THE BEE: 0MA1IA. MONDAY. FEBRUARY 1H. 1012. The Omaha daily Bee FOUNDED BY EDWARD ROSE WATER " VICTOR ROaBWATER. EDITOR. BEK Brlt-DINQ. FARNAM AND 17TIL Entered at Umibi portof flee as second class matter. UKM3 OK SUBSCRIPTION. . Sunday tee, one year . -'-...-.. tj . . - - ..Aar i L M f laiiy Be (without Sunday)'.' one Tf'jJ'' , lajtV tie ax. a !unuay, one ! HELIVEKF.U BY CARRIER. Ewiing Ue (with aunay. pr ; Iauly bee tincludtng Sunday!, per mo..M Tally Hee (without Sunday , per n0:;' . Address all complalnt or irregularities i In delivery to City Circulation Dept. REMITTANCE , i Remit by dratt, espreae or postal order, ; payable to The Bee I'utiahlng company Only S-rent Hamps received in payment of small ecrounts Personal check, cept an Omaha and eastern eachenge, not excepted. OFFICES. Omaha-The bee K'riKllng. South Omaha-SlS N St. Council Bluffs-75 Scott St. JJnvnln-X Uttla Hnlldln. i Chii-Mo IM Meroilette Bulldlnf. fcamue rity-Reltsnre Building. : New Tork-M We-t Thirty-third, i Washington-7 Fourteenth 8U, J. w CORRESPONDENCE. rntmnunlcatlnna relating to news ana ; editorial matter should be addressed i lmh Be. Editorial Department, " January circulation. 49,728 Ftate ef Nebraska. County of Douglas, aa: Iw!fM Wllliama. circulation manual j ft Tha Be Publishing company, belnf ; duly aworn, says that tha average dally circulation, lesa apolled. unuaed and r t turned copies, for lb month ol January, Ull waa M.7S. f DWIOIIT WILLIAMS, ' Circulation klanagw. ' Pubseribed in my pretence and aworn to kofore ma thla Sth day of February. 111 ! (Seal) ROBERT HUNTER. ; Notary Public b. libera Vrv the) tr temporarily hwld ha-rw The r. matte to rtew. Addroaa will b chanced aw aa w rated. All aboard for the aato show! Tha 1911 modal doe bava a tort of leap-rear stupe to It. Doubtless certain labor leaden now slso aee the folly of writing let era. While pleading for a starfdard golf ball, why net hire alto a stand rd moth ball? At ahowlnc what a aafe town New York it, tha rate of burglar Insur ant's there hare advanced (0 per cent Alphonte or Gait on could not hare acted prettier than did Dr. Bun Yet flea when he handed over hit Job to Yuan Bhl Kal. That robber whom a 8t. Louie woman repelled with a allpper prob ably learned In hie youth the ter ror of that weapon. Now' that aclentlita hay flgured It oat that the earth la m.OIO.atf year old tha base ball season may open now most any time. Aaother American gaiety girl la to marry a British lord, which probably will be need aa an argument for glrla to take up tha atage. Not to much loud protesting against the Indictments of these fifty-four men aa there was when the .first three were hauled up for dyna miting. Britain wants onr J. Flerpont Morgan to let them make him a duke. But what Is a British duke beside' aa American king of commerce? Some folks seem to be disap pointed that Banker Morse, who waa released from prison for the benefit of but health, did not go right out nd die. The German army la planning a dirigible balloon that will tall fifty miles an hour with 300 men aboard. Gee! that will travel faster than Mr. Carnegie's peace money. The suffrage committee of the Ohio constitutional convention by a vote of 16 to t reported la favor of a clause for equal suffrage. That ratio make It almost sacred. Inasmuch as the Lincoln Journal baa already given Nebraska's vote la the Chicago convention to Roosevelt, we presume we might as well call the primary off and save the expense. That Texas Judge who adjourned court long enough to lick the man who called him a liar evidently Is not to be criticized for making too much of the prodigious technique of the law. Woodrow Wilton's "History of the American People" la being pushed by tho publishers Just now. If he gets a royalty on tha sales, aa be doubtless does, he may be making politics pay, too. A Permanent President Just by way of illustration that a third term occupant of tho White House carries no Intrinsic terror, Rev. Lyman Abbott, who la asi ciated with Colonel Roosevelt in editing the Outlook, digs up and re prints from an Issue of that journal for April 16, 1879, "when it waa un der the same editorial direction which controls its opinions today," an editorial combatting the demand for a limitation of the presidential term. The basis of these demands is pronounced the Idea that the American people have not sense enough to know when they are well served and to choose their own serv ants. The gist of It Is contained In this concluding paragraph, which Is, as we submit, to all Intents and pur poses, an argument for a permanent president: There la no objection to three terms, or to thirty terma. If the man la a good one; no reason why