ground by March L Also a Junior II not y pa operator who to on furniture, planoa and real estate at a vt tow rate of Interest Nebraska Loan Co. Doug. UK. 22V Bee Bldg. A ll Money take eare ef mar tune. Give qualifications and wagee expected. The nemana county Republican, Auburn. Neb. MONEY loaned raiaried people, women keeping house and others, without se euntv: easv navmeata Offices la 2 orin- able toiclpal cities. Tolmaa. te) Omaoa Nat'l DEPENDABLE printer wanted to take charge of shop for tha next month or two: town A. Address Monitor, Brad shaw. Neb. LADIKA wanted to work aofa pillows st home; good pay; ex peri ems unneces sary. Call forenoons, XM South Thirteenth. OMAHA COMMERCIAL COLLEGE. BEST IN THE WEST." Day and evening eensioaa all tha year. Shorthand, typewriting. Bookkeeping. Agriculture. Civil Service. Salesroansnip. K. A. zartman. prca. ita ana rarnam. BOYLES COLLEGE DAY AND NIGHT SCHOOL ALL THE YEAR Complete courses la HnsTnses, Book keeping. Stenography, Telegraphy, Civil Service or Ealejiaianshln. 1 he catalosTU s free for lb sea inc. Caii. write or pliena for It at once. Addreaa H. B. bovlee. President Moyie Cotfege. Osssba, Neb. rUTOKiNlj. im :o fttn gtaua it i HELP WANTED KK.ilALE Fae-lavy mm A Traaea. Girl t learn hatr dressing: price very reasonable. Oppenhetm. Id Ft. City Nst L WANTED Twe ladies to learn tha hair huelneea. Sll Doug.aa. Manaekeepera aad Deaeeetlee. WANTED Reliable housekeeper, by termer, gocd home tor right party, must furnish refereocra Addrrea W. O Car aiea. MuckwcU CiVf. la, si. W. A A Miscalls aoeaa. try with the Old Trusty Incubator. Write for free catalogue. M. M. Jo aeon. Clay Center. Neb. 2, RAILWAY MALL CLERKS WANTED ev month: Omaha assmlna- tlona May A Coat king free. Wnle I rank- In, lasutute, Aiept. ue sa. sujuaeswr. N. Y. NOTICK TO CONTRACTORS The Farmers' Ormln Co. at Pierce, Neb., desires plane snd seectncstione tor a ena eleva tor of ti.M bushels capaelty rrem tractors. Addrees. juuua Aunt tary. Pierce. Nee. Bank Bldg.. formerly N. Y. Life Bldg. Ualsralsked - nasi i Kit CASS Twe rooms. alcw a.,k bouse modern; references; ear line 4 modem roown. parlor, floor lira a Mth. TWO larxe fnneir mnrfM. "br- Mg Georgia Ave.' Ilsil Motels aad Agawtseeatn. Pwy European hotel, Hth A Farnam. NICELY FURNISHED urutua ' i no. v i nAa. us a. mn st. OXFORD and Arcade, special wkly rata Dedaa run nine hot and txilA Me- ,.i. ephones In every room price the same. Agavrtmsata ana Plata. - Jr room apsrtment, part mod em, jexi mm ai., near v in ton. Phone Harney 4, evenings. HOUSEHOLD GOODS narked sod t,. warded; cheap freight rates; moving and storing. Expressmen's Delivery Co. Tet uougiaa sit, city office, tig 8, llta St Bee Bldg. S-RCOM modern flat Remrtx Rlrir. bt -i. N, 21 h St, South Omaha. Hail. sN wiir, dios sois ; a-ROOM flat en Sherman Ava Web. ITtV. g-Rnnar urtn..i . kvii. m , 8. 27ih at. Harney k. ' APARTMRNTM H5 I0 New i-reom apartmeat en the 1st iioor of tne Alsauan apartment house on Mth St. between Farnam and Podge; heat, hot and cold water, laaltor service, sin-, of the best: vsnr huSMMlv M5. New i-room apartment on the 1st iioor csi ins m. ueorge, which Is en Met and Dodge Sta; heat, hoc sad cold water. Janitor service of the beet, very handsomely decorated. W-5A-o-room outside apartment on the an iioor ei tne Alsatian: heat hot and cold eater aad jarsUor aervlos; one of that choice In the dty Porchas front and hsbk ' Us.Ob-Eaoh. for furnished aegis ream tor bachelors la the Alsatian apartments: