V PRODDFOOT ENTERS CONTEST7 THK F.KK: OMAHA. MoPAY. KKr.lMWKY 1!H: Indianola Man WanU Eepablican Nomination for Governor. ; IS OPPONZST OF FEIMABY LAW Fraak OTuwr f (klrkaua tjr aa K. (.. a. a f rru l-ir on i Iv a ad Ida Ira for IMOrralli- tu!nmiu. Local Auto Branch House Managers CCUNT AHERNTHAL IS DEAD Austro-Hnnararian Minister of For eign Affairs Passes Away. - V1. " - -v -y ! p.- '. '. i a. -. T tf - -- ilievni . i!. MONTI loMKKY. liner-state. lE3 MOIXKS. IVh. s-,iW;4!,i.Kt to- of a new candidal in it.e lace r.r coventor of Iowa en ti republican t:c. t the last wwk somen i:.t ruangi s the situ ation and raises isst,. of a stair rharartrr which will detract for th. .r.scnt from the national ap,iMs of ihe yani.a.frn for eslecrion of delt-saies. The new ent.y Senator A. V. I'roudfoot, lives at fndian ola, only Tiftccn miles south of les Moines, while George W. Clarke, an other republican candidate, lives at .Wei. twenty-two miles west, and Prof. Holdm. the independent candidate, lives at Antes thirty miles north. All live In the same congressional district with !cs Moire--, so that they are bunched n-ar the state capital. Senator Proudfoot Is related to Ju.lse Henderson, commerce counsel for the railroad commission, who Uvea In the same town, and who arts JT.OiXt a year salary, and he has been closely associatr-d with Senator Berry of the board of pa role, who also lives In the same little town and (ten J3.O0 a year. So the town of Indianola promises to loom large on the political map of the state. Senator Proudfoot was one of the sup porters of Senator I-afe Young In the legislature. He was also one of the most insistent opponents ot lite primary and jr.. j s fin of the Ore plan of electins senators : bflGHcinCiOclIl XllKS and this raises an Issue between Mm and j - , , Governor Clarke, who has been liberal In ! UftdiCiltB TllElF 1 PW , .icrnv anu Iflli'lt Illl- pinna.. It is expected however, that Senator Proudfoot will make his campaign larsely on his record as the chamnlon of the prohibitory amendment to the constitu tion. He was defeated In his effort to Induce the Inst letisntnre to adopt the prohibitory amendment, and announced he would carry on the fight. The adop tion by the lr;slature would mean a "ay ''"'"rv It- five-year campaign dn the merits nf state I Th'" s,;"'lil irremolile.- of the dedl wlde prohibition as against the mulct ! c,,on w,nn Wr,lll":"' afternoon at law, and If adopied it would mean the re- 0 'rlc" " Mr- ''"'W'" wived the peal of the mulct law. Governor Clarke Initiatory woik which murks him as next is a very strong temperance man, hut hai I ",e oldr" Kik ln " ttorld- '"owtnit nits ciiine tne neuKaiion exercises proper. t: v 9 1 U 1 e ' a , , v V1 r. -s . . st f ) v . ?. - at k i HAD DISTINGUISHED CAREER vhnrlty ll. r..rr lit :11k in i.rntiHri hf I ltrrlt f .nlnuraph l.rllrr 1 irttTii i:'iiHrir Mftoiata 1 il I r.Miri ( I n , U:NV IM, lv-ti.nt A! 1 Ixa 1 vt'n Ah.rnl.jl Ausirf-MijTU-ntuili nunts tT of f.'fn .itt.itis iiitr! ihls (Titnit fount .ttt--T't: ,t! ha- . -n suffer inp for thf lut in 1 1I1 rnnu l?u'oytha mna. h -.isi- i-u :u . i u-. h profount! j M;::ti:t"" in I'l'M'-l ami (itlrtml oruns ; at nl ti" li'Oo Va.tl lt n f ntt rtaimx! for his recovery. Purine thp day h revived an auto- ' Staph letter from Kmintr Frnncis Jo 1 apph. nwpt me his ri'i1 ; 11:1 1 Un a nil iNtowtnK uinm tht inini.-a.