America should not keep Its prime minuter and the presi dent la ita prime minister In office aa lone aa England kept Pitt In his place. Indeed, a food presidency that should lat twenty yean would be a great boon to the country, which suffers very seri ous Injury from tha presidential battle. which not only occurs every four years, but keeps the great political parties akirmlahlnf all the meanwhile. Irrespective of our views about giving a good president three terms, we doubt whether any widespread sentiment prevails that would favor giving him thirty terms, or that the people of this country would throw oft their innate distaste for a perma nent ruler. The custom hsa become generally accepted to limit a presi dent to two terms, and If there were to be any change In our constitution affecting the presidency, It la a aafe prediction that it would be in the direction of a single term extending possibly over six or eight years. Tho chief point of vantage here suggested for a permanent president la it would set store by experience and retain the services ot a tried executive In preference to a new man who hat to pick up the threads, no matter what bla previous career. If tbia argument hat any potency, then in the present case It would be a caution against making a change la the White Houae now merely for tho aake of change. . It would ac cord President Taft .a second term, whoso propriety no ona questions, rather than supplant him at tho ond ot a first term by reinstating hit predecessor for a third terra. The rule pf two terma and .out baa ac quired the force of unwritten law, which, It discarded, apparently leaves oven Dr. 'Abbott at a loea to Bnd logical stopping point between three terms and thirty' tefma, or eventually permanent tenure. .. Wnen Pnblio Sentiment if Aroused. Tho power of public sentiment haa recently been forcibly . demon- st rated In New York, where a for mer valet ot a wealthy New Yorker la released from prison, .where he waa sentenced to thirty years for burglary, in order to establish what ho and friends profess to be bis In nocence of the crime alleged against him, and to which he confessed un der Decnllar circumstances. ." The story is known by now, and whether the prisoner establishes his Innocence or la again convicted upon hla retrial or not, hit temporary lib eration In deference to - popular elamor that be be given aaother chance to prove himself will stand aa a most Imposing and Impressive example ot what a systematic de mand for Justice may accomplish, Tho Judge before whom the con fiction waa had and by whom tha sentence waa pronounced Joined In favoring a new trial. Whether guilty or not, the general belief la that the man Buffered an, unduly eevero pen alty, tor men are commlttlag bur glary and oven murder, and being convicted every day who get far more lenient treatment than thla rich man's former valet got. Aa element of mystery haa been woven into the case, but not to the exclusion ot tho main fact that the prisoner, after partial tern la Jail, comes out tor a rehearing In prompt response to a vigorously expreesed public sentiment Americana have reason always to reflect that back ot all the cynicism about the weakness of tbelr fundamental Institutions Is this bulwark of civic freedom, public aentlment when aroused, which has always been quick to help undo ap parent wrong and to relievo nnde served misfortune. course of the year more than to to make up for the time he lost on vacation. Further than that, the vacation looms up before blm eleven months In the year as an incentive for faithful service, the advantage of which the company derives in dollars and cents. It seems to us the company that rejected this proposal acted much more wisely than the one that adopted It, aa experience will, un doubtedly, show. The clerical forces BooldnBaclaWard Tills Dav .n Omaha COMPILED FROM BF.E FILM J-EIi. 10. Thirty Years Ago The Christian cnurch proposes to con vert its property on Harney street inlo money and proceed at onoe to erect a houae of worship. This church began about four years ago with a membership of railroads belong to no unions and of tarty- ow fibers lut lf uur aa-oi tiiiavciiav. HieBeesLelic EI FIGHTING TBUL New York Sun: The sight of Mr. Taft standing up and fighting back at the enamles and carpers m bia party, calling . a spade a spade and disposed to use even i harder names than "neurotics' is highly I satisfactory to the great body of republic ; ana who have seen him turn the other have to depend for advance in wagea and improvements in working schedules and conditions entirely upon the pleasure of their employ ers and their lot, aa a whole, has not shown any vast Improvement during