Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 18, 1912, Image 8

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The Little Busy Bees
Their Own Page
.EAR BUST BEES: Letters about George Washington whose
Dl . birthday we celebrate Thursday poured in all week. They
I are interesting. They ahow that you know a good deal
eMvui vui nicm. (wwh miu yimuvui uu uiai ;uu nv
Interested in yonr subject
Many Busy Bees hare written lately asking Information
about the Children'! page. The only thing necessary to
Join the Busy Bees of the Children's page is to write a letter saying
that you wish to belong to oar hire. There are two side Red and
Bine each of which tries to win more prises than the other. A new
Bee may Join whlcherer side he or she chooses. Every four months the
Bees elect a king and queen to lead them. At the time the king and
queen are announced, the number of prizes won by the Red and Blue
sides In the last four months is also announced.
The two new Bees In Be Heme ask If they shall come for their
prizes. No. Prizes are mailed to winners. If at the end of three weeks
your prize does not come, you may know that there has been some mis
take and you should either write, telephone or come to the office to
Inquire about It
The prize winners today are Rose Murray and Dorothy Darlow.
Where are our boys?
The new Bees today are Lutle DeLor of Omaha and Era Hugenberg
of Sooth Omaha.'
Little Stories by Little Folk
(Tint Prise.)
George Wathingion'i Boyhood.
By Rom Murray. Aged T Tears, lilt
North Thirty-eighth Street,
Omaha. Blue Side.
George Washington was bora In Vir
ginia February tt, 178, and died Decem
ber H 17M. Oeorge Washington was
always a truthful boy. One day he cut
down bis father's charry tree. Whan bla
father asked him who did It, be an
swered. "I did ft with my hatch at
George's mother bad S favorite oil
that waa reading In the pasture, Thla
icolt was Tery wild because It was set
yet broken In. Oeorge and some ether
boys ware playing In the pasture. The
ether boys dared Oeorge to ride the
'colt. Oeorte would not take a dare, so
he got en the colt's back. It plunged
'and feared till It fall and broke a blood
veesel, dying Instantly. George did not
know what to do. The boys said not to
tall bla mother. The boys were fright
ened and ran noma.
Oeorge want Into the house, and told
bis mother what had happened.
Hie mother ' said, "I am sorry you
killed the eolt.i but I would rather loae
a hundred eolta than have you tall one
(Second Prise.)
George Washington. ('
By Dorothy A. Darlow, Aged It Yeare,
SOS South Thirty-sixth Street,
Very many years ago, en the twenty
second day of February of the year 1731,
a little child waa born In an old-fashioned
farm bouse In Virginia, The name
of the little boy's father waa Augustine
Washington and his mother's name was
The boy grew up to be obedient, truth
ful and honest. He eould run the fast
est and ellmb the highest of ell bis play,
Whea Oeorfe waa II yean old be gave
up going to school and became a eu'r
veyor. Thla work kept him out of doors
moat ef the time, and made Mm very
strong and healthy.
One day when be was surveying the
land, he heard there was a quarrel be
tween two nations. Prance and England.
He tried to eettle this quarrel but the
Trend) soldiers would not bsvs It as the
English w lined them to. They built
forts la the country end said they meant
to keep rt all for the king of France.
It was a long and dangerous Journey
that Oeorge Washington made,. But at
last he came back safely.
Waehlngton soon est out again, this
time with a party ef soldiers. He fought
with the French end Indiana, but there
were too many ef them for. his aaaa.
The kmc ef England was very angry
when he heard about the French sot
tiers. He determined to drive them
away, and sent soldiers from England
to fight them. In the end the French
were defeated.
One December day Oeorte Washing
ton tot a bad cold and two daya later
died. It waa Indeed a sad day en De
cember 11. ITS.
(Honorable Mention.)
Incidents in Washington's Life.
By Mildred White, Aged 11 Tears, M0
Chicago Street.
Oeorte Was hi nan on was born In Vir
ginia In the year 178 and on the Ed day
' ef February.
