THE BEE: OMAHA. MONDAY. FEBRUARY lf, 1912 Nebraska LIYEY IN POLITICAL AERENA Dtmocmtt Slated for Sharp Contest for State Control. BXYA5 OPPOSLD BY HITCHCOCK Twa Factions l.laed p taw Wira Fight -Toft l.eaawe Plaae fe rlre of Baiigects la rhraaka. .Prom a staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN. Neb. Feb. .-Snreial.V-Folltlcally tlx weak Just passed hu bean one of tbe most Interesting of the pre election campaign to date. The meeting of the La Kollette-RooaeveJt forces Mon day night with the subsequent arrenge ment with John O. Yelser, sponsrr for the Rooeevelt boom, baa rompleted the lineup Within the republican party, while the democratic conteit ! rapidly unfolding- lUeir. The, call for meeting1 of tha Harmon men and the lettar of M. K. Harrtnirton containing tbe deil of tha Wilson forces has furnished tha groundwork for one of tha prettiest fights aver pulled off within the democratic party. Bryan, the one-time Idol and dictator of everything democratic In Nebraska. is Iba head of tha Wilton-Champ Clark combination In tha slate, while Senator Hitchcock Is recognised as the Harmon general-ln-rhlef. Metcalfe and Thompson ara divi sion commanders under Bryan, while Mial lenbrrger and Morehead occupy a similar relatloa ta Senator Hitchcock with Mayor Dahlmen In charm 'of an Indyiendent command, operating In conjunction. Haat fa Helevt Frees. A majority at least of tha candidates for state offices have filed and awn those wbo hava not arc busy laying wires and fixing up fences out over tha stale and tha dear voter la having tha time of his Ufa keeping track of things. If hs Is busy between now and tha date of the primary In April ha may possibly ba able ta pick the men he wants out of tha for midable list which will (race tha primary ballot 11 certainly Is a gay Ufa, this Ne braska primary, and possibly tha voter may ba compelled to call In a civil engi neer to locate himself. Even tha engineer may hava his troubles, there haa been so much moving of tha old established corners. Plaa Series of Vaaanels. The Taft league haa planned a aeries of banquets to ba held In various parts of Iba slat a but aa yet tha schema has net progressed far enough that dates have bam announced. Mr. Currla la busy, how. ever, and haa received assurances from Congressman McKlnley, tha bead of the national Taft campaign committee, that speakers of note will ba bent to address theaa various affairs. Hava) tor Owe set at Delegates. A movement was started lata last week to do away with the two seta of repub lican candidates for delegates la tha na tional convention and hava tha ones chosen pledged to vote for tha choice of tha primary, but It did not move far. While It la understood both sets of dele gates ara pledged to db this, both ths Tsft campaign managers and thoaa ac tive la behalf of La rolletle and Itoose velt took the ground that If such a plan waa aver advisable things bad gone on toe fan (or that now, as petitions for putting the names en the ballots bad already, been sent out and- In gome In stances filed wltb the secretary et state. In addition th entire organisation of both sections of lbs party , bad been built around this Idea, of delegates to represent them. ' aelwa Hap ta Ceesa Back, Whether It waa the water of the cap! tal city or tha aight of tbe scenes of former political adventures the past week certainly witnessed a large number of declarations of political ambitions on ths part of former members of the legisla ture) Among those, here attending the meeting of I he. old tlmera a, large per rent declared tkey would max tee effort to return. , . , Frlae ta rirad Insanity. Albert Prince, the colored man wbs a week ago today attacked and killed Deputy Warden Davis during chapel cx erclsea at the penitentiary, will plead Insanity. It la announced, when his trial comes on. In his cell he exhibits the greatest Indifference regarding his eon. dltlon. In fact, never mentions the affair to bis guards and when It ta broached turns It off. lie Is being closely watched to prevent Mm from doing harm to him' self or others, Qalrt In aapresae Caart. Tbe supreme court will hear arguments this week but so far aa the calendar ra vrala there la nothing to come up of es pecial Importance, though It la