10 THE BLE: OMAHA. MONDAY, TKBKUARY 19, 1912. AFFAIRS AT SOUTH OMMih,Thtor; ' remembrance. Sluidock Files Mandamus Action to! JL. yy Compel Election Call. . moraine received most of hi supplies fof , I the pan! savins bank abich will open OTIL TEST MUCH. MOOTED POINT rtrrk Artlat at arks laarpeaaeat Telepheae Cesspaar tar H.40 kr farlas; SakMTlkrr'a Hill la A4Turc Us doors for business March 1 If the necessary arrangements can be perfected by that time. Considerable work baa to ba dona la lettlnc tha offlca fixture and maklnc arransemrnu with local bank a depositories, but Mr. Etter Is expediting this mattrr and ha nope there will be . no delay In oprnm the nana on me Uurd k la-t nlrht filed ! above date, lie la now aistnouun in Attorney A. H In the district court a petition for a ant of mandamus compelling Mayor P. i. Trajnor and City Clerk Frank Good to call a primary election for city offices rm Fehruerv T. and a rextrar election for April 1 The papers were filed with the clerk at p. m., and deputies Immediately set ut to serve them. Attorney Murdock ,-arl- In the afternoon had forseen the probability of delay and had mada pro vision with the clerk of the district court and the sheriff's office to have the papers filed and served without delay last nilit. I'p to a Uua hour the deputies had net arrived at the home of either Tralnor or Good. The action at last precipitate tha issue of the constitutionality of that part of the city charier that extends the terra of offlca from one to three years. The petition takes In all the present admin istration. Including the fire and police board. Mayor Tralnor In di-cusslne the man damus proceedliurs declared that accord Inr to tha charter he could not call an election at this time without tha author isation of the court. He maintained that the initiative must come from the other side. j A the nutter now eland an lisua will he taken upon the extension clause and the election must depend upon the Judg ment of tha court. One of tha leader In the movement for an election declared last mailt that a number of business men had contributed money for the purpose of aleciinc a eltl sena' ticket. So far. no candidates have been named, but tha buslnett men In uuestloa have declared their Intention of eupportlnc cit! sens' movement and will proceed with their plan aa soon as a decision on the extension clause ba bees reached. Pbeae Cashier Worked. R. K. Severn, a stockman of lit) North Twenty-fifth street, ha hia telephone bill paid for the next three months, the Independent Telephone company ha a !! check paid for with food money and a straacer I In possession of the difference between tha check cashed for him by tha company and tha telephone bill of Severn, i It happened yesterday afternoon after the police had Industriously circulated the information that check worker were busy la town. An Imposing stranger en tered tha offlca of the telephone com pany at Twenty-fifth and M streets and announced that ha waa R. E. Severn, a subscriber, whs wished to pay his bill for tha next three months. The cashier smiled pleasantly, for It la not usual to pay telephone bill three month In ad vance, llnw much wa the blllf About S3. Tha 'sol distant" Beverna wa sorry, but be had aot enough of cash. Would the company cash a check? The com jany would and did. The check wa drawn to a certain Wroth for Sil ts. The stranger accepted tha receipt and fs. In change. He departed happily, eon acioua of having dona a perfect work. When later Mr, Seroma wa notified of tha matter that tha check wa bad, ht explained that ha waa unaccustomed to pay hla bill with worthless paper; be side, he denied that he aver paid a tels phoaa bill three month la advance, ay Die ( Trtaaes. James Caraway, the I-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Thoniaa Caraway, died of tetanus yesterday morning at the home of hla parents. Ml Jackson street. A week ago yesterday while playing In tha yard the child fell and drove a splin ter Into his light hand. A physician wa railed and treatment administered. Later blood poison set In and tetanus fastened on the patient. Death Intervened fester- tisy. The funeral will ba held Monday after noon at t