the period In which the de mands upon them, in the way of the cost ot living, have gone on steadily multiplying. It does not seem to be In keeping with the trend of economics to subtract anything from the sum total of benefits accruing to these people. It would rather ap pear more logical to make an addi tion here and there. The policy that tenda to lessen the degree of sympathy between employer and em ploye la not the policy that begets the best results, nor the one that modern Industry Is finding more acceptable. A Parcels Post Bill. The bill for a limited parcels post, which the house committee on post- offices and post roads unanimously voted to Insert Into the regular post offlre appropriation bill, has many features of vital public Interest, and some that will satisfy long-pressed demands by the railway mall clerks. In the first place. It congress abould pass tho measure In Its present form It would abolish the anomaly of our government granting to foreign senders of mall matter rates and concessions which It does not allow for domestic patrons. t The part of the bill most Interest ing to the mall men la a clause tor a new classification, for which they have been atrtvlng a long time. It also would grant them freer exercise of their right of complaint for griev ances and permitting them to organ ise their forces for protective pur- let, Tha question Involved is where the lino of discipline should be drawn, and It is understood there Is where one ot tho contests will renter. As for tho parcels post, It shall be gin July 1, 1112, and continue nntll June SO, 114. on a limited basis, pending tho Investigation and report of a commission upon the question of a general parcela post system. The bill defines Its proposed parcels post In these two paragraphs: Tha'l on all rural mall delivery routes, of the United States until June , mt, the postmaster at the starting point of such route shall receive and deliver to the car rier or carriers of said routra all articles, Pamela or packages not prohibited lo the mails by law and falling under the defini tion of fourth class matter and not weigh ing la exeese of eleven pounds, for transportation and delivery on said routes only: and the carriers ahull' receive at Intermediate points on all rural routes such mall matter ot the fourth class tor delivery en their respective routes only. Postage ahall be paid oa all articles. parcels, or packases entitled to trans portation under the provisions of this set ss matter of the fourth class on rural mall delivery routes only at tie following rstea: One cent for each two ounces or less, 1 cents for more than two ounoes but not more than four ounces, 1 cents for more than four ounces but not more than eight ounces. 4 eents for taore than eight ounces but hot snore than twerte ounce, ( eents tor more than twelve ounce but not trior than a pound, and t cents per pound for each additional pound ' or fraction thereof up to and including a total of eleven pounds. The usual opposition from the ex press companies and kindred Inter ests may be expected to go with thla bill, but sooner or later we shall bavo parcels post, and. with the prestige ot tho administration on the side of It, whether this measure in its present form passes o not. It Is safe to count on it at no distant day. Thlaka It Pualnz Slranxr. KEARNEY. Neb.. Feb. 16,-To th? Kdi tor of The Bee: Lest you have not cheek and smile biandly when a frown noticed the chance in the democratic f indignation would have become him press of the United States In the last i better; fur they know how unmerited has tw j weeks, or since the curtain dropped I been the abuse, how groundless the ending the La Fullvtte farce tragedy, I i strictures and how stealthy and sordid would call your attention to the fact that! have been the tactics employed against they realize that they must brlns out a ' hira. good man to pit asalnst President "aft. ,.,. Tranaerinl! President Taft But the shifting of scenery oo the demo- ; cratic stage is no mure entertaining w i faces the campaign with such confidence Aa an introduction to the Lenten sea son, Rev. A. R. Shaffle, S. J., pastor of the Church of Holy Family, corner Sev. :""" ' '- that he ha, no hesitation In predicting enteenth and Izard streets, has arrange.! j the casul" observer, than the edging of rubHnn trlumpn , Novembr next to conduct the forty hours devotion. our vernor to secure a vantage posi-, ii8 fpcech m New Vork w , aeflanca The church Is being; elaborately dvco- l,lon ln lnlr ha,i n w,llch lllble'i and a challenge to that radical element rated by Mrs. J. A. Crdghton, Miss Kate Qutnn, the Misses Lizzie and Mary IX-r-mott and Mr. Feeney. Eight military