expected some move will be made by the attorney general la tbe South Omaha Fire and i'ullce commission case, pending on mo tion for judgment or the appointment of a referee to bear testimony. Following is the call for tha week: For hearing Monday, February 19, 1912: Chase, administrator, against Chi cago, Burlington A Qulitcy Kallroad company, naunders: Booth against An drus. Lancaster; parsons against Barnes. Lancaster; Lincoln Urain company against Chicago. Burlington A tjulncy Railroad company, Lancaster: MrCartery against Citv of Omaha ireergumentl. fjougiaa: I'etterson, trustee, against Kelter, Pougla. For bearing Tuesday. February 30. !!:: Keenaa against. Wc, Hoooe; Wilson against r'penter, Boone: Kramer against vieigand. Boone; Hamhard against riara hard. Huone: The hirst National Bank et Council biuffa against Moore. Harlan. Kor hearing Wednesday. February SI, 1911: Neff against Brandels. Douglas; , rrucha against Coufal. Butler: The timid year Tire A Rubber company agslnat Bacon. Douclas; Pa Is ley against I"ilev, 1 Folk; Breae against Preston. Kea Paha; Burr asaiast Finch, tfherldan: , Ward ajrsmvt Aetna Life Insurance com pany. Douglas. No seeeiea of court Thursday, February it iir For hearing Friday. February JJ. 1911: Adams again Milage Board of Curtis, ' I'mmier: Perry A Bee company aasinat Ho eruufc Opera House company. Furnas; Titer agaittet Button Land compaur, ! .enema' rr. Smith against Potter too sao t 'a tor rehearing. Lincoln. Tbe following Is a proposed assignment of rases tor hearing at tha session com mencing Monday, March : Hoffman, administrator, against Chi cago A Northwestern Railroad company ireargumentl. Holt. Reumaa against fi delity Aarideat Insurance company. Boone: Harris against Lincoln A North western Rairoad company. Lancaster; .t eller axainst moan. . Thurston; Hrnxe against bluebell. Sheridan: Gamble .against latere of eGmWe. Dodjrr: pinruie Medicine company against Voder m Mi le . Cage; Quick against Modem Wood- Nebraska men of America. Lancaster: A. J. Minor (.umber eompanv against T1ionileon. Scott Rltiff: Toansend atatnat swallow, Boyd: Marsh against VI latce of Trenton. Hitchcock; Coeies against Kyd. liage: lieywood against Heywood. Dodge: Mc Csll. receiver, against Boaen. I.ancaster; McKay against State Ion motion f"T re liearingl. Antelope: City of Omaha again! Yancev, Ijougla: Pitt.' aiiainat Burdock. Hamilton ; I'nion State bank of Harvard against McKelvle. Clay: Shell against (ieerl. Merrick: County of Platte against Cotintv of Butler, Hutlev; Wallace against State. Buffalo: Kanert arain-t stale. Hull; Stewart against liar ton, Lancaster. OVERTON WOODMEN READY TO JOIN IN RATE PROTEST OVERTON. Neb.. Feb. lS.-lSpeclal-The Modern Wordmen of America lodge No. Ktf of Overton in their last regular session discussed the readjustment of rates of the order. It was unanimously agreed that the proposed rates were uV just and too high. A vote was taken to ascertain how many of those present weuld stay with the order If the proposed rates were put Into effect and not a member signified his Intention of remaining under tbe above proposed raise. It la the beilef that the same feeling that exists here prevails over the entire slate and if the proposed ratea are put Into effect there will be a,very small following In the Modern Woodmen In this state after January 1. 1911. The following committee was appointed to draft a set of resolutions and forward the aame to the Modern Woodman, state papers and the home paper for publication that the neighboring lodges may know how the lodge here stands. The commit tee appointed was O. K. Clark. W. A. C ran dull. W. ir. lull, J. A. Schleef and 14 A. Rengler. The following resolutions were adopted: Resolved. That the proposed rates are too high and unjust, therefore, be It Resolved. That the Overton camp stands ready to concur wltb other lodges of the state to fight this exorbitant proposed rste: and he It Resolved. That ths members should have a voice In making of rates when read justment Is necessary: be it further Resolved. That we commena me emion taken by Omsha lodge No. 13), which voice our sentiment, I BODY OF CHILD FOUND ON FARM NEAR M'COOK M'COOK. Neb.. Feb. 11-(Spsdal.