A THE OMAHA SCXIUY BEE: FEBRUARY IS, 1912 '1 TOPICS FOR A DAY OF REST aihingtorii Birthday to Be Ob served by Hany Local Churcliei. OCSE 05 CHDTESE REPUBLIC Basiaess Man Is Tell What Wa.ld Ppee It Christ Were l Come Omasa special Mute at Cathedral. Washington's birthdav inniifnarv will be observed with social affair by many Omaha churches. f The Christian Endeavo f North Presbyterian chui At i I f The Christian Endeavor snrielv nf thtf. North Presbvterian church will hnlH reception and social Monday evening. February li. from 8 to 1 o'clock. In the new building at Twenty-fourth and Wirt streets. A cordial Invitation Is extended to all of the young people's societies to attend. An excellent program has been prepared. The Immanuel Baptist church will hold Washington's birthday get-together so cial on Thursday evening. A musical and tterary program will be given Mrs. Hatfield's class ot the McCabe Methodist chorea, will be boat to the church and friends at a Washington social In the church Thursday night A colonial social will be enjoyed by members and friends ef the Calvary Baptist church Friday Slgnt February B. Several other churches re planning similar affairs. The monthly musical service of the Westminster Presbyterian church will be held this evening at t o'clock. The pro gram will be of special Interest to all levers of the violin. Will Hetherlngton will interpret Gounod's "Ave Maria," Grieg's "Ass's Death" .and Lemare's "Aodantlno." The quartette will sing "Jerusalem.' by Parker-Reee. and "Sometimes I Catch Sweet Glimpses." by Gooaod. There will will be solos by Miss Gwendolla Whits and 8. S. Hamilton. Those who will appear are: Miss Gwendo II n White, soprano; Mrs. E. E. Larklns. contralto; Lawrence Dodds, tenor; 8. a Hamilton, bass, and Mm, Alio Maxwell, organist. Prank Mach will assist at Trinity cathedral In a violin and organ recital Sunday night at 7:10. An interesting pro. gram has been prepared. The choir will sing several chorus numbers. Rev. T. J. Mackay. pastor of All Saints' Episcopal church, will preach a series of sermons on the Ten Command ments, beginning tomorrow morning. Ash Wednesday services at this church will s at 10 In the morning, a In the aft st ood and 7:K In the evening. Her. Frederick T. Rous, pastor of the First Omgregatlonal church, will dis cuss the new republlo In China, at the evening service tomorrow. The business men's Sunday school class will be ad dressed at noon by Mr. Morrow, whose subject will be, "If Christ Should Come to The following program will be rendered at tomorrow evening! service at the St Marys Avenue Congregational chsxch: Organ Number Serenade. Schubert Quartet-Saviour, vVhen Night In volves the Sky ....Shelley Scripture and prayer Offertory Hallelujah Chorus (by re quest) Handel Hern Solo Ansel- Serenade Miss Marie Swan son. Lantore Charles IXckens, Reformer... On trail to Bolo-Now the Say la Ended . ......... ......... tferoevi Mrs. Wslty. Harp Solo Sons without Words Miss Swan son. Hymn M-Breed of Life -....... Organ Number-Postlude in F Stern C. O. Cunningham wig address aa open meeting of the Hansoom Park brotner heod to be held tn the church parlors at the corner ot Twenty-ninth and Wool worth, Monday evening at l:M o'clock. He will speak on "Commission Form of Government and Its Application to the Needs ot Omaha.' All men are la vlted and those ot Hanaeatn park district are especially nrged to attend. Th vnrth Presbyterian church. Twenty- fourth and WW streets, will celebrate the aiasUoe at Its beautiful new church heme by an organ recital which will be liven by Prat Whltehoose, dean ot the Conservatory ot Muato of Washburn ool- laars. Tones. Kan. The eoacort win os given Tuesday! evening. February 10, at I s'elook. " Waattat. UaiTary tsrancn. iwMvwww" e.