Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 19, 1912, Image 1

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Looking Backward
This Day in Omaha
Thirty Tulr-Tea 1MB At
see Bettortal Fag at Ml um
The Omaha Daily Bee
Fair; Warmer
VOL. XLI NO. 211.
Stephens Predicts Honey Trust Will
Yet Be Investigated by Spe
cial Committee.
Resolution Will Then Be Called
Before the Lower Body.
Wisconsin Senator's Course
Fails of Purpose.
Still Has l aaallfted Adsalratle
few Hi Paet nervte, kat Say
FUatlac for Principle, et
far Hn,
Three Democrats Said to Be
Favor of Upsetting Machine.
Washington Asserted to Him Sur
passed Iterlf as Scene af Cease
lessly Active Palltiral
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
WASHINGTON. Feb. 18. tSpeital Tel-rirrani.r-ConKTeK.xman
Dan V. Stephens
declared today that in spite of the action
of the democratic caucus on the resolu
tion to Investigate the money trust, which
virtually nullified the Henry measure to
investigate by special committee, a reso
lution would be passed Monday that prac
tically will be a duplicate of the Henry
"It has been agreed," said Mr. "Ste
phens, "to have the caucus resolution
called before the house Monday. Those
democrats who favor tho special com'
mltlee Investigation, Including all three
of the Nebraskans, intend to defeat the
caucus measure and offer one of our own.
Sine the caucus the members have been
hearing from borne and I believe we will
have 100 democratic votes Instead of sixty
six that voted for the Henry resolution In
A lively fieht Is promised, for the Un
derwood faction are bitter over the possl
hlltty of what they term a violation of
the caucus agreement. Meanwhile the
Henry men are working for republican
Ureal Palltiral Activity.
Vt ith aeven political hedquarters in full
blast in the Capital City and the promise
it two more to be opened shortly, Wash
ington has not seen In many years such
activity In political channels and by the
time the conventions roll around this
beautiful city by the Potomac will be
seething with charges and countercharges.
Already wa have "emotionalists" "neu
rotics" and "paranotaca."
Kasmett Haak Examiner.
K. E. Em melt of Arapahoe, state bank
examiner, on recommendation of Senator
Brown, was appointed an additional na
tional bank examiner by the secretary of
the treasury today. Mr. Enimett was en
dorsed by all of the leading Nebraska
bankers, It Is said. ' Senator Brown ac
companied Jilra to the Treasury depart
ment today.
Edward Eastman and John Green, two
Santera from the Nebraska reservation,
tailed an Congressman Stephana today
Hi reference to securing patent to their
land at Santee,
H M. Vifqualn of Lincoln and his bride
were presented to the president today by
Congressman Magtiire. Mr. and Mrs. Vlf
qualn were married in Illinois about a
fortnight ago. and are on their honey
moon. They will leave Washington for
New Tork City. before returning to Lin
coln. Mr. Vlfqualn Is a son of General
The weights snd measures convention
honored John O. Pegg. Inspector of
weights and measures In Omaha by mak
ing him today sergesjit-at-arma of the
convention. George H. Payne of Omaha
also is attending the convention.
Mlsa Drexel Ensnared.
Mrs. Nellie P. Drexel, widow of the
late Charles F. Drexel of Omaha, an
nounces the engagement of her daughter.
Mlsa Theresa E. Drexel, to Dr. Thomas
B. McCllntlc of the United States marine
hospital service. In view of a special
orders which transfers Dr. MeCllntle to
Fort Missoula, Mont., the marriage will
occur the first week In March the day
not having been set.
Thomas Jamlason of Omaha won a
ash prise of 123 at Georgetown college
Isst night In a debate between the senior
snd junior debating societies.
Mrs. H. H. Glover of Grand Island en
route home from an extended visit In
Boston, New Tork and Philadelphia, Is
the guest this week of relatives In Wash
ington and will remain In the city to be
present at the White House reception to
the army and navy next Tuesday.
Friends of Colonel w. II. Michael In
Nebraska will learn with regret that his
health In far off Calcutta, where he Is
consul general. Is very poor, and his
family Is urging his return to his home la
WASHINGTON. Feb. lt-Oifford Pin
chut In a signed statement mad public
tonight announcea he has withdrawn Wa
support from 8enator La Foliette'a prest.
dentlal candidacy and that he will here
after advocate the nomination of Theodore
Roosevelt. Mr. Plnchot says that the
events of the last month have made It
apparent that Senator Ui Follette's
candidacy will neither hold the progressive
republicans together as a fighting force
nor prevent the nomination of "a re
actionary republican."