- Thursday of this week, while digging a ditch on one of Senator J, F. Cordeal'i farms In Driftwood precinct, this county, the tensnt, Fred Hwnrts. unearthed the bones of a little child, probably a year old or less, burled In a goods box about a foot below the surface. Only the larger bones and some hair remained of the little body thus burled by unknown bands at some early data In the history of this county. Neighbors who nave lived In that vicinity for thirty-three years have no recollection of any child having died on this farm, which waa homesteaedd many years since by a man by the name of Brown, who baa long since left here, hie farm becoming the property of the eld Nebraska Loan and Trust company of Hastings, and afterward, of Senator Cor- deal. FREMONT JURY FINDS PRUYN GUILTY OF MANSLAUGHTER FIUBMO.NT" Neb.. Feb. lL-Aftsr de liberating sixteen hour the Jury returned a verdict at W o'clock this morning, find ing Al. Pruyn guilty et manslaughter In keying Michael Oorey last Christmas day at North Bend. STROMSBURG NEWS NOTES leveaty-levea Per Cent af Local Camp at Weadsaea W ill , . Drop fraaa Order. STROMSBL'RO. Neb., Feb. lt-Ope-clsl.)-The Modern Woodman camp No. ta of this city met In regular session this week, and the question of the raise In ratea waa generally discussed. An ex pression waa taken from the camp, and 77 per cent expressed themselves that they would drop tha order when the new rates go Into effect. The other B per rent said they would stay In while anyway, and watch de velopments, but all were much dissat isfied with the action of the head camp In raising the ratea at this time In the manner that It did. It wag voted that they ' petition ths proper offletsts to call another meeting of the head ramp and reconsider the question of raising the ratea Tha farmers In this community are feeling a little Indignant ever the at com proposition. Several have expressed themselves as a little tired of the busi ness men giving eo much concern over what seed the farmers shall plant. The farmers feel they fully realise the ne cessity of getting good seed. Iter, Will Pugsley, a Canadian evan gelist. Is conducting some very success ful meetings at the Bdea Baptist church of this dty. He Is called the "Canadian Cyclone,'' and has the attention of his bearers every minute he speaks. Farmers' Institute at St. Edward. ST. EDWARD. Neb.. Feb. ll.-t Spe cial.) The most successful farmers' In stitute ever held la Bt. Edward closed Its two days' session Friday. The Institute waa held under the suspires of the Fair- view Farmers Social club and the ex tension department of the University of Nebraaka. That tlie farmers took a lively Interest la tbe Institute Is evidenced by tbe large crowds which were la attend ance at each session to listen te the able speakers on their respective subjects. L. W. Leonard of Pawnee CRy and V. B. 8hbiey of Central City were the princi pal speakers The domestic science ex hibit was fsr above the expectations. Miss Gertrude Rowan of the state uni versity farm had charge of this depart ment, and a number of prises were awarded In this exhibit to girts under a years of age by the business mea of St. lid ward. Nebraska Railroads Prepare to Cope with the Ice FREMONT. Neb., Feb. IS -Special Telegram. hTh warm weather of the tan two days is ha vine its effect on the Platte River. Cnniiderabie water is running on lop of the Ice. The en channel which existed during the cold weather ara netting wider and vome ke ta breaking off. The Union Pacific and Burl in: ton railroads are prepared for trouble and have men and dynamite on hand for an emergency. Last night and thin forenoon some open places were blasted oat to protect the bridges. No trouble is anticipated unless warm rain should come within a few days. 1 ORTHODOXY AT UNIVERSITY Strange Story of Hew Arrangement Told by Lincoln Star. RELIGIOUS TEST FOR FACULTY STATE AGRICULTURAL BOARD OFFERS BOYS CORN PRIZE (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN. N'b. Feb. lS.-(Sperial.)