Ia one of his school books he wrote
snany good rules or sayings. Here is one:
-'Labor to keep alive In your breast
that little spark of celestial fire called
Here Is one of the many examples ef
hie truthfulness i One morning Oeorge
Washington and his brothers were eut la
the pasture. Oeorte noticed bis mother's
favorite oolt which had never been tamed
to the eaddle pranelnt about and kicking
up his heels.
"Boys." be said. "If roe will put a
bridle ea him I'll ride him."
The boys finally managed to get htm
hi to one corner and to ailp the bridle en
him. With a leap Oeorge seated himself
firmly ea the colt's beck. Wild with
nee the oolt Jumped .reared, plunged and
did everything In his power to throw his
rider.' It waa all la vara. He might ea
well have tiled to throw off bis own skin.
At last with one fatal bound the animal
buret a blood vessel and fell dead.
The battie was ever. Oeorge waa victor,
but It bad cost the life of Mrs. Washing
ton's favorite colt. When they went
- la to breakfast tact morning their mother
knowing they bad been out m the pasture
asked how her coit waa getting on.
"He la deed mother. I killed him."
toes bars and try hla strength m leaping
and wrestling.
At the age of II he was appointed sur
veyor, and followed thle profess km for
a number ef years.
In 1771 when the revolutionary war be
gan Washington was chosen commander-in-chief.
He was a worthy leader, for he
Inspired his soldiers with reverence and
be did not spare himself In any way, but
was always first la battle.
After the Declaration of Independence
was written Washington drew the design
for our first flag of Stare and Stripes. He
disbanded his army la ITU, and returned
to hla home at Mount Vernon, but he did
not remain long la private life, for he
waa chosen as the first president ef the
United Btatoo In 17. He served two
terms and refused the third. He later
died at the age ef years In the year of
I would like to Join the Blue side. I
am a Bee.
The Ljfe of Abraham Lincoln.
By Ralph Coulter. Aged 11 Tsars, as
Fowler Avenue. Omaha.
February 11 In the year IMS a boy
named Abraham Lincoln was born. Abra
ham Lincoln was born. Abraham waa
born la Hardin county, Kentucky. Hla
father, mother and grandfather ware
Virginians.. At the aged of his
father moved Into the wilderness which
Is now Bpenoer county.
Mrs. Lincoln, Abraham's mother, died
whea Abraham wee t years eld. His
mother taught him three maxima, which
aha thoroughly Instilled Into his mind
never to swear, never to touch liquor and
never to lie-end these three things he
never did. When he was president he
said: "All that I am or hope to be, I owe
to my sainted mother.
At the age of 1 Lincoln made a trip to
New Orleans as a hired hand ea a fist
boat and on his return his father moved
again to Macon county, Illinois (In-1130).
Uneola spUt logs tor a lot cabin and
built It and Inclosed tea acres ot land
with a rail fence ef hts own making.
Uneola employed himself la reading
Aesop s "Fables," Bunyan'a "Pilgrim's
Progress," "A Life of Washington," ths
poems of Burns and the Bible,
On November 1 IMA, Mr. Uneola was
elected president ef the United etafe
On the evening ef April i IMS, at Ford's
theater ea Tenth street, Washington,
Prestdsat Uneola was shot by a man
named John Wilkes Booth, aa actor. On
April II, lSK, 1 'resident Uneola died
aeroee the sot of. where he had been
taken. -
Abraham Lincoln.
Py Harriett Ravage. KIT Boats. Thirty-
uura street, unua.
Abraham Uneola was bora la Harden
county. Kentucky. February 11, IMS, snd
died la the year of IMS, April M.
He wee sixteenth president of the
rnlted States. Uncoln'a parents were
very poor. Whea Uneola wee only I
years old his parents moved te Indiana.
Here waa where he started te school and
got a good education.
Lincoln worked hard and helped hie
father build a log cabin. Whea hla par
ents were eomfortebly settled he left
home snd worked among the farmers.
Whatever Lincoln did wee always well
done. '
In 189 he was chosen eaptala of a com
pany In the Black Hawk war.