-ZLnihi. .cboaL :. W. H. Oweiis. sspertntendent Grace, Tenth ana Aroor; v. o. esai... " T" Oi.auleu aaHrftl IB BY - fffA waTlVw"7t.ll..Ae.lrAv fas '.AW sUsldloTa. mftgTr- Sanger, minister at 11. Toung People s aaaiiwg at v, i ne rnwiw -Rome-'at 7:46. Monday night Blbls class. Wednesday night prayer meeting. Calvary. Twenty-fltth and Hamilton; Bev E. B. Curry. D. D.. Pastor-eervloes at M Js and 1-M. conducted by the pas tor. Evening subject "Money or Charao. leS-Whlchr Bible school at 11 Toung People's meeUng t . Wedneidsy at Cmla-week devoUonsl servtoe. Friday evening colonial social. Immanuel, Twenty-fourth and Plnkney; Kav. J. S. Ebersole, Pastor Preaching at 1MI and 7: Bible school at noon. Toung People's meeting at :30. Mid-week meet (am Wednesday at 1 On Tnursdsr even ing February B. a Washington birthday set together social and entertainment In the church parlors. Full orchestra and ht.rery program. All the njregaUon and young people of the vicinity are lu- CkrUtl... First. Twenty-sixth and Harney: J. M. Kersey Pastor Preaching at i K and 1M. Bible school at 12. Toung Peoples "North 8ldJ.:aTwenty-thlrd and Lothrop H i. Klracnstetn. Minlster-Servlcee at U tl Ta. m. and 7 p. m. Bible school si lis a. m. Christian Endeavor at :! m" Christina Beleae. . r.. . . rk-4at HriMitllL Twen- rirsi l.aurai ty-Kourth Street and St Mary a Avenue bervlces at 11 a. m. and p. m. Sunday school at : a- Wednesday evening meeting at I o'clock. CoBKretetlomsi. St Mary's Avenue, St Mary's Avenue aad Twenty-seventh; James Alexander jenkuu, U. D., ilinlster-Morning wor ship, 1:. subject "o More Sea." Bven Itg, :J, "Charles Dickens, Kersnner. Uerman Free Evangelical, Twelfth and Dorcas Public worship at 1:S) and i v. addressed by the licentiate. The morn ir.g sermon will be a meeting of the Con giegauonai society, the evemns service Tl o Gospel Im bongs." Sabbath school S:!. , First Nineteenth and Davenport; Fred erick T. Bouse. Pastor Frederic C. rreemaatel. cool -Inter. Morning worship at Is. subject "The Spirit of the Mind." Evening service at 7:45. Illustrated ad dress upon the "New Republic of Chine. Views of Old China will be given. Mr. Morrow will addreas "the bosinees man's class at noon en "If Christ Came to SaBana,-. EpIseowsJL Church of St. Philip, the Deacon Twenty-first near Paul street Rev. John Al bert Williams, Priest Holy communion at 7:9s, matins, litany and sermon st 1L bunday school and catechism at 1:30. Vespers and sermon at a. St Stephen's Mission. Saratora Hall. i wenty-iourtn ana Ames avtou rui,uj chool at 10. Morning prayer and errm-wi ! t U. subject. "Where Art Ihour' Class Preparing for confirmation Monday. April t meets at the home ot the paator every Sunday evening- Church of the Good Shepherd. Twen tieth and Ohio. Rev. T. J. Collar. Rector Holy communion at s. Sunday school at ?, Morning prayer with wmun at u. Evening prayer with sermon at connrmauon instructions at the home of tne rector on Wednesday and Sunday aft ernoons. February a.. Aah. Wednesday, penitential office and hnly communion at and w a. m. Kvening praver and litany at fc. I elherae. Grace-Servicea st 11. Preaching by Kev. j. E, Humraon. Sunday school at ia St. Paul's, Twenty-nghth snd Parker. Rev. E. T. Otto. Pastor-Morning serv Icee st Hi; evening services at lib. Sun oay school In Knrlish at 11 Touiuc Peoples Bible stuUi class on Tuesday at 1 St. Mark's English. Tn-?eth and Bur dette. Im. Groh, I'aator Simiia subject at II, "Promises to Victors. Pillars In iod s Temple:" st 7 :. -Lenten Heirin nlng. Sundav school at 3 Young People's Society of Christian Endeavor at t CatechisaUon. VVeunela at 7:li and Fridays at . St Matthew s Eng!Uh. Nineteenth and Castellar, Kev. . w. Snder. I'astor bervices at W:5 and : 3u. evening service opening with Bible readme and gospel song. Morning subject. "A Moot Excel lent Way;" evening subject. 