o'clock from Larkln'a, Inter ment will be mad in Laurel Hill ceme tery. . New Beak May start. Following the resignation of W. A. C Johnson, lately cashier of tha Fackers National bank, a rumor gained circulation that a new bank wa about to ba or ganised in South Omaha with Mr. John son at It bead. The rumor contemplated the absorption of a smaller bank of tha city. A prom inent and popular employe of one of the local bank Is mentioned for the position of cashier in the new Institution. It Is known that for some months there has been quiet talk among certain capi talist looking toward the establishment of a new bank. It Is argued that the big Interest of the town warrant another banking Institution. W. I. T, IT. Prasrasa. Tha following program will ba given, under the auspice of tha Women' Christian Temperance anion, Tuesday evening, February -!7, at the Cfarlatlan church. South Omaha: itaao duet Mrs. Arnett and Mr. Howe. Vocal solo .. Mis Oeorglna Davis. Plana solo Mis Ilasel True. Beading , Kate Swartslander. (Violin solo Miss Bessie Roys. Vocal solo .. B. P. Baker. Piano so to ... Mlsa Myrtle Roy. : Violin solo ...... Mrs. H. E. Angus. Reading Miss Kate Swartxlander. Vocal aoio Mrs. R. O. llasklns. ruao duet Mrs. Arnett and Mr. Hoars. sYatrh and 'es far Clark. ' Lenta Clark, who haa been buying hogs t tor tha Omaha Packing company on this , market for the last twelve year. given a very pleasant surprise yesterday I by a number of friends. I The occasion waa the departure of Mr. Clark from tha yard and tha boy de cided to remember him la a way that he would never forget. At noon time be waa called out of the offlca and presented with a fine engraved watch and fob by hi many frienda and associate. On the back of the watch waa engraved ilr. Clark Initials, while oa the Inside nf the case was the Inscription. "Front tu boys of the hoc yard. South Omaha, JJI," The charm bore the following. FINE ARTS EXHIBIT OPENS Society Toms Out at Formal Open ing in City Library. WOSK OF NATION'S BEST ASTTSTS Many tf Pleearee Were Haas; la "tatseaaj Ae-adessy and saase la asae exhibit Will Can. tlaae Tvre Week. formation to the public and already a large number of person have made ap plication to make deposits ss soon as tha savings bank Is In operation. This department will be run In connec tion with the money order dlvurtoa and tha banking hours wilt be the same, frets s a. m. to s p. m. Matrle City 6eealp. Frank A. Arnew, law office. Hannon block. Emtl Ijind has taken an extended trip to Ki very lew, Fl. Turkey dinner Sunday, At: cafe. ee N. :h. Mrs. iJay at Twentieth and II streets is leported aa Improving in health. rr. John Clark will occupy the pulpit of the christian church at both services today. Fine turkey dinner Sunday. Atlas Cafe, n N. Stih. Charles Zlegler will give a tea at the home of X. M. Graham on February a in honor of the Willing Worker. The Mothers' Self Culture club met Friday afternoon with Mrs. J. loverly. An address waa given by Dr. Ralston. Mrs. L. M. lord entertained the Fort nightly Kensington club Thursday after noon at home. O-ecr Hotel, under new management. The Standard Bearers met Monday evening at the home of Mis Marnaa Dennis, J North Eighteenth street. Tba Bwlss Bell Ringers will give a mu sical entertainment on March at tha hlxh srhool auditorium. Ticket are on ale at FIsher-McOIII , Twenty-fourth and N atresia Gentle men may have furnished room, 2311 J est, $; modern. Miss Beulali Davie entertained the following at a kenslngton Wednesday afternoon: Misses Nell Howard, Jesele l-addmore, tllen Wilcox. Nell Uwym and Mr. A. J. alslrk. Mr end Mrs. Phlnner. IMS 1 street. entertained Wednesday evening In honor of their daughter Fern. tiamee and muslii followed by a luncheon wer enjoyed. Sirs. C. A. Cllne entertained at a twelve-thirty luncheon Friday, leserge Wuh nM hatchets were usea as Deooratlons aere worked In pink and hue carnations. Cover were laid for: Meedsme A. W. Tang. J. Williams, F. Jones. A. I. sis. Jars, J. L. Slielnholt. II. Benneit, uwy Herrner. w. n. iwutu . voit,.