Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 19, 1912, Page 5, Image 5

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tup: bke: omaiia. moxi.ay. FKr.RiWRY i!. m-:.
Kara Soot Mat It.
V aaaele to est Booth' OiaiutNt
Canned Oyster of your dealer, can Doug
iaa eg (or nearest dealer's nam.
Xssn'Toar Money aad Talaaelea in the
American Safe Deposit vaults In The
Be building. Boxes rent for II per year.
tela Sets a Bleak Joseph Stela has
taken out a commission blank. Then are
now 115 blanks out. Twenty-one hare been
Automobile Aeesasories The Tary
latest are carried in stock by the Omaha
Rubber company. MUS Harney street.
J ui ktuuuu (lie corner. IOOK Over
their -line of automobile clothing.
Want the address of every city sales
man, traveling salesman and merchan
dise broker In Omaha or territory ad
joining. Something special, send full name
and permanent address. 32 Bee Bldg.
Trinity Choir Sntertaiaed Dean and
Mrs. J. A. Tancock entertained sixty
five members of the Trinity church choir
last night The evening was spent In
dancing and playing cards.
Tlgha ranaral Monday The funeral
of Martin Tithe, the I'nion Pacific watch
man killed In the railroad yards Friday,
will be held from the Sacred Heart
Catholic church at o'clock Monday
Park Board Meets Wednesday The
board of park commissioners will hold a
meeting at the city hall Wednesday at
3:li o'clock and the public Is Invited to
attend. E. J. Cornish, now in the east,
may be present.
Braiiay is Sued Alleging that former
Sherlf Edwin K. Brailey assaulted him at
the automobile races June 11. 1911. and for
no reason. Alfred Xoriis of Council Bluffs
asks Slt.OOQ damages In a suit filed in the
federal district court.
Caught ftsaUnr Cora Anton B rattle
waa arrested by Officer Mansfield while
stealing corn from Droshe Bros., feed
store at 1T47 South Thirteenth street. He
waa coming out of the store with the feed
when caught redhanded by the officer.
Japan Ambassador Coming The
new ambassador from Japan, Mr. Sblnda.
accompanied by his wife, has arrived In
San Francisco. Ha will pasa through
Omaha on Union Pacific train No. 1,
Tneaday evening at 7 0 o'clock. Ha Is
riding as an ordinary passengert
Mother la Dead A telegram was re
ceived last night from Ortonvllle, Minn.,
asking the police to locate Milton Thomp
son and notify him of his mother's death.
It was found he bad left the St. James
hotel where he had been living and can
not now be found.
Car's Jar Causa fall T. F. Vaughan,
M North Thirty-sixth street, fell from
his wagon at Twenty-seventh and Cuming
atresia when a street car pried him from
his seat at t o'clock last night He re
ceived bruises about the face and arms
which police surgeons treated. He was
aent home.
A. O. M. Card Farty Division No.
, Ancient Order of Hibernians, will give
a card party Monday evening, February
19, at St. Mary Magdalene's hall. Nine
teenth and Dodge streets. This is the an.
nual affair of the division and tha last
party of the kind In Catholic circles pre
ceding th opening of Lent.
eat to industrial school Harry
Hoffmna, 16 years old, was sentenced to
tha Slat Industrial school at Kearney
for Incorrigibility. II has been running
swsy from home, going to Chicago and
when "put on his good behavior" by th
Chicago officials oomlng back to Omaha
father lives at - ICS South Eighteenth
street. -
a. A. B. Bights Chang Th regular
meeting nights of IT. 8. Grant post No.
lit. Grand Army of the Republic, have
been changed from th first and third
Tuesday evening to th first and third
Monday evenings of each month. Th
next meeting of the post will be held
Monday evening at 7 o'clock. After th
regular business meeting then wID be
Washington and Lincoln memorial serv
Ices by th Woman's Relief corps.
TairfUl Ola WoaM Batertaia Th
Commercial club of Fairfield, Neb.,
would Ilk to have tha seed corn special
which visits that town on March stop
over night that the club may gtv a ban
quet for th speakers and other men on
tha train. As Fairfield is the last stop
of tha day It Is probable that arraftge
ments can be mads to stay all night, run
ning up to Grafton early next morning.