'Going to Jerusalem." Sunday school st noon. tatechetlcAl elas In basement of church on Wednesday at 4 and Bovs' Athletic club st 7. Bible study and choir re hearsal on Thursday evening at the pas tor's residence, 13 South Fifteenth street Kountse Memorial. Famsm Street and Twenty-sixth Avenue. Rev. Dr. Oliver D. Baltsly, Pastor Services for yuin quaaruina Sunday. Morning worship and a special pre-l-enten sermon at 11 o clock. Evening worship st I o'clock. Spurgeon's subject. 'Turn or Burn." Sunday school at Mt o'clock. Oscar P. Goodman, super intendent. Luther kairue at 7 o clock. Miss Nellie Schonlau. president. Special servlcea will be held on Wiedneedsy even ing at I o clock, this being the iirst day of Lent Methodist. Trinity. Twentv.flrst and Blnney. G. W. Abbott, Pastor In the morning the Rev. Dr. Blthell will preach. Patriotic services In the evening. The pastor will lecture; subject, "Christopher Columbus." Norwegian and Danish, North Twenty fifth and Decatur, It H. Petersen, Pas tor Services with preaching by the ln tor at U a. m. and s p. m. Sunday school at :, led by S. o. Danleisen. Young people's meeting at 7 p. m. Oak Street Twentieth and Oak. Rev. T. C. Webster, Pastor Bible school with sdult and other claases at 1 p. m. The pastor will preach at 7 ) p. m. on "Hell." Midweek meeting Thursday evening at I o'clock; subject, "Higher Life." Diets Memorial, comer" Tenth and Pierce, J. Franklin Haas, Pastor Morn ing sermon at 10 30; Sunday school st 11 m. Epworth league at e:o p. m. Evening service of sermon and song at 7:30. Ser monette for the Sabbath school children preceding the morning sermon, official board meets Mondsy morning at 7 115 Walnut Hill. Forty-first and Charles. William Boyere, Pastor Public worship and sermon by pernor at 10 and 7:W. Morning suhject. "The Spirit the Source of Efficiency;" evening subject. "Christ, the Vicarious." Sunday school st noon, George T. Llndley, superintendent- Ep worth lesgue at 4 30. Homer Paxton, leader, Hanrom Park Twenty-ninth Street and woolworth Avenue. Kev. E. B. Craw ford, Pastor Morning service at 10:39; sermon. 'The Conflict with Temptstlon." Evening servtoe st 7:44. sermon, "The Rnlision of Cheerfulness." Silndsv school at noon, B. A. Wilcox, superintendent. Epworth league at e:a lieorge v insiaae, leader. The monthly meeting of the Han soom Psrk Brotherhood Monday even ing at a. - First I- Milton R. Wllllams Subjsct Sunday- morning will be. "Is . the Church Worth While?" Regular musical program under direction of Mr. Thomas J. Kelly with Mr. Martin Bueh at the organ, in the evening ser mon Dr. Williams will answer the ssvsn reasons most frequently given for people not belonging to a church, and Mr. Kelly with the full vested choir will furnish interesting music. Witfiske. Fortlath and Pamam. Rev. John Grant Uhtck, Pastor Sunday school at II a. m., superintendent l. u. vurry In charge. Preaching by the pastor at U a. m. and 7.30 p. nv. Themes: Morning. "The Raising of Lasarus:" evening, "Do It Now." The Epworth league will hold Its devotional meeting at s:s p. m. Prayer meeting Wednesday night at S o'clock. Mrs. Hatfield's Sunday school class