prisoners from Fort Douglas, t"tah territory, In charge of Chaplain Van Horn went through the city on their way to Leavenworth on charges of desertion. Two beer, or not to beer, is the ques tion with a great many of our restless citizens now that the back door of saloons are Invitingly open. lr. Panter. tho Pouglas street drug- gist, returned from M. ixmia where he has been purchasing new and handaorae furniture for the new store he Is to oc cupy In the Millard hotel building. Mr. Preston, for the last year chief clerk in Kuhn's drug store, has resigned to so on the road for Kennard Brothers, and A. M. Jacoby succeeds to his va cated place. Proposals for army transportation for the department supplies are Invited by M. I. Ludlngton,- chief quartermaster of the Department of the 1'latte, with head quarters at Omaha. Fresh creamery butter Is selling at U to 31 cents a puund on the local market, having advanced S cents. A celebration In honor of the twenty- fifth anniversary of the Douglas County Fllble society filled Boyd's opera house this Sunday evening. District' Superin tendent Rev. McCandlsh spoke on the In. fluence ot the bible, and another address delivered by itev. O. W. Wairuight. district superintendent-elect. Tb elec tion of directors resulted aa follows: First Methodiat Kplscopal church, A. 1 Rice: Congregational, ' Colonel It II. Wilbur; i nitea rresnyterian, J. 1 aictjague; tsap tiat. Dr. O. S. Wood; Lutheran, Dr. T. E. Lelsenrtng; Presbyterian, Warren Swt is let; Eighteenth street Methodist Epis copal, D. M. Haverly. Twenty Years Ago Frank Brownlee, secretary of the Board of Fir and Police Commissioners, de parted for Illinois to spend Sunday with his parents. The new Mets hall on South Thirteenth street waa thronged with South Bids cltl sens ln the evening Interested in park matter. James C. Urennan was ohoeen as chairman of the meeting and John Tldemann acted a secretary. Isaao Haa call opened the debate by declaring that Syndicate park was the only piece of property suitable for a park. James Dono hoe than. spoke, favoring the same site. Then followed Georg E. Bertrand and Qllhert M. Hitchcock and Councilman EV saaser and others, favoring Syndicate park. After Councilman John .Steel had need toted that Syndic.! park would be the place and Contractor StuM had had a word, resolutions favoring this- alia war wdtutsd ton tbt benefit of the Park commission. Announcement was mad that t fashion able summer hotel would toon be built at Court land beach. In rreponae to public elamor. The plans contemplate a structure coating 112,000 and J. J. Phllbln was on of the promoters. Mrs. M. Krenarr, IU North Twentieth street, was painfully Injured when her buggy waa struck at Sixteenth and Cum ins streets by a motor ear. Notable Washington day exercises were held at the Davenport school. Fortieth and Davenport streets, ot which alias Lottie L, Oassette was principal. Pbelan Shirley, a.Jad.vf 13. preaident ot the Little Pitcher club," which Miss Cas sette organised, mad an address before the pupils and many ot tbelr parents, which was remarkable for a boy of bla age. Miss Gasnett read the roll ot honor for the last month and these name were en It: Mary Egbert, l'helan Shirley, Nina Stein. Herbert Shannon. I-lizle Neff. Edith Nell, iazsle- Egbert, Jod Itaagor- antl-Taft. Mr. Aldrlch has made us one of tlie -hrewdest governors we have ever had. which makes It more than passing strange, that ha would allow a lot of democratic noire to lead him to throw his political fortunes Into the La Fol lette camp, thereby depriving himself of the Taft support which he win need this fall. J. C. SAMMONS. The paradox of the timet la that in aplte of the fact that fewer cat tle and aheep are on the farms to day than a year ago the prices ot cured meats Is a little lower. Cora, or course. Is sway higher. Tho way to develop Omaha into an art center la to cultivate the love of art. Toe Omaha Society ot Fine Arts is to be commended for pro ceeding on the right theory of build ing front the foundation np. Just a coincidence that the World Herald and The Bee both take the position at the tame time that the proposed labeling of convention dele gates on tle oacial priaiary ballot Is entirely unwarranted by the law. Setrenchmeat of Doubtful Wisdom. A big western railroad, with bead quarters on the Pacific coast, has de cided to grant no more vacations with pay and transportation to its thousands of employes, notice to that effect having been promulgated. This company recommended ita ac tion for consideration to other rail roads, one, at least, ot whk has considered and emphatically rejected tb proposal. Tb execntiv head of tbe latter road submitted