Ia 1131 he removed back to Springfield
where be began to etudy law, which he
made a great suceeee- of. He also set
tled the slavery question.
On April It, 13, he waa attending
Ford's theater with General Grant and
while listening te aa actor John W. Booth
For a moment her face flushed with
anger. Then It changed and she said.
Though I regret the loss of my favorite
I rejoice la my son who always speaks
When this great and noble maa died
England and France Joined America sa
meaning tor him,
Wbes Lafayette, a young Frenchman
who aided as la the revolutionary war.
came beck here he went down Into
Washington's vault and shed tears of
gratitude te think that he had knows
Washington and that Washington had
beea his friend.
Life of George Washington.
By Eva Hugenberg. Aged U Tears, 1
Aorta -snjrrv-iuin Birset, bouia
Omaha. Neb.
Oeorte Wsshlngtoa was bora February
B, rm, la a email place called Bridges
Creek, near the banks ef the beautlfis
Potomac river ha Virginia.
Whea he wae a bey he was toad ef
playing fames and aperta. He liked te
These Kiddies Had a Valentine Party
tvt VL VrH
Mrs. Hsnrr Lehman cave a children's . arailax. roses snd red paper hearts STathawny, Ruth Greeley, Virginia Hart.
valentine party Wednesday afternoon at I Valentine boxes filled with candy wer Bertha Van Doran. Dorothy Rutherford,
her home In honor of her granddaughter, I the favors and those present were Bernice Christlanson, Alios Schollnger,
Frances Btannard of Cincinnati. The Frances Btannard, Mildred Abbott, Car Alanson Root, 91yds Daew. Jr.; August
rooms were decorated with garlands snd ollns Abbott, Mart ghotwoll. Franc;. Jonas.
Busy Bee from Hungary
Frieda ZJessmaa l cur sew Busy Bee
who came to America from Hungary, a
country way la the southeast ot Europe.
Frieda lived la the oountry near Buda
pest, the capital city ef Hungary, on the
beautiful blue Danube river. One day her
father decided that he would come to
America te try hie fortune. Bo he left
Frieda, her mother and bar little brother,
Jacob, and when he settled here he sent
for thorn to come here. too. The long
trip from the old country to the new
oountry wss a great event for Frieda.
"From Hungary you cannot enter the
Atlantlo ocean very quickly," says the
little Hungariaa girl. "First you must
cross the Danube and enter the Black
Bhe and her mother and brother, after
cross! nt the Black sea, stopped la Con
stantinople, the capital ot Turkey, where
many kinds ot fruit were brought on
board the shin. Then they went through
the Bospborus Into the little sea of
Marmora and from there through the
Dardanelles straits Into the Mediter
ranean sea. It was a long Journey
through thla eouthera eea, but at last
the reached the Straits of Gibraltar and
entered "the big, stormy ocean," as
Frieda calls It 1
"Oa and on we came," says Frelda.
"and at but we were la sight of dear old
Frieda says that this country Is very
different from her native land. For In
stance, la her home towa la Hungary
school lasts all the year round. There Is
no vacation time. But In aummer the
boys and girls have their benches out
doors under a covering ef wheat shocks,
so that H la alee aad eooL All the teach
ers there are men.
I V,
And In Hungary. Frieda tells us. the
little girls are very Industrious. They
learn to cook when they are very young
and do not play all the time as they do
here. Frieda's eld grandmother taught
her to hem whea she waa only 7 yeare
old. She alec taught Frieda to embroider
la many pretty patterns.
Sometimes whea Frieda gets letters
from her cousins la the old country she
la rather homesick to be there. But ehe
likes this country very much and Is a
loyal young American.
entered the boa la which Uneola and
family -were seated, and fired a bullet
through Lincoln a brains. He died next
morning at T o'clock. April It, IMS.
George Washington.
By Ruth U RedtleM, Aged It Tears. 5004
Binnsy Street. Omaha. Blue Side.
Oeorte Waehlngton, who Is often called
the father of hie country, was the first
preetdent of the United Btatea. He was
bora February Zt, 1731, a short distance
from the Potomac river.