- The Nebraska State Uoard or Agricul ture offers to the Nebraska boy under II years of age growing the largest yield of corn from one acre of Nebraska land during the year 1112. J; aecooo. tX. third. US: fourth. H; fifth to eignin. It each: ninth to twelfth, 14 each, and thirteenth to sixteenth. each, and to the boy growing the largest yield on an acre of land west of the east line ot Boyd, Holt, Wheeler. Greeley. Howard, Hall, Adams and Webster counties. Hi; second, 115; tlilrd and fourtn, eacn. fifth and sixth W each; seventh to tenth, t each, and twelfth to sixteenth, 13 each. The entire labor of preparing the ground, planting, cultivating and har vesting of this acre of corn Is to oe per formed by the contestant, who enters the contest by recording his name In the office of W. R. Mellor, socretary, Lin coln, not later than May 29. ISIS. Raid acre to be measured, husked and weighed In the presence of two disinter ested freeholders, residents of said county Said committee to forward affidavit as to weight and requirement of speclflca lions In this contrat to the secretary of the State Board of Agriculture, not later than December I, l'l- The contestant shall file with the sec retary a full and detailed account oi ms method of performing the work, rem- Users to be used, If any: whether bottom, hill or table land, and the character or kind of soil on which the crop was grown, with an accurate account oi ine cost ot production, rent of ground, coat of plowing, harrowing, discing, planting, cultivation, husking and every feature of expense In labor, seed, fertiliser, etc.. ted on the actual time that entered Into the production ot this acre of corn. On request prise winners must forward a sample of ten ears of corn grown to W. R. Mellor, secretary, Lincoln. Neb. Practically all corn In the elate Is raised In altitudes varying from 1.0M to tJe feet above sea level, therefore, the dlvlsloa made through the state Is as nearly aa possible along the l.W foot al titude line. In the contests carried on for several yean past only two premiums have gone weet of this line. BLAIR WILL HAVE NEW CITY HALL AND AUDITORIUM BLAIR, Neb.. Feb. H.( Special. V-The Blair Volunteer Tire department com menced several years ago to create a fund for the purpose of building a city hall and fire house combined. They have now on hand upwards of IS.WO, and the ward will ba started aa soon as the weather permits. President James Usher. fire Chief Ed. Matthleson and Attorney Clarlt O'llanlon were appointed a com mittee to get plans from Omaha archi tects and three seta ot plans will be here Monday. The department owns a plot ot ground 71x10 feet on a. prominent corner opposite the postofflce. The plana will call for a building MxINi The first floor will have concrete chambers, fireman s rooms, dty clerk's offices, etc. The sec ond floor will be an up-to-date auditorium x feet, with stage and dreeelnga. The ooet la estimated at about IIS.OCO and they expert to realise about CM from the old building and lot. The burning of the Blslr opera house a year ago has left the city without any place large enougn io accommodate any gathering or entertain ment. It Is expected to have It com pleted by September L Howeo aarwoel at Planaasaatk. PLATTSMOrTIL Neb, Feb. U.-I Spe cial.) The dwelling ot John Richardson, a fisherman, caught fire about T:&9 o'clock Saturday morning and before the fire de partment coe Id reach the place It had burned bej-end repair. The owner of the dwelling was out of tha city and his wife waa sick In bed with a babe but t days old. Two et the neighbors rushed to her reecue and carried her and the baby ta a neighboring house. The eldeet son, a youth of about IT, burnt his bands and bead badly trying ta reecae bis mother. There waa ae Insurance on the dwelling. which with the furniture was a total NEWS NOTES OF GOTHENBURG Wtlllaas Jordan, Who Died In Omaha et Infantile faralyela, Formerly at Uetheebarg. GOTHENBl'RG. Neb.. Feb. W.