the matter to each department head oa tha sys tem for suggestions and'in every ease tb suggestion caao back la the form of vlgorows disapproval ot the plan. Tbe general conclusion waa that it would be a bad thing from a purely financial standpoint, to aay nothing ot personal consideration for the employe, to dispense with his The chief recommendation which Edgar Howard gives to hla pre ferred candidate for the democratic nomination tor United Bute sea- ator to that he haa been faithful al ways. But does faithful party serv- tea count for anything these days? Does not tho new political code re quire that the man who does the work sit on tho bleachers while the cushioned chair la tho grandstand Is reserved for some unknowa who at tracts attention by yelling at the right time? shek. e , Wanted- A Remedy. OMAHA. Feb. lT.-To the EiliLnr of The Bee: The writer, a railroad depart ment clerk, who has gone aa hlh In hln department aa he can get without out living his superior officers and still on existing wages (not llvinc wages) after spending his youngest days In railroad training and faithful performance of duties given blm to look after must atlll there remain, even though he possesses college ulplomas stvt training from one of Chicago's leading accountant, com bined with loyalty, good sense and plenty of the backbone necessary to help push th railroad to the front a much as any on elerk can do. But why is he held down? For this reason: Were hi supe rior officer to help him up It would mean more work thrust ,uion his ehoulders and require the training ot a new clerk to take his place. For this renson: When new position at a larper salary Is found, the new employer of course askb for references from your present em ployer. He then either calls Mm by phon or writes him concerning your ability, etc.; and what Is the reply? "Oh, he Is not the kind of a man you wtnt at all, but we have a jounij man here whom we should like to see do better and ns an accommodation to you aid bo glad to recommend." W'hut Is the result? The man recommended Is one tho railroad nun wanted to get rid of, but hated lo discharge for tho s:ike ot his family; the one he would not recom mend must still linger on In dreams of belter future ln.hls railroad work, for he has no other references to give for his tvhoie business career has been In the one office. Neither can he blame bis would-be employer for not listening to his explanation of conditions at the rall rosd office, as long ts they are not personally acquainted. The above words are facts and have been experienced time and time again by the writer, who Is willing to donate two weeks Work to any Rood, nllable firm to prove Ms ability in any kind of office work, provided employment with a good future Is laid before him at a living salary. Th writer has been told by. other cor poration employes of numerous similar occurences experienced by them, .all of which goes to prove that lh best 'ot of fice clerks, carrying the heaviest of" burdens,' when wilhou't (he ao-rnlled "pull" or outside business references, ts held down on a low salary by corpora tions whose "heads" are after ths golden eagle and not for to help benefit man kind or gle some long:wuntett small luxury to a poor employe's family. Now, Will some large-hearted business man come to the front with remedies If so I am sure The Bee wouid be only too glad to give his words room and the working clerks extend to him a generous vote of appreciation. A St.'BsritlRRR. j wtiich favors the recall, the referendum ', and everything ele the opposite of con- srVative as panaceas for the alleged ills of the republic. The president draws a distinction between the progressives and the extremists. The latter he holds ar nut entitled to be called progressives, but, rather, reactionaries, as they are. In his Judgment, "political emotionalists or neurotics." Evidently when th Taft smile comes off very plain, emphatic and easily comprehended language follows. Pphrsfield (Mass.) Republican: Presi dent Taft assumes the proper attitude touching his candidacy when he moves out to attack the other fellows, and to present those achievements of his admin istration and party which he believes to be entitled to the popular respect and support When any candid person sits down to a study of the existing situation he discovers that the head of the national administration is not only filled with the purpose to serve the country, but that the president la able to point to a record of subi-tantlal achievement. His prede cessor fi led the air with declarations of what he proposed . to do. There was a well-nigh continuous . breathing out of threati-nltiKs and slaughter, but the act ual accomplishment by no means equalled the advertisements. Ten Years Ago Mrs. Emily Metzlaft. Leavenworth street, died suddenly In a store at Twen ty-ninth and Leavenworth street. 