-. - Clifton. W. Hancock and C. A. Cllne. Mr. A. J. Ceiisney entertained at a T o'clock dinner Friday evening, wnen covers were laid for. Messrs'. "o Meedaroea A. P. AoMns, A. u. venue. Waller Nltrhle. tkott King. A. I Loll, sr., and Connell. The literary department or tha New Century club will have a business meet ing TueMey atternnoa at uissrj am a,uira an i i v i service nnmHi will ba alien by Mrs. F. H. Col of Omaha, Mrs. A. I). Majors entertained t v.i.ni in nartv Wednesday evening lk.rttnns were Woraea in neene ana red carnations. Pnsee In high live were awarded to Mr. I. L. VnHant and nr. Miller. Places were arrarureo Massrs and Mesdame I. I. VanSent, Kd llursuu. Will Ureen. CharhM Kadea, Cemnhell. Miller and nvman. Mi Mabel Matcher assisted ny stiss fr.nrM Wlllsrd entertained the Junior Bruise club Tuesday evening at the home of Mlsa Melcher. The memners present were: Misses Kiia reterson, .iiei Lovely, Alice MulNinalil. tiracs reiereon. Iulse Brnindel, Pesay Jones, May Walsh, Vera King. Vera DeHols. Mary Sneehey un Middle Wsrd. Mattel Melcher and Francea Wlllsrd and Mesdamas George oVhlle and K. U. Barn' hardt of Omeaa. On of the novel affair of the week waa the Knmono party given Fnday evening by the Htltchery club at the home of Mis men iioimee, iwemi-in -', streets. Those present were: Misses Mary NarseiiL Mlna jacnimems, Miller, Cscll Mslon, Florence Marrlan Dennis, IjiIs Hlckev. Florence Hnwker. flora PRESIDENT OF THE NEBSASKA SET AIL HASDWASE ASSN. w.j. eVsncee Case. Irene Thoniaa. Myrtle Taylor, ollle Holme, Gertrude Cassey. Clara Muudey. May Bergqulst, Carrie Andreasua and Slslla Holmes. Arthur C. Pancoaat has moved hi law offlca to 411 Omaha National Bank Bld( Phone Doug la ism. A banquet under tha direction of Mis Florence Brooker wa given to the Rova. suarda at the First Methodist Church l-...iu veninT. The membero Include i .. . i .m f'itrrrd Porter. Lynn Case. Tru man tiroes. Leonard Mathews, Msrrellus Willi.,,,, i.lnvd Hamilton, dale Hamil ton. Francla lllnee. Lewis Hlnea, Wllber Vhalnholt. Percey Wllaon, Bennle Chisek. Joe Loul Khslnholt. Earl Jaoob son. Lyls Hodgens, Homer Luckett and Crumley Carter. The Phllathea club entertained at a T..n vear valentine party Wednesday evening at the home of Miss Beulah Carter. Thirteenth and M street. Those uresent were: Misses Bess Wilson, Kdna ihlllD. (ltace Urooker, ( la Hutchinson. Tin.- Uohinsnn and Beulah Carter Measrs. Boy Oreer. Walter J one, Lewis Wilson. Henry .Brooker, Steward Hurd. James Shainholtx and Adelph Hutthln- son. The Neighborhood Card club met Thura. riev evenlna at the home ot Mr. ana jara. M. O. Pike. 1124 F street. Each member (ante In some costume, p retaining to St Valentines day. Decorationa were In hearts. W. W. Fisher won first prt Players present were: Messrs. ana Mee dsme John Hmtth, Frank Prurka. J. Hsteman, J. Jalchelann. Allen Dudley. Bwlnglry, James Trtmbell. J. (I. Martin. it. K. rV hlndet, Mowara neymsn. risr Kmtth, W. W. Fisher, C. M. Bcblndel and 11. U. Pike. Phone Hell South Mg-Ind. F-ll for cse of Jetter tlold Top. Prompt delivery to any part ot tha city. William Jetter. Mrs. John Orlbble was hoatee for the Ladles' Afternooa Whist club Friday afternoon. The club guest were: Mes dame Ulanrhard. 11. Marling and Van Cauip nf Omaha. Tables were placed tor the following players: Mesaame a. 4. Caugbey. D. U Hoimra. Sloan, Dr. Kelley, c. A. Mek-her. J. u. Martia. K. uticnnst, Bruc McCullouch. W. B. Cheek. L. M. Lord. J. M. Tanner, John Orit.01, a J. Ainrs, B. F.lllott. A. A. Jssmer, Strang, A. P. Durkira. W. R. Pajre. R. Carle,. R. E. Hchlndel. A. A. Hctlris, T. H. tnsor. U. Bamhardt. J. VanDueen. C. M. hVhiodel, K. PoweM. Waddell. H. Marling and Joha Orlbble. The Alohsh club entertained their gentlemen friends at a pink party Fri day evening at tha home of Mies Hsset Cook, UMl North Twenty-fifth street. The place carda and the color scheme through. out the rooms was worked In pink. Those present were: Mlssea Ksthellea Walsh. Margaret Walsh, Ola tl worth, Clara barnum. Adel Davis. Frances Tanner, Madge Hturrock. Helen White, Helen Me- kee. Maurtne Murdock. Pearl Daverty. Mary Lewis .and Hasel Cook. Id seen Lmmeu MrMenn. Fred Weppoar. John Nixioa. Joha Tanner, Shirley Menefea. Will Sheehey. Russell Phllla. Earl Keefer. Joha Keeny. Ralph larmaa and ciara Devia. Mrs. A. L. Powell. tt 3 