Kyaeaard to Deliver Address The
Omaha Theoaophical society will hold a
public meeting In th Omaha School of
Music, Eighteenth and Farnam street.
Sunday evening at I o'clock. W. H.
Lunchard of Council Bluffs will deliver
an address. His subject will Include a
general resume of th Tbeosopbical
movement throughout the world. Tha
title of his subject will be "Sunrle" and
will be exceptionally interesting, espe
cially to those who know little of th
Theoaophical movement
Outline of the Week's Activities, in
Virions Institution.
Caaasatara far Helena af Cwr-
rlealaaa at Mew Ywrtc Paklle
Schools Ederatleaal
Look for Men Who
Annoy Little Girls
Police authorities were Informed yes
terday afternoon by juvenile court offi
cials that several men had been annoy
ing little school girls In the Farnam
sohool district and that arrests were ex
pected. Mothers living In th district ap
peared before the court and described the
men. They had been following the chil
dren, according to the testimony, and
hugging and kissing them at every opportunity.
For coughs, colds,
hoarseness, bronchitis,
croup, Influenza,
whooping cough,
measles cough, ana (or
asthmatic and con
sumptive coughs in all
stage of the disease.
Good for man. woman
and child. Nothing
better. Prlne, 85 eta.
"I sal a eaerh lor Smrl
weeks, sot aner caking t"
ernu the easgk wss sll lese. Jtaa W. syra,
M & UU a, Pauadciabia, ra.
Write larrttoaar. Meauaatbtssaser. eseVesi
A. C MYfck CO. sVALTUtOete. MO,
Superintendent W. U Greenslit of
Scott's Bluff waa In Sidney recently
making arrangement for the North
Platte Valley Teachers' association
which wiU meet at Bridgeport April 4.
i and 6. The executive committee has
exerted Itself to the utmost to secure
talent and to bring lis program to the
attention of th teachers at tha district.
The keynote of the lesalona will be
Conservation." The gospel of effi
ciency and the application of tha princi
ples of sdentlfla managenent to educa
tion will be discussed by a number of
able speakers. Muaio will be accorded
a prominent p'ace on each day'a pro
gram. A special feature will b th
"anti-fatigue" periods of "congreaa
tional" singing, which will be inter
spersed among the addresses.
The talent will be entirely Kebraakan
and will include many of tha state's
leading educators. Among others In at
tendance will be Dr. George K. Condra
of the University of Nebraska, Char
lotte Cecil Cooley of Omaha, Hon. Rich
ard U Metcalfe of Lincoln. Dean B. U
Rouse of Peru, president of the Stats
Teachers' association; State Superin
tendent James E. DelieU. Chancellor C.
A. Fulmer of Wesleyan university and
Judge Joseph Oberfelder of Sidney. Dr.
Condra s lectures will be Illustrated by
the use of the etereoptlcon. A snlqu
feature of the evening entertainments
will be the use of moving picture films
Great plana are being made for a con
cert to be given April 4 by talent of the
district, assisted by Chancellor Fulmer
and Miss Cooley as soloists. An Informal
reception will be tendered th teachers
on April a.
Brief Mantles ef the Week's Baa.
At th regular lecture hour Saturday
morning Prof. Softley spoke on Abraham
Lincoln from a literary standpoint Ha
dwelt strongly on his wit and burner, his
pathos and the greatness and goodness
of his character.
Mlsa Velma Weston was aent as a dele
gate to th students' volunteer convention
by the college Young Women' Christian
association, which met at Cotnar univer
sity last week.
Prof. BofUey spoks Sunday night at the
educational rally known as college day In
the Presbyterian church. His subject was
"Real Ufe."
Prof. J. L Ray spoke at the meeting of
liaa'a Religion and Forward movement,
which was held at the Toung Men's Chris
tian association building Monday evening.
His subject wss "The BiMe In Heart and
Memory." His remarks were based upon
the runaway alave, Onestmus.
Mlsa Effle McLaars. a Women's Chris
tian Temperance union worker of St.