8b waa taken ill In a street car and carried hastily to the ator. . Dr. Matthew waa summoned and arrived Just aa tb woman was breathing dier last. W. II. Green left for New York to b gone several days. General Manager Bidwell of th Fre mont. Elk burn Missouri Valley rail road went to Chicago. Th building and grounds eommltte of lh Auditorium company met and opened bid for tbe construction of th building. AU th bid were found to exceed Archi tect Latenscfa figure, tuo.on). and It was ordered to call for new bida, John Iloagland, 4a year ef as, died In th night at his home. Fourteenth and Ohio streets. Christian Peterson, t& 8lxth and Pa cific street, a slonedrsaeer at gchaJI Co. a yards. Fifth and Joe, was killed when be attempted to fix th machUMry whack suddenly went wrong. Ha New Ratlasr ef (he M. Mi. A. HARVARD, Neb., Feb. 16,-To the Editor of Th Hee: The Increased rating of the Modern Woodmen uf America, st their recent Chicago convention, without giving the membership ai.y alternative than to accept the advance or drop out with nothing, teems to have done the membership a great injustice. esieclally when they hav reached those years In life when they are unable to keep up their asaeementa, hard on the present older member and- soon will be on the younger one. Th Ancient Order of United Workmen hav this provision, that when a member ha reached the age of T years, he may retire and receive back all assessments paid with 4 per cent simple Interest mad for death payments. This I too advanced an ace to give proper protection to tlie membership or reduce th Indebtedness of the order as It. would be it tbe ag was at a more early period. Tbe time limit the Modern Woodmen of America will accept a member, la t years, and If th order will now provide a rule whereby the member may. at bis option, retire at any time after fifty years, and receive bark what lie has paid in with 4 or per cent Intereat, local lod dura not Included, tliry will! provkU an honorable aud rutut way for th member to retire with a small amount, i or continue to tb end and mature policy by death a to prefer. W think such a provision would mak a large reduction Ln the indebtedness of th order, as many policies would be SlLNiJY GEJIS. BUI What did you do with your lea? year proposals? HalDid what any other fellow would do got scared and aa they turned up I turned 'em down. Baltimore American. Mrs. Klcker-The Filigrees have a Corot In the dining room. Mr. Kicker That's nothing. We have a whistler in the kitchen. Satire. "Why are vou looking so elated?" "At last I have an idea that will bring me fame." "And what is this great idea?" "You knowwhat the 'Wedding March' did for Mendelssohn; well, I'm going to write a 'Divorce March' "'Chicago Tri bune. The strong minded dame was narra ting the experience she had underxonu while on a recent slumming expedition. 'IThe sights witnessed in that low dod gery," she said, ' are indescribable!" "That's too bad," murmured Miss Gush lelgh; "i should so love to hear you de scribe them!" Chicago Tribune. THE STAY AT HOME. Detroit Free Press. Hand me my smoking jacket, here by the fireside brig lit I'm going to ait with my pipe and book at ease on thif Sunday night; I'll pass up the church this evenlny and read from the printed pane Some message of consolation that comes from a bygone ae; I'll stav by my fire side calmly, for this ii my present fix, I follow the parson's gospel, but I can't atund his politics. I can anrue these worldly problems day in and day out with men, I can study these business questions hers In my pleasant den; I delve tn the mire on week days to reach what I think is best. And I come to the Sabbath weary and eager for peace and rest. But 1 cannot find peace and comfort when the parson is throwing brtckf. I subscribe to his holy gospel, but nut to hla politics. So I shan't go to church this evening. I'll stav by the fire and read And seek from the printed pages the spiritual food I need; Where graft Is a thing not mentioned, whTe nver the lie la passed. Where the rich and the poor are never 'gainst one and the other massed; In hatred and rage and envy six days re enough to mix, I will go to the churn for gospel, but nsver for politics. Glean bath room tub pipes and sink with GOLD DUST p.trtt-wraa.Miii-asil'mwiHS To keep bath tub and lavatory snow white to keep metal pipes, fixtures and taps brightly bur nishedto purify metal bowl there's nothing on earth like Gold Dust. Gold Dust is ,the great sani tary cleanser, because it sterilizes while it cleans, and drives out every germ and hidden impurity. Other products may clean the surface Gold Dcst cleanses to the bottom. Add a heaping tea spoonful of Gold Dust to a pail of water and you are ready to prove these claims. Cold Dust is sold in 5C size and large pack ages.' The large package means greater economy. 