Street, assisted y sirs, waiter ailcnie. rntrrtslnss at whist Thursday afternoon. Twelve table were placed for the players. Place were arranged for: Meedames Ames, Bryson, Durson, i art, uouio. utheon, Taoaer, Meicner. ik. unbbie. nsor. lml sr. Lot. Jr.. Wallaker, White, Waddell, R. K. ecninael. c. M. scninoeL TrumbelL Pad- dock. Connell, Caugbey, Pnicka. Dudley, Martin, John Smith, Edgar Smith, Russell B kUiiott. Duraies. hag, tjlaoa, cheek. Rose, Fisher. William Davis, Oeorge uevia. waiaina, vtveiii, v aa Alstela. Lew Ettar, Fred Etter. MoOraw, Mana. Marling. Holmes, Htrang. Anderson. Bianchard. Mullea. Bateman. Lambert. aeiiy, uc Die ana stccuitsucn. If you wish to see paintings by the best American artists John W. Alexander, Chtlde Hassam, Birge Harrison. Kanyon Cox. Wilton Lockwood a doaen of which ptotures were hung this year In the Na tional Academy of Design, four of which era Just back from an International exhibit at Rome and one of which la by the hand of the most-talked-of artist represented In the exhibit of the Academy of Fine Arts, now being held la Philadelphia, you ahould go to see the annual exhibit of the Omaha Society of Fine Arts in the public library building. The exhibit will ba open to tha public thla week and next, every day from to o'clock In tha morning until late In the evening, except today and next Sunday, when It will ba open from 1 to 4 o'clock In the afternoon. On Saturday mornings. Hlol! o'clock, children will be admitted free. Except for this, a smsll admission chargs will be made. Omaha art connoisseur say thla Is a really notable exhibit of American art. tha bast aver brought to Omaha No ptotures by foreign painters are Included. There are fifty-five pictures In the ex hibit, worth approximately tltaXMO. the Individual pictures ranging In value from StOS to Sijss. Insurance cover the paint ings to their full value. Katleaal Academy Pictures. Among tha picture of the exhibit which rer bung thla year In the National Academy of Deatga are: The Roaring Main," Frederick J. Waugh; "A Quaint Corner In Bruges," Ossin Lllnde: "Sep tember Day," Ouster Cumlottl: "A Ilaxy Morning Fifty-ninth Street." Paul Con noysr; October," Frank Vincent Du Mood; "Portait of alias Lamont," a. Von Glenn; "Salebary Hill,' Daniel Oarber; Peonies,- Wilton Lockwood; "The New Hat." Waatsrvalt Losers: "Winter Wood," Hobarl Nichols; -In a Strang Wendt. -In tha Himalayas." Henry B. Snslli -Eucalyptus of California," Gardner gymsns; "The Cliff Dweller," E. Irving Couaa. Autumn Qtory," by Ro hi neon; "Th Breakfast," by Mrs, Kenyon Cox; -A Breakfast Party." by Charles C. Curraa. and "The Crsvass Liberty Street, New York." by Colin Campbell Cooper, are Just back from to art exposition at Roma, There Is shows a picture by II. O. Dearth, whs as getting mora attention than any other artist at ths sxhlblt now being held la the Academy ot Pine Arts at Philadelphia. Wilton Lockwood s "Peonies." beside hating m place in the national academy this year, was exhibited last year In the Corcoran art exposition. I aleae Pel a Usui. J.' Aldan Weir a "The Hunter's Moon" will ba an of th moat discussed pictures of th sxhlblt, according to local art critic. Although It I on of tha highest I picture In the collection, many people will pick out Stfti painting that they would prefer. It attracts at by lis dissimilarity to th other picture. a an ornithorhyncus In a aeo would at tract visitors awsy from th deer and camels. It Is very Urge, and consists mostly of heavy sky, with a dark land scape at th bottom and a small, haay moon high above It. Four portraits of well known persons ars oa the walls Kenyon Cox's portrait of C. Orent La Parse, th architect; Ralph Clarksen a portrait ef Lorado Taft, th sculptor; Irving Wile" portrait ot Henry Wolf, the engraver, and a Von Olefin's portrait at Mia Lamont. which 1s loaned by Mrs. D. & Lamoat aal which la Insured tor KtrjO, John W. Alexander la represented In th sxhlblt by hi picture, "Mother." It was loaned by th artlat himself to the Omaha society. Formal Opening Last Might. Th exhibit waa opened mat night It wa "member' Bight," and only mem ber and apedairy Invited guest' wcr present. Dress milt and decollete gown were much In evidence and there was music and light refreshment. From now on, formal diss will not b necessary tor admittance. 