The course which the senator has
elected to pursue." saya Mr. Plnchot,
"will not keep the progressives together.
and in that course I cannot follow him.
The statement follows:
The struggle which until recently has
centered around Senator La Foliette'a
candidacy, waa undertaken for two clear
and specific purposes; first, to hold the
progressives together as an effective
fighting force; and second, to prevent the
nomination of a reactionary republican
for the part)'. Within the last month
circumstances have made It impossible to
scrompUsh, by means of the candidacy of
Senator La Follette, either of these two
purposes and the Imperative need for
another leader has been made.
"One of these circumstances Is the III
health of Senator La Follette. which all
his friends so greatly deplore. I retain,
undlmlnahed, my regard for the high
quality of hut past servlosa to the pro
gressive cause, but the course which the
senator has elected to pursue will not
keep the progressives together and In
that course I cannot follow him. From
the beginning I have fought for a cause
and a principle, and not for a man.
"The reasons for the action I am taking
are set forth at length In a letter to Sena
tor La Follette, In which I have notified
him that el nee. In my Judgment, his can
didacy no longer will advance the pro
gressive cause, I shall hereafter advo
cate the nomination of Solonel Roosevelt,
whose duty I believe It Is to take up the'
leadership of the piugiesatrs movement.
"Until. this notification to Senator La
Follette was delivered, I have, of course,
taken no part In advocating the nomina
tion of Colonel Roosevelt.
"The country know that Colonel Roose
velt la a genuine progressive. That ques
tion was settled for 'all .by his active
championship of human right during the
seven year of conflict. which made the
progress! vo movement a power In the
nation.' 1
Minister from Colombia Intimates
Secretary of State Would
Better Stay Away.
These Form Basis of Suggestion
Visit Would Be Intdvisijole.
Takes Action Himself Without Con
suiting Government
y ef Stat Will t Take
Matter V Farther aad Caag
la His llaraurr Mm Al
ready Made.
WASHINGTON. Feb. lt-Senor Pedro
Nel Ospins. minister from Columbia, has
unofficially "suggested" to the 8tate de
partment that Secretary Knox might
find It "Inopportune'' to Include a visit
to Columbia In tho Itinerary of his pro
jected trip to Central America.
In a letter to Assistant Secretary Wtl
son the minister say he speaks without
sanction of his government, but ha
asked for mat ructions.
sner Osplna refer to the dlfferencme
which have arisen over this government'
aequMtlon of the Panama canal aene, a
tho basis of his "suggestions."
It had not been finally decided that
Secretary Knox would visit Columbia,
but the minister had been notified that
such a visit waa probable. The sec
tary's Itinerary wiH not mow Include that
Better Feeling for
Cities Out in State
r 1
I yxr& Hi., t r
La3hw , m- JK. w
Welcome to Our City !
be- ' J '
Holy I'rese -Ueeta Ib Aegaat.
NOTRE DAME, Ind.. Feb. II The gen.
Oral chapter of the Order of the Holy
'rose, which convene every six years to
legislate for Ha members In all parts of
tiw world, will assemble for deliberations
at the University of Notre Dame on
August 11
The Weather
For Nebraska Fair; moderate.
For Iowa Fair: mild.
Trperalsre a
t Omaha
, , -Kt Hour
fab A :ts:
IAiM, ys-i r-i II a. m l
rru rr A l p. m t
I Vr -f-O A I p. m 4,
yuu - pj I p. m 41
vr"s 4 " "
'-tJ3sT (J ' i 38
Sa3C. rr P. m r
r) j 7 p . m 5S
Wind Tosses Planes;
. Aviator Badly Hurt
OAKLAND. Cel., Feb. 11-Th opening
of an aviation, meet at tk old cry
vlll rsce track Bear here today via
baptised with blood. Vontght AvhUor
Willlam H. Hoff of San Francisco He In
a hospllal -proMWy dying and a tiaX
dosan of 'hi fellow avmtors'tr nerving
themselves to play, again toruortow th
hide-and-seek gam -with death which
lurk In th ocean fog and th gusty
wind of San Franctaco hay.