'lM tht COLD DUST TWINS do four work " Made by THE N. K. FAIRBANK COMPANY. Chicago Makers el Fairy Soap (the aval sake) "Mike" Harrington laat rear opened up oa the candidacy of Har- maa for railway eommlasioaer ln Tery asuch Ike same way that he Is coins after Harmon's candidacy for p resides t. Hans an carried the demo cratic primaries by an orenrhelmlns majority la spite of Harrington's op posltloa. We shall see whet vs shall mrvwn Deacrirer aaa.ot a gearing whe ,urrrnirTTi atlj cancelled at 14 to S and killed. I ct,t, (h u0nar of their face Th fifth annual dinner of tb Pytalaa u)u. urnl by death, when th time Veterans- association was had at th.' . , tM mtntxn tlt they did no Bchllts hotel. J. Q. Ooes ot Belle-rue, j , recuir th protection for the president of the eoOMy. wss th toaet-r c(,.jld Bot cont:nu 'payments master and many local and up-tat sun Poke, among them Dr. ft 1 Woo or Omaha, Jedg Boyd ef Nellga, Senator Dick O'Neill at Lincoln and toaaur Teens; ef El ant o. People Talked About The former comic opera (Irl who haa been the wife of a millionaire for a little while tell tho court she does not see how she can possibly get along now oa lea than (,000 a year. She might Inform herself by looking ap her schedule of liv ing when aha waa a comic opera glrL without n Injure iemelvrs- It teems to m the test thing to do. Is to try and brinx about such a provision, than If this fall, each tor them servo da as thir oaan IndivMual Interest may direct ' BARBOUR. Wka Kaaiert TettaMr. Wuhtagtoa Post. Mr. Bryma appear betor the With VS paid for a whit saaa'a Tot la Delaware and only Ss tor a colon d man's, th proportionate superiority ef th white race at deflnlurr fixed. Awibreea Moos, tb biggest man phys ically in Pennsylvania, died at hit hcrat at Mount Carbon, Fa. He weighed 13 paund. was rrr tset ten tnchee tall ana mi. sure three feat acta th ahoaklere and was or than Bv feet ta --. Me waa S years :. Down In Ms winter hem la Florida, Colonel Henry CTsttersoa ds not wholly escap th strenuous Ca Watcn- ln speculative farmer plowta- and Lttvaeaai SU-velatloae, Philadelphia Record. There is a hanger any tat mystery. A German peraictaa ha discovered s chemical procrsa which, applied to tbe kunaa bady after death, makes every part of the anatomy een the bone transparent. This make dlaaectioa un necessary for purposes of poathumous discovery. &icuM th procras be so Improved aa ' to make transparent any part t th bodies ef liviac persona, without endangering U'e, would be ot marvelous aid In diagnosis. T I Luartwc Xemwrtew. InStanaixjit Slew. Th failur ot th taemury of ?aafrt J. HIX while tcvUfy-BS txttfr lh Susies eetaxaltue. aiw aaca( .that aU ami- aaaaal vacation with nay and trans-1 mmt trwat ceeamnte. U majht b wn j planta th rrc.-f.ade In front tw at ctucu who stay b t tor! . .. tor the ta eels the tsmtuiilty to sat ai to tea feet of water 1 a moving, partar , emcial 1 atones Oo bome a carl; porimuow. ui in rsrsis , inform tioa e th price of auf- a ptotasCx, of exercis a rtiaiww Sndca cf t'JCr caries aad lr-.tac-.iM. JttA - 1 k - ,kA ... . . . .. 1 . I .1 did enough overtime work la UiejaMbues aad prist bull eiasXS. ur abeuUat tbe I Since the Indians came here to be cured the tame of these wonderful waters haa broadened until now more than 150.000 people, each year, go home healthier and happier because of their visit here. yhetheryoa are ill or wtO, you hare denied yourself of much more than you realize by not going to Hot Springs. Join new the happy throngs that are congregating at this delightful winter resort to enjoy golf, horseback riding on splendid, pine-lined mountain drives, the charming hotel Lie, and a climate that doubles the pleasure of ererythuig. The trip to Hot Springs, Ark. via Frisco Lines is as pleasant as arrivin there you Watve Kansas City at 6: 1 5 P-m. you reach Memphis fcVI 5 a. nv, and Hot Springs (via Roci Island Lines) at 3J5 in the afternoori a quick, restful ride in hizurraus Electric lighted Umwh sJeeperi Tn Fraco rEainc car aereea iAxmm Fnd Hmnf aaeala. Let aa otmi jom more miornaanoa aJoowl Hot Sprn it splessid laHei. bntaa bases a, its beW wratac and oppuetutwuc tar ulii. Iw-iil alao tea yom cost or ticket anal make wp a unplieii si Wrhits too yowr beat FrisceTUkrtOfBce. WaioW Bide 1Kb ft HaamSka, tUjaty.Mo. i C LOVTUE. Drvua rwrar AgvnS SncUy.- i tun ni