Obedience and reliability were strong
points la his character and bis absolute
truthfulness hi shown many tlmee la the
Incident of the cherry tree.
When Washington waa still ef aa early
age hts father Joined the army, which
caused Oeorte's military spirit, which he
seemed to Inherit from hie father's peo
ple, to be aroused. Hie parents gave him
a good education and the other strong
points of his character and splendid
physique brought him Into the prominent
place which he so wall filled la the early
history of the United Btatea.
Washington's Keenness.
By Leon Kahn. Aged 14 Tears, gS South
Twenty-ninth Street. Omaha.
Washington wss a very clever man.
He wee very clever when he was camped
near West Point
Washington had a friend whom hs took
much Interest In. One day thla friend
Invited Washington te dinner and toM
him to be there at I o'clock, but
Ingtoa went earlier than he was supposed
to. When Washington arrived hie friend
greeted him.
1'ney were both standing on the porch
and his friend kept looking all around,
as If looking for eomethlng. Suddenly
approaching In the dlstsnce waa a troop
of cavalry. Aa It approached Washing
ton's friend said, "Tou are my prisoner."
Washington said. "I believe not." His
friend quickly saw that It waa Washing
ton's troops dressed up as British. It
waa afterward known that thle friend
was te receive a large sum of money for
the capture of Washington.
Our Little Dogt.
By Ardath McBride, Aged Tears, South
We have two dogs, Duke and Jack.
Duke le I or I months and Jack la 7
yeare old. Duke ie white and Jack la
black. Duke Is a bulldog and Jack Is a
pug dog.
Jack stays la the house and Duke doee
not. Jack la our family pet
I do not remember when Jack was born,
for I was only I years old; but I do when
Duke waa born.
The two dots ere about the same
height but they will not stay that way,
for Duke le growing very fast They
were playing for S long time Thursday
morning. They were feeling food, I
guess. We sre thinking of selling Duke.
We gave Duke a bath for the first
time. He Uked It He looks Uke a snow
ball, he le so whit
Jack can do many tricks, but Duke
cannot We ere going te train htm to
be a watch dog and teach him some
tricks. We have a little cart and har
ness. He Is going to learn to pull.
A Stolen Turkey.
By Olive Prater, Aged a Tears, Du Bole,
Neb. Blue Side.
Ia November, IMS, a tramp was going
through a small towa la South Dakota.
He was very hungry and eut of work
He had stopped at several places and
asked for food, but wss turned away.
He went up to a kltchea door Intend
Irg to ask for food, but no one was In
the kitchen. The door being open, he
saw a large turkey Just taken from ths
oven. He thought he would go In and
help himself. Hs picked up the turkey
and laid It la a basket and placed some
biscuits around It and skipped out He
said he never etopped until he got away
from towa. And then be ate all he
This Is a true story.
By Leone Johnston. Aged 10
Omaha. Blue Side..
Tobby Is our pet dog. He Is white with
a black spot on the side of hie body.
sleeps down cellar In a wheelbarrow.
What Our School Children Are Doing-XXXI
There at a large mattress and a rug uader
tim. He follows me eut to play when
I've got my sled and be pulls me. Of
course I don't harness him up; It hurts
his neck. He Just pulls forward.
Seep Telling Story of Washington
By Marie Bourdelels. Aged 11 Tears,
Thurston. Neb., R. R. L Blue Side.
Two little boys from the kindergarten
went Into the barber s shop to have
their hair cut. Two men were welting
their turn.
The barber said to one of the boys:
"Run over to the store across the street
and see If my assistant. ie there. Tell
him to hurry because there are four men
Ths boys went found the maa and
gave the message, except be said there
were two men waiting.
Tben be added: "The barber told me
to say four men but I wasn't going te
tell a lie for two men."
"Why not?" asked the man.
"Why." responded the boy, "don't you
suppose we have a picture of George
Washington ever In our kindergarten?"
The teacher declares that she shall tell
the story of the cherry tree with re
newed Interest and frequency.
The Haughty Kitten.