1 o J. D. HVSSIE. Washington Program For Night School Students and teacher uf the Kcllom Night school and local speakers will Join In celebrating George Washington's birthday at the school Wednesday even ing, the program to be given under the direction of Miss Bertha Schaller. prin cipal. Judge Howard Kennedy ot the Juvenile division ot the district court will give a talk on th life of Washington. Superintendent E. L. Graft will slso apeak. There are 30 student at thla night school, many ot whom are adults, many married. Only thirty-three are young people of school axe. Short talks, vocal, piano, violin and vlctrola muslo will be on tli program. A class win sing in folk songs, several nationalities being represented. Judg Kennedy will point out th ad vantages P M people of making their home In America. Superintendent Graff has not announced his subject. Im promptu speeches from students will fill out ths program. Mrs. Mary Morton Pollock of Flag- staff. Aria, haa given tha school a vlc trola. It was received Thursday. Selec done will be played on thla during the entertalnrnsnL Mrs. Pollock haa been Interested In tha school for several years and girls' gymnasium Is named after her, Sb furnishes gymnasium suits for th gh"ls ach year. Doctors Get All Heated Up Over Lord Operation The iK-ar-erupllon of a smoldering volcano in the Douglas county aieaicaj society seems to have been successfully guarded since the meeting last Tuesday evening, but the details are now coming out. In an exi itini; ruction, vernal charges ot unprofessional conduct aere made against ' Dr. J. P- 1-urtl cTOWins out ol the ex tensive free newspaper advcrtleing ne received In connection witn the "bloodless aurgerj" operation on a lime child a few ' weeks ago. Aicordtns; to Ivst information obtain-1 able, the onslaught asainst Dr. Ird was i led by Dr. Krt:t Powell and Dr. Mc- i Dermott. who were not at ail mealy- i mouthed about esprtssinir themselves. As member of the committee of censors. Dr. Lord was to present a report on the unethical practice of fee splitting, but the document remained restfully reposing In his pocket while he was invited to resign from the committee so that he. himself, could be censored. Dr. Milliard Lang- feld Is said to have come to the front with resolution expressing confide e in Dr. Lord, but before It could be put to a vote. the outcome of which wa uncertain. Dr. Crummer cut the Oordlao knot with a motion to adjourn, which Dr. Mc- Clanaham, as presiding otneer. nastily put. The rules of the society require charges of unprofessional conduct to be made In writing and substantiated before the com- ; mlttee of censors, but so far as can be ; ascertained, no formal charges have yet I been preferred. A physician, who is not member of the society, ventures the opinion that the affair will be hushed up before the next meeting, and nothing mora come of it. University Trustees Toast the Institution The trustees ot tha University of Omaha gava a dinner to the board of directors and faculty laat evening at tha Univer sity club. It wa In th way ot a cele bration In honor of C A. Aid en, finan cial secretary, who with the aid ot the other officers of ths university raised a S30.0M sustaining fund for th college in th last six months, and which waa Just completed a week ago today. J. W. Carpenter as toaatmaater gava a short history ot ths university and spoke In glowing term ot th bright future of tha school, lis thought that It would rank with all the first class school In this section of the country In th course of a number of year. John L. Kennedy gave th address of wsloom. He spoks briefly ot th aid ths faculty had given towards making tha university on ot th best schools la th city. A number ot tit faculty mada abort addresses. Cattle Losses to Be- Light mWyoming "Doc" 8pear of Spear Brothers, the most extensive cattle raisers In Wyoming, with ranches scattered over the country from near Sheridan to Basin. I In town. Mr. Spear says th losses sustained by tha cattlemen during the winter have been greatly exaggerated. Through