-r ill- brilliants U" thr i;raji1 mwi of Ue onir of St. Stephen. tn his lttr. the nni-Tor vx pn?sl hia n-Ki-et that it was n.v, ary because of t!if jtal of hK hrjil;!; for Oount von Ahernth.il 10 avk icum to Ik rrlirvtxl of offic. r-atf inn. J his I confidence In th foreign minister and I his policy which had hcen carrit out ' nitricr . difficult circumsiancfs ami con- liuiwl ith "winiw'M thank for your jf.Hithful :nd distineufohtM. wrvlcrs to my I hou and monarchy." t'ount von Ahrrnthal read the letter jaftt-r receivini; the la.t aacranients ani". I mcmd nmch pratifietl. t'.tuTit l.e.mll on Itcrchthold. former : mt,a".id'T to Hu5sia. han tMi-ti apnoin!wl jfort-ln minli-irr. V hilf it i ack no IfNt ;tM by Au?tna that Count VOt. Ahernthat h.rl Ant , than am of ht immarfiiu miM-B-a I to raise the prestifrc of th country, -hi latter days were embittered by attacks from Christjan aoclalist journals, which disked the mtmnter a sympathy for Italy and hia alleged lukewarmnesa for Ger many. -. DEATH RECORD . : i l:lrl ni. -r a - RKI OAK. la.. Feb. ll-ISnortal 4 Miss Flossie Hnurhln. Ilvlnc near Grant, jdi.-d this morning from bursa raeetmd j sev enl weeks aso when a lamp upaet and cover, d her with burning oil. Bit ! h-id sufferrd Intensely ever sine the aorV. il.nt. The body will be taken to Erase, i son tomorrow and burial will be la th Hiisc;ill cemeter- Hee Want Ada always brine result auspices of the lona Slale Dairy asso ciation and it is in cl-arKe of State llairv Coniniisshiner lliieh 'an I'elt. The trip Includes ,V miles and It Is estimated lhat !.' ftirmers will hear the lectures before the lost slop Is made at IJowrle on Much i. I Club House Home SIII'XAM'O.VH. In. Keh l.-iSiecii'..) The Kiks ledite dedicated Its new RV.NX) home Tltursilav and Kridjiy of last week. tt initiated at the same time "Cncle" John I'hippH, who rcachnl his l'Tcth blrlh- not favored a prohibitory amendment In the constitution. lienor rata Alas la the Held The announcements of Crank O'fonner of Chickasaw county and E. O. Ininn of Cerro Gordo county as candidates fi the democratic nomiantlon for governor makes It certain these two men will make a merry race. Both are unusually fine speakers and It Is supposed they will make a speaking campaign. Jlr. Dunn Is a traveling man who has long been con nected with the co-nneratlve movement In the state and Is strong with the farm ers In the north half of the state. Repre se native (VConner was prominent In the last legislature, especially for his having pushed through the legislature the bill for the Oregon plan for the selection of United States senators, which was vetoed by Governor Carroll. No other candidates are expected, as either one of these men would make an acceptable candidate -o the democrats this year. Wood row Wllaoa Plana. The plans for the big demonstration In favor of Woodrow Wilson next Friday have now beta completed. Hu will speak in the evening at the Coliseum and de liver his address on "Bock to the People." Delegations are expected from all over the state to attend and here will be formed a club to advance the Interests of the New Jersey governor in this state. The Champ Clark democrats are becoming alarmed at the turn of affairs and are making efforts to discredit the meeting, but It promises to be a big demonstration. Starting a Roosevelt aove.' The only development in politics in the state recently as It relates to the na tional question were in the First and Sixth districts, where it Is learned that a number of the leading republicans are seeking to make an arrangement by which the delegates from those districts may be men who would favor the nomi nation of Koosevelt for president. Noth ing Is known here as to the mesnlng of this new movement, but It Is known that a number of republicans have not been satisfied with the trend of affairs and believe that Roosevelt Is sure to win. They are districts that under no cir cumstances would be for Senator Cum mins. Assssl Mine Wage Qarstloa. Union misers of Iowa will meet In an nual convention here on March It. They will come