Phil O. Parmelee, Glenn Martin. Horace
F. Kesrney and Hillary Beachr r
among those whose machine wero driven
to th ground by combating air currents.
Before th aviator could pitch their
plane to meet one burst of th half-gal
another from a different direction would
upset their equilibrium.
Hoff waa trying a new machia when
n met misfortune. A ho flew at a
height of about fifty feet an sir current,
sweeping around Mount Tamullpaa,
truck the biplane. It buckled and dropped
straight to the earth. Hoff waa under It
HI pelvis bon waa fractured, hi nose
broken, hli face crushed and he sustained
Internal Injuries.
Hoff was mechanician for Eugene Bly
when Ely wa killed at Macon, Oa. Mrs.
Bly was In th grandstand today and sat
rigid with horror a Hoff tumbled to
earth. She left tho field unnerved.
Dying Eequest Gives
Castoff Son Million
CHICAGO, Feb. lS.-Wllllam Springer.
son of the late Warren Springer, a castoff
during his lather s life and all but disin
herited by the latter' will, has been
found In Little Rock, Ark. He will re
ceive tl.soe.OOt of the Springer estate.
Mrs. Marguerite Springer, the widow.
has prosecuted a search for William
Springer sine her husband died. Today
she received a telephone message from
H. W. Heiner. a Chicago man. who aald
he had worked with William Sprinaar In
various parts of the country. Heiner had
read an advertisement of Mr. Sprtnger'
in a newspaper.
The widow will bring the son here and
divide the estate. It la aald. la response
to a deathbed request from her husband.
who apparently repented t!, clause la
his will leaving tb eon only IMS.
Italians Map Out
flan of Campaign
TRIPOLI. Feb. U General Canv.
commander-in-chief of th ItaHan ex-
l petitionary forces in Tripoli, who has
' a. m &
a. m 17
IS a! m etiheen oa a visit to Rome for th purpose
of consulting with th government, has
returned her and resumed command.
eGneral Caneva left here for Ram oa
February and returns with a carefully
mapped out plan of campaign.
Local Stecerd.
in isii. lsio ijai.
Highest today K Si 34 19
lowest today 44 S IS w
Mean temperature U xt
r"rerlitation y. . . .) T
Temperature and precipitation depar
ture from the normal:
Normal temperature 24
Excess for the day
Total excess since March 1
EVAN8TON. III.. Feb. It-Thirty
young women students at Northwestern
university were placed under quarantine
at Harmon terrace here today attar one
-1 ; of their assistant bad been taken to St
JU i Francis' hospital suffering from what
"In making a hurried trip through the
state In the Interest of my candidacy,'
aid Jess 8. Newton, republican candl
date for governor, who wa In Omaha
over Sunday, "( find the feeling toward
thj larger cities Is changing In their
favor. It wa only a short time go, and
th feeling exists la a large measure to
day, that a city should be run along the
same line of a (mall town, and om
of th politicians have made hit by
telttna th people that Omaha. Lincoln
and other cities need no more leawajr
than town of M to 1.0M Inhabitant.
"What doe th traveling nubile think
of a city th Ms of Omaha. or Llasot
oloama lis place of social diversions at
an early hour and all that I left for the
traveler I to window shop and road las
trio stgnsT
"Omaha, espeouHty, baa to compete
with Chicago. Dulutk. Mlaaeapolls, St.
Paul, Sou City, Kansas Cltr and Dn
vsr, and If yon want your visitors ts say
a good word tor Nebraska and Omaha,
the cities, at least, smut be allva and
after all the snterUlnmeat that elher
el Use d.
"Nebraska people should aaslat In every
waf passible to advertise Nebraska re-ejjsa-na
our-a greaisr population
by letting the world know that Nebraska
la th beet place on earth to live."
Painter to Wadding;
Then Taken to Jail
SPRINGFIELD, III.. Fob. 11-lSperleJ
Telegram.) Frank K. Painter of Omaha,
arrested at Prairie CHy Thursday, was
lodged in Jail her today by Deputy
United State Marshal C. F. Black and
will be taken to Minneapolis, Monday.
Secret Service Officer C. J. Scully on
his arrival at Prairie City went direct
to the postoffloe. At the door of ths
nostofflee h met Painter and hi wits,
who were coming from the office. He
recognised Painter by photographs ho
had wtth him and arrested him.
