Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 18, 1912, AUTOMOBILES, Image 42

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Officersof Automobile Show Association. J
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Starting In the spring of 19M with four
membra the Omaha Automobile Bfaow
association has frown until bow, at Its
seventh "how the number of nntn U
only llrr.ltsd hy the epac at It disposal
In the Auditorium.
Automobiles at the firit show mimed
loot In lb bit helloing, but atae that
Una the association ha grown ooa
t! nually until now It ta mm of th ttronc
cat la tba ontlro wattara Muntry. This
combination of dealer hat a recognised
reputation for carrjirig th beat of ererr
Urine and It haa mad a apeelaltr at
handling oar especially adapted to th
country tributary lo Omaha. Whan th
Brat electric were pat out tby war
brought to Omaha, but were not built
ts climb th Mil and atoo (hat tiro
have been chanced until bow Omaha ha
a big supply aad many owner who have
gasoline ear for themselves have aa
electric ear for tbetr wives
Fur the Brat few show which wart
held In Omaha the assoeletioa let la some
outside concern! to help fill the Audi
torium, such aa row boats and motor
revel, but there I no longer spaa for
' these to be exhibited. One year Feeder.
Ickaon exhibited an airship to help fill
the Auditorium Mac.
' Clarke O. Powell, central manager of
the present (how has been a prim mover
la the organisation ever sine Its Incep
tion as has also i. J. Derlght, th presi
dent. Whan the first show was given In
Omaha ther really was no srganliatlon
and 2. M. Oilman, manager of tha Audi
4V J
toroum. aa mad managrr and for two
year took th receipts of the show for
rent on th building.
Thin year a surprise In the way of doc-
oratlona Is- promised and visitor will
iurely be Imprexsed with the transforms
t:mi which haa htm wrought In the big
1 i
r When
ll 17Q0
The Omaha Show See the New
J rOTJ will find your ideal la a moderate priced
Y ear realised in this semn'i ""
- MoUne "Thirty -Five". Four handsome
model to select from, and beat of all the absolute
assurance that there is DO car its equal on th
market for the money.
Winner of Four National Road
and Economy Contests
1910 GlitMea Tear, Chicag Trophy
1910 Chicage Reliability Team Trophy
1911 Chicago Reliability Tbroa TropUea
4x6 Long Stroke Motor
BE sure to visit our exhibit and see the Famous,
Moline 4x0 Long Stroke Motor under power.
See it run see why its long stroke haa ao
many desirable and exclusive advantage) sea
why the Moline has never been defeated in any
Natiraal Koad Contest entered are why Four
Moline in the but Chicago Reliability Run all
finjehed with Perfect Road Scores a teat never
ooomplished by any other single make of cam,
See all these things with your own eyes and you
will then fully realise why the ' Dreadnought'
"King of th Road"
1911 Aagaal Fael Ecooemr Trophy
If you can't attend the S how, write- for Catalogue No. "8 . to Dearest address.
- Automobile Co.
20th and Harney Sts.
The 4Jackrabbit" Apperson Car
Offiwially scored 80 miles an kour at Indlaaapolia tpaedway
t . -J 14I
r n a. . H ST g I isir - S!-4 'V a rVrj 1 83
gd Automobile Co., jjg'"
I Four Passenger A . V " sifT"'' Four Passenger I
; ' Roadatcr, 11,600 ' 77 jHf'h &i $1,700 I
Surpassing Specifications
Which make this $1600 car the equal to most $3000kand $3500 models:
Compare these points with those of other can selling for more money
Wheel Base 114 Inches.
Wright 1,100 pounds.
Mo Tea head, (our cylinder, cast separately 4
lnch bore by 6-lnch stroke. 45 horse power. .
Front Axle Solid forged I-beam section. '
Bear Axto Strong, shaft-drive annular bearings,
special heat treated gears.--Wiake)
-Internal expanding, rompositlon lined.
Clutch Famoas g"Apperson" compression band.
Transmission Selective sliding gear, three speeds for-"
, ward and reverse. ,
gpHngs Front, half elliptic; rear, three-quarters el
liptic .
Ignition Magneto dual system and atorsga battery.
Lubrication Constant level splash.
, I'photstery Extremely soft. Jet black pebble-grained
. Ueather. '
Painting; Appereon blue with cadet gray running gear.
Wheels 14x4 Inches, demountable rims.
, Carburetor Float feed, automatic type hot water
Body Five-passenger, foredoor, straight line touring.
. Low hong, rakish, with ample road clearance.
Gear Ratio 3ft to 1 standard.
Tires 34x4 Inches.
1 -
g lV)r4r, V Thtre is a small amount of unallotted territory
J.JML1VkI for "live wire" agents. If the Apperson is not
represented in your territory, make arrangements for this car at
ones. It is a seller, and we make deliveries when ' promised.
A pperson Automobile Company
1102-4 Farnam Street.
C. J. Corkhill.
The Want-ad Columns of The Bee
Are liberally patronized by dealers and others who have real estate to sell. Why! Because The Bee reaches the people
who are willing and able to buy real estate. .