prepared to demand a raise in wages of 10 cents a ton and of 30 per cent for day work. The operators will refuse to meet that demand, and as a result the mines of Iowa will all shut down on April 1 until a new mage scale Is agreed upon. Will Back I a Hcnloa Bill. The Iowa Anti-Saloon league will be one of the state leagues to send repre sentatives to Washington. D. C, March 4 to appear before the house committee in behalf of the Kenyon-Khepherd Interstate commerce bill. E. C. Dlnwiddfe, who represents the" temperance organizations of the United. States as national legislative lobbyist, ha secured a public hearing on this bill for March 4. i and (, and has asked that ! each state league send three men to t;lve addresses before the house commilti'e. Thia Is the first time, writes Mr. Din widdle to the Iowa league, that any def inite time has been set when hearings ' on temperance measures should cease and action begin. . Confer an Rates. Representatives from the Interior cities of Iowa Interested in the lot a complaints before the interstate commerce commis sion called for hearing at Washington Jlarch 1. will meet in conference in the offices of the state board of railroad commissioners Friday morning. Friday afternoon the members of the commission will confer with representa- ! lives from the Mississippi river cities ! especially Interested in the Mississippi liver rate complaints. in charge of Ii.'trlcl Iieputy lirund Kx alted Ruler W. II. Kane of Davenport. The home was then thrown open to the public for the general reception until 7 p. r.l.. when the Invited guests assembled In the lodge room to hear the address by Harvey Ingham, editor of the lea Moines Register and leader, who spoke on the benefits derived from fraternal co-operation. Following the formal program the dance room wa.n opened for the balance of the evening In an informal dance. Five hun dred people were served Thursday evening at the banquet In the dining room of the club house. The grand ball and banquet was held Friday evening and again there were almost MO guests. The hullriing Is three stories and con tains billiard and card rooms, bowling alley, dining rooms, parlors, ladles' rooms and a magnificent lodge hall, be sides various other rooms for the use of the officers of the lodKe. It Is richly furnished throughout and stands a testi monial lo the artistic tnte and ability or J. A. Masters, the first eialled ruler tf the Unite and chairman of the building committee. .... .i w. ....,. . i I mill in ssii mil '"""' (Ileynl it. C. KK1CIIKI.. lllen) VV II HKAIV K. C, 11. ami iMKlai.d. aw': 'fVwV. rN 1 $; .ft?:, i; . . I' V yiy - s f rC L. A s-e, I : L"1-' t 1 , " -v -. A ' jf w. ' ' 1 - V' i tsUkisuiMHUaaaHuusSiaaaLMaaail lt L; ... o .'. , Uldotnolille. (Ileynl Tt. F. DAVIS. Assi.st.tnt Maiont'-r Fold Itratich. tilrnuoiiil IsrrlaiMMlory (oatrst, UI.ENW()OI, la., Feb. 18.-tSpeclal.)-The illctiuood nigh school declamatory contest gl en at the opera house lust evening as the best ever given here. David Harnett, the winner In the dra matic and over-all, has a good chance to win In an all-state contest, and in oratorical Clarence Carter will be near the top. In stage appearance the latter Is superior to any scholar that baa ever appeared muin a Ulenwood stage. nahleman frequently took the when he was uuahle to sleep. II victim uf Insomnia. Indictments Strike Florida Land Men -Cash Mingled with Rubbish of Years in Dying Miser's Home TAMPA. Fla.. Feb. lS.-Clun.