Painter told Scully he had Intended go
ing to the wedding of a friend In the
oeuntry that night and Scully aald he
would aSt deprive him of the pleasure
and a ccstn panted Painter and. his wife to
the wedding. Later that 'night he took
Painter to Peoria, whtlo Mrs. Painter
sprat the night going to Alsdo la a
vain endeavor to secure a banker there
to go on her husband' bond.
Painter say he I Innocent. Me will
be taken to Indianapolis next Monday.
Seventh Annnal Automobile Show
Opens at Auditorium This
NEW TORK. Feb. U.-The explosive
with which the battleship Mais was
blown up was similar In type to, if not
Identical with the explosive used In blast
ing operation In the soft rock found
about Havana. I the opinion of Colonel
W. M. Black. L. 8. A., engineer corps,
expressed today at the luncheon of the
New Tork cemmandery. Naval Military
Order of the Spanish War.
Colonel Black, who was a member of
the board of officers in charge of raising
the Maine. In discussing the problems
which the board encountered In It task,
reiterated hi belief In th theory of aa
external expioelon. followed by Internal
explosions snd said that tb explosive
used was a low power, slow acting compo
sition, probably manufactured In the eity
of Havana.
He ascertained from persons in business
In Havana, he said, that there was an
ample quantity of thi explosive In the
city at the time of th Maine disaster.
Normal precipitation 2 inch had been diagnosed aa scarlet fever.
l tendency ior toe oay a? inch ' WUmI atmmm vji. r.,K
Totsl rainfall rtnee March 1...H.73 inches I Mildred Blames snd Mis Cath.
Deficiency since March 1 13.73 Inches ' erine Cooper obtained advance informa-
Keflcienc'y for cor. period. !. 13 inches i tion of the quarantine and fled. They
Uxcess for cor. period.
. 4.58 Inches
l. a- v bLrfsn. uom Forecaster, i .
T' indicates trace of ireciuiuuya. Jfrieac
are raid to be hiding with Fivaninrra
WASHINGTON. Feb. H -Moderate
weather la expected to prevail this week,
although It I probable that colder
weather may be felt in the northwest, ac
cording to the weather bureau bulletin.
The next general storm to cross the
country will prevail to th North Pacific
coasts Tuesday and Wednesday, the
mid die west about Thursday and th
eastern ststes on Friday. The precipita
tion attending disturbs ore will be ssostly
rsln, although snow hrfikety in northern
Claimant in Ximmel Mystery Case
Says Affection is Dead.
Isn life Maisjedl Throa, Their
Assies Gave Starter Mower that
Ms Ptaan4 t te la Mak
ing Himself Heme.
ST. LOUIS, Feb. atAndrew J. While,
almsnt In ths Klenmel mystery case,
w st trial In ths United State district
court, renounced Mrs., Kstell Kimmel
and ,hr daughter, lira. Kdna Bonalett,
another and sister of ths salaalng George
A. KttnmeJ. aa his mother and sister today.
"These women a.ra ho longer say mother
and sister, " th cBtlmanl said. "I ssean
of course that they are wiy -bleed rela
tions, bwt I foal as hlsshlp foe tiAnv
"Our relationship la dead, dead aa a
door asJL It as killed By their actions
toward me In thai nrhritlon.'
Desplt tbts tho claims nt referred to
th "mother" snd "slste."
As 1 sat In the court room and heard
mother disown and discredit me," he
said, - "something within me seemed to
snap and I gave up hop of ever being
reconciled wtth them. I'p to thai mo
ment there had been a lingering hope,
perhaps, that we might be reunited,
but I do not feel that way now.
1 am s garnet them from aow on. 1
will see this thing through. I will fight
their case In every way I can. I feel
filial affection for mother and n
brotherly interest In Edna.
I was engaged to the loveliest girl in
Michigan, and would have married her
but for Edna, who wa sick and I gave
my sister the money I had saved to be
married on. Had It not been for that 1
might have been an honored man now
Inatead of an outcast, alleged Impostor
and haled by scores."
The olaimant referred to Mrs. Harriet
Maraton of Canton, O., who Is expected
to be a witness for the defense this week.
th was llsrrlet Be aeon of Nile. Mich.,
and George A. Kim me! "kept company"
with her.