will hoid a Washington social at the church on Thursday night. February C to which all are invited. Preabytertaa. Castellar Street Rev. F. P. Ramsey will occupy the pulpit at both services, ie.Ws.ra. and T.ti p. m. Sunday school at 13 m. Faimew. Pratt Street and Fortletn Avenue; Charles H. Flemtng, Pastor Bible school st 1:4a. Afternoon worship st 3. subject. "The Rich Young Ruler." Tuesday evening the sixth leeson in Matthew. First. Seventeenth snd Dodge. Rev. Ed win Hart Jeuks. D. D.. Pastor Public worship at le.ta a. m., wtth sermon by the pastor. Evening worship at 7:1 octock. Chrl't'an Endeavor meeting at t:U p. in. Sunday school at 12 m. very one Invited to attend. Dundee. Fiftieth and Vnderwood. Grant E. F'rher. Minister Morning service. II; "Departing From and Returning to God." EveuniK service, 7:30; "The Mirage of Life." Christian Endeavor. :; " "So' and 'Yea': When to Say Them. Pa. tM-17. Mary Johnson, leader. First I'nited. Twenty-first and Emmet. A. C Douglas, Pastor Sermon topic, 10:31) a. m., "Peace ami Good Cheer in Jeaos rhrist." Evening sermon at 7:30 by the Rev. William A. Pollock of South Omaha. Bible school at 1! m. and Toung People a Christian union at 6:30. North. Twenty-fourth and Wirt M. V. Hlsbee. P. IV. Pastor-Public worship at r and 7:30; morning sermon by Rev. W. X. Hslsey; evening Sermon by the pastor; theme, "Christ's Joy In l's." Sunday school st It m. Toung People's Society of Christian Endeavor at 0:30. Prayer meeting Wednesday at 7:4a. Westminster, Corner Twentv-ninth and Mason, Kev. Thomas H. McConnell, Pas torAt 10 30 a. m, service of worship with sermon on "A Soul's Vision of God.' sabbaih school and Bible classes at 11 Westminster chapel, gunday school. 1:30. Westminster Young People's Society meetinc: 7 p. nv; service of Praise; Sacred concert assisted bv violinist. Clifton Hill. Forty-fifth and Grant, Thomas B. Greenlee. Psstor Sunday school, 10 s. m. Public worship. 11 s. m.. "Now We See as Through a Glsss Darkly, But Then. Face to Face." 7:30 p. m.. "The Victor's Crown of Life." Wednesday evening at I o clock. "The Necessity of a New Heart" John lll:5-. l,owe Avenue, corner Fortieth and Nicholas, Rev. Nathaniel McGlfren, '- p.. Pastor Morning service at :; sub ject, "Money and The Kingdom"; Sun day school and pastor's Bible class at 13. Christian Endeavor at 30. Evening ser vice at 7:3u; siibjejct, "How Long Does It Take to Convert a Man?" Prayer meeting Wednesday evening, led by Mr. Damon. Church of the Covenant. Pratt and Twenty-aeventh; Charles H. Fleming, Pastor Morning worship at 10:45, subject, "How May I Know that I Am Saved." Bible school at noon. In the evening Christian Endeavor at :4S. Church Service at 7:M. Suhject. "The Rich Young Ruler." Wednesday evening the sixth les son on Matthew. The next lesson will be the eleventh and twelfth chapters. 'Italian. First. Seventeenth and Cass: Rev. Msn fred l.llllfors. Ph. P.. Minister Services at 10 30. Sunday school at 1145. I'nlty Fellowship at 7 80. The Woman's Alliance will meet with Mia Uernura next Wednesday at 1:30. Mlsrellaaeoas. A lecture lo the deaf In the sign lan guage, will be given by Prof. J. A. Gilles pie st Bartght hall. Sunday at 4:30. The subject will be "Thy Kingdom Come." International Bible Students' associa tion. Barlght Hall, Nineteenth and Far nam Sunday at I p. m.. subject. "The Manner of Christ's Second Advent;'' spesker, Alfred W. Rlemer. Sunday afternoon at I o'clock the Omaha Philosophical society will meet In rt.riuM hall. Elshteenth aad Pernam streets, to hear E. V. Oepeon discuss the subject, "Law, Justice, and the