-mi; fia:..l tllent use of the mails in Intluelu.ti pur chaser of Klorid.t lards by mi-representation, the federal gland jury loil.iy returned liidlctmcutH axainnt the Klorlda Farm and Orchard company ami Its otfi cors. W. K. and K. II. Cullfnid and 1. It. Morton, The parent office Is In lloston. This is the first of a series of Indictments expected lo result from allrgd mlstcpro sentatlon of Florida hinds. Miss l.llllan Crosby of Dimvers. Muss., was complainant aualnst the Boston com pany. Hhe alleged she was sold Innri under a guarantee thut it was sirtcd for aUrlrulturn of all kinds, that there was free rur.il delivery and that If she were not satisfied with the tract she could exchange It. KIMMEL DEFENSE PUTS ITS FIRST WITNESS ON STAND humorou!, Mis-m lifirgan wan first and Miss Fleming n-c.ind. Thene thre will represent Olenwood In the dlatiict meet at Tabor. ST. Feb. 18 -The decision In the Kimme can opened before tTnltel States District Judrie I'harle? K. Anildon todav with H. M Snyder ot Kjn?m fit v. p n of the R. M. Sn lcr who wan ..id In- In John IS. Swlrmey, a ran' her, to have t u llf ,1 lllliiSf of i itlc!loi'il to)H il in i ... m,. n v ti iiiaii.loii of Samuel the iHiiiUt iiiKh'Ttn K-r,-un otht r than The iinatlf r was attend the utIim, , dying. Tin nur.net in K Th1 rxlMtence -H-ry ' in lifntlkii was h- ii, frr ihc first timu tin. tin- lit inHin Jiirt K. Dalt t, hi. own an c, mm tntrtt-d by a lit cit'.nti ie fniint. a iiiijMatth ffiit to who i.4 K-iil to be I.h l-t Art. t.-Kethcr with the cane Iftt'-r, fimiul the flouitf ut the m.tKnif icrtttly fnrni.-ii d house cuv t red two inrlien thick with dut. and lit UTin,; the earpetti or MWejtt into rubbltlt filled earner Were in ri; than J!i.wjy in paper currency, together with .tuck cer tificates and bnnd(. Jtoxen of Rod and silver eotns lnv expojivil In v.-irtoitH num. and hmuheii of i in- hook thut upimr riitly had ii 'vt r lnen openci weft found in disoi deivd luaps. I S'liie-' ins wift- wan hurncd t.i d- ath j tweiity-fle yen r a'o liaslrt p:actiia!ly j has M-nh d him. If .t in tli.- biv: huuie i and rerusi-d adiinliaiicti to Irknm, iriu ti v-H or strantTB, l?e never went out I extvpt lo M-e hi j attorie-j , In w hone J efiii-f totiav he whm inkeii .s-iion:!y 111.! yM 1 k SI BROWN BOTTLES You wouldn't think of drinking impure water. Why not be sure you get fmre Leer? If you drink beer from a light bottle that has been exposed to light, you are not sure. Light starts decay, even in pure beer. ' Schlitz is brewed in the dark, aged in glass-lined et eel -enameled tanks. Every tub, vat and tank is scalded every time used. Every bottle is sterilized after it is Bcaled. Even the windows in our bottling plant arc of brown glass. The Brown Bottle pro tects Schlitz purity from the brewery to your glass. Plinneal I'iglai WIT Schlitz Bottled Beer Depot 723 S. 9th St., Omaha, Nebr. c iff J llnrlnl of HKI OAK, la., Mrs. ,. s. K an. Moines hospital -. hero Sunday. Mr. lra. Evan a. Feb. iSpeeial v. ho died in a l'e lerdaj , was bin It d Kan. was widely known to the traveling people of south west Iowa, having been identified with the maiiaKenient 'of the Kvans hotel for many years. She had been ill for veveral month. Mr. Kvans and one son, Frank Evans, urvlve. leepfi.K Pot ton aaaea Death. BLOOMFIfcXI. la.. Feb. lfc-tiSpecJa!.. A sicepinK potion of hyoscyamin, which t the frequent eol!H Charles ttacletnar.. a prosperous farmer children, and have r(tr A. Kintmel ' u.tv the Oregon wimhIs, on u'ini; of f a Yw the dav present when .vhot to death ln the star I. Snyder's tenilmonv and the the ipoiiton of th audi tot York hotr-I enibtt th.- r:i'e f. and ailjnni nmetif w.is tiK-n i:n Yoiinr Snvth-r iil-ntili'-i Mi.