Paul. Minn, spoks to tha atudenta briefly
Monday morning. She waa accompanied
by Mrs. HesM. state president of th
Woman's Christian Temperance union.
Lincoln memorial day was observed by
the teachers' class Monday morning In
chapel. A strong vein of patriotism Is
noticeable In tha average college student
and tears In the ayes of msny wer seen
during tha reading of "Captain, ntr Cap
tain,' written by Walt Whitman on th
death of Abraham Lincoln. The great
Gettysburg speech never loses, however,
whether rendered In a manner good, bad
er Indifferent, because of the reverence
for th man and the occasion. Tells wer
yelled, songs were sung and two notable
numbers war given by Miss Nellie
One of the most Interesting feature of
the college at this time la tha college
juvenile mandolin orchestra. At present
there era eleven In number, ranging In
age from S to 14. They are under th
Instruction of Prof. Templemaa and a
majority have been working not longer
than six months. They played for th
Union Literary society Friday and every'
one waa delighted with their musle.
Mrs. Jails Tsft Bayse Gives Lee-
tare e Abraham Llaeela.
The Catholic Students' dub and tha
training class of tha state normal school
at Kearney save receptlona In the ool
lees building Friday evening. The Cath
olic Students' club Is especially large this
year. Miss Violet Bogan of Mlnden, Neb.
la president of ths club.
Dr. L. C. McEwen of the First Presby
terian church of Kearney conducted de
votional exercises at chapel Friday. He
announced a special series of sermons
on Sunday evenings.
President Thomas waa In Lincoln
Thursday and attsnded the legislative
ban cruet at the Lincoln hotel Thursday
night. He returned by way of Grand
Island where he addressed tha high
school Friday morning. Ha will attend
the Patriotic Patrona day given by the
city schools of Geneva on February U.
Mrs. Julia Tsft Bayne ef Kearney gave
very delightful lecture en Lincoln'
birthday en "Abraham Unee-a and His
Times" before the faculty and students.
Mrs. Bayns Is ths daughter of Judge
Taft, who held a federal appointment
during the Uneeta administration and
lived near th White House. She was a
playmate of the Lincoln children and was
very frequently at the Whit House. Her
talk was especially valuable from a his
toric standpoint and was Intensely Inter
esting throughout.
Miss Anna Jennings. librarian, spent
Saturday and Sunday at her home In
Davenport, Neb.
Miss Anna Jennings, librarian, spent
ledes hagh school, as spends the week
end at her home la Teeomeeh, Neb,
bids fair to be ready at a much earlier
date than usual.
Prof. Grecs friends are gratified
learn that he Is expecting to spend his
sprtoa vacation from hia studies at Chi
cago university, at Peru.
Suemua Mr If annus, tha Irish riter
and lecturer, appeared on our lecture
course Friday merit, with a program
of Irish fairy tales and folklore. A,rt
from his scholarly arrangement of ma
teria his address as pleasing by reason
of his unconventional deliver)' "d rich
The snnual art display from the Whit
temore collection of Omaha ts on for next
Bsright Hall Will Be Open All Day
to Any Visitor Who Comes.
lateattoa Is t Make the Oecaaloe
Simply a e'aarllea for Reaeerlaa
Krieadsblpa and Revlewtea
Karats of the Past.
'Mnmitt"e on table errantrvmeit.: Missvs
Swift. I. P KednMn. Kisaitser. I'arrie
t'aln, k. M IVarmsn. Mv-lVrmott,
MMKiin. Kdtlft Savre. Mary t Keman.
He, en IVinitatn. Msry Taylor. J. I'rclsh
ton. Stun! Hel. Campbell. Kmma Koe
nan. Atla M.-timn and Arnold.
tveret Seetety Stves a TkrecAst
Play, "The Title Mart."
The Normal Glee club Is soon to has a
abort concert trip. Dates hare bees ar
ranged at Nebraska City, Stella and Falls
City, under high school aaeptase m sash
case. The trip will be concluded with the
boys' annual hem concert.
The family of Prof. Beck returned
Friday night from California.
The open session of ths Bverstt society
took the form of a play. "The Title
Mart," a three act comedy by Winston
ChurohlU. The author consented, la a
letter to Mrs. Nettletea, who directed
the practice, to relinquish his usual claim
of a W royalty.