Child." People's Church. IIS North Eighteenth Rev. Chsrles W. Ssvldge. Pastor Subject at 11, "What One Man Can Do." Evening ssrmon 7:45. subject "Should a Christian Laugh?" Prof. Neater has charge of the music Y. W. C. A. Hetee. Sunday At the vesper service at 4 30 p. m., Miss Strong will speak on the sub ject, "What Lack 1 Yet?" and muslo will be furnished by Mrs. Fred Kills. Thursday the noon musical will bo In charge of Walter Graham. New classes were organised In all de- Tpavtments last week. The change In prices in the domestic science department has made the department so popular that more registered for the Thursday evening cooking c;ass than the kitchen can ac commodate. A new ciase In course I has accordingly been formed to meet on Mon day evenings at 410, and this class st not yet full. Thursday the Hruby brothers quintet of Cleveland. O.. gave two concerts la the association auditorium under the aus pices of the educauoual department. The audiences were small, but the entertain ment was one of the best that has ever been given tn the association. The D. A. B.'s gsve a leap year valen tine party Wednesday evening, at which some young men from ths Young Men s Christian association were the invited guests. About !') attended the valentine party for the whole association Monday, when Miss Odlorne. the secretary ot the employment department, was hostess. Miss Eva Morris, the secretary for uni versities In the north central territory, has been spending a few days In Omaha and Bellevue. Her visit to the Omaha association was in the Interest of the It aim rig center students. Y. M. r. A. Xetea. On Thursday and Friday evenings of nest week the members of the boys' de partment ot the Young Men's Christian sssoclatlon will give two performances of their annual burlesque circus. The circus grounds will be located in the main gym taslum and the side shows In the auxil iary gymnasium. The boys have gotten together a mammoth menagerie and a large number of up-to-date feature acta One of these shows. T. Rusy Vsldt In Darkest Africa." The performances begin at 3 30. an opportunity, however, being given to see the side show and menagerie before the big tent Is opened. A special feature has been s ranged for ths Sunday afternoon men's meeting at 4 o'clock. T. B. Turner ot Corning, la., will present a gospel chalk talk. His sub ject will be "The Bible Athlete." Mr. Tut ner's talk is Illustrated throughout with pictures that flash forth upon the canvas as if by msgic from the point of a piece of ordinary crayon. The meeting la open to men. At 3 o'clock preceding the 4 o'clock meeting Dr. W. O. Henry con ducts a rlaas In life problems tor men. A great deal of interest has ben shown tn Dr. Henry's -Isss. Seventy-five to 1IN men are usually In attendance. Wednesday evening, February 28, the hoys' cabinet will hold Its annual dinner. The cabinet Is composed of the members of the bovs' department who are serving on committees and wno are leaaers m the various activities or that department. Man With Prize Gall Returns to Victim Robert C. Prucsedow says ha has seen some noted examples ot gall in his day, but Friday he witnessed aa exhibition ot that quality so supreme that he had to call someone 'to fan him to keep him from fainting. "I was once Interested with some Omaha and Council Bluffa people several years ago In a Wyoming mine." aald Mr. Druesedow. An employe ran off with our payrool of I1.&10 cash. "The fellow dropped out of sight and I have not seen blm since until Friday, when he dropped Into my office as though nothing had happened and tried to get me Interested In making an investment tn Oregon. " "Do you remember that ll.OOO?" I asked him. " 'Oh, that's all right,' he said. 