- nun.it -iri uf hi fathT ai oitosrjiphfd from ihf reRiKter of t'i hotH nn i after ajivin other t."tlmony he wan eeu-e-d tem porarily. Ills testimony was civen with the ohject of attacking that of SAinniy. one of the atsr wltnres for tii plain tiff, the receiver of a tWunrt Nths, Mich., bank. lie . dv in; M. i hi ok--d ti : n in Hu rtiuu:ny own iiH'Ul. TWO HILLS CITIES HOLD SPECIAL ELECTIOMS TUESDAY 1.1: .i. h IVii. . on the il! h- Tin Sf!:i 'ill V. This In the season of the year uhen mothers feel ery mueh concerned over eontracted by their iun(Ja:t reaon fur min,!'-i"ii foi in ; I in two ):l;o'K Mil's ( .tie? on Tin mx: . lit l.t a.i the o,t:. -t!n (; Wli'ti .V tll.lt ("ori'l lil i.ttllTM- iii' tit uht'li v;ih ;nlotid a y u: ago Hlid K'ma into fi.-ft in . ti'. ftiti bn with tiut-e or five ninuiK.vionor;', the original election ha vwtr lr-n with five, which Home nf the voters wnnt r ''ItJfed to three hffnrc th plan Koe Into effect. In Helie Konrrhe lUo tw,i qm ntiona will h Iriiled In one. eM'tion, whethtr tiie convniw'on form ("MhII Ie udopted and 38 years old, took last Tuesday to brine' It. as every cold w.ikens the on sleep raided his death last nlRht. Ile ers the vital!, y .! vs t never regained consciousness, althntieh the n:o;- . r.- .is di.s-.i.i :i il phyflcians tried to brln him to his fcenea fellow, t 'han.bt rlain s mh Hei for forty-elpht hours, heath was caused famous lor Its en:, by heart disease, the physldttn said. ! cafe to uke. Fo: loii:s. 1mv ? ay ft,r oil. r: iy :s whthr coniTnff-.-i hall ht- with tlirec (o The Beer That Made Milwaukee Famous See that crown or cork is branded "Schlitz" s. and Is Hivi iiu ulc- by u'A uiuuis; li-a 'I'll rrnlc whs or '.I. ..r 1 '1 k. an-i X iff n .V. w ;.. l.y I.iff It. ... Oldsmobile Vanderbilt Cup Car SCHLITZ BEER DELIVERED Hi PLAl'l WAGONS BY SELLER LIQUOR CO., 1309 Farnam Iowa Dairy Trala Starts. MARSH ALLTOWX, la.. Feb. 18.-Spe C:al. To preach the gospel of better I dairying method?, the Iowa dairy special ! started out over the Rock Island from ' Waterloo this morning to tour northern I Iowa. The tram is being run under the) ' . . s . j v.r . j , . . r. ' - - - - fk'Vx'. " f d i ,' - -, j ' 1 v'-J.'. - ' " 'a" '-r'..' " - V Oi C ' ' a V- f ' ' , " ' ; r' V"-'' ''r.. ' V ,.' -:.v .--.j ''c:: cc::dened mam elects to j EAtCJTEi) BY SHOOTING KAl.T I.VKK -rry, nan. Feb. 1 .ii'u l shol!nR was srlrcled by Har-'r-. iiinnr-y I'wliiy ahen ths court, ,,f.,!,. i.-i:,i; .iiirnir, oskrd him ho r iT'.'-r-d lu dls tor the murrior of C. I 1 1, k M.J11 . Urtubrr C 1)U. llareh 2 aas fix-'d aa th" duy of sirrnllon. ils, hiT.rry has ar.l-'lP1 t tn snprrmo (vift f(ir a rtrw ir'.sl. GLss before Breakfast tjiicr up tha stomach, clean tli a hoail end doe you good. V 'LbSMOBII.E AlTOt'RAT. VANHKRitlLT I T!' HA "K F.I.THV. SO J. yn WIN (..M VIIA. Ti.e Ol.tfrm.bi.r Amricrat made Its debut was na on; nf if. factory jii-t faijr'.-n f Tins absnrr ..f i a tl.r lnK Isiar.d ryrnt on October i oay.- and of a rl :-.vii n,.-r tried out in justm.-nls ...-u,1' a-.J. runninic as steadily as clockwork. ro",, of ' :''"'" to the 'ance road rac-s r, r..a.!v miN in ys minutes. 36. sec- !.me ''h' Va.'"" "" ' iUar"' " m rt'-' H' thnjun tre .o - m rlorn;;.::' .;;(...;. a . rr.ntiru t "fi ri t. , u.'.C:. mclud..,. twv stops for trasolir.e and altlj? adJuMment t.f an nt it. ani.. A f.'if.r" ,orti- i -.31 thus a era -inK over a mile--mn;tte wfcat is more remarkai.:- ::.t. o i. that or.lv ;r.-- .11 a taal runniri; time fir the ent re ' ne tire chanr . No! u::nr; e u ark. i tU r i distance, f-nt re rac waj a :cre.T :ir, i. the ntnf ut. of a,, The remark:- of t?"e p'-rf .rrn- Was n,Jt tirhtrni'! n-ir ,dn ;.n Vj,( i ' ' f. ,f.ire a ai:ee lies iti ti.e fact that whereas the car nvni of an: Kiai trjai;-. -iiiit-ciuu KATOkAI. laxative Qnickly Believe CONSTIPATION V 1 " I tr iriHibi ai.: f.f aM- , The Western Union "Day Letters" and Night Letters" bring the TELEGRAPH within reach of all. a r TUC UTPTTOU iiuinu TTirnmnti nnunitrv