By Mildred F. Volgt, Aged U Tears.
Davenport Neb.
One morning Sarah, the maid, and little
Rosa were making the beds. Sarah was
a faithful old lady who had worked for
Miss Friedllne for about twenty"yeara.
Uttle Roan and Sarah were making
Mlsa Friedllne's bed with Snip and Snap,
the kittens, running about playing with
a ball, but suddenly Snap disappeared,
while Snip, In great distress waa looking
everywhere for htm.
Sarah meanwhile was trying to smooth
down a bunch on the bed. She shook It
and a heap of fur came tumbling to the
floor. She picked It up and began strok
ing It but for this the kitten only gave
her a scratch on the nose.
'Tou naughty kitten." she said, put
ting him down, "but I love you Just ths
Soap and Ointment
Do so much for pimples,
blackheads, red, rough
hands, and dry, thin and
falling hair, and cost so
little that it is almost
criminal notto use them.
sorts Literal uple ef seek eaelleS bee. sttk
SVe bnek. Seem "Oetieue." Beea KB. B Mis.
OT-Teseer-fseea wea an la ewfertenk OesV
a. Be. st en er kr asU,
Persistent Advertising is the Road ts
Bit Returns.
gf.Z)r. lemsJfaJke
The questions answered below art gen
era! In character.i the ymptoma or dla
easea are given and the answer will .p
ply to any case of trimllar nature.
Thoee wishing further advice free, may
add re mi Dr. Lew In Baker, College Bid.,
CoUefre-Ellwood Bts., Dayton. O., encloa
tn? Mlf-ndrtrenited ptamped envelope for
reply. Full name and address must be
given, but only initial) or fictitious name
will be used In mv answers. The prescrip
tions can be filled at any well-stocked
drug store. Any druggist can order ot
ekdhf vrttM: I m ImkM with tlck-
llBt MsmthM aft tsaMklot, which ts tWMotwntel
wiib ft uiik orach Mt) mtvamm. ca 1 gt
Aswwer: Toe win sot tlv be raltevtkl tot
ftm will b cutwe by wlag the fwllowlag: AU
row snigiis tor fi os. bolt I of : ma(h-
uitN. Thla raft to UkH Wf- gr ca to muM
1U ft fill pint ef tmfh iTnip. K.II airtwttoas
ftiw on tlM tout for saYttlnc. Thla is vary
atvartly wad at bona anal It twrftetlr aaf aa It
oaa sot esatala fto harmful1 l&alMU aa do
!" writ) "I hftro nfforoi with trtoaw
troublo sad oiwaupoilos for about two rra. and
I foar It will - spoejadtcUia If 1 ofuiaot got
rollot" i
rwwooMMnd that m sot Ubtots trto-
HPitM tad Uke pink tablet after braahfast, ft
white tablet after dinaer and ft Moo tablet after
Thta ts ft very ozeelteot treetowot and Is
widely STOiMlbod for tta gradual cw rat I re aetiea,
Coatiaoe Ule t reagent for satorsi weeks aad I
am euro yeu will bo cured.
eterol yean aao I took a teals waleb
you iwwMrlbod for ave, bat tt bee boon so Ions
sere loreouea tao tacTOateaia, it wae tao
erre and wasters (oato that f oyer took.
Will you slBdlv owbliah tbo tasredleote a.tsr
The tease I srwayo scnbe for peo
ple la your oeodltloe le: tyroo of hypophoepblt-e
e eea. : tltvetere eavaane one-p.. 1 ea.
Shako well aad Uke a tsMapoeefal before WsceJa
Thla to the boot aorve as eyotosi teste that I
kaew ot
o m
Iflsw Jane" savs: f am tery nbaspy and
very eeoomfortable oa aooooat of my eieoaoto
wetehL Fleas tou sas of ft flutes im sue rem-
Tear eMsaealvo wetcM need sot eeaae
you any anbappltseao oecaooa xeo aa be ojulekly
A. redectten of ft pouns ft oay te not
enuauel after Uklna tao BsOdlclne for ft week or
two. I adrtee ioi to ft theeo tw oiedltlne
erperfttely to ovoid oubetltotien, bui ana oneae
ell and Uke a teoepooolul lor to roe oayo aner
leebi and thereafter Uke two leaopssoefola Oat I
to. of aroautle emir and 1 oa. of lycel arbolene.