-tr!pe- claD-Ray Puna ant and Mlaa Dena Rosendahl were married Wednesday at Lexington by County Judge Moulds. A reception waa given In the evening after their return at the bride's home. The six weeks' old daughter ot Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Reynolds died yesterday from whooping oought. Charles riwenson. aged Ti years, died at hte home of his nephew, A. W John- eon, near Brady. Funeral services were conducted by Rev. Mr. Berg ot Hot hen burg. Mr. 8 at en eon waa a pioneer, hav. Irig settled here In lSTi Prank Anderson of Wauaa. Neb., has bought K. A. Calling's faro of St acre adjoining town, for The Folkert Rosendahl farm of ls acres sold at auction to 1L 1L Franxen for 171 per acre. Harvey Dennis, while on hie way to Arnold, died from a fall from his horse. Funeral services were held at Grand View. Fred Radctlff of Central City, who re cently purchased the new opera house. Is arranging to conduct a moving picture show therein, cemeaenctng Haturday even ing. It A. Hayter Is te be manager. William Jordan, who died tn umana Wsdaoeday after suffering two years from Infantile paralysis, lived with nis parents ta Gothenburg prior to tbetr rest- ice la Omaha. It waa while they res nmnln a rcsUurant here inai ne aa stricken. Chancellor Atrrr ald to Have -tarred with Ministerial l alos la Have Oaly Orthodox Pro fessor at Meheol. Is .orthodoxy to be trade a test for professors at the I'nlversity of Nebraska? The Lincoln Star says such a test is al ready being applied. In its Sunday ts-vie the Star prints the following story: "No more professors who disagree with Genesis or refuse to credit the ac count of Jonah and the whale are to be employed by tbe I'niverslty of Nebraska under an agreement reported to exist be tween Chancellor Avery and the IJncoln Ministerial association. As fast a edu cators who do not conform to the ortho dox Intellectual pattern leave the uni versity or die, their places are to be filled. according to this compact, by others a lio can meet the requisite test of theologi cal beilef. "The ministerial association took the initiative In this matter some time aso and. It is claimed, got a promise, from the chancellor that no one known to be a dissenter from prevailing' religious Ideas would be recommended hereafter for Im portant positions upon the atale uni versity faculty. The chancellor recom mends professors for advancement and also passes on applications received from outside. Usually the board of regeuU accepts his recommendations. The understanding- between the preachers and the chancellor appears to have been working tn at least one recent Instance. Tha bead of a department left the University of Nebraska some months ago to take a position elsewhere. The man next to him In the department, re garded by everyone as a thorough and capable Instructor, was In line for eleva tion as his successor. Instead of his be ing advanced, however, a new professor was brought In from the outside, who haa since become the virtual head, although not yet nominally so. The newcomer, aj It happens. Is a devout church member, while the man who did not get a promo. tlon entertains liberal Ideas regarding religion. The fart that some faculty members of the State university have not attempted to harmonise their Instruction with such events as narrated in the scriptures has been the subject ot complaint at differ ent times from members of the mlnlsterisl union, it has been mentioned from lAa. coin pulpits more than once, and less than year ago the pastor of a down-town church declared In one of his sermons that irreligious teaching In the state uni versity would have to stop. 'Some of the alumni who took courses under the liberal professor who failed to receive advancement la the vacancy at the head of the department ara Inter esting themsclvea In hi rase. They su ae rt that he la worthy of the higher place and will use their Influence to see that no discrimination Is made effective against him because of hi religious visas." Yuan Asks that Sun Be Made President SHANGHAI. Feb. U.-Yuan 8hl Kal telegraphed today to Nanking requesting Huang Sing, the war minister In the re publican cabinet, tu dispatch troops to as sist In quelling disturbances In Manchuria. Tuan also telegraphed to Dr. YVu Ting Fang, the republican minister of Justice. and to Tang Bhao Tl. his representative. urging them to endeavor to secure the election of Dr. Sun Tat Ben as president of the republic In his place. In his dlspatrh he said: "I am unable to control the Involved sltusttnn In China a I am suffering fronr Impalred health. Now that the alms ot the republicans have been attained, I have accomplished my duty. The post of president of the republic will only serve to lead to my ruin. I ask your kind of fice and Interest with the people of the country to elect Dr. Sun Tat