The defense in the case, an insurance
company of New Tork, Is marshalling Its
witnesses. Mrs. Mabel Flnley Lardner.
one of tho strongest supporters of the
claimant, her husband, WHHara P. Lard
ner, and the Rev. Cordello Herrlck, for.
tner chaplain of tho Auburn prison, where
White waa confined, are the witnesses
that have arrived.
Mr. Lardner aald sh felt no doubt
that the man waa the missing cashier of
the Farmers' State bank of Arkansas
City. Kan. The claimant greeted the
Lardner and chaplain profusely.
Agony of Sympathy
Causes Child's Death
COLUMBUS, O., Feb. It -In tho angony
of sympathising grief for her relative.
Mrs. John T. Smith, whose little son had
been drowned snd his body Just recovered
from the Scioto river. Mrs. Clinton Ijiw
clasped her ewa Infant child ao tightly
that It was smothered.
RAPID CITT. H. D. Feb. Jt.-iSpec1a!
Telegram-) Former Register John L.
Burke of the local United States I .snd
office. Is to be the successor of Judge
Loomls S. Cull, who resigned to enter
the republican race for governor. sir.
Burke haa been notified by Senator Gam
ble that he may expect his confirmation
In the senate before March 1. the date
when Mr. Culi'a resignation takes effect.
Mr. Burke Is one of the best known
republicans In ths stste snd arts re
ceiver of the land office here from INC
to 1M, when he became register and a
year later reelmed on account of his
health. Sines MoT this effice has had the
largest volume of business of anv In the
country, with the exception of the Lem
mon office thi year la some respects.
Former Secretary
of Peoria Structural
Iron Workers Held
CHICAGO. Feb. it-John W. Irwin,
former recording secretary of the Peoria,
III., local of the Structural Iron Worker
International union, one of the men In
dicted by the Indlanapolia federal grand
Jury, unexpectedly waa arrested here to
night. Irwin was arraigned before
United State Commissioner Mark Foots
and on recommendation of counsel for the
defense waa released on a temporary
bond of H,uM until next Wednesday.
Irwin's arrest was affected by United
flutes Marshal William Crowley and city
nolle officer workins under direction of
Charles D Woody, division superin
tendent of th Department sf Justice. The
warrant for Irwin's arrest wss In th
original bundl of te seat to Chicago for
service, Search lor him waa started else
where. Iswta warrant did net reach
Chicago until let Saturday night.
Th Peoria secretary' Whereabouts have
been unknown except, to a few close
friend for mors than a year. Govern
ment officer at Peoria war . told that
Irwin had been sent to sn asylum under
assumed name. It wa discovered.
however, that Irwin had been employed
on sever j I structural Iron contracts here
within that period. Finally hi place of
residence waa found In a remote quarter
of the southwest side.
Irwin appeared greatly surprised when
arrested. He denied that he had been
connected with dynamite conspiracy
charged against him snd his fellow of-
When taken to a police station. Irwin
naked permission to telephone to At
torney Patrick It. O'Donnell. who I act
ing aa counsel for tho structural Iron
worker arrested here. Attorney O'Don
nell met Irwin and th federal officers at
the government building where he
represented the prisoner In ths brief hear
ing before Commissioner Foot.
"It Is Sunday and we are wholly un
prepared for this." said Attorney O'Don
nell, "and I wish that this preliminary
hearing be continued for a few days."
The continuance was granted, the bond
was arranged and Irwin left the federal
building with his attorney.
Insurgent Meeting at Minneapolis
Convenes Soon.
Plane aa Foot ts (ess pel With.
slraveal of Modern Woodmen Hsto
Hal or te Ferae Separate
MINNEAPOLIS, Minn.. Feb. II Offi
cers of the National Woodmen assembly,
recently organised here to protest
against th so-called Mobile bill adopted
at the recent meeting of the Modern
Woodmen of America, ar hastening
preparattone tor the "Insurgent" conven
tion, which Is to be held hr February a.
According to Dan K. Richtar, one of
tho local member of the Insurgent fso
ttaovtha, meeting probably will last thres
day. .
Scores sf telegrams' and public letter
have been received from samps la sll
Paris of the country announcing that
delegates will attend the meeting, snd
Prof. Nathsn Bernstein ot the Omaha
High school, who heads th Nebraska
contingent. Is expected her tomorrow.