The staff of the "Peruvian" for this
year arranged to have their varieua
tn fusag wrtn casas wars. The aaaaal
Prefrsser ef Phlloeaphy ead Pay
eheloajy Arrive.
School waa dismissed all day last Mon
day out of reepect for the late Chancelolr
Emerltua Huntington. For the same rea
son socio! functions and athletic events
have been postponed or cancelled during
the last week.
Weldon Croasland, who won first place
In the state oratorical contest at Grand
Island, February IS, Is a younger brother
of W. F. Croasland, who won first place
in the contest held at Hastings last year.
Registration hss been completed and
show, a aubstanttal Increase la all de
partments of the university.
Revival me tings are In progress at the
First Methodist Episcopal church. The
meetings are In charge of the pastor. Rev.
L B. Schreckengaat. Muslo la furnished
by a large student choir led by A. V,
Hunter of the Wesleysn Glee club.
The campaign tor the purpose ef In
creasing Wasleyan'a endowment to SMO,
om Is now well under way so far as the
educational part of th program Is con
cerned. A large llustrated folder is be
ing prepared which wil give an Insight
Into Wealn an's activities. This will be
mailed out in a short time. Th outlook
continues blrght for a successful termina
tion of tha campaign.
Prof. Brightman arrived last Monday to
take charge of the elaiaea in philosophy
and psychology, formerly taught by Dr.
Van Riper, now In the faculty at Boston
university. Prof. Brtghtmsn has bees
studying theology In Germany and la a
graduate of the Boston School of Theol
ogy, also of Boston university. He has
taken charge of some of Dr. Huntington's
classes for th present
Progress ef Work ea Library and
Seleaee Balldlaa.
Work on ths new library and science
hall Is again In progress and studenU and
members of the faculty are delighted with
the prospect of moving Into this finely
equipped building before the close of the
second semester. The flag pole was put
Into place the last of tha week and the
national colors were enthuslsatlcally
cheered when they foaled for th first
Urn over the new building.
On the evening of February S th fc
slty of the school gave a receptldh to
the student body. More than SOS students
passed down tha receiving line and were
seated In th auditorium to listen to a
literary and musical program. The pro
gram consisted of an Instrumental solo
by Prof. Alexander, a selection by the
normal mala quartet, reading by Miss
McBeth, vocal solo by Prof. Lackey, ad
dress by President Conn, piano duet by
Mmee. Houae and Coleman and a vocal
solo by Prof. Coleman,
Wednesday at convocation Miss Olive
M. McBeth of th department of expres
sion gavs an Interesting sketch of th
lit of James Whtteomb Riley and read
several of his best poems Mlsa McBeth
frequently appears upon the program In
tha general ezercsies of the school and
aha always has an appreciative audience.
Ex-Deputy Bute Superintendent Frank
S. Perdue Inspected the work of the
school. Mr. Perdue waa an Instructor In
the Nebraska Normal college during sev
eral sessions and he hat a large acquaint'
ance among th educators of northeast
Sakieeta Treated st Ike Csllrae
Oratorical Ceateat,
At the Nebraska collegiate oratorical
contest which wss held st the Barten
bach opera house last Friday night, the
Wesley an orator took first place, Creigh
ton second. Grand Island third and Hast
ings fourth. The orstlons and orators
representing the various schools were as
follows. Grand lalsnd college, "TH
Hand of th Past," C. A. Sorenaon
York college. "The Sanction of Murder,1
Wayne Boner; Wesleyan university,
"Tolstoi." W. F. Croasland; Doane col
lege. "Our City Problem," H. W. David-
con; Crelghton university, "The Bulwark
of Labor," Louie Kavenaugh; Cotner unl
varsity, "The Deal of Internationalism,'
L. D. Christy; Bellevue college, "Man
With Imitation," R. L. Ohman; Hastings
college, "International Patriotism," A.
P. Marvel. The orations were all excel
lent literary productions and the orators
showed marked ability along oratorical
The Judges of this contest were four
in number. They were A. F. Fisher of
Aurora, V. Bock, La Rosslgual and
George Cracker ef the University of Ne
Edaeatleaal Xetea.