can rent one. twe er three tocether. ARMSTRONG-WALSH COMPANY, e. oia at. Tyler s3. t5.0-Mc a-roons St. Lovta flat all thorouchly modern, nearly new, welkin Oletxncc, ISO N. 20th St H. A. WOLF. ' 43 Brandels bldg. . Phones. Bell Dougf sat; lad. A-K7L Meam heated five-room basement apart ments st T7th and Harney. Harney 2W. at awn and Farnam; strictly modern five-room flat. Be. Harney yea). FOR RUNT. BRICK FLATS CHEAP. ' .I--room, part modem, la good condi tion, 2212 No. Zlst 8t it-l nice front rooms, modern. Id Boor 87 Cuming- St - bark rooms, modern, 2 floor, 7 Cuming st front rooms, modern. Id fleer, 37J Cuming St. - hack room, modern, M fleer, ST Cuming St H. A. WOLF. 43 Brandels Bldg. Phones: Bell. D. tea, Ind. A-tSTi. DIAMOND LOANS at 2w and s per cent FLATAU, Bit Dodge 8t. Tel Red Mil OFFERED FOR REST Beard aad earns, O. M. E hauls trnaka D. 42 L A -MIL THE MADISON. First class table board; steam heated, newly furnished rooms; hot water at all rimes; clean baths: snedal rate by week or month. Tb Medlscn, 2Ut and Chicago. LARGK lurulslicd south room; steam heated: lavatory: hot and eld water. References, 121 Sooth tita Ave. LARGE pleesant room: private; modem home: West Farnam; best board. Call turner ti Hit JONES ST. Board and room for two ladies employed: walking distance. Geed men are hard te get . They don't wander around the streets looking for sign la windows When you need good help edvartlae la Tba Bee. Bee wsnt sds sre read by keen, energetic nsea who sneer te better their condi tion. Rates lc par ward if run two er more times con secutively. Telephose Tyler W ANTED Messenger boy with Mcycie. must be K years old: good chance for advancement fag a eve boy. U ilia, care Fare tab rd Beeasa. DESIRABLE furnished room: private family. Ml! N. isth St Tet Webster inK DODGE. 263 Large, nicely famished, well heated, front room en bath room fleer. Private family. Reasonable. 201 8. Central Bled.: nicely furnished room with or without board. , Private ramlly. Reference. Harney 1.1! Now, while people are look ing for mora comfortable quarters, la the time te ad leruae your rooms for rent Iut.es lc per word where tbe ed rune two or more time. FOR RENT Five rooms sll modern st m S. Hth. 2414 CASS, wslktng d-stancs, neatly fur nished a aim reosa Houses aad Osttagtc. MOD, t-r. enttatte. One repair. H. Mr SEVEN rooms, 1913 a Mth. 74 8. tTTH 1 rooms, eompietely mot em. (37-5. (71 S. Kh. 1 rooms, com nletely modern. M- Thoa. F. HalL 41 Ramge huh. D. 7M. A-4KA Houses. Ins. P.lngwalt Braadets Tk. Bldg. Houses la all parts ef the city, fmrh Sens A Co.. Bee Bldg. DUNDEE &-room son. modem. Harney Ml S. STH ST. I-room. atrlctiy mod ern. IS. J- L Kemp, Sth and Leaven worth. Ind. A-U88; Douglas pig. S-ROOM steam heaua apartment. The Mason. Mat and Mason Sta, We. Tele pbone Deuglaa 157t TEN raoiaa. modern. MM S. 27th; for twe families Douglas 1SU. HOUSE, sent las. I rese&a, mod sta. UCi Case St; WEST FARNAM New residence, stucco. XI N. 3Mh Ave. $. Red 147. FOR KENT a-iwem heusa, jnodera ex cept fomaoa. Beat cheap. 3t North 13th Street S-ROOM house, modem exxept be newly decorated. 2T Corby. Key door wet. Douglas 27M. HOUSE 3I2 Dewey Ave- f rooms, modern. Meyer BUUoaery Co 1C Far nam St. ;-roors fiat Jd floor, lit North: . -roora flat 2d floor. M Norm Mtk. a-roora house at ISs North l.th-g-roens bouse at 1M north lTttt O. C. REDICK. ATTORNETi 1117 Famm Bt. Omaha. NICE, large, rocmy cotlagei. uwoent except heat, at 43 ". llta at. laeuire Xll Lecwu, bt