According to leader of th faction ac
tion will be taksn at the mealing to
compel th withdrawal by th Woodmen
heada of the Mobile bill, whleh, they
declare, make the rates too high and to
have th oourts act on the measure, or to
form a separate orgs nlsst Ion.
Hadley Talks to Yale
Alumni by Phone
CHICAGO, Feb. It -The Yale college
yell, backed by X lusty voices, made the
rafters ring In the banqust hall of a lake
front hotel laat night when President
Arthur T. Hadley's voles was heard over
the long dlstanra telephone from his
horns at New Haven.
The occasion was th forty-sixth annual
dinner ot the Yale Alumni association of
A watch ess receiver, placed at each
diner elbow, connected with a trunk
line to New Haven. When the time ar
rived for Mr. Hadley speech, Toaat
mastsr George 8. Payson told tb guests
to pick up the tny 'phone reeelvera The
toast master then announced:
"The speaker ot the evening. Prexy
Henry T. Rogers of Denver wss the
guest of the evening Frsnk Hamlin
responded for Harvard.
Nearly All for Taft
in Wapello County
VEA KOINES. Ib. 9 -lUporti froa
Calhoun and Wtpllo counties tonight
glvfl Prtint Teift m&jorltleti In the
county conrvntlona to be held soon. In
the former county the president wilt have
ninety-two out of 130 delegates, while In
the latter twenty township pralnct in
structed fifty-peven deletrates for Taft,
leavlnc three antl-Taft and three others
Movement on Foot
For Brain Hygiene
NEW TORK, Feb. 11 Aftsr three
years' work In perfecting plan ths na
tional committee for mental kyglena an
nounced II full organisation at It fourth
annual meeting today and outlined Its
proposal to, conduct a systems tie cam
paign throughout tho United States for
mental development.
It I the first movement ot such dimen
sion undertaken In any country so fsr
as known. It wa announced that an an
na med donor head given M ON to be avail
able at once and that th gift would be
doubled later If the committee can rates
1200 010 toward a permanent endowment
from other soiirrea.
The work provided for In the gift I to
be begun at once In the form of a sur
vey of the national field, with Dr.
Thomas W. Salmon of th United Stat
Public .lealth and Marin hospital serv
ice In c I targe. Th national committee
has opened headquarters her, from
which It will direct efforts to Improve
conditions affecting the Insane, as well
as the education of the san on the sub
ject of mental disorders, their knowa
causes, prevention snd cure.
Factories Have Seut Latest Models
for Public Inspection,
Accessories Dealers to Have Diiplaj
on the Stage.
Decorations Are to Be I alajse and
Klehoralr Oar Haadrrd aad
MltJ-Three Cars ts Be
This afternoon at I o'clock Omaha a
seventh annual automobile show will open
In the Auditorium.
The 11 rn exhibit car arrived at the
Auditorium late Saturday night, and alnce
early Sunday morning the entire build
ing has been abuas with hurrying men.
putting the exhibits In their places and
arranging lights snd decorstlons. This
forenoon wilt be a very busy time, but
the management gives assurance that
every exhibit will be In place by 1 o'clock
this afternoon.
Something new In the way of lights
and decorations has been arranged and
th automobile men have kept It a secret,
for they want visitors to have a pleasant
surprise when the)' enter the Auditorium.
The decorating and lighting scheme was
adopted only after conference with th
expert who had charge of tho decora
tion for the Chicago show.
A musical program will be offered at
the show each afternoon and evening.
There will be a booth at which sand
wiches and coffee will be provided for
those who do not wish to leave th build
ing at ntral lime. '
The main floor of the building I de.
voted to pleasure cars, the stage to ac
cessories snd the basement to commercial
vehicles. In all, 1M types ot cars will be
on exhibition. A notsble feature will lie
the self starting car, which does swsy with)
the disagreeable necessity ot cranking.
Among the 'accessories will be wind
shields, horns, speedometer, foot-warn, ,
ra and all other numerous Invention ti
making motoring convenient and come
Officers of the sssodatloa expect sev.
oral hundred dealers from surrounding
territory to attend the show, most ul
them bringing prospective customers.
Th demand for automobiles Is increasing
year by year and an attendance at the
ahow this year far greater than Isst Is
naturally expected.