'A mere trifle. Forget It. 1 assure you it had quite passed out ot my mind.' "I told him ths next train would leave town In two hours and he had better 'git' He 'got' after vainly trying to soothe my dssed faculties. "I wouldn't believe a man with gall IJke that, not If he were on hla.deethbed and knew that he could live year by telling the truth." KOTBaUXm Or OGBA3 STslAMnml Pnn. arrtna. eliss. Kw TOSK Miosaaa, 8 liEENSTOWN. Cansj. JLl - Oceaals. NATLCS Laeltaala. NAPtJM Vassals. HAVRR La TMralea lOTTgHDAM ....Jtrsaasi filet tie. Extraordinary Offer, the SCHMOLL LER & MUELLER PIANO CO. will place On Sale Pianola Pianos, Player Pianos At Greatly Reduced Prices During the Coming Week NOW is tba time to make an investment which will pay- fabulous dividends In eajovment and happlneaa for tba whole family. Think of the acorea ot homag that were formerly old of music that are now filled with untold happlneaa by the co-operation of a pianola or Player Piano. Don't be a grouch! Invest now and Immediately begin to reap your harvest of enjoyment. Seldom doe one have an opportunity to secure such high-grade Pianola Pianos and Player Pianos at an unusual price Pianola I'la-ioa sell the world over at one price, and very rarely do conditions arise which per mit the slightest reduction. The instruments which wa are offering In this sale are not absolutely new. hav ing been used for demonstration and display purposes though they are In the beat of condition. Therefore, tlie prices are greatly reduced; a concession which could not be made under ordinary conditions, and seldom under these. We are the exclusive representatives for the entire line of Pianola Pianos. Including: The Stelnwar Pianola Piano. The Btuwesant Pianola Piano. Ths Weber Pianola Piano. The nteok Pianola Plana The Wheelark Pianola Piano. The Technola Pianola Piano. All of which represent the acme of perfection. We quote the following prices: APOMO PIAXO l'LAVEU PIANOUt PLAYEK P1AXOLA PLAYKR 88.NOTU PLAYER PIANO deVNOTE PLAYER PIANO BTVTVKfiANT PIANOLA PIAXO HARDMAN Al'TO-TONE Slightly used, oak case, reduced from f 200 00 to 140.00 rillkhtly used, ebony rase, reduced from tSM to.f7e.eo Mahogany rase, slightly ahopworn, reduced from IJuO.tio lo tes.OO Mahogany rase, used, but In line condition, reduced from isoo.oo io faeo.oo Wsx finished oak. shop worn only, reduced front mo oo to OM.00 Mahogany finish, slightly tiaetl, reduced f rom Itioo oo to (M04M Player Piano, nmhogany case, slightly shopworn, re duced from &0 to toeo.00 HH.NOTK PLAYKR PIANO HARRINTON AITO-TONH IW-NOTE PLAYER PIANO TECHNOLA PIANO PLAYKR COMBINATION PLAYKR PIANO STVYVE8AXT PIANOLA PUNO (i-note, mahogany cass, used for demonstrstlon, re duced torn $ too to 3M.OO Player Piano, mahogany case, slightly used, reduced from 50 00 to 75.eo tl-note. mahogany ease, ueed for demonstration, re duced front si to -Ts.0O Mahogany finish, slightly shopworn, reduced from 1526.00 to ajso.oo Combination electric foot power, mahogany finish, ab aoluisly new, reduced from liiO.oo to adeo.00 si and 06-nnte, mahogany rase, used but short time for demonstration, was 1 100.00, reduced to.. 17040 FREE BENCH. FREE SCARF and 25 ROLLS OF MUSIC Payments made convenient for the purchaser. Correspondence Invited. Schmoller L Mueller Piano Co, OU est aad tvargosl Moose la the West stab Ushsd las. llll-lt yaraass, at, Omaha, Ilea, reach Mensei Llasoia. Use, 130 a. Uta t OoaaoU aUalfa, In, 11 a. ataia til ateua Olty, Xa, M rourth