Sen, to whom credit should be given. I will wait here until I am relieved. Then I will return to my home and resume my work as a husbandman." Tha new constitution of the provisional government will be approved by the as sembly at Nanking on February 1. after which It will be notified by a delegation ahlch will start for the north. General Homer Lea, the American of ficer who has been acting as military adviser to Dr. Sun Tat Sen. who has been seriously lit, has now rallied and may recover. mmm 406 II'1 VI, Mxtii, .'Til w. d-e-o- :ijTH 'Jurtltm? i tr en tircit 321 Here's An Odd State of Affairs! It's a SURPRISING FACT that the wonderful values tee give in Nemo Corsets actually PREVENT somtwonien from buying them! This is WHY: A certain class of women who are accustomed to pay $10 or more for their corseta can't understand and don't believe that they can get BETTER corseta in the Nemo line for $3.00 to $5.00. Many dealers encourage this belief, and very naturally for the dealer's profit on Nemo Corsets is fixed by us at a fair figure, while on most other corsets the dealer may charge whatever, profit he likes and it's often 100 per cent Our policy is to serve the public well, and to insure greatest values to al! women who wear Nemos, while giving the dealer an ample living profit Next time you buy a corset BE A WISE WOMAN! Ask for the NEMO, and INSIST upon having it There's a Nemo for every figure, from very slender to extra-stout $3.00, $400 and $5.00. la Coo. Store Everywhere CO KOPS BROS, Mfrs, New vork Happy Bride Writes of Trip, Ignorant She Is His Sixth Spouse OAKLAND. Cel., Feb. 18,-Mr. and Mrs. Harmon Mllbrath, whose daughter Anna waa married February to "Sir Harry Westwood Cooper." alias F-rnent Moore Chadwltk. alias Dr. Milton Abrahams, swore out a warrant against the man to day, charging bigamy. The marrlsge with their daughter la said to be the sixth he Is known to have made. Cooper, the police say, Is traveling on money which the Mllbraths raised by mortgaging their home. The rsrenls received a teleirrsm today from their son, Ucnjamln Mllbrath of Oary. Ind . saying a postal card had been received from the girl dated Portland. Ore., reading: Married Friday. Well and happy. On honeymoon trip to Europe." were not due to the impulse to denounce the organisation or to lie. DEATH RECORD. ROGERS WINS PRIZE AT OLD FIDDLERS' CONTEST FLATTSMOL'TH. Neb.. Feb. IS- t Spe cial. 1 The second annual contest for "play by ear" fiddler under the auspices of the Improved Order of lied Men was given In this city last night to a packed! house. The first prise was awarded to j 8. L. Roger. Pacific Junction; second prsss te Roes Collins, Bellevua; third prise t Frank Keusle. Plattsmouth. Mr Kauble le VI year ot age and got the prise for the eldeat tiddler also. Miss Blanche Flood ot Pacific Junction and her brother were awarded first prlxe for duet fiddle number, while the beet trick fiddler was B. C, Hyde of Plattsmouth. The best clog was pulled off by N. C. Cline of this city. One of the features of the enter tainment was a violin solo by Hiss Agnes Knotlecek. U year old. of this city. Camorrist Informer Asserted to Be Sane VITERBO, Feb. U -Prof. I'uliderol. the alienist who examined tlennaro Abbate maggio, the Camurrlat Informer, tn be half of the prosecution, continued his testimony todav before the presiding Judge. He said he had examined Abbate magglo un'lrr all scientific aspects and that he waa perfectly normal. He concluded his report with the state ment that Abbatemagglo must not be considered as a traitor to the Camorra, but that he had rebelled against the Camorrist organisation and showed signs of reitepmtlon from his old criminal life. Prof. Mootesano, another expert for the prosecution, also eubmltted a long re port In which he embodied the conclusion thst no mental deterioration In the case of Abbatemaggio was present and that hi revelations concerning the Cairorra Merman (leearleaaa. ARLINGTON, Neb.. Feb. l.