MIL Coot Id ee oerre! weeks or auqfbe ea your
eaa stay lasjolro.
Tow" wrttee: "I bovo very poor bealth aa oe
mt of laoaT etaBdlOaT conotlpotloa. 1 Uke medi
cine all the time, but would Uke te (Ot eoDtetbinf
that would eve sec."
aasFvaw; nfara lltneen ta oaueed bf eooatlpetloa
tben by oay other ailment. Too Aft fot plenty ef
gnedlctoce that will relievo, but If you want eoeao
thing teat will cure- you I would ad t toe the ooo
of taree gralaa eulpbtrb tablete (sot oulpbur Ub-
lota.) They eaa bo boogbt st toy drag otore ta
eaajed tubes with full dlreetlona for eel eg- Z
bave found taeo too swot reliable end graduftlly
e o e
A. la. V. I edrleo res to gat tbo folrowriig ta
gredlrtita end mil at home to cur your ohlld ef
bodwrttlng: Tlnctaay cube be, 1 dram; oomp. fluid
belmwort. 1 oa. ; end tincture rhao aro matte, t
drama. Mil In water and gUo 10 te U drops one
boar before meela.
"nflaa anno' vrttae: '1 aafrer with very i
beedarbae which a lie arfecta my oyeo. sty Urea
and nootrila ore affected by catarrh end my aroatb
1 very bad. iould you nroacribo a eurer'
Antwer: I bare en red kutrdreda who onffer ad
you do by preecriblnc tbo following end here re
re I red many lettera from grateful people which to
dlcatee that It la epeedUy euratlro: Purcbaea s t
oa. erieiMl perkaito of vtlene powder; to a plat of
warm water odd ooo-bait toeapooeful and eauft tbo
water from the peJm of tbo hand throuah the soo
trlla two or three tlmee a day or until they are
thoroughly rteaneed: then apply well up Into the
noetfili I wire dally the following catarrh balm: To
one level taoepoonful of vllane powder add one
ounce ef lard or vaeellne. If oord according to the
above preerrtptlon your catarrh abould esoa venlan.
Thle abould bo seed occaaloaelly to proveat Its re
turn. see
"Mildred K M says: "Please advtso what T eaa
son for a good hair toale. aty hair and eealp are
Is very bed eoodiUos aad nothing eeeme to help."
Aaowor: The best hair toalo ea the market ts
said la 4 ea. )ari and Is called plain yellow mle
yel. Any ap-to-dato druggist will nave It. Thla to
superior to anything known for tbo trwtmeat of
tbo dleeaaoa of tbo hair and eealp. Two or three
applications have been known to cure, while It
makan tbo hair soft, fluffy and suUtos tt keep Us
natural color.
"Jeae writes: - "lfy aorros sre Is s sYoadful
eradlttoa, my appetite ta very poor and I mm ex
tremely tbln. My face to so thin that It taakoe DM
very unhappy- 1 should like you to toll sm a
true remedy-'
If yea with to bocomo at outer, hnereve
your appetite aad your nervoua eyetoaa, I beartily
recommend the aao of throe grain brpo-auelano
tablete, which yon will find la any well- etwkod
drug store. Is ealed cartoon With full dlroctlooa
for taking. Hypo-naclane tablete Improve tbo
nutrition, add red corHiectos to tbo blood,
atrengtbrs the nerrooe aystem and Improve the
general health. Many people report that they
havo gained from IS to K pounds la two moat be,
"Harry" writer: "Both my wife and myself
urfet with rhMmatlem. We would appreciate a
reply teil&g aa what ta take."