COUDBRSPOlvr, Ps., Fb. It Under a
federal order F, wl Baldwin, a master,
soM at publln -auction yeslsrday Ho
Henry A. Knapp ot Scran has for ga.ntx
sll that remain ot th property of th
Bayllaa Pulp Papr company, tho bursting
of whose dam September St, Isst,- apreati
death and destruction through th villa
of Austin.
The only other bidder was County At
torney W. F. Dubois, who bid VM to
cover a claim for taxes by the county.
Knapp acted for William G. Phelps of
Blnghamton, N. T., trustee under s
mortgage for H,AM executed sbout tea
year ago.
Attorneys for some ot the Austin flood,
sufferers served nolle on Baldwla Just
before the sal, charging ths mortgage
wa not valid and sssertlng they were
general creditor of th Bayllaa company:
that the mortgage never had legal In
ception and th pretended mortgage la
now owned by the officer and directors
of ths Baylies corporation. They also
gavs sot Irs of their Intention of liquidat
ing their claims by Judgment and they will
attack tho legality of the sale.
SEATTLE. Wash.. rb. II -Scores of
old pi osToe c tor eome millionaires and
woms stm seeklnff a nittak-4lved
strain a portion of their youth tonlsht at
tho prapsctors reunion, which rloed
rhe sessions of the N'orthwst Mtninf
Tho recaption room of s local hotel,
turned for tho occasion into a reproduc
tion of aa old-time tntnlna; camp and bar.
echoed for hours wijh itorlea of loot
mines snd phantom ledges at men In
evening dress or tnacklnaw coat traded
stories of the hills, thumptns down upon
the rough bar nujecets and bits of quart i
as time-worn ss the stories themselves.
Lawyer Bad Life.
NKW YORK, Feb. 11. -Gwf F. Par-
sons, a lawyrr. & years old. committed
suicide hy ahuoting todav. parpnni en
YM a larfr Income from the ai of
his father, the lata George Parsons, who
was a althv manufacturer of flrrworks
and had a (food practice at lew. but hta
relative mv he ber-ame despondent over
states east of the Bo k mountains.
Storm r Weather ts Indicated for th isnd until m. couole of iM:m a en
North Atlantic steamship route, east of j covered ,h. targe- territory of any land 3 ?nBT,nhei:,druTh
the (rand bank. office. , Jter living apart from hi
CUICAOO. Feb. it-Sermons on the
prevention of consumption will be
preached in thousand a of churches oa
April . which the National Association
tor ths Study snd Prevention of Tubercu
losis, sccording to sn snnouncement
mad today, has set aside as "Tubercu
losis Day."
This year will be the third annual cele
bration ot the day. Last year of tto.OO)
churches In the United States more than
ar 'as observe "Tuberculosis Dey."
Nations Settle. Dtfflewlty.
BUENOS ATRKK. Feb. lt-Frfendlv re
Isttone hsve been re-estaMtshed betwcea
Paraguay and th Argentia republic.
wiiiitvnTnN'. Feb. IS. The "wets''
and the "dry" battled at the rapitol yes
terday over the queetloa of prohibiting the
shipment of liquor Into state where Its
,ie Is barred. Mr. Ulilsa M. N. Stevens
Heine, nresldent ot th national
iien'a Christian Temoeranc union.
appeared with the leglslatlv report end
th officers of that organisation while a
delegation of German-American men and
women, led hy Representative Bartholdt
uimarl ODOosed th legislation. Tho
hearing was before th senate committee
n the Judiciary.
ti.r the Oermaa-Amertran delegation
appeared before the house Judiciary com
mittee. Chairman N euros of tlw aub-commltte.
conducting th hearing, observed that
while he wa In London he saw women
in front of the bars there drinking whls.
key snd gin slong with the men. "Juet
like hoboes," a condition that he never
saw In this country.
Neither committee took any action.
Dvvelwar Fstaah stesearees.
WSIIINGTON. Feb. IS To develop
more thoroughly the fertiliser and potash
resource of th United States. Secretary
of Airrtciiltur Wilson haa ordered th
reattmmstton at Reno. Nev.. of a govern
ment laboratory where natural material
supposed to contain potash will he exam
ined without cost.
Desirable Tenants
for houses or rooms are
found by use of The Bee
classified columns. If you
have a house you wish to
rent this summer advertise
it in The Bee.
Omaha's Bast
boarding and rooming
houses advertise in The
Bee. If you wish desirable
boarders or rooms place aa
ad in the classified section
of this paper. - It-will b
read. '