-(8pcisl.) Hermsn lllesselmsn. a furmer llvtng north of town, died at his home at 1H0 Saturday morning of Bright' disease and stomach trouble. He was an old settler, having come here In IIC He waa born In, Germany and waa about M years old. Persistent Advertising Big Returns. is tbe Road to DOUBLE CHECK Calling Halt, to Waate of Strength and Advance of Infection. in Osomulslon. dwell tne highest form of efficiency to be found In any prepara tion of Cod IJver Oil. The food value of the oil Is preserved by emulsifying with aromatic?, a process that breaks up the particles of fat so that the Norway Gold Medal Cod Liver Oil Is perfectly digested, and there Is no Irritation of the stomach. With Chemically I"ure Glycerine snd Hypophoephttes of Unit and Soda, the strengthening properties of the oil are materially Increased. Malnutrition and waste of nervouvtls sue. are checked by Osomulslon. In lung troubles. It arrests the advance of dangerous Infection and builds new tissue, thus aiding nature In restoring health. BLACK HAWK SURVIVOR DIES OF PNEUMONIA AT AGE OF 99 GLEXD1VE. Mont.. Feb. lS.-1'aul 11. Hawkes. aged SO. believed lo have bet-n the only survivor of Ihe Black Hawk ear. died here today of pneumonia. He formerly lived at Winona. Minn. A ladaew tal lapse at stomach, liver, kidneys and bowei is saest surely prevented with electric Hit ters, tbe safe regulator. Sfe. For sale by Beaton Drug Co. " Track larlasj Heal as Today. KEARNKT. Neb.. Feb. H- (Special.) work en the track of the Callaway ex tamtam of the Kearney ft Black Hills railroad la expected to begin Monday afternoon, "aturday a special train of rail and materials wa sent. besMe the many extra carloads that hava been carried on tbe regular freight tralna Tbe worm will be done mostly by hand. the grade being well settled front the extra amount ot rainfall and melting snow ot tbe season. Key te the Bltaaoen Bee Advertiaiac- PersistriK Advertising la the Road te Big Returna. Ihe No Worm Rod HERE'S the food that solves the breakfast problem. Quickly made ready always satisfyintr to all the family some thing you'll like at once and not get tired of. Cream of Rye EAT IT FOR HEALTH 'jggggg7 gsi Mihit ais asiaasa saala fraw T Wet a tssAryee- I 1ST iieASSasTM - r fx sarss sssi Call ei assesrssa oust ere ge sea ae tWaa naswd as I. jr i M TjMM I 111 I -' a-1-..sHMIsS lilrgflTTl i ?ZXZ51Jmkm. Task- l??iasm- I ktaa.alsaertraeaaa.asdilS ... hsssailisi ewse, 1 H -.-" V k AessaMsstlele I I AaassrCrasaaasWeatjiw I . Jy-ws jj rWWIitW-tfarwAat ,SjT iSSS I P'fZjl I "arefl Altera -r Hamplo lVittlr Free lijr Mail. That those who are seeking health snd strength for themselves, children, rela tlvee or friends may experience the life giving properties of this exclusive Nor way gold medal osoniied cod liver oil medicinal food emulsion as well at to know Osomulslon superiority In being most palatable and easy to take a gen erous -t-o. bottle will be sent by mall to those who send addresses by postcard or letter to OxomuMou. MS Pearl St.. N. V ipilllll Reducing the Cost of Living gUttlE KIXIUKE in these daya of soaring food prices it I TTCFri IV HYATT A behooves tbe careful hoaaekeener to pick j UOLil 111 MM AHA those foods that give the most nourish- Manv jn Omaha are now usinic the fim ment In proportion to their cost. Withjp)e D1I.ktnonl bark anl giscerine mixtura the prices of meats beyond tbe reach of knomn M Adier-l-ka. the new German a table allowance that once proved iHAppfl,jltilll remeJv. A SINGLE LOSE provides meat nourishment without meat cost. That food Is found in Faust Spaghetti. Faust Spaghetti la made from rich. gut. tinous Purusa wheat- It provides as muck nourishment as many times its value In meat or eggs. A tc package of ; relieves constipation, sour stomach or gaa on the stomach almost 1NSTAXTI.T. i This simple m.xli:re antiepticizes tle di gestive organs an-1 drana off the imimri lies and p?op!e ate surprised how IQCICKLT it help. The Sherman ft llo- iConnell lirug Cor. lth and Dodge, Faust Spaghetti will provide a generous I Cor. K-.h and Harney. Cor. ilth and Far- helping to five persons. You cannot find a cheaper food, nor a better food nor a food that Is so universally enjoyed. Many thrifty housewives who serve spaghetti In some torn.' very often, make it the j chief dieh for dinner once a week and they say that It doee not only prove econ omical but also receives the hearty ap proval of their families. Wnle fw our tree booklet ot Fauft Rcipe MAI XL HKOS. Uai UX. Loals Areas. St, IVoai. Xo. nam. No. ltth tt.. Loyal HoteL