Nicholas Dreher. the oldest teacher In
Chicago, has retired from the desk after
fifty years' service.
Mrs. Jessloa Finch, tha new president
of the Equal Franchise society of New
ion. eonoocta a school lor girls, where
the main object Is to adapt the work to
the pupils' tastes.
A school Instructing women In the prac
tical detalla of everyday life has Just been
established tat London. Btudents ara
taught how ts open a window and nut
up a snaoe in a railway carriage, now to
get on and off a street car, the proper
method of doing ap umbrellas, hew to
fill a fountain pea and trim a sunn.
Other courses taught include onenlna
Packing cases and tin ease, bow to drive
nails, hew to (old dothea. bow to null
eerka. how te ttght a fire and tha kind
ef ahoea to wear to conserve health and
ten ia
The annual mid-winter social of the
Douglas County Association of Nebraska
Pioneers has been scheduled for February
r and la to be held In Bartght'a hall. It
is to be practically an all-day affair, as
the members are notified to gather at 10
o'clock In the morning and remain as
long as they desire.
There are about 900 of the mem
bers of the association residing In
Douglas county and It la expected that a
majority of them will be at the social.
Then, It ts anticipated that there will be
a goodly number of othera who wr. join
upon this occasion. Any man or woman
who came to Douglas county prior to
177 Is eligible to membership and It
clasred as a pioneer.
There will be nothing formal about the
social this yesr. It will be simply a
gathering of the old settlers There will
be plenty of music, an appetising lunch'
and a season of story telling. In the paat.
at the socials, there have been some set
speeches, but this yesr they are to be
cut out entirely. All members will be free
to tell of early experiences, but If there is
an attempt at oratory. It will be frowned
upon. The Intention Is to make the
function simply an occasion for renewing
old friendships and reviewing the events
of the past.
The following program has been ar-
Song. "America," by the audience.
Prsver by Rev. Mr. Mat-key.
Address of welcome by Fred W, I .ewe.
Response. Msvor James C. Dahlman.
Music. Mengedoht sisters, violin and
ttong. oy jonnsim.
Five-minute talks by old pioneers
Old time fiddlers: Rath bam. Dunn, Dual
and MrCathary.
Miss Rstelia Hrown, piano.
The Daughtear of Nebraska Pioneers
Four new restdctit fetlowahlM w.
founded by the directors of Brya Mawr
college at a recent meeting. These fellow
ship have a value ef tut each. One la
te be called the Justus a Btrawbridge
fellowship la memory of a former trustee,
and to be gtveei in the department of
M. Aa other la to be riven In tha
department of Senitio languages and
Biblical Irtermtare. and one each In the
eeeartmenta of archasslogy and geology.
Tneae leuowaulpa are open te candidates
who ara graduates ef any college or uni
versity mi standing who have done one
rears graduate work after receiving the
bacheior'a decree.
Aa UBheaval tn nwbBe aretonl mmfhmAm
la New York CSty ss the aim ef a cam
paign Isrnrhcd there by Freak D. Wttey.
cne taaara ear sawrstina. and
aays Mr. WOar. eTaaainina- sis piauas. "We
so not ess h fsasa (alt It hi a an
that ear sifarsiere ds sot means that a
tulda mlnal st naara or seas as kis
stnmartl anal aaassst aa easy as earer-
crewd. and where esjvrted. mental fflneaa
rissiAa The New Turk eorricuras si now
a bnrige snag of a 1st of oaesEas surf.
w aen a new met Sad er coarse area aaV
ad satnetsiaaT iaXeiaw i boold ease keen
as fed ta nuke aaace for ft; baa sa-
atead. tor twenty rearm, we ketve been
g"!" a fr h " " un dssU MarthlrisV''i
Admirers of Art
Make Futile Search
For Lost Diamond
An untoward imident disturbed the re
ception at the art exhibit at the Omaha
Public library last night. During the
evening Mrs. F. P. Ktrkendsll discovered
that a large diamond had become loose
from a brooch she wore and was missing.