soma portion of Wyoming, according to Mr. Spear, losses were rather heavy, but In the aggregate they were only about normal. What saved the stock was th sudden coming of th cninoot after cold weather and hard storms had prevailed for nearly a month. When the Chinook cam the ground wa covered dee with enow. Most of It disappeared within twenty-four hours after the warm wind from th west began to blow. TURKISH GOVERNMENT TO BUY WAGONS IN OMAHA A communication from th American consulate at Constantinople ha been sent to th Johnson-Dsntorth company of this city asking thera to submit bid for building S.om smmunitlon wagon for use in the Turkish-Italian war. A. W. Johnson, president of the firm. say that ba la a busy at th Auto show, . and with selling auto trucks that ha Is! not going to try to build military wagons, 1 but b say that If any enterprising Omaha factory want to undertake the contract that he will turn the com munication over to them. leaaterfelt Dollars buy trouble, but a genuine quarter buy Dr. King New Life Pill; for constipa tion, malaria, headach and Jaundice. For sal by Beaton Drug Co. NEW LAND COMPANY IS RESULT OF LAND SHOW A new hud company has been organ ised In Omaha, coming a th result of th Omaha Land show. It will be known as tha Inter-Mountain Realty company and ths organiser are W. O. Paisley, who was manager of both th Omaha land shows, and O. T. Baker, who "has been in the land business in thla city for th past two year. Th company will deal In lands la all parts ot the wast but will specialise on those In th .North Pork valley ot Colorado thl sea son. Both of the above men left for Hotchkla. Colo, today. In connection with their -work. POLICE BRING BAHRENDS BACK IN LONGWELL CASE C. L. Bah rends waa brought back from Kansas City last night by Detective Helt feldt on a requisition warrant sworn out by P. J, Longwelt, SE1S Harney street whose wife told tha polks Wednesday night that aba had been assail ted by two men who Jumped out of an automobile at Twenty-sltth and Farnam streets snd drugged Her with ether. Bahrenda declares he has sn alibi. A friend cams back with him from K ansae City, by whom tha alibi will be proven, th prisoner averred. POLICE HELP PARENTS MAKE SONS QUIT GAMES On complaint of parent that their boy had been gambling above a pool hall operated by H. H. Hay. 1334 North Forti eth street. Sergeants Cook and Venous last night arrasted the proprietor and thre lad, who they say had been play ing poker. Th officer ssld seversl boy scaped. Hays was charged with keeping a disorderly house. klaaed trass Head ta Heel waa Ben Fool. Threat. Ala., whoa drag ged over a rough rood, but Bucklen s Arnica Salve healed all his injuries. Sc. For sal by Beaton Drug Co. FOR ALL MEN AND WOMEN I will give you free a sample of Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets, that have brought health and happiness to thousandsalso a book on any chronic disease you need. The story of my free offer to you is quickly told. During my many years of practice I have used numerous combinations of curative medicines for liver ills. I have kept records of results in case after case, so that my staff of physicians and surgeons, at the Invalids' Hotel, Buffalo, N. Y., are able to diagnose and treat cases at a distance with uniform good results. I am going to send you free a sample package of Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets, which will relieve biliousness and ill health due to a disordered liver. Write at once for a sample or a book. v . . t i..r. .t ii.j j :..',: r Zt JJUI tor WC permanent ruttj ui uiwu uisuiuni auu uuijuiiiica, t can recommend my "Golden Medical Discovery "a blood mcaicinc witnout aiconuL v.riKi, m. u., du$iq Nature's Way Is The Best. Burisd deep ta ar Assericaa forest w imd Uoodroot, queca't roof, maadraka atsd Men root, goloea seal, Orrfoa grape'roet and oberrybark. Of th Dr. R. V. Pierce mad par glyceric extract which ha been fsvorsbly known for over forty yaars. Hs called it "GOLDEN MEDICAL DISCOVERY." This " DWovery " panics th bload sad too ap th storasca and th entire system is N store's aw vry. It's just th tisso builder aad toaioyoa require. Dr. Pierce savs: "Glycerine olavs an irrmortant cart in tnyWS . erjVsO Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery in the cure of indigestion, U A rZ&S.