it WULF WITHDRAWS HIS PETITION FOR LICENSE August Wulf, who had hoped lo conduot a saloon en the West Dodge street road, has been daunted by many protests ot Dundee eltlsens. He went before the Board et COnnty Commissioners and with drew his application for a license to conduct a aaloon in the village. This dote away with the necessity of the board's having a hearing on tola applloa tloa and the protests filed. IX. ptjvwrxiul thing! ere diuagiuui in Izrge Dynamite is of A1 wonderful rilae to mm, bat ithxs to be ChkKofonri is of mestimsble value to mntiTidbatis has to be ehrtmia moder- ofvtsrt tmA tn sTTTTrSlTl fUHMlf rffeL. CoanEbzzndophxmmihfthtndaatiba bjdhiBMaAEa&jawad where indi cated, hare iBeibtied tpjnt&icihBxaMXL .tgotiieSe. Alcohol in moderate quantities is one ot;the greatest remedial tgents knarmi to "T.fr.rv.- Taken hmoodenteij in luge enratitks. or constmtiy, it it a blight rand aenrse. The man or woman who through weakness and tauylxlkxi can't take alcohol in moderate quantities, should never let it pes their lipa, But those who can take it moderately, frequently find it a rniyrfflrnrt aid to health. It tones the system when it is below normal and bmJds up the reserve trtrength, which is the body's greatest ckfcnse ahit disease. It aids digestion and increases the amount of no-uruhment assimilated by the system, thereby grving strength and endurance. eC '. - ;.' K) -J Pure . Mt WhifiEatgr is the best whiskey made. It is made from pure malted grain, fret irom adulterants, under the most careful, hygienic conditions possible. Do you keep it in your House t Nost modern equipment and the best of service The man with an office now demands the most exacting care and con veniences. The Bee Building is situated in the heart of the commercial district of Omaha and gives tenants the best office service to be had. The elevators axe new and their service is faultless. Keen janitor attention keeps the rooms scrupulously clean, while a modern steam plant evenly heats the building in the coldest weather, offices which are excellently ventilated. The man who wants the greatest conveniences and the beat of attention will find a few choice offices vacant in this building now. sss see Rsseption Room. Private Office, two serge closets, targe worn. room with two Berth wlsjdanra Ideal effloa Car Engineer, Architect, Doctor cr ether prof assigns! saeav. Rental, per atoatn ass. OS on If This la a long ssurvw roen, lexis, earing a north light Hen tel. per month tlMe a ena ll-liif Is siae. located on tne court, close to skr light, thus ha ring exeeltsa. natural light The apace eoula he di Tided se as to awaae two eery pleasant reosna, Prssa, par esse la asTjo an Ban Office la the north-treat ees-aer hsrlre tear 1am srtedosra A r,re proof vault for tho proieotlon of Taliaablo papere Is much In eeraaisi and la sAorded In thia room. There as a total of tie eqoare test sf fleer space and same weald be eqalpped vita partitions te satisfy fowl tscaat. The rsstal price la, per month .....MAM stoosB eat This space la close to elevator on the eoart of the building. There Is a good slssd vault with shelving la connection with office Price, per month S1T49 The Boe Building Co., Be Bisiaetf Oflitt, 17tk ud raraam Sti The Thing 10 F)0 TeJaoaelU to all Omaaa It yon loae 7ar pealbook. nicbreila, watca or aoae Ota or article of Tnlae, the ttalnc te da U to follow the anBipie ef tanr other people aad adTer Use without deiar ta tho Loot aad Pooad eihai of The Boa. That la wbat moat people do Iom orucjao OX vnloo. and teal jour io a atafle after- Put It I In j TheBez . r