The attention of the throng at the re
ception waa turned from the pictures and
a diamond hunt was organised. It proved
to be unavailing, for the gem waa not
Handbag is Snatched
and a Pocket Picked
Two cases of pocket picking came to
the attention of the police last night. A
negro lifted a handbag from Mrs C. 8.
Walsh's arm while she was going to her
home, 109 South Thirty-sixth avenue at t
o'clock. He allpped up behind her at
Twenty-sixth avenue and Douglas street.
The porketbook contained a gold watch.
K In change and soma trinkets.
William Aylrsworth of Twentieth and
Madison streets. South Omaha, bumped
against a pickpocket at the Camerapbone
hosier. Fourteenth and Douglas streets
His purkrtbook contslnlng S3 was taken
from him.
""' it n . fMiei eala.
e si cw passt ms tr
JJjrJ P' kar. In i l fev
Girl Held by Greeks
Testifies in Court
The case of Linda Parts, otherwise
known as Linda Nelson, the lt-year-ol.l
girl whom a crowd of Greeks were said
to have held prisoner at tha Athens hotel,
testified before the juvenile court yester
day. She made no charges against the
! Grerks, except that they attempted to
break Into her room. She waa taken
from the Athens hotsl to the Grand
hotel, where aha said she was watched
by a Greek, who prevented any further
attempt to break Into her room.
SPOKANE. Wash.. Feb. M.-Amaaaa R.
Campbell, one of the foremost mining
operators of the west, died here today of
cancer of the throat. Mr. Campbell vir
tually died of hunger and thirst, having
been unable to take nourishment of any
kind tor several days. Ha was 7 years
old. He waa connected with mining enter
prises throughout tha Rett from Brttlih
Columbia to Mexico.
High school lads In the msnual train
ing department who have received credit
able grades so far this school year and
aho have completed the required num
ber of examples of woodcraft and lathe
work will be aliened to make special ar
ticles of hsndlcraft beginning next month.
These special pieces a III become the
students' own property st the end of the
rhool term tn June, a hen on exhibit
ol all work so made will be held.
Prof. J. K. VYIgman, head of the man-'
ual training department at the normal,
will require each lad to make a print
drawing before starting hia special piece.
About seventy-five lads ar now eligible
to begin this extra work.
V'mlml2"rFy ' at
LakEST rarxAGi os pakTiyaitat
. m Am . k I.
-Seaatiaisn saw
Per sale at Bserxaaa at McCoaaell eterea,
all sroggiaia sad department eterea.
Wanhlngton s birthday will be cele
brated at tha Pearl Memorial church by
a men a supper from t to S o'clock, fol
lowed by a women's concert under the
direction of C. P. Daniels. The women,
thirty-five In number, will wear Martha
Waahlngtoa costumes. Miss Msrgaret
Matthews will play tha piano and Miss
Amanda Tebblt will be soloist.
Xev te ths Situation-rise Want Ada.
Every cook tn On:sha is delighted with
the rich, nut-like fl.tvor of "Minnesota"
macaroni and spaghetti. Even people
who never liked thee fo-ds. say they
could eat "Minnesota" macaroni every
Good macaroni and spaghetti are easily
digested and they are alwaya appetising
because they can be prepared in so many
different ways. They are fine tor chll
dren making their bod lea strong and
healthy, and they give grown people th
power of endurance without overtaxing ,
the atomach.
But if you want that rich, nut-like
flavor be aura and get the delidoua
"Minnesota" brand macaroni or spaghetti
mais from the finest Northern Durum
wheat, with all the nourishing Gluten
left In. It la easily digested snd never
gets soggy. All good Omaha grocers
sell It.
00 Idea
Ideas for dresses, dinners, dishes,
parties, pantries, games, gardens;
ideas about house-building,
house-furnishing, housekeep
ing; ideas for husbands,
children, babies; ideas about
people,books, markets, politics,
amusements, entertainments,
clubs and sociables.
Every idea is worth at least 15c
Every woman can use at least one idea
Maude Adams has ncrer been "written up"
before. Here are two pajei with pictures.
Congress makes laws for women as well as for
men. Vice-President Sherman tells how they
do it. Women in Tacoma stopped the markets
from selling bad food. One who helped tells
it. Are you intellectually dishonest? Read
and see. Hate you read Jeffery
Farnol, Zona Gale, Edna
Ferber? Miss Gilder has.