Answer: Mil the following st bosM er havo
the dragglst mil for you: 1 drama at Iodide of
potassium; aedlum oalleylato, 4 draaae; wine ot
colcblcum, ene-half o-; com p. eenenca cerate!, I
ee.; temp, 'fluid baJmwort. 1 aa. ; and syrup aar
aaparllla oomp. e eta. Take a toaafMoaful at meal
time aad at bod time. Always abako welt before
I Health and Beauty Helps
a i- as ..psi Karl n tlfUL
LOU ee: rsc. ' ih.
It looks naa ana irmira . . -
woman who uses tsce powder eventuslly
finds It clogs the pores In her face, caus
in, .-Tinkle. and other e-maraa .v.
4 ounces of purmas In lt-P'nt witch hazel
(or hot waieri.
glycerine. Th.s Is the finest skln-whitener
and beautifler Imaginable, and for re
moving that shiny, oily or sailow look U
unequaiea. i una mi,
r&.ng and preventing recklea, skin
gives tne m a iw -
. . - sau ehAsierh WAUP bftif ts
Hisa r-aaie; - r ,
thin, ditil. stnwy. Pt ?0i?
throuph improper
fluff It up and make It appear abundant
and he easy to arrange by shsmpoolng
with a teaspoonful of canthrox diesolved
to cap of hot water. Rinse In clear
5Jtr and the hair will dry quickly and
"Tever so soft and nice The aika.1 In
MPsnd most prepared ahampooe ruins
S hatt by making H streaky, dull and
5WC u -
""T rtlkm sheen
- Kr W. J.: Purine the winter months
lOTus'Ting'. now. pimply
eompklon and .o of jch
,ou speM o """J- Trr this
VHtiU'IOflK ' ; "
pint alcohol, suaing np ,
wster to mse -
taken before each m-al " ri';e you pure
b'ooo. a " " . J .
Ufa and color Into yonr face.
For v -
In eunee of erystoe In a pint of water.
Two or three d: ops of IhU in t. 0
d.llv wll strensthen your eiee and mak
them brtirht and sparkling. This Jonlc
-111 Mt smart and haa proven a great
eld te tnoee wae wear glasses. A friend
of mine who baa remarkably clear, beauti
ful eyes tells me that she uses this sim
ple tcnic to keep them bright end full of
expression- I find It excellent for inflamed,
tired eyes and granulated eyeUds.
Maxine: To remove the furs from your
chin, apply a delatone paste, made by
mixing powdered delatone and water. Let
remain two or three minutes, then nib off
and wash ths skin. Seldom Is a second
application required to remove every trace
of hair from any paart of the anatomy,
and while drugista chsrge a dollar for
an original ounce package of delatone. It
la well worth Its cost.
Audrey; I do not put much faith In oils
and vaseline as a remedy for acalp trou
bles. If you will keep your scalp clean by
frequent ehampooing and twice a week
ma&ssKe into the hair roots a tonic made
by mixing together one ounce qulnsoln
snd t)-pint each alcohol and cold water,
your dandruff will disappear, your hair
stop coming out and all scalp Irritation4
leave. This retnsrkable tonic sdds a beau
tiful glint and luster to tne hair, and If
anything will make the hair grow this
quinaion tonic will.
T. H. M.: The only safe method of quick
fat reduction without dieting; and violent
exercising 1 know of Is by taking before
meals a tablespoenful of 4 ouncea of par
notia dissolved In r-v p.nts of not water.
This harmless, remedy Is particularly ef
fective In cold weather and curs down
weight rapidly. It leaves the skin free
from wrinkles or Tabbiness. Try this
wonderful remedy and 1 am sure you wiU
be delighted.
Julia: A gnod cleaning, softening, heal.
Ing complexion cream 's bet preiered by
stirring an ounce of almozjon and t tea
spoonfuls glycerine Into Vpint cold water.
Th's cream-Jelly Is tnaseless snd will not
grow hsir or mske the skin oily and
shinny. L'eed morning and night It will
quickly smooth, soften snd whiten your
rkln. correct snd prevent chapping, and
add a look of youthfulness thst comes
only from a smooth, refined complexion.
.., Ura. Martyn'e book, "Beauty