- y.p,p.;. and weak stomach, attended by sour risings, heart burn, foul breath, coated tongue, poor appetite, gnawing feeling in stomach, biliousness and kindred derangements of the stomach, liver and Dowels. In coughs and hoarseness caused by bronchial, throat and lung affections, except con sumption, the "Golden Medical Discovery" is a most efficient remedy, especially in those obstinate, hang-on-coughs caused by Irritation and congestion of the bronchial mucous mem branes. The "Discovery" is not so good for acute coughs arising from sudden colds, nor must it be expected to cure consumption in its advanced stages no medicine will do that but for all the obstinate, chronic coughs, which, if neglected, or badly treated, lead up to consump tion, it is the best medicine that can be taken." Sold by all principal dealers in medicines. To find out more about the above mentioned diseases and all about the body in health and disease, get the Common Sense Medical Adviser- the People's Schoolmaster in Medicine revised and up-to-date- book of 1000 pages which treats of diseased conditions and the nracticaL successful treatment thereof. Cloth-bound sent post-paid on receipt of 31 cents in .ggccpt sjajnps to pay cost of mailing tnlj. Addrcs Dr. fierce s Invalids' Hc-tel, Buffalo. Y., Mat, 4 I'tJ Exclusive Features for 1912 A greater year for a greater paper The Omaha Bee All the news that is real news. Mutt and Jeff Character creation from the pen of "Bud" Fisher that have made all the world laugh and turned marry a sad face into a smile. Looking Backward This day in Omaha during the history forming periods of 30, 20 and 10 years ago, briefly and interestingly reproduced for Bee readers. The Bee's Wedding Book A chronicle of marriage anniversaries of Omaha's own people, simply and entertain t ingly detailed from day to day. Silk Hat Harry Tad 'a dog-man invention who has more trouble than anyone, bat trouble that is so funny it makes amusement for every Bee reader. Katzenjammer Kids These two youngsters who are the source of Sunday fun for thousands of children, promise many new tricks and delightful for this year. Nell Brinkley Drawings Nell Brinkley developed a new idea in pen drawings, and her sketches of men and women caught by Cupid, not only have ar tistio beauty, but also always teach a lesson. Sherlocko the Monk Sherlock Holmes, works sleuth-wonders to many people, but Monk, the picture-detective, is more marvelous in the fan-way than Dr. Watson believes Holmes to be in a serious way. Daffydils Nothing ao amusing has been ran is any v western newspaper in many years as these humorons play-on-words lines by Tad. Desperate Desmond A stage villain transferred to pen pictures and revealed in the most laughable light to V make every Bee reader roar and hold his sides. Happy Hooligan Poor, old Happy; he is continuously grow ing more entertaining, and now he is on the road to new situations to win smites from all followers. ' t Carpenter's Travel Letters No writer of the present day sees eventa and situations in such interesting light as Frank J. Carpenter, and none describes them so graphically. Heart to Heart Talks for Women By Ella Wheeler Wilcox, Winifred Black, Mabel Herbert TJrner, Dorothy Dix, Fran cis Garside, Ada Patereon, and many others who write for women, what women want to read. Each week in the Sunday issue Several big special stories of particular interest to Omaha, Nebraska and Iowa readers. Comic Section in Colors S Besides the laughable comic pictures and the special articles by women for women, The Bee will record dramatic events of im portance; present exclusire human interest stories and give an accurate account of eventa of politics, with absorbing sidelights on the two big political parties, their con ventions and their presidential campaigns. 'Complete Telegraphic and Cable News From all over the civilized world every day in the year. , If you neglect to Read The Bee daily during 1912 Ton will mise these exclusive features, the greatest series ever published in a Ne braska paper. S -I 1 ' i