What are the best new books? Here are ten
of them. Georgia Wood Pangborn has written
a good story; J. J. Bell another. There
seren in this number. Every
suggestion is worth 15 cents.
You can get the whole 1500 for
s for 1 5c
f I
I , 6 What i.
I PasaieaaUs
f -eT ror Aftarwswa
The best cook
in the world tells you
how to cook
Fanni Merritt Farmer, author el
"Th Boat on Cooking School
Cook Book , "roatraSetes 1 1 Lmsra
Diihes, 31 Seasonabl Menus fsr
March. 1 "Recipes by Reqasst;'
and II tested recipe for "My
Husband's Fivorhe Dish," con
tributed by Companion cooks all
aver the cooairry. There ar ales
recipe far 5 kinds ef ScrKra Cakes.
Woman's Home Companion read,
era unit in tslliraj en
another J7 rood house- tat.
keevinf ideas IvV
Pages for children
Six different
desert stents
ar est set fsr
ehildrea er
shout them.
There art ths
advrnrares sf
th Keeepiesi
th Jack and
Betty toy cur
eut book with
further ad ven
tnrtsi tht
atrial. "The
Island Twins) Dr. Dennett's
rare, "When Baby is Sick,"
am Lord's pare of pusaUaj
Tea Practical Kites that sort
can snake and one m sal
KIZ!' 15c
Is the Spring Girl $611
" straight up and down?
Yes, but not (or long. Thus Mist Gould starts
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tionsthatsrenowonevwryworTuuV trips. Mist
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dress, and the knows what she it talking
about She hat fifteen different departments
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Do you want a
garden as well
as a house ?
Read the garden ideas,
"The Garden of Per
rnnisli" ii one way.
Seven prize gardens
how the ideas and roc
ecsies of other readcr
four "Summer Gar-
deni" are ours. Then
there are two full pares
nnr ptiotesrashs and Soar plans at eight
original burtgalowi. For furnishing th
houae, study "The New Wall Papers and
Cretonnes," "How to buy Furahwre,"
Mist 8nhmaton's "BuiR-ia Furniture,
snd Three MiisioeiTrblei"that tm sat
voa can make yourself. Ideas I "f
far the House, Indeori and sot
Are yea musical ?
Usually th Woman's Heme
Cora Banian ceiwsm a piece of
sheet music. The nwniber has
three special pages sf adeir bar
th woman manrsQy iacJznsdi
t "The Cad
paper ea
'IWte Prac
tise' and the
Tower Kassa
Talk ia that
awntber de
voted ts "A
92 New Tilings to be worn this Spring
" New Spring Materiala," showing what is correct for tailored suits and after
noon and evening gowast "The Correct fashions far the Two Type of
American Oerl" "The Tailor-made GM,"lrswn by Pani W. Font en here,
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News from Paris, " by our special French rorrespondrat j ' Twenty -four Smart
Waist for Spring." diewiaf the very new eat features in tailored waists and
cxmc bloasesi 'The New Ribbon-bow Board, novelties sreenea csa make
oa this useful board; "How te Make Yew Spring Hat," a lessen en covering
and trimming s wire trame, "Dasaey Things far Baby;" 'The Spring Hat and
Its KeJatiea ts the Coiffure," just what rmllmery shape and srhst types of hsir
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ties winch can be raadc far sac dollar sr lesai "The Pi i assail ii a. - ,,
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iem for Wcll-drrreed Boys snd Girls. " 2 ideal about huhioaa far slJW
Invite the Neighbor, ir
when the house it done, we'll ester
tain. Ten program! for yowrvrarri an's
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bazaars, three plant for March par
ties, two ideas for late winter dances,
fourJoUyChUdren's Parries. Social life
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ment meant ideas. The woman whs
eatertaint, no matter how inform
ally, will find the March
Woman's Home Com- f ttg
panion a valuable help AOC
AD Bewvstaivk fto, 15c $10 a year. Tike Crowall rSabdaahms; Otaspamy, 381 FotnrtJh Aw&, Now York